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Optimal Piecewise Linear Income Taxation Patricia Apps University of Sydney Ngo Van Long McGill University Ray Rees University of Munich August 14, 2008 Abstract This paper rst sets out to clarify the existing literature on optimal piecewise linear income taxation. It then extends the analysis to the taxation of two-earner households. JEL classication H21, H31, J22. Keywords: piecewise linear; taxation; singles; couples. Please note: this is a report of work in progress. If you should wish to refer to it, we would be grateful if you would ask us for the latest version of the paper. 1

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Page 1: Optimal Piecewise Linear Income Taxation - Home | · PDF file1 Introduction The point of departure of the theory of optimal income taxation is the propo-sition that, ideally, a tax

Optimal Piecewise Linear Income Taxation

Patricia AppsUniversity of Sydney

Ngo Van LongMcGill University

Ray ReesUniversity of Munich

August 14, 2008


This paper �rst sets out to clarify the existing literature on optimalpiecewise linear income taxation. It then extends the analysis to thetaxation of two-earner households.JEL classi�cation H21, H31, J22.Keywords: piecewise linear; taxation; singles; couples.Please note: this is a report of work in progress. If you

should wish to refer to it, we would be grateful if you wouldask us for the latest version of the paper.


Page 2: Optimal Piecewise Linear Income Taxation - Home | · PDF file1 Introduction The point of departure of the theory of optimal income taxation is the propo-sition that, ideally, a tax

1 Introduction

The point of departure of the theory of optimal income taxation is the propo-sition that, ideally, a tax should be levied on an individual�s innate produc-tivity endowment, which determines the utility level he can achieve on thelabour market. Since this is however unobservable, a tax is instead levied onmoney income. The underlying model of behaviour, whether in the theoryof nonlinear taxation �rst developed by Mirrlees (1971), or in the theory oflinear taxation formulated by Sheshinski (1972), is that of a utility maximiz-ing individual who divides his time optimally between market labour supplyand leisure, given his net wage. The gross wage measures his productiv-ity. There is a given distribution of wage rates over the population, and theproblem is to maximize some social welfare function de�ned on individualutilities. In Mirrlees�s nonlinear tax analysis, the problem is seen as one inmechanism design. An optimally chosen menu of marginal tax rates andlump sum tax/subsidies is o¤ered, and individuals select from this menu in away that reveals their productivity type. As well as the government budgetconstraint therefore, a key role is played by incentive compatibility or selfselection constraints. In Sheshinski�s linear tax analysis on the other hand,there is no attempt to solve the mechanism design problem. All individualsare pooled, and the problem is to �nd the optimal marginal tax rate andlump sum subsidy (sometimes called the demogrant) over the population asa whole, subject only to the government budget constraint. In each case, thetheory provides an analysis of how concerns with the equity and e¢ ciencye¤ects of a tax system interact to determine the parameters of that system,and in particular its marginal rate structure and degree of progressivity.In reality most tax systems are neither linear in the sense of Sheshinski

nor nonlinear in the sense of Mirrlees,1 but rather piecewise linear. Grossincome is divided into (usually relatively few) brackets and marginal tax ratesvary across these brackets. When we consider formal income tax systems,narrowly de�ned, the marginal tax rates are typically strictly increasing withthe income levels de�ning the brackets. We refer to this case of strict marginalrate progressivity as the convex case, since it de�nes for an income earnera convex budget set in the space of gross income-net income/consumption.However, when we widen the de�nition of the tax system to include cash

1The German tax system is the main example of a nonlinear system, with marginaltax rates increasing with income in a piecewise linear way, up to a maximum rate whichis then constant with respect to income. For further discussion see Apps and Rees (2008).


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bene�t transfers that are paid and withdrawn as a function of gross income,which we refer to as the e¤ective income tax system, we see that typicallythis may lead marginal tax rates to fall over some range as gross incomeincreases. Since this introduces nonconvexities into the budget set incomeearners actually face, we refer to this as the nonconvex case.The problem of the empirical estimation of labour supply functions when

