oracle application framework toolbox tutorial lessons

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  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Oracle Application Framework ToolBox TutorialLessons 11.5.10

    Last Updated: August 11, 2005

    Chapter 1: Overview

    Overview of the Oracle Application Framework Toolbox Tutorial

    Chapter : Core Lessons

    Hello, World! Search Drilldown to Detail Debu in OA Framework Application

    o Solution "reate # $art % "reate # $art & Delete 'pdate $artial $a e (enderin

    Chapter !: "upplemental Lessons

    $er onali)in OA Framework $a e

    *xtendin OA Framework Application "reatin De criptive and +e Flexfield Home $a e "onfi urable Home $a e "hart and -raph

    "op ri ht . &/// # &//0, Oracle "orporation1 All ri ht re erved1

    Overview o# Oracle Application FrameworkToolBox Tutorial 11.5.10

    Last Updated: Aug 10, 2005

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    The Tool2ox Tutorial introduce developer to the proce of buildin an OA Frameworkapplication u in a combination of elected readin from the Oracle ApplicationFramework Developer3 -uide , example code and hand #on lab 1 The lab are de i nedto be u ed for both elf#paced tud and in tructor#led cla e , and are or ani)ed intotwo cate orie 4

    "ore 5e on ## re6uired topic that illu trate the ba ic of applicationdevelopment

    Supplemental 5e on ## optional topic that illu trate pecific feature likeflexfield , per onali)ation, chart and raph , and extendin OA Frameworkapplication

    Tip: 7f ou3ve taken the Tool2ox Tutorial before and want to know what3 chan ed in theinterim, plea e review the Tool2ox Tutorial (evi ion Hi tor 1

    Core Lessons

    The followin exerci e and a ociated readin compri e the core introduction to the OAFramework a tau ht in the Oracle Application internal development cla 1 For elf#paced tud , plea e read the recommended Oracle Application Framework Developer s!uide chapter and topic before completin the exerci e1 For in tructor#led cla e , thereadin material contain additional detail that ou ma find helpful durin or after thecla 1$ote: 8ou mu t complete each of the e exerci e in the de i nated e6uence1%xercise OA Framework Developer's Guide &ea'in(

    Hello, World! "hapter %4 7ntroduction to the OAFramework

    "hapter %4 Settin 'p ourDevelopment *nvironment
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Search "hapter &4 9S$ Application $rimer "hapter &4 Anatom of an OA

    Framework $a e "hapter :4 7mplementin the ;odel

    o De i nin ;odel Ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    "reate # $art %

    "reate # $art &

    "hapter &4 OA Framework State;ana ement

    "hapter :4 7mplementin the ;odelo *ntit Ob "hapter @4 Save ;odel "hapter 04 7mplementin *ntit


  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    $artial $a e(enderin

    "hapter @4 D namic ' er 7nterface

    "upplemental Lessons

    Once ou complete the core le on , elect from the followin le on ba ed on ourintere t and product re6uirement 1$ote: 8ou ma complete the e le on in an e6uence1%xercise )escription OA Framework

    Developer's Guide &ea'in(

    $er onali)inOAFramework$a e

    Show how toperform everalcommon cu tomerper onali)ation 1

    OA Framework$er onali)ation-uide

    *xtendin OAFramework


    Show how to extendan OA Frameworkapplication to includea new '7 componentand bu ine lo ic1

    "hapter 4*xtendin OAFramework


    "reatinDe criptiveand +eFlexfield

    Show how to createde criptive and keflexfield 1

    "hapter @4Flexfield

    Home $a e Show how to createa feature#richapplication Homepa e de i ned inaccordance with the'7 -uideline 1


    "onfi urableHome $a e

    Show how to createa confi urable Homepa e that i imilar inappearance to theHome pa e created inthe Home $a ele on1

    "hapter @4$er onali)able$a e #"reatin"onfi urable$a e

    OA Framework$er onali)ation-uide

    "hart and-raph

    Show how toimplement a bar

    raph and a pie chart1

    "hapter @4"hart and-raph

    "op ri ht . &/// # &//0, Oracle "orporation1 All ri ht re erved1
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Buil'in( an' &unnin( *+ello, -orl' *Last Updated: August ), 200*


    Thi tutorial lead ou throu h u in Oracle i 9Developer OA *xten ion 1/1:1 to createa ver imple pa e Thi tutorial ha minimal explanation and a few tep a po ible=and no 2"@9>1 7t take approximatel %#: hour 1

    +ello, -orl' La/ oals

    After completin thi exerci e, ou hould have learned how to4

    "reate an Oracle Application =OA> 9Developer i work pace and pro1 (un a pa e in re ular and debu mode 1

    The re ultin pa e ha the lobal link = uch a re#erences , Lo(out , and &eturn toortal >, a header, a footer, a ersonali2e &e(ion link, one empt field and one o

    button1 The pa e doe nothin other than di pla a me a e when ou enter a value inthe field and click the o button1 8our final la out look like the followin 4

    Eote that there are everal profile option that control feature uch a per onali)ation,the vi ual appearance of lobal link , and other feature , o what ou ee ma bedifferent from the picture above1 Difference ou are mo t likel to encounter are not
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    eein the ersonali2e &e(ion link, eein button icon above the corre pondin loballink , or not eein certain lobal link uch a Customi2e =if per onali)ation i notenabled for our u ername>1

    rere3uisite: "et 4p our )evelopment %nvironment

    7f ou have not done o alread , complete the ta k outlined in Settin 'p 8ourDevelopment *nvironment 18ou hould al o con ult the Oracle i 9Developer OA *xten ion FAG for the late ttrouble hootin information1

    6ake "ure ou +ave a -orkin( )ata "ource

    8our data ource i the databa e ou3ll be developin a ain t1 8ou3ll need a connectionto the databa e to acce the (epo itor and 2"@9 ob contain connectioninformation for runnin our pro1For Oracle Application Divi ion developer , (epo itor metadata information andob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    up 9Developer for the fir t time ou hould open the tool/ox.7ws work pace u in File 8Open on the main menu>1

    -arnin(: )o not import mo'i#ications to an9 Tool/ox meta'ata tothe &epositor9 in the 'ata/ase. This meta'ata in the 'ata/ase isshare' /9 ever9one usin( the Tool/ox Lessons in the same'ata/ase, an' mo'i#9in( this meta'ata can make them inopera/le.

    Eote that ou can modif our own copie of the Toolbox I;5 file o lon a ou do notimport them into the databa e1 7mportin to the (epo itor in the databa e i a eparateproce that u e a command#line interface1

    -arnin(: An9 Tool/ox application 'ata that 9ou t9pe into a Tool/ox#orm an' save will /e share' /9 ever9one usin( these applications,so /e cautious a/out enterin( or mo'i#9in( an9 'ata.

    "tep 1. Create a $ew OA -orkspace an' %mpt9 OA ro7ect

    with the $ew... )ialo(.

    Select File 8 $ew... to open the $ew... dialo = hown in the followin dia ram>1 Thidialo i al o called the $ew O/7ect aller9 1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    "hoo e eneral 8 -orkspace Con#i(ure' #or Oracle Applications from the $ew... dialo , or hi hli ht -orkspaces in the Eavi ator and choo e $ew OA -orkspace... fromthe context menu =ri ht mou e button menu that chan e dependin on the context>18ou3ll be prompted to create an OA work pace1 ?erif that the default work pacedirector name point to our own \myprojects director , a

    hown in the followin dia ram1 ;odif the work pace file name a well =an name ioka for a work pace, uch a HelloWorldOAWork pace11 "heck the A'' a $ew OA

    ro7ect check box1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    After ou click O , ou will ee the Oracle Applications ro7ect -i2ar' 17n Step % of the wi)ard, verif that the default pro

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    7n Step : of the wi)ard, ad1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    "tep . "et &un Options in OA ro7ect "ettin(s

    To verif that our pro

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Select -e/ Tier 8 OA Components in the "ate orie column1 Then elect a(e , andpre O a hown in the followin dia ram4

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    8ou will then ee a dialo box that a k for the name and packa e file for our newpa e1 Thi dialo box i hown in the followin dia ram4

    Eame our pa e HelloWorld$-1 8our pa e name cannot include an pace 17n the $acka e field, t pe the followin 4


    8our packa e file name =which determine the location of the I;5 pa e file in thedirector tructure> hould be et tooracle.apps.; application_shortname 8. . .we/ui =to compl with Oracle Application director tructure tandard >,

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    where the application hortname i lowerca e and i an exi tin Oracle Applicationproduct hortname, uch a 7E?1 Eote that pa e mi rated from old A+ pa e ma u ea different director tructure =pa e in tead of webui>12e ure to follow the packa e name, director location and ob that ou cannot chan e =thou h ou can add other element >1


  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Thi re ion i merel oin to provide a container for our item and en ure that theitem are properl indented1 Set the followin propertie for our econd re ion4

    (eplace the default value in the 'D propert with ;ain(E1 Set the Re(io+ Style propert to messa(eComponentLa9out =thi provide

    an indented in le# or multiple#column la out for the child item of the re ion>1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    7f ou want to, ou can run our pa e at thi point1 8ou will ee the lobal link , thecop ri ht and privac footer element , and our pa e header text1

    "tep . Create the First tem =%mpt9 Fiel'?

