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Opera Hotel Edition Highlights at a Glance Version 4.0 March 2006

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Opera Hotel Edition

Highlights at a Glance

Version 4.0 March 2006

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Opera Hotel Edition Highlights at a Glance



2006 MICROS Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, or transmitted without the express prior written consent of the publisher. MICROS Systems, Inc. retains the right to update or change the contents of this document without prior notice. MICROS Systems, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the contents of this document.

OPERA is a trademark of MICROS Systems, Inc.

On Oracle and the On Oracle logo are trademarks of Oracle Corporation.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

MICROS Systems, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including but not limited to the implied warranties of marketability and fitness for a particular purpose.

MICROS Systems, Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.

Document Number: 3240-4.0 Highlights at a Glance.doc

MICROS Systems, Inc. Fidelio Technologies Inc. 2640 Golden Gate Parkway, Suite 211 Naples, FL 34105 Voice: (239) 643-7999 / Fax: (239) 643-7911

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Highlights at a Glance - Opera Version 4.0

Opera Technical and General • Move to Oracle database 10g only. • Move to Oracle cost base optimizer. • Improved Oracle database upgrade procedure (from Oracle 9i), estimated to take

only about an hour of downtime. • Move to IFC8 property interfaces, which will bring the following advantages:

o Requires appliance PC for data center installed properties, if hotel has serial interfaces.

o Can run in single or multi server solution. o Easy replacement of the interface PC; in the event of interface PC failure, a

new PC can be installed immediately. The interface program will then update itself with the last saved configuration and continue to work.

o Lower hardware cost.

o Full support of web service communication. o Re-starts automatically in the event of communication failure. o E-mail alert.

• New “single sign on” login procedure and portal-look login page. The login page will only show the applications the user may access; switching between applications will not require a re-login.

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Opera Property Management System

Reservation & Front Desk

• New reservations for individual profiles automatically default to primary relationships such as Company and Travel Agent.

• Baggage and valet “Track It” module keeps tabs on luggage, parcels, lost items and vehicles. Track It can interface with third-party tracking systems, too.

• Dynamic interface posting and activation controls are now easily accessible from within individual reservations.

• Reservation handling includes full calculation of deposits with integrated collection routines, as well as being forced to the deposit request/payment screen depending on defined business rules.

• Credit card authorization rules can be defined based on reservation type and source of business, thereby no longer forcing a common default rule at the house level.

• Ability to automatically flag and/or color code reservations based on Market Code, VIP Status, or on a per reservation ad-hoc basis, making it easy to make distinctions between groups of guests and to label guests such as Disabled, Hard of Hearing, Pre-Registered etc.

• Package allowance linking lets guests in multiple rooms share the allowances attached to their packages.

• Family Blocks feature supports fast Rooming Lists when working from Quick Business Blocks.

• Introduction of prevailing rate functionality allows users to define rates by Length of Stay based on arrival date. Rate amounts may be entered manually or automatically calculated using ORMS (TLP) yield system hurdle values.

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• Ability to assign extension number association to individual reservations for easy of handling in a multi-room suite environment.

• Family Blocks supports abbreviated Rooming List when working from Quick Business Blocks.

• Add-On reservation “copy” functionality with user selectable elements for quick copy.

• Ability to attach locators to checked out guests.

• New and easy access to profile association per folio window when working with multi methods of payment per reservation.

• Automatic Room Class population in Available Rooms Search screen when called from the reservation if no rooms available of the selected Room Type.

• Further enhancements to check-in Payment prompts make check-in faster and provide user with proposed payments based on number of nights.

• Additional fields available on the Group Rooming List entry screen allow for quick input of rate codes, room features and custom reference number.

• The Travel Agent Record Locator assigned to a reservation may be used when searching for the reservation from the Reservation Search screen and the Folio History screen. The locator appears on the Group Rooming List screen, the Stay History Details screen, and the Commission Details screen.

• With the introduction of Multiple Rate Codes on blocks user will have the ability to select the appropriate Rate Code when picking up the reservation from the Block.

