optipoint 500 basic, standard, standard sl, advance ... instructions optipoint 500 basic optipoint...

Operating Instructions optiPoint 500 basic optiPoint 500 standard optiPoint 500 standard SL optiPoint 500 advance Hicom 150 E and H, HiPath 3000, HiPath AllServe G281-0780-00

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Page 1: optiPoint 500 basic, standard, standard SL, advance ... Instructions optiPoint 500 basic optiPoint 500 standard optiPoint 500 standard SL optiPoint 500 advance Hicom 150 E and H, HiPath

Operating Instructions

optiPoint 500 basicoptiPoint 500 standardoptiPoint 500 standard SLoptiPoint 500 advance

Hicom 150 E and H, HiPath 3000, HiPath AllServe


Page 2: optiPoint 500 basic, standard, standard SL, advance ... Instructions optiPoint 500 basic optiPoint 500 standard optiPoint 500 standard SL optiPoint 500 advance Hicom 150 E and H, HiPath


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Hackers who unlawfully gain access to customer telecommunication systems are criminals. Currently, we do not know of any telecommunications system that is immune to this type of criminal activity. Siemens Information and Communication Networks, Inc. will not accept liability for any damages, including long distance charges, which result from unauthorized use. Although Siemens has designed security features into its products, it is your sole responsibility to use the security features and to establish security practices within your company, including training, security awareness, and call auditing.

Siemens sales and service personnel, as well as Siemens business partners, are available to work with you to help you prevent this type of unauthorized use of your telecommunications system.

February 2002

Eob No. 5165

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Copyright Siemens Information and Communication Networks, Inc. 2002. All rights reserved.
