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Oracle ® Hospitality OPERA Cloud Web Self-Service Hotel Config Service Web Service Reference January 2018

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Oracle® Hospitality OPERA Cloud Web Self-Service

Hotel Config Service Web Service Reference

January 2018

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Preface ....................................................................................................... 4

Audience ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4

Customer Support ............................................................................................................................................................. 4

Documentation ................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Revision History ................................................................................................................................................................ 4

1 HotelConfigService .............................................................................. 5

HotelConfigService Web Service ..................................................................................................................................... 6

Methods: HotelConfigService ................................................................................................................................... 7

Complex Types: HotelConfigService ..................................................................................................................... 10

Elements: HotelConfigService ................................................................................................................................ 45

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This document describes the HotelConfigService web service. The document describes methods, complex types,

and elements.


This document is intended for developers who develop applications that interface with OPERA through OPERA

Cloud Web Self-Service.

Customer Support

To contact Oracle Customer Support, access My Oracle Support at the following URL:


When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:

Product version and program/module name

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Documentation Oracle Hospitality product documentation is available on the Oracle Help Center at


Revision History

Date Description of Change

October 2017 Initial publication

January 2018 Added FetchRoomsSummary method and

related complex types and elements.

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1 HotelConfigService


Name Description

HotelConfigService The HotelConfigService web service provides the capability to manage property configurations within OPERA Cloud.

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HotelConfigService Web Service




The HotelConfigService web service provides the capability to manage property configurations within OPERA


See Also



Complex Types

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Methods: HotelConfigService


Name Description

FetchHotelBrochure Fetches the hotel brochure information based on the search criteria. The Hotel code and a set of instructions can be sent as part of the request.

FetchHotels Fetches a list of hotel configuration information based on the search criteria.

FetchRoomsSummary Operation to fetch rooms. The operation returns a list of summary information of existing rooms.

Ping Sends a response to a ping.

Method: FetchHotelBrochure


Fetches the hotel brochure information based on the search criteria. The Hotel code and a set of instructions can

be sent as part of the request.


The input of this method is the document element FetchHotelBrochureRQ having the structure defined by the

following table.

Name Type Required? Occurs Description

OperaContext OperaContextType No 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Criteria HotelInfoSearchType No 0..1 Criteria used for filtering the Property.


The output of this method is the document element FetchHotelBrochureRS having the structure defined by the

following table.

Name Type Required? Occurs Description

Yes 1..1

Errors ErrorsType No 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Yes 1..1

HotelBrochure HotelBrochureType No 0..1

Method: FetchHotels


Fetches a list of hotel configuration information based on the search criteria.


The input of this method is the document element FetchHotelsRQ having the structure defined by the following


Name Type Required? Occurs Description

OperaContext OperaContextType No 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

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Name Type Required? Occurs Description

Criteria HotelsSummarySearchType No 0..1 The criteria used for filtering the Property Search.


The output of this method is the document element FetchHotelsRS having the structure defined by the following


Name Type Required? Occurs Description

Yes 1..1

Errors ErrorsType No 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Yes 1..1

HotelSummaryInfoList HotelsSummaryType No 0..1

Method: FetchRoomsSummary


Operation to fetch rooms. The operation returns a list of summary information of existing rooms.


The input of this method is the document element FetchRoomsSummaryRQ having the structure defined by the

following table.

Name Type Required? Occurs Description

OperaContext OperaContextType No 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Criteria RoomSummarySearchType Yes 1..1 Criteria by which rooms are fetched.


The output of this method is the document element FetchRoomsSummaryRS having the structure defined by the

following table.

Name Type Required? Occurs Description

Yes 1..1

Yes 1..1

Errors ErrorsType No 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Rooms anyType (restriction) No 0..1 Collection of rooms.

Method: Ping


Sends a response to a ping.


The input of this method is the document element PingRQ having the structure defined by the following table.

Name Type Required? Occurs Description

OperaContext OperaContextType No 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

OperaPingInput OperaPingRequestType No 0..1 Optional Input for Ping operation.

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The output of this method is the document element PingRS having the structure defined by the following table.

Name Type Required? Occurs Description

Yes 1..1

Errors ErrorsType No 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Yes 1..1

OperaVersion OperaVersionNumberType No 0..1 OPERA version number.

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Complex Types: HotelConfigService

Complex Type: AddressType


Provides address information.


Name Type Required? Description

Type CodeType No Defines the type of address (for example, home, business, and other). Refer to OpenTravel Code List Communication Location Type (CLT).

TypeDescription string No Describes the type code

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

UpdateReservations boolean No Indicates if the reservations should be updated. If true and the address is primary, then all associated active reservations will be updated with the new primary address.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


AddressLine StringLength80 0..4 When the address is unformatted (FormattedInd="false") these lines will contain free form address details. When the address is formatted and street number and street name must be sent independently, the street number will be sent using StreetNmbr, and the street name will be sent in the first AddressLine occurrence.

CityName StringLength40 0..1 City (for example, Dublin), town, or postal station (that is, a postal service territory, often used in a military address).

PostalCode StringLength15 0..1 Post Office Code number.

CityExtension StringLength20 0..1 Post Office City Extension Code number. City Extension mainly used for UK addresses.

County StringLength20 0..1 County or District Name (for example, Fairfax). This is read only.

State StringLength20 0..1 State or Province name (for example, Texas).

CountryName CountryNameType 0..1 Country name (for example, Ireland).

Language CodeType 0..1 Language code associated with the address

Complex Type: AlternateHotelsType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


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Component Type Occurs Description

AlternateHotel AlternateHotelType 0..*

Complex Type: AlternateHotelType


Name Type Required? Description

AlternateHotelCode CodeType No Used for codes in the OPERA Code tables. Possible values of this pattern are 1, 101, 101.EQP, or 101.EQP.X.

NewAlternateHotelCode CodeType No Used for codes in the OPERA Code tables. Possible values of this pattern are 1, 101, 101.EQP, or 101.EQP.X.

ChainCode StringLength20 No The code that identifies a hotel chain or management group. The hotel chain code is decided between vendors. This attribute is optional if the hotel is an independent property that can be identified by the HotelCode attribute.

HotelCode StringLength20 No The code that uniquely identifies a single hotel property. The hotel code is decided between vendors.

HotelCityCode StringLength40 No The IATA city code; for example DCA, ORD.

HotelName StringLength80 No A text field used to communicate the proper name of the hotel.

HotelCodeContext StringLength40 No A text field used to communicate the context (or source of - ex Sabre, Galileo, Worldspan, Amadeus) the HotelReferenceGroup codes.

ChainName StringLength80 No The name of the hotel chain (for example, Hilton, Marriott, Hyatt).

HotelType CodeType No Used for codes in the OPERA Code tables. Possible values of this pattern are 1, 101, 101.EQP, or 101.EQP.X.

Negotiated boolean No

Alternate boolean No

DisplayOrder double No

InventoryRooms integer No

AvailableRooms integer No

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Address AddressType 0..1

ContactNumbers anyType (restriction) 0..1

MinRate CurrencyAmountType 0..1

MaxRate CurrencyAmountType 0..1

RelativePosition RelativePositionType 0..1

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Component Type Occurs Description

HotelAmenities anyType (restriction) 0..1

Event boolean 0..1 True if the hotel has any scheduled events within the requested date range.

Comments StringLength2000 0..1 Comments of alternate Hotel.

Direction CodeType 0..1 Compass direction to the attraction from the hotel (North/South).

ReciprocalRelationship boolean 0..1 Indicates if the alternate relationship should be applied to the alternate hotel as well. If this flag is true, not only will the AlternateHotelCode hotel be an alternate for HotelCode hotel, but HotelCode hotel will also be an alternate for AlternateHotelCode hotel.

Complex Type: BaseAmenityType


Base details used for amenities.


Name Type Required? Description

FeatureCode CodeType No Specifies the feature code (aka amenity code).

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Description StringLength2000 0..1 The description about amenity of the hotel.

Comments StringLength2000 0..1 The comments about amenity of the hotel.

Complex Type: BaseRoomType


This type represents the primary room attributes.


Name Type Required? Description

RoomNumber CodeType No Code of the room.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


RoomType RoomTypeShortInfoType 0..1 Room type basic information of the room.

Floor CodeType 0..1 Floor of the Room.

FloorDescription CodeType 0..1 Description for the Floor of the Room.

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Component Type Occurs Description

RoomFeatures RoomFeaturesType 0..1 Room Features for the room.

Description TranslationTextType2000 0..1 Description of the room.

SmokingPreference CodeType 0..1 This indicates room smoking preference.

SmokingPreferenceDescription CodeType 0..1 This indicates the description of the room smoking preference.

Complex Type: CodeDescriptionType


This contains a generic code and description information.


Name Type Required? Description

Code CodeType No The code.

Description StringLength2000 No The description.

Complex Type: CodeListType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Code CodeType 0..*

Complex Type: CommentInfoType


Comment related to the profile/reservation.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


UniqueID UniqueID_Type 0..1 Comment ID for the comment. It will be empty in case of new comment.

Comment CommentType 0..1 Comment details for the comment. It will be empty in case of delete comment.

Complex Type: CommentType


Comment related to the profile/reservation.


Name Type Required? Description

Type CodeType No Specifies type of the comment.

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Name Type Required? Description

TypeDescription StringLength200 No Comment type Description.

Internal boolean No When true, the comment may not be shown to the consumer. When false, the comment may be shown to the consumer.

Confidential boolean No When true, the comment may be confidential.

OverrideInternal boolean No When true, the note internal could be modified.

ProtectDescription boolean No When true, the note title will be populated from the note type description and couldn't be modified.

HotelCode CodeType No If specified comment belongs to the Hotel, otherwise it is a global comment.

ActionType CodeType No Specifies type of action described in the comments.

ActionDate date No Indicates at which date an action described in the comment must be taken.

CreateDateTime dateTime No Time stamp of the creation.

CreatorID StringLength200 No ID of creator. The creator could be a software system identifier or an identifier of an employee responsible for the creation.

LastModifyDateTime dateTime No Time stamp of last modification.

LastModifierID StringLength200 No Identifies the last software system or person to modify a record.

PurgeDate date No Date an item will be purged from a database (for example, from a live database to an archive).

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description



Image string 0..1 An image for this paragraph.

Text FormattedTextTextType 0..1 Formatted text content.

URL string 0..1 A URL for this paragraph.

CommentTitle StringLength4000 0..1 Specifies a comment's title.

Complex Type: ConfigRoomsSummaryType


This type holds collection of rooms summary.


Name Type Required? Description

HotelCode CodeType Yes Hotel Code of the rooms.

NoOfRooms integer No Current number of rooms.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

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Component Type Occurs Description


RoomSummary ConfigRoomSummaryType 1..*

Complex Type: ConfigRoomSummaryType


This is a summary of information about a room.


Name Type Required? Description

RoomNumber CodeType No Code of the room.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


RoomType RoomTypeShortInfoType 0..1 Room type basic information of the room.

Floor CodeType 0..1 Floor of the Room.

FloorDescription CodeType 0..1 Description for the Floor of the Room.

RoomFeatures RoomFeaturesType 0..1 Room Features for the room.

Description TranslationTextType2000 0..1 Description of the room.

SmokingPreference CodeType 0..1 This indicates room smoking preference.

SmokingPreferenceDescription CodeType 0..1 This indicates the description of the room smoking preference.

RoomComponents RoomComponentsType 0..1 Components of a room.

ConnectingRooms RoomRoomsType 0..1 Connecting rooms of a room.

SellSequence double 0..1 Display sequence of a room.

Complex Type: CountryNameType


The name or code of a country (for example, as used in an address or to specify citizenship of a traveler).


Name Type Required? Description

Code CodeType No Code for a country or a nationality.

Complex Type: CurrencyAmountType


A monetary value expressed with a currency code.


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Name Type Required? Description

Amount Money No A monetary amount.

CurrencyCode AlphaLength3 No Provides a currency code to reflect the currency in which an amount may be expressed.

Complex Type: DirectionsType


Collection of direction details to get into Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Direction DirectionType 0..*

Complex Type: DirectionType


Direction details to get into Hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

Title StringLength200 No Title of Hotel direction.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Description StringLength4000 0..1 Description about the Hotel direction.

Complex Type: ErrorsType


A collection of errors that occurred during the processing of a message.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Error ErrorType 0..99 An error that occurred during the processing of a message.

Complex Type: ErrorType


Standard way to indicate that an error occurred during the processing of an OpenTravel message. If the message

successfully processes, but there are business errors, those errors should be passed in the warning element.

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Name Type Required? Description

Type CodeType Yes The Error element MUST contain the Type attribute that uses a recommended set of values to indicate the error type. The validating XSD can expect to accept values that it has NOT been explicitly coded for and process them by using Type ="Unknown". Refer to OpenTravel Code List Error Warning Type (EWT).

ShortText string No An abbreviated version of the error in textual format.

Code CodeType No If present, this refers to a table of coded values exchanged between applications to identify errors or warnings. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Error Codes (ERR).

DocURL string No If present, this URL refers to an online description of the error that occurred.

Status string No If present, recommended values are those enumerated in the OTA_ErrorRS, (NotProcessed | Incomplete | Complete | Unknown) however, the data type is designated as string data, recognizing that trading partners may identify additional status conditions not included in the enumeration.

Tag string No If present, this attribute may identify an unknown or misspelled tag that caused an error in processing. It is recommended that the Tag attribute use XPath notation to identify the location of a tag in the event that more than one tag of the same name is present in the document. Alternatively, the tag name alone can be used to identify missing data [Type=ReqFieldMissing].

