oracle apps dba interview questions

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  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions

    1. What is FNDSM?

    FNDSM is executable & core component in GSM (Generic Service

    Management Framework). You start FNDSM services via !!S listener on

    all No"es in pplication #ier in $%usiness Suite.

    2. What is iAS Patch ?

    iS !atc' are patc'es release" to ix bugs associate" wit'

    S*+,-$*/+M$ (0eb Server -omponent) 1suall2 t'ese are s'ippe"

    as S'ell scripts & 2ou appl2 iS patc'es b2 executing S'ell script.

    Explain Architecture of Oracle Apps 11i?

    pps 33i is Mutli #ier arc'itecture wit' Desktop #ier (-lient #ier)4 Mi""le

    #ier (pplication #ier) an" Database #ier.

    3. What are arious co!ponents in Application"Mi##le $ier?

    n pplication #ier various components are 0eb Server4 Forms Server4

    ,eports Server4 -oncurrent Manager4 "min Server & Discoverer Server.

    %. What is APP&'$OP( )OMN'$OP( O*A'$OP.....?

    555*#+! is top level "irector2 in +racle pplication 33i or respective


    +. What is ,S #irector- in AD'$OP or un#er arious pro#uct


    1S "irector2 is "eault language "irector2 in +racle pplications. 2ou

    'ave multiple languages nstalle" in 2our pplications t'en 2ou will see

    ot'er languages "irectories besi"es 1S4 t'at "irector2 will contain reports4

    mx an" ot'er co"e in t'at respective "irector2 like F, or France4 , or


    0. What are the !ain concurrent Manaer t-pes?

    -M % nternal -oncurrent Manager w'ic' manages concurrent managers

    Stan"ar" Managers % Manages processing o re6uests

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    -,M % -onlict ,esolution Managers4 resolve conlicts in case o


    . Where is )oncurrent Manaer &o file location?

    2 "eault stan"ar" location is 7!!-SF87!!+G4 in some cases it cango to 7FND*#+!8log as well

    . Where 4oul# 5 fin# .rf6 file( an# 4hat exactl- it #oes?

    #'ese iles are use" "uring restart o a patc' in case o patc' ailure because

    o some reason.

    6. Where is or apps4e7')ON$E8$.cf store# 9 4h-

    is it use#?

    #'is ile is "eine" b2 environment variableF+,MS9:*0$*-+NFG*F$. #'is is usuall2 in "irector2

    7+*/#M8bin on orms tier. #'is ile is use" b2 an2 orms client session.

    0'en a user tries to access orms4 9:webmx picks up t'is ile an" base" on

    t'is coniguration ile creates a orms session to user8client.

    1:.What is !ulti no#e s-ste!?

    Multi No"e S2stem in +racle pplications 33i means 2ou 'ave pplications

    33i -omponent on more t'an one s2stem. #2pical example is "atabase4

    -oncurrent Manager on one mac'ine an" Forms Server4 0eb Server on

    secon" mac'ine.

    11. )an -ou clone fro! !ulti no#e s-ste! to sinle no#e s-ste! 9

    ice ersa?

    Yes4 t'is is now supporte" via ,api" -lone4 -'eck i 2our s2stem 'as all

    prere6uisite patc'es or ,api" -lone an" 2ou are on latest rapi" clone


    12. Does rapi# clone ta;es care of ,p#atin

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    =o4 can -ou license a pro#uct after installation?

    You can use a" utilit2 a"licmgr to license pro"uct in +racle pps.

    16.What is M*)? What -ou #o as Apps D>A for M*)?

    M,- also calle" as Multiple ,eporting -urrenc2 in +racle pps. 2 "eault2ou 'ave currenc2 in 1S Dollars but i 2our organi=ations operating books

    are in ot'er currenc2 t'en 2ou as apps D nee" to enable M,- in pps.

    2:.What is @M aa @irtual MachineB an# 4hich co!ponent

    uses @M?

    E?M stan"s or Eava ?irtual Mac'ine.

    21.What is access'lo in apache( 4hat entries are recor#e# in

    access'lo? Where is the #efault location of this file?access*log in +racle pplication Server recor"s all users accessing oracle

    applications 33i. ts ile location is "eine" in 'ttp".con wit' "eault

    location at 7S*+,-$*/+M$8pac'e8pac'e8logs.

    22.Where is ser confiuration files store#?

    Eserv coniguration iles are store" in


    23.Where is applications start"stop scripts store#?pplications start8stop scripts are in "irector2


    2%.What are !ain confiuration files in We7 Serer ApacheB?

    Main coniguration iles in +racle pps 0eb Server are

    'ttp".con4 apps.con4 oracle*apac'e.con4 'ttp"*pls.con4 enable"

    t'is ile is not t'ere4 look or an2 coniguration ile un"er !!*#+! i

    s2stem is utoconig enable" t'en 2ou will see entr2 like

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    uto-onig automaticall2 generates t'is ile. t will be rea" an".......

    20. =o4 to chec; if Oracle Apps 11i S-ste! is *api# )lone ena7le#?

    For s2stem to be ,api" -lone enable"4 it s'oul" be utoconig enable". You

    s'oul" 'ave ,api" -lone !atc'es applie".

    2.What is the #ifference 7et4een t4o en files in

    C)ON$E8$.en an# APPSC)ON$E8$.en un#er


    !!SA-+N#$5#B.env is main environment ile w'ic' in turn calls ot'er

    environment iles like A-+N#$5#B.env un"er 7!!*#+!

    2.What is -our Oracle Apps 11i We7serer @ersion an# ho4 to

    fin# it?n or"er to in" version un"er S*+,-$*/+M$8pac'e8pac'e8bin

    $xecute .8'ttp" %version

    26.What is plssl #ata7ase cache?

    n or"er to improve perormance mo"*pls (pac'e component) cac'es

    some "atabase content to ile. #'is pls6l cac'e is use" to store session

    inormation. pls6l cac'e is use" to store pls6l cac'e i.e. use" b2 mo"*pls

    3:.Where is #ata7ase plssl cache store#?plss6l & session cac'e are store" un"er 7S*+,-$*/+M$8

    pac'e8mo"pls6l8cac'e "irector2

    31. =o4 to #eter!ine Oracle Apps 11i @ersion?

    select ,$$S$*NM$ rom n"*pro"uct*groups

    You s'oul" see output like


    33.H.I or 33.H.3:.J

    32.What is content of #7c file 9 4h- is it i!portant?

    D- ile is 6uite important as w'enever Eava or an2 ot'er program like

    orms want to connect to "atabase it uses "bc ile. #2pical entr2 in "bc ile



  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions




    33. $here are lot of #7c file un#er FND'SE),*E( =o4 is it

    #eter!ine# that 4hich #7c file to use fro! FND'SE),*E?#'is value is "etermine" rom proile option Kpplications Database DK

    3%.What is **A"FNDFS?

    ,eport ,eview gent (,,) also reerre" b2 executable FNDFS is "eault

    text viewer in +racle pplications 33i or viewing output iles & log iles.

    3+.What is P)P is Oracle Applications 11i?

    !-! is acron2m or !arallel -oncurrent !rocessing. 1suall2 2ou 'ave one

    -oncurrent Manager executing 2our re6uests but 2ou can conigure-oncurrent Manager running on two mac'ines. So or some o 2our

    re6uests primar2 -M No"e is on mac'ine3 an" secon"ar2 -M no"e on

    mac'ineJ an" or some re6uests primar2 -M is on mac'ineJ & secon"ar2

    -M on mac'ine3.

    30.Wh- 5 nee# t4o )oncurrent Processin No#es or in 4hat

    scenarios P)P is use#?

    2ou are running G mont' en" reports or taxation reports annuall2 t'ese

    reports mig't take couple o "a2s. Some o t'ese re6uests are ver2 resource

    intensive so 2ou can 'ave one no"e running long running resource

    intensive re6uests w'ile ot'er processing 2our "a2 to "a2 s'ort running

    re6uests. not'er scenario is w'en 2our re6uests are ver2 critical an" 2ou

    want 'ig' resilience or 2our -oncurrent !rocessing No"e4 2ou can

    conigure !-!. So i no"e3 goes "own 2ou still 'ave -M no"e available

    processing 2our re6uests.

    3. =o4 to confir! if *eport Serer is ,p 9 *unnin?

    ,eport Server is starte" b2 executable rwmts9: on concurrent manager

    No"e & t'is ile is un"er 7+,-$*/+M$8bin $xecute comman" on 2our

    server like

    ps %e L grep rwmts9:

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    3.What is #ifference 7et4een 5)M( Stan#ar# Manaers an# )*M

    in )oncurrent Manaer?

    -M stan" or nternal -oncurrent Manager4 w'ic' controls ot'er

    managers. it in"s ot'er managers "own4 it c'ecks & tries to restart t'em.