a worker/consumer faces a piecewise linear budget constraint has been exten-sively discussed in the econometrics literature.2 Moreover, the recent litera-ture3 on the estimation of the marginal social cost of public funds (MCPF)has been concerned with the deadweight losses associated with raising a mar-ginal unit of tax revenue in the context of some given piecewise linear taxsystem, which is assumed not to represent an optimal tax system. Yet thereis surprisingly little analysis of the problem of optimal piecewise linear in-come taxation, even though this cannot be thought of as a simple adaptationof either the linear or nonlinear analyses.4 There are two main papers inthe theoretical literature on this subject, by Sheshinski (1989) and Slem-rod et al (1994).5 We believe these papers leave the literature in a ratherunsatisfactory state.The contribution by Sheshinski �rst formulated and solved the prob-

lem of the optimal two-bracket piecewise linear tax system for an individualworker/consumer. Unfortunately, he claims to have proved that, under stan-dard assumptions, marginal rate progressivity, the convex case, must alwayshold: in the social optimum, the tax rate on the higher income bracket mustalways exceed that on the lower. However, Slemrod et al (1996) show that

2For a very extensive discussion see in particular Pudney (1989).3See in particular Dahlby (1998)....4It is possible to analyse this problem from the point of view of imposing a piecewise

linearity constraint on the optimal tax function which is found by solving a Mirrlees type ofof mechanism design problem. For a general theory of this class of problems, see Gjesdal(1988). The present paper is however concerned with the more realistic case in whichpolicy makers are not trying to solve this problem. It can therefore be regarded as anextension of optimal linear taxation, rather than a restricted form of optimal nonlineartaxation. As we see below, interpretation of the results draws on optimal linear taxationtheory rather than on Mirrlees�analysis.

5Strawczynski (1998) also considers the optimal piecewise linear income tax, but grossincome in his model is exogenous and attention is focussed, as in Varian (1980) on incomeuncertainty, where taxation essentially becomes social insurance. Kesselman and Gar�nkel(1978) compare linear and piecewise linear tax systems in a two-type economy, takinghowever the tax brackets as �xed. Sadka et al (1982) extend this to the case of a continuumof types.


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there is a mistake in Sheshinski�s proof, in that he ignores the existence of adiscontinuity in the tax revenue function in the nonconvex case. They thencarry out simulations which, again on standard assumptions, in all cases pro-duce the converse result - the upper-bracket marginal tax rate is optimallyalways lower. This is however also somewhat problematic, for two reasons.First, in general non-parameterised models there is no reason to rule out theconvex case, and there is the suspicion that the speci�c functional forms andparameter values chosen by Slemrod et al for their simulations are biassedtoward nonconvexity. Secondly, in practice in virtually all countries tax sys-tems do in fact exhibit a substantial degree of marginal rate progressivity.It is as if policy makers aim for a basically convex system, but make adjust-ments to it over particular income ranges which have the e¤ect of introducingnonconvexities. After reading these papers we are not left with a clear ideaof the conditions under which we might expect the di¤erent cases to occur.The �rst aim of this paper therefore is to provide a uni�ed analysis to clarifythis issue.A second issue is that, when we come to consider debates on actual tax

policy, it becomes clear that a central problem, that of how couples should betaxed, is not directly addressed by the literature discussed so far. Thus thispaper considers the extension of the analysis of piecewise linear tax systemsto the case of two person households.A small literature has developed on the extension of the linear and non-

linear tax models to the case of two-earner households. In the case of lineartaxation, Boskin and Sheshinski (1983) derived the result that optimally,women should be taxed at a lower rate than men. This builds on the obser-vation, dating back to Munnell (1980) and Rosen (1977), that since womenhave higher compensated labour supply elasticities, standard Ramsey argu-ments would imply, other things equal, lower tax rates. This is not howevera conclusive argument. The optimal tax rate in a linear tax model dependsnot only on the e¢ ciency e¤ects of taxation, but also on the distributional ef-fects, and it is a priori possible that the tax rate on women should optimallybe higher, despite the higher elasticities, if this tax rate were a su¢ cientlybetter instrument for redistribution than that of men. This depends on thecovariance between the marginal social utility of income and gross income of,respectively, men and women. Boskin and Sheshinski use a model calibratedwith parameter values meant to be representative of the empirical estimatesto derive the result that, when distributional e¤ects are taken into account,the optimal tax rate on women is indeed below that on men. However, this


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is still just an example, and there has been little further work to test itsrobustness, though Apps and Rees (1999), (2008) show that, both in the taxreform and optimal linear tax cases, this result, hailed as the "conventionalwisdom" in this area, can be put on a �rmer foundation.6