    "reate our fir t item under the econd re ion =main content re ion> b electin the

    econd re ion in the Structure window and choo in $ew 8 messa(eText nput from thecontext menu1
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Set the followin propertie for our item4

    Set the 'D propert to Hello*ame 1 ?erif that our 'tem Style propert i et to me a eText7nput =thi t le

    provide a text label and an input field>1 Set the !rompt propert to *ame =in the later lab , ou will u e an attribute et

    to et the prompt>1 Set the )e+(t# to 12 1 Set the Ma3im&m )e+(t# to 42 1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    7f ou want to, ou can run our pa e at thi point1

    "tep . Create a Container &e(ion #or the o Button

    To add a non# messa(eD #t pe bean uch a a ubmit2utton to a

    me a e"omponent5a out re ion, ou mu t fir t add the bean to a messa(eLa9out re ion1Select the me a e"omponent5a out re ion and elect $ew 8 messa(eLa9out 1
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Eame thi re ion ButtonLa9out 1

    "tep E. Create the "econ' tem = o Button?

    "reate our -o button item b electin the me a e5a out re ion, 2utton5a out, in theStructure window and choo in $ew 8 tem from the context menu1Set the followin propertie for our button item4

    Set the value of the 'D propert to 5o 1 Set the 'tem Style propert to ubmit2utton1 Set the ttri%&te Set propert to

    6oracle6apps60+d6attri%&tesets67&tto+s65o 1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Eote that ou can earch for thi attribute et, even thou h the attribute et file inot part of our pro

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    "tep 10. &un our a(e 4sin( the &un Option

    8ou can tr out our pa e u in the &un option on the context menu17f ou are u in a databa e other than what ou alread have in our pro

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    8ou can u e the &un option in the context menu to te t our pa e in a tandard brow er1Thi option allow ou to te t our la out a well a functionalit uch a handlin buttonpre e 1 Select our pa e or pa e la out re ion in the Structure window, and choo e&un from the context menu1

    Alternativel , ou can elect our pa e in the Eavi ator window, and choo e &un ; pagename 8 from the context menu1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    8ou ma have to wait a few minute or more before ou ee our pa e in a eparatebrow er window =it often take lon er the fir t time>17f our pa e doe not appear after a few minute , or ive error , check the me a e inthe 5o window1 See the Hello, World! Trouble hootin -uide or the Oracle i9Developer OA *xten ion FAG 18our pa e hould look like the followin picture =with our own name in the pa e headerand window title>1 8ou hould ee our pa e header, our $ame field, and our o button, alon with lobal link and button = ome lobal button ma not appeardependin on profile option ettin >1 8ou ma or ma not ee a ersonali2e &e(ion linkbelow our pa e header, dependin on profile option ettin 1 Do not per onali)e thipa e, a per onali)ation are data driven and ou will affect an one el e buildin theHello World pa e on the ame databa e1

    *ach time ou make chan e to our la out =b addin re ion or item , modif inpropertie , or chan in code>, ou mu t run our pa e a ain to ee our chan e 1 7f the(un proce eem to han for everal minute after ou have alread run our pa epreviou l , ou ma need to terminate the O"@9 erver u in the &un 8 Terminate 8%m/e''e' OC

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Add a controller to di pla a me a e when the u er click on the -o button1 Select our econd re ion =;ain(E> and choo e "et $ew Controller... from the context menu1

    -ive our controller the packa e name oracle.apps.ak.hello.we/ui and an appropriatecla name, uch a +ello-orl'6ainCO , and click O 1

    "tep 1 . %'it our Controller

    *dit our controller code a follow 4 Add the followin line a the la t line of the import ection to make the OA FrameworkO E3ceptio+ routine available4import oracle.apps.0+d.0rame$or".O E3ceptio+8

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Eote that ou can ort our import u in the context menu in the code editor = Or(ani2emports 8 "ort mports > a hown in the followin picture4

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    "ode the processForm&e3uest=? method to match the followin =makin ure to matchthe item 7D ou cho e>4p&%lic void process-ormRe9&est:O !a(e;o+te3t pa(e;o+te3tO We%7ea+ $e%7ea+=

    s&per.process-ormRe9&est:pa(e;o+te3t $e%7ea+=8 i0 :pa(e;o+te3t.(et!arameter:?5o?= @A +&ll=

    Stri+( &ser;o+te+t A pa(e;o+te3t.(et!arameter:?Hello*ame?=8 Stri+( messa(e A ?Hello ? B &ser;o+te+t B ?@?8 t#ro$ +e$ O E3ceptio+:messa(e O E3ceptio+.'*-ORM 'O*=8 C

    CCEote that hardcodin a me a e text trin i not tran latable and would not beacceptable in a real Oracle Application product1 Eormall ou would define ourme a e in ;e a e Dictionar and call it from our code u in it me a e nameu in the O E3ceptio+ routine1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    "tep 1!. Buil' our Controller

    2uild our controller b electin (ebuild from the context menu within the code editorwindow1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    "tep 1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    "tep 15. Test our -ork 4sin( the )e/u((er

    Fir t, o back to our controller window to et up a breakpoint1 "lick on the line numbernext to the code line where ou want the breakpoint to occur1 The number chan e to an

    icon indicatin that it i a breakpoint in the ource code1 Set a breakpoint at the followinline within our proce Form(e6ue t code4

    i0 :pa(e;o+te3t.(et!arameter:?5o?= @A +&ll=

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Eow te t our pa e b electin our pa e name in the Eavi ator and choo in )e/u(+ello-orl' .xml from the context menu = ou can al o do thi in the Structure window>1Tip: When ou are tr in to debu an OA *xten ion pa e, avoid launchin the debu er from the pro1When the debu er tart up, our 9Developer la out chan e to a debu in la outthat include additional window , includin a debu in toolbar, a 2reakpoint window,Data and Smart Data window , and a Stack window =the e ma appear a tab control >Mthi i onl a partial li t1

    7n debu mode, our code execute a it normall would until ou hit a breakpoint1 So, inthi example, the pa e render a u ual becau e the breakpoint are in the code thathandle the -o button pre 1 For the breakpoint above, ou will need to enter a valuein our pa e3 Eame field and elect the -o button before ou reach our breakpoint1T pe omethin into the Eame field on our pa e and then click the o button1 7f ou oback to the 9Developer window, ou hould find our fir t breakpoint line hi hli htedMproce in ha topped

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Eow elect )e/u( 8 "tep Over from the main menu, or elect the "tep Over button, tocontinue to the next line of code1

    The debu er then hi hli ht the followin line of code4Stri+( &ser;o+te+t A pa(e;o+te3t.(et!arameter:?Hello*ame?=87f ou hold our mou e hoverin above

    &ser;o+te+t on that line, ou will ee

    &ser;o+te+t A :o&t o0 scope= becau e the line ha not et executed1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Eow elect )e/u( 8 "tep Over from the main menu, or elect the "tep Over buttona ain, to continue to the next line of code1Stri+( messa(e A ?Hello ? B &ser;o+te+t B ?@?8Eow if ou hold our mou e hoverin above &ser;o+te+t on the new line, ou will eeit value a whatever ou t ped in =thi onl work for trin >1

    8ou can al o ee the value of &ser;o+te+t in the )ata or "mart )ata window1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Eote that if ou hold our mou e over the word messa(e on the ame breakpoint codeline, ou will ee messa(e A :o&t o0 scope= becau e the line ha not et executed=and ou will not ee messa(e at all in the data window >1

