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Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Release Notes Release 6.2.3 E88438-01 April 2018

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Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Release Notes Release 6.2.3 E88438-01 April 2018

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Copyright © 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. ii

Copyrights and Trademarks Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Release 6.2.3 Release Notes


Copyright © 1995, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government. This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.

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Contents CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 3

Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Product Support Note ............................................................................................................................. 3

CHAPTER 2: ENHANCEMENTS .............................................................................................. 4

Enhancements ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Change Management .............................................................................................................................. 4 Activity Improvements ............................................................................................................................ 7 Workflow Actions .................................................................................................................................... 9 General Enhancements ......................................................................................................................... 10 Extensibility Enhancements .................................................................................................................. 11

CHAPTER 3: RESOLVED ISSUES ......................................................................................... 12

6.2.3 Resolved Issues .......................................................................................................................... 12 Data Administration Resolved Issues .................................................................................................... 12 eQuestionnaire Resolved Issues ........................................................................................................... 13 Global Specification Management (GSM) Resolved Issues ................................................................... 14 New Product Development Resolved Issues ......................................................................................... 18 Supply Chain Relationship Management (SCRM) Resolved Issues ....................................................... 19 Workflow Administration Resolved Issues ............................................................................................ 20 Technical Resolved Issues ..................................................................................................................... 20

CHAPTER 4: HOT FIXES ........................................................................................................ 21

Hot Fixes ............................................................................................................................................. 21

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Preface This document describes issues that you may encounter with this release. Internal Tracking numbers that appear in the tables are used to identify issues reported by customers. You can use these numbers to identify the issue should you need to contact Oracle Support. Locator numbers that appear in parentheses after some notes are for Oracle internal use only.

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Chapter 1 Introduction

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Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter contains an overview of Release 6.2.3 of Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process.

Summary Release 6.2.3 includes several enhancements and a number of bug fixes. If you are on a previous 6.2 release, to ensure the highest application stability possible, you are strongly encouraged to upgrade to 6.2.3. Please read all Enhancements, Resolved Issues and Hot Fixes to fully understand what is included in this release. Documentation for Release 6.2.3 includes these Release Notes and several user and technical guides. For a complete set of user guides for PLM for Process, see the 6.2.3 release posted on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN):

Product Support Note Please note that product support for data that has been imported will only extend to data that could have been entered manually in the application user interface.

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Chapter 2 Enhancements

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Chapter 2: Enhancements

This chapter contains new product features included in Release 6.2.3 of Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process.

Enhancements This release includes several enhancements, described below.

Change Management This release includes several enhancements focused in Change Management, Global Succession. Some key enhancements added new relationships to global succession, and global succession is now more robust and easier to navigate between specifications and global succession requests. Below is a full list of enhancements made in this area:

Trade Items Now Supported by Global Succession (623-170) Global Succession now supports the ability to replace trade items within your finished good hierarchy. Previously Global Succession only supported replacing packaging and material specifications within the trade hierarchy. To perform a lower level trade global succession, Select Object Type: Trade Specification and Parent Spec Type: Trade Specification.

Component Catalog Breakdown Components Now Supported by Global Succession (623-170) Global Succession now supports the ability to replace components within % Breakdowns. Two object types supported for component catalog are:

1. Component Catalog (Exact Match) – When selected, this type will find all breakdown components using the exact value you provide. This allows you to replace a single alias for a term without adjusting other components using the same term or other aliases within that term.

2. Component Catalog (Term Match) – When selected, this type will find all breakdown components using the component catalog term or any alias associated to that term. This allows you to make a full component replacement regardless of which alias was used.

To perform a component catalog % breakdown global succession, select Object Type: Component Catalog (Exact Match or Term Match) and Parent Spec Type: Product Specification, Material Specification or Trade Specification.

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Chapter 2 Enhancements

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Material Specification Breakdown Components Now Supported by Global Succession (623-170) Global Succession now supports the ability to replace material specifications used as components within % Breakdowns. To perform a material specification % breakdown global succession, select Object Type: Material Specification and Parent Spec Type: Material Specification (via Breakdown) or Trade Specification (via Breakdown) or Product Specification (via Breakdown).

