oral health during pregnancy

By: Shawna Jackson and Lori Winters

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Post on 07-May-2015




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Page 1: Oral Health During Pregnancy


Shawna Jackson


Lori Winters

Page 2: Oral Health During Pregnancy

Identify reasons for keeping your mouth Identify reasons for keeping your mouth healthyhealthy

Discuss what causes teeth and gums to Discuss what causes teeth and gums to become unhealthybecome unhealthy

Demonstrate proper brushing and flossing Demonstrate proper brushing and flossing techniques as well as identifying the benefits of techniques as well as identifying the benefits of bothboth

Discuss oral complications that may arise Discuss oral complications that may arise during pregnancy and how to prevent during pregnancy and how to prevent

Demonstrate proper infant oral careDemonstrate proper infant oral care

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Esthetics(smiling and self esteem)

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Incisor-teeth in the very front, sharpest teeth, built to cut food and shaped to shovel the food toward the back of the mouth..

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corners of the mouth, meant for grasping and tearing food, they have very long roots.

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flat chewing surface because they're meant for crushing food.


last teeth towards the back of your mouth, much bigger than the Premolars and have bigger, flatter chewing surfaces because their job is to chew and grind the food into smaller pieces.

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Enamel- White outer surface of tooth, Calcified surface that is stronger than bone.

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Dentin-Surface directly beneath enamel that is less calcified, similar to bone, becomes visible with excessive wear to the teeth.

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Pulp- Inner most part of the tooth, houses the nerve and blood supply to the tooth. Damage could cause the tooth to die.

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A sticky film that forms on your teeth from the bacteria, food, and saliva in your mouth.

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In the BEFORE picture, you can see the buildup of plaque on these teeth with the aid of a disclosing agent.

The AFTER picture shows the removed plaque.

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Without proper care, the acid from this bacteria eats away at your tooth to cause cavities.

Plaque can be removed by brushing and flossing.

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Caused by the accumulation of plaque on the tooth and under the gum tissue.



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Causes the gums to become red, inflamed, and to bleed and hurt when brushing.

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Plaque that is not removed will sit on the teeth and below the gums, will harden or mineralize, thus forming tartar.

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Tartar is also an irritant to the gum tissue that can cause gingivitis

Tartar can only be removed by your dental hygienist.

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Brushing removes plaque and food debris that sits on your teeth

Brushing also keeps your gum tissue healthy

Brushing promotes a clean and healthy environment in your mouth

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Brush twice daily with a soft bristled toothbrush

When brushing, make sure that half the bristles are on the gums and half on the tooth

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Brush in a small circular motions, with light pressure

Brush for 2-3 minutes

Don’t forget to brush your tongue

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Flossing reaches where the tooth brush cannot

Floss cleans between the teeth, a popular area of cavities to form

Flossing also removes the plaque and debris below the gum line

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Floss at least once a day, preferably before going to bed

Use an arm’s length piece of floss

Wrap around middle fingers leave ½” between fingers, and use index fingers as your guide

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•Don’t snap into the gums, instead use a gentle see-saw motion

•Once in between the teeth, wrap floss around the tooth in a “c” formation and move in up/down motion

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Fluoride is a mineral

Helps fight decay in areas where enamel has started to breakdown

Prevents decay by strengthening the enamel

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Fluoride is found in Fluoride is found in most any toothpastemost any toothpaste

Over-the-counter Over-the-counter rinses, like ACTrinses, like ACT

Fluoride is also Fluoride is also found in many cities found in many cities water sourceswater sources

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At the dentist a stronger dose of fluoride is either rinsed or brushed on

Dentist can also prescribe rinses for at home use

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Fluoride should be brushed on or rinsed with after brushing and flossing

You shouldn’t eat or drink anything for thirty minutes afterwards

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Fluoride is not meant to be ingested. Too much fluoride can cause an upset stomach.

Too much fluoride, when ingested, could also affect the baby’s teeth adversely, causing enamel defects or discoloration.

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The taking of dental radiographs during pregnancy continues to be a controversial issue.

It should be noted, however, that a pregnant patient who is properly shielded can safely receive dental x-rays at any time.

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You lose a tooth for every pregnancy

Babies drain the calcium from your teeth

Every time you are pregnant your gums bleed and you have problems with them

False to all: Meticulous oral hygiene with fluoride regimen will help to prevent all tooth and gum problems experienced during pregnancy

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Gingivitis- inflammation or swelling of the gum tissues caused by increase in plaque accumulation

Results in red, swollen, sensitive gums that bleed easily

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During pregnancy the body’s response to dental plaque can be exaggerated due to an increase in hormone levels and preexisting problems can be worsened

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First seen in second month of pregnancy and peaks in the last trimester

Meticulous oral hygiene can decrease these risks dramatically

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Also know as pyogenic granuloma.

Rare, usually painless lesion, develops on gums in response to plaque


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•Subside shortly after childbirth

•No treatment is required unless causes problems with eating, speaking, or swallowing

•If treatment is needed, it is surgically removed

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Without the removal of plaque and tartar, bacteria will continue to grow and thrive above and below the gum line, thus causing damage to and eventually destroying the structures that hold your teeth in your mouth

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Periodontal disease: Progressive disease that results in loss of attachment, bone, and surrounding structures.