    You can sa2 it is an a"ministrator to ot'er concurrent managers. Stan"ar"

    Manager #'ese are normal managers w'ic' perorms actions on t'e

    re6uests an" "oes batc' or single re6uest processing. -,M is acron2m or

    -onlict ,esolution Manager an" is use" to resolve conlicts between

    managers & re6uests. a re6uest is submitte" w'ose execution is clas'ing

    or it is "eine" not to run w'ile a particular t2pe o re6uest is running t'en

    suc' re6uests are assigne" to -,M or incompatibilities & conlict

    resolution.36.What is use of Apps listener?

    pps istener usuall2 run on ll +racle pplications 33i No"es wit' listener

    alias as !!S*7SD is mainl2 use" or listening re6uests or services like


    %:. =o4 to start Apps listener?

    n +racle 33i4 2ou 'ave script a"alnctl.s' w'ic' will start 2our apps listener.

    You can also start it b2 comman" lsnrctl start !!S*7SD (,eplace si" b22our nstance SD Name)

    %1. =o4 to confir! if Apps &istener is ,p 9 *unnin?

    lsnrctl start !!S*7SD (replace SD wit' 2our nstance Name) so i 2our

    SD is ?S+N t'en use lsnrctl status !!S*?S+N

    %2.What is We7 &istener?

    0eb istener is 0eb Server listener w'ic' is listening or web Services

    (/##!) re6uest. #'is listener is starte" b2 a"apcctl.s' & "eine" b2"irective (isten4 !ort) in 'ttp".con or 0eb Server.

    %3. =o4 4ill -ou fin# total nu!7er of inali# o7ects in #ata7ase?

    S!1SB select count(O) rom "ba*ob

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    You can use a"a"min utilit2 to compile or 2ou can use utlrp.s6l script

    s'ippe" wit' +racle Database to compile nvali" Database +b

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    +2. =o4 !an- O*A)&E =OME are in Oracle Apps an# 4hat is the

    sinificance of each?

    #'ere are t'ree 7+,-$*/+M$ in +racle pps4 #wo or pplication

    #ier (Mi""le #ier) an" +ne in Database #ier.

    +,-$*/+M$ 3 +n pplication #ier use" to store R.:.9 tec'stack

    sotware. #'is is use" b2 orms4 reports & "iscoverer.

    +,-$*/+M$ J +n pplication #ier use" b2 iS (0eb Server)

    tec'stack sotware. #'is is use" b2 0eb istener & contains pac'e.

    +,-$*/+M$ +n Database #ier use" b2 Database Sotware usuall2

    Ri4 Ii or 3:g "atabase.

    +3.Where is =$M& )ache store# in Oracle Apps Serer?

    +racle /#M -ac'e is available at 7-+MM+N*#+!8*pages or someprevious versions 2ou mig't in" it in 7+*/#M8*pages

    +%.What happens if -ou #on/t ie cache siGe 4hile #efinin

    )oncurrent Manaer?

    ets irst un"erstan" w'at is cac'e si=e in -oncurrent Manager. 0'en

    Manager picks re6uest rom FND -+N-1,,$N# ,$1$S#S ueues4 it

    will pick up number o re6uests "eine" b2 cac'e si=e in one s'ot & will

    work on t'em beore going to sleep. So in m2 views i 2ou "on;t "einecac'e si=e w'ile "eining -M t'en it will take "eault value 34 i.e. picking up

    one re6uest per c2cle.

    HH.What are fe4 profile options 4hich -ou up#ate after clonin?

    ,api" clone up"ates proile options speciic to site level. 2ou 'ave an2

    proile option set at ot'er levels like server4 responsibilit24 user....level t'en

    reset t'em.

    +0. =o4 to retriee SHSADM5N pass4or#? orgot passwor" link is enable" an" s2sa"min account is conigure" wit'

    mail i" user orget passwor" link else 2ou can reset s2sa"min passwor" via


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    +. 5f -ou hae #one t4o no#es installation( first !achineI

    Data7ase an# concurrent processin serer. 2n# !achineI for!(

    4e7. Which !achine has a#!in serer"no#e?

    "min Server will be on First mac'ine wit' concurrent processing server.

    +.What is $WO'$ASJ in Oracle Data7ase?

    #0+*#SP mocks 2our #NS alias w'ic' 2ou are going to use to connect to

    "atabase. ets assume 2ou 'ave "atabase client wit' #NS alias "eine" as

    !,+D to connect to Database !,+D on mac'ine teac'

    listening on port 3HJ3. #'en usual wa2 to connect is s6lplus

    username8passw"T!,+D now i 2ou "on;t want to use T!,+D t'en 2ou

    set #0+*#SP>!,+D an" t'en can simpl2 use s6lplus username8passw"

    t'en s6l will c'eck t'at it 'as to connect to #NS alias "eine b2 value !,+Di.e. #0+*#SP

    +6.What is

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    03. 5n a Multi No#e 5nstallation( =o4 4ill -ou fin# 4hich no#e is

    runnin 4hat Serices?

    You can 6uer2 or table FND*N+D$S an" c'eck or column4

    S1!!+,#*-! (or -oncurrent Manager) S1!!+,#*F+,MS (or orms

    server)4 S1!!!+,#*0$ (0eb Server)4 S1!!+,#*DMN ("min

    Server)4 an" S1!!+,#*D or "atabase tier. You can also c'eck same

    rom -+N#$5# File (xml ile un"er !!*#+!8a"min)

    0%. 5f -our s-ste! has !ore than one initiator( ho4 4ill the

    s-ste! ;no4( 4hich one to pic;?

    0'en client makes a orms connection in +racle pplications4 orms client

    session uses coniguration ile "eine" b2 environment variable


    0+.While appl-in Apps patch usin a#patch( if -ou 4ant to hi#e

    the apps pass4or#( ho4 4ill that 7e possi7le?

    1se a"patc' lags>'i"epw w'ile appl2ing patc'es in apps to 'i"e apps or

    s2stem passwor" being "ispla2e" on screen.

    00.What is the i!portance of 5MAP Serer in aa Notification


    M! stan"s or nternet Message ccess !rotocol an" Eava Notiicationmailer re6uire M! server or nboun" !rocessing o Notiication Mails.

    0.What is #ifference 7et4een Soc;et 9 Serlet Mo#e in Apps


    0'en orms run in S+-P$# Mo"e t'ese are "e"icate" connection between

    -lient Mac'ine & Form Server. 0'en Forms run in servlet mo"e t'ere will

    be a""itional E?M or Forms ,e6uest in t'at case an" 2ou won;t start orm

    via a"rmctl.s'.

    0.What is !a;e prora! in ,nix?

    make is utilit2 in 1nix8inux to maintain 4 up"ate & generate a ile mainl2


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    06. 5f 7- !ista;e so!eone #elete# FND&5>* can this executa7le 7e

    restore# if Hes( =o4 9 if no( 4hat 4ill -ou #o?

    Yes4 2ou can restore FND, executables

    ,un a"a"min on concurrent manager no"e

    Select Maintain pplications Files menu

    #'en select ,elink pplications programs

    0'en prompts or @$nter list o pro"ucts to link (;all; or all pro"ucts) UallVC

    select FND

    0'en prompt or @Generate speciic executables or eac' selecte" pro"uct

    UNoVWC select Y$S

    From list o executables select FND, t'is will create new FND,

    executables:.What is .pls files 4hich -ou see 4ith apps?

    .!S ile stan"s or pls6l iles. n apps patc' t'ese iles contain co"e to

    create package spec or package bo"2 or bot'.

    1.What are .l#t 9 .lct files 4hich -ou see in apps patch or 4ith


    .l"t & .lct stan"s or oa"er "ata ile & oa"er coniguration iles4 use"

    re6uentl2 in migrating customi=ation4 proile options4 coniguration "ataetc. across nstances.

    2.What are .o#f file in apps patch?

    o" stan"s or +b

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    pll%Bpl" 9:gen mo"ule>MS-+S-0.pll mo"ule*t2pe>librar2

    useri">apps8Apassw"B mo"ule*access>ile output*ile>"


    pl" %B pll 9:gen mo"ule>" useri">apps8Apassw"B

    mo"ule*t2pe>librar2 mo"ule*access>ile output*ile>MS-+S-03.pll

    parse>2 batc'>2es compile*all>special

    +. Does APPS'M*) Sche!a exist for M*) in 11.+.1: an# hiher?

    No4 apps*mrc sc'ema is "roppe" wit' 33.H.3: 1pgra"e & 33.H.3: new

    nstall. #'is is replace" b2 more ntegrate" rc'itecture.

    0. 5f APPS'M*) sche!a is not use# in 11.+.1: an# hiher then

    ho4 M*) is 4or;in?

    For pro"ucts like !a2able4 ,eceivables w'ic' uses M,- an" i M,- is

    enable" t'en eac' transaction table in base sc'ema relate" to currenc2 now

    'as an associate" M,- sub tables.