    Step over a ain1 8ou then et to the followin line of code4t#ro$ +e$ O E3ceptio+:messa(e O E3ceptio+.'*-ORM 'O*=8

    At thi point, if ou examine the me a e trin =either in the code window or in the Dataor Smart Data window >, ou will ee our entire me a e text1Select )e/u( 8 &esume from the main menu, or elect the &esume button, to re umeproce in o our code run to completion1 8ou hould ee our pa e with aninformational me a e that contain what ou t ped into the field,

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    -arnin(: Thi le on a ume that ou have completed the Search lab, and build onthi work1 7f ou have not completed thi exerci e, plea e do o before proceedin 1$ote: 7n thi exerci e, J %ourname K ma be our full name = uch a , a imilaruni6ue name = uch a , or an in tructor# upplied name =if ou are performin the elab a part of an in tructor#led trainin >1Fi ure %4 *mplo ee Eame 5ink to Detail $a e in Search $a e

    Fi ure &4 Detail $a e Fini hed $roduct

    )rill'own to )etails La/ oals

    After completin thi exerci e, ou hould have learned how to4

    (etain a root '7 application module a ou navi ate between pa e 1 $ro rammaticall et a $a e Title to how contextual information1 "reate a t pical in le#row, di pla onl Bdetail B pa e1 *nable bread crumb and confi ure a B(eturn toB link in the Bdetail B pa e1 "onfi ure an item a a navi ation link =i ue an HTT$ -*T re6ue t> that u e

    token to add '(5 parameter value to the re6ue t1 "onfi ure an item a a BmailtoB link1 7mplement data initiali)ation lo ic in the Bdetail B pa e1

    # ou $ee' +elp...

    The La/"olutions.7pr pro

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    "reate a detail#level view ob view an emplo ee1 Thi view ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Eow elect the %mailA''ress1 attribute, et the Attribute $ame field to be6ana(er%mail , and chan e the Kuer9 Column Alias field to be6A$A %& %6A L 1

    Select the $ext button1 At thi point the 6uer hould look like the followin in the Kuer9 pa e =without

    the formattin we3ve u ed here to improve readabilit >4

    SE)E; EmployeeEO.EM!)O EE_'DEmployeeEO.-'RS _* MEEmployeeEO.) S _* MEEmployeeEO.-U))_* ME S EM!)O EE_* ME

    EmployeeEO.EM ')_ DDRESS S EM!)O EE_EM ')EmployeeEO.M * 5ER_'DEmployeeEO.!OS' 'O*_;ODEEmployeeEO.S ) REmployeeEO.S R _D EEmployeeEO.E*D_D E

    EmployeeEO .EM!)O EE_'D S EM!)O EE_'D EmployeeEO .0&ll_+ame S M * 5ER_* ME EmployeeEO .email_address S M * 5ER_EM ')-ROM -WF_ 7G_EM!)O EES EmployeeEO -WF_ 7G_EM!)O EES EmployeeEOWHERE A EmployeeEO .employee_id

    Select the %xpert 6o'e checkbox1 Thi allow ou to edit the enerated 6uer 1 7n the Kuer9 "tatement text box modif the 6uer o it look like the followin 1

    Eote that ou mu t add the outer

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    WHERE A EmployeeEO .employee_id"#$ and %mplo&ee%O.po ition_code ' flkp.lookup_code and flkp.lookup_t&pe ' ()*+_T,-_POSITIONS(

    Select the $ext button1 7n the Attri/ute 6appin(s pa e, verif that our view ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    "tep .1 Create the %mp)etails a(e

    "reate a new '7 pa e in the ; yourname packa e1

    Select the TutorialLa/s.7pr pro the followin propertie 4

    ropert9 @alue7D $a e5a out(E(e ionSt le

    pa e5a out


    J yourname K1oracle1app 1ak1emplo ee1 erver1*mplo eeA;


    Framework Tool2ox Tutorial4 5ab J your name K

    Title J -our .ame s K *mplo ee4 =we3ll add the emplo eenumber later>

    AutoFooter TrueEote that thi pa e u in the ame application module t pe = ame M De0i+itio+ value> a the %mp"earch 1 5ater, we3ll make ure it u e the same instance o$ t#esame application module t%pe when it render 1

    Step &1: A'' a ro'uct Bran'in( ma(e

    *ach Oracle Application pa e re6uire a product brandin ima e1

    Select our a(eLa9out&$ in the "tructure pane, ri ht#click and elect $ew'uctBran'in( from the context menu1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    9Developer create a pa(eLa9outComponents folder containin apro'uctBran'in( ima e item =named item1 >1 Select thi item and et thefollowin propertie 4

    ropert9 @alue

    7D $rod2rand7ma e '(7 FEDTA$$2(AED1 if


    OA Framework Tool2oxTutorial

    "tep .< Create the 6ain Content &e(ion

    To achieve the correct indentation of our di pla field , add a 'e#ault"in(leColumn re ion to our a(eLa9out&$ 1 Since each of the item in thi re ion will bind to the%mplo9eeFull@O1 view in tance, we will u e the re ion wi)ard to 6uickl create thi 1

    Select the a(eLa9out&$ in the "tructure pane, ri ht#click and elect $ew 8&e(ion 4sin( -i2ar' from the context menu1

    7f the -elcome pa e appear , elect $ext 1 7n the BC, and then electour %mplo9eeFull@O1 view ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    ) rompt "t9le )ata T9pe Attri/ute "et D*mpEum Eumber me a eSt ledText E';2*( < base path

    > *mplo ee7d Eumber Fir tEame Fir t

    Eameme a eSt ledText ?A("HA(& < base path

    > Fir tEame

    5a tEame 5a tEame

    me a eSt ledText ?A("HA(& < base path> 5a tEame

    *mailAddre *mail Addre

    me a eSt ledText ?A("HA(& < base path> *mailAddre

    $o ition $o ition me a eSt ledText ?A("HA(& < base path > $o ition; rEame ;ana er me a eSt ledText ?A("HA(& < base path

    > FullEame ;ana er Salar Salar me a eSt ledText E';2*( < base path > Salar

    StartDate StartDate

    me a eSt ledText DAT* < base path> StartDate

    *ndDate *nd Date me a eSt ledText DAT* < base path > *ndDateN $lea e replace the ; base path 8 variable in the table above with the followin text4oracleGappsG#n'G#rameworkGtool/oxGattri/utesetsGFwkT/x%mplo9ees 1 When ou dothi , be ?*(8 careful with the la he 1 For example, if we had room in the table to beexplicit, the fir t attribute et would be4

    GoracleGappsG#n'G#rameworkGtool/oxGattri/utesetsGFwkT/x%mplo9eesG%mplo9ee ' $um/er

    "lick the Finish button to create our data table1 Select the 6ain&$ re ion in the "tructure pane1 Set the the Hide Header

    propert to True = o no header text or line render >, and leave the e3t propertblank1

    "tep .5 Finish "ettin( 6ain&$ tem roperties

    ;o t of the 6ain&$ item propertie were et when ou created the'e#ault"in(leColumn re ion1 Eow, ou need to confi ure the %mailA''ress and6(r$ame item to be BmailtoB link and make ure that each item ha the correct ;SS;lass pecified =when creatin our own pa e , ee the 25AF '7 -uideline for "SS"la e for uidance on which t le to appl for different u e ca e >1Eote for the mailto/ < ViewObjectAttributeName >C ntax, the OA Framework

    ub titute the a ociated view ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons



    ropert9 @alue"SS "la OraDataText


    ropert9 @alue"SS "la OraDataText


    ropert9 @alueDe tination '(7 mailto4 P*mplo ee*mailQ"SS "la Ora5inkText


    ropert9 @alue"SS "la OraDataText


    ropert9 @alueDe tination '(7 mailto4 P;ana er*mailQ"SS "la Ora5inkText


    ropert9 @alue"SS "la OraDataText


    ropert9 @alue"SS "la OraDataText


    ropert9 @alue"SS "la OraDataText

    "tep . Chan(e the 6ain &e(ion*s "t9le

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Select the 6ain&$ 'e#ault"in(leColumn re ion and chan e it Re(io+ Style propert to messa(eComponentLa9out 1 9Developer will di pla the followin warnin M

    elect the es button to proceed1 8our item will not be adver el affected1

    Tip: The messa(eComponentLa9out re ion t le i new in relea e %%101%/ =andhould be u ed in place of all 'e#aultD re ion which will eventuall be deprecated>1

