operating systems

Operating Systems

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Page 1: Operating Systems

Operating Systems

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Operating System 2011/2012


● Operating System

● Windows

● Linux

● Mach

● OS for smart devices

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Operating System 2011/2012


● Operating System

● Windows

● Linux

● Mach

● OS for smart devices

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Operating System 2011/2012


An Operating System (OS) is e set of application that manages the computer hardware provides common services for application software.


Operating System


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OS task

An OS must: - take trace to the resources - adopt strategies for resource assignment - allocate and recover resources

Process Management

Memory Management


Device Drive


GraphicalUser Interface

Network Security Interrupts

Operating System

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● Operating System

● Windows

● Linux

● Mach

● OS for smart devices

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● MicroSoft - Disk Operating System

● Developed by Microsoft Corporation for IBM

● Born in 1982

● No user interface, use of terminal

● Main functionality: data management

● Mono-user

● mono-task

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Windows 1.0

● Announced in 1983 but first release 1985

● An evolution of MS-DOS

● More than a new OS, it has a GUI for DOS

● Limited functionalities due to a license conflict with Apple:

● no overlapping windows

● no “Trash Box”

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Windows 1.0

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Windows 2.0

● Released in 1987.

● Apple conflict solved due to a contract subscription.

● New application such as Word, Excel, Corel Draw.

● Aldus releases the first version of Pagemaker available only

for Mac.

● Last OS installable using floppy disk.

● Introduces: Control Panel, Icons and Menu bar and Dialog


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Windows 2.0

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Windows 3.0

● Released in 1990

● Great success due to:

● improved native functionalities

● better multi-tasking

● First PC to be a valid competitor to Mac

● 10 million copies in two years

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Windows 3.0

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Microsoft Bob● Microsoft first big flop

● Due to the great success of Win 3.x the company decides to launch MS Windows Bob substituting the desktop paradigm to the house representation where each object is an application.

● Fail duo to:● great costs● useless ● high minimum requirements

● Some ideas are still used in Microsoft Office Assistant.

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Microsoft Bob

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Windows 3.1

● Different improvement from Windows 3.0

● Many bugs corrected.

● Multimedia and first audio support

● Files with longer names that 8 byte

● Intranet to connect many computers

● Besides the lack of important improvement Windows gains a

lot of popularities due to the graphical interface

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Windows NT

● Windows New Technology, that Microsoft appear as a

parallel distribution

● Too much hardware requirement

● Lack of third parts drive

● Its characteristics are suitable for LAN servers due to

advance networking tools and the efficient NTFS;

● New 32bit API called Win32

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Windows 95● After Win 3.1 Microsoft begins developing a new OS aimed

to be more stable; ● It must fully support a pre-emptive multitasking and be a

32bit system;● Microsoft did not port all the code making it still unstable

and inefficient;● Up to 2 GB memory addressing;● Internet support and Plug and Play functionalities;● Start button and Application bar make their first appearance. ● USB and FAT32 support● First release of Internet Explorer

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Windows 95

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Windows NT 4.0

● Released in 1996

● Dedicated to workstation with a Win95 user interface based

on NT kernel

● More stable that Win95 but less flexible due to hardware

virtualization and the API access

● The overhead introduced by API exploitation make

application run slowly and in particular using games

● Not suitable for beginners

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Windows 98

● Released in June 1998;

● New hardware drives;

● Introduced FAT32 to support disks larger then 2GB;

● Internet Explorer become a part of OS distribution;

● New support for DVD;

● New support for USB;

● In 1999 an improved version with several bug fixed was

released called “Win 98 Second Edition”;

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Windows 98

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Windows 2000● Released in January 2000● Initially called NT 5.0● Great success for severs and workstations● The Win98 GUI makes it user friendly.● A Professional version was designed for CAD, graphical,

mathematical calculus; ● In 2001 a 64 bit version was released with Itanium/2

processors;● NEW: Active Directory, Distributed FS and Encrypted FS,

DirectX, Background Intelligent Transfer System (BITS);● Not suitable for beginners;

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Windows 2000

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Windows ME● ME stays for Millennium Edition;● Second Microsoft big flop;● Built in less then one year;● Included:

● Internet Explorer 5.5, ● Windows Media Player 7 ● Windows Movie Maker

● Improved: ● System utility● Network Technologies● Automatic update● Compressed folder

● PC World named it the "Mistake Edition"

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Windows ME

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Windows XP

● XP stays for eXPerience● Released in 2001 is the first OS unifying Windows NT/2000

and Windows 3.1/95/98/ME● Makes use of Win NT kernel● Multi-user system● The most long-lived (5 years);● Distributed in two different version Home (beginners) and

Professional (small enterprises); ● PC Security Center: firewall, anti-virus and windows update;● The first Long Time Release (LTS), Service Package 4 will

be supported up to 2014.

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Windows XP

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Windows Server 2003

● Extended Win XP functionalities for servers

● Volume Shadow Copy Restore

● Internet Information Services 6

● 802.1X

● Administration tools

● Terminal Server

● Internal firewall

● Limit the activation of useless services

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Windows Vista● Released in January 2007● It took 4 years to get to the market (in 2004 Microsoft

deleted all the work done so far and begin from the Win 2003 Server)

● New Stack TCP/IP with IPv6 support● New GUI called Windows AERO (Authentic, Energetic,

Reflective and Open)● Framework .NET 3.0 integration● Too much memory and processor consumption● Many incompatible applications● Over 70 services and functionalities send to Microsoft

personal information

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Windows Vista

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Windows 7

● Released in October 2009 based on Win Vista

● Performance improved for multi-core processors

● Innovative interface for multi touch screen

● Support for Virtual Disks even for boot

● RemoteFX: en extension of RDP (Remote Desktop


● Dynamic Memory: dynamic memory management for

virtual machines;

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Windows 7

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● Operating System

● Windows

● Linux

● Mach

● OS for smart devices

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Unix/Linux some history● 1969: Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie (both of AT&T

Bell Laboratories) conceived and implemented the Unix OS.

