opensap building applications on sap btp ... -

openSAP Building Applications on SAP BTP with Microsoft Services Week 3 Unit 1 00:00:05 Hello and welcome to the third week of the openSAP course on building applications on the 00:00:10 SAP Business Technology Platform using Microsoft services. 00:00:13 My name is Harutyun Ter-Minasyan. I'm a product expert for 00:00:16 the Business Technology Platform at SAP. In the last week, you learned 00:00:22 how to build integration scenarios using the SAP Business Technology Platform 00:00:26 and Microsoft services. And this week, we will have a look 00:00:31 at extension scenarios and explore the SAP Workflow Management. 00:00:36 Furthermore, we will learn how to create a "leave request" workflow, 00:00:40 and trigger it from Microsoft Teams. We will also learn how to send adaptive cards 00:00:45 from the workflows, and create the calendar entry 00:00:49 using Microsoft Graph. So let us start with unit one. 00:01:00 In this unit, I would like to give you an overview of SAP Workflow Management, 00:01:03 its capabilities, how you can set up the services, and everything you need to know about the Workflow APIs. 00:01:12 Last but not least, I would like to give you an overview of the target scenario 00:01:16 which we are going to build during upcoming units. So SAP Workflow Management is the cloud service offering 00:01:27 in the BTP extension suite for automating digital processes. 00:01:32 It comprises the following capabilities into one offering. We have the workflows, for developers and business users, 00:01:42 for building and running their workflows, and managing their process variants, 00:01:47 in a low-code no-code approach. We have the business rules 00:01:51 for automating the decision process and defining business policies and regulations. 00:01:58 Then, we have the end-to-end process visibility to ensure that the process execution 00:02:04 is behaving as expected and it's providing the right business value. 00:02:09 And also that we can identify performance issues, for example. 00:02:14 Then we have the SAP Fiori My Inbox application, which allows the end user a central access 00:02:21 to their tasks across different workflows and different provider systems. 00:02:27 Last but not least, this is tightly integrated with SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation 00:02:32 for automating tasks, and with SAP Conversational AI 00:02:36 for adding a digital assistant. All the mentioned capabilities of SAP Workflow Management 00:02:47 will help you to, first of all, enhance productivity by automating and tracking tasks like 00:02:54 approvals, or order fulfillments. It will help also to build and modify workflow applications 00:03:03 using Web-based tools, to embed the workflows into your custom applications using RESTful APIs. 00:03:13 And finally, to tailor your business processes by extending the cloud applications and workflows. 00:03:25 Now, let's have a look how we can get started with SAP Workflow Management.

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openSAP Building Applications on SAP BTP with Microsoft Services Week 3 Unit 1

00:00:05 Hello and welcome to the third week of the openSAP course on building applications on the

00:00:10 SAP Business Technology Platform using Microsoft services.

00:00:13 My name is Harutyun Ter-Minasyan. I'm a product expert for

00:00:16 the Business Technology Platform at SAP. In the last week, you learned

00:00:22 how to build integration scenarios using the SAP Business Technology Platform

00:00:26 and Microsoft services. And this week, we will have a look

00:00:31 at extension scenarios and explore the SAP Workflow Management.

00:00:36 Furthermore, we will learn how to create a "leave request" workflow,

00:00:40 and trigger it from Microsoft Teams. We will also learn how to send adaptive cards

00:00:45 from the workflows, and create the calendar entry

00:00:49 using Microsoft Graph. So let us start with unit one.

00:01:00 In this unit, I would like to give you an overview of SAP Workflow Management,

00:01:03 its capabilities, how you can set up the services, and everything you need to know about the Workflow APIs.

00:01:12 Last but not least, I would like to give you an overview of the target scenario

00:01:16 which we are going to build during upcoming units. So SAP Workflow Management is the cloud service offering

00:01:27 in the BTP extension suite for automating digital processes.

