optimizing schedules for prioritized path planning of multi-robot systems maren bennewitz wolfram...

Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems

Maren Bennewitz

Wolfram Burgard

Sebastian Thrun

Page 2: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

The Problem

Given• Map of the environment / configuration space• Start and goal configurations for a team of robots

Task• Compute shortest collision-free paths for all robots

Complexity• Exponential in the number of robots / dimension of the

configuration space

Page 3: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Centralized Methods

Features:• Planning in the composite configuration space• Compute the optimal solution• In praxis: Heuristic approaches to deal with the enormeous

complexity of the configuration space

Approaches (completeness and optimality not guaranteed):• Potential field techniques

[Barraquand et. al., 89], [Tournassoud, 86]• Roadmap methods

[Sveska & Overmars, 95]

Page 4: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

The Decoupled Approach (incomplete)

1. Compute optimal paths for the individual robots independently.

2. Assign priorities (not necessarily).

3. Try to resolve possible conflicts between the paths.

Approaches: • Path coordination [O´Donnell & Lozano-Perez, 89], [Leroy et. al., 99]

• Planning in the configuration time-space• V-Graph algorithm [Erdmann & Lozano-Perez, 87]

• Potential fields [Warren, 90]

• A* [Azarm & Schmidt, 96]

Page 5: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Path CoordinationKey idea:• Keep the robots on their individual optimal paths.• Allow them to stop, to move forward or even to move

backward on their trajectories in order to avoid collisions.

Complexity:• NP-hard (Job Shop Scheduling Problem)

In practice: Prioritized variant required Complexity O(n mlogm)

[O´Donnell & Lozano-Perez, 89], [Leroy et. al., 99]

Page 6: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

• Assignment of priorities to the individual robots

• Application of A* in the configuration time-spaces

Advantage: Optimal solution given the previously

computed paths!

Complexity: O(n mlogm)

Application of A* to Multi-robot Path Planning

Page 7: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Real Robot ExperimentA*-based Planning in the Configuration Time-space

• If Albert has highest priority A* finds a solution.• The path coordination method cannot solve this problem at all.

19 m

15 m

Page 8: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Flexible Priority Schemes

Current techniques leave open how to assign priorities or use a fixed scheme.

Our approach:

Interleave path planning and priority assignment using randomized techniques.

Page 9: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Finding Solvable Priority Schemes

FOR tries := 1 TO maxTries BEGIN

select random order P

FOR flips := 1 TO maxFlips BEGIN

choose random i, j with i < j

P := swap(i, j, P)

IF solvable(P)

return P



Page 10: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Speed-up the Search

• The plain randomized search technique produces good results, but

• often a lot of iterations are necessary to come up with a solution.

Focus the search.

Page 11: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Extracting Constraints

31 pp 12 pp and

The task specification yields the constraints:

Page 12: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Exploiting Constraints to Find Solvable Priority Schemes

• Target position of robot j is too close to the initially optimal path of robot i

introduce the constraint

• When initially assigning priorities try to satisfy as many constraints as possible.

• During the search only change the priorities of the robots which could not be ´sorted topologically´.

j ip p

Page 13: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Example: Initial Situation

Priority scheme: 3, 6, 7, 2, 4, 9 ... 0, 1, 5, 8

Page 14: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Example: Resulting Paths

Page 15: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Experimental Evaluation

• Application of our algorithm to • A* in the configuration time-space and

• the path coordination method

• Using 2 different environments (noncyclic/cyclic)• Randomly generated start/goal points

Goal: Demonstration that our technique significantly increases the number of solved planning problems.

Page 16: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Strategies to Find Solvable Priority Schemes

1. A randomly chosen order for the robots.

2. A single order we obtain by applying a greedy approach to satisfy as many constraints as possible.

3. Randomized search starting with a random order and without considering the constraints.

4. Constrained randomized search starting with an order computed in the way as strategy 2.

Page 17: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Reducing the Number Of Failures (Noncyclic Corridor Environment)

A* in the configuration time-space

Path coordination method

Page 18: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Reducing the Number Of Failures (Cyclic Corridor Environment)

Page 19: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Influence of Priority Schemes on the Path Length

Page 20: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Optimizing Priority SchemesFOR tries := 1 TO maxTries BEGIN

select random order PIF (tries = 1)

P* := P FOR flips := 1 TO maxFlips BEGIN

choose random i, j with i < j P´ := swap(i, j, P)IF moveCosts(P´) < moveCosts(P)

P := P´END FOR IF moveCosts(P) < moveCosts(P*)


Page 21: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Example Situation (30 Robots)

Page 22: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Summed Move Costs Over Time

Page 23: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Reducing the Path Length

Page 24: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Conclusions (1)

Randomized optimization technique for priority schemes

Applied to two decoupled and prioritized path planning techniques

Page 25: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Conclusions (2)

Flexible priority schemes

• seriously decrease the number of failures inwhich no solution can be found for a givenplanning problem and

• lead to a significant reduction of the overallpath length.

Page 26: Optimizing Schedules for Prioritized Path Planning of Multi-Robot Systems Maren Bennewitz Wolfram Burgard Sebastian Thrun

Future Work

• Different velocities of the robots

• Reactive/on-line techniques

• Detection of dead-locks/opportunities