    Since Bre ion u in wi)ardB creation upport i not et available for themessa(eComponentLa9out , thi i the mo t efficient wa to create a in le row re ionwho e item bind to a view ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    encounter a runtime error complainin about*&m%er =the a umed cla >bein ab tract, or ou ma et cla ca t exception error 1import oracle.j%o.domai+.*&m%er8import oracle.apps.0+d.0rame$or".O E3ceptio+8...

    p&%lic void i+itI&ery:Stri+( employee*&m%er= i0 ::employee*&m%er @A +&ll=


    66 Do t#e 0ollo$i+( co+versio+ 0or type co+siste+cy. *&m%er emp*&m A +&ll8


    emp*&m A +e$ *&m%er:employee*&m%er=8 Ccatc#:E3ceptio+ e=

    t#ro$ +e$ O E3ceptio+:? F??-WF_ 7G_'*V )'D_EM!_*UM7ER?=8 C setW#ere;la&se:?EM!)O EE_'D A / ?=8 setW#ere;la&se!arams:+&ll=8 66 l$ays reset setW#ere;la&se!aram:2 emp*&m=8 e3ec&teI&ery:=8

    C C 66 e+d i+itI&ery:=


    "tep !. A'' an init)etails= ? 6etho' to our %mplo9eeA6 mpl Class

    8ou will invoke thi method from our '7 controller =per the OA Framework codintandard , ou hould interact onl with the O pplicatio+Mod&le interface in our

    controllerM ou hould not interact directl with view ob1 Thi method dele ate tothe i+itI&ery:= method that ou

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    K '+itialiLes t#e detail employee 9&ery. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK K6 p&%lic void i+itDetails:Stri+( employee*&m%er= Employee-&llVO'mpl vo A (etEmployee-&llVO :=8 i0 :vo AA +&ll= Messa(e o"e+ N err o"e+s A +e$Messa(e o"e+:?O7JE; _* ME? ?Employee-&llVO ?=C8 t#ro$ +e$ O E3ceptio+:? F? ?-WF_ 7G_O7JE; _*O _-OU*D?err o"e+s=8 C


    C 66 e+d i+itDetails:=

    "tep !.! "ave an' Compile our -ork

    Select the 9Developer main menu option File 8 "ave All 1 Select our pro6oracle6apps6a"6employee6$e%&i6EmpDetails!5

    employee*&m%erA Employee'dC

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    employee*ameA Employee*ameCretai+ MA add7read;r&m%A

    At runtime, the OA Framework ub titute the current row3 view in tance attributevalue for the token in ide the curl brace 1 So, for example,

    employee*&m%erA Employee'dC become emloyee*&m%erA 1PQ 1


  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons



    "tep ha alreadbeen created in the databa e with the followin content4 %mplo9ee: %6 $A6% 1import oracle.apps.0+d.commo+.Messa(e o"e+8importoracle.apps.0+d.0rame$or".$e%&i.%ea+s.layo&t.O !a(e)ayo&t7ea+8


    p&%lic void processRe9&est:O !a(e;o+te3t pa(e;o+te3t O We%7ea+$e%7ea+= 66 ;ode 0rom Step Q.P ommitted 0or clarity... #e 0ollo$i+(s#o&ld %e

    66 added a0ter t#e code yo& added a%ove.

    66 5et t#e employee*ame parameter 0rom t#e UR) Stri+( employee*ame Apa(e;o+te3t.(et!arameter:?employee*ame?=8

    66 l$ays &se a tra+slated val&e 0rom Messa(e Dictio+ary $#e+

    setti+( 66 stri+(s i+ yo&r co+trollers. 66 '+sta+tiate a+ array o0 messa(e to"e+s a+d set t#e val&e0or t#e 66 EM!_* ME to"e+. Messa(e o"e+ N to"e+s A +e$ Messa(e o"e+:?EM!_* ME?employee*ame=C8

    66 *o$ (et t#e tra+slated messa(e te3t i+cl&di+( t#e to"e+val&e. Stri+( pa(eHeader e3t A

    pa(e;o+te3t.(etMessa(e:? F? ?-WF_ 7G_ _EM!_HE DER_ EG ?

    to"e+s=8 66 Set t#e employee speci0ic pa(e title :$#ic# also appearsi+ 66 t#e %readcr&m%s=. *ote t#at $e "+o$ t#is co+troller is 66 associated $it# t#e pa(e)ayo&t re(io+ $#ic# is $#y $ecast t#e

    66 $e%7ea+ to a+ O !a(e)ayo&t7ea+ %e0ore calli+( set itle.
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    ::O !a(e)ayo&t7ea+=$e%7ea+=.set itle:pa(eHeader e3t=8



  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Eavi ate the data tructure of ke OA Framework and 2"@9 cla e u in thedebu er 1

    )e/u( La/ Application ntro'uction

    For thi lab, ou3ll be workin with a pecial Bdebu applicationB that wa built to includeerror for ou to find1$ote: Thi application i optimi)ed for the purpo e of thi lab1 7t doe not full complwith 25AF '7 -uideline or the OA Framework codin tandard 1 For example, ou3ll

    ee ome controller code that et a web bean propert that hould be et declarativel 1The code i included pecificall o we can introduce exception 1 Thi code hould notbe u ed a a model for production code1The debu lab BapplicationB i included in the 5abSolution pro

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    debu ta k1oracle1app 1fnd1framework1toolbox1lab olution 1 erver1Debu A5abA; Application

    module fortate

    mana ement

    debu ta k1oracle1app 1fnd1framework1toolbox1lab olution 1 erver1Debu 25abA; Applicationmodule for

    tatemana ementdebu ta k1


    2efore completin thi lab, en ure that our OA)eveloper6o'e pro1 Furthermore, runnin thete t 9S$ ive ou a convenient toppin point for ettin breakpoint before acce inBbrokenB pa e , and it let ou navi ate more freel around our application with themenu pre ent1

    7n the La/"olutions pro1Eote that no re ult are di pla ed in the table1

    Add breakpoint to the followin ource code =u e the in truction provided in theHello, World! lab if ou need them>1

    o 7noracle.apps.#n'.#ramework.tool/"earchCO , add a breakpoint in ide the process-ormRe9&est method at thiline of code4 s&per.process-ormRe9&est:pa(e;o+te3t$e%7ea+=8

    o 7noracle.apps.#n'.#ramework.tool/

    mpl, add a breakpoint in ide the i+itI&ery method at thi line of code4De%&()a%EmpS&mmaryVO'mpl vo A(etDe%&()a%EmpS&mmaryVO :=8

    o 7noracle.apps.#n'.#ramework.tool/"
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    ummar9@O mpl , add a breakpoint in ide the i+itI&ery method at thiline of code4 Stri+(7&00er $#ere;la&se A +e$Stri+(7&00er: 22=8

    Select the o button a ain1

    At thi point, ou3ll notice that our process-ormRe9&est method i n3t called at all1"an ou fi ure out wh thi i n3t happenin and fix itR See the corre pondin Ta k %

    olution if ou need help1 Eote that ou cannot te t our fix = ou3ll encounter the*&ll!oi+terE3ceptio+ planned for Ta k &>1 For now, impl make the re6uiredchan e and terminate our O"@9 proce 1Tip: 8ou mu t fix each error in e6uence before movin on to the next ta k1

    Task : &esolve a $ull ointer%xception =$ %?