    .When -ou appl- ) #rier patch #oes it reuire #ata7ase to 7e ,p

    9 Wh-?

    Yes4 "atabase & "b listener s'oul" be 1! w'en 2ou appl2 an2 "river patc'

    in apps. $ven i "river is not up"ating an2 "atabase ob

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    pps !atc' worker can ail in case it "oesn;t in" expecte" "ata4 obY$S also c'anges t'e cac'e" version in

    t'e source .FM4 .!4 or .MM ile.

    3.What is ps Lef or ps co!!an# in ,nix? for 4or; ex C 1 -r

    ps in unix8linux is a utilit2 to in" status o process. 1se" mainl2 to in" i

    service8process is running or not.

    %. Fin# application serer ersion?


    +. =o4 4ill -ou fin# the Apache( for!s( reports ersion in an E>S


    'ttp Xv X pac'e

    9:gen X Forms

    ar9:run X ,eports

    0. Fin# initiator ersion?

    -lient si"e X -ontrol panel

    Server si"e X SD*'ostname.xml (s*

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    FND X pplication +b

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    nternet rowser4 Enitiator

    6.What is the location of 5nitiator in the Des;top $ier?

    cZprogram ilesZoracleZEinitiator

    66.What is the location of client cache?

    cZ"ocuments an" settingsZuserZoracle

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    ll !ro"uct*top8;!-PG$ +DY; an" rownumA3:B8r"bms8a"min)

    11. =o4 #o -ou loa# aa class to #ata7ase?


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    #'ese iles contain t'e previous session ino about a"a"min. ocation is


    12:. =o4 #o -ou ali#ate apps sche!a?

    #o vali"ate s2non2ms4 missing s2non2ms an" all grants use a"a"min. tervali"ating it will pro"uce a report in t'e location


    121. =o4 #o -ou ena7le !aintenance !o#e?

    1sing a"a"min or running a script calle" Ka"setmm".s6l

    $N$8DS$K (D*#+!8patc'833H8s6l)

    122. =o4 to see the ersion of a script or for! or report or etc?

    a"i"ent /ea"er G5S#$.mx

    123. What is the location of a#a#!in lo?


    12%. What are the oracle ho!es in Apps?

    R.:.9 +,-$*/+M$(Dev 9i pro"ucts) an" S*+,-$*/+M$


    12+. =o4 #o -ou confiure -our 5P a##ress at client si#e an#

    serer si#e?

    cZwin"owsZs2stemJZ"riversZetcZ'osts an" ZetcZ'ost

    120. What is the location of Data7ase serer relate# scripts?


    12. What is the utilit- to clean the concurrent !anaer?

    Tcmclean.s6l (You 'ave to "ownloa" it rom metalink)

    12. =o4 #o -ou stae the 11.+.1: Apps soft4are?1sing a"

    126. What is the location of the source files of for!s?


    13:. What is the executa7le to enerate for!s?

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions



    131. What are the profile options( 4hat are arious t-pes of

    profile options?

    You set proile options at t'e ollowing levelsSite level

    pplication level

    ,esponsibilit2 level

    1ser level

    132. What is APPS listener? Wh- is it use#?

    pps istener usuall2 run on all +racle pplications 33i No"es wit' listener

    alias as !!S*7SD an" is mainl2 use" or listening re6uests or services

    like FNDFS & FNDSM.

    133. =o4 #o -ou start"stop apps listener?

    lsnrctl start !!S*7SD

    13%. 5f users are co!plainin Oracle Applications 11i s-ste! is

    runnin slo4( follo4in are the thins to chec;?

    First as an +verview o +racle pplications 33i c'eck ollowing t'ings

    roa" evel Steps to -'eck3. s Gat'er stats sc'e"ule"W (t least weekl2)

    J. s !urge +bsolete 0orklow re6uest & concurrent re6uest purging


    . s t'ere an2 runawa2 process on "atabase tier or application tierW

    (,unawa2 process is process taking unexceptionall2 long time wit' 'ig'

    -!1 or Memor2 usages)

    Q. n2 Discoverer process taking long time or /ig' -!1W (1suall2 on

    Mi""le tier)

    H. n2 -ustom report taking long timeW

    n or"er to un"erstan" problem better

    3. s w'ole application slow or onl2 component o application is slow (like

    onl2 -oncurrent manager running slow)W

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    J. t'is is wit' particular component like reports server slow t'en is a

    particular report or all reports are slowW

    . s perormance issue "uring all time or at speciic time lets sa2 rom

    33M to Q!MW

    Q. 0as perormance issue poppe" up recentl2 or perormance "egra"ation

    is or long timeW

    H. 0'at 'as c'ange" recentl2W

    Depen"ing on answers 2ou can start looking into application. issue is

    speciic to w'ole applications t'en c'eck

    3. "atabase initiali=ation parameter is set correctl2W

    J. application si=ing is proper4 server coniguration is enoug' to

    accommo"ate all usersW

    13+. What is Autoconfi?

    utoconig is met'o" o coniguring +racle pplications. ll t'e

    inormation re6uire" to conigure +racle pps 33i is store" in ile calle"

    -ontext ile. So t'ere are two context iles4 one or Database #ier an"

    Secon" or pplication #ier. -ontext ile is repositor2 or coniguration

    inormation store" in xml ormat. ts xml ile an" ile name ormat is

    ASDB*A/+S#NM$B.xml so i 2our mac'ine name is M-/N$3 an"SD is ?S+N t'en context ile name will be ?S+N*M-/N$3.xml

    130. What is context file?

    +racle stores all t'e environment speciic values in an xml ile store" in

    7!!*#+!8a"min "irector24 w'ic' t'e2 call an application context ile.

    #'is ile is create" b2 running a"bl"xml.s'8a"bl" (ocate" in

    7D*#+!8bin). "bl"xml.s' in turn runs


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    rom t'e inormation4 in existing coniguration iles an" t'e "atabase.

    a"bl"xml.s'8a"bl" (in newer versions o autoconig) creates a

    "etaile" log ile4 "etailing t'e source or eac' context variable.

    13. =o4 to create ,ser in Oracle Applications 11i? )an -ou#elete a ,ser?

    -'oose 1sers rom t'e Manage menu to create a new user. #'is opens t'e

    Manage 1sers "ialog box4 w'ere 2ou c'oose New to enter inormation or a

    new user.

    You provi"e t'e ollowing user inormation

    1ser %% $nter a name t'at i"entiies t'e user.

    1ser #2pe %% Select t'e t2pe o t'e user.

    1sernames %% -'oose $"it to access t'e $"it 1ser "ialog box w'ere 2ou canassociate one or more user names wit' t'e user an" speci2 w'et'er t'e

    user is aut'ori=e" to create s'areable "ocuments.

    +t'er %% !rovi"e inormation t'at is speciic to t'e client t2pe. For example4

    or a t'in%client workstation4 2ou enter t'e S/$S "irector2 o t'e

    component w'ere 2ou are creating t'e user an" t'e $xpress Server instance

    to w'ic' t'e user;s personal "atabase will be connecte".

    ""ing a new user creates a user task an" sen"s it to t'e #ask !rocessor.

    2ou are not running t'e #ask !rocessor in t'e backgroun"4 2ou must run it

    in t'e oregroun" to process t'e user task.

    13. What is Sinle Sin On? 5f -ou are usin portal 3.:.6 or


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    1%:. What happens if the 5)M oes #o4n?

    Since -M is "own so it can;t reac' ot'er managers & can;t s'ut"own t'em

    but 2es i because o some reason Stan"ar" Manager "ies & -M is alrea"2

    "ea" Stan"ar" managers will not start. #'e -M "oes t'e work o

    "istributing t'e concurrent re6uest to stan"ar" managers. -M goes

    "own t'e concurrent re6uests in stan"ar" managers will be running ine.

    ut no new re6uest will be assigne" to t'e stan"ar" managers. So wait until

    all 2our concurrent re6uests gets complete" an" t'en bounce t'e

    concurrent managers to start 2our -M.

    1%1. Proi#e a hihLleel oerie4 of the clonin process an#

    postLclone !anual steps?

