options a guide to gcse subjects at bsn

Options A guide to GCSE subjects (Years 10 and 11) 2016 | 2018 Internationally British

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OptionsA guide to GCSE subjects (Years 10 and 11)

2016 | 2018Internationally British

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Contents Introduction to the curriculum 3

Core subjects GCSE English Language 7 GCSE English Literature 8 GCSE Mathematics 9 GCSE Science 10 Core Physical Education 12 Life Skills 13

Curricular support English as an Additional Language (EAL) 14 Study Skills 15

GCSE options GCSE Art and Design 16 GCSE Computer Science 18 GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition 20

GCSE Product Design 22 GCSE Drama 24 GCSE Geography 26 GCSE History 28 GCSE Music 30 GCSE Modern Foreign Languages: French, German, Dutch, Spanish 32 GCSE Physical Education 35

Enrichment options Business and Finance Skills 36 Classical Studies 37 Dance Leadership and Workshops 38 Mother Tongue Language Programme 39 Sports Leadership 40 Introduction to Psychology 41 Textiles 42

Useful websites 43

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 Introduction to the curriculum

The Curriculum in Years 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4)

The curriculum in Year 10 and Year 11 is based on the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) programme of subjects. The GCSE courses run for two years with examinations taken at the end of Year 11. In addition, some subjects have a controlled assessment which counts for a proportion of the final mark, and which is completed throughout the two-year course. Mostly this takes the form of supervised assessment which is completed in the classroom. Some tasks do require students to prepare outside school but the current approach is chiefly designed to reduce plagiarism. The externally examined GCSEs are well-established in the UK and in many international schools.

New GCSE courses, in line with UK Government changes, will be introduced in a number of subject areas. Details can be found on the relevant subject pages later in this handbook.

Our aim is to provide every student with a broad and balanced curriculum, but at the same time to allow some choice in the programme of GCSE subjects which each student follows.

Accordingly, there is a core of subjects, which everyone takes, as well as four options.

1. Core Students will in general follow GCSE courses in English Language and Literature, Mathematics and Science (which includes Chemistry, Physics and Biology).

Although the majority of students will follow a GCSE course in English Language and English Literature, some students, who require EAL (English as an Additional Language) support may follow different English-based courses. For details of the EAL examinations available, please see page 15.

All students will take core Physical Education and will follow a programme of Life Skills, and Careers Guidance.

2. GCSE options In addition, four other subjects are chosen.

Students are to select at least one Humanity subject (Geography or History) and one Language (Dutch, French, German or Spanish). The two subsequent choices may be taken from the list below (including another Humanity subject and/or another Language).

These are all GCSE courses with the exception of Study Skills and English as an Additional Language. Students will have five 55-minute lessons across a fortnight in each of their option subjects.

● Art and Design ● Computer Science● Design and Technology: Product Design ● Food Preparation and Nutrition ● Drama ● Dutch ● French ● Geography ● German ● History ● Music ● Physical Education● Spanish ● English as an Additional Language● Study Skills

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 Introduction to the curriculum

3. Enrichment options Student journey on the pathway of learning is not all about GCSE examinations. As such, part of their curriculum for the next two years will be to have the opportunity to study an enrichment option. These are non-GCSE courses that aim to provide opportunities to extend and develop students as learners.

Students will spend one lesson per week on their chosen enrichment option and information about these can be found in this booklet.

Important considerations We strongly advise students to choose a breadth and balance of subjects for GCSE. Subject entries in this booklet describe the aims of the GCSE courses, what they involve, how they are examined, and what opportunities exist to continue with these studies in the Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13) for either A Level, International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) or International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme (IBCP). Please bear in mind that GCSE option choices may have an impact on what students can do for IB and indeed A Level. For example, all students must study a foreign language for IBDP and, therefore, must have a GCSE or IGCSE in that language. A GCSE obtained in earlier years in a modern language will also be an acceptable base for IB in that language. In addition, students must attain the minimum entrance requirements for the subjects they wish to study. Please note the entry requirements will be transferred across to the new GCSE grading system of 9-1 as the new examinations roll through. Please refer to the Sixth Form Year Group pages on Gateway or the Sixth Form section of BSN website for details. Details of the current options in Year 12 and 13 can be found on Gateway in the Sixth Form Curriculum Booklet.

A tailored programme The usual full programme for GCSE consists of nine, or ten examination subjects. However, this may not be appropriate for every student. The Learning Support Faculty will provide extra help for students with additional needs and a Study Skills course may be offered instead of one of the subject options. This is a course specially designed and structured to support students to get the very best from their studies.

Although every effort is made, it is not always possible to accommodate a students’ first choice of subject because of timetabling constraints and limitations on group sizes. The final decision on such matters rests with the Headteacher.

Our two-year programme aims to fulfill academic potential, to develop talents and skills and to encourage students to become balanced and contributing members of the school community.

Progress and assessmentGCSEs are clearly the main focus of attention as outlined in this curriculum booklet. Students will be encouraged to develop a learning style tailored to their particular way of studying. Targets will be discussed periodically with subject teachers as well as form tutors. Progress reports will be issued through Year 10 and 11 which allow all concerned to monitor progress, celebrating success when that is warranted and dealing with problems as they arise.

Students will continue to move towards independent learning by, for example, taking responsibility for maintaining a useful agenda with less parent and tutor input, completing assignments and controlled assessments to the correct standard and by meeting deadlines. However, parents will be informed of assessment arrangements in good time as well.

Rounded citizensThrough the Life Skills, assembly, tutor time programmes and in the Enrichment programme, students will take time to consider issues relating to youth concerns, current and world affairs, culture, tradition and religion.

In addition, students will be encouraged to help others through charity fund-raising, community service, getting involved with environmental issues, working with younger students and developing a greater awareness and understanding of the needs of others in the school community.

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GCSE 2016 | 2018

Beyond the classroom Key Stage 4 is a real opportunity to try something new. Students can make Years 10 and 11 the time to stretch their horizons through taking part in sport, drama or music, the Young Enterprise, the International Award (Duke of Edinburgh Award), GNE (speech and writing), ISTA (drama) and COBIS (debating, film) competitions and many other extra-curricular activities provided at lunchtimes and after school. They can also make a real difference by serving on the Student Council.

Looking to the futureThis is also the time to start looking ahead to the future. Students need to consider where they are going to be and what they might like to be doing in two and four years’ time. Careers education and support takes place in tutor time, assemblies and Life Skills lessons and individual guidance is provided in Year 11 when decisions are being made about the next steps.

Central to this programme is student membership of an external careers scheme. All students will be enrolled at the start of Year 11 when they will sit a psychometric test. This will provide students with a detailed personal profile which will form the basis of their future careers planning and will be invaluable when they come to make their choices for A Level or IB, and beyond. There is a cost associated with this package and for this one-off payment, students will have access to all benefits beyond university. You can get further details from the Careers Office.

Keeping a balancePerhaps most important of all, students will learn to monitor their own work/leisure/extra-curricular balance to cope in a busy and challenging world.

All students in Year 10 are expected to attend a residential field course during activities week, irrespective of which subjects they choose as an option, the cost of which should be 650 euros or less. This provides the opportunity for students to conduct the fieldwork necessary to fulfil the requirements of the Biology and (where relevant) Geography syllabuses with regard to data collection. Significant aspects of the syllabus content itself are also covered on this course. Other courses, trips and visits during Key Stage 4 are planned to complement academic and social development. The availability of trips should not, however, be a primary consideration when students are making their choices.

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 Introduction to the curriculum

Looking further aheadExaminations are taken at 16 years of age usually in nine, or ten subjects. Grades range from A* to G, of 9-1 for the new style GCSEs. Higher grades are generally accepted as qualifications to begin a course at A level or IB in Year 12. For current minimum grades required to study a subject in the Sixth Form, please refer to the Sixth Form Year Group pages on Gateway or the website. Please note the entry requirements will be transferred across to the new GCSE grading system of 9-1 as the new examinations roll through.

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)The BSN is an authorised IB World School and offers the Diploma Programme in Years 12 and 13 as one alternative to A level, the other being the IBCP. The IB Diploma is an internationally-recognised qualification for university entrance. Students study six subjects, three at higher level and three at standard level, as well as a core consisting of Theory of Knowledge, the Extended Essay and Creativity, Action and Service (CAS). Students are required to study the six subjects for two years, this must include a foreign language as one of their six subjects.