Substitute Materials Now Supported by Global Succession (623-170) Global Succession now supports the ability to replace material specifications assigned as substitute materials on a material specification. To perform a substitute material global succession, select Object Type: Material Specification and Parent Spec Type: Material Specification (via Substitution).

Global Succession Now Supports More Change (623-192) Global Succession has now doubled the amount of specifications you can adjust using a single global succession request. To make Global Succession more robust, it was moved to Remoting Container. This request will be the highest priority in all Remoting Container requests. With a more robust Remoting Container, larger changes are now possible. Now that global succession is an asynchronous process, additional features within global succession were needed:

• 'Complete Date' has been added to the request and request search. • ‘Status’ has been added to request search results. • The request initiator will receive an email when the request is complete. • A ‘Refresh’ action has been added to the request to check for status changes.

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Chapter 2 Enhancements

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Global Succession Most Recently Used Navigation added to Specifications (623-192) It’s now easier to navigate between specifications and global succession requests. Global Succession Requests are now integrated into the most recently used navigation panel in GSM.

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Chapter 2 Enhancements

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Activity Improvements This release includes several enhancements around activity management within GSM and NPD.

Ability to Re-resolve GSM Activities 21493334, 23056105 (623-168)

You now have more control over your GSM Activities and can re-resolve workflows. Activity workflows are decided by the ‘Activity Type’. This field is now editable after an activity has been saved. When the activity type is changed, the activity will resolve to the new workflow.

The [CAN_RESOLVE_WORKFLOWS_ACTIVITY] role is required to perform this action.

Template Support for Primary Activities (623-174) An activity tied directly to a specification is called a primary activity, or specification-dependent activity. Primary activities allow you to make the specification’s workflow dependent on the activity. Customers can now create primary activities using activity templates. The [CREATE_FROM_TEMPLATE_2283] role is required to perform this action.

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Chapter 2 Enhancements

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Import Related Items & Documents (623-453) You can now quickly add related items to a GSM activity or related documents to an NPD activity using spreadsheet import. This feature allows you to easily associate all objects affected by or related to the activity. GSM Activity: Related Items

NPD Activity: Related Documents

The Import feature supports the following: • Import up to 100 related items per activity • Use any spreadsheet, allowing you to use exports from search results, hierarchy navigator

or even reporting populate an activity. • The import process is looking for specific header names to determine the collection to

import. The following headers are supported: o Spec # - GSM Specifications and Nutrient Profiles o Activity # – GSM Activities o Company # - SCRM Companies o Facility # - SCRM Facilities o Request # - Smart Issue Requests

GSM Activity Configurations "GSM.ActivityRelatedItem.Import.Enabled" value="true" enables the user to import items from Excel to the GSM activity’s Related Items field. This is set to true by default. When the configuration is set to true, the Import button is available for GSM activities’ related items. "GSM.Activity.RelatedItems.MaxLimit" determines the maximum number of Related Items that can be added to a GSM activity. The default and max supported amount is 100. NPD Activity Configurations "NPD.ActivityRelatedItem.Import.Enabled" value="true" enables the user to import items from Excel to the NPD activity’s Related Items field. This is set to true by default. When the configuration is set to true, the Import button is available for NPD activities’ related items. "NPD.Activity.RelatedDocuments.MaxLimit" determines the maximum number of Related Documents that can be added to an NPD activity. The default and max supported amount is 100.

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Chapter 2 Enhancements

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"NPD.Project.SupportingDocuments.RelatedItems.DisplayMaxLimit" determines the maximum number of related items displayed on the project’s Supporting Documents tab. The default and max supported amount is 500. The project’s Supporting Documents tab displays all supporting documents on activities. Since a project can have many activities, this section could quickly get overwhelmed if there are a large number of activities with 100 related documents. The max supported amount is 500 but this should be reduced if you find it hinders usability.