RecordID string No If present, this attribute allows for batch processing and the identification of the record that failed amongst a group of records. This value may contain a concatenation of a unique failed transaction ID with specific record(s) associated with that transaction.

NodeList string No An XPath expression that selects all the nodes whose data caused this error. Further, this expression should have an additional constraint which contains the data of the node. This will provide the offending data back to systems that cannot maintain the original message.

Complex Type: EventSpaceMaxOccupanciesType


List of event space max occupancy based on different setup styles.

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Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


MaxOccupancy integer 5..5 List of event space max occupancy.

Complex Type: FormattedTextTextType


Provides text and indicates whether it is formatted or not.


Name Type Required? Description

Formatted boolean No Textual information, which may be formatted as a line of information, or unformatted, as a paragraph of text.

Language language No Language identification.

TextFormat NMTOKEN (restriction)

No Indicates the format of text used in the description for example, unformatted or html.

Complex Type: FreeTextType


Textual information to provide descriptions

and/or additional information.


Name Type Required? Description

Language language No Language identification.

Complex Type: GeneralNotesType


Collection of general notes about the Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


GeneralNote GeneralNoteType 0..*

Complex Type: GeneralNoteType


General note/information about the Hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

Title StringLength200 No The note's title.

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Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Note StringLength4000 0..1 The body of the note.

Complex Type: GenericMultipleCodesSearchType


List of codes to be searched or alternatively a wild card search for the code.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Code CodeType 0..* Codes to be searched.

WildCard CodeType 0..1 Wildcard search on the code.

Complex Type: GenericSearchType


Generic Search Type, It is empty type from which search types can be extended.


Name Type Required? Description

MaxFetchCount integer No Indicates maximum number of records a Web Service should return.

PageNumber integer No Index or initial index of the set(page) being requested. If the index goes out of the bounds of the total set count then no data will be returned.

Complex Type: HotelAirportsType


Collection of Airport details of the Hotel

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelAirport HotelAirportType 0..*

Complex Type: HotelAirportType


Airport details of the Hotel


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Name Type Required? Description

AirportCode CodeType No Used for codes in the OPERA Code tables. Possible values of this pattern are 1, 101, 101.EQP, or 101.EQP.X.

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Description StringLength2000 0..1 Description of the airport

RelativePosition RelativePositionType 0..1

Direction StringLength2000 0..1 Directions from the airport to the Hotel.

TransportationList TransportationCodeListType 1..1 List of Transportation available from Airport to Hotel.

Complex Type: HotelAmenityType


Name Type Required? Description

Code CodeType No Used for codes in the OPERA Code tables. Possible values of this pattern are 1, 101, 101.EQP, or 101.EQP.X.

Type StringLength2000 No Used for Character Strings, length 0 to 2000.

DisplayOrder double No

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Description StringLength2000 0..1

Complex Type: HotelAttractionsType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelAttraction HotelAttractionType 0..*

Complex Type: HotelAttractionType


Information about the attractions near the hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

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Code CodeType No Used for codes in the OPERA Code tables. Possible values of this pattern are 1, 101, 101.EQP, or 101.EQP.X.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Name TranslationTextType2000 0..1 Attraction name for the hotel.

Type StringLength60 0..1 The type of the attraction.

Class StringLength60 0..1 The class of the attraction.

GeneralDirections StringLength2000 0..1 Directions to the attraction from the hotel.

RelativePosition RelativePositionType 0..1

Address AddressType 0..1 Address of the attraction.

Website URLType 0..1 Website for the attraction.

PriceRange StringLength40 0..1 Price range for the attraction.

OperationHours CodeType 0..1 Price range for the attraction.

DisplaySeq integer 0..1 Display sequence of the attraction.

Complex Type: HotelBanquetSpaceType


Defines the Banquet and Meeting Area of the Hotel


Name Type Required? Description

BanquetArea StringLength50 No Defines the BanquetArea of the Hotel

MeetingArea double No Defines the Meeting Area of the hotel

UnitOfMeasureCode CodeType No The unit of measure in a code format. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unit of Measure Code (UOM).

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


BanquetSeats integer 0..1

MeetingRooms integer 0..1

Complex Type: HotelBrochureType


Contains the brochure information about a Hotel.


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Name Type Required? Description

ChainCode StringLength20 No The code that identifies a hotel chain or management group. The hotel chain code is character set which has been decided between vendors. This attribute is optional if the hotel is not associated with a specific chain (an independent property). If an independent property then the HotelCode attribute should be used.

HotelCode StringLength20 No The code made up of a set of characters that uniquely identifies a single hotel property. The hotel code is an agreed value between vendors.

HotelCityCode StringLength40 No The IATA city code; for example DCA, ORD.

HotelName StringLength80 No A text field used to communicate the proper name of the hotel.

HotelCodeContext StringLength40 No A text field used to communicate the context (or source of - ex Sabre, Galileo, Worldspan, Amadeus) the HotelReferenceGroup codes.

ChainName StringLength80 No The name of the hotel chain (for example, Hilton, Marriott, Hyatt).

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


PrimaryDetails anyType (restriction) 0..1 General/Primary Information describing the hotel.

PropertyControls anyType (restriction) 0..1 The Property controls configuration used to manage services offered for managing guest in a given hotel.

Communication anyType (restriction) 0..1 Communication information (Contact Information) for the hotel.

Address AddressType (extension) 0..1 Address information for the referenced hotel.

HotelRestaurants HotelRestaurantsType 0..1 Names of restaurants which can be found at the referenced hotel.

HotelRateRanges HotelRateRangesType 0..1 The rate ranges which are offered by the hotels.

AlternateHotels AlternateHotelsType 0..1 Information indicating alternative hotels choice that have been provided by the referenced hotel..

HotelContacts HotelContactsType 0..1 The Hotel Contacts information primarily used for group management by the hotels.

HotelEventSpaces HotelEventSpacesType 0..1 Event Space information of the hotel.

HotelNotes HotelNotesType 0..1 List of notes associated with the referenced hotel.

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Component Type Occurs Description

HotelCorporateInformations HotelCorporateInformationsType 0..1

BaseLanguage LanguageType 0..1 The predominant language used in the Hotel.

CurrentTime StringLength80 0..1 The time of access to the hotel brochure.

HotelAttractions HotelAttractionsType 0..1 Information about places of interest that can be found around the Hotel.

HotelPackages HotelPackagesType 0..1 Packages and amenities offered by the Hotel.

HotelTransportations HotelTransportationsType 0..1 List of transportation companies providing service to the Hotel.

HotelConferenceFacilities HotelConferenceFacilitiesType 0..1 Information about the conference rooms in the Hotel.

HotelFeatures HotelFeaturesType 0..1 Lists of amenities provided by the Hotel

Directions DirectionsType 0..1 Information that help travelers to find the Hotel.

GeneralNotes GeneralNotesType 0..1 General Notes provided about the Hotel.

HotelAirports HotelAirportsType 0..1 Information about nearby airports.

HotelMiscellaneousInformation HotelUserDefinedFieldsType 0..1 Other general user defined information provided about the referenced Hotel.

Complex Type: HotelConferenceFacilitiesType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelBanquetSpace HotelBanquetSpaceType 0..1 Banquet space of the hotel.

HotelConferenceRooms HotelConferenceRoomsType 0..1 Conference rooms of the hotel.

Complex Type: HotelConferenceRoomsType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelConferenceRoom HotelConferenceRoomType 0..*

Complex Type: HotelConferenceRoomType


Information about the Conference rooms in the hotel.

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Name Type Required? Description

RoomCode CodeType No Used for codes in the OPERA Code tables. Possible values of this pattern are 1, 101, 101.EQP, or 101.EQP.X.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


RoomName StringLength1000 0..1 The name of the Restaurant.

RoomType StringLength1000 0..1 The Type of Restaurant.

Complex Type: HotelContactIDType


Contact identification details.


Name Type Required? Description

HotelCode CodeType No The code of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


NameID UniqueID_Type 0..1 Contact or employee identifier.

Complex Type: HotelContactRolesType


Lists of HotelContactRoles of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Role HotelContactRoleType 0..*

Complex Type: HotelContactsType


Lists of contacts of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


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Component Type Occurs Description

HotelContact HotelContactType 0..*

Complex Type: HotelContactType


Details of the hotel contact.


Name Type Required? Description

Primary boolean No Primary flag.

HotelCode CodeType No The code of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


NameID UniqueID_Type 0..1 Contact or employee identifier.

Name StringLength2000 0..1 Name of the hotel contact.

Roles HotelContactRolesType 0..1 List of Hotel Contact Types.

OwnerCode CodeType 0..1 The contact's code in the hotel.

CommunicationMethod CodeType 0..1 The preferred method of communication for the contact.

CommunicationAddress StringLength80 0..1 Details about the preferred communication method. Example: email address, fax number, and so on.

Complex Type: HotelCorporateInformationsType


Corporate information details of the property

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


BrandCode CodeType 0..1

HotelCategory CodeType 0..1

BusinessUnit PrimaryCodesType 0..1

DepartmentCode PrimaryCodesType 0..1

Division PrimaryCodesType 0..1

OpertingUnit PrimaryCodesType 0..1

Complex Type: HotelEventSpaceDetailsType


List of detail info of hotel event space

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Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


EventSpaceDetail HotelEventSpaceDetailType 0..*

Complex Type: HotelEventSpaceDetailType


The detail info of hotel event space

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Code CodeType 0..1 The code of hotel event space.

Description StringLength2000 0..1 The description of the hotel event space

MaxCapacity integer 0..1 The max capacity of the hotel event space

MaxOccupancies EventSpaceMaxOccupanciesType 0..1 List of max occupancies of the event space based on the setup code.

Complex Type: HotelEventSpacesType


The Detail and Summary info of event space about the hotel

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


EventSpaceDetails HotelEventSpaceDetailsType 0..1 Even Space Detail information of the hotel.

EventSpaceSummaries HotelEventSpaceSummariesType 0..1 Event Space Summary information of the hotel.

SetupStyles HotelSetupStylesType 0..1 List of hotel setup style codes of the hotel.

Complex Type: HotelEventSpaceSummariesType


List of summary info of hotel event space

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


EventSpaceSummary HotelEventSpaceSummaryType 0..*

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Complex Type: HotelEventSpaceSummaryType


The summary info of hotel event space

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


No integer 0..1 The total event space number which has the same space type, max capacity and setup style.

SpaceType StringLength2000 0..1 The type of the event space

MaxCapacity integer 0..1 The max capacity of this event space group

MaxOccupancies EventSpaceMaxOccupanciesType 0..1 List of max occupancies of the event space based on the setup code.

Complex Type: HotelFeaturesType


Collection of Features in the Hotel

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelFeature HotelFeatureType 0..*

Complex Type: HotelFeatureType


Information about the Features in the Hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

FeatureCode CodeType No Specifies the feature code (that is, amenity code).

OrderSequence double No The display order sequence.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Description StringLength2000 0..1 The description about amenity of the hotel.

Comments StringLength2000 0..1 The comments about amenity of the hotel.

Hours StringLength1000 0..1 The hours of operation of the amenity in the hotel.

PriceRange StringLength40 0..1 The price range of the amenity in the hotel.

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Complex Type: HotelInfoSearchType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelCode CodeType 0..1

FetchInstructions anyType (restriction) 0..1 Collection of fetch instructions.

Complex Type: HotelInfoType


Contains the basic configuration information about a Hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

ChainCode StringLength20 No The code that identifies a hotel chain or management group. The hotel chain code is decided between vendors. This attribute is optional if the hotel is an independent property that can be identified by the HotelCode attribute.

HotelCode StringLength20 No The code that uniquely identifies a single hotel property. The hotel code is decided between vendors.

HotelCityCode StringLength40 No The IATA city code; for example DCA, ORD.

HotelName StringLength80 No A text field used to communicate the proper name of the hotel.

HotelCodeContext StringLength40 No A text field used to communicate the context (or source of - ex Sabre, Galileo, Worldspan, Amadeus) the HotelReferenceGroup codes.

ChainName StringLength80 No The name of the hotel chain (for example, Hilton, Marriott, Hyatt).

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


PrimaryDetails anyType (restriction) 0..1 General/Primary Information of the hotel.

PropertyControls anyType (restriction) 0..1 Property controls information configuration of the hotel.

Communication anyType (restriction) 0..1 Communication information of the hotel.

Address AddressType (extension) 0..1 Address information of the hotel.

HotelRestaurants HotelRestaurantsType 0..1 Names of restaurants which can be found in the Hotel.

HotelRateRanges HotelRateRangesType 0..1 The rate ranges which are offered by the hotels.

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Component Type Occurs Description

AlternateHotels AlternateHotelsType 0..1 Information about alternative hotels provided by the Hotel.

HotelContacts HotelContactsType 0..1 The contacts information the hotels.

HotelEventSpaces HotelEventSpacesType 0..1 Even Space information of the hotel.

HotelNotes HotelNotesType 0..1 List of notes for the hotel.

HotelCorporateInformations HotelCorporateInformationsType 0..1

Complex Type: HotelNotesType


List of Notes of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelNote CommentInfoType 0..*

Complex Type: HotelPackagesType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelPackage HotelPackageType 0..*

Complex Type: HotelPackageType


Information about the packages of the hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

PackageCode CodeType No Used for codes in the OPERA Code tables. Possible values of this pattern are 1, 101, 101.EQP, or 101.EQP.X.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


PackageName StringLength2000 0..1 The name of the package.

