order of service · pray for god’s eternal peace and comfort be upon the bereaved families of...

Worshippers are invited to come forward for personal prayers with elders/pastors in the front pew. VOL LI NO. 06 (FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY) http://www.carmel.sg/wordpress/wp-content/ uploads/2018/02/Weekly-021118.pdf ORDER OF SERVICE 9.00 am/11.00 am 11 February 2018 Worship Leader: Dn Ben Koh Speaker: Rev Oh Boon Leong Prayer: Eld Kelvin Teo Silent Prayer & Meditation Prelude Call to Worship Opening Songs All hail the power of Jesus’ name Crown Him with many crowns Wonderful, merciful Saviour Opening Prayer “Gloria Patri” Responsive Scripture Reading Mark 10:32-45 Worship in Songs Meekness and Majesty All I have is Christ What grace is mine Offertory & Thanksgiving Prayer Kidsparks Video “Doxology” Congregational Prayer & Announcements/AE Message Descent from Greatness to Greatness (Philippians 2:5-11) Closing Song The servant King Benediction “Three-Fold Amen”

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Page 1: ORDER OF SERVICE · Pray for God’s eternal peace and comfort be upon the bereaved families of Elder Yeo Siew Yam & Poh Leng, Joshua & Ruth Chan, and Kan Fook Lum & Hwee Meng as

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Worshippers are invited to come forward for

personal prayers with elders/pastors in the front pew.




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ORDER OF SERVICE 9.00 am/11.00 am 11 February 2018

Worship Leader: Dn Ben Koh Speaker: Rev Oh Boon Leong

Prayer: Eld Kelvin Teo

Silent Prayer & Meditation


Call to Worship

Opening Songs All hail the power of Jesus’ name

Crown Him with many crowns Wonderful, merciful Saviour

Opening Prayer

“Gloria Patri”

Responsive Scripture Reading Mark 10:32-45

Worship in Songs

Meekness and Majesty All I have is Christ

What grace is mine

Offertory & Thanksgiving Prayer Kidsparks Video


Congregational Prayer & Announcements/AE

Message Descent from Greatness to Greatness

(Philippians 2:5-11)

Closing Song The servant King


“Three-Fold Amen”

Page 2: ORDER OF SERVICE · Pray for God’s eternal peace and comfort be upon the bereaved families of Elder Yeo Siew Yam & Poh Leng, Joshua & Ruth Chan, and Kan Fook Lum & Hwee Meng as

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5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

6 Who, being in very nature God,

did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing

by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! 9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

and gave him the name that is above every name, 10

that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11

and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father Philippians 2:5-11, NIV (2011)

3 Big Steps Down ...

I. Christ did not grasp His equality with God for His own sake

II. Christ became a Man & a Servant

III. Christ died on a cross

Discussion Questions

1. Read vv. 6-8. What kind of attitude is Christ displaying in his actions? Why is it important for us to connect our attitude with that of Christ's?

2. In our culture today, is the attitude of service and humility a sign of strength or weakness? a positive or a negative sign? And what is the biblical view?

3. How would an attitude of humility and service affect relationships within your family and the church?


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Come, join our prayer warriors in Room #03-06 on Wednesday @ 7.45 pm !


A magnitude-6.4 earthquake struck city of Hualien (north-eastern Taiwan) last Tuesday, killing at least four and injuring more than 200 people. Pray for rescue and recovery workers to reach and evacuate those trapped, and for survivors to receive prompt treatment on injuries, and to have resilience to move on.

Torrential rain caused flooding and landslides in areas around Jakarta. More than 6500 have been evacuated or displaced. Pray for the residents’ protection against water-borne diseases. Pray for sustenance be upon the police, military personnel and volunteers helping the affected ones. Pray for minimal casualties.


Children Ministry: Amazing Race – The Creator’s Hand (15 Mar): Pray for Chai Chor Tiang, James Kwan and team as they plan and organise this group event. Pray for good participation from the Primary-aged children and time of building relationship and deepening friendship with one another.

Youth Ministry: Pray for a good response to the Valentines’ Day evangelistic dinner – Complete in His Love (24 Feb). Pray that the youths would take the step of faith to invite their friends and that God would prepare the hearts of those ready to be made complete in his love.

Young Adults Ministry: Pray that the YAs will grow in both love and truth – the twin pillars in the ministry. Pray for the emerging 19 year-olds’ CG that they would not give up meeting with one another and would encourage one another. Pray for the Bible Study leaders’ preparation. Each 2nd Friday of the month, the group meets to prepare to teach in their own CGs. Pray for an effective and fruitful time of fellowship over God’s Word and equipping to make it relevant to their CG members.

