organisation behaviour


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The evolution of management theory

- In 1832 Charles Babbage, mathematician and a teacher, wrote on the economy of machinery and manufactures in which he applied his principles to the workshop. This early work introduced the idea of using scientific techniques to improve the managing process.

- The classical scientific management approach to poked at the field from the perspective of how to improve the productivity of operative personal.

- Smith conducted that division of labour Increased productivity by increase each Workers skill and dexterity by saving time.

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To make a comprehensive report on evolution of management first of all we have to define scientific management.

Scientific Management:- Scientific management concept was introduced by Frederick Winslow Taylor in USA in the beginning of 20th century. After Taylor lot of other also carried out or on the concept by frank and Lillian gifbreth, Henry Gantt, George, berth, Edward felon etc.

Definition:- Management was concerned essentiaeey with improving the operational efficiency at the shop level.

According. to Taylor:- “Scientific management is concerned with knowing exactly what men to do and then see in that they do it in the best and cheapest way”.

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Taylor’s contribution:- Can be described in two parts: elements and tools of scientific management and principle of scientific management.

(1) Elements and tools of scientific management Taylor made lots of experiment to make more efficient by standardizing the work and better method of doing the work.

(2) Separation of planning and doing:- Taylor emphasized the serration of planning aspect form actual doing of work. Taylor emphasized and that planning should be left to the supervisor and the worker should emphasise only on operational work.

(3) Functional foremanship:- For this purpose, Taylor evolved the concept of functional foremanship based on specialization of function. In this 8 persons are involved to direct the

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activities of workers. In this four persons deals with planning and other four with doing aspect of work.

(3) Job analysis:- According to Taylor job analysis suggests the pair amount of a day’s work requiring certain movements and rest period of to complete.

(4) Standardization: - Standardization should be maintained in respect of instrument and tools period of work amount of work, working

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condition, cost of production etc. these thing help in improving in performing a work.

(5) Financial Incentives:- Financial Incentives can motivate workers to put in their max. Efforts, If provisions exists to earn higher ways by putting extra effort workers will be motivated to earn more.

(6) Economy: - While applying scientific management not only scientific and technical aspects should be given on economy and profit

(7) Mental Revolution:- Scientific management depends on the mutual cooperation bet. Management and workers. For this cooperation these should be mental change in both parties from conflict to cooperation.

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Principles of scientific management

Taylor has given certain basic principal of scientific management.

(1) Replacing rule of thumb with science:- Taylor has emphasized that in scientific management, organizing knowledge should be applied which will replace rule of thumb.

(2) Harmony in group action:- Taylor emphasized that in scientific attempts should be made to obtain harmony in group action rather than discord. Group harmony suggests that there should be mutual give and take situation and proper understanding that leads to contributes to the maximum.

(3) Cooperation:- Scientific management involves achieving cooperation rather than chaotic individualism, scientific management is based on mutual confidence cooperation and

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goodwill. Taylor has suggested substitution of war for peace.

(4) Maximum output:- Scientific management involves continuous increase in production and productivity instead of restricted production either by management or by workers.

(5) Development of workers:- Time to time training should be given to workers to keep them fully fit according to the requirement of new method of working which may be different from the non scientific methods.


(1) Authority and responsibility;- Fayols finds authority as a continuation of official and personal factor. Official authority derived from

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manager’s position and personal from personal authorities. Responsibility a rises due to of assignment of activity. In order to discharge the responsibility properly, these should be parity of authority and responsibility.

(2) Discipline:- All the personal serving in an organization should be disciples. Discipline may be of two types self deplane.

(3) Unity of command:- Unity of command means that a person should get orders and instructions from only one superior.

(4) Unity of direction;- According to this principle each group of activities with the same objective must have one need and one plan. Unity of direction provides better coordination among various activities to be undertaken by an organization.

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(5) Order: - This is a principle relating to the arrangement of things and people. In material there should be a place for everything and everything should be in its order.


Organizing:- Organizing is the process of dividing work into convenient task or duties, grouping of such duties in the form of position, grouping of various position into departmental and sections, assigning duties to individuals’ positions and delegating authority to each position. So that the work is carried out as planned organizing function can viewed as a bridge connecting the conceptual idea developed in creating and planning to the specific means for accomplishing these idea.

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Planning:- Planning is the conscious determination of future course of action. This involves why an action what action, now to take action and when to take action. Thus planning includes determination of specific objective, determines projects and programmed setting policies and strategies, setting rule and proceeds and preparing budgets.

Directing:- When people are available in the organization, they must know what they are expected to do in the organization. Superior managers fulfill this recruitment by communicating to subordinates about their expected behavior. Directing includes communicating, motivating and pleading.


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Controlling involves identification of actual results, comparison of actual results with expected results set by the planning process, identification of deviation bet the two, if any and taking of corrective action so that actual results match with expected results.


Cross cultural dynamics means that people of different culture have different behavior patterns. For every culture these is different management. Culture is a set of beliefs, attitudes and value that are shared communally by the members of the society. A Dutch management scholar studied behavior patterns of workers and managers in forty countries and found that behavior diapered significantly due to the value and belief in various countries. According to Holstede, there are two dimensions that explain the difference in behaviors due to culture.

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(1) Individualism collectivism continuum(2) Power distance

Individualism collectivism continuum relationships are more important than individual tasks.

In power distance will poss. serious challenge before managers to design management practices that are suitable for people coming from different culture.


Transactional analysis offers a personality and the dynamics of self and its relationship to others that makes possible a clear and meaningful discussion of behavior.

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Or TA refers to methods of analyzing and understanding interpersonal behavior.


“Empowerment is any process that provides greater autonomy through the sharing of relevant information and provision of control over factor affecting jobs performance”

Empowerment helps removes the conditions that cause powerlessness while enhancing employed feeling of self efficiency’ There are five approaches which have been suggested for empowerment.

(1) Allowing more control(2) Providing successful role models(3) Giving emotional support(4) Helping employed achieve job mastery

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(1) Discussions reasons for depowerment(2) Identifying potential power bases(3) Developing and implementing action

plans (4) Choosing one issue problem to work on