    7n thi ta k, ou3ll re olve one of the mo t common exception that ou3ll encounter4*&ll!oi+terE3ceptio+ 1 Thi mean ou tried to invoke a method on avariable that ha not been initiali)ed1

    (un test #wkla/solutions.7sp in debu mode1 Select the )e/u( La/ link when the te t pa e render 1 Eote that a tandard OA

    Framework error pa e di pla a hown in Fi ure %1

    Fi ure %4 *xample of an OA Framework *rror $a e

    Thi eneric error pa e render whenever an unexpected exception i thrown1 Toacce additional information about the error o ou can debu it, elect the here link1

    The OA Framework then di pla the complete tack trace a ociated with the uncau htexception =a B tack traceB i a nap hot of the code execution path at the point wherethe exception i rai ed>1Don3t be daunted b the i)e of the tack traceM mo t of the content i uperfluou for

    our debu in purpo e 1 To find the nu et of information that ou need to proceed,look for the text PP )etail 0 PP in the tack trace and read the exception data thatimmediatel follow it1
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    For thi particular error, Fi ure & how that a *&ll!oi+terE3ceptio+ wa rai ed inthe processRe9&est method at line !E in theoracle.apps.#n'.#ramework.tool/"earchCO cla 1Fi ure &4 UU Detail / UU Stack Trace 7nformation for a Eull$ointer*xception

    Tip: Fortunatel , when u in the 9Developer packa ed for Oracle Application , debuinformation i compiled into the code o line number are provided in the tack trace1 7f

    ou work with a tack trace that doe n3t contain explicit line number , ou need to createan exception breakpoint a hown in Ta k @ below1Since we know exactl what the ource of the *&ll!oi+terE3ceptio+ i , we don3tneed to bother creatin an exception breakpoint = ou can alwa create one later if ouneed it>1 7n tead, we can o ri ht to the broken ource code a hown in Fi ure : below17n mo t ca e , ou can impl lance at our code and fi ure out wh the ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Thi tell u that we have a ;lass;astE3ceptio+ at line ! in the processRe9&estmethod of theoracle.apps.#n'.#ramework.tool/"earchCO cla 1 7tal o tell u that the cla that we3re incorrectl ca tin ioracle.apps.#n'.#ramework.we/ui./eans.messa(e.OA6essa(eLov nputBean =thii the Bme a eB part of the exception>1 7n other word , we have anO Messa(e)ov'+p&t7ea+ that we3re tr in to ca t to omethin el e, and it3 notworkin 1Fi ure 0 how the code at line :L that i cau in the exception1 Tr to fi ure out what iwron with thi code o ou can fix it1 7f ou need help o ou can proceed, ee thecorre pondin Ta k : olution 1Fi ure 04 Source of the "la "a t*xception

    Task 1

    Tip: The eneric OA Framework error pa e doe n3t di pla in thi ca e becau e theunderl in exception i cau ht and Bpacka edB b 2"@9 a a u er#friendl errorme a e to be di pla ed at the top of the pa e1Fi ure C4 SG5Stmt*xception Di pla ed in an *rror ;e a e 2ox
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    To create an exception breakpoint4

    $lace our cur or in the J)eveloper Breakpoints tab hown in Fi ure L below=note that thi tab enerall di pla onl when ou run in debu mode, however

    ou can al o add a breakpoint when ou are not in debu mode b choo in@iew 8 )e/u( -in'ows 8 Breakpoints from the main menu>1

    (i ht#click and elect $ew Breakpoint... from the context menu1 7n the $ew Breakpoint window, et the Breakpoint T9pe to %xception and etthe %xception Class to the full 6ualified name of the exception =in thi ca e,oracle.j%o.SI)StmtE3ceptio+ >1

    Select O to ave our breakpoint1

    Fi ure L4 9Developer 2reakpoint Tab

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    To proceed, elect the o button a ain =with our %mplo9ee $um/er earch criteria>1 A umin 9Developer ha acce to the ource code, it top execution at the pointwhere the exception i thrown a hown in Fi ure below1 Specificall , execution halt

    just before the hi hli hted line of code1Fi ure 4 *xception 2reakpoint for SG5Stmt*xception

    7n thi ca e, the exception i bein thrown in the e3ec&teI&ery method in theI&ery;ollectio+ cla 1 Thi i reflected in the ource code above, and in the call

    tack =the "tack tab> a hown in Fi ure 1The call tack i a u eful tool that reflect the code execution path in relation to thecurrent breakpoint =it chan e a ou tep throu h our code u in the debu er>1 7t iparticularl helpful if ou want to acce code that wa executed before our breakpointwa reached1 So, for example, ou mi ht read the followin and decide that ou want toadd a breakpoint in the O Vie$O%ject'mpl s e3ec&teI&ery method o ou can

    tep throu h the code from thi point until ou reach the exception1 To 6uickl acce thee3ec&teI&ery method, impl double#click that line in the "tack window to open thecorre pondin ource1Tip: Tr ri ht#clickin on the cla or method name in the call tack1 8ou3ll ee everalother option that ou mi ht want to explore1 For example, ou can choo e %xport... to

    ave a cop of the call tack1Fi ure 4 "all Stack State When the SG5Stmt*xception i Thrown

    For thi particular error, we reall don3t need to navi ate the call tack and addbreakpoint at earlier proce in point 1 7n tead, we need to examine the exception

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    tate to ee if it include additional information that i not included in the me a e 2"@9pre ent to the u er1 Fi ure %/ how the "mart )ata debu in window content whenthe SI)StmtE3ceptio+ breakpoint i reached1 At thi level, the exception include theunderl in O(A error, which i much more pecific about the root cau e of the problem1Eow, in tead of

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    $lace our cur or in the J)eveloper Breakpoints tab1 (i ht#click and elect $ew Breakpoint... from the context menu1 7n the $ew Breakpoint window, et the Breakpoint T9pe to Class and elect the

    Browse... button next to the Class name field1 7n the Class Browser window, navi ate throu h the packa e and cla e until

    ou can elect the tar et cla =in thi ca e, ou need to electoracle.apps.#n'.#ramework.tool/ox.schema.server.%mplo9ee%O mpl >1 Eotethat ou can al o t pe our cla name in directl without havin to brow e fir t1

    Select O to ave our breakpoint1

    To execute our cla breakpoint4

    7n the La/"olutions pro

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Whenever entit ob1While ou3re in the entit ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    each row in the view ob, and elect the Appl9 button1

    8ou3ll notice that the set!ositio+;ode method i EOT bein called ## even thou h avalue i clearl elected in the popli t ## while the setSalary method i bein calledcorrectl 1Think about what mi ht be wron here o ou can fix it1 Start with our pa e definition,

    and con ider what mu t be defined correctl for the po ition value to be written to theentit ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    oracle.apps.#n'.#ramework.server.OAApplication6o'ule mpl./e#ore&elease1

    The %e0oreRelease:= method inoracle.apps.0+d.0rame$or".server.O pplicatio+Mod&le'mpl icalled

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Wh mi ht it be true R Al o, if we aved the aVal value on the tran action, wh iit nullR See the Ta k L, Te t % olution if ou need help1

    $ote: do not top runnin or make an chan e to the code at thi point1

    When the )e/u(B a(eCO render , elect the )e/u( A =&etain A6? ubmitbutton1 Thi will perform a 9S$ forward back to the )e/u(A pa e with theretai+ M re6ue t parameter et to true 1

    A ain, u e the debu er to tep throu h the processRe9&est code and checkthe tate of the is*e$ , %Val and aVal variable 1 8ou3ll notice that is*e$ #alse , and aVal NAN1 "an ou explain thi R See the Ta k L, Te t % olution if

    ou need help1 When )e/u(A render , thi time elect the a(e B ubmit button1 Thi will

    perform a 9S$ forward back to the )e/u(B pa e with the retai+ M re6ue tparameter et to #alse 1

    At thi point, 9Developer will halt execution at the %e0oreRelease method inthe O pplicatio+Mod&le'mpl ource1 However, if ou look at the Bthi B

    pointer in the Data window =for tho e who are new to 9ava, Bthi B iterall meanBthi ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    and ee if ou were ri ht1 7f ou were wron , and ou3re not ure wh , ee theTa k L, Te t & 1

    Tr navi atin back and forth between the pa e u in the button with theB(etain A;B label1 8our cached )e/u(ALa/A6 and it tate remain intact1

    Tip: 7n thi te t, both pa e are u in the ame application module in tance1 Anotherwa to verif whether pa e are u in the ame in tance of the ame applicationmodule t pe i to check the ob1 Todo thi , double#click the Bthi B $ame or T9pe value in the )ata window = hown in Fi ure%: above>1 Thi open a 6o'i#9 @alue window with the Current @alue et to the ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    (ebuild the La/"olutions pro

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Con(ratulations ou are now #inishe' with this exercise.