BeginDate date 0..1 The begin date of the package.

EndDate date 0..1 The end date of the package.

PackagePrice double 0..1 The price of the package.

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Component Type Occurs Description

RateCode CodeType 0..1 Indicates the rate code for the package.

PointsRequired double 0..1 Indicates the required membership points for the package.

Complex Type: HotelRateRangesType


Lists of rate ranges of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelRateRange HotelRateRangeType 0..*

Complex Type: HotelRateRangeType


The rate rage information of the hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

HotelCode CodeType No Used for codes in the OPERA Code tables. Possible values of this pattern are 1, 101, 101.EQP, or 101.EQP.X.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


TimeSpan TimeSpanType 0..1 The Start Date and End Date of the hotel rate range.

MinRate Money 0..1 Minimum Rate offered by the hotel.

MaxRate Money 0..1 Maximum Rate offered by the hotel.

CurrencyCode CodeType 0..1 The base currency code for rate range (The currency code used by the hotel which the rate range belongs to).

Complex Type: HotelRestaurantsType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelRestaurant HotelRestaurantType 0..*

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Complex Type: HotelRestaurantType


Information about the Restaurants in the hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

RestaurantCode CodeType No Used for codes in the OPERA Code tables. Possible values of this pattern are 1, 101, 101.EQP, or 101.EQP.X.

OrderBy integer No

HotelCode CodeType No Used for codes in the OPERA Code tables. Possible values of this pattern are 1, 101, 101.EQP, or 101.EQP.X.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


RestaurantName StringLength1000 0..1 The name of the Restaurant.

RestaurantType StringLength1000 0..1 The Type of Restaurant.

Hours StringLength1000 0..1 The Hours of Operation of the Restaurant.

PriceRange StringLength40 0..1 The price range of the Restaurant.

Comments StringLength2000 0..1 Comments about the Restaurant.

Category RestaurantCategoryType 0..1 The category that the Restaurant belongs to.

TimeSpan TimeSpanType 0..1 The Start Date and End Date of the Restaurant.

NewRestaurantCode CodeType 0..1 The new Restaurant Code which is used in the change method.

Complex Type: HotelSetupStylesType


List of hotel setup style codes.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


SetupStyle CodeType 5..5 List of event space setup style codes.

Complex Type: HotelsSummarySearchType


Hotels summary information search type.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

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Component Type Occurs Description


HotelCode CodeType 0..1 Code identifying the hotel.

Name StringLength80 0..1 Hotel name to be searched.

Complex Type: HotelsSummaryType


Lists of Hotel summary information.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelSummaryType HotelSummaryType 0..*

Complex Type: HotelSummaryInfoType


Name Type Required? Description

ChainCode StringLength20 No The code that identifies a hotel chain or management group. The hotel chain code is decided between vendors. This attribute is optional if the hotel is an independent property that can be identified by the HotelCode attribute.

HotelCode StringLength20 No The code that uniquely identifies a single hotel property. The hotel code is decided between vendors.

HotelCityCode StringLength40 No The IATA city code; for example DCA, ORD.

HotelName StringLength80 No A text field used to communicate the proper name of the hotel.

HotelCodeContext StringLength40 No A text field used to communicate the context (or source of - ex Sabre, Galileo, Worldspan, Amadeus) the HotelReferenceGroup codes.

ChainName StringLength80 No The name of the hotel chain (for example, Hilton, Marriott, Hyatt).

HotelType CodeType No

Negotiated boolean No

Alternate boolean No

DisplayOrder double No

InventoryRooms integer No

AvailableRooms integer No

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


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Component Type Occurs Description

Address AddressType 0..1

ContactNumbers anyType (restriction) 0..1

MinRate CurrencyAmountType 0..1

MaxRate CurrencyAmountType 0..1

RelativePosition RelativePositionType 0..1

HotelAmenities anyType (restriction) 0..1

Event boolean 0..1 True if the hotel has any scheduled events within the requested date range.

Complex Type: HotelSummaryType


A brief summary of information about a hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelCode CodeType 0..1 Code identifying the hotel.

HotelName StringLength80 0..1 The name of the hotel.

ActiveDate date 0..1 Date when the hotel becomes valid for use.

InactiveDate date 0..1 Date when the hotel becomes invalid for use.

ChainCode CodeType 0..1 Hotels Chain Code. This attribute uniquely assign Hotel to a single chain.

Complex Type: HotelTransportationsType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelTransportation HotelTransportationType 0..*

Complex Type: HotelTransportationType


Information about the transportations of the hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

TransportCode CodeType No Used for codes in the OPERA Code tables. Possible values of this pattern are 1, 101, 101.EQP, or 101.EQP.X.

Label StringLength1 No Used for Character Strings, length 0 to 1.

OrderBy integer No

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Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


PhoneNumber TelephoneType 0..1 The name of the package.

RelativePosition RelativePositionType 0..1

Description StringLength1000 0..1 The description of the transportation.

Comments StringLength2000 0..1 Comments about the transportation.

PriceRange StringLength40 0..1 The price range of the transportation.

Website URLType 0..1 Web address associated with transportation.

Complex Type: HotelUserDefinedFieldsType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelUserDefinedField HotelUserDefinedFieldType 0..*

Complex Type: HotelUserDefinedFieldType


User defined information(UDF) for the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Category StringLength2000 0..1 The UDF Category for this information.

InfoType StringLength60 0..1 The UDF Type for this information.

Information StringLength60 0..1 The UDF attribute for this information.

Complex Type: OperaContextType


Common instructions for messages to set a certain context in the OPERA database before serving the message


Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


UserLanguage language 0..1 User's language code.

CROCode CodeType 0..1 Central Reservation office (CRO) code.

HotelCode CodeType 0..1 Hotel code.

Language CodeType 0..1 Hotel's language code.

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Component Type Occurs Description

RunningApplication StringLength3 0..1 Running Application. (Not supported)

TerminalId StringLength128 0..1 Terminal ID from where this request originated.

LogLevel LogLevelType 0..1 Log level to debug the code, such as FINE, FINER, and so on.

ExternalSystem StringLength80 1..1 External system code.

Override boolean 0..1 OPERA context is derived internally by request but in case client wants to override the OPERA Context it can send true and then the OperaContext will override the above settings, such as HotelCode.

TargetExternalSystem StringLength80 0..1 This element carries ID of the External System that serves this request. It is needed only while making a call to External Web Services from OPERA UI through integration.

UseLocal boolean 0..1 Determines whether local system should be used and ignore the external system instead.

Complex Type: OperaWebServiceRQBaseType


This Request base type is used as a base for an extension for OPERA Web Services Requests to provide uniform



Name Type Required? Description

EchoToken StringLength128 No A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.

TimeStamp dateTime No Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the following format specified by ISO 8601; YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with time values using the 24 hour clock (for example, 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).

Version StringLength40 No For all OPERA versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by an OPERA Version value.

CorrelationID StringLength80 No Allow end-to-end correlation of log messages with the corresponding Web service message throughout the processing of the Web service message.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


OperaContext OperaContextType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

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Complex Type: OperaWebServiceRSBaseType


This Response base type is used as a base for an extension for OPERA Web Services Responses to provide

uniform implementation.


Name Type Required? Description

EchoToken StringLength128 No A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.

TimeStamp dateTime No Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the following format specified by ISO 8601; YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with time values using the 24 hour clock (for example, 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).

Version StringLength40 No For all OPERA versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by an OPERA Version value.

CorrelationID StringLength80 No Allow end-to-end correlation of log messages with the corresponding Web service message throughout the processing of the Web service message.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description



Errors ErrorsType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.


Success SuccessType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Warnings WarningsType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Complex Type: ParagraphType


An indication of a new paragraph for a sub-section of a formatted text message.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description



Image string 0..1 An image for this paragraph.

Text FormattedTextTextType 0..1 Formatted text content.

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Component Type Occurs Description

URL string 0..1 A URL for this paragraph.

Complex Type: PrimaryCodesType


List of codes with primary flag

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


PrimaryCodes PrimaryCodeType 0..*

Complex Type: PrimaryCodeType


Primary flag with code and description.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Primary boolean 0..1

CodeDescription CodeDescriptionType 0..1

Complex Type: RelativePositionType


Defines the position of an entity in relation to another entity (for example, from an airport to a hotel, the

relationship is dependent on use).


Name Type Required? Description

Distance double No Defines the distance between two points.

DistanceType CodeType No The unit of measure in a code format. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unit of Measure Code (UOM).

DrivingTime CodeType No The driving time in a free text format.

Complex Type: RoomComponentsType


Collection of components of a room.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


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Component Type Occurs Description

RoomComponent RoomComponentType 1..* Component of a room.

Complex Type: RoomComponentType


Room Type Component Type with assigned Rooms


Name Type Required? Description

RoomType CodeType No Used for codes in the OPERA Code tables. Possible values of this pattern are 1, 101, 101.EQP, or 101.EQP.X.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Qty integer 0..1 Quantity of room component for the component room type.

Description StringLength2000 0..1 Description of room component.

Rooms RoomRoomsType 0..1 Collection of rooms assigned to the room type component.

Complex Type: RoomFeaturesType


A collection of Room Features.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


RoomFeature RoomFeatureType 0..* A recurring element that identifies the room features.

Complex Type: RoomFeatureType


Room Feature Information.


Name Type Required? Description

Code CodeType No A code representing a room feature.

Description StringLength2000 No A code representing a room feature.

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Complex Type: RoomRoomsType


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Collection of rooms with code and description.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Room RoomRoomType 1..* Collection of rooms.

Complex Type: RoomRoomType


Details of a room.


Name Type Required? Description

RoomNumber CodeType No Code of the room.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


RoomType RoomTypeShortInfoType 0..1 Room type basic information of the room.

Floor CodeType 0..1 Floor of the Room.

FloorDescription CodeType 0..1 Description for the Floor of the Room.

RoomFeatures RoomFeaturesType 0..1 Room Features for the room.

Description TranslationTextType2000 0..1 Description of the room.

SmokingPreference CodeType 0..1 This indicates room smoking preference.

SmokingPreferenceDescription CodeType 0..1 This indicates the description of the room smoking preference.

Complex Type: RoomSummarySearchType


Search criteria to fetch hotel level room summaries.


Name Type Required? Description

Physical boolean No Is it a physical room type.

Pseudo boolean No Is it a pseudo room type.

MaxFetchCount integer No Indicates maximum number of records a Web Service should return.

PageNumber integer No Index or initial index of the set(page) being requested. If the index goes out of the bounds of the total set count then no data will be returned.

Content Model

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Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelCode CodeType 1..1 Hotel code of room to be searched.

RoomClass CodeListType 0..1 List of room classes to search for rooms within.

RoomType CodeListType 0..1 List of room types to search for rooms within.

Room GenericMultipleCodesSearchType 0..1 Wild card or list of rooms to be searched.

Complex Type: RoomTypeComponentType


Room component and its quantity for the component room type.


Name Type Required? Description

RoomType CodeType No

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Qty integer 0..1 Quantity of room component for the component room type.

Description StringLength2000 0..1 Description of room component.

Complex Type: RoomTypeShortInfoType


Basic information of room type.


Name Type Required? Description

RoomType CodeType No Room type of the room.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Pseudo boolean 0..1 Indicates if room is a pseudo. This is read-only.

Suite boolean 0..1 Indicates if room is a suite. This is read-only.

RoomClass CodeType 0..1 Room Class of the room. This is read-only.

HouseKeeping boolean 0..1 Indicates if room type of the room is flagged as housekeeping. This is read-only.

SmokingPreference CodeType 0..1 Specifies the smoking preference for room type of the room.

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Complex Type: SuccessType


Returning an empty element of this type indicates the successful processing of an OpenTravel message. This is

used in conjunction with the Warning Type to report any warnings or business errors.

Complex Type: TelephoneType


Information on a telephone number for the customer.


Name Type Required? Description

PhoneTechType CodeType No Indicates type of technology associated with this telephone number, such as Voice, Data, Fax, Pager, Mobile, TTY, and so on. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Phone Technology Type (PTT).

PhoneUseType CodeType No Describes the type of telephone number, in the context of its general use (for example, Home, Business, Emergency Contact, Travel Arranger, Day, Evening). Refer to OpenTravel Code List Phone Use Type (PUT).

PhoneUseTypeDescription StringLength2000 No Description of the PhoneUseType code

PhoneNumber StringLength40 Yes Telephone number assigned to a single location.

Extension StringLength20 No Extension to reach a specific party at the phone number.

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Complex Type: TimeSpanType


Measure of time from a StartDate to either specified EndDate or StartDate plus Duration.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


StartDate date 0..1


Duration duration 0..1

EndDate date 0..1

Complex Type: TranslationsTextType


Contains multiple translated texts and language codes.

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Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Text StringLength2000 (extension)


Complex Type: TranslationTextType2000


Contains multiple translated texts and language codes.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


DefaultText StringLength2000 0..1 Default text with Character length from 0 to 2000.

TranslatedTexts TranslationsTextType 0..1 List of translated text and language codes.

Complex Type: TransportationCodeListType


List of available transportations from the airport to the Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


TransportationCode TransportationCodeType 0..*

Complex Type: TransportationCodeType


Transportation Code available from Airport to the Hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

Code StringLength20 No Used for Character Strings, length 0 to 20.

Complex Type: UniqueID_Type


An identifier used to uniquely reference an object in a system (for example, an airline reservation reference,

customer profile reference, booking confirmation number, or a reference to a previous availability quote).


