oraciones en futuro (to be, to hava, to do etc)

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  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Grammar at its best !!!

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Future Tense

    The future indefinite is used for a single act that

    has yet to take place;


    Harry will meet us at the bus station tomorrow.


    Ishall finish the work before the sunset.

    Rule: - subject +shall / will + root verb

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Weshall playcricket match on Sunday.

    He will go to London by plane.

    She will withdrawmoney from her savings bank


    It will rain at some places.

    They will leavefor Boston at 5.30 a.m. the next


    You will forgetto post letters into the letterbox.

    Britney will singa song.

    It will hurtyour foot badly.

    The teacherwill punish the late comers.

    She will havea breakfast at eight oclock.

    This train will haltat all stations.

    Ishall paydues on next Monday.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Grammar at its best !!!

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Future Perfect


    The future perfect shows that an action will be

    completed at a certain time before another

    future action takes place;


    I shall have returned home before the sunset.


    Ishall have paidthe bill by date.

    Rule: - subject + shall / will + have +

    past participle of root verb

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Grammar at its best !!!

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Future Forms of

    To Be

    Person Singular Plural

    First Person: I shall be. We shall be.



    You will be. You will be.

    Third Person: He will be. They will be.

    She will be. They will be.

    It will be. They will be.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Examples: (Affirmative Sentences)

    Ishall beat home on Sunday.

    Weshall beat work the whole week.

    Youwill be

    at the wedding hall day aftertomorrow.

    He will beon his duty.

    She will bein the kitchen all day.

    It will bea pleasant morning.

    They will beat the party.

    Harry will be in the class.

    Children will bein the garden.

    My fatherwill beout of station the day after


    The doctorwill bein the dispensary.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    There will beplenty of food to eat.

    There will beenough rainfall this year.

    You will beat school tomorrow.

    Therewill be

    a good harvest this year.

    The New Yearwill beprosperous to all.

    Therewill be

    bright sunshine next week.

    The patient will bein the intensive care unit.

    Itwill be

    a great moment in my life.

    She will bewith her husband.

    They will bein a queue at the bus stop.

    You will bein a reading room the next morning.

    Ishall beat my maternal uncles on nextSunday.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    There will bethousands of spectators at the


    There will bepanic in the city on account of


    There will bea thunder storm tonight.

    My uncle will beat the parents meeting.

    John and his friends will beat the club.

    Prices will bevery high during famine.

    There will bemisunderstanding between twofriends.

    There will bea noise during question hour in

    the parliament.

    The photographs will beready by tomorrow.

    The headmasterwill bein his office.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Ishall bevery much grateful to you for your

    timely help.

    Weshall bethankful to you for your


    Man will bea wolf to man.

    Two brothers will beat daggers drawn.

    Ishall beat your mercy.

    Everything will beokay.

    Waterwill begermfree when boiled.

    Guests will bewith us at the dinner.

    There will bea snowfall during winter.

    There will bea lot of joy and fun at the fair.

    You will beat loss in the deal.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Ishall besixty-five next July.

    There will bea scarcity of drinking water on

    account of scanty rainfall.

    Very soon man will beon Mars.

    He will bebehind the bars.

    Tea will beready in five minutes.

    She will bea software engineer when she grows


  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Examples: (Negative Sentences)

    I shall not be present in the class on Monday.

    We shall not be at home next weekend.

    You will not beat discomfort, I hope.

    You all will not beaware of this perhaps.

    Hewill not be

    there at this hour.

    She will not beready yet.

    Itwill not be

    fair to see them late at night.

    They will not bein hurry, I suppose.

    Peterwill not be

    in sound condition to help us.

    Your motherwill not beanxious about your


    The merchant will not bedishonest to the


  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    It will not bevery hot today, I hope.

    The train will not belate, I hope.

    The film will not beas boring as you say.

    The doctorwill not beat the dispensary on


    The dog will not beat the gate.

    Your fatherwill not bedoubtful about us.

    The people will not beout during curfew order.

    The food prices will not besteady until the new


    The sky will not becloudy today.