Workflow Actions

Workflow Actions: Associated Specifications (623-176) In our previous release, we offered a collection of workflow actions that allow you to automatically advance immediate child specifications in their workflow when the parent was advanced. A workflow action for associated specifications is now available. This action will allow you to automatically advance the associated specification in their workflow when the parent specification is advanced. You can configure which associated specifications are supported, which parent status will trigger the action, and which status the associated specification will change to when the action is triggered. Workflow Transitions on Trade Specification WFA Template

Here’s an example configuration key. In this example, the workflow action is advancing associated material specifications to “Approved” (WFA Tag behavior ID=4) when the parent trade specification advances to “Approved”. The action will not advance associated material specifications in an Archived status (WFA Tag behavior ID=1). <WorkflowAction processTemplateTypes="GSM" IncludeObjectIDs="2147" name="Trade Spec Workflow Action – Update Associated Specs" FactoryURL="Class:Xeno.Prodika.GSMLib.WorkflowActions.GSMWorkflowActionUpdateAssociatedSpecs,GSMLib$4|1|1004" ></WorkflowAction> Refer to the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Extensibility Guide for a full listing of available workflow actions and details around how to enable them.

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Chapter 2 Enhancements

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General Enhancements

Table: 2-1 General Enhancements

Bug/Enh ID Issue

Internal Tracking Number


Bulk Change Actions now allow you to download submitted files For bulk actions GSM refresh hierarchy and change owner, the uploaded file is now retained so users can download the previously uploaded file, review the data that has been uploaded and make any necessary changes.



Search Result Exports Search results export now uses standard Excel format (.xlsx). (623-694)


Terminated NPD Projects can now be re-activated You can now re-activate projects that are in a Terminated status. When “Reactivate” is selected from the action menu, you are able to choose which stage to return the project to. The [NPD_SA] role is required to perform this action. This feature is enabled using the following configuration: “NPD.ActiveTerminatedProject.Enabled” value = “true”



Comments can now be required when approving a user or group in UGM You can now require comments from administrators when they are approving users or groups in UGM. It is enabled using the following configuration “UGM.Workflow.EnforceComments.Enabled” value = “true” This feature is turned off by default. You must set this configuration to true to use this feature.



Description search criterion added to DRL Document Search Description is now a search criterion when searching for DRL documents. Description can also be added as a search result column.


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Chapter 2 Enhancements

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Bug/Enh ID Issue

Internal Tracking Number


Performance Improvements Several changes were made to enhance performance: Basis Refresh Hierarchy Hierarchy Denormalization Search Smart Issue



XSS Security Introduces the support of .NET V4.5 validation mode Implements the configurable fields (query strings, form fields) validation


Extensibility Enhancements

Table: 2-2 Extensibility Enhancements

Bug/Enh ID Issue

Internal Tracking Number


Section Level Editing support for Formulation Basis and Theoretical Output Section Level Editing allows you to designate which specific sections are editable based on conditionals. Previously, we only supported the primary formulation specification, but now this has been expanded to support the formulation basis and theoretical output. See the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Extensibility Guide, Section Level Editing section for more information.



Custom Data Denormalization Extended Attribute Denormalization now includes Multi-lingual Free Text and Long Free Text extended attributes. For more information, see the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Extended Attribute Denormalization Guide. Custom Section Denormalization also includes distinct Multi-lingual Free Text and Long Free Text extended attributes. Learn more in the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Custom Section Denormalization Guide.


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Chapter 3 Resolved Issues

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Chapter 3: Resolved Issues

This chapter contains resolved issues for Release 6.2.3 of Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process.

6.2.3 Resolved Issues The following tables outline known issues that have been resolved for Release 6.2.3 of Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process.

Data Administration Resolved Issues Table 3-1: ADMN Resolved Issues

Bug/Enh ID Issue Resolution


In ADMN, need ability to move the focus within the qualitative fields. Root cause: For qualitative range, focus moves to next or previous cell when Tab and Shift Tab key is pressed, but not for a sub item in one cell.

For qualitative range, move focus within one cell by using Tab and Shift+Tab. (623-976)


User added the column “Brand” using the Customize utility in the trade specification search page, and then no search result was returned. If the Brand column is removed, the search works correctly. Root cause: “Brand” display column is used to show PickupList type Brand.