00:01:32 It comprises the following capabilities into one offering. We have the workflows, for developers and business users,

00:01:42 for building and running their workflows, and managing their process variants,

00:01:47 in a low-code no-code approach. We have the business rules

00:01:51 for automating the decision process and defining business policies and regulations.

00:01:58 Then, we have the end-to-end process visibility to ensure that the process execution

00:02:04 is behaving as expected and it's providing the right business value.

00:02:09 And also that we can identify performance issues, for example.

00:02:14 Then we have the SAP Fiori My Inbox application, which allows the end user a central access

00:02:21 to their tasks across different workflows and different provider systems.

00:02:27 Last but not least, this is tightly integrated with SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation

00:02:32 for automating tasks, and with SAP Conversational AI

00:02:36 for adding a digital assistant. All the mentioned capabilities of SAP Workflow Management

00:02:47 will help you to, first of all, enhance productivity by automating and tracking tasks like

00:02:54 approvals, or order fulfillments. It will help also to build and modify workflow applications

00:03:03 using Web-based tools, to embed the workflows into your custom applications using RESTful APIs.

00:03:13 And finally, to tailor your business processes by extending the cloud applications and workflows.

00:03:25 Now, let's have a look how we can get started with SAP Workflow Management.

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00:03:31 Of course, first of all, you need a Business Technology Platform account,

00:03:35 which you already created in the first unit. Then, one option is to activate the workflow management

00:03:43 from the service marketplace in a BTP cockpit or using the BTP command line interface (CLI).

00:03:49 So this option involves a couple of manual steps, like adding the entitlements, the quotas,

00:03:57 assigning the role collections to the users. If we miss the one or other step during this process,

00:04:06 they can potentially lead to failures while we are implementing our use cases.

00:04:11 This is something we, of course, would like to avoid. That's why the second option is,

00:04:17 which will help us to automate the steps with the help of so-called boosters.

00:04:23 So, this can help us to automate the onboarding and the setup process.

00:04:29 With the boosters, we will have a fully automated setup of the workflow service,

00:04:35 the business rules, and the business application studio in the Cloud Foundry environment.

00:04:40 The execution of the booster, I will show you in a bit, in a demo.

00:04:49 SAP Workflow Management also comes with pre-packaged applications,

00:04:53 like monitoring tools, which can be used for administrative activities by the process administrators.

00:05:00 For example, for monitoring the progress of the workflow instance,

00:05:04 viewing the metadata and the context information. It will also help them to troubleshoot the processes

00:05:12 to find issues. Furthermore, we have the My Inbox Fiori application,

00:05:19 which will allow the end users central access to their tasks,

00:05:23 and can be used for approving or rejecting certain requests. SAP Workflow Management offers a lot of APIs

00:05:36 and pre-packaged process content, which can be used from your applications.

00:05:41 It's available in SAP API Business Hub. The API Business Hub is the central place

00:05:47 for exploring and testing all SAP and partner APIs, integration content, process content, and so on.

00:05:54 And the workflow service is no exception, and can be found in the API Business Hub.

00:06:00 This is what we also did for the extension use case we were building,

00:06:05 and we used the APIs for interacting with the service. Now, I would like to show you a short demo

00:06:13 on how we can get started with SAP Workflow Management. For that, let's go to the

00:06:18 Business Technology Platform cockpit. And, in the BTP cockpit, we can find

00:06:27 this section called "Boosters". And when we open the boosters,

00:06:32 we will find the list of available boosters which will help us with the onboarding process.

00:06:40 In the category "Digital Process Automation", we can find the booster

00:06:43 for setting up the workflow management. When we open the booster, we can find the components,

00:06:53 all the services, and subscriptions which will be activated after execution of the booster.

00:06:58 For example, we have the SAP Business Application Studio, which we will use later for designing the workflows.

00:07:05 We have the Workflow Management service itself, the business rules, and so on

00:07:10 What we need to do is just to start the execution of the booster,

00:07:17 and it will check all the services and activate them in our BTP account.

00:07:25 So, you can see now that the activation is currently in progress.

00:07:32 After a couple of minutes, it will be finished. And we will find all the services in our account.