Ladies’ Ministry: CSSS (Care, Share, Study & Serve) on 2nd and 4th Thursdays: Thank God for ladies have benefited from the Freedom In Christ (FIC) course. Do pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to work in their lives, help them to resolve the effects of deepest issues from the past and to stay on the right path, with the remaining four sessions.

SEMS: CNY Reunion Dinner (Tonight): Pray for warm and meaningful time of worship and fellowship. Presentation at English Sunday Worship Services (Feb 18): Pray that the songs and sharing will help the congregations to understand more about the ministry, to pray and support them in many ways


Pray for God’s eternal peace and comfort be upon the bereaved families of Elder Yeo Siew Yam & Poh Leng, Joshua & Ruth Chan, and Kan Fook Lum & Hwee Meng as they adjust to the loss and home-going of their beloved family members.

Pray for Carmelites and friends who are overseas for work, studies, NS, family and ministry commitments, that they will encounter God in real ways, be steadfast in their Christian faith and consistent in their walk with Him. Pray for godliness in word, thought and deed, in facing challenging issues and compromising situations. Pray for authentic and supportive friendship and relationship in the communities and churches they are in.

PRAYER PAGE “I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them;

I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 11:19)

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“It only takes a spark to get a fire going, And soon all those around can warm up to its glowing, That’s how it is with God’s love, Once you’ve experienced it, You

spread His love to everyone, You want to pass it on.”

Does this sound familiar? It is the first stanza of the song composed by Kurt Kaiser in 1969. This song was frequently sung in most Christian camp fires and group meetings for older children, youths and young adults in the early 1970’s to 1980’s, in America, English-speaking countries in Asia and beyond. This song, in many ways, speaks of our Saturday KidSparks ministry!

On 3 Feb, we celebrated our 12th anniversary. Since 2006, many children have come into our doorsteps and have been blessed by its ministry. KidSparks seeks to inculcate and nurture both Character Qualities - Self-control, Patience, Affection, Responsibility, Kindness and Sincerity, and Spiritual Qualities in each child - Studies the Word, Prays continually, Accepts one another, Reaches out to the lost, Keeps the Kingdom’s perspective, Serves God and others. They form the acronym SPARKS!

Thanksgiving to our Triune and Living God for His guidance and sustenance over the years, upon the team of faithful co-workers serving in various roles, for the enthusiastic and teachable children, for the friendship and support of the parents/guardians like grandparents, aunts, domestic helpers. To-date, we have 42 registered children (K1 to P6) in RT Hour (4.00 – 5.00 pm) and 47 registered children (Toddlers to P6) in Bible Hour (5.30 – 7.00 pm); a total of 18 co-workers serving in RT Hour and 17 co-workers serving in Bible Hour. Here are testimonies of co-workers (sisters, couple and daughter), mother-son team, for your perusal. They glorify God and His works amongst the families from SES and the community.

Children tend to have shorter attention span nowadays; to keep them engaged, teachers learn to be creative. I have learnt not to scold them to keep quiet,

instead I set ground rules such as “No talking” strictly when doing assessment books. Most importantly, let God lead me, as I do not know what pain the children may be suffering at home; and if I am unable to help alleviate their pain, I do not add to them. When children come to church, I pray for them to experience the joy of worship, just like when I was brought to church as a little girl….. that experience of joy has stayed with me till I grew up and finally accepted Christ as my Saviour

and Lord. Praise God! (Chong-Chan Haw Puay)

It is indeed a privilege to be called by God to serve at KidSparks. He is faithful and has been blessing me bountifully. I rejoice that I can be God’s tool to plant the

seed in the hearts of the children I meet. The harvest is plentiful. I invite all to join me in this fulfilling ministry. (Chan How Lee)

Last year, I was encouraged to join Kidsparks worship team. I had no prior experience and was worried that I could not deliver. Thank God there are many co

-workers who showed and guided me on how to lead worship, and to cover me whenever my shift work disallowed me. I get to know Jesus and draw closer to

Him in my preparation and ministry time. It is a blessing! (Mark Lee)

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Thank God for the opportunity to serve in KidSparks after learning and growing in

His love and grace. At first, I resisted, thinking that I was incapable and busy. In

His time, He gently reminded me to step forward to serve Him. In His strength

and grace, I have been serving for the past years. Acts 20:35 says "…It is more

blessed to give than to receive.” We bless the children in His name and in return,

our faith are strengthened when we see God at work and His name being glorified.