    Man will not bea beast to man.

    Parents will not betoo busy to pay attention totheir childrens study.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Ishall not beable to lend you a helping hand

    this time.

    There will be no shortage of food grains next


    You will not beungrateful to me, I trust.

    It will not bedecent to poke my nose into your

    private affair.

    The new Government will not beso unjust to

    the common man.

    You will not beso reckless in future.

    My friend will not bethoughtless while choosing

    a career.

    Teachers will not bepartial in their profession.

    Your invention will not bea curse to the


  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Ishall not bein a position to help you.

    She will not bea jealous wife.

    It will not bepossible for me to help you all the


    She will not beresponsible for the ruin of the


    They will not befaithful to their master.

    A wounded lion; however brave it may be will

    not beable to hunt anymore.

    Weshall not beyour slaves henceforth.

    You will not bevery selfish in future.

    He will not bea coward when he grows up.

    She will not bea greedy woman.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    They will not beunfriendly to one another.

    This summerwill not beso harsh, I hope.

    Your timely help will not befutile.

    The boys will not bedisobedient to their parents.

    Ishall not be

    a truant in future.

    Youshall not betraitor.

    Ishall not be

    present at the function.

    The New Yearwill not betroublesome to the

    entire mankind.

    This medicine will not beharmful to anyone.

    This medicine will not beharmful to anyone.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Grammar at its best !!!

    F t F f

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Future Forms of

    To Do

    Person Singular Plural

    First Person: I shall do. We shall do.



    You will do. You will do.

    Third Person: He will do. They will do.

    She will do. They will do.

    It will do. They will do.

    E l

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)



    Ishall do it.

    Weshall do feeding.

    You will do nothing.

    He will do tables.

    She will do watering.

    It will do some harm to you.

    Theywill do


    He will not do acts of mischief.

    Stephenwill not do

    wrong to anyone.

    He will not do any injustice to me.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    She will do embroidery in her spare time.

    The agent will do a market survey.

    The Managing Directorwill do something to

    increase the production.

    Ishall do all the arrangements of food and stay

    for you.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Grammar at its best !!!

    Future Forms of

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Future Forms of

    To Have

    Person Singular Plural

    First Person: I shall have. We shall have.



    You will have. You will have.

    Third Person: He will have. They will


    She will have. They willhave.

    It will have. They willhave.

    Examples: (Affirmative Sentences)

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Examples: (Affirmative Sentences)

    Ishall havebread and butter for the breakfast.

    Weshall havesome fun.

    You will haverich experience.

    He will havetooth decay.

    She will havea child.

    It will havegood look.

    Theywill have

    some money. My uncle will havea car next month.

    Peterwill have

    a promotion.

    The boys will havetest matches.

    Youwill have

    good education.

    Dogs will haveinfectious disease.

    Farmers will have bumper crops this year

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Farmers will havebumper crops this year.

    Our neighborwill havea color television set.

    The school will haveswimming competition.

    The merchant will havea good business.

    The consumerwill havebenefit of fair price and


    The patient will havegood treatment.

    Everybody will havean access to education.

    All workers will havea New Year bonus.

    The hen will havechicks after twenty one days.

    Gold will havegreat demand during wedding


    God will havemercy on me.

    She will havesome washing to do.

    My grandson will have many English friends.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    My grandson will havemany English friends.

    Ishall havesatisfaction of helping an ambitious

    young man.

    All individuals will haverights to plug and play

    in the much expanded Globalized market.

    Only the best talents will havean access to high

    ranking jobs.

    Everyone will havejob opportunity to suit his


    All people will havea race to run.

    They will havetools to thrive and survive.

    They will haveevery opportunity to update theireducation, knowledge and communication


    Everyone will havetea and biscuits at 4 p.m.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    You will haveright to choose your career.

    She will haveequal job opportunity against her

    male counter parts.

    The patient will havetwo options surgery and


    My neighborwill havepeace and happiness.

    Your parents will havea great pride for you.

    She will haveone more chance to appear in theexamination and qualify for the job.

    Everyone will havechance to collaborate and

    communicate in the globalized work.