Name Type Required? Description

URL string No URL that identifies the location associated with the record identified by the UniqueID.

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Name Type Required? Description

Type CodeType Yes A reference to the type of object defined by the UniqueID element. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unique ID Type (UIT).

Instance StringLength80 No The identification of a record as it exists at a point in time. An instance is used in update messages where the sender must assure the server that the update sent refers to the most recent modification level of the object being updated.

ID StringLength80 Yes A unique identifying value assigned by the creating system. The ID attribute may be used to reference a primary-key value within a database or in a particular implementation.

IDExtension integer No Additional identifying value assigned by the creating system.

ID_Context StringLength80 No Used to identify the source of the identifier (for example, IATA, ABTA).

Complex Type: URLType


Web site address, in IETF (The Internet Engineering Task Force) specified format.


Name Type Required? Description

Type StringLength20 No Defines the purpose of the URL address, such as personal, business, public, and so on.

TypeDescription StringLength2000 No Describes the Type code

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

OrderSequence double No The display order sequence.

Complex Type: WarningsType


Collection of warnings.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Warning WarningType 0..* Used in conjunction with the Success element to define a business error.

Complex Type: WarningType


Used when a message has been successfully

processed to report any warnings or business

errors that occurred.

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Name Type Required? Description

Type CodeType Yes The Warning element MUST contain the Type attribute that uses a recommended set of values to indicate the warning type. The validating XSD can expect to accept values that it has NOT been explicitly coded for and process them by using Type ="Unknown". Refer to OpenTravel Code List Error Warning Type (EWT).

ShortText string No An abbreviated version of the error in textual format.

Code CodeType No If present, this refers to a table of coded values exchanged between applications to identify errors or warnings. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Error Codes (ERR).

DocURL string No If present, this URL refers to an online description of the error that occurred.

Status string No If present, recommended values are those enumerated in the OTA_ErrorRS, (NotProcessed | Incomplete | Complete | Unknown) however, the data type is designated as string data, recognizing that trading partners may identify additional status conditions not included in the enumeration.

Tag string No If present, this attribute may identify an unknown or misspelled tag that caused an error in processing. It is recommended that the Tag attribute use XPath notation to identify the location of a tag in the event that more than one tag of the same name is present in the document. Alternatively, the tag name alone can be used to identify missing data [Type=ReqFieldMissing].

RecordID string No If present, this attribute allows for batch processing and the identification of the record that failed amongst a group of records. This value may contain a concatenation of a unique failed transaction ID with specific record(s) associated with that transaction.

RPH RPH_Type No Reference Place Holder used as an index for this warning.

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Elements: HotelConfigService

Element: AccessibleRooms [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


The number of Accessible Rooms of the Hotel.

Element: AccommodationDetails [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails]


Accommodation Details of the Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


SingleRooms integer 0..1 The number of Single Rooms of the Hotel.

DoubleRooms integer 0..1 The number of Double Rooms of the Hotel.

TwinRooms integer 0..1 The number of Twin Rooms of the Hotel.

FamilyRooms integer 0..1 The number of Family Rooms of the Hotel.

ConnectingRooms integer 0..1 The number of Connecting Rooms of the Hotel.

AccessibleRooms integer 0..1 The number of Accessible Rooms of the Hotel.

NonSmokingRooms integer 0..1 The number of Non-Smoking Rooms of the Hotel.

MaxAdultsInFamilyRoom integer 0..1 Maximum Adults for Family Room Type.

MaxChildrenInFamilyRoom integer 0..1 Maximum Children for Family Room Type.

GuestRoomFloors integer 0..1 The total number of the Guest Room Floors.

GuestRoomElevators integer 0..1 The number of Guest Room Elevators.

Suites integer 0..1 The number of Suites of the Hotel.

ExecutiveFloorNo StringLength1000 0..1 The floor number of Executive Floors of the Hotel.

RoomAmenties StringLength2000 0..1 The information about the Room Amenities.

ShopDescription StringLength2000 0..1 The Description of the shops in the Hotel.

Element: ActiveDate [type HotelSummaryType]


Date when the hotel becomes valid for use.

Element: Address [type HotelAttractionType]


Address of the attraction.


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Name Type Required? Description

Type CodeType No Defines the type of address (for example, home, business, and other). Refer to OpenTravel Code List Communication Location Type (CLT).

TypeDescription string No Describes the type code

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

UpdateReservations boolean No Indicates whether to update the reservations or not. If true and the address is primary, then all associated active reservations will be updated with the new primary address.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


AddressLine StringLength80 0..4 When the address is unformatted (FormattedInd="false") these lines will contain free form address details. When the address is formatted and street number and street name must be sent independently, the street number will be sent using StreetNmbr, and the street name will be sent in the first AddressLine occurrence.

CityName StringLength40 0..1 City (for example, Dublin), town, or postal station (that is, a postal service territory, often used in a military address).

PostalCode StringLength15 0..1 Post Office Code number.

CityExtension StringLength20 0..1 Post Office City Extension Code number. City Extension mainly used for UK addresses.

County StringLength20 0..1 County or District Name (for example, Fairfax). This is read only.

State StringLength20 0..1 State or Province name (for example, Texas).

CountryName CountryNameType 0..1 Country name (for example, Ireland).

Language CodeType 0..1 Language code associated with the address

Element: Address [type HotelInfoType]


Address information of the hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

Type CodeType No Defines the type of address (for example, home, business, other). Refer to OpenTravel Code List Communication Location Type (CLT).

TypeDescription string No Describes the type code

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

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Name Type Required? Description

UpdateReservations boolean No Indicates whether to update the reservations or not. If true and the address is primary, then all associated active reservations will be updated with the new primary address.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


AddressLine StringLength80 0..4 When the address is unformatted (FormattedInd="false") these lines will contain free form address details. When the address is formatted and street number and street name must be sent independently, the street number will be sent using StreetNmbr, and the street name will be sent in the first AddressLine occurrence.

CityName StringLength40 0..1 City (for example, Dublin), town, or postal station (that is, a postal service territory, often used in a military address).

PostalCode StringLength15 0..1 Post Office Code number.

CityExtension StringLength20 0..1 Post Office City Extension Code number. City Extension mainly used for UK addresses.

County StringLength20 0..1 County or District Name (for example, Fairfax). This is read only.

State StringLength20 0..1 State or Province name (for example, Texas).

CountryName CountryNameType 0..1 Country name (for example, Ireland).

Language CodeType 0..1 Language code associated with the address

LegalOwner StringLength80 0..1 Legal owner of the hotel.

RegionCode CodeType 0..1 The region code of the hotel.

Element: Address [type HotelSummaryInfoType]


Name Type Required? Description

Type CodeType No Defines the type of address (for example, home, business, and other). Refer to OpenTravel Code List Communication Location Type (CLT).

TypeDescription string No Describes the type code

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

UpdateReservations boolean No Indicates whether to update the reservations or not. If true and the address is primary, then all associated active reservations will be updated with the new primary address.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

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Component Type Occurs Description


AddressLine StringLength80 0..4 When the address is unformatted (FormattedInd="false") these lines will contain free form address details. When the address is formatted and street number and street name must be sent independently, the street number will be sent using StreetNmbr, and the street name will be sent in the first AddressLine occurrence.

CityName StringLength40 0..1 City (for example, Dublin), town, or postal station (that is, a postal service territory, often used in a military address).

PostalCode StringLength15 0..1 Post Office Code number.

CityExtension StringLength20 0..1 Post Office City Extension Code number. City Extension mainly used for UK addresses.

County StringLength20 0..1 County or District Name (for example, Fairfax). This is read only.

State StringLength20 0..1 State or Province name (for example, Texas).

CountryName CountryNameType 0..1 Country name (for example, Ireland).

Language CodeType 0..1 Language code associated with the address

Element: AddressLine [type AddressType]


When the address is unformatted (FormattedInd="false") these lines will contain free form address details. When

the address is formatted and street number and street name must be sent independently, the street number will

be sent using StreetNmbr, and the street name will be sent in the first AddressLine occurrence.

Element: AlternateHotel [type AlternateHotelsType]


Name Type Required? Description

AlternateHotelCode CodeType No

NewAlternateHotelCode CodeType No

ChainCode StringLength20 No The code that identifies a hotel chain or management group. The hotel chain code is decided between vendors. This attribute is optional if the hotel is an independent property that can be identified by the HotelCode attribute.

HotelCode StringLength20 No The code that uniquely identifies a single hotel property. The hotel code is decided between vendors.

HotelCityCode StringLength40 No The IATA city code; for example DCA, ORD.

HotelName StringLength80 No A text field used to communicate the proper name of the hotel.

HotelCodeContext StringLength40 No A text field used to communicate the context (or source of - ex Sabre, Galileo, Worldspan, Amadeus) the HotelReferenceGroup codes.

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Name Type Required? Description

ChainName StringLength80 No The name of the hotel chain (for example, Hilton, Marriott, Hyatt).

HotelType CodeType No

Negotiated boolean No

Alternate boolean No

DisplayOrder double No

InventoryRooms integer No

AvailableRooms integer No

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Address AddressType 0..1

ContactNumbers anyType (restriction) 0..1

MinRate CurrencyAmountType 0..1

MaxRate CurrencyAmountType 0..1

RelativePosition RelativePositionType 0..1

HotelAmenities anyType (restriction) 0..1

Event boolean 0..1 True if the hotel has any scheduled events within the requested date range.

Comments StringLength2000 0..1 Comments of alternate Hotel.

Direction CodeType 0..1 Compass direction to the attraction from the hotel (North/South).

ReciprocalRelationship boolean 0..1 Indicates if the alternate relationship should be applied to the alternate hotel as well. If this flag is true, not only will the AlternateHotelCode hotel be an alternate for HotelCode hotel, but HotelCode hotel will also be an alternate for AlternateHotelCode hotel.

Element: AlternateHotels [type HotelInfoType]


Informations about alternative hotels provided by the Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


AlternateHotel AlternateHotelType 0..*

Element: ApplicationMode [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls]


Application Mode information configuration of the hotel.

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Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


ConfigurationMode CodeType 0..1 The hotel's configuration mode if applicable.

CountryMode CodeType 0..1 The hotel's country code.

ExpHotelCode StringLength20 0..1 Hotel Code used for third party exports.

TouristNumber StringLength20 0..1 The Tourist Number of the hotel.

MBSSupported boolean 0..1 Indicates if the hotel uses MBS (Marriott Business Services).

Element: BanquetSeats [type HotelBanquetSpaceType]

Element: BaseLanguage [type HotelBrochureType]


The base language of the Hotel.

Element: BaseLanguage [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails]


The base language of the Hotel.

Element: BedCount [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails]


The total number of beds in the Hotel.

Element: BeginDate [type HotelPackageType]


The begin date of the package.

Element: BrandCode [type HotelCorporateInformationsType]

Element: BusinessUnit [type HotelCorporateInformationsType]

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


PrimaryCodes PrimaryCodeType 0..*

Element: Category [type HotelRestaurantType]


The category to which the Restaurant belongs.


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Element: Category [type HotelUserDefinedFieldType]


The UDF Category for this information.

Element: CateringCurrencyFormatting [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls]


Catering Currency Formatting information configuration of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


CurrencyCode CodeType 0..1 The base currency code for this hotel.

CurrencyFormat StringLength80 0..1 Format for the local currency.

Element: ChainCode [type HotelSummaryType]


Hotels Chain Code. This attribute uniquely assign Hotel to a single chain.

Element: CheckInTime [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails]


The official check in time of the Hotel.

Element: CheckOutTime [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails]


The official check out time of the Hotel.

Element: CityExtension [type AddressType]


Post Office City Extension Code number. City Extension mainly used for UK addresses.

Element: CityName [type AddressType]


City (for example, Dublin), town, or postal station (that is, a postal service territory, often used in a military


Element: Class [type HotelAttractionType]


The class of the attraction.

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Element: Code [type CodeListType]

Element: Code [type GenericMultipleCodesSearchType]


Codes to be searched.

Element: Code [type HotelEventSpaceDetailType]


The code of hotel event space.

Element: CodeDescription [type PrimaryCodeType]


Name Type Required? Description

Code CodeType No The code.

Description StringLength2000 No The description.

Element: Comment [type CommentInfoType]


Comment details for the comment. It will be empty in case of delete comment.


Name Type Required? Description

Type CodeType No Specifies type of the comment.

TypeDescription StringLength200 No Comment type Description.

Internal boolean No When true, the comment may not be shown to the consumer. When false, the comment may be shown to the consumer.

Confidential boolean No When true, the comment may be confidential.

OverrideInternal boolean No When true, the note internal could be modified.

ProtectDescription boolean No When true, the note title will be populated from the note type description and couldn't be modified.

HotelCode CodeType No If specified comment belongs to the Hotel, otherwise it is a global comment.

ActionType CodeType No Specifies type of action described in the comments.

ActionDate date No Indicates at which date an action described in the comment must be taken.

CreateDateTime dateTime No Time stamp of the creation.

CreatorID StringLength200 No ID of creator. The creator could be a software system identifier or an identifier of an employee responsible for the creation.

LastModifyDateTime dateTime No Time stamp of last modification.

LastModifierID StringLength200 No Identifies the last software system or person to modify a record.

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Name Type Required? Description

PurgeDate date No Date an item will be purged from a database (for example, from a live database to an archive).

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description



Image string 0..1 An image for this paragraph.