Another “Brand” display column was added to show free text type of Brand. (623-1112)


A carriage return in a column header affects the custom section display.

Carriage returns are no longer allowed in column names. (623-993)

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Chapter 3 Resolved Issues

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eQuestionnaire Resolved Issues

Table 3-2: EQ Resolved Issues

Bug/Enh ID Issue Resolution


Attempting to open a questionnaire containing a DRL attachment generated an error. Root cause: When a DRL document that has some files in an attachment and legacy attachments was added to a questionnaire, when opened in Supplier Portal, there are multiple attachments of the same PKID.

Filtered out the same PKID attachment. (623-382)


When creating an ingredient from a questionnaire, a role is needed to use the Create from Template option. Current roles are not sufficient. Root cause: In the EQ>GSM popup, users can see the Create from Template option in the action drop-down list if assigned the TEMPLATE_CREATOR role. Actually, users should see the option with the CREATE_FROM_TEMPLATE_<SpecType#> role.

Check the CREATE_FROM_TEMPLATE_<SpecType#> role in permission check. (623-1031)


Attachments without the ‘Publish to Supplier’ tag appear on Supplier Portal, and should not. Root cause: Lack of ‘Publish to Supplier’ tag check when loading attachments.

Check the ‘Publish to Supplier’ tag before loading attachment. (623-969)

27193698, 27226743

An unhandled error occurs when opening questionnaires. Root cause: When adding or re-sequencing custom section rows by suppliers, we re-sequence all rows in eqQuestionnaire and eqItems, but fail to update the sequence of existing commonEARowInstance for eqRequest.

When adding or re-sequencing rows by suppliers, all custom section rows in eqRequest will be sequenced just as for eqQuestionnaire and eqItems. (623-1103)

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Chapter 3 Resolved Issues

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Global Specification Management (GSM) Resolved Issues

Table 3-3: GSM Resolved Issues

Bug/Enh ID Issue Resolution


Thumbnails are not always appearing. Root cause: This issue happens when adding output material without cost as inputs in formulation specifications. In this case, we need to load output-related formulation specifications to get costs. When loading output-related formulation specifications, ThumbnailService also tries to load thumbnails.

No longer load thumbnails except for the current formulation specification. (623-778)


In a workflow template’s Workflow Permission section, when updating the status included in the Read & Write Actions, when status is ‘R&D Review’, on the popup window, it is displayed as ‘R&ampD’. Once it is selected, it is displayed correctly on the main page. Root cause: In tree-like popups, innerText is html to allow rich text to show, but '&amp;' should be viewed as '&'.

Filter out several characters to meet the expected result. (623-876)


For nutrient profiles, the thumbnail box is too large, resulting in it covering the “create date” attribute. Root cause: Thumbnail blocks create date when the specification name is a long string.

Adjusted the layout to prevent the thumbnail from blocking the create date. (623-763)


Unable to pre-set value in Reason for Change field in Spec Summary tab. Root cause: The Reason for Change field is hard-coded cleared when a specification is copied or created from a template.

Cleared the hard-coding and the field now uses the existing configuration. (623-749)


The Label Claims Determination screen returns unsorted results. Root cause: Label Claim Determination returned results sorted by pkid.

Made Label Claim Determination return results sorted by label claims. (623-738)

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Chapter 3 Resolved Issues

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Bug/Enh ID Issue Resolution


Tags are not being added when adding components to ingredients/material specifications using the Add New button on the Formula page and then adding the formulation tag to the component catalog on the Component Catalog page. This only happens when the Component Catalog does not have a formulation tag set up and is added when adding the component to the %breakdown to the formula of the material specification. Root cause: Formulation tags are not updated when adding a new component by clicking Add New.

Formulation tags are now updated when adding a new component by clicking Add New. (623-760)


Nutrient Profile Per Serving is auto-populating to 0 when scanning through the column "per 100g". Root cause: Failure to display per serving value as null when per 100g value is null.

Display per serving value as null when per 100g value is null. (623-761)


Global Succession is not updating alternate inputs. Root cause: This happened in an environment with SQL Server database. Table gsmMaterialOriginalItem failed to be updated when processing global succession.

