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1 O RDO M ISSÆ O RDO F RATRUM M INORUM C ONVENTUALIUM Holy Family Friary, 19697 Redwood Road Castro Valley CA 94546

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O R D O F R AT R U M M I N O R U M C O N V E N T U A L I U M H o l y F a m i l y F r i a r y, 1 9 6 9 7 R e d w o o d R o a d

C a s t r o Va l l e y C A 9 4 5 4 6

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Cum permissu superiorum Rev.mus Christopherus Deitz OFM Conv



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IN AN OFTEN IGNORED PASSAGE of Sacrosanctum concil ium (1965), the fathers of the Second Vatican Council declare that “steps should be taken so that the faithful may also be able to say or to sing together in Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which pertain to them” [54]. In a letter to all those who exercise apostolic offices, Pope Pius XI discusses the ecclesiological importance of Latin. “The Church,” he writes, “precisely because it embraces all nations and is destined to endure to the end of time, of its very nature requires a language which is universal, immutable, and non-vernacular” [AAS 14 (1922) 452]. In the Apostolic Constitution, Veterum Sapientia, Blessed John XXIII underscores the teaching of his predecessor and declares that “the Catholic Church has a dignity far surpassing that of every merely human society, for it was founded by Christ the Lord. It is altogether fitting, therefore, that the language it uses should be noble, majestic, and non-vernacular. [Latin] has been consecrated through constant use by the Apostolic See, the mother and teacher of all Churches, and must be esteemed a treasure of incomparable worth” (1965). The use of Latin in the Roman rite declares unambiguously both the catholicity of the Church and the nobility of those sacred rites through which she offers her constant duty of praise to Christ, her Lord.

This brief Ordo Missæ, prepared initially for the use of the Friars Minor Conventual in our own communities, deliberately selects but one common set from the many options allowed at various junctures in the Novus Ordo . By limiting the options, I have tried to provide a text of the Mass that friars and laity without much experience of Latin will nonetheless find easy to follow. The Ordinary of the Mass in English is, by now, well known among us. Forty years of vernacular liturgy provide a solid foundation upon which to build the recovery of Latin in our parochial Masses. The translations provided in this booklet are the new ICEL texts which in 2011 will be implemented throughout the English-speaking world. Our experience at Holy Family Friary suggests that, with a text like the present booklet in hand, Catholic laity will quickly learn the Mass ordinaries in Latin and so begin to internalize the rhythm, the beauty and spirituality of the mother tongue of the Church.

Fr Francisco Nahoe OFM Conv Holy Family Friary, Castro Valley CA

Feast of Blessed John Duns Scotus, 8 November 2008

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Introductory Rites

Invoca tion

✠ In the name o f the Father, and o f the Son, and o f the Holy Spiri t.


Sa luta tion

The Lord be with you.

And with your spirit.

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Ritus initiales

Invoca tion

✠ In nomine Patr is , e t Fi l ii , e t Spir itus Sancti.

BbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbGY<.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Amen.

Sa luta tion

Dominus vobiscum.

Bbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbh.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Et cum spi- ri- tu tuo.

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Peni ten tia l ri te

Brethren, le t us acknowledge our s ins, And prepare ourse lves to ce lebrate the sacred myster ies .

Have mercy upon us, O Lord.

For we have sinned against You.

Show us, O Lord, Your mercy.

And grant us Your salvation.

May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our s ins, and br ing us to eternal l ife .


The K y r i e

V. O Lord, have mercy. R. O Lord, have mercy. V. O Christ, have mercy. R. O Christ, have mercy. V. O Lord, have mercy. R. O Lord, have mercy.

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Peni ten tia l ri te

Fratres, agnoscamus peccata nostra , ut apti s imus ad sacra myster ia ce lebranda.

Miserere nostr i, Domine.

Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbh.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Qui-a pec-ca- vi-mus ti- bi.

Ostende nobis, Domine, miser icordiam tuam.

Bbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbh.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb}b Et sa- lu- ta- re tu- um da no-bis.

Misereatur nostri omnipotens Deus , et dimissis peccatis nostris , perducat nos ad vitam æternam.

BbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbGY<.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Amen.

The K y r i e

V. Kyrie, e leison. R. Kyrie, eleison. V. Chris te , e le ison. R. Christe, eleison. V. Kyrie, e leison. R. Kyrie, eleison.

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The G l o r i a

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will.

We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father.

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world,

receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father,

have mercy on us.

For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

The Colle c t Let us pray…

Through our Lord Jesus Chr is t, Your Son, who l ives and re igns (with You) in the unity of the Holy Spir i t, God, forever and ever.


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The G l o r i a

Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax homínibus bonæ voluntátis.