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00:07:40 So, you can see that everything was successfully finished. Now I can navigate to my BTP sub-account.

00:07:51 And in my BTP sub-account under "Instances and Subscriptions",

00:07:57 which was initially empty, no services were activated there,

00:08:03 now we will find a couple of subscriptions and instances activated there.

00:08:10 For instance, the Business Application Studio, and the Workflow Management service.

00:08:16 So, those services we will use in upcoming units for building our "leave request" workflow.

00:08:23 Before finishing the unit, I would like to give you an overview of the target scenario

00:08:27 which we are going to build in upcoming units. So the end user, or the employee,

00:08:33 can create a "leave request" via chatbot in Microsoft Teams, and it will trigger an SAP workflow.

00:08:40 The manager can approve or reject this request, either in the Fiori My Inbox application,

00:08:46 or directly in Outlook using Microsoft Adaptive Cards. As soon as a request is approved,

00:08:53 the calendar entry will be created in the applicant's Outlook using Microsoft Graph.

00:09:04 Here, you can find some further reading materials if you want to learn more about SAP Workflow Management.

00:09:10 You can find the links to SAP API Business Hub to check out all the available APIs.

00:09:19 And finally, you can find an upcoming openSAP course dedicated to SAP Workflow Management,

00:09:27 where you can learn more details about it. So in this unit, we have learned

00:09:35 what SAP Workflow Management is, how to get started with it,

00:09:39 and where to find the APIs and documentation. Also about the My Inbox and monitoring tools applications.

00:09:47 Last but not least, we saw the target scenario which we will build in upcoming units.

00:09:54 So, this is the end of this unit. And in the next unit, we will go one step further

00:09:59 and start creating the "leave request" workflow. Thank you for listening,

00:10:04 and I hope to see you in upcoming units.

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Week 3 Unit 2

00:00:06 Hello and welcome to week three, unit two of the openSAP course on building applications on

00:00:10 the SAP Business Technology Platform using Microsoft services.

00:00:15 My name is Harutyun Ter-Minasyan. I'm a product expert for the Business Technology Platform

00:00:19 at SAP. In the last unit, I talked about SAP Workflow Management,

00:00:24 its capabilities, and how to get started with it. In this unit, we will focus on building a

00:00:30 "leave request" workflow. We will cover how to create the leave request workflow

00:00:36 using SAP Business Application Studio, all about different user tasks available in

00:00:41 Workflow Management, about the forms, context variables, and much more.

00:00:47 Finally, how we can build, deploy, and test a workflow project on the Business Technology Platform.

00:00:56 Let's have a short recap about the scenario which we are going to build during this week.

00:01:01 The employee would like to create a "leave request" using the chatbot available in Microsoft Teams,

00:01:07 which will trigger the "leave request" workflow. The manager can approve or reject this workflow

00:01:12 either via the My Inbox application or directly in Outlook using Microsoft actionable messages.

00:01:20 And finally, we will create a calendar entry in the requestor's calendar using Microsoft Graph.

00:01:28 We will start building the scenario by building the workflow of the leave request.

00:01:39 The leave request workflow can be defined very simply by a few flow steps.

00:01:44 So, the flow will be started by an API call coming from Microsoft Teams.

00:01:50 Following that, we define the user task, ApproveOrReject Manager,

00:01:56 which has all the fields and forms necessary for the manager to approve the request.

00:02:02 Usually, the user tasks are those tasks which the end user performs, and these user tasks

00:02:10 will appear in the My Inbox application and in the custom application where the processor can see

00:02:17 the details about the task and can complete it. Following from that, we have the gateway for

00:02:25 the Manager Decision, and based on the decision we have defined the mail task

00:02:31 for DeclinedMail or ApprovedMail to send the leave requestor the approval status, via e-mail.

00:02:40 The context of the leave request workflow consists of a couple of variables.

00:02:45 The first one is the reason. This could be sick leave, vacation, and so on.