    *api# )lonin Steps for Win#o4s *12Source System:3.,un a" in Database No"e

    J.!erl 7+,-$*/+M$ZappsutilZscriptsZ

    7-+N#$5*NM$Za" "b#ier

    .,un a" in pps No"e

    Q.!erl 7DMN*S-,!#S*/+M$Za" apps#ier

    H.S'ut "own t'e pplications an" "atabase

    9.-'ange all services t2pe into manual (option)

    .,estart t'e s2stem (option)

    R.-'eck i an2 FND, programs are running or not

    I.#ake a col" backup o "atabase an" applicationsTarget

    System:!repare 2our target s2stem as per t'e source s2stem


    3.nstall 0in"ows Server J:: service pack J $nterprise $"ition

    J.nstall ?isual Stu"io J::H

    .nstall ctive perl

    Q.nstall -2gwin -'ange make version rom .R3 into .R:

    H.-op2 t'e Source s2stem backup into target s2stem

    9.Set perl locations b2 using existing env ile(t varies between D no"e an"

    pps No"e4 0e will set t'is two times)

    .Goto t'e 7+,-$*/+M$ZappsutilZcloneZbin ol"er an" t'e post clone

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions



    R.,un !ostclone scripts in "b #ier

    I.!erl 7+,-$*/+M$ZappsutilZcloneZinZa" "b#ier

    3:.,un !ostclone in pps #ier

    33.!erl 7-+MM+N*#+!ZcloneZbinZa" apps#ierFinishing

    Tasks:3.1p"ate t'e proile options

    ,api" clone will up"ate t'e site level proile options onl24 we nee" to

    up"ate instance level proile options manuall2

    J.1p"ate t'e printer settings

    .1p"ate t'e worklow coniguration settings

    -loning an +racle pplications instance will not up"ate t'e 'ost an"

    instance speciic inormation use" b2 +racle 0orklow. ,eview t'eollowing tables an" columns to veri2 t'ere is no instance speciic "ata in

    t'e 0orklow coniguration on t'e target s2stem.

    Important Notes:a)0'ile running !ostclone in apps#ier it prompts

    'ostname4 we s'oul" give like 'ostname."omainname or example

    b)0'ile running post clone in apps#ier it prompts visual stu"io "irector2

    "ont inclu"e bin ol"er. For example give like cZvcZ?-4 "ont give like

    cZvcZ?-Zbin1%2. Proi#e an intro#uction to Auto)onfi. =o4 #oes

    Auto)onfi ;no4 4hich alue fro! the 8M& file nee#s to 7e put

    in 4hich file?

    uto-onig uses a context ile to maintain ke2 coniguration iles. context

    ile is an 5M ile in t'e 7!!*#+!8a"min "irector2 an" is t'e

    centrali=e" repositor2. 0'en 2ou run uto-onig it rea"s t'e 5M iles an"

    creates all t'e uto-onig manage" coniguration iles. For eac'

    coniguration ile maintaine" b2 uto-onig4 t'ere exists a template ilew'ic' "etermines w'ic' values to pick rom t'e 5M ile.

    1%3. )an -ou tell !e a fe4 tests -ou 4ill #o to trou7leshoot selfL

    serice loin pro7le!s? Which profile options an# files 4ill -ou


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    -'eck guest user8passwor" in t'e D- ile4 proile option guest

    user8passwor"4 t'e D.

    -'eck w'et'er apac'e

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    as !!*#+!4 -+MM+N*#+!4 etc t'is is

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    uto-onig uses a ile calle" context ile4 w'ic' is use" to conigure

    c'anges. -ontext ile is an 5M ile 'aving all t'e parameters o application

    s2stem. #'ese parameters are part o some coniguration ile or some

    services or it ma2 be part o some environment ile. 0'en we create an

    application s2stem (using ,api" install)4 context ile gets create"

    automaticall2 wit' all t'e parameters an" t'ere values. Most o t'e

    parameters take "eault value4 w'ere as some parameters takes t'e value

    t'at is supplie" at t'e time o installation.

    1+:. =o4 to ena7le #ianostics for oracle applications?

    FND $nable Diagnostics.

    1+1. What is .li file?

    lgi iles are create" wit' patc'ing along wit' .log iles . .lgi iles are

    inormative log iles containing inormation relate" to patc'. You can c'eck

    .lgi iles to see w'at activities patc' 'as "one.

    1+2. =o4 4ill -ou s;ip 4or;er #urin patch?

    in 2our a"ctrl t'ere are six options s'own t'en sevent' is 'i""en option.

    ( t'ere are seven options visible t'en Rt' option is to Skip worker

    "epen"ing on a" version).

    1+3. Which t4o ta7les are create# at start of Apps Patch an#

    #rops at en# of Patch?

    FND*NS#$D*!,+-$SS an" D*D$FF$,$D*E+S are t'e tables

    t'at get up"ate" w'ile appl2ing a patc' mainl2 " or uniie" "river.

    1+%. =o4 to co!pile an Oracle *eports file?

    1tilit2 a"repgen is use" to compile ,eports. S2ntax is given below a"repgen

    useri">appsZApssw"B source > 7!,+D1-#*#+!ZsrwZilename.r"

    "est>7!,+D1-#*#+!ZsrwZilename.r" st2pe>r"ile "t2pe>r"ile

    logile>x.log overwrite>2es batc'>2es "unit>c'aracter

    1++. What is #ifference 7et4een AD'>,

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    D*1GS 'ol"s inormation about t'e various +racle pplications bugs

    w'ose ixes 'ave been applie" (i.e. patc'e") in t'e +racle pplications


    D*!!$D*!#-/$S 'ol"s inormation about t'e K"istinctK +racle

    pplications patc'es t'at 'ave been applie". J patc'es 'appen to 'ave

    t'e same name but are "ierent in content (e.g. Kmerge"K patc'es)4 t'en

    t'e2 are consi"ere" "istinct an" t'is table will t'ereore 'ol" J recor"s.

    1+0. =o4 -ou 4ill trou7leshoot if concurrent reuest is ta;in

    lon ti!e?

    First 2ou will tr2 to c'eck 'ow ar t'e 6uer2 'as gone (i in

    v7session*longops or example4 or rea"ing some session statistics) an" i

    t'ere is contention wit' anot'er session (suc' as a lock or example)because it talks about a ;concurrent re6uest;.

    Met'o" 3 #race t'e session using "bms*s2stem.set*s6l*trace*in*session

    (or) i u r using 3:g4 using "bms*monitor an" look at t'e trace ile to

    i"enti2 w'ere t'e issue is. You can get t'e explain plan an" tune t'e 6uer2.

    Met'o" J

    3. s t'is a new 6uer2 (or) an existing 6uer2

    J. ook or t'e wait event associate" to t'is 6uer2.

    . 0'at is t'e elapse" time or t'is 6uer2W

    Q. re t'ere are an2 "b "ea"locksW

    H. re t'ere an2 long operationsW

    9. re t'ere an2 long transactionsW

    . ase" on t'e s6l 'as' value4 look at t'e s6l*text rom v7s6l

    R. ,un an explain plan (or) use ora"ebug an" trace t'e 6uer2 i w'at bin"

    variables are using an" 'ow t'e

    "ata "istribution is.

    I. ase" on t'e above inormation4 look or w'en statistics was collecte"

    3:. it is an ol" 6uer24 c'eck i t'e plan 'as c'ange" an" i so4 w'2W

    +nce u un"erstan" w'ere t'e problem is4 t'en solutions can be "eine"

    ranging rom creating s6l proiles 8 store" outlines (or) a""ing 'ints to t'e

    6uer2 an" t'oroug'l2 test 2our c'anges.

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    lwa2s remember to make one c'ange an" test or perormance c'ange.

    2ou make a series o c'anges4 it will be ver2 "iicult to isolate w'ic' 'as

    cause" t'e perormance improvement.

    1+. Wh- 5 nee# share# APP&'$OP? 2ou 'ave two8t'ree Mi""le #ier or arge 1ser base t'en 2ou 'ave to

    install !!*#+!4 -+MM+N*#+! & +,*#+! e6ual to number o

    No"es in 2our coniguration. So i 2ou 'ave t'ree mi""le tiers4 t'en 2ou

    nee" t'ese t'ree top t'ree times & i t'ere are N no"es 2ou nee" N time

    t'ese t'ree tops. #'is result in lots o Space ,e6uirement & bigger problem

    is patc'ing so i 2ou 'ave H no"es 2ou nee" to appl2 apps patc' H times.

    So +racle came up wit' solution to 'ave single !!*#+! w'ic' is s'are"

    across all no"es in apps. #'is will save space as well as patc' timing. #'isconcept o s'aring !!*#+! ile s2stem across all Mi""le #ier No"es is

    calle" !!*#+!.

    You will sa2 i can s'are !!*#+! w'2 can;t s'are -+MM+N*#+! &

    +,*#+! as well w'ic' are also part o pplication #ier4 Yes 2ou can &

    t'is concept is calle" as S'are" pplication #ier.

    1+. What is Share# Application $ier?

    S'aring pplication #ier (inclu"ing !!*#+!4 -+MN*#+!4 +,*#+!)across all Mi""le #ier No"es in coniguration is calle" as S'are"

    pplication #ier. So can sa2 s'are" !!*#+! is subset o s'are"

    pplication #ier4 initiall2 s'are" !!*#+! came out & base" on its

    a"vantages & popularit2 later -+MM+N*#+! & +,*#+! iles were also

    inclu"e" & entire concept is calle" as S'are" pplication #ier.

    1+6. &i!itation 4ith Share# APP&'$OP an# Application $ier?

    2ou are running pps on 0in"ows 2ou;ll be sa" to 'ear t'at its not

    certiie" wit' 0in"ows +peration S2stem. More over 2ou can s'are across

    same operation s2stem like inux to inux & Solaris to Solaris.

