oracle 12.2 - my favorite top 5 new or improved features

Oracle 12.2 My Favorite Top Five New or Improved Features Janis Griffin Senior DBA / Performance Evangelist

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Oracle 12.2 – My Favorite Top Five New or Improved FeaturesJanis Griffin

Senior DBA / Performance Evangelist

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Who Am I

• Senior DBA / Performance Evangelist for SolarWinds• Janis.Griffin@solarwindscom• Twitter® - @DoBoutAnything• Current – 25+ Years in Oracle®, SQL Server®, ASE, MySQL®• DBA and Developer

• Specialize in Performance Tuning• Review Database Performance for Customers and Prospects• Common Question – How do I tune it?

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• In-Memory Option• How it works• Virtual Columns, join groups

• SQL, Dictionary, and Optimizer Enhancements• New Functions and Syntax

• Approximate and First n Rows• SQLPlus Improvements

• PDB Improvements• Hot Clone• Memory Management

• New Partitioning Features• Sharding Capabilities

• The ‘Horizontal’ Database

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Memory – In The Beginning…

• 9i - SGA_MAX_SIZE • Memory could grow/shrink


• 10g - Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM)• SGA_TARGET

• Set minimum values for • Data Cache, Large Pool• Shared Pool, Java Pool

• 11g - MEMORY_TARGET (AMM)• Sets SGA + PGA size together• Can still control minimum sizes - e.g., PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT (new in 12c)

• 12c - INMEMORY_SIZE• Set the size of IN-MEMORY Column Store

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12c In-Memory Option

• Designed for mixed workloads • Can combine OLAP with OLTP queries • No more Data Warehouse (maybe)

• Dual-format architecture doesn’t double memory requirements• Approximately less than a 20% additional memory overhead

• No additional storage costs or synchronization issues• No changes to application code

• Optimizer is fully aware of the column format• Routes analytic queries to the column format• OLTP operations to the row format

• Only objects with the INMEMORY attribute • Can be in the IN-Memory Column Store (IM)• Works on tablespaces, tables, partitions, sub-partitions or materialized views

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12c In-Memory Option

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Transactions in

Buffer CacheAnalytics in In-Memory

Column Store

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IM – Why Use it?

• Access only the column data needed• Can prioritize when IM is populated

• Partially load some columns at startup• Load other columns when accessed


• In compressed format • Saves space• Can scan or filter compressed data

• Only decompressed when used in the result set


• DBMS_COMPRESSION (advisor)• Now supports IM compression

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IM – Why So Fast

• IM is made up of multiple In-Memory Compression Units (IMCUs)• Background worker processes allocate their own IMCUs

• Then populates their subset of database blocks• Works with the IMCO (In-Memory Coordinator) background process

• Uses SIMD Vector processing• Definition: Single Instruction processing Multiple Data values• Allows a set of column values to be evaluated simultaneously in one CPU instruction• Look at V$STATNAME

• ‘IM scan CUs columns accessed’, 'IM scan segments minmax eligible', 'IM scan CUs pruned');

• New in 12.2 – IM FastStart• Allows for checkpoint of IMCUs to FastStart area on disk• Takes up storage space but less CPU intensive on startup

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Best for queries that scan

large amounts of data or

compute values on the fly

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IM – Why So Fast

• IM Storage Indexes• Automatically created and maintained on each column in the column store• Allow pruning to occur based on filter predicates in the query• Keeps track of min/max values for each column in an IMCU

• Helps to avoid scans of IM column store

• New in 12.2 - In-Memory Expressions• Materialize commonly used expressions

• Prevents re-computation for every row• Are derived values that take advantage of IM

• Can be done in one of 2 ways• Expression Statistics Store(ESS) automatically stores top 20 popular expressions

• Manage with DBMS_INMEMORY_ADMIN package• Set with INMEMORY_EXPRESSIONS_USAGE parameter

• In-Memory Virtual Columns• Needs INMEMORY_VIRTUAL_COLUMNS parameter set to ENABLED or MANUAL

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IM - How To Use It

• IM column store is disabled by default (requires re-start)• Set INMEMORY_SIZE parameter to enable• Needs to be set to 100mb or higher