International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme (IBCP) This is an academic pathway available for students in post-16 education.

The aim of the IBCP is to provide students with both an academic and practical foundation to support their further studies and training during higher education, thereby ensuring their success in the workforce.

IBCP students at the BSN follow two Diploma Programme courses at Standard Level, a BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Business (equivalent to 2 A Levels) and a core consisting of Approaches to Learning, Language Development, Community and Service, and a Reflective Project, which will be related to their Career-related Study in Business.

GCE Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS Level): taken in Year 12 General Certificate of Education at Advanced Subsidiary Level. These examinations are also internationally-recognised as university entrance qualifications. Students usually take four subjects in Year 12. They allow students to retain a breadth of subjects at a high academic level, or to begin courses in new subjects.

GCE Advanced Level (A Level): taken in Year 13 General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level. These are examinations which are internationally-recognised as university entrance qualifications. Students usually take these examinations at the age of 18 in Year 13 in three or sometimes four subjects.

Note: A reformed A Level structure is being introduced by the UK government from September 2015 through to September 2017.

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 Core subjects: English Language

GCSE English LanguageDetails of what the course involvesStudents taking GCSE English Language will be offered opportunities to develop their speaking and listening skills by taking part in researched and planned activities, such as formal debate, and discussions arising from the material being studied in class. They will cover a range of reading material, including prose, poetry, drama and non-fiction and will be required to write in a wide range of forms and genres.

How will the course be examined?There are two examinations, one worth 40% and the other 60%. The first exam is 1hr 45min and the second is 2hrs:

Both of the first two components contain an evaluation of the student’s “reading” and

“writing” ability.

Component 1: Unseen 20th Century Prose and Narrative Prose

Component 2: Unseen 19th/21st Century Non-Fiction and Transactional Writing

Component 3: Speaking and Listening (Must be completed but does not contribute to the final grade. This will take the form of one formal presentation.)

What opportunities are there to take this subject further in the Sixth Form?AS and A Level English Literature and/or Drama and Theatre Studies are offered in Year 12. There is a requirement to study English at either Higher or Standard Level at IB.

Other InformationEnglish Language is a mandatory qualification for students applying to universities in the UK and those in all English-speaking countries.

Examination BoardEduqas

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 Core subjects: English Literature

GCSE English LiteratureEnglish Literature will give students the opportunity to develop the ability to read, understand and respond to a wide range of types of literary texts; to develop an awareness of the social, historical and cultural contexts and influences in the study of literature; and to develop the ability to construct and convey meaning in speech and writing, matching style and audience.

Details of what the course involvesGCSE English Literature requires the study of four set texts including a wide selection of poetry. They will respond critically, sensitively and in detail; to explore how language, structure and form contribute to the meanings of texts; and to explore relationships and comparisons between texts. Students will be expected to read and prepare material for discussion in class; to plan and draft responses to texts in detail; and be prepared to evaluate their own written work.

How will the course be examined?There are two examinations. The first is worth 40% and is 2hrs long; the second is worth 60% and is 2hrs 30min long.

Component 1: Shakespeare and Poetry (40%)

Component 2: Post 1914 Literature, 19th Century Prose and Unseen Poetry (60%)

What opportunities are there to take this subject further in the Sixth Form?Currently AS and A Level English Literature and Drama and Theatre Arts are offered at Year 12 (see below for further details about Drama). There is a requirement to study Texts in Translation at either higher or standard level at IB.

Examination BoardEduqas

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 Core subjects: Mathematics

GCSE MathematicsAims of the courseThe aims of the course are to increase the mathematical skills of the individual and to enable students to apply these skills in solving a variety of problems in different contexts.

Details of what the course involvesThere are six key areas of study:

● Number● Algebra● Ratio, proportion and rates of change● Geometry and measures● Probability● Statistics

In Years 10 and 11 these are taken at one of two levels based on the GCSE(9–1)


Foundation Level: Grades available 5–1

Higher Level: Grades available 9–4

The Mathematics Faculty sets the students, using the recommendations of teachers as well as written tests, so that we are better able to meet the mathematical needs of each individual student. Although students are placed in sets at the start of Year 10, they could be moved to a higher or lower set depending upon their performance during the GCSE course.

How will the course be examined?The Students take three examination papers at the end of the course.

Higher level: 3 x 1.5 hour paper

Foundation level: 3 x 1.5 hour paper

A calculator is permitted on two of the papers.

Further study in the Sixth FormA variety of Mathematics modules in Pure Mathematics, Mechanics and Statistics are offered leading to AS, or A Level Mathematics and AS or A Level Further Mathematics.

In the IB programme students can take the Higher Level (HL), Standard Level (SL) or Standard Level (MS: Math Studies). Mathematics is a compulsory component of the IB Diploma.

School trips and competitionsA small group of students are offered the opportunity to take part in the Junior Mathematics Competition. (ISMTF – International Schools Mathematics Teachers Foundation). The competition is usually hosted in a European country; students would be expected to fund the cost of travelling to the relevant country. A larger number of students also take part in the UK Maths Challenge which takes place at school in the Autumn Term.

Examination BoardEdexcel 1MA1

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 Core subjects: Science

GCSE Science Students can, within Key Stage 4, prepare for certification in Combined Science Triology or Separate Science.

All students will be taught by specialists in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Details of what the course involvesStudents take one of two routes for studying Science in Years 10 and 11.

● Combined Science Trilogy: Students study all Biology, Chemistry and Physics leading to a double award in GCSE.

● Separate Science: Students study all Biology, Chemistry and Physics leading to individual awards in GCSE.

Students will be directed by the Science Faculty as to which GCSE route is suitable using the recommendations of teachers as well as their academic record (during Year 9) and potential, so that we are better able to meet the needs of each individual student.

Aims of the courseAQA GCSE courses in science should enable learners to:

● develop their knowledge and understanding of the material, physical and living worlds.

● develop their understanding of the nature of science and its applications and the interrelationships between science and society.

● develop an understanding of the importance of scale in science.

● develop and apply their knowledge and understanding of the scientific process through hypotheses, theories and concepts.

● develop their understanding of the relationships between hypotheses, evidence, theories and explanations.

● develop their awareness of risk and the ability to assess potential risk in the context of potential benefits.

● develop and apply their observational, practical, enquiry and problem-solving skills and understanding in laboratory, field and other learning environments.

● develop their ability to evaluate claims based on science through critical analysis of the methodology, evidence and conclusions.

● develop their skills in communication, mathematics and the use of technology in scientific contexts.

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 Core subjects: Science

How will the course be examined?Combined Science: Students will take two examinations of 1 hour 15 minutes in each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. This is a dual award qualification, therefore two grades will be awarded on a 17 point scale beginning at top end with 9-9 then 9-8 etc through to 2-1 and ultimately 1-1 (the lowest award).

Separate Science: Students will take two examinations of 1 hour 45 minutes in each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Grades will be awarded using the 9 – 1 scale.

Separate Science students will cover more content than Combined Science students.

Students must complete a series of required practicals for each science.

All science GCSEs will have higher and foundation tier papers.

What opportunities are there to take this subject further in the Sixth Form?After receiving their results, students may wish to continue with their study of science. The Biology, Chemistry and Physics Departments all offer post-16 courses which are available as options in Years 12 and 13. Students from both routes (Combined Science and Separate Science) will be able to study courses in the Sixth Form.

Students wishing to study the IB Diploma must study a subject from the Group 4 Science options. The IB courses are available at Higher and Standard level.

For further details, please talk to the Science Faculty.

Examination BoardAQA

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GCSE 2016 | 2018

Core Physical EducationYear 10Year 10 and 11 students have two hours of Physical Education per week. During the winter term boys follow a series of lessons in:

● Football● Rugby● Basketball● Keep fit● Cross-country ● Volleyball

Girls follow lessons in:

● Hockey● Football● Basketball● Volleyball● Keep fit● Cross-country

In the summer term all students receive lessons in:

● Cricket● Tennis● Athletics● Softball

Year 11During Year 11 boys and girls follow a series of lessons, which include both a core programme and optional sports, involving:

● Football● Weight-training● Volleyball● Squash● Basketball● Aerobics● Trampolining● Rugby● Tennis● Cricket● Softball● Hockey● Self-defence● Badminton

Core subjects: Physical Education

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 Core subjects: Life Skills

Life SkillsLife Skills provide students with the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their lives.