    They will havesoftware technology to compete,

    to win, to excel and to survive in the globalized


  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Ishall havesome letters to post in the letterbox.

    He will havea hard struggle.

    Children will haveholidays.

    They will havea lot of fun and frolic.

    She will havemenopause at the age of forty


    Teachers will havedecent salary.

    Parents will havetough love to administer to

    their children.

    Children will havesome pains for longer gains.

    They will haveincessant struggle for survival.

    Examples: (Negative Sentences)

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    p ( g )

    Ishall have no any selfish motive behind this.

    Weshall have no claim over our children unless

    we make them the best citizens of Globalized


    You will have no guarantee of job in the

    Globalized world of works.

    He will have no lame excuse for his failure.

    She will have no ground for doubt.

    It will have no any side effect.

    They will have no share in the profit without


    They will have no restrictions of any sorts.

    The boys will have no permission to complainagainst the management.

    The teacherwill have nobinding of workload.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Ishall have no objection in the matter.

    Weshall have no objections to your proposal.

    The merchant will have no rights to cheat


    The Government will have no ground to levy

    unjust taxes.

    The new budget will have no effect on the

    common man.

    It will have no solution.

    The people will have no relief.

    You will have no chance to escape punishment.

    She will have no voice in the parliament as she is

    from the opposition.

    The change in the climate will have no adverse

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    effect on life.

    The politician will have no ground to harass the


    Youwill have no

    access to free ship.

    She will have no talents for high ranking jobs.

    Hewill have no

    support from his parents.

    Andy will have no special facilities.

    She will have no permission to go out.

    Ishall have no trust in you, henceforth.

    They will have no right to indulge in fightingwith others.

    Ishall have no extra money to spend.

    She will have no one to help her.

    You will not haveany discomfort in our house.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    It will have no advantage over me.

    Fisherman will have nobait for fishing.

    You will have no replacement once the article is


    Ishall have no connection with them.

    You will have no loan facility.

    No one will havefree gate pass.

    You will have no right to freedom of speech.

    The students will have no freedom to hold


    No one will haveliquor in the college premises.

    You will have no right to hold illegal property.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Ishall have nobank balance after this


    He will have no more interest in studies.

    She will have no hard work to do.

    Strangers will have no right to trespass.

    You will have no free ticket.

    Passengers under 65 will have no concession in

    the fare.

    Dogs will have no entry.

    Weshall have no information from the office.

    Weshall have no help till tomorrow.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Grammar at its best !!!

    Future Continuous

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Future Continuous


    Future continuous shows that an action going

    on at some point in future time;


    She will be preparing breakfast then.


    Ishall be waitingfor you at the bus stop.

    Rule: - subject + shall / will + be + root

    verb + ing

    Weshall be doingour lessons at school.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    You will be workingout mathematical problems.

    He will be brushinghis teeth at that time.

    She will be washingclothes at the water tap.

    It will be rainingat this time.

    They will be chattingwhole morning.

    George will be fishingall day tomorrow.

    Monica will be cookingfor us tonight.

    The boys will be playingcricket the whole


    Cattle will be grazingin the meadow.

    The doctorwill be examiningthe patients


  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    The dog will be guardingmy house day and


    Weshall be goingfor picnic on Sunday.

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Grammar at its best !!!

    Future Perfect

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)


    Continuous Tense

    The Future perfect continuous shows that the

    action will be going on before it will be finished

    at a certain future time;


    They will have been arguing whole day.

    I shall have been reading two hours.

    The class teacher will have been preparing

    progress charts of the students.

    The shopkeeper will have been weighing things

    for the consumers.

    Rule: - subject + shall have will have +

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)



    Ishall have been washingmy car the whole


    Weshall have been playingfootball in the


    You will have been teasingthem all day.

    He will have been solvingthe problems whole


    She will have been sewingloose buttons of my


    It will have been rainingthe whole night.

    Rule: - subject + shall have, will have +

    been + root verb + ing

  • 7/28/2019 Oraciones en Futuro (to Be, To Hava, To Do Etc)
