organizational behaviour power


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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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• Power is one of the means to influence others for

getting results. Influence process occurs in a

particular way when it is attempted by the use of


• Power is used not only in getting certain result

achieved but also includes negative decisions or

the action of non decisions.

• Power is not the act of changing the other persons

attitudes or behaviour, it is only the potential to do


• Power is one of the essential components of

practically every organization.

• Power refers to a capacity that has to influence

the behaviour of B so B acts in according with ‘A’

s wishes.


• Power variable is a relational one .

• The possible responses to the user of power may

vary along the continuum.

Resistance Obedience Compliance Conformity Commitment

• Resistance:

The largest person on whom the power is

exercised may resist the influence and may not

behave in accordance to influencers wishes.

The attempt of influence may be threated by the



The person may succumb to influence though he

would rather not.

when people are forced to behave against their

wishes it is referred to as obedience.

• Compliance:

the person may comply with the desire of the


compliance refers to a persons acceptance of influence

because he is expected to be a rewarded for responding

to a request or punished for not responding to it.


The person may conform to the influencer’s desire

Conformity refers to acceptance of influence because

people desire to be in mainstream

• Commitment

The person may shows commitment to the

desire of the influencer.

This is the most desirable outcome when the use

of power as there is enthusiastic release of energy

and talent to satisfy the influences request



Characteristics of power

There is no relation ship between the power exercised

by an individual and the position or the role he holds

sometimes higher level people may have no power and

sometimes lower level people may exert more power.

Those who are in power would like to get more they

resist any attempt which tries to weaken the hold of


An individual cannot have power at all times at times

he may have to give up this power if there is a failure in


Chara power cont………

people who are able to with stand and cope

with uncertainly in organizations have more


people who use power do not want others to

know of it unless it is legitimate power.

Two faces of powerThere are two types of power

1. Negative power

The negative face of power is usually expressed in terms of

dominance submission transactions.

It mean “if I win you lose”

Having power implies having power over some one else who

does not have it.

2) Positive power

The positive face of power is shown by a concern

for group goals by helping to formulate and achieve


It involves exerting influence on behalf of rather

than over others.

Leaders who exercise this power positively

encourage their subordinate to develop their competence

to succeed.


Types of power…

1) Formal power.

2) Personal power.


formal power is based on an individuals position in

an organization.

it can come from the ability to coerce or reward or

from formal authority.

• There are 3 types of formal power.

a) Coercive power.

The coercive power base depends on fear of the

negative results.

It rests on the application or the threat of

application of physical function such as the infliction of

pain, frustration through restriction of movement.

b) Reward power.

The opposite of the coercive power is reward power

It produces positive benefits.


Some one who can distribute rewards others view as

valuable will have power over them.

These rewards can be either financial such as

controlling pay rates, raises and bonuses.

c) Legitimate power.

It represent the formal authority to control and

organizational resources based on structural position

in the organization.

It includes members acceptance of the authority of a



It comes from an individual’s unique characteristics

There are two basis of personal power expertise and

respect and admiration of others.

There are two types of personal power.

a) Expert power.

It influence as result of expertise special skills or


This power is based on the famous proverb ‘knowledge

is power’.

Computer specialist tax accountants, economist, and

other specialist power as a result of their expertise.

• b) Referent Power.

It based on identification with a person who has

desirable resources or personal trails.

This power develops out of admiration of another

and a desire to be like that person.


Power tactics….

1) Legitimacies

Relaying on your authority position or saying a

request accords with organizational policies or rules.

2) Rational persuasion

presenting logical arguments and factual evidence

to demonstrate a request is reasonable.

3) Inspirational appeals

Developing emotional commitment by appealing

to a targets values needs hopes and aspirations.

• Power tactics cont…..

4) Consultation

increasing the targets support by involving him or

her in deciding how you will accomplish your plan.

5) Exchange

Rewarding the target with benefits or favours in

exchange for following a request.

6) Personal appeals

Asking for compliance or loyalty.

7) Pressure

Using warnings, repeated demands and threats.

• Power tactics cont…..

8) Ingratiation

Using flattery, praise or friendly behaviour prior to

making a request.

9) Coalitions

Enlisting the aid or support of others to persuade

the target to persuade the target to agree.