Students receive one 55 minute lesson per week through Years 10 and 11. Many very important topics are considered through both informative, interactive, case study and discussion-based lessons. A number of workshops of a practical nature are also presented by guest speakers from professional fields.

The underlying aims of the course are to encourage students to:● develop mutual respect and support● think about issues and make informed opinions● be aware of and care for others● talk about feelings and be sensitive to the feelings

of others● be constructively critical and questioning take

increasing responsibility for their own learning and behaviour make healthy lifestyle choices

The content of the course is based around four main themes and includes the following topics:● Personal Management: research, discussion,

critical thinking, presentation and study skills; attitudes to learning; time management; decision-making and managing challenging circumstances; subject choices and careers investigation through Careersscape software; revision strategies; group relationships and team work; personal finance, business and enterprise, consumer rights, workers rights and responsibilities, obtaining a driving licence, vehicle ownership.

● Health and Safety: drug abuse including information on illegal drugs; real life case studies about the harmful effects of binge drinking and smoking; recovery position technique; eating disorders and coping with stress; e safety; mental health.

● Personal Relationships: communication; self-awareness; relationships; sexual responsibility; STDs including HIV and Aids; contraception, pregnancy and abortion.

● Social Awareness: Human rights – law and order, privacy, discrimination European Union – freedom and democracy; consumer protection and the impact of EU legislation, equality and diversity, cultural difference.

Note: In order to meet our obligation to Dutch Law regarding language requirements for Dutch passport holders, these students will study Life Skills in Dutch unless the GCSE Dutch option is selected.

For further information please contact Mr Le Heux, Life Skills – Head of Department.

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 Curricular support

English as an Additional LanguageAims of the courseEnglish as an Additional Language (EAL) is available for those students whose mother tongue is not English. The EAL department supports the mainstream subjects at Key Stage 4 with an integrated programme of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

Details of what the course involvesThe backgrounds of the students vary greatly and we like to build on the richness of this cultural diversity. This means that much of the work is based upon individual needs. Our teaching necessarily focuses on small groups and individuals and the aim of the teaching is to provide the students with a sufficient level of English to enable them to undertake their mainstream academic programme.

A wide range of digital and paper-based materials are used to facilitate language learning in meaningful and realistic contexts for the age of the students, and in close collaboration with subject teachers.

In order to further motivate students we organise internationally recognised external examinations at all levels and these are recognised by institutions all over the world at the end of each course. The higher level exams are accepted as an alternative to GCSE English by many universities.

How will the course be examined?A wide range of international examinations are available through University of Cambridge ESOL including KET, PET, FCE, CAE and CPE. All the examinations relate to BSN and The Council of Europe language levels and are recognized as accurate assessments of communicative competence in English in more than 150 countries. The British Council in Amsterdam administers the examinations at the higher level and the BSN Senior School is a centre for the lower suite of exams.

To prepare for these examinations students will focus on five areas: language use, reading, writing, speaking and listening. The reading examination will test understanding of gist, main points, detail, text structure, the ability to extract specific information and the deduction of meaning. In the writing paper, students will be required to produce articles, reports, a letter or a composition task. The paper tests range of vocabulary and structure, accuracy of vocabulary, structure, spelling and punctuation, appropriacy, organisation and cohesion and task achievement. The listening examination is designed to test understanding of gist, main points, detail or specific information or the deduction of meaning. The speaking component of the examination is designed to assess spoken ability in the use of grammar, the use of vocabulary, pronunciation, interactive communication and task achievement.

What opportunities are there to take this course in the Sixth Form?EAL tuition continues in Years 12 and 13 and students can prepare for further examinations and IELTS.

More information is available on www.britishschool.nl under EAL or through an appointment with Mr Malcolm Hebden, Head of the Learning Support Faculty.

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 Curricular support

Study SkillsThis is not a GCSE course but can be taken instead of a GCSE option.

Aims of the courseThis course is designed to support students during Years 10 and 11. Study Skills focuses on the development of effective study techniques and learning tools that are important for academic success. It is a reinforcement of the work they will be carrying out in other subjects and will support students in all curriculum areas.

Details of what the course involvesThis course will allow students to develop study skills and strategies important for success in many subject areas.

The main topics are:

● Motivation/goal setting ● Learning Styles● Organisation and time management

for independent learning● Memory Skills and strategies● Reading strategies ● Research skills● Note-taking skills and strategies● Essay-planning and writing skills● Self-assessment● Revision and exam techniques● Stress management● Effective study environments

The course is not examined but is designed to contribute towards greater success in those subjects, which are taken at GCSE. Like other options it takes up five lessons per fortnight.

What opportunities are there to take the subject further in the Sixth form?Students can receive Study Skills support in Years 12 and 13. An individual programme is developed to meet the needs of each student.

Other relevant informationTeaching students to use study skills and strategies effectively is an important step in transforming dependent learners into independent learners. Therefore, throughout the course, students are encouraged to develop their own strategies to help complete the GCSE programme.

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 GCSE options: Art and Design

GCSE Art and DesignA course in Art and Design should encourage students to:● Actively engage in the process of art and design

in order to develop as effective and independent learners, and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds.

● Develop creative and imaginative powers, and the practical skills for communicating and expressing ideas, feelings and meanings in art and design;

● Become confident in taking risks and learning from their mistakes when exploring ideas, materials, tools techniques and technology.

● Develop investigative, analytical, experimental and interpretative capabilities, aesthetic understanding and critical skills;

● Show understanding of codes and conventions of art and design, and awareness of contexts in which they operate.

● Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of art and design in contemporary societies and in other times and cultures.

● Develop personal attributes including self-confidence, resilience, perseverance, self-discipline and commitment.

Details of what the course involvesWe deliver a broad based course where emphasis is placed on creativity and the development of the individual.

Students are encouraged to become independent thinkers. As the course develops this provides them with opportunities to explore an extensive range of skills, both practical and academic.

Problem solving and creative thinking underpins the philosophy of our teaching, actively encouraging and supporting students through a progressive frame of learning.

Year 10 (Portfolio)

The first year is made up from a series of workshops that provides students with key skills. Each workshop is based on a theme looking at artists and a variety of approaches.

Areas covered include Portraiture, Graphics, Still-Life, and the Environment. This is through drawing, painting, printing, collage, mixed media, textiles and sculpture.

Class work is supported by extra study at lunch, after school and at home. It is essential that research and practical work are completed out of school where first-hand resourcing and research of artists is vital to the course. Access to a camera, printer and scanner would be very beneficial for aspects of the course. In order to complete work in and out of school, it is important that students have a range of drawing pencils, coloured pencils, and a set of watercolours/acrylic paints.

Students are encouraged to experiment with ideas and explore differing media in the development of work towards outcomes.

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 GCSE options: Art and Design

All work produced contributes to the coursework (portfolio) aspect of the GCSE.

Year 11 (Portfolio)

In the Autumn term of Year 11, students produce an independent, sustained study to add to their portfolio. The theme to the workshop is of their own choice.

The unit allows the student to showcase their talents, skills, and understanding of the subject, building on their previous experiences. It provides opportunity for them to become independent learners taking responsibility and ownership of their work. Many of our students find these skills transferable and invaluable for other areas of their education both at GCSE and A Level.

Most find it a creates a good balance to their Curriculum and lessons through the week.

Externally Set Assignment

In Year 11, the exam board sets a series of starting points for students to work from. They prepare themselves in a similar way to the previous Year 11 work within a set period of time from January through to the start of May. The final piece is then produced in ten hours of supervised time.

How will the course be examined?The overall GCSE grade is based on the following:

Portfolio – 60% Externally Set Assignment – 40%

All assessment is based on practical work produced over the period of the course. There is no written examination.

What opportunities are there to take the subject further in the Sixth form?Both the IB Visual Arts programme and the AS/A course in Art and Design are available to anyone who shows an aptitude for and/or a real interest in the subject and wants to take it further. Both courses build on the skills and approaches developed during the GCSE course.

What can students go on to study?Art is an important subject to study when you are interested in the general areas of Advertising, Animation (Film), Architecture and Interiors, Design Crafts, Electronic Games, Fashion and Textiles, Film and TV Production, Fine Art, Graphic Design, Journalism, Photography, Product Design, and Teaching. Our department offers you the best springboard onto these. We are extremely successful, consistently delivering high standards and student attainment.

Even if you do not want to follow a career in the Creative Sector, Art is a good subject to study because it helps you become an independent learner, a creative thinker, a reflective person, and a good organiser.

