operatingsystems · 2020. 12. 7. · operatingsystems bachelor’sdegreein computerengineering...

OPERATING SYSTEMS Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering Computer Science Universidad de Alcalá Academic year 2020/2021 2nd Year – 1st Term Approved by the School Board on June 24, 2020

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    Bachelor’s Degree inComputer EngineeringComputer Science

    Universidad de AlcaláAcademic year 2020/2021

    2nd Year – 1st Term

    Approved by the School Board on June 24, 2020

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    Subject name: Operating SystemsCode: 780007

    Degree: Degree in Computer EngineeringDegree in Computer Science

    Department and area: Computer Engineering dpt. (Dpto. Automática)Computer Architecture and Technology areaType: BasicECTS credits: 6Course and term: 2nd year, 1st termTeaching staff: Óscar García Población

    Tutorship hours: To be determined. See up-to-date information inUAH’s BlackboardLanguage: English

    1. Presentation

    This guide specifies the contents of the subject, the competences that will beacquired by studying it, the timing of the different activities and the requisites to passthe subject as well as other data of interest. It will be available for download in theeducational web platform for the subject in https://uah.blackboard.com

    Operating Systems is a basic subject scheduled in the second term of the firstcourse of the Degree on Computer Engineering and Degree in Computer Science. Itis the first subject of the matter of Operating Systems, which will continue withAdvanced Operating Systems and, optionally, with Embedded Systems and RealTime Systems.

    The goal of this subject is to introduce the student to the need of usingsoftware systems that help providing abstraction levels high enough to accomplishthe development of even more complex systems. Operating systems are in charge ofmaking hardware resources available to the users in a simple and safe manner. Theirevolution has often been linked to that of Computer Architectures, being conditionedby this discipline in a large number of concepts and techniques. In turn, ComputerArchitectures evolved to support the requisites imposed by the users throughOperating Systems. This mutual feedback is vital to explain the current state of thisdiscipline, as well as to understand its future trends.

    The first theme will focus on studying this interrelation, emphasizing thoseelements of Computer Architecture that are required to approach the study ofOperating Systems.

    The second theme studies the different design approaches that can beemployed to build an Operating System. The student will be introduced to a series ofgeneral concepts related to the design of large systems customized to this specificdiscipline. Worth to be mentioned are: the layered design, the separation of

    Approved by the School Board on June 24, 2020

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    mechanisms from policies, etc. Next, the interfaces that usually communicate usersand applications with the Operating System will be studied. Finally, the kernel andthe system call mechanisms will be studied.

    The third theme will allow the student to establish the differences betweenprograms and processes, as well as their structure in the context in which theyoperate. At the end of the theme, the student will be able to justify the introduction ofthreads in the modern Operating Systems, establish their characteristics, and writesmall programs that make use of them. This theme concludes with a series of casestudies of real operating systems. These case studies provide a frame for all thetheoretical concepts learned previously, as well as particular details of eachimplementation.

    The last chapter is dedicated to the CPU scheduling and inter-processsynchronization. With this chapter, the student will understand the need to carry out aselection of which process should run next at every moment, in order to improvesome performance parameters. The classic scheduling policies and the techniquesused by several commercial Operating Systems will be studied.

    1.1. Prerequisites and Recommendations

    This subject build on the knowledge acquired by students in the subjectsComputer Technology Concepts (Fundamentos de Tecnología de Computadores),Computer Structure and Organization (Estructura y Organización de Computadores)and Programming Fundamentals (Fundamentos de Programación), both taught inthe previous term. It is therefore highly recommended to have passed these subjectsbefore approaching the study of Operating Systems.

    2. Skills

    General skills:

    CG4 Ability to define, evaluate and select hardware and software platforms for thedevelopment and implementation of systems, services and applications, according tothe knowledge acquired as provided in paragraph 5 of resolution BOE-A-2009-12977.

    CG6 Ability to design and develop systems or centralized or distributedarchitectures integrating hardware, software and networks according to theknowledge acquired as provided in paragraph 5 of resolution BOE-A-2009-12977.

    CG8 Knowledge of basic materials and technologies that enable learning anddevelopment of new methods and technologies, as well as to equip them with greatversatility to adapt to new situations.