• New in 12.2 - Can increase on the fly at 128mb or higher

• Part of SGA • May need to increase SGA_TARGET / MEMORY_TARGET

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IM - Enable It

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IM – How To Use It

• Objects must have the INMEMORY attribute to use the IM column store• Can be tablespace, table, (sub)partition or materialized view• To view objects in column store – see V$IM_SEGMENTS, V$IM_COLUMN_LEVEL, any V$IM% views

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IM Performance

• No IM IM•

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IM Virtual Columns Example – New 12.2 Feature

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alter system set inmemory_virtual_columns = ENABLE;

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IM Joins

• In-Memory Joins• Bloom Filters (10g)

• Transforms join into a filter if there are filtering predicates• Can be used in column format via SIMD vector processing

• New in 12.2 – Join Groups• Can be used when there are no filtering predicates• Allow join columns from multiple tables to share a single compression dictionary

• Hash joins don’t have to decompress the data first• View join groups in USER_JOINGROUPS

• View shared dictionary in v$IM_SEGDICT

CREATE INMEMORY JOIN GROUP jgroup_name(order_item(ol_i_id),item(i_id));

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IM Join Group Example – Cont.

SELECT ol_o_id,ol_number, ol_delivery_d, i_name, i_priceFROM order_item, itemWHERE ol_i_id = i_id and i_price < 2.00;

• Join Groups share the same compression dictionary• This allows for joins to occur on compressed values• Doesn’t need to decompress and hash the data• Join columns above are order_item.ol_i_id and item.i_id

• Tables need to be reloaded after the Join Group creation• To create the common compression dictionary, called Global Dictionary• Ensure the Global Dictionary exists by checking V$IM_SEGDICT_GD

SELECT o.object_name table_name,c.column_name column_name,gd.head_address "GD Address"

FROM user_objects o,user_tab_columns c,v$im_segdict gd

WHERE gd.objn = o.object_idAND o.object_name = c.table_nameAND gd.column_number = c.column_id;

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IM Join Group Example – New 12.2 Feature

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Using Bloom Filter / Join Group?

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IM Join Group Example

• Finding join group usage• Need to use SQL_MONITOR - dbms_sqltune.report_sql_monitor_xml or OEM

• Query needs ‘SELECT /*+ MONITOR */’ hint• Columnar encodings leveraged = 1

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Columnar Encodings


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• Retrieves first rows without scanning everything• Faster

• OFFSET n ROWS FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY• Skip some number of rows

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• 12.2 Approximate Query Processing• Used for approximate ‘count distinct’ values and adds percentile aggregation• Allows for faster processing of large data sets

• Not exact but usually within 95%+ range

• Three new parameters – alter system/session • approx_for_aggregation Default=FALSE

• Can be overridden by the next 2 parameters• If true, sets approx_for_percentile=ALL

• approx_for_count_distinct Default=FALSE• Overrides exact COUNT DISTINCT clause

• approx_for_percentile Default=NONE• Overrides MEDIAN clause (PERCENTILE_CONT)• Values can be PERCENTILE_CONT, PERCENTILE_DISC, and ALL

• Can be used without any changes to existing code • Replaces exact functions with SQL functions (next page) that return approximate results

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New SQL functions in 12.2


• Also in 12.2, support for Materialized Views and Query Rewrite• VALIDATE_CONVERSION

• Determines if a given input value can be converted to a requested data type• Simplifies coding

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Approximate SQL Example

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95% accurate

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Approximate SQL Example With Changing Code

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Why is it exact?

Need to

set both

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Approximate Percentile Example With Changing Code

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99.68% accurate

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12.2 Dictionary Improvements and Other New Stuff

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• Object identifiers have increased from 30 bytes to 128 bytes• Such as users, roles, tables, columns, indexes, constraints, etc…

• Changed in dictionary views - instead of VARCHAR2(30), now VARCHAR2(128)• May affect your reporting

• Exceptions:• Disk groups, pluggable databases (PDBs), rollback segments, and tablespaces still 30 bytes• Names of databases are still limited to 8 bytes

• SQLPlus Improvements• HISTORY



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12.2 Optimizer Changes

• New init.ora parameters• OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_PLANS (Default = TRUE)

• Adaptive joins• Bitmap pruning• Parallel distribution method

• OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_STATISTICS (Default = False)• SQL Plan Directives (SPDs) for query optimization• Statistics feedback (for joins only)• Adaptive dynamic sampling for parallel queries• Performance feedback