It is almost a trivial result that male and female tax rates should di¤er.Equalising their marginal tax rates, as is done in a joint taxation or incomesplitting system such as those in the US and Germany, amounts to imposing aconstraint on the optimal tax problem which cannot increase, and in generalwill reduce, the optimised value of social welfare. Less trivial is the argumentthat women should be taxed at lower rates than men with the same grossincome.In the case of nonlinear taxation, Schroyen (2003), Apps and Rees (2008),

Brett (2007) and Kleven, Kreiner and Saez (2007) consider the problem ofthe extension to two-earner households. General results are hard to �nd, es-sentially because of the complexity of the two-dimensional screening problemthat arises when the productivity of each household member is the house-hold�s private information. Even in the relatively simple case of two wagetypes and therefore four household types, the multiplicity of potentially bind-ing incentive compatibility constraints gives rise to a wide range of possiblesolutions. Perhaps the main general result is that the tax rates on men andwomen will vary with their productivity type, so individual taxation is stillin general optimal, but the tax rate on a given individual of one of the twotypes will also depend on the type of his or her partner. In this sense, thetax unit consists of both the individual and the couple.7

A simple linear tax system seems to be too constrained, a fully nonlinearsystem too complex, to be satisfactory approaches to applicable tax systems.Piecewise linear tax systems therefore are of interest on both theoretical andpractical grounds. As far as we are aware, this is the �rst paper which triesto extend the analysis of piecewise linear taxation to the two-earner case.However, it seems to us to be immediately clear that the basic result of thelinear tax model - individual taxation for men and women with a lower taxrate for the latter - will carry over to the piecewise linear case. Thereforethe useful simpli�cation of assuming that, even under individual taxation,men and women will face the same piecewise linear tax schedule, will also

6See also Feldstein and Feenberg (1996).7This suggests that the question that has often been posed in the literature: "should

the individual or the couple be the appropriate tax unit" is wrongly formulated, or at leastonly makes sense in the context of linear taxation.


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allow us to focus on the role that progressivity of the tax system plays in thecomparison of joint vs. individual taxation.The paper is structured as follows. In the next two sections we consider

optimal piecewise linear income taxation of single-earner households, in anattempt to clarify the exisitng literature. We then go on to extend theanalysis to taxation of two-earner households.

2 Single Person Households

In this section we present an in-depth analysis of the problem of optimalpiecewise linear taxation of single person households, in an attempt to clarifythe existing literature. We present �rst the analysis of the choice problems forthe individual in the face of respectively convex and nonconvex tax systems,and then discuss the optimal tax structures in each case.

2.1 Solution to the Consumer Choice Problem

We assume consumers have identical quasilinear utility functions8

u = x�D(l) D0 > 0; D00 > 0 (1)

where x is consumption and l is labour supply. Given a two-bracket taxsystem with parameters (a; t1; t2; y); with a the lump sum payment to allhouseholds, t1 and t2 the marginal tax rates in the �rst and second bracketsrespectively, and y the income level determining the upper limit of the �rstbracket, the consumer faces the budget constraint

x � a+ (1� t1)y y � y (2)

x � a+ (t2 � t1)y + (1� t2)y y > y (3)

where y = wl: In analysing the consumer�s choice problem, it is useful towork in the (y; x)-space rather than the (l; x)-space used by Sheshinski andSlemrod et al, because in the former the budget constraint is the same forall consumers, in the latter it varies with the wage. We just have to rede�nethe utility function:

u = x�D(y

w) � x� (y; w) y > 0; yy > 0; yw < 0 (4)

8Thus we are ruling out income e¤ects. This considerably simpli�es the analysis with-out, we would argue, losing too much of interest.