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• Cancel Reason and Member lamps are now visible on Operator, Room Blocking, and Search screens.

• Turnaways can be tracked by country, postal code and/or by district.

• Advanced Relationship parameter controls complexity of Profile Relationships setup.

• Improved Wake-up call functionality, including dynamic operator clock and color coding for pending, no answer, completed.

• New look and feel to Guest Message handling functionality.

• Walkin handling, Quick Keys, and reservation color coding are now available from the Dashboard.

Commission Handling

• Ability to flag commission payments payable to Source and/or Agent on a per-reservation basis.

• Facility to flag the commission code per-reservation night. Existing commission code hierarchy still drawn from the Source/Agent, Rate Code, Negotiated Rate with ability to override.

• Application setting for Commission Codes to Hold.

• New field on the Edit Commission screen to display the Amount Settled to AR for the selected reservation, thereby allowing determination if commission paid at source.

• Introduction of the US IRS 1099 reporting and export functionality.

• Application parameter controls handling of commissionable no shows and cancellations.

Quick Keys

• Dynamic graphical Floor Plan configuration with drag & drop features and user definable design symbols. Additional users features include the ability to conduct a check-in and display graphics of the room.

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• Room Plan screen enhanced with drill down to complete detailed availability overviews.

Rooms Management

• Turndown Management features streamline and simplify Housekeeping effort.

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• Enhanced housekeeping expanded task sheet screen, allowing for easy filtering, expanded number of rooms and room status by color code.

• Simplified and streamlined task assignment and task sheet auto-generation.

Accounts Receivables

• Auto assignment of AR account numbers.

• Auto check out to AR.

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• Definable finance charge handling at the account level with configuration by day of month, percentage, flat amount and for transactions older than xxx days.

• Statement printing by account type showing either “Open Items” or “Balance Brought Forward.”

• New account level AR reminder cycle based on “End of Month.”

• New permission to controls ability to Adjust Posting.


• Scheduled credit card authorizations allow properties to automatically activate authorizations.

• Ability to post charges to Canceled or No Show reservations.

• Pre-Stay posting (prior to arrival), Post Stay posting (after departure but prior to End of Day routine) and Open Folio posting (Checkout with Balance, future date posting).

• Privileges screen controls Pre–stay and Post-stay posting; Privileges screen includes No Post flag to control interface posting.

• Automated and manual deposit request collection as deposits become due.

• Multi-user Cashier login allows multiple users to be attached to a single cashier shift if desired.

• Ability to require a check number when posting charges to specific transaction codes.

• Parameter control over whether Shift Drops can be negative amounts.

• Searching by credit card number supported from Cashier Journal, Folio History and Room History.

• Cashier Journal displays details for postings made in AR.

• Early departure penalty handling with parameters to define calculation rule: “Last Night,” “Remaining Nights,” or “Amount Equal to Deposit Paid.”

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• Scheduled Checkout allows automatic checkout of the guest at a specified time on departure date.

• Screen prompt allows user to decide whether to “mature,” or post, deposits for No Show and Cancelled reservations.

• Enable/disable printing of phone details on folio via check box on Phone Details screen.

• Credit card rebate validation helps control fraudulent charging activity.

• Routing limits by percentage allows user to restrict routing to a percentage of each transaction. Flat amount limits also available.

• Parameter control over whether Shift Drops can be negative amounts.

• Pro forma invoices supported.

• Exchange receipt print functionality.

• IFC Post Exclusive Tax as Itemizer application parameter allows exclusive taxes associated with profit/loss transaction codes of package elements to be posted as separate items.

• Routing instructions per rate code.


• Introduction of Department Log Books for staff to enter activities and tasks by date and time.

• Ability to have the End of Day routine automatically post No Show charges for specific reservation based on predefined rules at the Reservation Type and Source of Business level. Calculation of posting being defined as either “First Night,” “All Nights,” or “Amount Equal to Deposit Paid”.

• User-definable menu URL links.

• Reservation types can be configured to stipulate Address and Phone Required.