All these qualities are important for every area of your life. The subject provides a challenge that stretches people’s ability, both creatively and intellectually. These are some of the main reasons why several of our students not entering the creative field carry on with the subject, as it enhances their studies in other areas.

Examination BoardAQA Art and Design – Specification 8201

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 GCSE options: Computer Science

GCSE Computer Science Computational Thinking in Context

Aims of the courseThe skills and knowledge developed through this qualification help students to:

● understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, decomposition, logic, algorithms, and data representation

● analyse problems in computational terms through practical experience of solving such problems, including designing, writing and debugging programs

● think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically

● understand the components that make up digital systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems

● understand the impacts of digital technology to the individual and to wider society

● apply mathematical skills relevant to computer science.

This brand new GCSE in Computer Science, for first teaching in 2016, has been developed in response to a number of recent initiatives aimed at promoting computer science as a rigorous, knowledge-based subject discipline that should be part of every young person’s education.

The content of the new Pearson Edexcel GCSE in Computer Science is based on the Computer Science curriculum for schools produced by the Computing At School Working Group in the UK. It is also benchmarked against the curricula of high-performing boards in other parts of the world, notably India, Israel and Singapore. Pearson Edexcel has consulted widely with members of the computing community – teachers from schools and colleges, employers, leading academics from higher education institutions such as Kings College, the British Computer Society and the Computing at School organisation – to ensure that the content of this GCSE is relevant, fit for purpose and supports progression into higher education and ultimately into employment.

The course recognises that while programming is an important element of computer science, the underlying principles of logic, decomposition, algorithms, data representation, communication etc. are even more fundamental and durable. Computational Thinking skills are placed at centre-stage.

“Computational thinking will be a fundamental skill used by everyone by the middle of the 21st Century. Just like reading, writing and arithmetic.” Jeanette Wing (2011) Computational Thinking

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 GCSE options: Computer Science

How will the course be examined?● Component 1 is a written paper, ‘Principles of

Computer Science’, covering all topics with a weighting of 40% and consisting of multiple choice, short and extended open response questions.

● Component 2 “Application of Computational Thinking” is a written examination based on a scenario with a weighting of 40% and consisting of short and extended open response questions.

● Component 3 is a Computer Science Project, a non-examined supervised assessment over four stages of development with a weighting of 20% which will include a program designed, written, refined and tested by the learner, either to a specification or to solve a problem and a written report.

Details of what the course involves This GCSE will develop your ability to apply ‘computational thinking’ skills in a particular context. The new Edexcel GCSE Computer Science specification enables students to apply computational thinking in context, across both examined and non-examined assessments. You will learn to think computationally, within the context of a single scenario, and prepare you for real-world computer challenges. Computational thinking is integrated throughout the content to embed this essential approach to the subject.

The main topics covered are:

● Problem solving● Data● Communication● Programming● Computers● The Internet and the Bigger Picture

What opportunities are there to study this subject in the Sixth Form?Computer Science is currently available as part of the IBDP pathway at both SL and HL.

Which careers can this course lead to?There is a recognised world-wide shortage of computer science graduates. Some recent statistics from code.org show that there will be one million more computing jobs than graduates by the year 2020. And while less than 2.4% of graduates major in Computer Science, they are led to some of the best paid jobs around. Careers in Computing could land you a job as a programmer, systems analyst, software engineer, network manager, systems technician, web developer, games developer or computer engineer, to name only a few. But one can major in computer science and do anything: a career in medicine, law, business, politics, any type of science or engineering, and even the arts. A recent statistic showed that over 70% of jobs in STEM subject (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) involved Computing. See the Computer Science Education Week website: csedweek.org

Other relevant informationAccess to a computer at home (Windows or Mac) is essential for enabling students to continue with class work and programming tasks. Similarly, access to the Internet at home is essential.

Examination BoardPearson Edexcel

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 GCSE options: Food Preparation and Nutrition

GCSE Food Preparation and NutritionAims of the courseGCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition is a new exciting and creative course which focuses on practical cooking skills to ensure students develop a thorough understanding of nutrition, food provenance and the working characteristics of food materials. At its heart, this qualification focuses on nurturing students’ practical cookery skills to give them a strong understanding of nutrition.

● This course enables students to develop their practical food preparation skills

● The course provides opportunities for students to gain a thorough understanding of nutrition

● Students will also undertake a range of experimental and investigative activities

Details of what the course involvesFood preparation skills are integrated into five core topics:

● Food, nutrition and health – Macro Nutrients, Micro Nutrients, Nutritional Needs and Health.

● Food science – Cooking of food, Heat Transfer and the Functional and Chemical Properties of Food.

● Food safety – Food Spoilage, Contamination and the Principles of Food Safety.

● Food choice – Factors affecting Food Choice, British and International Cuisines, Sensory Evaluation, Food Labelling and Marketing

● Food provenance – Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Food, Food Processing and Production.

There is great emphasis on practical work and the use of ICT in this subject.

How will the course be examined?The course is examined in two main ways:

Exam Paper 1: Food preparation and nutrition (50%) Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

The paper will be made up of 20 multiple choice questions worth 20 Marks and 5 questions each with a number of sub questions worth 80 marks.

Non-Exam Assessment (NEA) Task 2: Food preparation assessment (35%) Written Portfolio

Students’ knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking, presentation of food and application of nutrition related to the chosen task.

Students will prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes within a single period of no more than three hours, planning in advance how this will be achieved.

Students will submit a written portfolio (15 A4 pages) including photographic evidence.

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What opportunities are there to take this subject further in the Sixth Form?There are opportunities in the Sixth Form to continue the study of food through an AS and A Level course in Food Technology.

Other information During Year 10 students have the opportunity to attend a field course in Italy where they work alongside professional chefs. This course is not compulsory but is highly recommended and enjoyed by all. The cost of this trip is between 700 and 800 euro depending on the location of the course.

Which careers can this course lead to?Studying food preparation and nutrition can lead to exciting and well paid career options. Consumers are becoming increasingly reliant on the food industry to develop solutions for their nutritional needs. This course could lead you into roles such as a Chef, Food Product Developer, Buyer (who travels the world sourcing new food products for manufacturers), Food Safety Inspectors, Nutritionists, Dieticians, Quality Managers, Teacher, Food Engineer, Food Scientist, Food Technologist, Food Photographer, Food Stylist, Home Economist, Hotel and Restaurant Manager, Microbiologist, working in food magazines, radio and television.

Examination BoardAQA 8585

GCSE options: Food Preparation and Nutrition

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 GCSE options: Product Design

GCSE Product DesignAim of the courseAfter studying D&T at Key Stage 3 students will have experienced a wide range of different ways to both design and manufacture products using up-to-date technological processes. This course allows students to specialise in the focus area of product design where they will learn about a range of materials, manufacturing processes, techniques and technologies and be able to use them as appropriate to the design and make process.

GCSE Product Design encourages students to:a. demonstrate fully their Design and Technology capability, which requires them to combine skills with knowledge and understanding in order to design and make quality products suitable for production in quantity;

b. acquire and apply knowledge, skills and understanding through:

● analysing and evaluating products and processes;● engaging in focused tasks to develop and

demonstrate techniques;● engaging in strategies for developing ideas,

planning and producing products;● considering how past and present design and

technology, relevant to a designing and making context, affects society;

● recognising the moral, cultural and environmental issues inherent in design and technology.

Details of what the course involves and teaching stylesClassification and working properties of materials

Focused practical tasks that deliver materials knowledge and specialist skills. Short design and make tasks are undertaken to develop and acquire skills, including the use of Computer Aided Design and Manufacture (CAD/CAM) in single item production.

Design and market influence

Focused practical tasks related to the analysis and evaluation of products and processes, including the wider effects of technology on society, the environment and the manufacturer.

Processes and Manufacture

Focused practical tasks which deliver specialist knowledge of the various manufactuing methods used in an industrial and commercial environment.

How will the course be examined?The course is examined in two ways:

Written Paper

40% of total marks

The paper is split into two sections. Section A is a series of design questions based on a theme provided by the exam board in the form of a preparation sheet. Section B will examine knowledge and understanding of specific materials and processes, manufacture, design and market influences.