Text FormattedTextTextType 0..1 Formatted text content.

URL string 0..1 A URL for this paragraph.

CommentTitle StringLength4000 0..1 Specifies Comment's Title.

Element: Comments [type AlternateHotelType]


Comments of alternate Hotel.

Element: Comments [type BaseAmenityType]


The comments about amenity of the hotel.

Element: Comments [type HotelRestaurantType]


Comments about the Restaurant.

Element: Comments [type HotelTransportationType]


Comments about the transportation.

Element: CommentTitle [type CommentType]


Specifies Comment's Title.

Element: Communication [type HotelInfoType]


Communication information of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


PhoneNumber TelephoneType 0..1 The direct dial phone number of the hotel.

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Component Type Occurs Description

TollFreeNumber TelephoneType 0..1 Toll free phone number of the hotel.

FaxNumber TelephoneType 0..1 Fax phone number of the hotel.

EmailAddress BasicEmailType 0..1 Email address of the hotel.

WebPage URLType 0..1 The web address of the hotel.

Element: CommunicationAddress [type HotelContactType]


Details about the preferred communication method. Example: email address, fax number, and so on.

Element: CommunicationMethod [type HotelContactType]


The preferred method of communication for the contact.

Element: ConnectingRooms [type ConfigRoomSummaryType]


Connecting rooms of a room.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Room RoomRoomType 1..* Collection of rooms.

Element: ConfigurationMode [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/ApplicationMode]


The hotel's configuration mode if applicable.

Element: ConnectingRooms [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


The number of Connecting Rooms of the Hotel.

Element: ContactNumber [type HotelSummaryInfoType/ContactNumbers]


Name Type Required? Description

PhoneTechType CodeType No Indicates type of technology associated with this telephone number, such as Voice, Data, Fax, Pager, Mobile, TTY, and so on. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Phone Technology Type (PTT).

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Name Type Required? Description

PhoneUseType CodeType No Describes the type of telephone number, in the context of its general use (for example, Home, Business, Emergency Contact, Travel Arranger, Day, and Evening). Refer to OpenTravel Code List Phone Use Type (PUT).

PhoneUseTypeDescription StringLength2000 No Description of the PhoneUseType code

PhoneNumber StringLength40 Yes Telephone number assigned to a single location.

Extension StringLength20 No Extension to reach a specific party at the phone number.

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Element: ContactNumbers [type HotelSummaryInfoType]

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


ContactNumber TelephoneType 0..*

Element: CountryMode [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/ApplicationMode]


The hotel's country code.

Element: CountryName [type AddressType]


Country name (for example, Ireland).


Name Type Required? Description

Code CodeType No Code for a country or a nationality.

Element: County [type AddressType]


County or District Name (for example, Fairfax). This is read only.

Element: Criteria [element FetchHotelBrochureRQ]


Criteria used for filtering the Property.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

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Component Type Occurs Description


HotelCode CodeType 0..1

FetchInstructions anyType (restriction) 0..1 Collection of fetch instructions.

Element: Criteria [element FetchHotelsRQ]


Criteria used for filtering the Property.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelCode CodeType 0..1 Code identifying the hotel.

Name StringLength80 0..1 Hotel name to be searched.

Element: Criteria [element FetchRoomsSummaryRQ]


Criteria by which rooms are fetched.


Name Type Required? Description

Physical boolean No Is it a physical room type.

Pseudo boolean No Is it a pseudo room type.

MaxFetchCount integer No Indicates maximum number of records a Web Service should return.

PageNumber integer No Index or initial index of the set(page) being requested. If the index goes out of the bounds of the total set count then no data will be returned.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelCode CodeType 1..1 Hotel code of room to be searched.

RoomClass CodeListType 0..1 List of room classes to search for rooms within.

RoomType CodeListType 0..1 List of room types to search for rooms within.

Room GenericMultipleCodesSearchType 0..1 Wild card or list of rooms to be searched.

Element: CROCode [type OperaContextType]


Central Reservation office (CRO) code.

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Element: CurrencyCode [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/CateringCurrencyFormatting]


The base currency code for this hotel.

Element: CurrencyCode [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/CurrencyFormatting]


The base currency code for this hotel.

Element: CurrencyCode [type HotelRateRangeType]


The base currency code for rate range (The currency code used by the hotel which the rate range belongs to).

Element: CurrencyFormat [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/CateringCurrencyFormatting]


Format for the local currency.

Element: CurrencyFormat [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/CurrencyFormatting]


Format for the local currency.

Element: CurrencyFormatting [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls]


Currency Formatting information configuration of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


CurrencyCode CodeType 0..1 The base currency code for this hotel.

CurrencyFormat StringLength80 0..1 Format for the local currency.

CurrencySymbol StringLength20 0..1 Symbol to designate the default currency of the hotel.

DecimalPositions integer 0..1 Number of decimal positions used for this currency type.

Element: CurrencySymbol [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/CurrencyFormatting]


Symbol to designate the default currency of the hotel.

Element: CurrentTime [type HotelBrochureType]


The time when login hotel brochure.

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Element: DateTimeFormatting [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls]


The date and time formatting configuration for the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


LongDateFormat StringLength20 0..1 Long date format of the hotel.

ShortDateFormat StringLength20 0..1 Short date format of the hotel.

TimeFormat StringLength20 0..1 Time format for the hotel.

Element: DecimalPositions [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/CurrencyFormatting]


Number of decimal positions used for this currency type.

Element: DefaultText [type TranslationTextType2000]


The default text with character length from 0 to 2000.

Element: DepartmentCode [type HotelCorporateInformationsType]

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


PrimaryCodes PrimaryCodeType 0..*

Element: Description [type BaseAmenityType]


The description for the hotel amenities.

Element: Description [type BaseRoomType]


Description of the room.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


DefaultText StringLength2000 0..1 Default text with Character length from 0 to 2000.

TranslatedTexts TranslationsTextType 0..1 List of translated text and language codes.

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Element: Description [type DirectionType]


The description for the hotel directions.

Element: Description [type HotelAirportType]


The description of the airport.

Element: Description [type HotelAmenityType]

Element: Description [type HotelEventSpaceDetailType]


The description of the hotel event space.

Element: Description [type HotelTransportationType]


The description of the transportation.

Element: Description [type RoomTypeComponentType]


Description of room component.

Element: Direction [type AlternateHotelType]


Compass direction to the attraction from the hotel (North/South).

Element: Direction [type DirectionsType]


Name Type Required? Description

Title StringLength200 No Title of hotel direction.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Description StringLength4000 0..1 Description of the hotel directions.

Element: Direction [type HotelAirportType]


Directions from the airport to the hotel.

Element: Directions [type HotelBrochureType]


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Instructions and directions to help guests find the Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Direction DirectionType 0..*

Element: DisplaySeq [type HotelAttractionType]


Display sequence of the attraction.

Element: Division [type HotelCorporateInformationsType]

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


PrimaryCodes PrimaryCodeType 0..*

Element: DoubleRooms [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


The number of Double Rooms of the Hotel.

Element: Duration [type TimeSpanType]

Element: EmailAddress [type HotelInfoType/Communication]


Email address of the hotel.

Element: EndDate [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/SellControls]


The end date of the hotel.

Element: EndDate [type HotelPackageType]


The end date of the package.

Element: EndDate [type TimeSpanType]

Element: Error [type ErrorsType]


An error that occurred during the processing of a message.


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Name Type Required? Description

Type CodeType Yes The Error element MUST contain the Type attribute that uses a recommended set of values to indicate the error type. The validating XSD can expect to accept values that it has NOT been explicitly coded for and process them by using Type ="Unknown". Refer to OpenTravel Code List Error Warning Type (EWT).

ShortText string No An abbreviated version of the error in textual format.

Code CodeType No If present, this refers to a table of coded values exchanged between applications to identify errors or warnings. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Error Codes (ERR).

DocURL string No If present, this URL refers to an online description of the error that occurred.

Status string No If present, recommended values are those enumerated in the OTA_ErrorRS, (NotProcessed | Incomplete | Complete | Unknown) however, the data type is designated as string data, recognizing that trading partners may identify additional status conditions not included in the enumeration.

Tag string No If present, this attribute may identify an unknown or misspelled tag that caused an error in processing. It is recommended that the Tag attribute use XPath notation to identify the location of a tag in the event that more than one tag of the same name is present in the document. Alternatively, the tag name alone can be used to identify missing data [Type=ReqFieldMissing].

RecordID string No If present, this attribute allows for batch processing and the identification of the record that failed amongst a group of records. This value may contain a concatenation of a unique failed transaction ID with specific record(s) associated with that transaction.

NodeList string No An XPath expression that selects all the nodes whose data caused this error. Further, this expression should have an additional constraint which contains the data of the node. This will provide the offending data back to systems that cannot maintain the original message.

Element: Errors [type OperaWebServiceRSBaseType]


Refer to Generic common types document.

Content Model

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Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Error ErrorType 0..99 An error that occurred during the processing of a message.

Element: Event [type HotelSummaryInfoType]


True if the hotel has any scheduled events within the requested date range.

Element: EventSpaceDetail [type HotelEventSpaceDetailsType]

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Code CodeType 0..1 The code of hotel event space.

Description StringLength2000 0..1 The description of the hotel event space

MaxCapacity integer 0..1 The max capacity of the hotel event space

MaxOccupancies EventSpaceMaxOccupanciesType 0..1 List of max occupancies of the event space based on the setup code.

Element: EventSpaceDetails [type HotelEventSpacesType]


Even Space Detail information of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


EventSpaceDetail HotelEventSpaceDetailType 0..*

Element: EventSpaceSummaries [type HotelEventSpacesType]


Event Space Summary information of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


EventSpaceSummary HotelEventSpaceSummaryType 0..*

Element: EventSpaceSummary [type HotelEventSpaceSummariesType]

Content Model

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Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


No integer 0..1 The total event space number which has the same space type, max capacity and setup style.

SpaceType StringLength2000 0..1 The type of the event space

MaxCapacity integer 0..1 The max capacity of this event space group

MaxOccupancies EventSpaceMaxOccupanciesType 0..1 List of max occupancies of the event space based on the setup code.

Element: ExecutiveFloorNo [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


The floor number of Executive Floors of the Hotel.

Element: ExpHotelCode [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/ApplicationMode]


Hotel Code used for third party exports.

Element: ExternalSystem [type OperaContextType]


External system code.

Element: FamilyRooms [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


The number of Family Rooms of the Hotel.

Element: FaxNumber [type HotelInfoType/Communication]


Fax phone number of the hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

PhoneTechType CodeType No Indicates type of technology associated with this telephone number, such as Voice, Data, Fax, Pager, Mobile, TTY, and so on. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Phone Technology Type (PTT).

PhoneUseType CodeType No Describes the type of telephone number, in the context of its general use (for example, Home, Business, Emergency Contact, Travel Arranger, Day, and Evening). Refer to OpenTravel Code List Phone Use Type (PUT).

PhoneUseTypeDescription StringLength2000 No Description of the PhoneUseType code

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Name Type Required? Description

PhoneNumber StringLength40 Yes Telephone number assigned to a single location.

Extension StringLength20 No Extension to reach a specific party at the phone number.

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Element: FetchHotelBrochureRQ


Request object for fetching Basic Property information.


Name Type Required? Description

EchoToken StringLength128 No A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.

TimeStamp dateTime No Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the following format specified by ISO 8601; YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with time values using the 24 hour clock (for example, 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).

Version StringLength40 No For all OPERA versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by an OPERA Version value.

CorrelationID StringLength80 No Allow end-to-end correlation of log messages with the corresponding Web service message throughout the processing of the Web service message.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


OperaContext OperaContextType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Criteria HotelInfoSearchType 0..1 Criteria used for filtering the Property.

Element: FetchHotelBrochureRS


Response object for fetching Basic Property information.


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Name Type Required? Description

EchoToken StringLength128 No A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.

TimeStamp dateTime No Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the following format specified by ISO 8601; YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with time values using the 24 hour clock (for example, 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).

Version StringLength40 No For all OPERA versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by an OPERA Version value.

CorrelationID StringLength80 No Allow end-to-end correlation of log messages with the corresponding Web service message throughout the processing of the Web service message.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description



Errors ErrorsType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.


Success SuccessType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Warnings WarningsType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

HotelBrochure HotelBrochureType 0..1

Element: FetchHotelsRQ


Request object for fetching a list of Property summary information.


Name Type Required? Description

EchoToken StringLength128 No A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.

TimeStamp dateTime No Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the following format specified by ISO 8601; YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with time values using the 24 hour clock (for example, 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).

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Name Type Required? Description

Version StringLength40 No For all OPERA versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by an OPERA Version value.

CorrelationID StringLength80 No Allow end-to-end correlation of log messages with the corresponding Web service message throughout the processing of the Web service message.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


OperaContext OperaContextType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Criteria HotelsSummarySearchType 0..1 Criteria used for filtering the Property.

Element: FetchHotelsRS


Response object for fetching lists of Property summary information.


Name Type Required? Description

EchoToken StringLength128 No A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.

TimeStamp dateTime No Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the following format specified by ISO 8601; YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with time values using the 24 hour clock (for example, 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).

Version StringLength40 No For all OPERA versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by an OPERA Version value.

CorrelationID StringLength80 No Allow end-to-end correlation of log messages with the corresponding Web service message throughout the processing of the Web service message.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description



Errors ErrorsType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.