Laudámus te. Benedícimus te. Adorámus te. Glorificámus te. Grátias ágimus tibi propter magnam glóriam tuam, Dómine Deus, Rex cæléstis, Deus Pater omnípotens.

Dómine Fili unigénite, Iesu Christe. Dómine Deus, Agnus Dei, Fílius Patris. Qui tollis peccáta mundi,

miserére nobis. Qui tollis peccáta mundi,

súscipe deprecatiónem nostram. Qui sedes ad déxteram Patris,

miserére nobis.

Quóniam tu solus Sanctus. Tu solus Dóminus, Tu solus Altíssimus, Iesu Christe, cum Sancto Spíritu in glória Dei Patris. Amen.

The Colle c t


Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fi lium tuum, qui tecum vivit e t regnat in unitate Spir i tus Sancti, Deus, per omnia sæcula sæculorum.

BbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbGY<.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Amen.

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The Liturgy of the Word

The Fi rs t Rea ding

The Word o f the Lord.

Thanks be to God The P salm The Se con d Rea ding

The Word o f the Lord.

Thanks be to God. The Gospel Accla ma tion Bef ore the Gospel

The Lord be with you.

And with your spirit.

A reading from the Holy Gospe l according to Saint Matthew (Mark, Luke or John)

Glory to You, O Lord.

Afte r the Gosp el

The Gospe l o f the Lord.

Praise to You, O Christ.

The Homily

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Liturgia verbi

The Fi rs t Rea ding

Verbum Domini.

Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbf,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} De- o gra-ti- as.

The P salm The Se con d Rea ding

Verbum Domini.

Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbhb.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} De- o gra- ti- as.

The Gospel Accla ma tion Bef ore the Gospel

Dominus vobiscum

Et cum spiritu tuo.

Sequentia Sancti Evange li i secundum Matthæum (Marcam, Lucam v e l Ioannem)

Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbh.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Glo- ri- a ti- bi, Do- mi- ne.

Afte r the Gosp el

Evange l ium Domini.

Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbb÷bjb8z&^%bbhjhb.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Laus tibi, Chri-ste.

The Homily

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The C r e d o

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made.For us men and for our salvation, he came down from heaven; and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in in one holy, Catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen

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The C r e d o

Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipoténtem, factórem cæli et terræ, visibílium ómnium et invisibílium;

Et in unum Dóminum Iesum Christum, Fílium Dei unigénitum, et ex Patre natum ante ómnia sæcula: Deum de Deo, lumen de lúmine, Deum verum de Deo vero, génitum non factum, consubstantiálem Patri, per quem ómnia facta sunt; qui propter nos hómines et propter nostram salútem descéndit de cælis; et incarnátus est de Spíritu Sancto ex María Vírgine et homo factus est; crucifíxus étiam pro nobis sub Póntio Piláto, passus et sepúltus est; et resurréxit tértia die secúndum Scriptúras; et ascéndit in cælum, sedet ad déxteram Patris; et íterum ventúrus est cum glória judicáre vivos et mórtuos; cujus regni non erit finis;

Et in Spíritum Sanctum, Dóminum et vivificántem: qui ex Patre Filióque procédit; qui cum Patre et Fílio simul adorátur et conglorifícatur; qui locútus est per Prophétas;

Et in unam sanctam cathólicam et apostólicam Ecclésiam. Confíteor unum baptísma in remissiónem peccatorum; et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum et vitam ventúri sæculi. Amen.

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The P raye rs of the Fai thf ul

In peace, let our prayer be addressed to God, the almighty Father. . . . be pleased to hear us .

Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.

Be present, O Lord, to Your people who call upon You, that those whom You permit to celebrate the divine mysteries may never be deprived of Your help.


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The P raye rs of the Fai thf ul

In pace ad Deum Patrem omnipotentem dirigatur oratio. . . . ut nos exaudire digneris:


Te rogamus, audi nos. Adesto, Domine, tuo populo supplicanti, ut, quos divini mysterii tribuis esse participes, numquam tuis destituantur auxiliis, per Christum Dominum nostrum.

BbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbYbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Amen.

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The Liturgy of the Eucharist The P repa rat ion of the Brea d

Blessed are You, Lord, God of the universe, Through Your goodness we have received the bread we offer You, the fruit of the earth and work of human hands, it will become for us the bread of life.

Blessed be God forever. The P repa rat ion of the Wine

Blessed are You, Lord, God of the universe, Through Your goodness we have received the wine we offer You, the fruit of the vine and work of human hands, it will become our spiritual drink.

Blessed be God forever. The O r a t e f r a t e s

Pray brethren, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the almighty Father.

May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of His name, for our good and the good of all His holy Church.

The P raye r ove r the Gi f ts

Let us pray. Amen.