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The slope of an indi¤erence curve in the (y; x)-space is y(y; w) > 0 andit decreases continuously with w; the consumer�s type. We assume a dif-ferentiable wage distribution function, F (w); with continuous density f(w);strictly positive for all w 2 [w0; w1]:In discussing the solutions to the consumer�s problem we have to distin-

guish between the convex and nonconvex cases:Convex case: t1 < t2Here there are three solution possibilities:9

(i) Optimal income y� < y: In that case we have

y(y�; w) = 1� t1 ) y� = y�(t1; w) (5)

x� = a+ (1� t1)y�(t1; w) (6)

u = a+ (1� t1)y� � (y�(t1; w); w) � v(a; t1; w) (7)

and the derivatives of the indirect utility function are


@a= 1;


@t1= �y�(t1; w) (8)

(ii) Optimal income y� > y: In that case we have

y(y�; w) = 1� t2 ) y� = y�(t2; w) (9)

x� = a+ (t2 � t1)y + (1� t2)y�(t2; w) (10)

u = a+(t2� t1)y+(1� t2)y�(t2; w)� (y�(t2; w); w) � v(a; t1; t2; y; w) (11)

and the derivatives of the indirect utility function are


@a= 1;


@t1= �y; @v

@t2= �(y�(t2; w)� y);


@y= (t2 � t1) (12)

(iii) Optimal income y� = y: In that case we have

y(y; w) � 1� t1 (13)

x� = a+ (1� t1)y (14)

9It is assumed throughout that all consumers have positive labour supply in equilibrium.It could of course be the case that for some lowest sub interval of wage rates consumershave zero labour supply. We do not explicitly consider this case but it is not di¢ cult toextend the discussion to take it into account.


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u = a+ (1� t1)y � (y; w) � v(a; t1; y; w) (15)

and the derivatives of the indirect utility function are


@a= 1;


@t1= �y; @v

@y= (1� t1)� y(y; w) � 0 (16)

To summarise these results: the consumers can be partitioned into threegroups according to their wage type. Thus let ~w and w be de�ned by

y(y; ~w) = 1� t1 (17)

y(y; w) = 1� t2 (18)

Then the groups correspond to the subsets of wages10

C0 = fw;w 2 [w0; ~w)g (19)

C1 = fw;w 2 [ ~w; w]g (20)

C2 = fw;w 2 (w; w1]g (21)

C0 consists of consumers in equilibrium at tangencies along the steeper partof the budget constraint, C1 are the consumers at the kink, and C2 consistsof the consumers at tangencies on the �atter part of the budget constraint.Note that the consumers in C1; with the exception of type ~w; are e¤ectivelyconstrained at y; in the sense that they would prefer to earn extra grossincome if it could be taxed at the rate t1; since y(y; w) < 1 � t1; butsince it would in fact be taxed at the higher rate t2; they prefer to stay at y:Given the continuity of G(w); consumers are continuously distributed aroundthis budget constraint, with both maximised utility v and gross income ycontinuous functions of w: Finally note that (17) and (18) can be solved toderive the di¤erentiable functions ~w(t1; y); w(t2; y).Nonconvex case: t1 > t2Here there are again three solution possibilities. First, there is a unique

consumer type, denoted by w; which is in equilibrium indi¤erent betweenbeing in either of the two tax brackets. There are two local maxima thatyield the same utility: This type is characterised by the conditions

y(y�1; w) = 1� t1 (22)

y(y�2; w) = 1� t2 (23)

10We assume that the tax parameters are such that none of these subsets is empty.


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x�1 = a+ (1� t1)y�1(t1; w) (24)

x�2 = a+ (t2 � t1)y + (1� t2)y�2(t2; w) (25)

x�1 � (y�1; w) = x�2 � (y�2; w) (26)

which yield as solutions in particular the functions , y�1(w; t1) and y�2(w; t2);

w(t1; t2; y): Then, for consumers with wages in [w0; w); we have only tangencysolutions on the �rst, �atter segment of the budget constraint

y(y�; w) = 1� t1 ) y�(t1; w) (27)

while for those in (w; w1]; we have only tangencies on the second, steepersegment

y(y�; w) = 1� t2 ) y�(t2; w) (28)

It is straightforward to show that y�(t1; w) < y�1 < y < y�2 < y�(t2; w): For in-dividuals of type w, the tax payments at the two local maxima are t1y�1(w; t1)and [t2y�2(w; t2)� (t2 � t1)by] > 0. In this case, although maximised utilityis a continuous function of w; optimal gross income and the resulting taxrevenue are not: There is an upward jump in both at w: It is this fact thatseems to have been overlooked by Sheshinski.