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Controlled Assessment Task

60% of total marks

The Controlled Assessment Task will be internally assessed and externally moderated. It will consist of a single design and make activity which will be chosen from a broad range of pre- selected briefs. This is expected to take 45 hours in total. Students will design and make a 3-dimensional product supported by an electronic design portfolio of approximately 20 pages. The Controlled Assessment Task begins during the Summer Term of Year 10 and will be completed during the Spring Term of Year 11.

What opportunities are there to take this subject further in the Sixth Form?Achieving a B grade, or above, allows you to progress directly to the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and then on to the A Level GCE in Design and Technology (3D Product Design). Alternatively Design Technology can be studied as one of the sciences in Group 4 IBDP.

Examination BoardAQA 4555

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 GCSE options: Drama

GCSE DramaLearners opting for Drama will be given opportunities to develop the ability to read, understand and respond to a wide range of drama texts; to develop an awareness of the social, historical and cultural contexts and influences in the study of drama and theatre; to develop the ability to construct and convey meaning in speech and writing, matching style and audience; and to experiment with and develop confidence in dramatic presentation.

Learners are encouraged to see live theatre productions throughout the course and will be required to attend local theatre at least once during the course as such visits will inform written work.

Drama requires group work and performing in front of an audience. Sixty percent of a learner’s mark will be affected by the relationships that they form with group members and as such, learners must be willing to work as part of a team to create performances for assessment. Learners should expect to work with peers outside of class-time in rehearsal.

Details of what the course involvesLearners will investigate practitioners and genres of drama, work collaboratively to develop ideas to communicate meaning and experiment with dramatic conventions, forms and techniques to produce and realise a piece of original theatre. They will also have the opportunity to participate in the performance of an extract from a play text. Learners will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of drama, including their ability to interpret text for performance in a written examination. However, in preparation for this assessment, learners are encouraged to study their chosen text as a performer, designer and director.

How will the course be examined?Component One – Devsing Theatre:

40% of qualification – internally assessed, externally moderated.

Learners will participate in the creation, development and performance of a piece of devised theatre using either the techniques of a theatre practitioner or a genre, in response to a given stimulus. Learners must produce:

● a realisation of their piece of devised theatre● supporting evidence● an evaluation of the final performance

Component Two – Performing from a Text:

20% of qualification – externally assessed by a visiting examiner.

Learners study two extracts from the same performance text and participate in one performance using sections from both extracts.

Component Three – Interpreting Theatre:

40% of qualification – written examination (1 hour 30 minutes), externally assessed.

Section A: Set Text

A series of questions on one set text.

Section B: Live Theatre Review

One question requiring analysis and evaluation of a given aspect of a live theatre production seen during the course.

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What opportunities are there to take this subject further in the Sixth Form?Currently AS and A Level English Literature and/or Drama and Theatre are offered in the Sixth Form. Learners wishing to take Drama and Theatre do not necessarily have to have studied Drama at GCSE level but they will need to have met minimum requirements in English or be able to otherwise satisfy the faculty of their ability to tackle these courses.

GCSE options: Drama

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 GCSE options: Geography

GCSE GeographyAims of the course● Geography reflects the modern and changing

world at a variety of scales from local to global;● Geography offers a unique view of earth science

and the associated environmental issues;● Geography offers a relevant account of the

economic issues of the modern world;● Geography shows how the scientific, human

and economic aspects of the modern world interact creating both problems, opportunities and responses;

● Geography in its global view offers a unique opportunity to explore the international dimension.

The course will appeal to students who:● Want to understand why and how the world (both

physical and human) works in the way that it does.● Have an interest in the world around them and

Man’s impact on it.● Want to learn more about some of the key issues

shaping the world that they live in.

Examination and Assessment AQA syllabus The syllabus has three parts, each of which is examined separately.

Paper 1: Living with the Physical Environment (35% of final GCSE grade)

This unit will look at:

● The challenge of natural hazards: assessing the impacts and causes of earthquakes, volcanoes and hurricanes; as well as the causes and consequences of world climate change. This section has a strong focus on up to date and relevant case studies.

● The living world: understanding the interdependence of climate, water, soils, plants, animals and people in three ecosystems: tropical rainforests, hot deserts and polar regions. Understanding the development opportunities in cold and arid environments: mineral extraction, energy, fishing and tourism. As well as learning about the strategies used to manage rainforests sustainably.

● Physical landscapes: the processes shaping our coasts and the different management strategies that can be used to protect coastlines from the effects of erosion and sea level changes. Glaciation and the powerful set of processes that have shaped landscapes in the UK and beyond. Rivers and how physical and human factors affect the flood risk – precipitation, geology, relief and land use.

How is it assessed?Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes

Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose

Paper 2: Challenges in the Human Environment (35% of final GCSE grade)

● Urban issues and challenges: how urban growth has created opportunities and challenges. This section focuses on the challenges of the urban environment such as slums, providing clean

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water, providing access to services – health and education; as well looking at how best to tackle unemployment and crime; managing pollution and waste in our cities.

● The changing economic world: analysing and accounting for the global variations in economic development and quality of life. Exploring the strategies that exist for closing the development gap with reference to specific countries and case study evidence.

● Resource Management: the significance of food, water and energy to economic and social well-being. An overview of global inequalities in the supply and consumption of resources with a focus on energy and the reliance on fossil fuels. Food consumption and the growing demand for food resources: impacts of food insecurity – famine, soil erosion, rising prices, conflict.

How is it assessed?Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes

Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose

Paper 3: Geographical Applications (30% of final GCSE grade)

Section A: Issue Evaluation

This section develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Twelve weeks prior to the examination date, students will be given secondary sources relating to a geographical issue. Students will review the secondary sources provided and consider the points of view of the people involved, identify the advantages and disadvantages, and evaluate the alternatives. In the exam, they will be expected to write up a justification for their proposed solutions in terms of their impact on both people and the physical environment.

Section B: Fieldwork

Fieldwork is an essential aspect of Geography. It ensures that students are given the opportunity to consolidate and extend their geographical understanding by relating learning to real experiences of the world.

Students will undertake two geographical enquiries, each of which must include the use of primary data, collected as part of a fieldwork exercise. The data collection takes place during Activities Week in the Summer Term of Year 10.

Students will not have to produce a formal piece of coursework, but their understanding of fieldwork will be assessed under examination conditions in the following ways:

● Questions based on the use of fieldwork materials from an unfamiliar context.

● Questions based on students’ individual enquiry work.

How is it assessed?Written exam: 1 hour 15 minutes

Question types: multiple-choice, short answer, levels of response, extended prose

Geographical Skills

These are highly desirable transferable skills that students will develop and demonstrate throughout the course; including cartographic, graphical, numerical and statistical skills. Skills will be assessed in all three written exams.


During Activities Week in the Summer Term of Year 10, all of the geographers will spend a week in Switzerland at a residential fieldwork centre gathering the primary data that they require for the fieldwork section of the examination on Geographical Applications. As well as collecting data on both physical and human Geography, they will take a close look at some impressive glaciers and landforms in the Swiss Alps.

What opportunities are there to take this subject further in the Sixth Form?Geography is offered at both AS and A Level in the Sixth Form, and students may also study Geography as part of the IB Diploma both at standard and higher level. Geography has strong links with the study of Geology and Environmental Sciences as well as many other subjects at university level, and offers a way into the rapidly expanding areas of remote sensing, computer imaging and Geographical Information Systems, amongst others.

Examination BoardAQA

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 GCSE options: History

GCSE HistoryAims of the courseGCSE History helps to establish lifelong skills – both oral and written – the ability to argue a case, to articulate and communicate what you know and understand, to sift through a wide range of evidence and come to a conclusion. Furthermore, the course will help students to understand the background to current affairs and to have a better understanding of the world we live in.

This course will appeal to students who: ● want to study a dynamic subject that changes with

the world around them;● want to understand the world they live in; so many

of today’s conflicts have their roots in the past; how can you negotiate with, trade successfully with or report on a country if you know nothing of its history?

During your course you will learn:● about the significance of events, individuals, issues

and societies in History;● how and why societies have changed over time –

how people interact, their motives, factionalism, how people may unite under a common cause

● to develop an understanding of how the past has been interpreted and represented;

● to express your own historical ideas confidently and effectively;

● to understand the nature of historical evidence and the methods used by historians to analyse and evaluate it;

● to develop your ability to analyse and evaluate evidence, reach supported judgements, and to argue a case effectively both orally and on paper.case effectively both orally and on paper.

Topics studied:Paper 1: Thematic study and Historic environment. – Option 10: Crime and Punishment in Britain c1000 – present.