Update table gsmMaterialOriginalItem when processing global succession. (623-762)


Text entered after the < sign disappears in rich text editor in for a formulation specification. Root cause: Rich text content was decoded before saving.

The decoding was removed. (623-854)


“No translation found for lblQuickSearch” displayed in search criteria drop-down when adding subcomponents for specifications. Root cause: Missing lblQuickSearch translation in the Related Specs search page.

Added the translation. (623-878)

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Chapter 3 Resolved Issues

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Bug/Enh ID Issue Resolution


Expected search results are not returned for a search of an ingredient statement or combined statement. Root cause: Did not copy the statement to the target specification.

Added the statement to the copy process. (623-879)


For a raw material specification, before a copy, ingredient and combined statements are populated with different values. After the specification is copied, the combined statement is overlaid with the ingredient statement value. Root cause: The original ingredient statement value was used to initialize the new combined statement.

The new Combined Statement is initialized by the original Combined Statement value. (623-984)


On a terminal status, Amber and Red Dates are being calculated and displayed and should not be. Root cause: When checking one step as the terminal step, Amber Date and Red Date were unchanged.

Set Amber Date and Red Date to zero when setting one step as terminal step. (623-1035)


An unhandled error occurs when adding a translation to a component. Root cause: The IPAddress is too long and exceeded the Hash column length.

Enlarged the Hash column length. (623-1077)


When the instructions for the workflow status of a GSM activity are lengthy, they are partially covered by the thumbnail image. The width of the container that holds this text needs to be updated. Root cause: When Thumbnail is enabled, html tag <TD> did not use the “cssxThumbnailEnabled” style.

When Thumbnail is enabled, html tag <TD> now uses the “cssxThumbnailEnabled” style. (623-1148)

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Chapter 3 Resolved Issues

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Bug/Enh ID Issue Resolution


Search is not working properly for the may contain allergens. Root cause: Allergens May Contained information is acquired from table allergensPossiblyContainedJoin.

Allergens May Contained information is now acquired from table AllergensPossiblyContained. (623-1196)


Values are multiplied in nutrient overrides page. Root cause: Function getNormalizedValue() is used against a normalized value, which means such data was normalized twice.

Function getNormalizedValue() should not be used against a normalized value. There is no need to normalize such data again once they have been normalized. (623-1224)


Facility information is not displayed in a customized search. Root cause: When getting facility information in a formulation specification, the join relationship is built against specSummary.SpecID and formulationFacility.fkSpecID.

Now when getting facility information in a formulation specification, the join relationship is built against specSummary.DWBSpecID and formulationFacility.fkSpecID. (623-1203)


Formulation loop recurrence. Root cause: This is a deferred fix from v622. Once a user built up a loop among inputs, contexts and outputs, the output rollup could go into a performance trap. Because the theoretical cost calculation allows a drilling-down method when encountering a context-based input, if a loop happens, the specification would not open again.

Added a loop detecting code to the cost retriever and an error message is shown when saving. (623-380)

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Chapter 3 Resolved Issues

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New Product Development Resolved Issues

Table 3-4: NPD Resolved Issues

Bug/Enh ID Issue Resolution


Project activities from library are not sorted alphabetically. Root cause: Failure to sort the activities in alphabetical order.

Sort the activities in alphabetical order when getting the data source. (623-906)


NPD POP report generating error. Root cause: This custom section contains over 50 rows. A CS print table configuration setting called keep-together=”always” is the source of the problem.

Removed keep-together=”always” from the CS print table configuration. (623-1194)


In NPD, when a document is attached to an activity but the activity is not saved before being workflowed, the document is never saved. This issue only occurs with the Project Summary/Update activity template. Root cause: When workflowing an activity in edit mode, relationships between attachments and the activity do not update.

Relationships between attachments and activity are updated when user clicks Workflow. (623-1065)


Error opening project with activities tied to a particular business unit. Root cause: When one step moves to the front of another step, the code is not updated correctly.