    10:. What are the reuest inco!pati7ilities? =o4 conflict

    resolution concurrent !anaer sole the!?

    -'ecks i a re6uest in 6ueue can be run in parallel wit' t'e running re6uest.

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    101. Where an# ho4 -ou up#ate 4or;flo4 notification !ailer

    confiuration settin?

    #'is "epen"s on w'ic' worklow mailer 2ou are running - Mailer or Eava


    102. 5f -ou 4ant to chane )oncurrent Manaer lo an# out file

    location( is it possi7le( 5f Hes( =o4? 5f No( 4h- not?

    2 "eault stan"ar" location is 7!!-SF87!!+G4 in some cases it can

    go to 7FND*#+!8log as well.

    103. =o4 freuent -ou run

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    n or"er to c'eck list o iles c'anges "uring autoconig 4 2ou can run

    a"c'kcg utilit2 w'ic' will generate /#M report. #'is report will list all

    iles an" proile options going to c'ange w'en 2ou run uto-onig.

    10+. What is #ifference 7et4een .x!l file an# Auto)onfi?utoconig is 1tilit2 to conigure 2our +racle pplication environment. xml

    ile is repositor2 o all coniguration rom w'ic' uto-onig picks

    coniguration an" populates relate" iles.

    100. What are fe4 profile options 4hich -ou up#ate after


    ,api" clone up"ates proile options speciic to site level. 2ou 'ave an2

    proile option set at ot'er levels like server4 responsibilit24 user level t'en

    reset t'em.

    10. =o4 -ou 4ill aoi# -our uer- fro! usin in#exes?

    2 c'anging t'e or"er o t'e columns t'at are use" in t'e in"ex4 in t'e

    0'ere con"ition4 or b2 concatenating t'e columns wit' some constant


    10. What is an O,$E* O5N?

    n +1#$, E+N returns all rows t'at satis2 t'e

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    Ans:No because it will create tables while running first session when you start the 2nd session it will

    fail due to the first

    '% ,o& to $etermine Oracle Apps ''i -ersion *

    Ans : select REEA!E"NA#E fro$ fnd"product"groups%

    You should see output like


    +% ,o& to fin$ ata"ase version *

    Ans : !- select . fro$ v/version%

    0he co$$and returns the release infor$ation, such as the following:1raclei Enterprise Edition

    Release )2)+)3)+ ' 4roduction45! Release )2)+)3)+ ' 4roduction61RE )2)+)3)+ 4roduction0N!

    for 728bit Windows: 9ersion )2)+)3)+ ' 4roductionN!R0 9ersion )2)+)3)+ ' 4roduction

    .% ,o& to fin$ opatch -ersion *

    Ans : opatch is utility to apply database patch , n order to find opatch version


  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    Ans : A $aintanance pack will upgrade applications fro$ one version to another like (()*) to (()*)

    '+% 6hat is a ;ollup patch*

    Ans : A rollup patch is one which will deliver bug fi;es identified after the release of any $a@or

    application versions like (()*)5(()*)

    '.% 6hat is consili$ate$ patch*

    Ans: 6onsolidated patches will co$e into pictures after upgrades fro$ one version of applications to

    anoter, all post upgrade patches will a consolidated and given as consolidated patch)

    '/% ,o& u &ill fin$ &hether a patch is applie$2not*

    Ans : uery ad"bugs)

    '1% 6hat is the other ta"le &here u can query &hat are the patches applie$*

    Ans : Ad"applied"patches

    '3% 6hat is the $ifference "et&een a$

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    JNC"N!0A"4R16E!!E! and AC"CEJERREC"K1D! tables fro$ the bcakup tables) !tart adpatch

    session and take the options want to continue previous session)

    +/% 6hat is a$ctrl*

    Ans: Adctrl is one of the adutilities, which is used to check the status of workers and to $anage the


    +1% >an u name some of the menu options in a$ctrl*

    Ans: 6heck the status of workers, tell $anager that worker has Iuited, restart a failed worker etcL)

    +3% ,o& to skip a &orker an$ &hy*

    Ans: We can skip a worker using option in adctrl which is hidden) We will go for skipping a worker

    when we have e;ecuted the @ob which the worker is supposed to do)

    +5% ,o& a$patch kno&s &hat are the pre4reqs for the patch &hich it is applying*

    Ans: With every patch a file called b)ldt file will be delivered which contain the pre8reI infor$ation)

    adpatch load this into databse using JNC1AC and check , whether those pre8reI patches were

    applied or not)

    +8% 6hat is FN=OA *

    Ans: JNC1AC is a utility which is si$ilar to sIlloder but loads code ob@ects into database, where as

    !1ACER loads data ob@ects into database)

    +7% 6hat c4$river &ill $o*

    Ans: 68drive copies the files fro$ patch unHipped directory to reIuired location in u r application file

    syste$) Defore copying it will check the file version of the e;isting file at the file syste$ with the file

    version of the file in the patch) f the patch file version is higher than what it is at file syste$ level

    then only c8driver will copy that files)

    .9% ,o& a$patch &ill kno& the file versions of the patch $elivere$ files*Ans:With each patch a file with na$e f)ldt is delivered , which contain the file versions of the files

    dilivered with the patch) Adpatch will use this file to co$pare the file versions of files its delivering

    with the file on file syste$)

    .'% 6hat is the a$patch log file location*

    Ans : A44"0145ad$in5!C5log

    .+% 6hat is the &orker log file name an$ its location*

    Ans : adwork+(,adwork+2LL and location is A44"0145ad$in5!C5log

    ..% ,o& u &ill kno& &hat are the files the patch is going to change 0ust my unBipping the

    patch*Ans:When u unHip a patch it will keep all the files related to a particular product under that directory

    inside u r patch directory for e;a$ple if the patch delivering files related to JNC product then it will

    create a sub directory under the patch directory with the na$e JNC in which it will put all related files

    to that product

    ./% 6hat is the significance of "ackup $irectory un$er u r patch $irectory*

    Ans:When we apply a patch it will keep the copy of the files which its going to change in file syste$)

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    .1% 6hat are the $ifferent mo$es you can run your a$patch*

    Ans :()nteractive ' default $ode

    2)Non interactive ' Mse defaults files to store pro$pt values

    >adpatch defaultsfile interactiveno?

    7) 0est ' Without actually applying a patch @ust to check what doing)>adpatch applyno?

    .3% ,o& u &ill monitor u r applications as &ell as $ata"ase*

    Ans: We have our custo$ scripts which is sheduled to run at a specific ti$e which will $onitor

    whether applications and databases are up5not) And it will $ail us if so$e processes is not running)

    And we have one script which will check database alert log for 1RA errors and $ails it to us ) Dased on

    this we will react)

    .5% 6hat are the latest O;A errors u have encountere$*

    Ans: Mseually we will get the 1RA errors like unable to e;tend the tablespace by so and so siHe) And

    we will check those tablespaces for space, if space is not there we will resiHe the datafile and add one

    $ore datafile)

    .8% 6hich ta"le u &ill query to check the ta"lespace space issues*

    Ans : bytes colu$n in dba"free"spaces and dba"data"files

    .7% 6hich ta"le u &ill query to check the temp ta"lespace space issues*

    Ans : dba"te$p"files

    /9% 6hat is temp ta"lespace* An$ &hat is the siBe of temp ta"lespace in u r instances*

    Ans : 0e$p tablespace is used by so $any application progra$s for sorting and other stuff) ts siHe is

    between 7 to (+ D)

    /'% 6hat is autoconfig*

    Ans : Autoconfig is an adutility which is used to $aintain application environ$ent and configuration


    /+% 6hat are the parameter autoconfig &ill ask for*

    Ans : 6onte;t file na$e and apps password

    /.% 6hat is conte#t file*

    Ans : 6onte;t file is a central repositary, which stores all application configuration infor$ation) 0he

    na$e is like " );$l

    //% ,o& you &ill fin$ autoconfig is ena"le$2not for u r applications*Ans: () 1pen any env 5 configuration files, the first few lines will tell u that this files are $aintained by

    autoconfig)2) f conte;tna$e);$l file is there in A44"0145ad$in

    /1% ,o& autoconfig &ill create env an$ configuration files*

    Ans: Autoconfig will go to each and every top te$plate directory take the te$plates fro$ there and fill

    the values fro$ ;$l file and create the reIuired files)

    /3% In ho& many phases autoconfig &ill run*

    Ans : Autoconfig will run in 7 phases)

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    ()N0 ' nstantiate the drivers and te$plates

    2)!E0M4 ' Jill the te$plated with values fro$ ;$l and create files

    7)4R1JE ' Mpdate the profile values in database)

    /5% 6hat is the location of a$config log file*

    Ans : A44"0145ad$in55log5

    /8% Is it possia"le to restore a autoconfig run*

    Ans : Adconfig will create a restore)sh script at /A44"0145ad$in55out5) 0his restore)sh will copy the

    backed up files before autoconfig run to its original locations) Dut the profile values updated in the

    database canBt be restored back)