• The Rate Query Scope screen now allows for multi select room class, rate class, rate category, and rate code.

• Long description added to Room Type Configuration. Description is pulled into Room Plan and Rate Query for sell process enhancement.

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• Introduction of new Yield Market Types, which in turn allows the functionality (depending on your yield system) to have multiple hurdles defined; hurdles will be referenced accordingly during the sell process.

• Enhanced password security features include mandated minimum length, alpha-numeric requirement, auto-expiration, invalid login lockout.

• Introduction of global alerts based on user definable conditions.


• Multiple changes to the configuration of reports as well as the facility to define default number of copies both for specific reports and receipt types such as folios, deposits, exchanges, etc.

• Night Audit Credit Card Authorization report now includes a time component for each authorization obtained, as well as notation to indicate if authorization was obtained through batch processing.

• Night Audit Guest Detail report now takes into consideration comp windows.

• When the Payment Types per Window application function is active, the Credit Limit report has the ability to display window details.

• Loyalty membership Stay report has been enhanced to display Membership Base Points, Bonus Points and Total Points.

• Turnaway Details report can now be filtered using turnaway stay dates as well as turnaway taken dates. The report also shows turnaways tracked by country, postal code, and district.

• Batch Registration card printing allows filtering by Promotion Code, Package and Rate Codes.

• Enhanced Statistics and Forecast reporting based on reservation age buckets.

• Multiple new statistical lines added to the Managers report; elements include new revenue details by profile types such as Travel Agents, Companies, etc., as well as repeat guest information and future date projections.

• Enhancements to Profile Productivity, Reservation Future Occupancy, and Managers Statistics reports.

• Enhancements to the Wake Up Calls report which include printing past wake up calls, sorting by wake up time and display of overdue wake up calls and extensions.

• When the Credit Card Rebate Validation application parameter is active, the Credit Card Rebate report is available to display any rebates to credit cards including those that have been overridden.

• The Payment Activity report now has the option of printing a detailed breakdown or just the total amounts paid.

Opera Comp Accounting and Gaming

• Ability to stipulate the requirement of a PTS membership in order to conduct the transfer of Comp charges to Comp folios.

• Facility to define both a default COMP method of payment and Auto settlement to this payment type as part of checkout.

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• Changes to Transaction code definition to accommodate the flagging of specific settlement types only to be used against Comp folio windows.

• Automated comp routing for room-routed charges.

Country Specific Requirements

• Fiscal folio number display for Argentina and for Turkey.

• Fiscal folio printing for Chile.

• Collecting agent tax configuration and payment vouchers for Argentina.

• Modifications to deposit, tax, and payment handling for Thailand.

• Modifications to Sweden’s Nationality Statistic Report.

• Multiple folio print tasks and Trial Balance Tax report for Greece.

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Sales and Catering • Room Block Shoulder Dates and Sell Limits – For elastic business blocks, shoulder

dates restrict block growth during the reservation pickup process. Reservations can only pick up between the earliest arrival and latest departure as specified by the block shoulder dates. If a sell limit is specified on the block, the user has the ability to define a number of rooms — in addition to the allotted rooms — that will represent a sell cap. Sell limits are not deducted from inventory and are based on house availability.

• Catering Package Support for Sub-events - Both Catering Packages and Templates now allow sub-events to be included when building the Package or Template. Sub-events make the powerful package feature even more effective by allowing hotels to include event types such as coffee breaks as a sub-event if that is their preferred method of booking this type of business.

• Catering Package Attendee Flexibility – Catering packages allow for multiple events and resources to be included within the package “wrapper.” Opera now allows events in the package to vary in their number of attendees.

• Event Banquet and Multi-Property Posting - Several improvements have been made to Opera’s unique Banquet Posting feature. Most importantly, you can post to events even if they reside in a property that is different than the booking property. This situation often occurs in a multi-property deployment of Opera, when a group is split between one or more properties.

• Catering Currency – Users may define a currency code different from the property base currency to indicate the currency in which catering items, menus and function spaces are configured. Multiple S&C reports have been changed to enable the selection of a specific currency for the report with currency conversions handled appropriately.