Success SuccessType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Warnings WarningsType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

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Component Type Occurs Description

HotelSummaryInfoList HotelsSummaryType 0..1

Element: FetchInstruction [type HotelInfoSearchType/FetchInstructions]


fetch instructions that should be used.



















Element: FetchInstructions [type HotelInfoSearchType]


Collection of fetch instructions.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


FetchInstruction HotelInstructionType 0..* Fetch instructions that should be used.

Element: FetchRoomsSummaryRQ


Request object for fetching summary information of existing rooms.


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Name Type Required? Description

EchoToken StringLength128 No A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.

TimeStamp dateTime No Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the following format specified by ISO 8601; YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with time values using the 24 hour clock (e.g. 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).

Version StringLength40 No For all Opera versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by a Opera Version value.

CorrelationID StringLength80 No Allow end-to-end correlation of log messages with the corresponding Web service message throughout the processing of the Web service message.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


OperaContext OperaContextType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Criteria RoomSummarySearchType 1..1 Criteria by which rooms are fetched.

Element: FetchRoomsSummaryRS


Response object for fetching summary information of existing rooms.


Name Type Required? Description

EchoToken StringLength128 No A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.

TimeStamp dateTime No Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the following format specified by ISO 8601; YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with time values using the 24 hour clock (e.g. 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).

Version StringLength40 No For all Opera versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by a Opera Version value.

CorrelationID StringLength80 No Allow end-to-end correlation of log messages with the corresponding Web service message throughout the processing of the Web service message.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

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Component Type Occurs Description



Errors ErrorsType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.


Success SuccessType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Warnings WarningsType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Rooms anyType (restriction) 0..1 Collection of rooms.

Element: Floor [type BaseRoomType]


Floor of the Room.

Element: FloorCount [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails]


The total number of floors of the Hotel.

Element: FloorDescription [type BaseRoomType]


Description for the Floor of the Room.

Element: GeneralDirections [type HotelAttractionType]


Directions to the attraction from the hotel.

Element: GeneralNote [type GeneralNotesType]


Name Type Required? Description

Title StringLength200 No The note's title.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Note StringLength4000 0..1 The body of the note.

Element: GeneralNotes [type HotelBrochureType]


General Notes provided about the Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

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Component Type Occurs Description


GeneralNote GeneralNoteType 0..*

Element: GuestRoomElevators [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


The number of Guest Room Elevators.

Element: GuestRoomFloors [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


The total number of the Guest Room Floors.

Element: HotelAirport [type HotelAirportsType]


Name Type Required? Description

AirportCode CodeType No

OrderSequence double No Display order sequence.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Description StringLength2000 0..1 Description of the airport

RelativePosition RelativePositionType 0..1

Direction StringLength2000 0..1 Directions from the airport to the Hotel.

TransportationList TransportationCodeListType 1..1 List of transportation available from Airport to Hotel.

Element: HotelAirports [type HotelBrochureType]


Informations about different airports near by.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelAirport HotelAirportType 0..*

Element: HotelAmenities [type HotelSummaryInfoType]

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


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Component Type Occurs Description

HotelAmenity HotelAmenityType 0..*

Element: HotelAmenity [type HotelSummaryInfoType/HotelAmenities]


Name Type Required? Description

Code CodeType No

Type StringLength2000 No

DisplayOrder double No

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Description StringLength2000 0..1

Element: HotelAttraction [type HotelAttractionsType]


Name Type Required? Description

Code CodeType No

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Name TranslationTextType2000 0..1 Attraction name for the hotel.

Type StringLength60 0..1 The type of the attraction.

Class StringLength60 0..1 The class of the attraction.

GeneralDirections StringLength2000 0..1 Directions to the attraction from the hotel.

RelativePosition RelativePositionType 0..1

Address AddressType 0..1 Address of the attraction.

Website URLType 0..1 Website for the attraction.

PriceRange StringLength40 0..1 Price range for the attraction.

OperationHours CodeType 0..1 Price range for the attraction.

DisplaySeq integer 0..1 Display sequence of the attraction.

Element: HotelAttractions [type HotelBrochureType]


Information about attractive places that can be found around the Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

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Component Type Occurs Description


HotelAttraction HotelAttractionType 0..*

Element: HotelBanquetSpace [type HotelConferenceFacilitiesType]


Banquet Space of the hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

BanquetArea StringLength50 No Defines the BanquetArea of the Hotel

MeetingArea double No Defines the Meeting Area of the hotel

UnitOfMeasureCode CodeType No The unit of measure in a code format. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unit of Measure Code (UOM).

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


BanquetSeats integer 0..1

MeetingRooms integer 0..1

Element: HotelBrochure [element FetchHotelBrochureRS]


Name Type Required? Description

ChainCode StringLength20 No The code that identifies a hotel chain or management group. The hotel chain code is decided between vendors. This attribute is optional if the hotel is an independent property that can be identified by the HotelCode attribute.

HotelCode StringLength20 No The code that uniquely identifies a single hotel property. The hotel code is decided between vendors.

HotelCityCode StringLength40 No The IATA city code; for example DCA, ORD.

HotelName StringLength80 No A text field used to communicate the proper name of the hotel.

HotelCodeContext StringLength40 No A text field used to communicate the context (or source of - ex Sabre, Galileo, Worldspan, Amadeus) the HotelReferenceGroup codes.

ChainName StringLength80 No The name of the hotel chain (for example, Hilton, Marriott, Hyatt).

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


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Component Type Occurs Description

PrimaryDetails anyType (restriction) 0..1 General/Primary Information of the hotel.

PropertyControls anyType (restriction) 0..1 Property controls information configuration of the hotel.

Communication anyType (restriction) 0..1 Communication information of the hotel.

Address AddressType (extension) 0..1 Address information of the hotel.

HotelRestaurants HotelRestaurantsType 0..1 Names of restaurants which can be found in the Hotel.

HotelRateRanges HotelRateRangesType 0..1 The rate ranges which are offered by the hotels.

AlternateHotels AlternateHotelsType 0..1 Information about alternative hotels provided by the Hotel.

HotelContacts HotelContactsType 0..1 The contacts information the hotels.

HotelEventSpaces HotelEventSpacesType 0..1 Even Space information of the hotel.

HotelNotes HotelNotesType 0..1 List of notes for the hotel.

HotelCorporateInformations HotelCorporateInformationsType 0..1

BaseLanguage LanguageType 0..1 The base language of the Hotel.

CurrentTime StringLength80 0..1 The time when login hotel brochure.

HotelAttractions HotelAttractionsType 0..1 Information about attractive places that can be found around the Hotel.

HotelPackages HotelPackagesType 0..1 Packages and offers offered by the Hotel.

HotelTransportations HotelTransportationsType 0..1 List of different transportation companies around the Hotel.

HotelConferenceFacilities HotelConferenceFacilitiesType 0..1 Information about the conference rooms in the Hotel.

HotelFeatures HotelFeaturesType 0..1 Lists of features provided by the Hotel

Directions DirectionsType 0..1 Instructions and direction to help reaching the Hotel.

GeneralNotes GeneralNotesType 0..1 General Notes provided about the Hotel.

HotelAirports HotelAirportsType 0..1 Information about different airports nearby.

HotelMiscellaneousInformation HotelUserDefinedFieldsType 0..1 General user defined information provided about the Hotel.

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Element: HotelCategory [type HotelCorporateInformationsType]

Element: HotelCode [type HotelInfoSearchType]

Element: HotelCode [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/SellControls]


The hotel code.

Element: HotelCode [type HotelsSummarySearchType]


Code identifying the hotel.

Element: HotelCode [type HotelSummaryType]


Code identifying the hotel.

Element: HotelCode [type OperaContextType]


Hotel code.

Element: HotelCode [type RoomSummarySearchType]


Hotel code of room to be searched.

Element: HotelConferenceFacilities [type HotelBrochureType]


Information about the conference rooms in the Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelBanquetSpace HotelBanquetSpaceType 0..1 Banquet Space of the hotel.

HotelConferenceRooms HotelConferenceRoomsType 0..1 Conference Rooms of the Hotel.

Element: HotelConferenceRoom [type HotelConferenceRoomsType]


Name Type Required? Description

RoomCode CodeType No

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

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Component Type Occurs Description


RoomName StringLength1000 0..1 The name of the restaurant.

RoomType StringLength1000 0..1 The type of restaurant.

Element: HotelConferenceRooms [type HotelConferenceFacilitiesType]


Conference Rooms of the Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelConferenceRoom HotelConferenceRoomType 0..*

Element: HotelContact [type HotelContactsType]


Name Type Required? Description

Primary boolean No Primary flag.

HotelCode CodeType No The code of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


NameID UniqueID_Type 0..1 Contact or employee identifier.

Name StringLength2000 0..1 Name of the hotel contact.

Roles HotelContactRolesType 0..1 List of HotelContactType.

OwnerCode CodeType 0..1 The contact's code in the hotel.

CommunicationMethod CodeType 0..1 The preferred method of communication for the contact.

CommunicationAddress StringLength80 0..1 Details about the preferred communication method. Example: email address, fax number, and so on.

Element: HotelContacts [type HotelInfoType]


The contacts information the hotels.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelContact HotelContactType 0..*

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Element: HotelCorporateInformations [type HotelInfoType]

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


BrandCode CodeType 0..1

HotelCategory CodeType 0..1

BusinessUnit PrimaryCodesType 0..1

DepartmentCode PrimaryCodesType 0..1

Division PrimaryCodesType 0..1

OpertingUnit PrimaryCodesType 0..1

Element: HotelEventSpaces [type HotelInfoType]


Even Space information of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


EventSpaceDetails HotelEventSpaceDetailsType 0..1 Even Space Detail information of the hotel.

EventSpaceSummaries HotelEventSpaceSummariesType 0..1 Event Space Summary information of the hotel.

SetupStyles HotelSetupStylesType 0..1 List of hotel setup style codes of the hotel.

Element: HotelFeature [type HotelFeaturesType]


Name Type Required? Description

FeatureCode CodeType No Specifies the feature code (aka amenity code).

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Description StringLength2000 0..1 The description about amenity of the hotel.

Comments StringLength2000 0..1 The comments about amenity of the hotel.

Hours StringLength1000 0..1 The hours of operation of the amenity in the hotel.

PriceRange StringLength40 0..1 The price range of the amenity in the hotel.

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Element: HotelFeatures [type HotelBrochureType]


Lists of features provided by the Hotel

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelFeature HotelFeatureType 0..*

Element: HotelInfoWebsite [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails]


URL where property information is located.


Name Type Required? Description

Type StringLength20 No Defines the purpose of the URL address, such as personal, business, and public.

TypeDescription StringLength2000 No Describes the Type code.

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Element: HotelMiscellaneousInformation [type HotelBrochureType]


General user defined information provided about the Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelUserDefinedField HotelUserDefinedFieldType 0..*

Element: HotelName [type HotelSummaryType]


The name of the hotel.

Element: HotelNote [type HotelNotesType]

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


UniqueID UniqueID_Type 0..1 Comment ID for the comment. It will be empty in case of new comment.

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Component Type Occurs Description

Comment CommentType 0..1 Comment details for the comment. It will be empty in case of delete comment.

Element: HotelNotes [type HotelInfoType]


List of notes for the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelNote CommentInfoType 0..*

Element: HotelPackage [type HotelPackagesType]


Name Type Required? Description

PackageCode CodeType No

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


PackageName StringLength2000 0..1 The name of the package.

BeginDate date 0..1 The begin date of the package.

EndDate date 0..1 The end date of the package.

PackagePrice double 0..1 The price of the package.

RateCode CodeType 0..1 Indicates the rate code for the package.

PointsRequired double 0..1 Indicates the required membership points for the package.

Element: HotelPackages [type HotelBrochureType]


Packages offered by the Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelPackage HotelPackageType 0..*

Element: HotelRateRange [type HotelRateRangesType]


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Name Type Required? Description

HotelCode CodeType No

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


TimeSpan TimeSpanType 0..1 The Start Date and End Date of the Hotel rate range.

MinRate Money 0..1 Minimum Rate offered by the hotel.

MaxRate Money 0..1 Maximum Rate offered by the hotel.

CurrencyCode CodeType 0..1 The base currency code for rate range (The currency code used by the hotel which the rate range belongs to).

Element: HotelRateRanges [type HotelInfoType]


The rate ranges which are offered by the hotels.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelRateRange HotelRateRangeType 0..*

Element: HotelRestaurant [type HotelRestaurantsType]


Name Type Required? Description

RestaurantCode CodeType No

OrderBy integer No

HotelCode CodeType No

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


RestaurantName StringLength1000 0..1 The name of the Restaurant.

RestaurantType StringLength1000 0..1 The Type of Restaurant.

Hours StringLength1000 0..1 The Hours of Operation of the Restaurant.

PriceRange StringLength40 0..1 The price range of the Restaurant.

Comments StringLength2000 0..1 Comments about the Restaurant.

Category RestaurantCategoryType 0..1 The category that the Restaurant belongs to.

TimeSpan TimeSpanType 0..1 The Start Date and End Date of the Restaurant.

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Component Type Occurs Description

NewRestaurantCode CodeType 0..1 The new Restaurant Code which is used in the change method.

Element: HotelRestaurants [type HotelInfoType]


Names of restaurants which can be found in the Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelRestaurant HotelRestaurantType 0..*

Element: HotelSummaryInfoList [element FetchHotelsRS]

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelSummaryType HotelSummaryType 0..*

Element: HotelSummaryType [type HotelsSummaryType]

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelCode CodeType 0..1 Code identifying the hotel.