Students will analyse how crime and punshment have changed and evolved over a thousand years by taking into account factors such as the influence of politics and belief, science, technology and societal attitudes. Topics covered include Medieval trial by ordeal, witchfinding, poaching, smuggling, highwaymen, the Bloody Code, prison reform, the development of the Police Force and CID, the case of Jack the Ripper and the abolition of the death penalty.

Paper 2: Period Study and British Depth Study – Option B4: Early Elizabethan England, 1558-88.

Topics covered include the question of her legitimacy as Monarch and the succession question, the religious settlement, society including education and attitudes towards the poor, the problem of Mary Queen of Scots, commericial rivalry with Spain in the New World, involvement in the Dutch Revolt, the Spanish Armada, Drake’s circumnavigation of the Globe and the attempted collonisation of Virginia.

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AND Option 26/27: Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941-91.

Students will study the evolution of the Cold War bewteen the USA and USSR and key crises such as the Hungarian Uprising 1956, the building of the Berlin Wall 1961, the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962, the Prague Spring 1968 and the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. We will also question what led to the end of the Cold war and the fall of the Soviet Union.

Paper 3: Modern Depth Study – Option 30: Germany 1918–39

Students will study topics such as the early problems of the Weimar Republic post WW1, the impact of the Great Depression 1929–33, the founding and growth of the Nazi Party, how Hitler gained power and controlled Germany. Students will also consider Life in Hitler’s Germany for a wide range of groups.

How will the course be examined?● Paper 1 – 1 hour 15mins – 52 marks – 30% ● Paper 2 – 1 hour 45mins – 64 marks – 40%● Paper 3 – 1 hour 20mins – 52 marks – 30%

There are no tiered papers in History. Exam questions are mostly short answer questions – a mix of short answer and source analysis. There is only one longer structured answer of 16 marks on each exam paper which requires you to write a balanced answer and reach a substantiated conclusion. The techniques are exactly the same as those they have been utilising in Years 7 – 9.

There is no coursework.

FieldtripsWe usually run two fieldtrips to Russia (Moscow and St Petersburg) and Berlin, which students can attend either in Year 10 or Year 11. All students will have the opportunity to go on one trip. The costs are approximately 1,700 euros for Russia and around 600 euros for Berlin.

What opportunities are there to take this subject further in the Sixth Form?History can be studied at both AS and A Level and IB. Government and Politics is available as an option at AS and A level.

Examination BoardPearson Edexcel

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 GCSE options: Music

GCSE MusicAims of the courseThe Edexcel GCSE Music course allows those students with an interest in all types of music to further their enjoyment and understanding of music through Performing, Composing and Listening/Set Work study, across a wide range of musical styles.

Details of what the course involvesWhat do you need to consider taking Music at GCSE? One of the greatest requirements for success on the Music GCSE course is an enthusiasm for making music and learning more about music. In addition to this, students should be able to read music notation(s), and be able to play an instrument and/or sing to a reasonable level of competence. It is also extremely useful to have some basic keyboard-playing skills (particularly if you have never had formal piano or keyboard lessons), as we use state-of the-art computer-based Composition/Scoring/Sequencing/Recording software (Logic Pro X, running on Apple macs) for Composing, and much of this is achieved through keyboard input.

All students should be taking, or be intending to take instrumental or vocal lessons, either with BSN Instrumental/Vocal Staff or with suitably-qualified teachers outside of the school. Having a professional teacher makes a significant diference to both skills progression and the laying down of good technical foundations.

We also encourage active participation in the relevant ensemble opportunities provided not only by the Music Department, such as Choirs, Orchestra, Swing Band, Concert Band, Rock Groups, etc., (as Solo

and Ensemble Performance accounts for 30% of the final marks), but also in ensembles and music-making outside of school. Throughout the year, students are expected to take part, either as soloist or ensemble member, in the series of regular lunchtime and evening concerts help further develop their Performing skills.

THREE COURSE COMPONENTS: Performing; Composing; Appraising.

Performance and Composition are examined through coursework, normally submitted/recorded/examined towards the end of the Spring term of the examination year. The Set Works/Appraising component is assessed through is a written examination taken in the Summer examination period.


For the Performing paper, students have to perform one solo and one ensemble piece near the end of the course which represents their best performance standard on one or more instruments/voice. This can be in any style, either notated in traditional notation(s), or improvised within a set of chosen parameters.


The Composition portfolio for final submission will contain two compositions; the first, to a set brief (related to the areas of study in the Appraising part of the course) given by the examination board, and a second, free choice piece, which could also be an additional piece composed to a different area of the Set Briefs which Edexcel send out. The combined duration must be a minimum of 3 minutes. Both tasks are partly undertaken in designated ‘Controlled (supervised) Conditions’ time. After initial preparation work and experimentation/development of ideas, students must spend a minimum 5 hours of this supervised Controlled Conditions time to complete the final version of each piece of music.

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Students are introduced to a range of music grouped into four Areas of Study:

● Instrumental music, 1700–1820 ● Vocal music ● Music for stage and screen ● Fusions

The Appraising Examination takes the form of a paper in which students have to answer specific questions relating to extracts of Set Works heard on a CD recording and undertake some slightly-more-extended/in-depth writing relating to the Set Works.Students will apply their knowledge of composers’ compositional techniques and musical fingerprints of the styles they have studied in the Set Works.

The Set Works from the four Areas of Study will be as follows:

What opportunities are there to take this subject further in the Sixth Form?Music at AS/A level, Music Technology at AS/A level are both available as one- or two-year courses, and Music at IB Higher/Standard Level is offered in the Sixth Form as a two-year course. Please talk to the Music Department for further details.

Examination Board Edexcel Code: 1MUO

Area of Study *Set WorksInstrumental Music 1700–1820

J.S. Bach: 3rd Movement from Brandenburg Concerto no. 5 in D major L. van Beethoven: 1st Movement from Piano Sonata no. 8 in C minor ‘Pathétique’

Vocal Music H. Purcell: Music for a While Queen: Killer Queen (from the album ‘Sheer Heart Attack’)

Music for Stage and Screen

S. Schwartz: Defying Gravity (from the album of the cast recording of Wicked) J. Williams: Main title/rebel blockade runner (from the soundtrack to Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope)

Fusions Afro Celt Sound System: Release (from the album ‘Volume 2: Release’) Esperanza Spalding: Samba Em Preludio (from the album ‘Esperanza’)

Component Overview AssessmentComponent 1 Performing 30% NEA

2 performances Solo – minimum 1 piece – minimum 1 minute Ensemble – minimum 1 piece – minimum 1 minute Together total minimum of 4 minutes across the solo and ensemble pieces

Minimum total 2 pieces 30 marks each Total of 60 marks

Component 2 Composing 30% NEA

2 compositions 1 to set brief – minimum 1 minute 1 free composition – minimum 1 minute Together total minimum of 3 minutes

2 pieces 30 marks each Total of 60 marks

Component 3 Appraising 40% Exam

4 Areas of Study with 2 Set Works each: • Instrumental Music 1700–1820 • Vocal Music • Music for Stage and Screen • Fusions

Exam 1hr 45mins Total of 80 marks

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 GCSE options: Modern Foreign Languages

GCSE Modern Foreign Languages: French, German, Dutch, Spanish

The BSN places special emphasis on Modern Foreign Languages. Unlike many other schools, there are mother-tongue assistants in all of the languages offered at GCSE level.

Aims of the courses● To develop students’ understanding of the spoken

foreign language to the point where they can understand everyday conversations and extracts from radio broadcasts.

● To develop students’ spoken language to enable them to cope with everyday situations that they are likely to encounter in the foreign country, to relate events giving their opinions and to cope with unpredictable elements.

● To develop their reading skills so that they can understand the main details from a variety of sources written in the foreign language including brochures and newspaper articles or extracts from stories.

● To improve their written skills to allow them to write short business letters, to recount events, or produce brochures using a variety of verb tenses and expressing opinions about and reactions to events.

● To allow students to transfer meaning of sentences from the foreign language into English and from English into the foreign language.

Why study Modern Foreign Languages?● To enable students to understand and

communicate with a large section of the world. ● To enrich students’ cultural knowledge. ● To learn more about the way in which we think and

to open students’ minds to new ways of thinking. ● To increase employment possibilities.