• Master- sub-account reporting - Multiple Opera S&C screens have been designed to roll-up statistics from sub-accounts to their parent or master account (any account structure that is linked together through a hierarchical relationship type can be handled). A new report has been created that will show company statistics

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separated into group and non-group business with the option to print up to three levels of sub-account structures rolled up on each level.

• Improved Property Search for Leads and Inquiries - Catering search options have been added to the property search for lead distribution and for the inquiry process. It is now possible to search for properties by minimum required function space size and / or for multiple concurrent function spaces that can accommodate a defined minimum number of attendees in a certain set-up style. Only properties that meet the defined minimum catering requirements will show in the list of possible property matches for lead sending or for making group bookings.

• Groupwise Interface – Similar to the existing Outlook interface, Novell’s Groupwise is now also supported.

• Resource Discount Prices - Discounts can now be easily applied to Catering Menus and Items through the use of a Discount field added to the resource edit screen. When a discount is applied to a menu both included and non-included menu items are discounted. The BEO and Revenue details screens have been updated to support this feature.

• Menu Book and Sell Dates - Allows a hotel to define when specific catering menus are allowed to be sold and to be booked. For example, the Holiday menus can only be sold from October 15 to December 15 for events that take place between December 15 and January 1.

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• Seasonal rates for function spaces.

• Item Templates - Catering item handling now includes Item Templates which allow users to book several related items with one operation. This is a time-saver as users do not have to individually select the items.

• S&C Express and S&C Account Management - Two new modules allow hotels to implement scaled-down versions of Opera Sales and Catering, both of which may be integrated with Opera PMS. S&C Express (license codes OPL_400 and OPM_400 based on number of users or number of rooms, respectively) gives Sales and Catering functionality minus resources-driven options. This means features such as catering events, catering packages, and event posting are not included in S&C Express. S&C Account Management (license codes OSL_400 and OSM_400) offers just the S&C customer relationship management features including Accounts, Activities, and Contacts.

• BEO improvements include enhanced sorting, batch printing, and custom layout. Based on XML and cascading style sheets, it is now easy to change BEO layout and to sort and filter information outside of Oracle Reports by using an editor. BEO changes are easier for installers and customers alike.

• FIT Contract Distribution – For added flexibility, the SFA central office can distribute a FIT contract to the properties which may accept the contract as-is, or negotiate their own terms.

• Campaign Management – Built around the Data Extraction Query engine, this new module provides extensive support for mailings and marketing campaigns. Features include print and email (plain text or HTML) distribution to contacts and guests. Email can accommodate opt-out functions. Activities can be attached to recipient profiles for follow-up, and guest stay records can be monitored to evaluate campaign success.

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Opera POS

Currently Available Functionality

• Signature Capture - Guest signatures captured at POS are stored in the POS database and are displayed in PMS when viewing check details from PMS cashiering.

• Multi-Language Handling - Opera PMS, 9700 POS, and Restaurant Reservations and Table Management modules may be displayed in multiple languages. Users may be assigned a default language and languages may be changed on demand from within the modules.

• Opera Guest Messaging - Opera Guest Messaging allows users to post and retrieve messages for guests at any PMS or POS workstation. Users are alerted to waiting messages when performing normal business activities such as account lookup and postings. In-room lamps and message lights may also be enabled from within PMS.

• Opera Guest Locator - Opera Guest Locator allows users to post and retrieve guest locations from any PMS or POS workstation. Users are alerted to the current guest location when performing normal business activities such as account lookups and posting.

• Opera Rooms File - The Opera Rooms File is an in-house guest listing that may be downloaded to POS workstations at configurable intervals. The guest listing includes guest names and associated room numbers and may be used for guest lookups in the event of a network or data center failure.

• Opera Offline Posting - Offline Posting allows POS users to post to guest rooms in the event of a network or data center failure. PMS charges posted offline in POS are held locally, then automatically posted to the guest account when communication is restored.