HotelName StringLength80 0..1 The name of the hotel.

ActiveDate date 0..1 Date when the hotel opens for occupancy

InactiveDate date 0..1 Date when the hotel no longer is open for occupancy

ChainCode CodeType 0..1 Hotels Chain Code. This attribute uniquely assign Hotel to a single chain.

Element: HotelTransportation [type HotelTransportationsType]


Name Type Required? Description

TransportCode CodeType No

Label StringLength1 No

OrderBy integer No

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

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Component Type Occurs Description


PhoneNumber TelephoneType 0..1 The name of the package.

RelativePosition RelativePositionType 0..1

Description StringLength1000 0..1 The description of the transportation.

Comments StringLength2000 0..1 Comments about the transportation.

PriceRange StringLength40 0..1 The price range of the transportation.

Website URLType 0..1 Web address associated with transportation.

Element: HotelTransportations [type HotelBrochureType]


List of different transportation companies around the Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelTransportation HotelTransportationType 0..*

Element: HotelType [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails]


The type of the Hotel.

Element: HotelUserDefinedField [type HotelUserDefinedFieldsType]

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Category StringLength2000 0..1 The UDF Category for this information.

InfoType StringLength60 0..1 The UDF Type for this information.

Information StringLength60 0..1 The UDF attribute for this information.

Element: Hours [type HotelFeatureType]


The hours of operation of the amenity in the hotel.

Element: Hours [type HotelRestaurantType]


The Hours of Operation of the Restaurant.

Element: HouseKeeping [type RoomTypeShortInfoType]


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Indicates if room type of the room is flagged as housekeeping. This is read-only.

Element: Image [type ParagraphType]


An image for this paragraph.

Element: InactiveDate [type HotelSummaryType]


Date when the hotel becomes invalid for use.

Element: Information [type HotelUserDefinedFieldType]


The UDF attribute for this information.

Element: InfoType [type HotelUserDefinedFieldType]


The UDF Type for this information.

Element: Language [type AddressType]


Language code associated with the address

Element: Language [type OperaContextType]


Hotel's language code.

Element: Latitude [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/LocationControls]


Latitude of the hotel.

Element: LegalOwner [type HotelInfoType/Address]


Legal owner of the hotel.

Element: LocationControls [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls]


Location Controls information configuration of the hotel

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


TimeZoneRegion StringLength80 0..1 Time zone region of the hotel.

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Component Type Occurs Description

Longitude double 0..1 Longitude of the hotel.

Latitude double 0..1 Latitude of the hotel.

Element: LogLevel [type OperaContextType]


Log level to debug the code, such as FINE, FINER, and so on.














Element: LongDateFormat [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/DateTimeFormatting]


Long date format of the hotel.

Element: Longitude [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/LocationControls]


Longitude of the hotel.

Element: MaxAdultsInFamilyRoom [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


Maximum Adults for Family Room Type.

Element: MaxCapacity [type HotelEventSpaceDetailType]


The max capacity of the hotel event space.

Element: MaxCapacity [type HotelEventSpaceSummaryType]


The max capacity of this event space group

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Element: MaxChildrenInFamilyRoom [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


Maximum Children for Family Room Type.

Element: MaxOccupancies [type HotelEventSpaceDetailType]


List of max occupancies of the event space based on the setup code.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


MaxOccupancy integer 5..5 List of event space max occupancy.

Element: MaxOccupancies [type HotelEventSpaceSummaryType]


List of max occupancies of the event space based on the setup code.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


MaxOccupancy integer 5..5 List of event space max occupancy.

Element: MaxOccupancy [type EventSpaceMaxOccupanciesType]


List of event space max occupancy.

Element: MaxRate [type HotelRateRangeType]


Maximum Rate offered by the hotel.

Element: MaxRate [type HotelSummaryInfoType]


Name Type Required? Description

Amount Money No A monetary amount.

CurrencyCode AlphaLength3 No Provides a currency code to reflect the currency in which an amount may be expressed.

Element: MBSSupported [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/ApplicationMode]


Indicates if the hotel uses MBS (Marriott Business Services).

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Element: MeetingRooms [type HotelBanquetSpaceType]

Element: MinRate [type HotelRateRangeType]


Minimum Rate offered by the hotel.

Element: MinRate [type HotelSummaryInfoType]


Name Type Required? Description

Amount Money No A monetary amount.

CurrencyCode AlphaLength3 No Provides a currency code to reflect the currency in which an amount may be expressed.

Element: Name [type HotelAttractionType]


Attraction name for the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


DefaultText StringLength2000 0..1 Default text with character length from 0 to 2000.

TranslatedTexts TranslationsTextType 0..1 List of translated text and language codes.

Element: Name [type HotelContactType]


Name of the hotel contact.

Element: Name [type HotelsSummarySearchType]


Hotel name to be searched.

Element: NameID [type HotelContactIDType]


Contact or employee identifier.


Name Type Required? Description

URL string No URL that identifies the location associated with the record identified by the UniqueID.

Type CodeType Yes A reference to the type of object defined by the UniqueID element. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unique ID Type (UIT).

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Name Type Required? Description

Instance StringLength80 No The identification of a record as it exists at a point in time. An instance is used in update messages where the sender must assure the server that the update sent refers to the most recent modification level of the object being updated.

ID StringLength80 Yes A unique identifying value assigned by the creating system. The ID attribute may be used to reference a primary-key value within a database or in a particular implementation.

IDExtension integer No Additional identifying value assigned by the creating system.

ID_Context StringLength80 No Used to identify the source of the identifier (for example, IATA, ABTA).

Element: NewRestaurantCode [type HotelRestaurantType]


The new Restaurant Code which is used in the change method.

Element: No [type HotelEventSpaceSummaryType]


The total event space number which has the same space type, max capacity and setup style.

Element: NonSmokingRooms [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


The number of Non-Smoking Rooms of the Hotel.

Element: Note [type GeneralNoteType]


The body of the note.

Element: OperaContext [type OperaWebServiceRQBaseType]


Refer to Generic common types document.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


UserLanguage language 0..1 User's language code.

CROCode CodeType 0..1 Central Reservation office (CRO) code.

HotelCode CodeType 0..1 Hotel code.

Language CodeType 0..1 Hotel's language code.

RunningApplication StringLength3 0..1 Running Application. (Not supported)

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Component Type Occurs Description

TerminalId StringLength128 0..1 Terminal ID from where this request originated.

LogLevel LogLevelType 0..1 Log level to debug the code. such as FINE, FINER, and so on.

ExternalSystem StringLength80 1..1 External system code.

Override boolean 0..1 OPERA context is derived internally by request but in case client wants to override the OPERA Context it can send true and then the OperaContext will override the above settings, such as HotelCode.

TargetExternalSystem StringLength80 0..1 This element carries ID of the External System that serves this request. It is needed only while making a call to External WebServices from OPERA UI through integration.

UseLocal boolean 0..1 Determines whether local system should be used and ignore the external system instead.

Element: OperaPingInput [element PingRQ]


Optional Input for Ping operation.

Element: OperationHours [type HotelAttractionType]


Price range for the attraction.

Element: OperaVersion [element PingRS]


OPERA version number.

Element: OpertingUnit [type HotelCorporateInformationsType]

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


PrimaryCodes PrimaryCodeType 0..*

Element: Override [type OperaContextType]


OPERA context is derived internally by request but in case client wants to override the OPERA Context it can

send true and then the OperaContext will override the above settings, such as HotelCode.

Element: OwnerCode [type HotelContactType]


The contact's code in the hotel.

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Element: PackageName [type HotelPackageType]


The name of the package.

Element: PackagePrice [type HotelPackageType]


The price of the package.

Element: PhoneNumber [type HotelInfoType/Communication]


The direct dial phone number of the hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

PhoneTechType CodeType No Indicates type of technology associated with this telephone number, such as Voice, Data, Fax, Pager, Mobile, TTY, and so on. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Phone Technology Type (PTT).

PhoneUseType CodeType No Describes the type of telephone number, in the context of its general use (for example, Home, Business, Emergency Contact, Travel Arranger, Day, and Evening). Refer to OpenTravel Code List Phone Use Type (PUT).

PhoneUseTypeDescription StringLength2000 No Description of the PhoneUseType code

PhoneNumber StringLength40 Yes Telephone number assigned to a single location.

Extension StringLength20 No Extension to reach a specific party at the phone number.

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Element: PhoneNumber [type HotelTransportationType]


The name of the package.


Name Type Required? Description

PhoneTechType CodeType No Indicates type of technology associated with this telephone number, such as Voice, Data, Fax, Pager, Mobile, TTY, and so on. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Phone Technology Type (PTT).

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Name Type Required? Description

PhoneUseType CodeType No Describes the type of telephone number, in the context of its general use (for example, Home, Business, Emergency Contact, Travel Arranger, Day, and Evening). Refer to OpenTravel Code List Phone Use Type (PUT).

PhoneUseTypeDescription StringLength2000 No Description of the PhoneUseType code

PhoneNumber StringLength40 Yes Telephone number assigned to a single location.

Extension StringLength20 No Extension to reach a specific party at the phone number.

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Element: PingRQ


Request for Ping operation.


Name Type Required? Description

EchoToken StringLength128 No A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.

TimeStamp dateTime No Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the following format specified by ISO 8601; YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with time values using the 24 hour clock (for example, 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).

Version StringLength40 No For all OPERA versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by an OPERA Version value.

CorrelationID StringLength80 No Allow end-to-end correlation of log messages with the corresponding Web service message throughout the processing of the Web service message.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


OperaContext OperaContextType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

OperaPingInput OperaPingRequestType 0..1 Optional Input for Ping operation.

Element: PingRS


Response for Ping operation.

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Name Type Required? Description

EchoToken StringLength128 No A reference for additional message identification, assigned by the requesting host system. When a request message includes an echo token the corresponding response message MUST include an echo token with an identical value.

TimeStamp dateTime No Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the following format specified by ISO 8601; YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with time values using the 24 hour clock (for example, 20 November 2003, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 2003-11-20T13:59:38Z).

Version StringLength40 No For all OPERA versioned messages, the version of the message is indicated by an OPERA Version value.

CorrelationID StringLength80 No Allow end-to-end correlation of log messages with the corresponding Web service message throughout the processing of the Web service message.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description



Errors ErrorsType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.


Success SuccessType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

Warnings WarningsType 0..1 Refer to Generic common types document.

OperaVersion OperaVersionNumberType 0..1 OPERA version number.

Element: PointsRequired [type HotelPackageType]


Indicates the required membership points for the package.

Element: PostalCode [type AddressType]


Post Office Code number.

Element: PriceRange [type HotelAttractionType]


Price range for the attraction.

Element: PriceRange [type HotelFeatureType]


The price range of the amenity in the hotel.

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Element: PriceRange [type HotelRestaurantType]


The price range of the Restaurant.

Element: PriceRange [type HotelTransportationType]


The price range of the transportation.

Element: Primary [type PrimaryCodeType]

Element: PrimaryCodes [type PrimaryCodesType]

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Primary boolean 0..1

CodeDescription CodeDescriptionType 0..1

Element: PrimaryDetails [type HotelInfoType]


General/Primary Information of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


HotelType StringLength20 0..1 The type of the Hotel.

RoomCount integer 0..1 The total number of rooms in the Hotel.

BedCount integer 0..1 The total number of beds in the Hotel.

FloorCount integer 0..1 The total number of floors of the Hotel.

CheckInTime dateTime 0..1 The official check in time of the Hotel.

CheckOutTime dateTime 0..1 The official check out time of the Hotel.

HotelInfoWebsite URLType 0..1 URL where property information is located.

BaseLanguage LanguageType 0..1 The base language of the Hotel.

AccommodationDetails anyType (restriction)

0..1 Accommodation Details of the Hotel.

Element: PropertyControls [type HotelInfoType]


Property controls information configuration of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

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Component Type Occurs Description


SellControls anyType (restriction)

0..1 The sell controls information configuration of the hotel.

CurrencyFormatting anyType (restriction)

0..1 Currency Formatting information configuration of the hotel.

CateringCurrencyFormatting anyType (restriction)

0..1 Catering Currency Formatting information configuration of the hotel.

DateTimeFormatting anyType (restriction)

0..1 Date Time Formatting information configuration of the hotel

LocationControls anyType (restriction)

0..1 Location Controls information configuration of the hotel

ApplicationMode anyType (restriction)

0..1 Application Mode information configuration of the hotel.

Element: Pseudo [type RoomTypeShortInfoType]


Indicates if room is a pseudo. This is read-only.

Element: Qty [type RoomTypeComponentType]


Quantity of room component for the component room type.

Element: RateCode [type HotelPackageType]


Indicates the rate code for the package.

Element: ReciprocalRelationship [type AlternateHotelType]


Indicates if the alternate relationship should be applied to the alternate hotel as well. If this flag is true, not only

will the AlternateHotelCode hotel be an alternate for HotelCode hotel, but HotelCode hotel will also be an

alternate for AlternateHotelCode hotel.

Element: RegionCode [type HotelInfoType/Address]


The region code of the hotel.

Element: RelativePosition [type HotelAirportType]


Name Type Required? Description

Distance double No Defines the distance between two points.

DistanceType CodeType No The unit of measure in a code format. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unit of Measure Code (UOM).

DrivingTime CodeType No The driving time in a free text format.

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Element: RelativePosition [type HotelAttractionType]


Name Type Required? Description

Distance double No Defines the distance between two points.