What do the courses involve?The emphasis on oral work that was developed at Key Stage 3 continues to be an important part of the lessons in Years 10 and 11. Some of the activities will be more demanding and will require a greater degree of negotiation and problem-solving. There will continue to be Reading and Listening Comprehension exercises similar to the ones that students are used to from lower down the school. Writing will take on slightly more importance – tasks will be set that require a more detailed response.

In class, there will be the opportunity to work in pairs, small groups and sometimes individually. Students may also be given the opportunity to work in smaller groups with the language assistant once, or maybe twice a week. In some activities there will be a greater degree of choice – students will be able to choose the topic that they wish to discuss for one part of the oral.

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The topics covered are drawn from 5 wide topic areas set by the exam board, these are:

1. Identity and culture 2. Local area, holiday and travel 3. School 4. Future Aspirations, Study and work 5. International and global issues

The specific language books that we use are:

FrenchOver the two-year course we use the Edexcel GCSE French textbook with its accompanying workbook, supplemented by exercises from the textbook Métro and additional specific worksheets developed by the department from magazine articles and other French resources. We also make use of the language website www.languagesonline.org.uk to consolidate and practise core French language structures.

GermanWe currently use the Edexcel GCSE German textbook with its accompanying workbook and additional worksheets developed by the department. During the course of the two years we also watch the German language films Goodbye Lenin, Nordwand, Die Welle and Die Fetten Jahre sind Vorbei

DutchIn preparation for the Dutch GCSE we use:

For Grammar and spelling, our own workbook

For Reading and writing, the Magazines: Kidsweek + 7 Days + Past papers

Websites: www.nos.nl/jeugdjournaal.nl www.teleac.nl, www.Cambiumned.nl

SpanishIn Year 10 and 11 the department has produced its own workbook covering all the GCSE topics.

These booklets are based around the topics and draw on a wide range of source materials. Students also will have access to video materials in Spanish and authentic Spanish sound tracks.

How will the courses be examined?The system of assessment for German, Spanish and French is as follows:

Listening A paper of about 45 minutes is set. The exam will normally be taken in the May of Year 11. This paper is worth 25% of the final mark.

Reading A paper of about 1 hour is set and the exam will normally be taken in the May of Year 11. This paper will contain a short translation of five sentences from the foreign language into English. This paper is also worth 25% of the final mark.

Writing A writing paper will be set in the may or June of Y11. It will last 1 hour and 15 minutes and will contain two written tasks – one shorter and one longer task. There will also be a short five sentence translation exercise. This will be worth 25% of the final mark.

Oral An oral exam of approximately 10 minutes will be sat in the March or April of Year 11. This will contain a role play exercise, a description of a picture and a presentation on a pre-chosen topic and one on a topic selected on the day of the exam. This will be worth 25% of the final mark

In Dutch the assessment system is different. This is because Dutch is considered to be a lesser-taught language. The assessment is organised as follows:

Listening A 50 minute examination that is worth 25% of the final mark

Reading A 50 minute examination that is worth 25% of the final mark

Oral A ten minute examination that is worth 25% of the final mark. In this exam students will have to present a topic of their own free choice for a minute and then discuss this with the examiner after which there will be a general conversation for the remainder of the time.

Writing A 50 minute examination that is worth 25% of the final mark. In this paper students will be able to select two essays from a choice of four that are offered.

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What opportunities are there to take the subjects further in the Sixth Form?All languages are available in the Sixth Form. AS and A level examinations are offered in all languages although in Dutch, because of the limited number of papers available these can be supplemented with sections of the NT2/Dutch as a Foreign Language, examination to ensure that all four skills have been covered and examined in the Year 12/13 course. Students wishing to study for the IB Diploma must study a foreign language either at Standard or Higher Level. The languages currently offered include French, Dutch, German and Spanish. The study of a foreign language is a compulsory component of the IB Diploma. A GCSE obtained in earlier years in a modern language will also be an acceptable base for IB. Students may study a second language for the IB Diploma in preference to the Arts option. Students need to have met the entry requirements to study languages in the Sixth Form but GCSEs passed in Year 8 and 9 will, for the time being, still qualify for entry into either IB or A Level

Please noteThere are field courses to Spain, Germany and France offered to students in Year 10 and Year 11. These courses are recommended but not compulsory and will be about 4 or 5 days long. The cost of the courses will be about €650–€700. More details will be available from the heads of the appropriate departments nearer the time. Further opportunities for native-speakers exist via the Mother-Tongue Languages Co-ordinator at the Senior School, Mme. Chantal Rieutort-Louis.

Examination BoardEdexcel GCSE French (1FR0), Edexcel German (1GE0), OCR Dutch (7J33) and Edexcel Spanish (1SP0)

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GCSE 2016 | 2018 GCSE options: Physical Education

GCSE Physical EducationAims of the course● To develop confidence and self-esteem through

improved personal performance.● To improve communication skills and

presentation skills.● To develop analytical skills.● To understand the benefits/importance of a healthy

lifestyle through developing personal fitness.

Details of what the course involvesPractical

A variety of different sports will be looked at and practised over a period of time. In each sport students will develop an understanding of the rules and tactics used (including officiating) as well as coaching techniques and improving personal performance.


The theory is classroom-based, although implemented practically whenever possible. Basic physiology and anatomy is taught as well as safety and risk assessment work. Reasons why people take part in exercise are considered as well as why exercise is important and the development and implementation of a Personal Exercise Programme (PEP) is undertaken. This will involve a series of fitness tests.

Students will be involved in the teaching through taking control of certain aspects of the lessons – e.g. warm-ups and cool-downs. Students will also have the chance to teach basic skills and to present short talks on aspects of the theory.

How will the course be examined?40% Practical

Students are assessed in their practical performance in three sports – these sports are selected by the students but MUST consist of at least one team and one individual activity with the final choice of activity being a free choice of either a team or individual sport. The class teacher assesses each sport and only the actual level of performance is considered. Towards the end of Year 11 a practical exam is taken in each sport where a mark is recorded.

The final 10% of the practical mark is awarded on the student’s ability to plan, perform and evaluate a Personal Exercise Programme (PEP).

60% Theory

This is assessed through two exams. The first exam lasts 1 hour 45 minutes and examines students’ knowledge of fitness and the systems of the body. The second exam lasts 1 hour 15 minutes and examines students’ knowledge of heath and performance.

What opportunities are there to take the subject further in the Sixth Form?PE is available at A level. Please contact the PE department if you have further questions about options in Years 10/11 and the Sixth Form. PE is currently not available in the IB Diploma Programme.

Examination BoardEdexcel 1PE0

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Enrichment 2016 | 2018 Business and Finance Skills

Business and Finance SkillsThis course aims to introduce students to the ideas of entrepreneurship, finance, economics and business skills as part of their personal development.

What does the course involve?Entrepreneurship: What does it mean to be an entrepreneur and how can we actually start our own business? What skills are required, what practical problems need to be overcome and is it possible to design, develop and sell an idea at a profit?

Working in ‘the City’: The City refers to the City of London. The financial heart of the UK and a major global influence. Students will learn about shares, bonds and other financial instruments. What bankers actually do, why they are so highly paid, and what you might need to do to become one. The hugely popular student investor game, involving a virtual portfolio, helps offer real time practice in share trading.

Personal finance: How much do people actually get paid? How does this work? Why do we then pay tax and how much do we pay? Why is everyone in debt? Should I pay my student loan off with a credit card? There are many aspects of personal finance that 15-16 year olds need to know as an essential part of life.

Money: What exactly is money? How did it come about? What does it represent? Why can’t we just swap things? We’ll explore the role of the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the purpose behind a single European currency.

Topical Issues: Every day the news leads with stories about the economy. We’ll explain these in simple terms so that students have a grasp of the key issues of the day. This could be anything from a potential Grexit, the falling price of a barrel of oil, or the overnight surge in the Swiss Franc.

The course is not designed to prepare students for sixth form courses in Business or Economics. However it may be helpful to those who have an academic interest in these disciplines to clarify their own understanding of what studying Business or Economics might entail and this will be fully explained as we go through the course.

ContactMr T Hare

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Classical Studies

Classical StudiesHave you enjoyed watching series on television like ‘Atlantis’? Or have you been fascinated by films like ‘Troy’ or ‘Gladiator’?

Well, these are taken from the field of Classical Studies, the study of the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.

What does the course involve?In this course we will look at some of the following questions and try to answer them:

● Did Alexander the Great really exist? Can we prove it?

● How does archaeology work?● Famous stories from ancient history.