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12.2 Optimizer Changes

• SQL Plan Directives• Control of Auto Creation of Column Group Statistics• New DBMS_STATS preference




select owner,table_name,extension,extension_name

from dba_stat_extensionswhere creator = 'SYSTEM'order by owner,table_name,extension_name;

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Multitenant Changes in 12.2

• Can create a hot clone of PDB• No downtime for PDB being cloned

• Uses redo then undo for all committed / uncommitted transactions

• Local undo required • Undo can now exist in PDB

• Archive logging must be enabled

• Can create a refreshable PDB (for VLDBs)• Built on top of hot clone• Golden master for snapshot clones• Automatically or manually refreshed from redo• Opened in read-only mode

• Can relocate PDBs to different CDBs online• Built on top of Refreshable PDB• Great way to load-balance

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Can help maintain SLAs for

performance and availability

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Multitenant Changes in 12.2

• Can have 4096 PDBs per CDB • Instead of original 252

• Can flashback a single PDB• Doesn’t have to use local undo but easier than shared undo• Can use SCN, restore point, clean restore point or guarantee restore point




• Data Guard now supports individual PDB-level failover• Used to be all PDBs or none• Now can set parameter ENABLED_PDBS_ON_STANDBY on standby database

• Examples – ‘*’, ‘PDB?’, ‘PDB*’, ‘-PDB1’

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New Memory Settings At PDB Level

• If using Database Smart Flash Cache• Can set CDB resource plan to allocate memory between PDBs

• MEMORY_LIMIT – percentage that limits PDB memory usage• MEMORY_MIN – percentage guaranteed for PDB memory usage•

• Can set INMEMORY_SIZE at PDB• Can be over-subscribed

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12.2 Partitioning Features

• Read-only partitions• Useful for old partitions• Use READ ONLY • READ WRITE (default)• Can use CTAS or ALTER

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12.2 Partitioning Features

• Convert Non-partitioned table • To a partitioned table ONLINE

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optional. Indexes with SYS

names will be generated if not


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12.2 Partitioning Features

• Automatic List Partitions• Requires creation of first partition• No default partitions

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Multi-column List PartitionsCan only have one default partition

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12.2 Partitioning Features

• Filtered Partitions for Maintenance Operations• Helps with partition pruning and data cleanup


• Can do ONLINE

• Other New Features• ‘For exchange with’ clause• Partitioned external tables• 12.2-partition-create-tables

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12.2 Sharding Feature

• Sharding horizontally partitions data across independent databases• A ‘share nothing’ architecture – CPU, memory, disk• Each database is known as a shard• All shards together make up a logical database

• Called sharded database (SDB)

• Intended for custom OLTP applications that:• Have a well-defined data model • Have a data distribution strategy

• (consistent hash, range, list, or composite)

• Primarily access data using a sharding key• e.g., customer_id, account_no, or country_id

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12.2 Sharding Feature

• Benefits of Sharding• Linear scalability for performance and capacity• Eliminates single points of failure

• Nothing is shared

• Geographical distribution of data• Data is closer to consumers (e.g. Facebook)• Satisfies regulatory requirements

• Simplifies Cloud Deployment• Easy to do rolling upgrades

• Examples of Companies • Online payment systems

• Regulatory requirements

• Airline ticketing systems• Social media companies

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Other SDB Components

• Shard Catalog• An Oracle database that centralizes management of a SDB• Supports automated shard deployment• Handles multi-shard queries• Holds master copy of duplicated table

• Shard Directors• Network listeners which route connections based on a sharding key• Connection pools can act as shard directors for pooled connections

• Global service• An extension of database services for the SDB

• Management Interfaces• GDSCTL (command-line utility) and OEM

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SDB Architecture

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To install, download

Oracle Database 12c Release 2 :

Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Global Service Manager :

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• Oracle 12.2 provides a lot of new features and enhancements• This presentation only touches on a few

• In-Memory virtual columns• Helps speed up analytical queries

• New approximate functions• Great if you don’t need exact answers

• PDB hot cloning • Online partitioning • Sharded database (SDB) or the ‘Horizontal database’

• Good news – it’s been around in the Cloud for quite sometime• Became available for on-premise in March 2017• Hopefully many of the bugs have been worked out

• Try it out and tell me which new feature you like best• Email me at [email protected]

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