    CG9 Ability to solve problems with initiative, decision making, autonomy andcreativity. Ability to communicate and transmit knowledge and skills of the professionof Technical Engineer.

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    Specific skills:

    CIB4 Basic knowledge of the use and programming of computers, operatingsystems, databases and software with applications in engineering.

    Learning outcomes

    RA1: Identify the foundations of an Operating System, its components and the basicconcepts [IS-ITHSS67].

    RA2: Justify the need of the Operating Systems in nowadays computingenvironments and their role as an interface between the hardware and theuser software [CE-OPS0].

    RA3: Differentiate types of Operating Systems and operation environments(traditional, graphical user interface (GUI), multimedia, etc.), theircharacteristics and requirements in terms of resource needs [IS-ITHSS68].

    RA4: Install, configure and operate a multiuser operating system [IS-ITHSS71].

    RA5: Develop applications by means of the Application Program Interface (API) ofthe Operating System, focusing in processes and threads management[OS2].

    RA6: To Choose the adequate scheduling policy depending on the type of theoperating system being batch, interactive or real-time [CE-OPS3][OS9]

    RA7: To Identify the need to perform tasks concurrently, being aware of the problemsthat this implies, and the possible solutions to them. [CE-OPS2]

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    3. Contents

    Contents program

    Part Themes Totalhours

    PART 1:Introduction to OperatingSystems and previousconcepts of Computer


    - Definition of Computer- Definition de Operating System- Bare machine model

    Von Neumann architecture. CPU, memory, buses and

    input/output (I/O)- Resident monitor

    Single processing Monitor protection Calls to monitor services Concept of interruption

    - Batch processing CPU and I/O usage alternation I/O architecture and buffering

    techniques.- Multiprogram systems

    Interrupt-based I/O Memory protection Dual execution mode: traps and

    interrupts. Separation off address spaces:

    concept of MMU- Time sharing

    Protection against CPUappropriation

    Preemption technique Need for scheduling

    - Design techniques: Functional and structural view Difference between mechanisms

    and policies Hierarchical representation of a



    PART 2:Operating System structure

    - Restricted and wide views of an OperatingSystem

    - Functions of the Operating System12h

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    - Operating System Interfaces- Operating System interfaces

    With the user: The shell Graphic environments

    With applications: system calls- Decomposition of the Operating System inlayers

    - The Operating System kernel Description and basic functions Design case studies: Linux,

    Windows, Mach- System call mechanisms

    Description System call types

    PART 3:Processes and threads

    - Programs vs. processes- Program structure- Concept of process- Memory mapping of a program in user context- Process creation

    Basic life cycle Process creation related system

    calls Kernel context: internal data

    structures- Threads

    Rationale Characteristics Processes vs. threads POSIX threads usage example


    PART 4:Inter process communication

    and synchronization

    - Introduction The necessity of communication

    and synchronization Concurrent execution scenarios

    - Basic concepts Race conditions Atomicity Critical sections

    - Mechanisms provided by the operatingsystem:

    Pipes Operations


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    Related system calls Classic problems with

    pipes Semaphores

    Operations Related system calls Classic problems with

    semaphores Mutex semaphores and conditional

    variables Operations Related system calls Classic problems with

    mutex and conditionals.

    PART 5:CPU usage scheduling

    - CPU context switch mechanism- Concept of scheduling

    Justification Goals Evaluation parameters

    - Scheduler types- Basic scheduling policies


    - Concepts of priority and preemption- Advanced scheduling policies

    Pure priority scheduling Round Robin Multilevel queue scheduling with

    and without feedback- Case studies: Linux and Windows



    Week Contents

    1st - 2nd PART 1: Theory (4h) + Practice (4h)

    3rd - 5th PART 2: Theory (6h) + Practice (6h)

    6th - 9th PART 3: Theory (6h) + Practice (8h) + Evaluation (1h)

    9th – 12th PART 4: Theory (6h) + Practice (6h)

    12th – 15th PART 5: Theory (6h) + Practice (4h) + Evaluation (1h)

    Final exam (2h)

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    4. Teaching-Learning methodologies. Formative activities

    4.1. Credits distribution

    Number of presence hours: 56 hours + 4 hours of assessmentNumber of hours of student's

    independent work: 90 hours

    Total hours: 150 hours

    4.2. Strategies methodologies, materials and didactic resources

    Presence classes

    Theory classes: master classes, impartedin large groups. The lecturer will develop themain concepts for the comprehension of thecontents of the subject.