2.2 The optimal convex tax system

As just shown, in the convex case, consumers are distributed around the sameconvex budget set, with some in equilibrium on the �rst, steeper line segment,some in a constrained equilibrium at the kink, and some in equilibrium onthe second, �atter line segment. We can derive the optimal piecewise lineartax system for this case as follows. The planner chooses the parameters ofthe tax system to maximise a social welfare function de�ned asZ


S[v(a; t1; w)]dF +


S[v(a; t1; y; w)]dF +


S[v(a; t1; t2; w)]dF (29)

where S(:) is a strictly concave and increasing social welfare function. Thegovernment budget constraint isZ


t1y(t1; w)dF+




[t2y(t2; w)+(t1�t2)y]dF�a�G � 0 (30)


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where G � 0 is a per capita revenue requirement. From the �rst order condi-tions characterizing a maximum of social welfare subject to the governmentbudget constraint11 we derive the following:Result 1:

� �ZC0[C1[C2

S 0

�dF = 1 (31)

where � is the average marginal social utility of income over the entire popu-lation and � is the shadow price of tax revenue. Since the same lump sum ais paid to each consumer, this is essentially the same condition as for lineartaxation. However, since it impliesZ

C0[C1(S 0

�� 1)dF = �


(S 0

�� 1)dF (32)

and S 0=� falls with the wage, the left hand side must be positive and so thevalue of the integral on the right hand side negative. That is, the consumersin C2; the higher tax bracket, on average have marginal social utilities ofincome below the population average, and the converse is true for consumersin the lower tax bracket. This is of course what we would expect.The conditions characterising the optimal marginal tax rates yield12

Result 2:

t�1 =



�� 1)[y� � y�]dFR


�1; w)dF


t�2 =



�� 1)[y� � y�]dFR


�2; w)dF


The denominator, the average (compensated) derivative of gross income withrespect to the marginal tax rate, which is negative, can be interpreted as thee¢ ciency e¤ect of the tax. The numerator is the equity e¤ect. Since y� < y�

for the subset C0, while marginal social utilities of income are above theaverage, the numerator will also be negative. Likewise y� > y� for the subset

11In deriving these conditions, it must of course be taken into account that the limitsof integration ~w and w are functions of the tax parameters. Because of the continuityof optimal gross income and tax revenue in w; these e¤ects all cancel and the �rst orderconditions reduce to those shown here. Note that we are assuming an interior optimum.12For convenience we change the partial derivative notation, writing yt1 for @y=@t1 and

so on. Note also we have used (32) in deriving (33).


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C2; while marginal social utilities will be below average, and so the numeratorhere is also negative.Note the strong formal similarity with the results for optimal linear tax-

ation. The welfare gain of piecewise linear over linear taxation arises out ofthe fact that the marginal tax rates t�1; t

�2 re�ect more closely the covariation

of income with the marginal social utility of income, and the average com-pensated gross income derivatives, a measure of deadweight loss, within therespective subgroups.The wholly new element of course is the determination of the optimal

income threshold at which the tax brackets change, y�:The condition foroptimal choice of y is:Result 3: Z



�vy + t�1gdF = �(t�2 � t�1)


(S 0

�� 1)dF (35)

The left hand side gives the marginal social bene�t of a relaxation of theconstraint on the consumer types in C1 who are e¤ectively constrained byy: First, for w 2 ( ~w; w] the marginal utility with respect to a relaxation ofthe gross income constraint is vy = (1� t1)� y(y; w) > 0; as shown earlier.This is weighted by the marginal social utility of income to these consumertypes. Moreover, since they increase their gross income, this increases taxrevenue at the rate t�1: The right hand side is positive and gives the marginalsocial cost of increasing y; thus, since t�2 > t�1; reducing the tax burden onthe higher income group. This can be thought of as equivalent to giving alump sum payment to higher rate taxpayers proportionate to the di¤erence inmarginal tax rates, and this is weighted by a term re�ecting the net marginalsocial utilities of income to consumers in this group, which is negative, as wejust showed. The planner su¤ers a distributional loss from giving this groupa lump sum income increase. Sheshinski argued that if t�2 < t�1 this termon the right hand side of () must be negative, yielding a contradiction, andtherefore ruling out the possibility of nonconvex taxation. However, becauseof the discontinuity in the tax revenue function in the nonconvex case, thisis not the appropriate necessary condition in that case, as was pointed outby Slemrod et al. We now go on to derive formally the relevant necassaryconditions.