    "op ri ht . &//:#&//0, Oracle1 All ri ht re erved1

    La/ "olution: )e/u((in( OA FrameworkApplications

    Last Updated: +a% 23, 200*


    7n thi exerci e, ou3ll learn how to inve ti ate and re olve t pical OA Frameworkproblem u in the debu er1

    Task 1: nvesti(ate 4nexpecte' Co'e %xecution = art 1?7n thi cenario, there are two likel rea on wh our process-ormRe9&est methodi not bein called1 -iven the maturit of the OA Framework, ou hould be ininve ti atin a problem like thi b a umin that the Framework i workin properl ,and the root cau e i in our pro, it won3t ubmit the form when elected,and process-ormRe9&est won3t be called1

    7 theoracle.apps.#n'.#ramework.tool/"earchCO controller actuall a ociated with the Debu 5abSearch$-R

    7n thi ca e, we impl for ot to a ociate the controller with the pa e1 To fix theproblem, et theoracle.apps.#n'.#ramework.tool/"earchCO controlleron the "earch&$ re ion in the )e/u(La/"earch pa e1BAdmini trativeB error like thi are actuall fairl common1 8ou hould include thefollowin in a mental checkli t for a 6uick verification when code impl fail to executea expected4

    Did ou a ociate the ri ht controller with the ri ht re ion in our pa eR

    7 our packa e declaration correct for the cla =in other word , i our clabein created in the wron packa e>R Doe our cla name actuall match the 1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Tip: Whenever ou correct mi take that involve incorrect cla or packa edeclaration , alwa delete our ; JD !_"# $_%&' 8Gm9classes director andrebuild our pro1 7t3 important that ou clear out an invalid cla e to en ure thatno code depend on them1

    Task : &esolve a $ull ointer%xception7n mo t ca e , when ou fail to find a web bean in the hierarch , the root cau e i one of the followin 4

    8ou t ped the wron name for the web bean =remember that thi i ca een itive>1 "heck the 'D that ou a i ned to the bean1

    8ou a ociated our controller with a re ion below the ob1

    8ou u ed the wron BfindB method1 For example, if ou called0i+d'+de3ed;#ildRec&rsive and ou3re lookin for a named child =like a

    return$avi(ation >, thi method won3t return thi bean1 T picall ,0i+d;#ildRec&rsive i a better option ince it return both named andindexed children1

    7n thi ca e, the B e mpEameB ar ument to the 0i+d;#ildRec&rsive method doe notmatch the value a i ned to thi item in the pa e definition, which i B %mpEame1B Thecorrected code i 4O Messa(e e3t'+p&t7ea+ emp*ame A:O Messa(e e3t'+p&t7ea+=$e%7ea+.0i+d;#ildRec&rsive:? %mpName?=8

    Task !: &esolve a ClassCast%xception

    The e exception are enerall ea to re olve once ou3re armed with the ource of theproblem in our code, and ou know what kind of ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Since ou can verif our tatic SG5 ntax in 9Developer, problem like the e areu uall related to an d namic element in our SG5 tatement1 -iven that, our viewob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    module in tance can3t ee the tran action value a ociated with another applicationmodule in tance1When ou navi ated back to )e/u(A while optin to retain the application module,

    ou now have cached in tance of both the )e/u(ALa/A6 and the )e/u(BLa/A6 application module 1 Thi i wh the aVal tran action variable NAN and the is*e$ value #alse 1


    Since both pa e now hare the ame root '7 application module t pe =and the ametran action>, when ou retain the application module while navi atin between the pa ethe is*e$ value hould be #alse , and the aVal and %Val tran action value will bevi ible to both pa e a lon a ou navi ate between them with the application moduleretention propert et to true 1

    Task E: )e/u( Classes $ot nclu'e' in our ro7ect

    There i no olution for thi ta k1

    Task I: &esolve a Common 6issin( mport

    There i no olution for thi ta k1

    Task 10: nvesti(ate 4nexpecte' 4 &esults

    7n thi ca e, the 6ain&$ i a 'e#ault"in(leColumn re ion, which mean it3 actuall afanc header =lookin at the 9avadoc for theoracle.apps.0+d.0rame$or".$e%&i.%ea+s.layo&t.O De0a&ltSi+(le;ol&m+7ea+ verifie that it extend a header cla >1 To prevent thi header line fromrenderin , impl et the 6ain&$ re ion3 Hide Header propert to true 1"op ri ht . &/// # &//@, Oracle "orporation1 All ri ht re erved1

    %xercise: Create a(e > art 1Last Updated: +a% 2*, 2005


    7n thi exerci e, ou3ll implement a "reate pa e a hown in Fi ure % and then add a"reate *mplo ee button to our Search pa e a hown in Fi ure & 1-arnin(: Thi le on a ume that ou have completed the Search *xerci e and theDrilldown to Detail *xerci e and build on that work1 7f ou have not completed tho eexerci e , plea e do o before proceedin 1$ote: 7n thi exerci e, J %ourname K ma be our full name = uch a , a imilaruni6ue name = uch a , or an in tructor# upplied name =if ou are performin the elab a part of an in tructor#led trainin >1
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Fi ure %4 "reate $a e Fini hed $roduct

    Fi ure &4 (evi ed Search $a e Fini hed $roduct

    Create La/ oals After completin thi exerci e, ou hould have learned how to4

    Add a lobal table button1 Add an B7ndicate re6uired fieldB re ion to a pa e, and de i nate elected field

    a bein re6uired1 "reate a popli t1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Add pa e#level action navi ation button 1 $erform a pro rammatic 9S$ Forward from one pa e to another1 *nable BWarn About "han e B checkin to help the u er avoid inadvertentl

    lo in work1 Di pla a "onfirmation dialo me a e1 7mplement t pical entit ob1 "reate a new row in an entit ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    "tep 1.< A'' a(e>Level Appl9 an' Cancel Buttons

    $er the 25AF '7 uideline , all pa e#level button render twice on the pa e4 below thepa e title, and below the ki1 However, ou onl need to add them once u in a pecialpa(eButtonBar re ion1

    Fir t, elect the a(eLa9out&$ in the Structure pane, then ri ht#click and elect$ew 8 &e(ion from the context menu1

    Set the followin propertie for thi re ion4

    ropert9 @alue7D $a e2utton(e ion St le pa e2utton2ar

    Second, add a "ancel button1 (i ht#click a(eButtons in the "tructure pane,and elect $ew 8 tem from the context menu1 Set or verif the followinpropertie for thi item4

    ropert9 @alue7D "ancel7tem St le ubmit2utton

    Attribute Set oracle app fnd attribute et 2utton "ancel

    4Alwa%s use t#e standard OA Frameworkattri&ute sets $or common &uttons(

    Di able ServerSide ?alidation


    4 o t#e user can leave t#e page &% selecting

    t#is &utton wit#out encountering server sidevalidation errors(Di able "lientSide ?alidation


    4 o t#e user can leave t#e page &% selectingt#is &utton wit#out encountering client sidevalidation errors(

    $rompt "ancel

    4 et automaticall% w#en %ou speci$% t#eattri&ute set(

    Warn About"han e Fal e

    4 o t#e user can leave t#e page &% selectingt#is &utton wit#out &eing warned a&out pendingc#anges(

    Additional Text Select to cancel thi tran action1

    4"#is is re6uired per t#e acce ibilit codin
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    tandard (

    Third, add an Appl button1 (i ht#click a(eButtons in the "tructure pane, andelect $ew 8 tem from the context menu1 Set or verif the followin propertie

    for thi item4

    ropert9 @alue7D Appl7tem St le ubmit2utton

    Attribute Set oracle app fnd attribute et 2utton Appl$rompt Appl

    4 et &% t#e attri&ute set( AdditionalText

    Select to ave thi emplo ee1

    "tep 1.5 Create the 6ain Content &e(ion

    To achieve the correct indentation of our di pla field , add a 'e#ault"in(leColumn re ion to our a(eLa9out&$ 1 Since each of the item in thi re ion will bind to the%mplo9eeFull@O1 view in tance, we will u e the re ion wi)ard to 6uickl create thi 1

    Select the a(eLa9out&$ in the "tructure pane, ri ht#click and elect $ew 8&e(ion 4sin( -i2ar' from the context menu1

    7n the BC, and then elect

    our %mplo9eeFull@O1 view ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    7n the &e(ion tems pa e, et the 'D , Style =, andttri%&te Set propertie a follow 1 8ou ma need to double#click on field to

    edit their value 1 Eote that the !rompt value i et for ou a oon a ou applthe ttri%&te Set , o do the attribute et before the prompt and then verifthat the prompt are correct1

    ) rompt "t9le )ata T9pe Attri/ute "et D*mpEum Eumber me a eText7nput E';2*( *mplo ee7d Eumber Fir tEame Fir t