*Some forms of periodontal disease are due to the progression of gingivitis

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The bacteria from periodontal disease can enter the blood stream and travel to major organs and begin new infections:

•Increase risk of heart disease and stroke

•Increase a woman's risk of having a pre-term, low birth weight baby

•Pose a serious threat to people whose health is compromised by diabetes

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Preterm Low Birth Weight Births

Smoking, alcohol use, and drug use contribute to mothers having babies that are born prematurely at a low birth weight.

Evidence suggests a new risk factor – periodontal disease.

Pregnant women who have periodontal disease may be seven times more likely to have a baby that is born too early and too small.

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Preterm Low Birth Weight Births

Periodontal disease triggers increased levels of biological fluids that induce labor.

Women whose periodontal condition worsens during pregnancy may have an even higher risk.

All infections are cause for concern among pregnant women because they pose a risk to the health of the baby.

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Take a Self-Evaluation Quiz

Persistent swollen, red or bleeding gums, tooth sensitivity, and bad breath are warning signs of periodontal (gum) disease -- a serious infection that, left untreated, can lead to tooth loss.

Do you ever have pain in your mouth?

Do your gums ever bleed when you brush your teeth or when you eat hard food?

Have you noticed any spaces developing between your teeth?

Do your gums ever feel swollen or tender?

Have you noticed that your gums are receding (pulling back from your teeth) or your teeth appear longer than before?

Do you have persistent bad breath?

Have you noticed pus between your teeth and gums?

Have you noticed any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite?

Do you ever develop sores in your mouth?

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When you light your cigarette in pregnancy, you're not the only one who smokes - Your baby does to!

Not a good habit anyway, smoking can have serious consequences for your baby if you keep it up throughout your pregnancy.

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Some good reasons to quit while you are pregnant:

More likely to have a healthier pregnancy and a healthier baby

Cope better with the birth

Your baby will cope better with any birth complication

Your baby is less likely to be born too early and have to face the additional breathing, feeding and health problems which so often go with prematurity

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More good reasons to quit while you are pregnant:

Your baby is less likely to be born underweight and have extra problems in keeping warm

It will be better for your baby later too as children whose parents smoke are more likely to suffer later on from illnesses like asthma

You will reduce the risk of SIDS for your baby

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Recently the question has arose among the public as to whether a woman should totally quit smoking cold turkey or gradually cut back their tobacco usage. It has been noted in talking with individuals in the OB/GYN profession that women should quit smoking as soon as they discover they are pregnant.

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Pregnancy is the most nutritionally demanding time of a woman's life. Your body needs enough nutrients every day to support the growth of your baby.

Pregnant women need more calories and essential nutrients than other women.

If the nourishment needed for baby's developing tissues and organs is not enough, he/she may not develop normally.

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Protein is needed for the buildup of your uterus, breasts, blood supply, and baby's tissues.

Low protein intake is related to smaller-than-average babies who may have health problems.

Folate is required for protein tissue construction. Low folate levels are linked to birth defects, such as spina bifida.

Foods high in folate are the dark green veggies.

Calcium is needed by your baby for strong bones. If calcium is not supplied by the mother's diet, calcium is taken from the mother's long bones, not the teeth, for the baby.

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•Low Zinc levels during pregnancy are associated with long labor and small babies who may have health problems.

•Iron deficiency is common in pregnant women. Both mother and baby need iron for developing blood supplies. It is practically impossible to get enough iron from food. Doctors usually recommend supplements.

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Pregnant women should make sure to include in their diets:

Sufficient calories for adequate weight gain

A variety of foods from each food group

Regular meals and snacks

30 grams of dietary fiber

10 or more cups of water each day

Salt to taste

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The Food Guide Pyramid recommendations are as follows:

9 servings per day of bread, cereal, rice, and pasta

4 servings per day of vegetables

3 servings per day of fruits

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The Food Guide Pyramid recommendations are as follows:

3 servings per day of milk, yogurt, and cheese

3 servings per day of meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts

Fats, oils, and sweets should be used sparingly

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If nausea and vomiting is a problem, it is important to frequently brush or rinse with water. The acid could cause erosion of the teeth.

If you are craving sweets, this could cause an increase in cavities. So, just remember to snack on raw veggies and fruits.

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Scheduling appointments in the second trimester. Best time for routine care.

Shorter appointments and changing positions on the chair for your comfort needs.

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Important even before baby has teeth

*after feeding, wipe out baby’s mouth with warm washcloth or gauze

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When teeth have erupted:

*brush baby’s teeth with a infant brush along with a non-fluorinated tooth and gum gel twice daily

*use small amount

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Never put your child to bed with a bottle of anything but water.

The sugar in milk and juice will pool and constantly coat the teeth causing decay.

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Check for oral risks

Recommend the correct type of prevention for the child

Answer any questions

Decide on follow up exams

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What are you not able to take care of on your own?

A. Plaque removal

B. Flossing properly

C. Tartar removal

D. Brushing properly

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Fluorosis is something only you can get from too much fluoride.



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Pregnancy gingivitis is something that happens to everyone when they are pregnant and can not be reversed.



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Pregnancy makes you (more/less) susceptible to periodontal disease?

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Periodontal disease is associated with all of the following conditions, except:

A. Pre-term, low birth weight baby

B. Diabetes

C. Heart Problems

D. Asthma