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2.3 The optimal nonconvex tax system

In this case we can state the optimal tax problem as


Z w


S[v(a; t1; w)]dF +

Z w1


S[v(a; t1; t2; y; w)]dF (36)


Z w


t1y(t1; w)dF +

Z w1


[t2y(t2; w) + (t1 � t2)y]dF � a�R � 0 (37)

where it has to be remembered that indirect utility is continuous in w; butthat there is a discontinuity in tax revenue at w:From (24)-(26) it is easy to see that a change in a does not e¤ect the

value13 of w; and so the �rst order condition with respect to a is just asbefore, and can be written again asZ w1


(S 0

�� 1)dF = 0 (38)

However, for each of the remaining tax parameters the discontinuity in grossincome will be relevant, because a change will cause a change in w; the typethat is just indi¤erent to being in either of the tax brackets.Now de�ne

�R = [t2y�2(w; t2)� (t2 � t1)by]� t1y

�1(w; t1) > 0 (39)

This is the value of the jump in tax revenue that takes place at w: Note thattax revenue if a consumer chooses to be in the higher tax bracket is alwayshigher than that if she chooses the lower bracket, even the the tax rate inthe latter is higher.From the �rst order conditions for the above problem,14 we then haveResult 4:The condition with respect to the optimal bracket value by is


@by�Rf(w) = (t2 � t1)

Z w1


�S 0

�� 1�dF (40)

It can be shown that @w=@by > 0; and, on the same arguments as used before,but with (t2 � t1) < 0; the right hand side is also positive. Thus, there is

13Note the usefulness of the quasilinearity assumption in this respect.14Note that equilibrium utilities, and therefore social utility, still vary continuously with

w: The only discontuity is the upward jump in the tax revenue function at w:


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nothing a priori to rule this case out, contrary to Sheshinski�s assertion.The intuition is straightforward. The right hand side now gives the marginalbene�t of an increase in by to the planner, namely a lump sum reductionin the net income of higher bracket consumers with below-average marginalsocial bene�t of income. The marginal cost of this is a jump downward intax revenue from consumers who now �nd the �rst tax bracket better thanthe second. Both marginal bene�t and marginal cost are positive.Result 5:The condition with respect to t1 is:

t�1 =

R ww0(S


�� 1)[y� � y�]dF + @w

@t1�Rf(w)R w


�1; w)dF


The new element here, as compared to the convex case, is the second termin the numerator, which, since @w=@t1 < 0, is also negative. Thus this termacts to increase the absolute value of the numerator, and therefore the valueof t1; as compared to the convex case. The intuition for this term is simplythat an increase in t1 expands the subset of consumers who prefer to be inthe upper tax bracket (with the lower tax rate) and so causes an upwardjump in tax revenue.Result 6:The condition with respect to t2 is:

t�2 =

R w1w(S


�� 1)[y� � y�]dF + @w

@t2�Rf(w)R w1


�2; w)dF


Again the new element here is the second term in the numerator, which, since@w=@t2 > 0; is positive. Thus this tends to reduce the tax rate in the upperbracket as compared to the convex case. The intuition is that an increase int2 widens the subset of consumers who prefer to be in the lower bracket, andso causes a downward jump in tax revenue. This then makes for a lower taxrate in the upper income bracket.All other terms in these conditions have the same interpretations as in

the convex case.

3 Two-earner Households

The previous section summarised the theoretical analysis of optimal two-bracket piecewise linear taxation in the context of the standard model where


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a single consumer divides his time between leisure and market work. Wenow want to extend the analysis to the case of two-earner households. First,we construct a simple model of such a household, then we go on to analyseoptimal taxation, focussing on the convex case, since this is a simpler contextin which to show the implications of the change in household model.

3.1 Household Models

To formulate the household�s budget constraint we have to specify the taxsystem. We can de�ne three possible types of piecewise linear tax systemwhich, in order of increasing restrictiveness, are:

Gender based taxation15: the household faces two separate two-bracketpiecewise linear tax systems, one for each individual, implying that its budgetconstraint takes the form, for given tax parameters ai; ti1; t

i2; yi

x �Xi

[ai + (1� ti1)yi] yi � yi i = f;m (43)

x � ai+aj+(1�ti1)yi+(tj2�t


j2)yj yi � yi; yj > yj; i; j = f;m; i 6= j

(44)x �


[ai + (ti2 � ti1)yi + (1� ti2)yi] yi > yi; i = f;m (45)