New Functionality – Fall 2005 (Opera v3.7, Guest Connection v1.80 and 9700 v3.0)

• Single Itinerary - Single Itinerary will merge Spa, Golf, and Dining reservations into a single guest itinerary, allowing users to present a single view of all booked activities for each guest or group. The actual reservations will be booked from the individual reservation modules, but may be accessed from within PMS or externally. The Single Itinerary Registration Card lists all the guest’s scheduled activities. A sample is shown in Appendix A.

• Restaurant Reservations PMS Lookup - Reservation agents may look up guest profiles from PMS when making restaurant reservations, eliminating repetitive data

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entry and utilizing a common guest profile. Restaurant reservations made using the PMS Lookup feature will be linked to the hotel reservation and automatically canceled if the hotel reservation is canceled.

• Golf/Spa POS - Activities charges such as greens fees and spa treatment charges will be inserted into POS on demand. For example, POS will have the ability to look up a golf reservation, accepting the appropriate greens fee and cart charges associated with the reservation. Users can then optionally add additional retail items to the transaction and post to PMS or any available tender/media. Identical functionality will be available in the Spa.

• Retail Inventory Integration - The retail inventory system of Opera Activities will be integrated with POS allowing inventory depletion based on POS sales and retail item configuration from within the inventory system.

• Single Reporting Solution - Vision reporting will be extended to merge PMS, POS and Activity details into a single reporting view. The Version 2 release does not include Restaurant Reservation details.

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OPERA Vacation Ownership System (OVOS) • Specialized features for mixed-use properties that handle both condo units and

hotel rooms.

• Includes OPERA’s full complement of PMS features including Housekeeping, Facility Management, and Guest & Owner Recognition.

• Contract-driven reservation management. Sales staff can negotiate different terms for each owner.

• Automatic inventory rotation built into the reservation booking process.

• On-demand and scheduled financial statements.

• Per-reservation fees and recurring charges billing.

• Confidential owner access to unit information via the Web.

• Dashboard screen guides the reservation agent through an easy reservation flow for owner reservations, unit rentals, and hotel room bookings.

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Opera Kiosk

Hotel Check In

• Look up reservation by swiping a credit card or loyalty card or manually entering loyalty or confirmation number (can be PMS or CRS number)

• View new messages

• Indicate room feature preferences (i.e. High Floor, Low Floor, Non-Smoking, etc…)

• Extend Departure Date

• Change credit card and more…

Flight Check In

• Retrieve flight reservation by Insertion of a Credit or Airline Loyalty Card or by manual entry of a Frequent Flyer or Confirmation Number.

• Review Travel Itinerary, Select or Change Seat Assignment and Print Boarding Pass.

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OPERA Reservations System (ORS)

• Deposit and Cancellation Rules can be created and applied to Profiles and Blocks.

• Incoming profiles from properties that support extended byte characters can be translated for name and addresses.

• Daily Rates provide users at properties with the ability to change the amounts of their rate codes for room types on the fly, based on the property's daily needs.

• Waitlisted reservations can be searched by confirmation number.

• Credit card authorization, deposit, and payment capabilities are available in ORS. The interface allows the transfer of authorization codes to OPMS v4.0 properties.

• The Report Scheduler automates the generation of Opera reports as users set up the time and frequency for when Opera reports will run. The reports run on schedule and can be emailed or faxed to selected recipients. Advantages of the Reports Scheduler are that more than one report can be scheduled to run at the same time, users can cancel the report at anytime, and users can do other work while the report is running in the background.

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• In one easy step, users can add a new rate price in between existing dates and split the rate details.

• The Property Details Report prints configuration information for a property or multiple properties. Information includes:

Configuration tab Alternate (available when the Edit button is selected) Features Restaurants Lead contacts Notes (including language specific) Attractions Airports Transportation Market Code Source Code Channel Code

• When merging two central profiles, users can manually select specific data to be included.

• When searching for profiles, users can filter profiles not having addresses or phone numbers.

• Awards can be redeemed through the ORS Selling Screen.

• A delay has been added to profiles broadcasted to PMS, so the profiles do not override other profile changes occurring simultaneously.