    Eameme a eText7nput ?A("HA(& Fir tEame

    5a tEame 5a tEame

    me a eText7nput ?A("HA(& 5a tEame

    *mailAddre *mail Addre

    me a eText7nput ?A("HA(& *mailAddre

    $o ition $o ition me a eText7nput ?A("HA(& $o ition

    ; rEame ;ana er messa(eLov nput ?A("HA(& FullEame ;ana er

    Salar Salar me a eText7nput E';2*( Salar

    StartDate HireDate

    me a eText7nput DAT* StartDate

    *ndDate *nd Date me a eText7nput DAT* *ndDate; rEum ;ana er

    Eumber me a eText7nput

    =7e ll c#ange t#is#idden $ield to a$orm8alue st%le a&it later >1


    N $lea e replace the ; base path 8 variable in the table above with the followin text4oracleGappsG#n'G#rameworkGtool/oxGattri/utesetsGFwkT/x%mplo9ees 1 When ou dothi , be ?*(8 careful with the la he 1 For example, if we had room in the table to beexplicit, the fir t attribute et would be4

    GoracleGappsG#n'G#rameworkGtool/oxGattri/utesetsGFwkT/x%mplo9eesG%mplo9ee ' $um/er Tip: To u e the Search dialo , u e GoracleGappsG#n'G#rameworkGtool/oxGattri/utesets =that i , onl the director path, not the packa e filenameM ou can al o u e a horterpath> in the acka(e field, elect "earch in: %ntire 6)" 6L ath , then elect the"earch button =not the Browse button>1

    "lick the Finish button to create our data table1

    "tep 1. Finish "ettin( 6ain&$ tem roperties

    ;o t of propertie for the item in 6ain&$ were et when ou created the'e#ault"in(leColumn re ion1 Eow, ou need to complete the proce of ettin theirpropertie 1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Open each of the followin item in the 6ain&$ and et verif the followinadditional propertie a hown1


    8ou3re oin to automaticall enerate the new emplo ee number later on u in adataba e e6uence, o thi value will be di pla onl 1ropert9 @alue

    "SS "la OraDataText


    For text field , the Ma3im&m )e+(t# propert corre pond to the databa e columnlen th1 The )e+(t# propert control the renderin i)e of the field and it i enerallthe ame i)e or maller than the Ma3im&m )e+(t# propert 1Whenever ou et the Re9&ired propert to 9es , a re6uired field indicator render nextto the prompt1 Al o, when the pa e i ubmitted, '7I verifie that thi field i non#nullbefore i uin a $OST re6ue t to the erver1ropert9 @alue

    (e6uired e

    ;aximum 5en th &/"SS "la OraFieldText5en th &/


    ropert9 @alue(e6uired e;aximum 5en th @/"SS "la OraFieldText5en th @/


    ropert9 @alue(e6uired no;aximum 5en th &@/"SS "la OraFieldText5en th /


  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    The ;ana er field re6uire a li t of value M we can reu e the %mplo9eesLov&$ thatou alread created in the Search lab1

    Eote that thi field i not marked a re6uired becau e it i re6uired onl for certainpo ition 1 Therefore, we will implement that validation at the entit ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    ;aximum 5en th :/"SS "la OraFieldText5en th :/Tip t pe dateFormat

    =Displa%s astandard date$ormat #int&eneat# t#e $ield&ased on t#ecurrent user slocale( >


    ropert9 @alue

    (e6uired no;aximum 5en th :/"SS "la OraFieldText5en th :/Tip T pe dateFormat

    "tep 1. A'' an N n'icates &e3uire' Fiel'N &e(ion

    The B7ndicate (e6uired FieldB re ion hould render on the ame line a the pa e#levelaction navi ation button 1 To achieve thi , alwa add pa e#level ke like thi to apa(e"tatus component1

    Select the a(eLa9out&$ , ri ht#click and elect $ew 8 pa(e"tatus 1 Select the #lowLa9out re ion that 9Developer create for ou beneath the

    pa(e"tatus component and et it 'D to a(e"tatus&$ 1 Select a(e"tatus&$ , ri ht#click and elect $ew 8 &e(ion 1 Set the followin

    propertie for thi re ion1 Whenever ou need a 25AF# tandard B7ndicate(e6uired FieldB ke in our pa e, ou can impl extend the common OAFramework re ion hown below1

    $ote: For the *xtend propert , de elect the BShow "omponent With ?alid ScopeOnl B check box in the dialo window for thi ca e1 At other time ou ma want to

    re trict the choice to component with a valid cope, uch a in our particularapplication1ropert9 @alue

    7D (e6uired+e*xtend oracle app fnd framework webui OA(e6FieldDe c(-Width %//V$ote: When ou et the E3te+ds propert to thi re ion, 9Developer ma di pla aconfirmation me a e like the followin 1 7f o, elect es to proceed1

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    1 The %mplo9ee hould appear approximatel a hown in Fi ure : 1

    o 8ou will not ee the emplo ee number1 8ou will ee an empt input fieldin tead1

    o $o ition will be an input field, not a popli t1o 8ou will not be able to u e the ;ana er 5O? or the Appl button =if outr , ou will ee everal error me a e that a 4 BEo current row for ?iew=*mplo eeFull?O%>B1 Once ou add the appropriate lo ic later in thiexerci e, thi me a e will no lon er appear1

    o 8ou will not be able to do an thin el e in the *mplo ee pa e becau eou have not et added an lo ic1

    Fi ure :4 "reate *mplo ee $a e without popli t
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Task : mplement the ositions oplist

    The "reate *mplo ee pa e will include a popli t for choo in the emplo ee3 po ition1We need to create a view ob, ee Standard Web Wid et in theOA Framework Developer3 -uide1

    "tep .1 Create a oplist @iew O/7ect BC

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    7n the ; yourname packa e, create a new viewob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    ="#e value to displa% in t#e poplist( >$ickli t ?alue Attribute 5ookup"ode

    ="#e internal developer value( >"SS "la OraFieldText

    "tep .5 Convert the 6ain&$ "t9le #rom 'e#ault"in(leColumn tomessa(eComponentLa9out

    A ou did in the Drilldown to Detail exerci e, chan e the 6ain&$ Re(io+ Style tomessa(eComponentLa9out 4

    Select the 6ain&$ 'e#ault"in(leColumn re ion and chan e it Re(io+Style propert to messa(eComponentLa9out 1 9Developer will di pla a

    warnin M elect the es button to proceed1 8our item will not be adver elaffected1

    Tip: The messa(eComponentLa9out re ion t le i new in relea e %%101%/=and hould be u ed in place of all 'e#aultD re ion which will eventuall bedeprecated>1 Since Bre ion u in wi)ardB creation upport i not et available forthe messa(eComponentLa9out , thi i the mo t efficient wa to create a in lerow re ion who e item bind to a view obmessa(eD item to a messa(eComponentLa9out re ion, add a messa(eLa9out re ionfir t a hown here1To learn more about workin with the messa(eComponentLa9out re ion, ee $a e5a out =How to $lace "ontent> in the OA Framework Developer3 -uide1

    "tep . "ave an' Test our -ork

    Select the %mplo9ee , ri ht#click and elect &un %mplo9ee .xml =or )e/u(%mplo9ee .xml if ou3re havin problem > 1

    The %mplo9ee hould appear approximatel a hown in Fi ure % 1
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    o 8ou will not ee the emplo ee number1 8ou will ee an empt input fieldin tead1

    o 8ou hould ee $o ition a a popli t, and ou hould be able to elect avalue for it1

    o 8ou will till not be able to do an thin el e in the *mplo ee pa ebecau e ou have not et added an lo ic1

    Task !: mplement &ow nitiali2ation =Create a @iew O/7ect&ow?

    8ou3re oin to implement a bare minimum, tripped#down ver ion of the lo ic in the*mplo ee pa e o ou can create and ave an emplo ee without an validation1 8ou willadd validation code later1

    "tep !.1 A'' a create%mplo9ee= ? 6etho' to our %mplo9eeA6 mpl Class

    2efore ou can fill out our *mplo ee pa e for a new emplo ee, ou mu t create a viewob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    66 i+ Detail i+ t#e Developer s 5&ide 0or additio+ali+0ormatio+.



