oper semangat: a campaign to gain indonesian football supporter's optimist spirit


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Page 1: Oper Semangat: a campaign to gain Indonesian football supporter's optimist spirit
Page 2: Oper Semangat: a campaign to gain Indonesian football supporter's optimist spirit

The  Na'onal    football  team  pathe'c    achievements  

Page 3: Oper Semangat: a campaign to gain Indonesian football supporter's optimist spirit

As  we  know,  Indonesian  football  team  has  a  poor  performance  in  recent  years.    So,  many  fans  are  upset  and  cause  nega<ve  sen<ment  against  the  na<onal  team.  

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And  then  there  are  thousands  of  blasphemy  that  makes  the  player  depressed,  just  when  they  need  support.  

...and  the  fans  start  to  act  like  they  don’t  care  about  the  na<onal  team.  

Page 5: Oper Semangat: a campaign to gain Indonesian football supporter's optimist spirit

How  to  make  the  fans  op'mist  and    the  na'onal  team  gains  their  spirit  back?  

Page 6: Oper Semangat: a campaign to gain Indonesian football supporter's optimist spirit

“We  don’t  care  about  poli'c,          We  just  love  football!”  

Page 7: Oper Semangat: a campaign to gain Indonesian football supporter's optimist spirit

invites  people  to  upload  a  short  video  contains  their  enthusias<c  support  for  one  of  the  na<onal’s  team  player.  

All  Indonesians  who  never  gave  up  to  support  their  na<onal  football  team.  


Page 8: Oper Semangat: a campaign to gain Indonesian football supporter's optimist spirit

Spread  the  spirit  using    internet  and  social  media.  

Spread  the  spirit  using  internet  and  social  media.  




Page 9: Oper Semangat: a campaign to gain Indonesian football supporter's optimist spirit

The  uploaded  videos  will  be  compiled  into  one  single  video    

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We want to show that there are many people who still care and never give up to support their national football team.


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Page 12: Oper Semangat: a campaign to gain Indonesian football supporter's optimist spirit

169  people  +  1  dog  +  1  anima'on    have  par<capted  in  the  videos,  and  s<ll  con<nue  ...  

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Page 14: Oper Semangat: a campaign to gain Indonesian football supporter's optimist spirit

On  November  12th  2010  


Invite  us  to  share  about  in  their  office  ‘OPER  SEMANGAT  UNTUK  GARUDA’  

Page 15: Oper Semangat: a campaign to gain Indonesian football supporter's optimist spirit

h@p://on.C.me/draJYV   h@p://on.C.me/9MbRqQ   h@p://on.C.me/9gjVek  

For complete video, please check the links below:

Page 16: Oper Semangat: a campaign to gain Indonesian football supporter's optimist spirit

“  …  tenang  saja  sebelum  piala  AFF  pas<  usaha  kalian  itu  akan  terwujud”  

-­‐  PSSI  -­‐  

…and  on  24  November  2010  the  na<onal  team  will  play  against  Taiwan.  Our  video  will  be  on  the  big  screen  

during  the  whole  match….  

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Just  like  our  spirit  that  never  stop  burning,  and  so  will  this  campaign...  

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