● 1977, the UC Berkeley developed the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD). It was based on the 6th edition of Unix from AT&T.

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Unix/Linux some history● 1987: MINIX, a Unix-like system intended for academic

use, was released by Andrew S. Tanenbaum.● 1991: Linus Torvalds, in Helsinki, began a project that later

became the Linux kernel.

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Distribution families

● Source based

● Binary Package based● rpm● deb● tgz

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Distributions● Deb

● Debian● Ubuntu● Knoppix/Goppix● BackTrack

● Rpm● RedHat● Fedora● CentOS● Suse● Mandrake/Mandriva

● Tgz● Slackwave

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Debian● One of the oldest distribution (since 1993)

● First release based on voluntarism (no enterprise involved)

● General purpose supporting many architectures

● Slow development (LTS each 2 years)

● Particular attention to the security (the Debian Security Team

releases the vulnerability fix in 4h)

● Three stability level: Stable (squeeze), Testing (wheezy) and

Unstable (sid)

● APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) though Synaptic

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DebianVersion Name

1.1 Buzz

1.2 Rex

1.3 Bo

2.0 Hamm

2.1 Slink

2.2 Potato

3.0 Woody

3.1 Sarge

4.0 Etch

5.0 Lenny

6.0 Squeeze

testing Wheezy

Unstable Sid

Sid Wheezy Squeeze



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Operating System 2011/2012


● From an ancient African language “From humanity to man”

● Born on 2004 and Debian based

● Same attention to the free software

● New releases every 6 months (April and October) but LTS

(Long Term Support) every 2 years

● More user friendly then Debian but less packages

● A Linux alternative to beginners

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● Distributed from 2002

● Based on Debian

● Oriented to Live CD

● Good for beginners

● Gnoppix uses GNOME (GNu Object Model Environment)

● Knoppix uses KDE (Common Desktop Environment)

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Operating System 2011/2012

BackTrack● Distributed from 2006

● Based on Debian (R4)

● Comes with the fusion of WHAX and Auditor Security

Collection and is used for penetration testing;

● Frequently updated (every week)

● Security oriented (more than 300 tools)

● Not for beginners

● Only 32 bit version

● Financed by the Offensive Security

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RedHat/Fedora Core

● Distributed from 1993

● Red hat symbol of freedom

● Package manager based on rpm

● Red-hat remain an Enterprise oriented version

● With fee, service included

● From 2004 a new free version, Fedora core, with no

assistance included.

● Only for i686 architecture

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RedHat/Fedora Core

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● Born in 2004;

● Community ENTerprise Operating System;

● Comes from Red Hat Enterprise Linux and is oriented to

professional use;

● No assistance

● New logo (RedHat is a brand)

● Very popular to web servers

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Operating System 2011/2012


● The first version appeared in early 1994, making SUSE the

oldest existing commercial distribution.

● “Software und System-Entwicklung”, meaning “Software

and systems development”;

● Package based on rpm

● YATS (Yet Another Setup Tool)

● Acquired from Novell together with Ximian

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● Born in 1998

● Package based on rpm

● Main distribution is free but some packages with fee called


● Easy for beginners

● In 2004 it changes its name due to a brand issue

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Operating System 2011/2012


● One of the oldest, born in 1993

● It is the more Unix like

● “When you know Slackware, you know Linux... when you

know Red Hat, all you know is Red Hat”

● Packages based on simple archives tgz

● No dependency/conflict concept

● Bovet and Cesati, the authors of “Understanding the LINUX


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● Born in 2002

● Distribution source oriented

● Packages are some shell script (.ebuild) containing the

instructions how to download and compile sorces;

● Automatic management of dependences

● Very flexible

● Not for beginners

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Operating System 2011/2012


● Operating System

● Windows

● Linux

● Mach

● OS for smart devices

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Mac OS● Born in 1984;

● Lack of command line;

● First to introduce the “mouse” concept and device;

● Its strength: an accurate user-interface;

● Closed and custom desktop operating system;

● The first OS was developed in Assembly and Paskal, for

CISC Motorola 68000 microprocessor.

● Afterwards its adapted for RISC PowerPC, architecture and

finally for Inter processor;

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Mac OS

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Mac OS

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Mac OS X

● Apple tried to port the Mac OS code for the new architecture

but soon realized that it was inefficient;

● The decision was to adapt a pre-existing code;

● In 2001 MacOS X was developed as a product of Unix

(BSD) and OpenStep (Microkernel Mach);

● Many components developed in Objective C;

● X stays for 10. No new versions but branches;

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Mac OS X

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● Operating System

● Windows

● Linux

● Mach

● OS for smart devices

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Mobile OSSymbian Blackberry iOS

Windows MobileAndroid

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Mobile OSOS First release Last release Owner

AndroidAndroid 1.0

September 2008Android 4.0May 2011

Open Handset Alliance

BlackBerryBlackBerry 1.0January 1999

BlackBerry 7.0May 2011

Research In Motion

iOSiOS 1.x

June 2007iOS 5.x

June 2011Apple

SymbianSymbian 1

October 2008Symbian BelleAugust 2011


Windows Mobile

Pocket PC 2000April 2000

Windows PhoneOctober 2010