We are filled with His joy, peace and love in serving Him. (Rina Lee-Yeo)

Thank God for having this children's ministry. I really enjoy the Bible lessons

which enable me to understand God more. I also enjoy the fellowship with other

children. “We love because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:19) Come and join us!

God loves you! (Renee Lee, P6)

My son was really poor in English when he first came to Singapore in 2014 – he

could not speak nor write at all. After spending more than 3 years in KidSparks

Tuition classes and the Bible hour, he can now communicate in fluent English.

This is largely due to the kind help and patience of the teachers, and God Himself. I thank God and the team for guiding and helping him so much! (Mrs. Li, mother)

The reason I continue coming to KidSparks is because I have lots of fun time with

my friends, and we also enjoy learning together, on how great our God is! I have learnt how to praise God and all the miracles He has done, how He sent Jesus,

His one and only Son, to die on the cross to save us from our sins. It is really

amazing! I come to the Tuition classes, to learn more about English language, and these have really helped me very much in my studies. Thanks be to our God!

(Li Jia Shi, P5)

One of the immediate goals of KidSparks this year is to have closer partnership

with the parents and guardians (at least 70% are from unchurched and mainly

Chinese-speaking families). We pray for opportunities to befriend them, to minister

to their needs, and to invite them to join church life. Two identifiable and practical

area of needs that we hope to minister to, are parenting knowledge/skills, English

conversation and listening comprehension.

Majority of the children have come to salvation in Jesus Christ, through the

one-on-one gospel-sharing by dedicated Bible teachers. One distinctive is that

some of them have become the “messengers” of good news – sharing to their

friends in the playground, flat, school, about KidSparks. We thank God, indeed,

that each child, each co-worker, and prayerfully, each parent and guardian is

learning to “Pass It On!” Will you do likewise?

I wish for you my friend, This happiness that I've found, You can depend on Him,

It matters not where you're bound, I'll shout it from the mountaintop, I want my

world to know, The Lord of love has come to me, I want to pass it on.

Margaret Ong

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ACCOUNTABILITY EXERCISE This exercise is conducted for all members, friends and visitors. If you are not a member but have been worshipping regularly with us for more than 6 months, please mark “Regular Worshipper”, and if less than 6 months, please mark “Guest”.

CARMEL FAMILY MINISTRY SURVEY 2017 The Family Ministry is doing a simple survey on families with kids. If you have children age 18 and below, please scan the QR code and complete the survey (it should take you less than 5 min). This survey will be closed by 25 Feb 2018. Thank you for your help!


EFU MINISTRY - CHINESE NEW YEAR GOODIES For this coming festive season, why not consider giving something very special to your loved ones, especially your parents, parents-in-law, grandparents, family members, relatives, friends and colleagues.

The Evangelism & Follow-Up (EFU) Ministry is distributing English & Chinese Bibles, Tracts and "Jesus Film" DVDs free of charge at the Welcome Corner today.

The multi-language "Jesus Film" DVD includes English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, Teochew, Hakka, Hainanese and Foochow. Filmed at over 200 locations in the Holy Land, "The Story of Jesus" Film is based on the Gospel of Luke which traces the Birth of Jesus Christ, His Crucifixion and His Ascension.

Share the Gospel with your loved ones this festive season !

CHINESE NEW YEAR The pastors and staff of Mt Carmel would like to wish all members and friends a very blessed Chinese New Year.

Please note that the Church office will be closed on Chinese New Year’s Eve (Thur, 15 Feb) afternoon till Saturday (17 Feb). All announcements for publication in the Carmel Weekly for 18 Feb must be submitted to the church office latest by Wednesday (14 Feb) afternoon.

EASTER 2018 INFANT BAPTISM Parents who wish to register their infants for the Easter Infant Baptism, please inform Angelica Loh at the church office 6779-5077; [email protected]. A class for the parents will be held on 3 March, Saturday from 3:00 - 5:00 pm, at Room 03-07. Closing date for registration is 26 February 2018.

LADIES MINISTRY 1. Ladies Retreat: Early bird registration is over. Ladies, you have till 15 Feb to register

& pay up for the retreat in March. 2. New Freedom in Christ Course (FIC): FIC course is designed to help every Christian

become a fruitful disciple. Take hold of the truth of who you are now in Christ, resolve personal and spiritual conflicts and move on to maturity.

* Starting 1 March, every 1st & 3rd Thursdays, * from 10.15 to 12.15 pm in #03-01. If you are interested, do contact Lee Luang via email

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● Please make all cheques, including those for the Development Fund, payable to Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd (exact payee name must be stated on the cheque). ● Please note that NO receipts will be issued for cheques received by the Church below $5,000 except upon request. ● All Offerings and Pledges to Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd is not tax deductible.