    /7% ,o& to run autoconfig in test mo$e*

    Ans : adchkcfg)sh script at AC"0145bin) 0his script will run autoconfig in test $ode and create the

    difference file which tells us what is going to change , when u actually run autoconfig)

    19% ,o& to fin$ autoconfig is ena"le$ or not for $ata"ase*

    Ans: f we have appsutil directory under RCD#!"1RA6E"=1#E

    1'% 6hen a patch $elivers 0ava files &hat e#tra file u &ill get &hen u unBip the patch) other

    then u r $irver an$ rea$me files*

    Ans : @)Hip*2)

    1+%6hat is apps%Bip2apps"rog+%Bip file*

    Ans : apps)Hip5appsbrog2)Hip is the patchable archive of all @ava class files reIuired for

    oracle application)Apps)Hip was used to old application version, but fro$ (()*) onwards its


    1.% 6hat is the location of apps%Bip2apps"rog+%Bip*

    Ans : AM"0145@ava and KA9A"014

    1/% 6hat is for Cvali$ating apps schemaD option in a$a$min*

    Ans: t will check for the corrupted ob@ects in apps sche$a

    11% 6hat is Ccompile apps schemaD option in a$a$min*

    Ans : t will co$pile the invalid database ob@ects)

    13% ,o& to fin$ invali$ o"0ects in $ata"ase*

    Ans : select count>.? fro$ dba"ob@ects where statusBN9ACB%

    15% ,o& to fin$ ;> is ena"le$ or not*

    Ans: n adad$in if covert to #R6 options is there , then #R6 is not enabled,f $aintain #R6 options is

    there , then #R6 is enabled)

    18% ,o& to fin$ ulti4Org is ena"le$ or not*

    Ans : n adad$in if covert to #ulti org option is there, then #ulti8org is not enabled) f $aintain $ulti8

    org options is there, then #ulti8org is enabled)

    17% 6hat is mean "y ;>*

    Ans: #R6 stands for #ultiple reporting 6urrency, this should be enabled to see the reports in different

    currencies like >rupees,yaans etc?)

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    39% 6hat is ulti4Org*

    Ans: f this is enabled we can store $ultiple organiHation infor$ation in a single oracle application


    3'% 6hat is the configuration file for a$utilities Elike a$a$min)a$config etc(*

    Ans: adconfig)t;t OA44"0145ad$in

    3+% 6hat is a$relink*

    Ans : adrelink will relink the e;ecutables with the libraries) enerally we will go for adrelink when

    so$e patch delivers so$e library files, or when e;ecutables were corrupted)

    3.% ,o& to fin$ the version of a file*

    Ans : () adident =eader 2) strings 8a filena$e grep =eader

    3/% 6hat is a$o$fcmp utility*

    Ans : 0his utility is used to recreate5repair corrupted database ob@ects fro$ odf>ob@ect defination files?


    31% ,o& you &ill change apps pass&or$*Ans: JNC64A!! + y apps5 syste$5 !Y!0E# A44!Y!

    33% 6hat if apps pass&or$ is change$ &ith alter comman$*

    Ans : Applications wonBt work)

    33% 6hat is the $ifference "et&een alter an$ FN>PASS in changing apps pass&or$*

    Ans : JNC64A!! will update so$e fnd tables other than standard tables)

    35% 6here the FN>PASS utility is locate$*

    Ans : 6oncurrent node OJNC"0145bin

    38% ,o& to fin$ out &hat component of u r oracle applications &ere installe$ on &hichno$e*

    Ans : P$l file >conte;t file?

    37% ,o& to fin$ the version of http$2Apache &e" server*

    Ans : /A!"1RA6E"=1#E5Apache5bin5httpd 'version

    59% 6hat is the configuration file for http$ an$ &hat is the location of it *

    Ans : httpd)conf OA!"1RA6E"=1#E5Apache5Apache5conf

    5'% 6here you &ill see &hen you have some pro"lem &ith u r &e"serverEhttp$2Apache(*

    Ans : access"log Q error"log OA!"1RA6E"=1#E5Apache5Apache5logs

    5+% 6hen Apache starts &hat other components its start *Ans : 45! istener, !ervlet Engine, 1K!4 Engine

    5.% 6hat is 0serv*

    Ans : @serv is nothing but servlet engine which will run u r servlets) tBs a $odule of apache which

    supports servlets)

    5/% 6hat is self service application*

    Ans : Whatever part of u r oracle application u r able to see through web browser is self service)

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    51% 6here u &ill see &hen u r not a"le to get self service applications*

    Ans : access"log,error"log, error"pls, @serv)log, wdbsvr)app>for apps password?

    53% 6hat is the location of 0serv%log*

    Ans : A!"1RA6E"=1#E5Apache5Kserv5log

    55% 6hat is the location of &$"svr%app *

    Ans : A!"1RA6E"=1#E5Apache5$odplsIl5cfg

    58% 6hat are 0serv%conf an$ 0serv%properties files*

    Ans : 0hese are the configuration files which were used to start @v$Bs>servlet engine? by apache)

    57% 6hat is mean "y clearing cache an$ "ouncing apache*

    Ans : () !top apache >adapcctl)sh stop apps?

    2) 6lear cache ' o to /61##1N"0145ht$l5"pages and delete "oa"ht$l directory

    >r$ 'r "oa""ht$l?

    7) !tart apache >adapcctl)sh start apps?

    89% 6hat is forms configuration file an$ its location*

    Ans : appsweb"conte;tna$e)cfg O/61##1N"0145ht$l5bin

    8'% 6hat are the $ifferent mo$es u can start u r form server*

    Ans : socket and servlet

    8+% 6hat is the $ifference "e&een socket an$ servlet mo$e*

    Ans : n socket $ode for$s sessions are represented by f+web$;

    n servlet $ode for$s sessions are represented by apache processes)

    8.% 6hat is forms metric server an$ client*

    Ans : When there are $ore than one for$ sever instances then for$s $etric server and clinet will beused to load balance)

    8/% 6here the forms server relate$ errors &ill "e logge$*

    Ans : access"log and error"log

    81% 6hat is report server configuration an$ log file name an$ its location*

    Ans : 6onfiguration file ' RE4")ora

    og file ' RE4")log O+"1RA6E"=1#E5reports+5server

    83% 6hat is >Icm$%$at file an$ its location*

    Ans : 6c$d)dat file is the run ti$e para$eter file the report server located O


    85% 6hat is the significance of ISP=AY varia"le*Ans : 9nc server should be up and running at the specified port value in C!4AY variable, otherwise

    reportserver $ay not able to show the graphics in Reports)

    88% 6here is the concurrent manager log file locate$*

    Ans : /61##1N"0145ad$in55log or /A446!J5/A441

    87% Is apps pass&or$ necessary to start all the components of oracle application*

    Ans : No) 1nly to start5stop concurrent $anagers apps password is needed)

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    79% 6hat is a concurrent manager*

    Ans : A concurrent $anager is one which runs concurrent reIuests)

    7'% 6hat are the $ifferent types of concurrent managers*

    Ans : () nternal concurrent $anager ' Will start all other $anagers and $onitor

    2) !tandard #anager ' All concurrent reIuest by default will to go this

    7) 6onflict resolution $anager ' 6oncurrent progra$s with inco$patabilites will be handled by this

    S) 0ransaction $anager ' =andle all transaction reIuests

    7+% 6hat are actual an$ target count in GA$minster >oncurrent anagers form*

    Ans : 0arget is the no) of concurrent processes a $anager is supposed to start>specified in the

    defination of concurrent $anager?)Actual is the no) of processes a $anager started actually)

    0arget and Actual should be always sa$e)

    7.% 6hat if Target an$ Actual are not same*

    Ans : t $eans at operating syste$ level resources are low to acco$idate the reIuired processes for

    concurrent $anagers)

    7/% 6hat are &ork shifts*

    Ans : Work shifts are nothing but ti$ings at which the concurrent $anager is supposed to run)

    71% 6hat if internal concurrent manager target an$ actual are not same*

    Ans : we need to bounce the concurrent $anager using adc$ctl)sh

    73% ,o& to "ounce a single concurrent manager*

    Ans : Jro$ frontend using TAd$inister 6oncurrent #anager for$B)

    75% 6hen &e change apps pass&or$ ) is it necessary to "ounce application*

    Ans : 1nly we need to bounce concurrent $anagers)