Added a unique identity to the code so that the code in every step is not conflicting. (623-1186)

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Chapter 3 Resolved Issues

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Supply Chain Relationship Management (SCRM) Resolved Issues

Table 3-5: SCRM Resolved Issues

Bug/Enh ID Issue Resolution


No warning message appears when archiving or restoring a contact profile. Root cause: No warning notice exists when archiving/restoring contact profile.

New messages were created: For Archive: This action will set this contact profile to “Archived” status. Please click “Ok” to confirm or “Cancel” to disregard action. For Restore: This action will set this contact profile to “Restored” status. Please click “Ok” to confirm or "Cancel" to disregard action. (623-718)


Customers can now reject Supplier Portal self-registrations immediately using the “Reject” option for Change Status. Root cause: The Change Status button is always displayed without access verification.

The Change Status button is only displayed if the customer has Supplier Portal access. (623-743)


User created a material specification template and assigned the business unit (BU) “Global”. When leaving the BU empty then unselecting the “Global” BU and saving, the system displayed the message “You do not have permission for this item”. Root cause: When clearing all BUs from specification templates, we remove all BUs. In this case, if Common.GSMBusinessUnitSecurity. Enabled=true, the user will see no permission error and cannot search for this template from the search page.

We added special Read Permission for templates without BusinessUnit or ApprovedUsage. We also used “LEFT OUTER JOIN” for tables gsmApprovedUsageBUJoin and gsmApprovedUsage for search to work correctly. (623-1019)

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Bug/Enh ID Issue Resolution


When sending a questionnaire, without having filled in all mandatory fields in contact information, the system gives an error message, but all check boxes disappear. Root cause: When user clicks Send eQ in read mode, system checks the validation. If user has not completed a required field and attempts to send the questionnaire, the system automatically turns to Edit mode with an error. In Edit mode, some fields are not included in PostDataCollection.

If users select Send eQ in read mode, the current questionnaire is kept in read mode. Users need to click Edit to begin editing the eQ again. (623-1021)

Workflow Administration Resolved Issues

Table 3-6: WFA Resolved Issues

Bug/Enh ID Issue Resolution


When attempting to work on workflow templates (saving, opening a popup to select ADMN data, reordering stages) on different templates, users randomly get unhandled errors. Root cause: Exception was thrown when the workflow template type is null.

Workflow template will be reloaded when the workflow template Type is null. (623-1056)

Technical Resolved Issues Table 3-7: Technical Resolved Issues

Bug/Enh ID Issue Resolution


An SQL update to Application URL does not account for SSL. Root cause: Hardcoded “Http://” in URLs for all BI Report layouts.

Removed the http://&#xBF; prefix in all layouts, and added a new column in table ApplicationURLs to indicate which protocol to use. Customers can update it according to their needs. Existing columns in this table will not be changed. (623-888)

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Chapter 4 Hot Fixes

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Chapter 4: Hot Fixes

This chapter contains hot fixes included in Release 6.2.3 of Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process.

Hot Fixes The following table lists hot fixes that are included in the Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process 6.2.3 release.

Table: 4-1 Hot Fixes

Hot Fix Issue Resolution

The Label Claims Determination screen returns unsorted results. Root cause: Label Claim Determination returned results sorted by pkid.

Made Label Claim Determination return results sorted by label claims. 26243053 (623-738)

Tags are not being added when adding components to ingredients/material specifications using the Add New button on the Formula page and then adding the formulation tag to the component catalog on the Component Catalog page. This only happens when the Component Catalog does not have a formulation tag set up and is added when adding the component to the %breakdown to the formula of the material specification. Root cause: Formulation tags are not updated when adding a new component by clicking Add New.

Formulation tags are now updated when adding a new component by clicking Add New. 26268074 (623-760)

During questionnaire creation, when the user adds a custom section and selects “Entire Row” as required, sometimes the entire row does not show as selected. Root cause: When selecting the “Single Cell” or “Entire Row” option, we calculate its SubOptions based on previous SubOptions.