    Ro$ ro$ A vo.createRo$:=8 vo.i+sertRo$:ro$=8 66 Re9&ired per O -rame$or" Model ;odi+( Sta+dard M ro$.set*e$Ro$State:Ro$.S US_'*' ' )' ED=8

    C 66 e+d createEmployee:=


  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    CC 66 e+d processRe9&est:=


  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    66 $e impleme+ted t#is code i+ t#e M $#ere it %elo+(s $e$o&ld &se t#e 66 ot#er approac#. Stri+( employee*ame A:Stri+(=vo.(et;&rre+tRo$:=.(et ttri%&te:?Employee*ame?=8 66 We +eed to (et a Stri+( so $e ca+ pass it to t#eMessa(e o"e+ array %elo$. *ote 66 t#at $e are (etti+( t#is val&e 0rom t#e VO :$e co&ld also(et it 0rom 66 t#e 7ea+ as s#o$+ i+ t#e Drilldo$+ to Details la%= %eca&set#e item style is messa(eStyled e3t

    66 so t#e val&e is+ t p&t o+ t#e re9&est li"e amessa9e e3t'+p&t val&e is. *&m%er employee*&m%er A:*&m%er=vo.(et;&rre+tRo$:=.(et ttri%&te:?Employee'd?=8 Stri+( employee*&m AStri+(.val&eO0:employee*&m%er.i+tVal&e:==8 66 Simply telli+( t#e tra+sactio+ to commit $ill ca&se all t#e

    E+tity O%ject validatio+ 66 to 0ire. 66 66 *ote/ t#ere s +o reaso+ 0or a developer to per0orm aroll%ac". #is is #a+dled %y 66 t#e 0rame$or" i0 errors are e+co&+tered.


    66 ss&mi+( t#e ?commit? s&cceeds +avi(ate %ac" to t#e?Searc#? pa(e $it#

    66 t#e &ser s searc# criteria i+tact a+d display a?;o+0irmatio+? messa(e 66 at t#e top o0 t#e pa(e.

    Messa(e o"e+ N to"e+s A +e$ Messa(e o"e+:?EM!_* ME?employee*ame= +e$ Messa(e o"e+:?EM!_*UM7ER? employee*&m= C8 O E3ceptio+ co+0irmMessa(e A +e$ O E3ceptio+:? F??-WF_ 7G_ _EM!_;RE E_;O*-'RM? to"e+s O E3ceptio+.;O*-'RM 'O* +&ll=8 66 !er t#e U' (&ideli+es $e $a+t to add t#e co+0irmatio+messa(e at t#e

    66 top o0 t#e searc#6res&lts pa(e a+d $e $a+t t#e old searc#criteria a+d 66 res&lts to display.

    pa(e;o+te3t.p&tDialo(Messa(e:co+0irmMessa(e=8 pa(e;o+te3t.0or$ard'mmediately:?O .jsppa(eA66oracle6apps6a"6employee6$e%&i6EmpSearc#!5? +&ll O We%7ea+;o+sta+ts.FEE!_ME*U_;O* EG +&ll

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    +&ll tr&e 66 retai+ M O We%7ea+;o+sta+ts. DD_7RE D_;RUM7_*O=8



  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    The confirmation me a e hould di pla in the %mp"earch a hown inFi ure 0 1

    o $ote: 8ou will not ee the emplo ee name in the confirmation becau ecombinin the fir t name and la t name into the emplo ee name happenin the validation ou have not et created1

    Fi ure 04 *mplo ee Search $a e with "reate "onfirmation ;e a e

    Search for our new emplo ee b t pin in the new emplo ee number andelectin the o button1 8our re ult hould di pla a hown in Fi ure C 1

    o $ote: ou will not ee the emplo ee name becau e combinin the fir tname and la t name into the emplo ee name happen in the validation
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    ou have not et created1 However, ou will ee the emplo ee number,the email addre , and the mana er name1

    Fi ure C4 *mplo ee Search $a e howin new emplo ee

    Task 5: &evise the "earch a(e to nclu'e a Create %mplo9eeButton

    "tep 5.1 A'' a NCreate %mplo9eeN Button to our "earch a(e

    To acce the "reate *mplo ee pa e from the Search pa e, ou need to revi e the the

    Search pa e, %mp"earch , to include a "reate *mplo ee button above the re ulttable1 To do thi , ou will need to add a ta/leAction component to the (e ult table thatou created in the Search *xerci e 1

    Select the &esultsTa/le re ion in the "tructure pane, ri ht#click and elect $ew8 ta/leActions from the context menu1

    9Developer automaticall create a #lowLa9out re ion for ou1 "han e thire ion3 'D to ButtonLa9out 1

    Select the ButtonLa9out re ion, ri ht#click and elect $ew 8 tem 1 Set thi item3propertie a follow 4

    ropert9 @alue7D "reate7tem St le ubmit2utton


    oracle app fnd framework toolbox attribute et FwkTbx*mplo ee "reate*mplo ee

    Select the %mp"earch , ri ht#click and elect &un %mp"earch .xml 1 8ourpa e hould appear a hown in Fi ure & 1
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    "tep 5. A'' NCreate %mplo9eeN Button ress +an'ler to our "earch a(e

    When the u er pre e the "reate *mplo ee ubmit2utton, ou needprocess-ormRe9&est:= code to determine that thi button ha been pre ed andnavi ate the u er to the %mplo9ee 1Fir t, create a controller and a ociate it with the &esultsTa/le re ion in the%mp"earch 1Tip: ;ake ure ou add thi controller to the correct pa e =Search>1

    Select the &esultsTa/le re ion in the %mp"earch , ri ht#click and elect "et$ew Controller ... from the context menu1

    7n the acka(e $ame field enter ; yourname 1 7n the $ame field enter %mplo9ee&esultsCO 1 Select the O button to create our controller1

    Then, add the followin code to the EmployeeRes&lts;O.process-ormRe9&est:= method4

    import oracle.apps.0+d.0rame$or".$e%&i.O We%7ea+;o+sta+ts8...

    p&%lic void process-ormRe9&est:O !a(e;o+te3t pa(e;o+te3tO We%7ea+ $e%7ea+= s&per.process-ormRe9&est:pa(e;o+te3t $e%7ea+=8

    i0 :pa(e;o+te3t.(et!arameter:?;reate?= @A +&ll=

    66 *avi(ate to t#e ?;reate Employee? pa(e $#ile retai+i+(t#e M. 66 *ote t#e &se o0 FEE!_ME*U_;O* EG as opposed to5UESS_ME*U_;O* EG 66 si+ce $e "+o$ t#e c&rre+t ta% s#o&ld remai+ #i(#li(#ted.

    pa(e;o+te3t.set-or$ardUR):?O .jsppa(eA6< yourname >6oracle6apps6a"6employee6$e%&i6Employee!5? +&ll O We%7ea+;o+sta+ts.FEE!_ME*U_;O* EG

    +&ll +&ll tr&e 66 Retai+ M O We%7ea+;o+sta+ts. DD_7RE D_;RUM7_ ES O We%7ea+;o+sta+ts.'5*ORE_MESS 5ES=8 C


    "tep 5.! Test 9our work

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    Select TutorialLa/s.7pr , ri ht#click and elect &e/uil' TutorialLa/s.7pr 1 Select the %mp"earch , ri ht#click and elect &un %mp"earch .xml =or

    )e/u( %mp"earch .xml if ou3re havin problem > The %mp"earch hould appear approximatel a hown in Fi ure & 1 Select the Create %mplo9ee button and verif that it take ou to our "reate

    *mplo ee pa e1

    Con(ratulations ou are now #inishe' with this exercise.

    "op ri ht . &/// # &//0, Oracle "orporation1 All ri ht re erved1

    %xercise: Create a(e > art Last Updated: +a% 2*, 2005


    7n thi exerci e, ou3ll implement validation in our "reate pa e1 8ou will al o implementthe lo ic to enerate an emplo ee number a hown in Fi ure %1-arnin(: Thi exerci e a ume that ou have completed the "reate *xerci e # $art % and build on that work1 7f ou have not completed thi exerci e, plea e do o beforeproceedin 1$ote: 7n thi exerci e, J %ourname K ma be our full name = uch a , a imilaruni6ue name = uch a , or an in tructor# upplied name =if ou are performin the elab a part of an in tructor#led trainin >1Fi ure %4 "reate $a e Fini hed $roduct

    Create La/ > art oals
  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    After completin thi exerci e, ou hould have learned how to4

    7mplement t pical entit ob1

    ' e validation view ob

  • 8/11/2019 Oracle Application Framework ToolBox Tutorial Lessons


    22 i u ed to en u e co ect ,ack button be4a!io $.

    T an action0nit1elpe . ta tT an action0nit"page