    78% 6hat is $"c file an$ its location*

    Ans : dbc file contain database connection infor$ation) CD6 file is used by oracle applications to

    connect to database) ts location is /JNC"0145secure

    77% 6hat is the other script "y &hich u can start apache other than a$apcctl%sh*

    Ans : apachectl OA!"1RA6E"=1#E5Apache5bin

    '99% 6hat is the configuration file for P=2SH= listener*

    Ans : httpd"pls)conf OA!"1RA6E"=1#E5Apache5Apache5conf

    '9'% ,o& to skip copy portion &hile applying a patch*

    Ans : Adpatch optionsnocopyportion

    '9+% ,o& to merge patches an$ &hat type of patches can "e merge$*

    Ans : ad$rgpch) We can $erge any kind of application patches, if any of the patch contain a u8driver

    then $erged patch will

    contain u"$erged)drv otherwisec"$erged)drv, d"$erged)drv and g"$erged)drv

    '9.% 6hat is the Tiere$ architecture of u r instance*

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    Ans : 0wo 0ier: Web and Jor$s on one node and 6onc, ad$in and report on other node)

    '9/% ,o& to fin$ formserver version*

    Ans: f+gen and press enter, it will tell u the for$server version or we can find out fro$ the frondend

    using help $enu)

    '91% 6hat is ;;A*

    Ans : RRA stands for Report Review Agent) RRA is nothing but JNCJ! which is part of apps listener)

    RRA @ob is to pick the log5out file fro$ the file syste$ and show on the editor when u press view

    log5out button in T9iew concurrent reIuest for$B)

    '93% 6hat is apps listener*

    Ans : Apps lintener is the co$bination of JNCJ! and JNC!#) JNC!# is service $anager which will

    $onitor application services on that node when !#:enable profile value is TYB)

    '95% 6hat is S*

    Ans : !# stands for eneric service #anager, which will $onitor application processes like web,

    for$s etc and restarts any of this processes if goes down)

    '98% ,o& to fin$ the application version like ''%1%82''%1%7%*

    Ans : select release"na$e fro$ fnd"product"groups%

    '97% ,o& to fin$ the $ata"ase2sqlplus version*

    Ans : select banner fro$ v/version%

    ''9% ,o& to fin$ out &hat are the languages ena"le$ in u r applications*

    Ans : uery fnd"languages

    '''% 6hat is the siBe of u r $ata"ase*

    Ans : 2++ to *++ D

    ''+% ,o& to fin$ operating system version*

    Ans : una$e 'a

    ''.% 6hat are the pro"lems u have face$ &hile shutting $o&n applications*

    Ans : While shutting down application generally concurrent $anager wonBt go down because so$e or

    the other reIuest $ay be running) We will see what are the concurrent reIuests running by Iuerying

    fnd"concurrent"reIuests, fnd"concurrent"progra$"vl, v/session,v/process and v/sIlte;t) f that

    reIuest is only doing so$e select state$ent then we will kill those reIuests, otherwise we will check

    what ti$e it will take to co$plete by Iuerying the previous runs of that reIuest and then we will

    decide what to do)

    ''/% 6hat are the pro"lems u have face$ &hile starting up applications*

    Ans : #ost of the ti$e we will encounter proble$ with starting up concurrent $anagers) Reasons ,

    database listener $ay be down or JNC!# entries are wrong intnsna$es)ora of +"1RA6E"=1#E)

    ''1% ,o& to fin$ the locks an$ &hat is the resolution*

    Ans : we can find general locks with the following Iuery:

    select . fro$ sys)dba"d$l"locks order by session"id)

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    We can find the dead locks with the following Iuery:

    select . fro$ v/lock where l$ode - + and id( in >select distinct id( fro$ v/lock where reIuest - +?

    f itBs a dead lock, we need to kill that session)

    ''3% ,o& to kill a $ata"ase session*

    Ans : alter syste$ kill session TQsid,QsnoB%

    ''5% ,o& to fin$ a$config is ena"le$ for oracle operating system user2$ata"ase*

    Ans : f appsutil directory is there in RCD#!"1RA6E"=1#E

    ''8% 6hich files tell u the $ata"ase helath*

    Ans : alert log file ORCD#!"1RA6E"=1#E5ad$in55bdu$p

    ''7% ,o& to apply a r$"ms patch*

    Ans : Msing opatch

    '+9% ,o& to fin$ opatch is ena"le$ or not for u r $ata"ase*

    Ans : f 1patch directory e;ists under RCD#!"1RA6E"=1#E)

    '+'% 6hat is the pre4req for applying a r$"ms patch*

    Ans : nventory should be set in file oranst)loc O5var5opt5oracle or 5etc

    '++% 6hat is Inventroy*

    Ans: 0he oranventory is the location for the 1M >1racle Mniversal nstaller?Bs bookkeeping) 0he

    inventory stores infor$ation about: All 1racle software products installed in all 1RA6E"=1#E! on a

    $achine 1ther non81racle products, such as the Kava Runti$e Environ$ent >KRE?

    n a ((i Application syste$ the RCD#! and iA! 1RA6E"=1#Es are registered in the oranventory)

    0he + 1RA6E"=1#E, which is not $anaged through 1M, is not)

    '+.% 6hat are $ifferent types of inventories*

    Ans: 0he lobal inventory >or 6entral inventory? 0he ocal inventory >or =o$e inventory?

    '+/% 6hat is lo"al inventory*

    Ans : 0he lobal nventory is the part of the P# inventory that contains the high level list of all oracle

    products installed on a $achine) 0here should therefore be only one per $achine) ts location is

    defined by the content of oranst)loc)0he lobal nventory records the physical location of 1racle

    products installed on the $achine, such as 1RA6E"=1#E! >RCD#! and A!? or KRE) t does not

    have any infor$ation about the detail of patches applied to each 1RA6E"=1#Es)0he lobal

    nventory gets updated every ti$e you install or de8install an 1RA6E"=1#E on the $achine, be it

    through 1M nstaller, Rapid nstall, or Rapid 6lone)Note: f you need to delete an 1RA6E"=1#E, you should always do it through the 1M de8installer in

    order to keep the lobal nventory synchroniHed)

    '+1% 6hat is local inventory*

    Ans : 0here is one ocal nventory per 1RA6E"=1#E) t is physically located inside the

    1RA6E"=1#E at /1RA6E"=1#E5inventory and contains the detail of the patch level for

    that 1RA6E"=1#E)0he ocal nventory gets updated whenever a patch is applied to the

    1RA6E"=1#E, using 1M)

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    '+3% 6hat is rapi$ clone*

    Ans : Rapid 6lone is the new cloning utility introduced in Release (()*)) Rapid 6lone leverages the

    new installation and configuration technology utiliHed by Rapid nstall

    '+5% ,o& $o I $etermine if my system is rapi$ clone ena"le$*

    Ans : Jirst, verify that your syste$ is Auto6onfig enabled) 0hen, verify that you have applied the

    latest Rapid 6lone patch)

    '+8% ?#plain the cloning process*

    Ans :() Run adpreclone as appl$gr and oracle user on source 4erl adpreclone)pl db0ier as oracle user

    4erl adpreclone)pl apps0ier as appl$gr user

    +% Take the col$2hot"ackup of source $ata"ase

    7) 6opy the five directories appl,co$n,ora , db,data to target

    S) Rena$e the directories, and change the per$isssion

    *) !et the inventory in oranst)loc

    ) Run perl adcfgclone)pl db0ier as oracle user,if the backup type is cold3) f the backup type is hotbackup then 4erl adcfgclone)pl db0ech!tack) 6reate the control file on

    target fro$ the control script trace file fro$ source Recover the database Alter database open


    ) Run autoconfig with the ports changed as per reIuire$ent in ;$l)

    ) Run perl adcfgclone)pl apps0ier as appl$gr

    (+) Run autoconfig with the ports changed as per reIuire$ent in ;$l)

    '+7% 6hat is the location of a$preclone%pl for oracle user*

    Ans : RCD#!"1RA6E"=1#E5appsutil5scripts5

    '.9% 6hat is the location of a$preclone%pl for applmgr user*Ans : /61##1N"0145ad$in5scripts5

    '.'% 6hat is the location of a$cfgclone%pl for oracle user*

    Ans : /RCD#!"1RA6E"=1#E5appsutil5clone5bin

    '.+% 6hat is the location of a$cfgclone%pl for applmgr user*

    Ans : /61##1N"0145clone5bin

    '..% 6hat is statspack*

    Ans : !tatspack is a database utility to gather database and session level perfor$ance infor$ation)

    (7S) =ow to install statspackF

    Ans : Run the script spcreate)sIl ORCD#!"1RA6E"=1#E5rdb$s5ad$in

    Note $ore details on statspack refer $etalink noteid: (S((7)(

    (7*) =ow to enable trace at database levelF

    Ans : set init)ora para$eter sIl"trace

    (7) =ow to enable trace for a sessionF

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    Ans: Alter syste$ set sIl"tracetrue%

    E;ecute the sIl Iuery

    Alter syste$ set sIl"tracefalse%

    0his will create a trace file at

    /RCD#!"1RA6E"=1#E5ad$in5conte;tna$e5udu$p with the spid of the current sIl session)

    (73) =ow to enable trace for other sessionF

    Ans : e;ec sys)db$s"syste$)set"sIl"trace"in"session>sid,serialU,true5false?