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Liturgia eucharistica The P repa rat ion of the Brea d

Benedictus es, Domine, Deus universi, quia de tua largitate accepimus panem, quem tibi offerimus, fructum terrae et operis manuum hominum, ex quo nobis fiet panis vitæ.

Benedictus Deus in sæcula. The P repa rat ion of the Wine

Benedictus es, Domine, Deus universi, quia de tua largitate accepimus vinum, quod tibi offerimus, fructum vitis et operis manuum hominum, ex quo nobis fiet potus spiritalis.

Benedictus Deus in sæcula. The O r a t e f r a t e s

Orate fratres: ut meum ac vestrum sacrificium acceptabile fiat apud Deum Patrem omnipotentem.

Suscipiat Dominus sacrificium de manibus tuis ad laudem et gloriam nominis sui, ad utilitatem quoque nostram totiusque Ecclesiæ suæ sanctæ.

The P raye r ove r the Gi f ts


BbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbGY<.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Amen.

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The Eucharistic Prayer

The P refa ce Dialogue

The Lord be with you.

And with your spirit. Lift up your hearts.

We lift them up to the Lord Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right and just. The P refa ce

It is truly fitting and right, more than right, it is our salvation, that we should give You thanks always and everywhere, O Lord, O Holy Father, almighty and eternal God, through Christ our Lord.

[ the P refa ce continue s…]

And therefore with all the Angels and the Saints we proclaim Your glory in one voice saying:

The S a n c t u s

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts. The heavens and earth are full of Your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

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Prex eucharistica

The P refa ce Dialogue

The P refa ce

Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salutare, nos tibi semper et ubique gratias agere, Domine, sancte Pater, omnipotens æterne Deus, per Christum Dominum nostrum.

[ the P refa ce continue s…]

Et ideo cum Angelis et omnibus Sanctis gloriam tuam prædicamus, una voce dicentes:

The S a n c t u s

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt cæli et terra gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis.

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The Can on

You are indeed Holy, O Lord, the fount of all holiness. Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray, by sending down your Spirit upon them like the dewfall, so that they may become for us the Body and ✠ Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

At the time he was betrayed and entered willingly into his Passion, he took bread and, giving thanks, broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying:



In a similar way, when supper was ended, he took the chalice and, once more giving thanks, he gave it to his disciples, saying:




The A n a m n e s i s

The mystery of faith:

We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.

The Offe rin g

Therefore, as we celebrate the memorial of his Death and Resurrection, we offer you, Lord, the Bread of life and the Chalice of salvation, giving thanks that you have held us worthy to be in your presence and minister to you.

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The Canon

Vere sanctus es, Domine, fons omnis sanctitatis. Hæc ergo dona, quæsumus, Spiritus tui rore sanctifica, ut nobis Corpus et ✠ Sanguis fiant Domini nostri Iesu Christi.

Qui cum Passioni voluntarie traderetur, accepit panem et gratias agens fregit, deditque discipulis suis, dicens:


Simili modo, postquam cenatum est, accipiens et calicem iterum gratias agens dedit discipulis suis, dicens:




The A n a m n e s i s

Mysterium fidei:

The Offe rin g

Memores igitur mortis et resurrectionis eius; tibi, Domine, panem vitae, et calicem salutis offerimus, gratias agentes quia nos dignos habuisti astare coram te et tibi ministrare.

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Humbly we pray that, partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ, we may be gathered into one by the Holy Spirit.

Remember, Lord, your Church, spread throughout the world, and bring her to the fullness of charity, together with Benedict our Pope and Randolph our Bishop and all the clergy.

Remember also our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection, and all who have died in your mercy: welcome them into the light of your face. Have mercy on us all, we pray, that with the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, with the blessed Apostles, and all the Saints who have pleased you throughout the ages, we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life, and may praise and glorify you through your Son, Jesus Christ.

The P e r I p s u m

Through him, and with him, and in him, O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, for ever and ever.

The Great Ame n


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Et supplices deprecamur ut Corporis et Sanguinis Christi participes a Spirito Sancto congregamur in unum.

Recordare, Domine, Ecclesiæ tuæ toto orbe diffusæ, ut eam in caritate perficias una cum Papa nostro Benedicto. et Episcopo nostro Randolpho, et universo clero.

Memento etiam fratrum nostrorum, qui in spe resurrectionis dormierunt, omniumque in tua miseratione defunctorum, et eos in lumen vultus tui admitte. Omnium nostrum, quaesumus, miserere, ut cum beata Dei Genetrice Virgine Maria, beatis Apostolis et omnibus Sanctis, qui tibi a sæculo placuerunt, æternæ vitæ mereamus esse consortes, et te laudemus et glorificemus per Filium tuum Iesum Christum.

The P e r I p s u m

The Great Ame n

BbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbGY<.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Amen.