For example, did the Trojan War really happen? ● How did the arch revolutionise

building construction?● What was the role of women in the ancient world?● What are the origins of democracy?● Do Plato and Aristotle still affect our ways

of thinking today?● What is the meaning of classical architecture? ● What was daily life like in the ancient world? ● The importance of ancient Greek and Latin. What does ‘carpe diem’ mean? Where does

a word like ‘agenda’ come from?● Was Julius Caesar a mass-murderer and

all-round criminal?

We like to think of the ancient world as very similar to our own but when we peer into ancient history it is rather like visiting an alien world and surely Archaeology is a pursuit of sheer detective work …. you need to be a Sherlock Holmes!

ContactMr D Crawford

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Enrichment 2016 | 2018 Dance Leadership

Dance Leadership and WorkshopsThis course is a great introduction for those students who are interested in dance. Not only does this course expand students’ knowledge of dance but also their confidence, whilst also improving their leadership skills. All learners need is a passion and interest in dance.

What does the course involve?Students will complete the Level 1 Award in Dance Leadership. This is a UK nationally recognised qualification that enables successful learners to lead small groups in simple dance activities, whilst under the direct supervision of their Tutor/Assessor or other suitably qualified adult.

The qualification teaches generic leadership skills such as organisation, planning, communication and teamwork through the medium of dance. It is a fun and practical qualification with no entrance requirements or final examinations to sit. Assessment is through completion of the course and demonstration of practical skills.

In addition, students will follow 4/5 hour units on various styles of dance. These styles are to be confirmed but may include: ballet, ballroom, jazz, hiphop, urban, Capoeira and contemporary.

The course will culminate in an informal evening of dance where students perform their dances.

Students will also be encouraged to create an extra-curricular activity for younger students where they can put their learnt leadership skills into practice.

There will be a registration fee (+/- €45) associated with this Enrichment course.

ContactMr M Bennett

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Mother Tongue Languages

Mother Tongue Language ProgrammeThe Mother Tongue Enrichment option is intended for any student who has already sat an early GCSE in their native language and wish to continue with the development of their language skills and knowledge.

What does the course involve?The course will be taken by a native speaker assistant who will help you to maintain and improve on your current skill levels, especially in speaking and writing. There will be weekly discussions based on current affairs, supplemented with exercises to help develop your grammar. The types of discussion and written tasks that you will undertake, will go beyond the daily routine and tourist topics areas covered at GCSE and will cover four broad topic areas :

● Youth Culture, ● Lifestyle and Health, ● Environmental Issues ● The World of Work.

This course is especially suited to those students who are considering continuing their studies of the language in the sixth form. We will offer the course in French, Spanish, German, Italian and Russian, numbers permitting.

Please note that the course is not offered in Dutch as we already have provision for you to maintain your current level through the Life Skills programme. If you do decide to opt for this course, please select the appropriate language from the drop down menu when making your choice on Gateway.

ContactMrs C Rieutort Louis

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Sports Leadership

Sports LeadershipThis practical enrichment course offers students the opportunities and experiences they need to improve their life skills. It focuses on leading rather than technical ability and will increase students’ self-confidence and develop their leadership skills through sport.

What does the course involve?Students will complete the Level 2 Award in Sports Leadership. This award will give learners the chance to develop their organisation, motivation and communication skills, whilst also focusing on positive role models in sport, how to mentor others, and how to use leadership skills in a variety of settings.

Assessment is through completion of the course and 10 hours demonstration of voluntary leadership outside of lessons

In addition to the Level 2 Sports Leaders award, students will study National Governing Body (NGB) specific sports coaching qualifications to improve their specific sports coaching. This will allow them to apply the skills learnt in their Level 2 award to sport specific activities.

Each sports qualification will cover 3 areas:

● Communication Skills- cross over to Sports Leaders Award.

● Organisational skills- cross over to Sports Leaders Award.

● Sports Specific skills – warm-up and cool downs, coaching of major skills, basic officiating.

The qualifications could be in the following activities (actual qualifications TBC):

● Badminton● Swimming● Table Tennis● Gymnastics ● Hockey● Parkour

Assessment is through observation of students leading a coaching session.

There will be a registration fee (+/- €45) and cost per NGB qualification (+/- €20) associated with this Enrichment course.

ContactMr M Bennett

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Introduction to Psychology

Introduction to PsychologyTaking the ‘Introduction to Psychology’ will allow students to enrich their experience of wider curriculum and develop the necessary skills in preparation for higher level study.

What does the course involve?Students studying this course will be introduced to the fascinating and exciting world of Psychology where they will have the opportunity to explore and discuss issues that are of direct relevance and interest to them whilst developing key skills in research, critical thinking and analysis.

Students will have a choice from a series of topics to study that are of interest to them. Each term there will be a focus on a different subject matter and a different skills base. Topics that students have selected in recent years include Gender, Personality, Psychopathology, Criminal Psychology and Sleep and Dreaming to name a few.

Students will be encouraged to develop a range of skills including independent and group research, presentation, debate, extended writing, project work and guided investigations. Students will be asked to research questions such as ‘Why do people become murderers?’ ‘Why do we dream?’ “What causes mental disorder?’‘How do gender roles develop?’ etc. Some of these questions will allow students to develop their research skills and provide knowledge of some of the main approaches in Psychology.

Psychology is currently a popular A Level and IB subject within the Sixth Form. Although there is currently no prerequisite GCSE in this discipline, students who have chosen to study this enrichment subject may find it of benefit to them in deciding upon embarking on studying it at a higher academic level.

ContactMs J Davies

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TextilesThe aim of the course is designed:

● To give students the opportunity to develop their designing and making skills using fabric.

● To give students the opportunity to experiment with technical and creative textiles processes when designing and making functional products.

● To build students’ critical analysis and problem solving skills when making decisions within a design context to produce practical solutions to design problems and design opportunities.

What does the course involve?In Year 10, students will be introduced to a wide variety of technical and creative textiles process through a series of design and make activities:

The Storage Pouch Project: introduces students to essential sewing machine skills and teaches them how to use the sewing machine safely and with confidence. They will learn a wide variety of technical skills e.g. sewing a zip in place and sewing a button hole in addition to creative embellishment techniques such as appliqué, block printing and patchwork. This functional storage pouch can be used for jewellery, stationery, toiletries or art materials.

The Sustainability Project: teaches students basic fashion drawing skills so that they can learn to communicate their design ideas effectively. In this project, students focus on recycling and re-using existing textiles products to design and make a skirt, shorts or a pair of trousers. The simple construction of the garment allows students to focus on their creativity and build on decorative construction and creative skills learnt previously.

The Design Communication Project: teaches students a range of fashion drawing skills which allow them to communicate their ideas to others more easily. This will form the basis of their Year 11 project and by the end of the summer term they will have designed a range of garments and chosen one to make in Year 11.

In Year 11, students have the opportunity to enhance their learning experience by building on technical and creative skills learnt in Year 10. Students will pursue an independent, practical project in which they will learn how to use a commercial clothing pattern and adapt this to their own design before making the garment.

At the start of the summer term, there is an opportunity for Year 10 and 11 students to take part in the annual BSN Charity Fashion Show. This gives students the opportunity to participate in an event which further enhances their learning experience.

The Textiles Technology Enrichment option will support students that wish to study Art and Design at AS and A2 level. This course will provide students with the practical and design skills necessary to enable them to work more independently, giving them the opportunity to explore their creativity in more depth within the textiles medium in A-Level Art and Design.

Alternatively, creative and technical textiles skills learnt will also support students that already study GCSE Product Design and wish to study Product Design at A-level, providing them with an additional materials area to use as part of their A-level design portfolio.

ContactMs N Gulliver

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Useful websitesHere are some website addresses which you might find useful in your thinking about these important choices and the future beyond GCSE: AS and A Levels, IB and universities and colleges.

Examinations boardswww.edexcel.org.uk




For the IB Diplomawww.ibo.org

UCAS: Universities and Colleges Admissions Servicewww.ucas.co.uk

This is a very useful website for students interested in applying to university in the UK.

The British Council guide for overseas students wishing to study in the UKwww.educationuk.org

For universities and colleges in the Irish Republicwww.cao.ie


Provides information about courses and universities in continental Europe

Please do contact the Careers Office if you have any questions about Higher Education and how these GCSE options might have a bearing on future university courses.

Useful websitesGCSE 2016 | 2018

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