    Resolution of practical cases: carried outin reduced groups. These sessions willpresent different problems to be solved withthe techniques exposed in class. In a guidedmanner, students will apply the saidtechniques to solve the problems.

    Presentation of reports and works: thestudent will present, to his/her classmatesand the lecturer, reports and projects carriedout either individually or in small groups.The presentations will make use of theappropriate multimedia techniques.

    Partial tests: During the course theinstructor will propose several partial tests tocheck the acquisition and application ofknowledge.

    Autonomous work

    Readings Activities: exercises, conceptual maps,examples, search for information.

    Participation in forums and activities,usually through the teaching platform of thecourse.

    Tutorship hours

    Tutorships might be carried out in groups orindividually. in them, the lecturer will be ableto evaluate the acquisition of competencesand revise the reports provided by thestudents regarding the assigned works.

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    Materials and resources

    The materials for presence sessions, as well as the materials for activities tobe carried out individually by students, will be published in BlackBoard,https://uah.blackboard.com. The use of this tool will be detailed in the presentationclass of the subject. The lecturer will explain, among other things, the way in whichthe students must inscribe themselves in the general message’s forum, which will bean important mechanism of communication with the students.

    For every activity, the lecturer will provide a series of bibliographic referencesthat can be accessed in the library of the School.

    For those activities that require it, the lecturer will specify the schedule as wellas the deliverables that should result from its completion.

    5. EVALUATION: Procedures, evaluation and grading criteria

    5.1. Procedures

    Evaluation can be done following either continuous evaluation or with a finalexam. For each alternative there are two examination sessions: the ordinary and theextraordinary one.

    Continuous evaluationThe continuous evaluation considers the development of the competencies

    during all the learning procedure (NRPEA, Art. 3) by using a set of additive testsdistributed the semester, so the student can learn the subject progressively. Thisguarantees the early feedback in the learning procedure of the student, and allowsthe teachers, coordinators and stakeholders in the Quality Assurance System toperform inspections and to react to certain indicators or situations.

    The evaluation of the practical contents will be done at the end of itscorresponding block.

    Extraordinary evaluation.It will take place the day and hour stated in the exam calendar made publicity

    available by the Junta de Escuela of each centre.

    5.2. Evaluation criteria:

    In order to determine whether the student has achieved the planned goals or not, thenext evaluation criteria will be taken into account:

    CE1: The student has acquired the knowledge about the fundamentals of theOperating Systems and their structure, processes, process scheduling and processsynchronization.

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    CE2: The student shows the ability to apply and integrate the concepts learnt toproblems, scenarios or study cases related with the subject.CE3: The student has the skills and initiative to operate the user interface of anOperating System.CE4: The student has the skills and initiative to develop software using the OperatingSystem API that makes use of processes management.CE5: The student has the skills to justify and diagnose typical use case scenarios ofthe matter.CE6: The student fulfills the required tasks.CE7: The student shows interest for the subject.CE8: The student is methodical, clear and formal when reasoning about the ideas orconcepts related with the subject.

    5.3. Grading instruments

    Continuous evaluation process

    The grading process will be continuous during the duration of the course. Thestudents' performance will be evaluated according to their work, knowledge, acquiredskills, and enhancement of their learning process. There will be continuousevaluation activities proposed by the lecturer for every theme. In general, theseactivities will constitute a 65% of the grade. Every activity will be proposed during thepresentation class or at the end of the corresponding contents block, along with theirscheduling and contents. These activities include:

    IET: Intermediate Evaluation Tests. Tests, taken during the teaching period,about theory contents. The use of documentation will not be allowed inthese tests. (25% of the final grade)

    LT-P: Laboratory Tests and Practical assignments, done in groups orindividually, about two main subjects (40% of the final grade):

    User interface (LT). Individual Laboratory Tests, multiple choice and/orshort questions. They will reveal the student’s skill dealing the consoleof an Operating System. (15% of the final grade).