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The Communion Rite

The P a t e r N o s t e r

At the Savior’s command, and formed by divine teaching, we dare to say:

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

The Emboli sm

Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil, graciously grant peace in our days, that, by the help of your mercy, we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress, as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The D oxolog y

For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and for ever.

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Ritus communionis

The P a t e r N o s t e r

Præceptis salutaribus moniti et divina institutione formati, audemus dicere.

The Emboli sm

Libera nos, quæsumus, Domine, ab omnibus malis, da propitius pacem in diebus nostris, ut, ope misericordiæ tuæ adiuti, et a peccato simus semper liberi et ab omni perturbatione securi: expectantes beatam spem et adventum Salvatoris nostri Iesu Christi.

The D oxolog y

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The Sig n of Pea ce

Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your Apostles: Peace I leave you, my peace I give you; look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church, and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will. Who live and reign for ever and ever.


The peace of the Lord be with you always. And with your spirit.

Let us offer each other the sign of peace. The A g n u s D e i

Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

The C o m m u n i o n

Behold the Lamb of God, Behold Him who takes away the sins of the world. Blest are those called to supper of the Lamb.

O Lord, I am not worthy, that You should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

The Body (Blood) of Christ.

Amen. The P ost-Commu nion P raye r

Let us pray… through Christ our Lord.


Page 27: ordo missae - Reno Catholic Network missae.pdf · Dómine Fili unigénite, Iesu Christe. Dómine Deus, Agnus Dei, Fílius Patris. Qui tollis peccáta mundi, miserére nobis. ... ex


The Sig n of Pea ce

Domine Iesu Christe, qui dixisti Apostolis tuis: Pacem relinquo vobis, pacem meam do vobis; ne respicias peccata nostra, sed fidem Ecclesiæ tuæ; eamque secundum voluntatem tuam pacificare et coadunare digneris. Qui vivis et regnas in sæcula sæculorum.

BbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbGY<.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Amen.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.

Bbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbh.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Et cum spi- ri- tu tuo.

Offerte vobis pacem. The A g n u s D e i

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi; miserere nobis. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi; miserere nobis. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi; dona nobis pacem.

The C o m m u n i o n

Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit peccata mundi. Beati qui ad cenam Agni vocati sunt.

Domine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea.

Corpus (Sanguis) Christi.

Amen. The P ost-Commu nion P raye r

Oremus… per Christum Dominum nostrum.

BbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbGY<.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Amen.

Page 28: ordo missae - Reno Catholic Network missae.pdf · Dómine Fili unigénite, Iesu Christe. Dómine Deus, Agnus Dei, Fílius Patris. Qui tollis peccáta mundi, miserére nobis. ... ex


The Concluding Rite

The Final B le ss ing

The Lord be with you.

And with your spirit.

May almighty God bless you:, The Father, ✠ and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


The D ismissal

Go in peace.

Thanks be to God.

Page 29: ordo missae - Reno Catholic Network missae.pdf · Dómine Fili unigénite, Iesu Christe. Dómine Deus, Agnus Dei, Fílius Patris. Qui tollis peccáta mundi, miserére nobis. ... ex


Ritus conclusionis

The Final B le ss ing

Dominus vobiscum.

Bbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbh.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Et cum spi- ri- tu tuo.

Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater, ✠ et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus.

BbbbbbbbbbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbGY<.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb} Amen.

The D ismissal

Page 30: ordo missae - Reno Catholic Network missae.pdf · Dómine Fili unigénite, Iesu Christe. Dómine Deus, Agnus Dei, Fílius Patris. Qui tollis peccáta mundi, miserére nobis. ... ex


Missa VIII – de angelis

The G l o r i a

Pa- tris. A - men.

Page 31: ordo missae - Reno Catholic Network missae.pdf · Dómine Fili unigénite, Iesu Christe. Dómine Deus, Agnus Dei, Fílius Patris. Qui tollis peccáta mundi, miserére nobis. ... ex


Missa XVIII – Deus genitor alme

The K y r i e

The S a n c t u s & B e n e d i c t u s

The A g n u s D e i

Page 32: ordo missae - Reno Catholic Network missae.pdf · Dómine Fili unigénite, Iesu Christe. Dómine Deus, Agnus Dei, Fílius Patris. Qui tollis peccáta mundi, miserére nobis. ... ex


AD ORA MU S TE, sanct issime Domine Iesu Christe ,

hic et ad omnes Ecclesias tuas , quae sunt in toto mundo, et benedic imus tib i;

quia per sanctam Crucem tuam redemist i mundum.

WE ADOR E YO U Most ho ly Lord Jesus Chr ist

Here and in a ll your churches Throughout the world, and we bless you

Because by your ho ly cross you have redeemed the world.