    Eg: 0o enable trace for sIl session with sid !- e;ec


    45! procedure successfully co$pleted)

    0o disable trace

    !- e;ec sys)db$s"syste$)set"sIl"trace"in"session>,(2(,false?%

    (7)What is the location of inint)ora F

    Ans : /RCD#!"1RA6E"=1#E5dbs

    (7) What is that trace files contains and the utiliy used to read the$F

    Ans : 0race file contains the detail diagnostics of a sIl state$ent like e;plain plan, physical reads,

    logical reads, buffer gets etc) 0kprof utility is used to convert trace file into readable for$at)

    (S+) What is the synta; for tkprofF

    Ans: tkprof e;plainapps5 sysno

    (S()=ow do we find adpreclone is run in source or not F

    Ans : f clone directory e;ists under RCD#!"1RA6E"=1#E5appsutil for oracle user and

    /61##1N"014 for appl$gr user)

    (S7) =ow to find trace file for a given concurrent reIuest idF

    Ans : o to /RCD#!"1RA6E"=1#E5ad$in55udu$p

    grep V V .

    (SS) What is a database linkF =ow to create itF

    Ans : f we want to access ob@ects of another database fro$ this database then we need a database

    link fro$ this database to the other)

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    ()ogin as oracle user

    2)sIlplus V5as sysdba

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    Ans: 5discovererSi5viewer(*2) What is discoverer plus urlF

    Ans : Ans : Aol@test is a web based utility to test the availability of the different co$ponents of oracle

    applications like @serv,$odplsIl,@sp,for$s etc

    MR: 51A"=0#5@sp5fnd5aol@test)@sp

    (*S) What is adsplicerF

    Ans : Adsplicer is a uitility used to register off cycle products)

    (**) What is licence $anagerF

    Ans : icence $anager>adlic$gr? utility is used to licence5unlicence , enable new languages,enbale

    country specific functionality)

    (*) What is tnspingF

    Ans : tnsping is co$$and used to check the connectivity to the database server node fro$ other


    E;: tnsping

    Note: 0ns entry should be there in tnsna$es)ora for the database we are trying to work this


    (*) =ow to co$pile a for$ using f+genFAns :

    f+gen $odule50E!05testappl5au5(()*)+5for$s5J5ARP0W#A)f$b useridA44!5A44!

    output"file50E!05testappl5ar5(()*)+5for$s5J5ARP0W#A)f$;$odule"typefor$ batchyes


    '39% 6hat is APP=PTP environment varia"le*

    Ans : 0his is the te$porary file location for the pl5sIl te$p files) f this variable was not set then the

    concurrent progra$s $ay errored out) (() What is $ean by enabling $aintanance $odeF

    Ans : #aintanance $ode is the adad$in option introduced fro$ AC)) When $aintanance $ode is

    enabled user $ay able to login to application but they only get profile option in the frontend

    navigation $enu)

    '3+% Is that necessary to ena"le maintanance mo$e &hile applying a patch*

    Ans : We can even apply a patch without enabling $aintanance $ode with the following option

    Adpatch optionshotpatch

    '3.% ,o& to fin$ out oracle application frame&ork version*

    Ans : () 0hrough aol@test2) cd /61##1N"0145ht$l57) adident =eader 1A)@sp

    '3/% ,o& to fin$ out &hat are the r$"ms patches applie$ to an oracle home*

    Ans :() opatch lsinventory

    2) /RCD#!"1RA6E"=1#E5)patch"storage directory contains the directories with the rdb$s patch

    nu$ber, which are applied to this oracle ho$e)

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    (*) s that necessary to shutdown database while applying a database patchF

    Ans : Yes)

    '33% 6hat is the comman$ line utility to su"mit a concurrent request*

    Ans : 61N!MD

    (3) What is the significance of utl"file"dir para$eter in init)ora fileF

    Ans : 0he value of this para$eter is the group of directories to which u r database can write, $eans u

    r database packages have per$ission to write to flat files in these directories)

    () =ow you will find out discoverer versionF

    Ans : cd /+"1RA6E"=1#E5discwbS5lib strings libd. grep T9ersion:B

    () While applying a rdb$s patch using opatch you are getting the error, unable to read

    inventory5inventory is corrupted51RA6E"=1#E is not not registered, what you will do, and how you

    will apply the patchF

    Ans: We will check the inventory directory per$ission, try to apply the patch after giving 333

    per$issions to that inventory directory) f still it wonBt work we will apply patch with the following


    1patch apply no"inventory

    (32) =ave you applied rdb$s patches and for whatF

    Ans : We got 1RA83SS* error in alert log, for which oracle reco$$ended to apply a rdb$s patch)

    (37) What are the patch errors , you have encounteredF

    Ans :(?4atch fails with the error, unable to generate perticular for$, do u want to continue) We

    continue patching by saying Vyes

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    files that adpreclone flags as TautoconfigableB but in reality they are not) !o adpreclone)pl adds these

    files into the instconf)drv) 0hen when adcfgclone)pl is run on target it looks for the te$plate file to

    instantiate for these files and since there isnBt a te$plate file adcfgclone)pl fails) !olution#odify the

    targetBs instconf)drv and re$ove the offending lines) 0hen rerunadcfgclone)pl

    (3) What are the real ti$e proble$s you have encountered and how you trouble shooted thatF

    Ans:() 6oncurrent 4rogra$ is erroing out with snapshot too old error) 0o resolve this we have added

    space to te$p tablespace)2) 6oncurrent 4rogra$ is erroing out with unable to e;tent a perticular

    tablespace by so and so e;tents) 0o resolve this we have added on $ore data file to that tablespace)7)

    When we are trying to start apache with adapcctl)sh script after a autoconfig run, its saying that Vnode

    id is not $atching with the application server id

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    E;: chown ' R appl$gr:dba testappl

    (+) =ow to change the per$ission of file5directory in linu;5solarisF

    Ans : ch$od 'R

    E; : ch$od 'R 3** testappl

    (() What are the files which contain apps passwordF

    Ans :

    () wdbsrv)appOA!"1RA6E"=1#E5Apache5$odplsIl5cfg

    2) 6c$d)datO+"1RA6E"=1#E5reports+5server

    7) wf$ail)cfgOJNC"0145resource ' optional

    S) 6atalogoader)confO1A"KA9A ' optional

    *) 6atalogoader);$lO1A"=0# ' optional

    (2) What is the script to find out 6# statusF

    Ans : afi$chk)sIlOJNC"0145sIl

    (7) What is the script to list the concurrent reIuest statusF

    Ans: afrIrun)sIlOJNC"0145sIl

    (S) What is the script that ists $anagers that currently are running a reIuestF

    Ans : afc$rrI)sIlOJNC"0145sIl

    (*? =ow can deter$ine whether a te$plate is custo$iHable or non8custo$iHableF

    Ans : f a keyword V16G< is present at the end of the file entry in the respective driver, then it is a

    non8custo$iHable te$plate) f the V16G< keyword is not seen, then that te$plate can be custo$iHed)

    (? =ow to find out KCD6 version :

    Ans : n the $iddle tier, edit the @serv)properties file located in the

    A!"1RA6E"=1#E5Apache5Kserv5etc directory8 ocate the wrapper)classpath that is pointing to the

    @dbc Hip file5opt5oracle5apps5/0W1"0A!G5co$n5@ava5@dbc(S)Hip

    (3?=ow to findout P# 4arser 9ersion

    Ans : !- select WJ"E9EN0"P#)P#9ersion>? P#"9ER!1N fro$ sys)dual%

    (?=ow to find out WorkJlow 9ersion

    Ans !- select 0EP0 9ersion fro$ WJ"RE!1MR6E! where 0Y4E TWJ0GNB and NA#E


    (? =ow to find a file version in Application CD:

    select v)version,v)6REA01N"CA0E,c)6REA01N"CA0E fro$ AC"JE! c,AC"JE"9ER!1N! v where

    c)JENA#E like TAR4MRED)plsB ANC c)file"id v)file"id ANC c)app"short"na$e TARB%

  • 8/9/2019 Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions


    When a copy driver >6? or the copy portion of a unified driver >M? are aborted for any reason, upon

    reapplying, the 6REA01N"CA0E and5or A!0"M4CA0E"CA0E colu$ns in the patching history tables

    >E;: AC"JE"9ER!1N!?are not updated to show the proper installation date but are left with the

    +(8+(8(*+ date) you can resolve the issuse by applying the latest ad) patch)

    2++? =ow to check whether the product is install,shared and Not installed in Apps)F

    Ans : Dy using below uery we can find)

    !-select t)application"na$e, t)application"id, i)patch"level, decode>i)status,BB,BJully

    nstalledB,TNB,BNot nstalledB,B!B,B!haredB,BMndeter$inedB? statusfro$ fnd"product"installations i,

    fnd"application"vl twhere i)application"id t)application"idorder by t)application"id%