    Application Program Interface. P. Problems to be resolved in groups orindividually about software development using the Operating SystemAPI. The submitted code will be evaluated with a grading rubric. Theywill reveal the student’s ability to use development tools to writesoftware that uses the processes and threads services offered by amodern Operating System (15% of the final grade).

    FEE: Final Evaluation Exam with two practical problems to be done at theend of the teaching period (35% of the final grade).

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    Single exam evaluation process

    The students that, having been granted for the final exam in the ordinary evaluation,and that fulfill the specific requirements detailed below for the practical exercises willbe evaluated in a single exam of all the subject's contents. This single examevaluation will be composed of the following evaluation instruments:

    3. LT-P: Laboratory Tests and Practical assignments, done individually, about themain subjects of the course (40% of the final grade).

    4. SE1: Multiple choice exam about the theory contents of the course (25% of thefinal grade)

    5. SE2: Problem solving exam with practical application of the theory contents (35%of the final grade)

    Students who do not pass this exam will be able to sit an extraordinary exam with thesame format and conditions of the ordinary exam described above.

    The students will find in the web page all details about testing activities such as dates,contents, formats, etc.

    The regulations of the university (Normativa de Evaluación de los Aprendizajes,aprobada en Consejo de Gobierno 2016) states that:

    Plagiarism, defined as the copying of text without citing sources and presenting themas his/her own work, automatically leads the student to fail in the subject in which it isdetected. This result should be without prejudice to the disciplinary responsibilities inwhich students may incur.

    5.4. Grading criteria:

    In this section we will establish the relationship between learning outcomes,evaluation criteria, evaluation instruments and final grading.

    Ordinary Continuous evaluation

    Skills LearningoutcomesEvaluationcriteria



    CG4, CG6,CG8, CG9CIB4

    RA1 - RA3,RA6, RA7 CE1 IET1, IET2 25%

    RA3-RA5CE2, CE3 LT1 20%CE2, CE4-

    CE8 P1, P2 20%

    RA1-RA6 CE1-CE8 FEE 35%

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    Extraordinary evaluation and single exam evaluation

    Skills LearningoutcomesEvaluationcriteria



    CG4, CG6,CG8, CG9CIB4

    RA3-RA5CE2, CE3 TL1 25%CE2, CE4-

    CE8 P1, P2 20%

    RA1 - RA3,RA6, RA7 CE1 SE1 20%

    RA1-RA6 CE1-CE8 SE2 35%

    It is a necessary condition to qualify for the course to pass the practices, becausethey are considered to be the practical part of the subject (Normativa de Evaluaciónde los Aprendizajes)

    As a general rule, the students that do not participate in all the practical activities willbe graded as not present.

    6. Bibliography

    Basic BibliographySistemas Operativos.S. Sánchez Prieto. Segunda edición.Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá. 2005.

    Complementary BibliographyUnix y Linux, guía práctica.Sebastián Sánchez Prieto, Óscar García PoblaciónRa-Ma, 3 Ed., 2004Operating Systems.Stallings, William.Unix. Programación avanzada.Francisco M. Márquez García. Tercera edición.Ra-Ma 2004.Operating Systems Concepts.A. Silberschatz, P. B. Galvin and G. Gagne.Modern Operating Systems.A.S. Tanenbaum.Operating Systems: Design and Implementation.Tanenbaum, A.S. and Woodhull, A.S.Computer Organization and Architecture.William Stallings.Computer architecture: a quantitative approach.Hennessy, John L., Patterson, David A., Cuarta edición.Elsevier 2006.

    Approved by the School Board on June 24, 2020

  • Disclosure NoteThe University of Alcalá guarantees to its students that, if due to health requirements thecompetent authorities do not allow the total or partial attendance of the teachingactivities, the teaching plans will achieve their objectives through a teaching-learning andevaluation methodology in online format, which will return to the face-to-face mode assoon as these impediments cease.

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    1.Presentation1.1.Prerequisites and Recommendations

    2.Skills3.Contents4.Teaching-Learning methodologies. Formative activit4.1.Credits distribution4.2.Strategies methodologies, materials and didactic r

    5.EVALUATION: Procedures, evaluation and grading cri5.1.Procedures5.2.Evaluation criteria:5.3.Grading instruments5.4.Grading criteria:

    6.BibliographyDISCLOSURE NOTE