DistanceType CodeType No The unit of measure in a code format. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unit of Measure Code (UOM).

DrivingTime CodeType No The driving time in a free text format.

Element: RelativePosition [type HotelSummaryInfoType]


Name Type Required? Description

Distance double No Defines the distance between two points.

DistanceType CodeType No The unit of measure in a code format. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unit of Measure Code (UOM).

DrivingTime CodeType No The driving time in a free text format.

Element: RelativePosition [type HotelTransportationType]


Name Type Required? Description

Distance double No Defines the distance between two points.

DistanceType CodeType No The unit of measure in a code format. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unit of Measure Code (UOM).

DrivingTime CodeType No The driving time in a free text format.

Element: RestaurantName [type HotelRestaurantType]


The name of the Restaurant.

Element: RestaurantType [type HotelRestaurantType]


The Type of Restaurant.

Element: Role [type HotelContactRolesType]






Element: Roles [type HotelContactType]


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List of HotelContactType.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Role HotelContactRoleType 0..*

Element: Room [type RoomRoomsType]


Collection of rooms.


Name Type Required? Description

RoomNumber CodeType No Code of the room.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


RoomType RoomTypeShortInfoType 0..1 Room type basic information of the room.

Floor CodeType 0..1 Floor of the Room.

FloorDescription CodeType 0..1 Description for the Floor of the Room.

RoomFeatures RoomFeaturesType 0..1 Room Features for the room.

Description TranslationTextType2000 0..1 Description of the room.

SmokingPreference CodeType 0..1 This indicates room smoking preference.

SmokingPreferenceDescription CodeType 0..1 This indicates the description of the room smoking preference.

Element: Room [type RoomSummarySearchType]


Wild card or list of rooms to be searched.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Code CodeType 0..* Codes to be searched.

WildCard CodeType 0..1 Wildcard search on the code.

Element: RoomAmenties [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


The information about the Room Amenities.

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Element: RoomClass [type RoomSummarySearchType]


List of room classes to search for rooms within.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Code CodeType 0..*

Element: RoomClass [type RoomTypeShortInfoType]


Room Class of the room. This is read-only.

Element: RoomComponent [type RoomComponentsType]


Component of a room.


Name Type Required? Description

RoomType CodeType No

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Qty integer 0..1 Quantity of room component for the component room type.

Description StringLength2000 0..1 Description of room component.

Rooms RoomRoomsType 0..1 Collection of rooms assigned to the room type component.

Element: RoomComponents [type ConfigRoomSummaryType]


Components of a room.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


RoomComponent RoomComponentType 1..* Component of a room.

Element: RoomCount [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails]


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The total number of rooms in the Hotel.

Element: RoomFeature [type RoomFeaturesType]


A recurring element that identifies the room features.


Name Type Required? Description

Code CodeType No A code representing a room feature.

Description StringLength2000 No A code representing a room feature.

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Element: RoomFeatures [type BaseRoomType]


Room Features for the room.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


RoomFeature RoomFeatureType 0..* A recurring element that identifies the room features.

Element: RoomName [type HotelConferenceRoomType]


The name of the Restaurant.

Element: Rooms [element FetchRoomsSummaryRS]


Collection of rooms.


Name Type Required? Description

MaxFetchCount integer No Indicates maximum number of records a Web Service should return.

PageNumber integer No Index or initial index of the set(page) being requested. If the index goes out of the bounds of the total set count then no data will be returned.

AllRowsFetched boolean No Indicates whether all the records are included in the response or not. Absence of the attribute values should be consider as all rows fetched in the response.

TotalRows integer No Total number of rows queried

TotalPages integer No Evaluated total page count based on the requested max fetch count.

Content Model

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Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


RoomsSummary ConfigRoomsSummaryType 0..* Collection of rooms summary.

Element: Rooms [type RoomComponentType]


Collection of rooms assigned to the room type component.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Room RoomRoomType 1..* Collection of rooms.

Element: RoomsSummary [element FetchRoomsSummaryRS/Rooms]


Collection of rooms summary.


Name Type Required? Description

HotelCode CodeType Yes Hotel Code of the rooms.

NoOfRooms integer No Current number of rooms.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


RoomSummary ConfigRoomSummaryType 1..*

Element: RoomSummary [type ConfigRoomsSummaryType]


Name Type Required? Description

RoomNumber CodeType No Code of the room.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


RoomType RoomTypeShortInfoType 0..1 Room type basic information of the room.

Floor CodeType 0..1 Floor of the Room.

FloorDescription CodeType 0..1 Description for the Floor of the Room.

RoomFeatures RoomFeaturesType 0..1 Room Features for the room.

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Component Type Occurs Description

Description TranslationTextType2000 0..1 Description of the room.

SmokingPreference CodeType 0..1 This indicates room smoking preference.

SmokingPreferenceDescription CodeType 0..1 This indicates the description of the room smoking preference.

RoomComponents RoomComponentsType 0..1 Components of a room.

ConnectingRooms RoomRoomsType 0..1 Connecting rooms of a room.

SellSequence double 0..1 Display sequence of a room.

Element: RoomType [type BaseRoomType]


Room type basic information of the room.


Name Type Required? Description

RoomType CodeType No Room type of the room.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Pseudo boolean 0..1 Indicates if room is a pseudo. This is read-only.

Suite boolean 0..1 Indicates if room is a suite. This is read-only.

RoomClass CodeType 0..1 Room Class of the room. This is read-only.

HouseKeeping boolean 0..1 Indicates if room type of the room is flagged as housekeeping. This is read-only.

SmokingPreference CodeType 0..1 Specifies the smoking preference for room type of the room.

Element: RoomType [type HotelConferenceRoomType]


The Type of Restaurant.

Element: RoomType [type RoomSummarySearchType]


List of room types to search for rooms within.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Code CodeType 0..*

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Element: RunningApplication [type OperaContextType]


Running Application. (Not supported)

Element: SellControls [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls]


The sell controls information configuration of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


StartDate date 0..1 Date when the hotel become valid for use.

EndDate date 0..1 The end date of the hotel.

HotelCode StringLength80 0..1 The hotel code.

Element: SellSequence [type ConfigRoomSummaryType]


Display sequence of a room.

Element: SetupStyle [type HotelSetupStylesType]


List of event space setup style codes.

Element: SetupStyles [type HotelEventSpacesType]


List of hotel setup style codes of the hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


SetupStyle CodeType 5..5 List of event space setup style codes.

Element: ShopDescription [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


The Description of the shops in the hotel.

Element: ShortDateFormat [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/DateTimeFormatting]


Short date format of the hotel.

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Element: SingleRooms [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


The number of single rooms of the hotel.

Element: SmokingPreference [type BaseRoomType]


This indicates room smoking preference.

Element: SmokingPreference [type RoomTypeShortInfoType]


Specifies the smoking preference for room type of the room.

Element: SmokingPreferenceDescription [type BaseRoomType]


This indicates the description of the room smoking preference.

Element: SpaceType [type HotelEventSpaceSummaryType]


The type of the event space

Element: StartDate [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/SellControls]


Date when the hotel become valid for use.

Element: StartDate [type TimeSpanType]

Element: State [type AddressType]


State or Province name (for example, Texas).

Element: Success [type OperaWebServiceRSBaseType]


Refer to Generic common types document.

Element: Suite [type RoomTypeShortInfoType]


Indicates if room is a suite. This is read-only.

Element: Suites [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


The number of suites of the hotel.

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Element: TargetExternalSystem [type OperaContextType]


This element carries ID of the External System that serves this request. It is needed only while making a call to

external web services from OPERA UI through integration.

Element: TerminalId [type OperaContextType]


Terminal ID from where this request originated.

Element: Text [type ParagraphType]


Formatted text content.


Name Type Required? Description

Formatted boolean No Textual information, which may be formatted as a line of information, or unformatted, as a paragraph of text.

Language language No Language identification.

TextFormat NMTOKEN (restriction)

No Indicates the format of text used in the description for example, unformatted or html.

Element: Text [type TranslationsTextType]


Name Type Required? Description

Lang CodeType Yes Language code for the translation.

Element: TimeFormat [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/DateTimeFormatting]


Time format for the hotel.

Element: TimeSpan [type HotelRateRangeType]


The Start Date and End Date of the Hotel rate range.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


StartDate date 0..1


Duration duration 0..1

EndDate date 0..1

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Element: TimeSpan [type HotelRestaurantType]


The Start Date and End Date of the Restaurant.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


StartDate date 0..1


Duration duration 0..1

EndDate date 0..1

Element: TimeZoneRegion [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/LocationControls]


Time zone region of the hotel.

Element: TollFreeNumber [type HotelInfoType/Communication]


Toll free phone number of the hotel.


Name Type Required? Description

PhoneTechType CodeType No Indicates type of technology associated with this telephone number, such as Voice, Data, Fax, Pager, Mobile, TTY, and so on. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Phone Technology Type (PTT).

PhoneUseType CodeType No Describes the type of telephone number, in the context of its general use (for example, Home, Business, Emergency Contact, Travel Arranger, Day, and Evening). Refer to OpenTravel Code List Phone Use Type (PUT).

PhoneUseTypeDescription StringLength2000 No Description of the PhoneUseType code

PhoneNumber StringLength40 Yes Telephone number assigned to a single location.

Extension StringLength20 No Extension to reach a specific party at the phone number.

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Element: TouristNumber [type HotelInfoType/PropertyControls/ApplicationMode]


The Tourist Number of the hotel.

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Element: TranslatedTexts [type TranslationTextType2000]


List of translated text and language codes.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Text StringLength2000 (extension)


Element: TransportationCode [type TransportationCodeListType]


Name Type Required? Description

Code StringLength20 No

Element: TransportationList [type HotelAirportType]


List of Transportation available from Airport to Hotel.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


TransportationCode TransportationCodeType 0..*

Element: TwinRooms [type HotelInfoType/PrimaryDetails/AccommodationDetails]


The number of Twin Rooms of the Hotel.

Element: Type [type HotelAttractionType]


The type of the attraction.

Element: UniqueID [type CommentInfoType]


Comment ID for the comment. It will be empty in case of a new comment.


Name Type Required? Description

URL string No URL that identifies the location associated with the record identified by the UniqueID.

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Name Type Required? Description

Type CodeType Yes A reference to the type of object defined by the UniqueID element. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unique ID Type (UIT).

Instance StringLength80 No The identification of a record as it exists at a point in time. An instance is used in update messages where the sender must assure the server that the update sent refers to the most recent modification level of the object being updated.

ID StringLength80 Yes A unique identifying value assigned by the creating system. The ID attribute may be used to reference a primary-key value within a database or in a particular implementation.

IDExtension integer No Additional identifying value assigned by the creating system.

ID_Context StringLength80 No Used to identify the source of the identifier (for example, IATA, ABTA).

Element: URL [type ParagraphType]


A URL for this paragraph.

Element: UseLocal [type OperaContextType]


Determines if the local system should be used and the external system ignored.

Element: UserLanguage [type OperaContextType]


User's language code.

Element: Warning [type WarningsType]


Used in conjunction with the Success element to define a business error.


Name Type Required? Description

Type CodeType Yes The Warning element MUST contain the Type attribute that uses a recommended set of values to indicate the warning type. The validating XSD can expect to accept values that it has NOT been explicitly coded for and process them by using Type ="Unknown". Refer to OpenTravel Code List Error Warning Type (EWT).

ShortText string No An abbreviated version of the error in textual format.

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Name Type Required? Description

Code CodeType No If present, this refers to a table of coded values exchanged between applications to identify errors or warnings. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Error Codes (ERR).

DocURL string No If present, this URL refers to an online description of the error that occurred.

Status string No If present, recommended values are those enumerated in the OTA_ErrorRS, (NotProcessed | Incomplete | Complete | Unknown) however, the data type is designated as string data, recognizing that trading partners may identify additional status conditions not included in the enumeration.

Tag string No If present, this attribute may identify an unknown or misspelled tag that caused an error in processing. It is recommended that the Tag attribute use XPath notation to identify the location of a tag in the event that more than one tag of the same name is present in the document. Alternatively, the tag name alone can be used to identify missing data [Type=ReqFieldMissing].

RecordID string No If present, this attribute allows for batch processing and the identification of the record that failed amongst a group of records. This value may contain a concatenation of a unique failed transaction ID with specific record(s) associated with that transaction.

RPH RPH_Type No Reference Place Holder used as an index for this warning.

Element: Warnings [type OperaWebServiceRSBaseType]


Refer to Generic common types document.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component Type Occurs Description


Warning WarningType 0..* Used in conjunction with the Success element to define a business error.

Element: WebPage [type HotelInfoType/Communication]


The web address of the hotel.


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Name Type Required? Description

Type StringLength20 No Defines the purpose of the URL address, such as personal, business, public, and so on.

TypeDescription StringLength2000 No Describes the Type code

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Element: Website [type HotelAttractionType]


Website for the attraction.


Name Type Required? Description

Type StringLength20 No Defines the purpose of the URL address, such as personal, business, public, and so on.

TypeDescription StringLength2000 No Describes the Type code

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Element: Website [type HotelTransportationType]


Web address associated with transportation.


Name Type Required? Description

Type StringLength20 No Defines the purpose of the URL address, such as personal, business, public, and so on.

TypeDescription StringLength2000 No Describes the Type code

PrimaryInd boolean No When true, indicates a primary information.

OrderSequence double No Display Order sequence.

Element: WildCard [type GenericMultipleCodesSearchType]


Wildcard search on the code.