• The Synchronize Block Occupancies functionality ensures that block occupancy information is accurate.

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• User sessions can be configured to disconnect after a specified time, based on periods of inactivity. Users only need to provide their password to log in again. This feature frees up system resources and memory.

• Several additional fields have multi-language capabilities where users can select the language for property notes, channel rates, room descriptions, and channel marketing text.

• Routing codes and instructions can be added to ORS reservations and payment information transferred to OPMS v4.0.

• Application settings are available at the Global level (affects all properties in all CROs), CRO level (affects all properties located in the selected CRO), and Property level (affects the selected property).

• Campaign Management is now available in ORS for individual (Guest) profiles.

• Central Profile Lookup has been enhanced to support more search fields and now uses Web Services, making processing more efficient and standardized.

• Ability to import rooming list files into Opera, eliminating the need for retyping.

• Best Bar by Day (BBAR) functionality calculates the rate amount on the fly accordingly with the hurdle sent by the yield system. If the hurdle is $300, then the AAA rate is $270. If the hurdle is $400, then the AAA rate is $360.

• The Availability screen provides a visible means of indicating room types that contain attributes matching the guest profile’s defined room preferences.

• Promotion codes can be fully tracked from the original reservation in ORS, to PMS, and finally to the stay record.

• Reservation requests received from guest agents are effectively processed and tracked throughout the reservation screens via the new field Travel Agent Record Locator.

Opera Channel Management (OCM)

• A Rate code template provides the ability to define all channel conversions (map the Opera codes to the GDS/ADS host equivalents) at the template level.

• Channel rate codes can be published with one 'click.'

• One ‘click’ channel negotiated rate codes publishing.

• Ability to link channel access codes and negotiated rates at the profile level.

• View rate amounts for all published channels for a property and room type on the Rate Parity screen (see below).

Displays seamless information sent to the channels.

Multilanguage capabilities added to channel seamless fields.

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• Ability to group multiple room types into one channel "Generic Room Type' and set sell limits on the generic room.

• On Behalf functionality exists where relationships and a hierarchy can be created between users and linked groups of either companies or travel agents.

• Open and Close Thresholds available at the property level.

• Ability to publish directly to ORS, via OXI, rate codes managed at the properties. The property flags the rate as Channel Available and OXI publishes the rate to multiple channels in ORS, according to pre-defined rules.

• Dashboard functionality shows the user rooms that have zero or negative inventory per day.

• User permissions provide managers the ability to give access rights to the granular level (menu items, fields) on channel screens: from View Only or Editing rights.

• New rates and room conversion between existing consecutive sequences can be inserted, without requiring the user to do any re-sequencing.

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OPERA Central Information System (OCIS)

• Contact Profiles can be uploaded from Opera PMS.

• Non-stay guest (passerby) revenue can be imported.

• Users can manually enter passerby transactions to generate Stay Record/Membership Transactions.

• Consortia codes can be imported and linked to travel agent profiles. The consortia code is associated to stay records that have a travel agent linked to a consortia.

• Ability to manage changes to mass profiles (i.e. find top producers profiles and ‘mark’ them with keywords, inactivate mass number of profiles, etc.) and to distribute these profiles to properties.

• Ability to generate membership transactions and calculate points for bookers with the new Membership Booker program.

• Create interface rules for specific keywords.

• Attach orphan stay records to profiles.

• Mark all Companies and Travel Agents created by the OXIHUB interface as ‘NEW’ profiles.

• Download names and addresses in national characters when property can accept more that one set of extended byte characters (i.e. German and Swedish).

• Awards can be generated in batches.

• The Stay Analysis Report provides Rollup stats based on Relationship and Keyword.

• Ability to assign prefix numbers based on Enrollment Code within Auto Generating Primary Membership.

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• Stay revenue for Company and Travel Agent Profiles are stored and summarized.

• Ability to download the guest’s property history to V6 and OPMS properties.

• Download TOP producer value to V6 and OPMS. Properties can flag TOP companies, Travel Agent and Guest profiles.