Thus (43) refers to the case in which both spouses have gross incomes withinthe �rst bracket of their respective tax schedules, (44) to the cases in whichone is in the lower and the other in the higher bracket, and (45) the case inwhich both are in the higher bracket.Individual taxation: in this case the tax schedules faced by f and m are

constrained to be the same, but they are separately applied to the individ-ual incomes yi: The threshold y is a value of individual income. Thus thehousehold budget constraint is:

x � a+ (1� t1)Xi

yi yi � y i = f;m (46)

x � a+(1� t1)yi+(t2� t1)y+(1� t2)yj yi � y; yj > y; i; j = f;m; i 6= j(47)

15This useful term was introduced by Alesina et al (2007). This present fornmulationis the extension to the piecewise linear case of the case for linear taxation analysed byBoskin and Sheshinski.


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x � a+ 2(t2 � t1)y + (1� t2)Xi

yi yi > y; i = f;m (48)

Again we have the three possibilities: both partners are in the same taxbracket, high or low, or they are in di¤erent brackets.Joint taxation: the tax rates t1; t2 are applied to total income y =

Pi yi;

and the threshold y is a value of total income. Thus the household budgetconstraint is

x � a+ (1� t1)Xi


yi � y i = f;m (49)

x � a+ (t2 � t1)y + (1� t2)Xi


yi > y (50)

Since marginal tax rates are equlised, both partners are always in the samebracket.We extend the individual quasilinear utility function used previously to

the case of two-person households in the simplest possible way. Thus thehousehold solves


x+ f (yf ;wf ) + m(ym;wm) (51)

subject to the budget constraints de�ned above for the respective three typesof tax system. We consider the solutions in turn.Gender-based taxation: We can draw here on the results presented above

for the single consumer household. For each individual there are three solu-tion possibilities:

� iy = (1� ti1) yi � yi; i = f;m (52)

(1� ti1) > � iy � (1� ti2) yi = yi; i = f;m (53)

� iy = (1� ti2) yi > yi; i = f;m (54)

The �rst is a tangency solution in the lower tax bracket, the second asolution at the kink in the budget constraint, and the third a tangency inthe upper tax bracket. As we saw earlier, in the second case the individualis e¤ectively constrained by the tax system, in the sense that she would liketo choose a gross income greater than yi as long as she could continue to betaxed at the lower marginal tax rate. It follows that a marginal increase inyi increases utility of all individuals at the kink, while leaving the utility ofthose satisfying () unchanged. In general the two individuals in a household


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may be at di¤erent types of equilibria, and so there are nine possible cases,de�ned by the possible pairs of tax brackets in which the household membersmay choose to be.Individual taxation: There are the same nine possible cases, and the

formal conditions are as those in (52)-(54), but with the i-subscripts removedfrom the marginal tax rates.Joint taxation: Each household faces the same piecewise linear tax system

based on total household income The �rst order conditions for the solution,as in the case of single individuals analysed in the preceding section, yieldthree possible cases:

� fy = � my = (1� t1)Xi=f;m

yi � y (55)

� fy = � my = (1� t1)� �Xi=f;m

yi = y (56)

� fy = � my = (1� t2)Xi=f;m

yi > y (57)

where � > 0 is a Lagrange multiplier associated with the constraintP

i=f;m yi �y; which in this case is binding. By the Envelope Theorem, we have that

� = (1� t1) + my = (1� t1) + fy > 0 (58)

gives the derivative of maximised household utility with respect to the con-straint y: To summarise these results: the households can be partitioned intothree groups according to their wage type and the total joint income thatarises from their optimal choice of labour supply. Thus:

0 = f(wf ; wm);X

y�i (t1; wi) � y(t1; wf ; wm) < yg (59)

1 = f(wf ; wm);X

y�i (t1; wi) = yg (60)

2 = f(wf ; wm);X

y�i (t2; wi) � y(t2; wf ; wm) > yg (61)

Given the continuity of f(wf ; wm); consumers are continuously distributedaround the budget constraint, with both maximised utility v and gross in-comes y�i ; y increasing, continuous functions of the wi: This means that house-hold gross income and utility are both strictly increasing functions of eachwage rate.


