
Mechanical Engineering PRESENT

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Post on 21-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. PRESENT
  2. 2. You are just a wheeled, self-powered motor vehicle usedfor transportation. Most definitions of the term specify that cars aredesigned to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eightpeople, to typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally forthe transport of people rather than goods.-Carth vader
  3. 3. FerdinandVerbiestFirst workingsteam-poweredvehicleBuilt around167265-cm-longscale-model
  4. 4. Nicolas JosephCugnotFirst full-scale,self-propelledmechanicalvehicle orautomobile inabout 1769
  5. 5. In 1879, Benz wasgranted a patent forhis first engine,which had beendesigned in 1878.
  6. 6. AutomobilePresent
  7. 7. Vehicles in use per country from2001 to 2007. It shows thesignificant growth in BRIC.World map of passenger carsper 1000 people
  8. 8. Ford model T 1927
  9. 9. The Nissan Leaf isan all-Electric carlaunched inDecember 2012
  10. 10. Automobile Future
  11. 11. uses electricity as main energy source
  12. 12. Uses Fuel celltechnology
  13. 13. An airplane or aero plane (informally plane) is a powered, fixed-wingaircraft that is propelled forward by thrust from a jet engine orpropeller. Airplanes come in a variety of sizes, shapes,and wing configurations. The broad spectrum of uses for airplanesincludes recreation, transportation of goods and people, military, andresearch. Most airplanes are flown by a pilot on board the aircraft, butsome are designed to be remotely or computer-controlled.
  14. 14. 9th century ABN IBNFIRNAS11th CenturyMonk elmer ofMalmesbury
  15. 15. Wright Flyer III was capable of fullycontrollable, stable flight for substantialperiods.
  16. 16. The first 'operational' jet aircraft was theGerman Heinkel He 178, which wastested in 1939.
  17. 17. 1.. Propeller EnginesAn Antonov An-2 biplane2.. Jet EnginesThe Concorde supersonictransport aircraft
  18. 18. 3. Electric Engines 4. Rocket engines
  19. 19. AirframeAn IAI Heron - an unmannedaerial vehicle with a twin-boomconfigurationThe An-225 Mriya,which can carry a250-tonnepayload, has twovertical stabilisers.
  20. 20. Wing structireCaptured Morane-Saulnier L wire-bracedparasolmonoplaneWing configurationDassault MirageG prototypes,withwings swept
  21. 21. FuselageConnection of Body to Wing1) Flying WingThe US-produced B-2 Spirit is a strategicbomber. It has a flying wing configuration andis capable of intercontinental missions
  22. 22. 2) Blended WingBody3) Lifting BodyComputer-generated model ofthe Boeing X-48Computer-generated model ofthe Boeing X-48
  23. 23. 4) Empennage And Foreplane
  24. 24. e) Controls And Instrumentsf) Safety
  25. 25. Manned Aero plane that is powered solely bySolar energy. Capable sustaining flight day and night.
  26. 26. Mechanizedagriculture is theprocess ofusing agriculturalmachinery to mechanize the workof agriculture, greatlyincreasing farmworker productivity. Inmodern times, poweredmachinery has replacedmany jobs formerlycarried out by men oranimals such as oxen ,horses and mules.
  27. 27. A mechanical seed spacing and depth placingdevice that increased crop yields and saved seed
  28. 28. Steam power wasapplied to threshingmachines in the late19th century. Therewere steam enginesthat moved around onwheels under theirown power forsupplying temporarypower to stationarythreshing machines.These werecalled road engines.
  29. 29. Mechanized AgriculturePresent
  30. 30. A cotton picker at work. The first successfulmodels were introduced in the mid-1940s andeach could do the work of 50 hand pickers.
  31. 31. 1. Asparagus Harvesting2. Chile Pepper Harvesting3. Orange Harvesting4. Raisin Harvesting5. Strawberry Harvesting6. Tomato Harvesting
  32. 32. Air conditioning (often referred toas A/C, AC or aircon) is the process of altering theproperties of air (primarily temperatureand humidity) to more comfortable conditions,typically with the aim of distributing the conditionedair to an occupied space to improve thermalcomfort and indoor air quality.
  33. 33. The 2nd-century Chineseinventor Ding Huan ofthe Han Dynasty inventeda rotary fan for airconditioning, with sevenwheels 3 m (9.8 ft) indiameter and manuallypowered.
  34. 34. In 1902, the firstmodern electricalair conditioningunitwas invented byWillisCarrier in Buffalo,New York
  35. 35. Window unit inside a roomAir conditioning unitsoutside a building
  36. 36. 1. Refrigeraation Cycle2. Heat Pump
  37. 37. 3. Evaporative Cooling 4. Free Cooling
  38. 38. Refrigeration is aprocess in which workis done tomove heat from onelocation to another.The work of heattransport istraditionally drivenby mechanical work,but can also be drivenbyheat, magnetism, electricity, laser, or othermeans.
  39. 39. ICE HARVESTINGBefore 1830, few Americans used ice torefrigerate foods due to a lack of ice-storehousesand iceboxes. As these two thingsbecame more widely available, individuals usedaxes and saws to harvest ice for theirstorehouses. This method proved to be difficult,dangerous, and certainly did not resembleanything that could be duplicated on acommercial scale.
  40. 40. B. Methods Of Refrigeration1. Non-cyclicRefrigeration2. CyclicRefrigeration
  41. 41. a) Vapor Cycle1) Vapor-compressionCycle2) Vapor-absorptionCycleVapor compression refrigeration TemperatureEntropy diagram
  42. 42. 4. Thermoelectric3. Gas Cycle Refrigeration
  43. 43. 5. Magnetic Refrigeration
  44. 44. Materials science, also commonlyknown as materials science and engineering,is an interdisciplinary field which deals withthe discovery and design of new materials.Though it is a relatively new scientific fieldthat involves studying materials through thematerials paradigm (synthesis, structure,properties and performance), its intellectualorigins reach back to the emerging fields ofchemistry, mineralogy and engineeringduring the Enlightenment.
  45. 45. VI. MaterialScience
  46. 46. Graphene. It is a one-carbonatom thick. It islike a paper sheet ofcarbon. Because of itsunique composition andstructure it also hassome uniquecharacteristics andbecause it is unique itmeans some of thesecharacteristics onlybelong to graphene. Ithas many traits that areindividually if notpartially utilized indifferent areas ofengineering