• Keyword values are fully exchanged between OCIS/ORS v.4 and OPMS V3.0.2 and later.

• Account (Company) information exchanged between ORS and OPMS has been enhanced to include additional fields, such as Priority, Industry Codes, and Markets.

• New guest privacy fields have been added for exchange between ORS and OPMS.

• Advanced title and salutation functionality for European countries.

Data Mart Budget Entry Utility The Data Mart Budget Entry Utility allows the entry of budget and forecast data for market segment codes, transaction codes, and custom items such as room nights, arrivals, and number of people. Some of the most powerful features of the Budget Entry module are the ability to:

• Create the budget by either distributing from the yearly to the daily level, or by building from the daily to the yearly level.

• Copy a new budget from a previous budget, forecast, or from actual numbers.

• Enter a budget in the local currency and then view it at the central level in the central currency.

• Efficiently compare and view data by displaying actual, forecast, and budget numbers on one screen.

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Opera Xchange Information System (OXI)


The following are new certified interfaces:

• Passkey

• Hoboo

• Sol Melia

• CurtisC 2-way

• InnLink

• BaronSpa


• MyFidelio

• Southern Sun

• Travelclick



• SynXis-ORS

The following are new interfaces with Adapter

• Best Western OTA

• Marsha Full Overlay

XML Version Schemas and New Message Types

• Rates V3.0

• Allotment V3.0 / V4.0

• Result V3.0

• Configuration V3.0

• Packages V3.0

• Messagerequest V3.0

• RTAV V3.0

• Profile V3.0

• Reservations V3.0/V4.0


• Exchange of configuration data

• Message and data request

• Improved Error search

• Improved Error resilience

• Multi-threaded OXI service

• OXI extract Conversion & Defaults Report

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• Credit Card Masking in XML messages

• Extract XML function button

• Expanded OXI Permissions, including Status Screens

• New Functionality Parameters: Send IFC Only and Share Split Rate

Opera Xchange Information HUB System (OXI-HUB)

OXI-HUB Interface Monitor

• Replaces Central Interface Monitor

• Is merged into OXI-HUB for convenience

• Filter search by Chain or by Property

• Color legends for quick reference

• Viewable Property and Thread statuses

• Quick Property Specific setup for Alerts

o Email and SMS/Text messaging

o Multiple email entries

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Opera Fail Over

• Using the familiar Opera fax, email and print functions

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Opera OWS and GDS The following new features are available with the OEDS software for Opera 4.0.

Channel Management

• Multi-Lingual enhancements on configured items.

• Channel Management screens redesigned for simplified navigation

• Ability to restrict inventory via individual Channels

• Ability to handle generic room types via individual Channels

Opera Web Suite User Interface (UI) v5.1

• True Multi-Property availability

• Regional Availability Property Search based on Chain, Region, and Cities

• On Behalf Company Bookings with secure login to access negotiated and public rate availability

• Translation of the UI for up to six user configurable languages

• User definable labels for all UI field labels

• Ease of use for customization of displayed images and fields

• Enhanced screen layouts for ease of use for selling properties

• Compliance with the Visa Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP)

Opera Web Suite Web Services (WS) v5.1

• Automatic Credit Card authorization and deposit payment posting for new/modified reservations

• Ability to query, fetch, add and deduct add-on package elements to reservations

• Multi-leg (itinerary) Bookings

• Children Rate Bucket functionality

• On Behalf Company Bookings with secure login to access negotiated and public rate availability

• Multi-Lingual translations based on Channel Management setup

• Ability to insert and fetch reservations with a GDS Record Locator.

• Ability to query and redeem award redemption bookings for sites that have configured a hotel loyalty program and have OCIS installed.

• Compliance with the Visa Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP)

Global Distribution System (GDS)

• Enhanced security by means of encrypting the database and application logging information within the configuration files

• Compliance with the Visa Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP)

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Alternate Distribution System (ADS)

• Expedia Direct Connect interface allowing an Electronic Reservation delivery method down to Opera. Availability, Restrictions, and Inventory (ARI) allows for an inventory snapshot, restrictions, and rate changes to be sent up to Expedia.