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3.2 The optimal convex joint taxation system

As just shown, in the convex case, consumers are distributed around the sameconvex budget set, with some in equilibrium on the �rst, steeper line segment,some in a constrained equilibrium at the kink, and some in equilibrium onthe second, �atter line segment. We can derive the optimal piecewise lineartax system for this case as follows. The planner chooses the parameters ofthe tax system to maximise a social welfare function de�ned asZ Z


S[v(a; t1; wf ; wm)]f(wf ; wm)dwfdwm (62)


Z Z1

S[v(a; t1; y; wf ; wm)]f(wf ; wm)dwfdwm (63)


Z Z2

S[v(a; t1; t2; wf ; wm)]f(wf ; wm)dwfdwm (64)

where S(:) is a strictly concave and increasing social welfare function. Thegovernment budget constraint isZ Z


t1y(t1; wf ; wm)f(wf ; wm)dwfdwm (65)


Z Z1

t1yf(wf ; wm)dwfdwm (66)


Z Z2

[t2y(t2; wf ; wm) + (t1 � t2)y]f(wf ; wm)dwfdwm � a (67)

� G (68)

where G � 0 is a per capita revenue requirement. From the �rst order condi-tions characterizing a maximum of social welfare subject to the governmentbudget constraint16 we derive the following:Result 7:

� �Z Z


S 0

�f(wf ; wm)dwfdwm = 1 (69)

16In deriving these conditions, it must of course be taken into account that the limitsof integration are functions of the tax parameters. Because of the continuity of optimalgross income in wf ; wm; these e¤ects all cancel and the �rst order conditions reduce tothose shown here.


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where � is the average marginal social utility of income over the entire popu-lation and � is the shadow price of tax revenue. Since the same lump sum ais paid to each household, this is essentially the same condition as for lineartaxation. However, since it impliesZ Z

0[1(S 0

�� 1)f(wf ; wm)dwfdwm = �

Z Z2

(S 0

�� 1)f(wf ; wm)dwfdwm

(70)and S 0=� falls with each wage, the left hand side must be positive and so thevalue of the integral on the right hand side negative. That is, the consumersin 2; the higher tax bracket, on average have marginal social utilities ofincome below the population average, and the converse is true for consumersin the lower tax bracket. This is of course what we would expect.The conditions characterising the optimal marginal tax rates yieldResult 8:

t�1 =

R R0(S


�� 1)[y� � y�]f(wf ; wm)dwfdwmR R


�1; w)f(wf ; wm)dwfdwm


t�2 =

R R2(S


�� 1)[y� � y�]f(wf ; wm)dwfdwmR R


�2; w)f(wf ; wm)dwfdwm


The denominator, the average (compensated) derivative of gross householdincome with respect to the marginal tax rate, which is negative, can beinterpreted as the e¢ ciency e¤ect of the tax. The numerator is the equitye¤ect. Since y� < y� for the subset 0, while marginal social utilities ofincome are above the average, the numerator will also be negative. Likewisey� > y� for the subset 2; while marginal social utilities will be below average,and so the numerator here is also negative.Note the strong formal similarity with the results for optimal linear tax-

ation. The welfare gain of piecewise linear over linear taxation arises out ofthe fact that the marginal tax rates t�1; t

�2 re�ect more closely the covariation

of income with the marginal social utility of income, and the average com-pensated gross income derivatives, a measure of deadweight loss, within therespective subgroups.The wholly new element of course is the determination of the optimal

income threshold at which the tax brackets change, y�:The condition foroptimal choice of y is:


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Result 9:Z Z1



�1gf(wf ; wm)dwfdwm = �(t�2�t�1)

Z Z2

(S 0

��1)f(wf ; wm)dwfdwm

(73)The left hand side gives the marginal social bene�t of a relaxation of theconstraint on the consumer types in 1 who are e¤ectively constrained by y:First, for wf ; wm 2 1 the marginal utility with respect to a relaxation of thegross income constraint is vy > 0; as shown earlier. This is weighted by themarginal social utility of income to these household types. Moreover, sincethey increase their gross income, this increases tax revenue at the rate t�1: Theright hand side is positive and gives the marginal social cost of increasing y:Since t�2 > t�1; this reduces the tax burden on the higher income group. Thiscan be thought of as equivalent to giving a lump sum payment to higher ratetaxpayers proportionate to the di¤erence in marginal tax rates, and this isweighted by the sum of net marginal social utilities of income to consumersin this group, which is negative, as we just showed.


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