oral placement test

Listening Placement Test - Listen 3 times only and then answer the questions related to it. () Question 1 of 15 - What festival is the man talking about? 1. Christmas 2. Thanksgiving 3. New Year 4. His birthday Question 2 of 15 Which meal is the woman talking about? 1. lunch 2. dinner 3. supper 4. breakfast Question 3 of 15 Where does the conversation take place? 1. in a sports centre 2. in a pharmacy 3. in a DVD rental store 4. in a library Question 4 of 15

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Page 1: Oral Placement Test

Listening Placement Test - Listen 3 times only and then answer the questions related to it. ()

Question 1 of 15 - What festival is the man talking about?

1. Christmas2. Thanksgiving

3. New Year

4. His birthday

Question 2 of 15 

Which meal is the woman talking about?

1. lunch2. dinner

3. supper

4. breakfast

Question 3 of 15

Where does the conversation take place?

1. in a sports centre2. in a pharmacy

3. in a DVD rental store

4. in a library

Question 4 of 15

What are their jobs?

1. They are a waiter and waitress2. They work in a supermarket

Page 2: Oral Placement Test

3. They are chefs

4. They work in a bakery

Question 5 of 15

What is the man’s job?

1. a historian2. an explorer

3. a school teacher

4. an actor

Question 6 of 15

What is the man reviewing?

1. a game2. a book

3. a TV programme

4. a film

Question 7 of 15

Who is the man addressing?

1. an audience2. friends

3. passengers

4. his staff

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Question 8 of 15

What is the man mainly talking about?

1. the possibility of aliens2. the evolution of dinosaurs

3. the credibility of science fiction programmes

4. the beginning of the universe

Question 9 of 15

What was Alex Rayner’s crime?

1. rape2. murder

3. theft

4. assault

Question 10 of 15

What is this an advert for?

1. toothpaste2. shower gel

3. kitchen cleaner

4. washing powder

Question 11 of 15

What is the woman doing?

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1. advising someone 2. threatening someone

3. defending someone

4. telling someone off

Question 12 of 15

Julia believes that...

1. People are better off not working than working2. There are not enough jobs available, even elsewhere

3. People do not want to work irregular hours

4. People have brought unemployment on themselves

Question 13 of 15

What is the subject of the lecture?

1. botany2. geology

3. archaeology

4. palaeontology

Question 14 of 15

What is the woman talking about?

1) She’s talking about a colleague2) She’s reviewing a book

3) She’s talking about a piece of art

4) She’s criticising a famous person

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Question 15 of 15

The woman is talking about a talk which happened in...

1. parliament2. a university

3. a law court

4. a church

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1) (1)2) (4)

3) (2)

4) (2)

5) (4)

6) (1)

7) (3)

8) (3)

9) (2)

10) (1)

11) (1)

12) (3)

13) (1)

14) (2)

15) (4)

(2 questions per level in average, disconsidering #12 and #14)

Council of Europe levels



MasteryThe capacity to deal with material which is academic or cognitively demanding, and to use language to good effect at a level of performance which may in certain respects be more advanced than that of an average native speaker.Example: CAN scan texts for relevant information, and grasp main topic of text, reading almost as quickly as a native speaker.All practice tests at this level  


Effective Operational Proficiency

The ability to communicate with the emphasis on how well it is done, in terms of appropriacy, sensitivity and the capacity to deal with unfamiliar topics.Example: CAN deal with hostile questioning confidently. CAN get and hold onto his/her turn to speak.All practice tests at this level  

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VantageThe capacity to achieve most goals and express oneself on a range of topics.Example: CAN show visitors around and give a detailed description of a place.All practice tests at this level


ThresholdThe ability to express oneself in a limited way in familiar situations and to deal in a general way with nonroutine information.Example: CAN ask to open an account at a bank, provided that the procedure is straightforward.All practice tests at this level


WaystageAn ability to deal with simple, straightforward information and begin to express oneself in familiar contexts.Example: CAN take part in a routine conversation on simple predictable topics.All practice tests at this level


BreakthroughA basic ability to communicate and exchange information in a simple way.Example: CAN ask simple questions about a menu and understand simple answers.