External Activity Scheduler

• Interface with Guest Connection

• Multi-property interface with Concept

• Launch Concept booking from Opera

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Opera RMS (Opus 2)

OPERA Revenue Management: New Look and Feel

New ORMS Features for November Release

• Enterprise User Interface Goes Global

o Bringing the Benefits of the Enterprise Product to All Customers

o Replacing Explorer Style Client-Server and ASP Interfaces

o Windows Style Drop Down Menus Enhance the User Experience

o Java Thin Client Uses Fewer Resources and Speeds Up Response Times

o Enterprise Group Optimizer Analyzes Groups Across Multiple Hotels (in a multi-hotel database)

• Dynamic Rate Interface to OPERA

o Supports Dynamic Prevailing Rates in Reservation System Based on ORMS Stay Pattern Hurdles

o Save Time By Maintaining One Rate Code Per Category Instead of Multiple Tiered Rates

o Optimize More Accurately by Creating A Retail Rate Directly From the Rate Hurdle

Coming Soon to OPERA RMS

• Competitive Rate Interface

o Report Competitive Rates Versus RMS Hurdles, Restrictions, and Overrides

o Automate Application of Rate Threshold Overrides From Competitive Rates and Custom Business Rules

• Group Forecast

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o Expanding on Current Automated Group Materialization and Forecast Formulae to Automate the Forecast of All Future Group Rooms

• Market Segment Forecasting

o Adds Market Segment Trending to Current Forecasting and Reporting

o Enables Dynamic Forecast of Ancillary Revenues Based on Unique Market Segment Spending Patterns

Cross Property Yielding

• Multi-Property Databases in OPERA Make Automated Cross Property Yielding Possible

• Both Groups and Transients Can Be Accommodated By Considering the Ideal Balance of Location and Rate

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Opera Activity Scheduler Powered by Concept Systems OAS includes solutions for the following:

• Golf Tee-Time Reservations - The Golf Management System provides a total integrated solution for all golf courses or resorts. The product has been designed with flexibility in mind and hence can be configured dependent on a golf course's requirements; ranging from 72-hole pay & play resorts to 18-hole members courses. Used by many of the world’s premier golfing destinations, including 3 Ryder Cup courses, this product is essential to the management of any golf course.

• Spa, Leisure and Activities Reservations - Designed to manage all the facilities and activities at hotels, health spas and leisure venues. Appointments can be booked quickly and efficiently as the system automatically finds available times and controls multiple services or qualified staff members where required. The Single Itinerary Registration Card lists all the guest’s scheduled activities. A sample is shown in Appendix A.

• Integrated Membership Accounting and CRM Module - A complete solution for membership. The system manages all aspects of the business from the Pre-Membership Sales and marketing process through to the monthly membership invoicing.

• Integrated POS and Inventory Management - The OAS POS software is able to act as a standalone product in its own right and also integrates to the Golf Management Software, Membership Module and the Spa & Leisure system for the process of payments (checkin/checkout, retail sales, etc.). The system is touch screen and barcode compliant, making for quick and easy operation. The integrated inventory management system provides detailed real-time stock control.

• Multi-Property Functionality - The modules are designed with scalability in mind and are perfect for multi-property scenarios.

• Profile Integration to Opera - The OAS' profile sharing provides a centralized Itinerary option within Opera, displaying all activities booked under an Opera PMS profile. Cancellation Controls are also available from within PMS for activities.

• Concierge Management - The OAS Concierge module is to be released in 2006. The system will have profile integration to PMS and will manage the key roles of a Concierge with the key benefit of a central profile database including guest arrival and departure information.

• Web Services - A range of Web Services are available from Online Golf Reservations to Online Member Sites where member accounts can be consulted real-time in a secure zone. Available in 2006 is the Online Spa & Activities Reservation System and Spa Zone where employees can consult their schedules and clients can check their itineraries.

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Appendix A. Sample Single Itinerary Registration Card