Ushers Clementi Woods CG Grace CG

Refreshment — No Refreshment —

Worship Leader Albunus Ng

Congregational Prayer Rev Oh Boon Leong

Musicians Kelly Ng

Scripture Readers Serene Lim Tan Gek Kee

Welcome Corner Tan Mun Kiat Sim Chui Hoon/Joyce Lin

Librarians — Closed —

AVA Crew Michael Teo/Alan Tan Low Ek Yong/Tan Chay Hoon/Andrew Ong

WARDEN ON LEAVE The church warden, Malcolm Ho is on leave from 13-15 Feb.

THANK YOU NOTES Francis & Diana, Steven & Priscilla, Matthew, Joel, Jonathan, Abigail and family wish

to express their heartfelt thanks & appreciation to all pastors, church members and friends for their prayers, attendance, condolences and support during the recent bereavement of Francis and Steven’s mother, Mdm Quek Cheok Kjang.

Our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the Pastors and session of Mount Carmel BP Church, and all brothers and sisters in Christ for the prayers, visitations, words of encouragement during our recent bereavement. Our hearts are warmed by your love for us. Joshua & Ruth, Luke, Lois & Lydia.

Dear Carmelites, thank you all for your condolence, gifts and prayers. You have been a great comfort to us in our time of grief and a reminder of God’s love and hope that all is all of us. Eld Siew Yam & Poh Leng, Candice, Joshua and Joella

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Rhoda Fellowship ACE Room 11.00 am Worship Leader: Alicia Speaker: Mrs Rani Mathew: Jesus My Valentine

Youth Service Chapel 12.15 pm Marianne Wong - Example of Christ: Glory in Humiliation (Phil 2:5-11)

Mandarin Service Chapel 10.45 am

Remnant Korean Service Chapel 2.30 pm

SEMS Service Hope Sanctuary 7.45 pm

Ushers: Albunus Ng & Team/D’Vine CG Refreshments: Jennifer Lim/Peck Har AVA: Peh Chee Siong/Peter Go/Sam Kong Choy/John Tan/Francis Tay Welcome Corner: Tan Choon Kiat/Dn Jonathan Lum/Sunny Yap Librarians: Chan How Lee/Cindy Tan Thanksgiving Flowers: Kee Poir Mok & Lim Chew Lwee


English Services Hope Sanctuary 9.00am/11.00 am Speaker: Eld Ho Peng Kee Topic: Reconciling Broken Relationships Through Mediation (Philemon)

Youth - Combined Service Hope Sanctuary 9.00am/11.00 am

Rhoda - Combined Service Hope Sanctuary 9.00am/11.00 am

Mandarin Service Chapel 10.45 am

SEMS - Combined Mandarin Service Chapel 10.45 am

Remnant Korean Service Chapel 2.30 pm

Wednesday, 14 Feb 7.45 pm ACE Room: Prayer Meeting Chairperson/Devotion: Rev Daniel Chua

Thursday, 15 Feb: No Thursday Men’s Group (TMG)

Thursday 8.00 pm Hope Sanctuary: Choir Practice

Saturday, 17 Feb 5.30 pm Chapel: SES Worship Leader: Young King Chew Congregational Prayer: Jaclynn Tan Speaker: Eld Ho Peng Kee Topic: Reconciling Broken Relationships Through Mediation (Philemon)

Dear guests, we trust that you have a meaningful time of worship. We invite you to join us for Welcome Tea in the Fellowship Hall.


Senior Pastor Rev Oh Boon Leong

[email protected]

Missions & Strategic Planning Rev Peter Teo

[email protected]

Ladies, ConnexUs & Rhoda Ps. Assoc. Ang Lee Luang

[email protected]

Children Ps Asst Margaret Ong [email protected]

Youth & Family Rev Jabez Chia

[email protected] Young Adult & Youth

Ps Asst Marianne Wong [email protected]

Pastor-at-Large Rev Daniel Chua [email protected]

SEMS Ps Asst Joyce Goh

[email protected]

Mandarin Service Rev Goh Ngiam Heng [email protected]

Rev Ng Eng Chye [email protected]

Remnant Korean Service Rev Ezra Jang

[email protected]

BOARD OF ELDERS Eld Bruce Lockhart

(BOE Chairman)[email protected]

Rev Oh Boon Leong (Session Moderator)

Eld Yeo Siew Yam [email protected]

Eld Kelvin Teo [email protected]

Rev Peter Teo

Rev Jabez Chia