For Single Cell option, record it’s SubOptions as 0. For Entire Row option, record it’s SubOptions as MaxInt. 26812604 (623-1020)

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Chapter 4 Hot Fixes

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Hot Fix Issue Resolution

In some cases when suppliers are sent items in PQM workflows that would link them directly to objects in SupplierPQM, an inconsistency exists for login to Supplier Portal. Root cause: Because of the application isolation, SupplierPQM often uses its own login page to authenticate. The different page style may confuse users.

When SupplierPQM and SupplierPortal are deployed on the same host, customers can configure to use the unified login page from SupplierPortal. 27136653 (623-1082)

An error occurs when saving a formulation output. Root cause: Failed to load the correct output material specification value when the output type was changed to External. The output material from the formulation template’s output material was still used.

The correct output material specification value is loaded. 27127588 (623-1054)

Multiple Allow Groups does not work in menuconfig-extensions.xml. Root cause: Groups separated by commas in the same 'Allow' assertion or 'Deny' assertion are not evaluated using an OR condition.

Groups separated by commas in the same 'Allow' assertion or 'Deny' assertion are now evaluated using an OR condition. 27048891 (623-1041)

When user creates a ready report and adds Country of Origin column to search results, an error occurs. Root cause: Failure to get correct column info after customized columns.

Customized columns now return correct column information. 27267038 (623-1169)

The supporting documents saved into ISPs are gone. This occurs for completed, terminated, and running projects, or to projects which were in ISP phase at implementation time. Root cause: We did not provide the NPD ISP attachment migration script.

NPD ISP attachment migration script is provided. 27160929 (623-1084)

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Chapter 4 Hot Fixes

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Hot Fix Issue Resolution

Unable to search a specification with brand as a search criterion in a trade specification. Root cause: For PickupList type brand, search worked on selected Brand name.

For PickupList type brand, search now works on selected Brand PKID. 26244493 (623-1114)

In GSM, changing the quantity by a value that is relatively small compared to the total quantity of the formula affects the percent batch value. It no longer equals 100%. Root cause: Current precision tolerance is too big for batch precision.

Diminished precision tolerance. 27304475 (623-1089)

Input quantity and yield issue with formulation specification. Root cause: A precision issue causes small input quantities to be ignored when calculating step output yield.

Precision now uses current formulation specification setting: Formulation Precision. 27130993 (623-1192)

When adding a new display column to appear in the GSM Search Results, the new column appears but the column header is not translated. Root cause: Two translation caches exist with same name='EQTSearch' in table commonXLAExtensionCache.

Rename “ready reports SP” translation cache to “EQTSearch_RR”. 26956573 (623-1027)

Performance issues occur when attaching certain custom sections to a GSM specification. Root cause: The QLookup styled extended attribute often renders AllLookup items in the frontend page. The collection is only used to validate the selection.

Because of the unique datasource, an item validation is not needed in the client-side callback since the selection is always handled by popup or type ahead function. 27061938 (623-1042)

An unhandled error occurs during the export of customized ready reports. Root cause: Incorrect column information was used for customized columns.

For customized columns, the UserBasedModel is now used instead of Model. 27156982 (623-1088)

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Chapter 4 Hot Fixes

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Hot Fix Issue Resolution

Unable to generate correct extended attribute (EA) export file. Root cause: In the same session, PLM for Process attempts to get the EA’s information from the previous cache when exporting EAs the second time and thereafter.

Load EA forcibly every time exporting Extended Attributes. 27498629 (623-1199)

For formulation specifications, no value is displayed in the Security Classification dropdown in supporting documents. Root cause: For formulation specifications, the container of SDM Supporting Document is frmspec.AssociatedDWBSpecificationRoot.WorkingVersion, whose type is 5517. This container is used to get all available security classifications; however “Available In” information of Object Level Security classification is created based on type 5816.

The current formulation specification is used to get all available security classifications for SDM supporting documents. 27655896 (623-1219)

Changing base UOM in a packaging specification gives an error. Root cause: NullReferenceException was returned when generating Tare Weight Conflict UOM error due to TareWeightBaseUOM being null.

If TareWeightBaseUOM is null, don’t show the Tare Weight Conflict UOM error. 27757759 (623-1251)