00:02:51 Then we have the requestor, the e-mail address of the requestor,

00:02:56 finally, the start and end day of the leave request. We'll explore in detail all these steps in a demo.

00:03:06 Now let's start and build our first workflow in BTP. In the last unit, we activated all the necessary services,

00:03:19 and here under Subscriptions we will find SAP Business Application Studio.

00:03:26 And let's navigate there to our development environment where we will build

00:03:31 the workflows. So, first of all, we need to create a new development space

00:03:36 and activate all the necessary tools so we can start the development.

00:03:41 So, what we need to do is to select the type of environment, and we will see a list of available services and extensions

00:03:51 which we can activate. So, for this unit and the entire week, we will need

00:03:57 later the Java Tools, MTA Tools, and, of course, for this unit for building workflows,

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00:04:03 the Workflow Management tools activated. As you can see, I already created and activated

00:04:13 another space, which I'll now use to build the scenario. Let's go into the space.

00:04:27 It might take a couple of minutes to load the space. Now the space is initiated, and here we have

00:04:39 different options to start building the project. The simplest way would be, if you're starting from scratch,

00:04:45 to use the templates provided by Business Application Studio for building workflow applications.

00:04:52 In my case, I already prepared and created a workflow project for the leave request,

00:04:58 which I would like to show you. Let's have a first look at the workflow definition itself.

00:05:06 So as you can remember, we defined the following flows. So the trigger, initiated by Microsoft Teams.

00:05:16 And following that, we have the user task. And we can have a look at the user task a bit in detail.

00:05:26 So here we provide all the information which we would like to show later on in, for example,

00:05:34 the My Inbox application, about the task, so what the end user will see,

00:05:40 in this case, the manager will see, and also some information in which inbox

00:05:47 the task will appear. In our case, to make it simple,

00:05:53 the approver and the requestor are the same person. So we provide from the context variable

00:05:59 the requestor e-mail address, who will approve the request himself.

00:06:07 We have the user interface where the fields are defined in a form.

00:06:13 So the form, we find also in the project. And here are the Requestor,

00:06:20 the Reason, Startdate, Enddate fields defined. Let's go back to the workflow.

00:06:27 Then we have the gateway for the manager decision, and following that tool, mail tasks accepting and declining.

00:06:39 And if you look into the DETAILS, you can see that here we are providing the details for the e-mail

00:06:46 to whom the request or the approval should be sent. In this case, again, we are reading from

00:06:53 the context variable the e-mail address, to send to that address the approval.

00:06:58 And we provide a subject and some mail text which will appear in the inbox of the requestor.

00:07:07 With that, we can end the workflow. Finally, I created some sample data which we can use

00:07:16 for testing purposes in Workflow Management tools. Now we have everything ready to deploy our workflow.

00:07:28 For that, I can, in my project, build the project which will generate for us a deployable archive file.

00:07:39 This archive file, we can find in the mta_archive file. And here we can find the file, and we can just deploy it

00:07:53 on the BTP. One last step is required to start testing the application.

00:08:06 And since we are using the mail task, we need to specify a mail server

00:08:11 which can be used for sending the e-mails out. For that, I created a destination which we can download

00:08:18 and import into our BTP Cockpit. In the BTP Cockpit, under the Destinations section,

00:08:27 you have the option to import this destination. And as you can see, here we are specifying all the details

00:08:43 needed for the SMTP server, for example, a hostname, the port, and, of course, the credentials that we need.

00:09:00 The Workflow Management service will use this destination and pull the configuration to send the e-mail out.

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00:09:07 Now we are ready to test the leave request workflow. So for that, we can go to the Workflow Management cockpit.

00:09:22 If you remember from a previous unit, Workflow Management provides us these monitoring tools,

00:09:29 and also the My Inbox application. And we can find our leave request workflow

00:09:35 in our Workflow Definitions. As you can see, the EmployeeLeaveRequest is defined here.

00:09:50 And now we can do a test and initiate a new instance which will pull the example data we provided

00:10:00 in the definition, and we can start a new instance of the workflow.

00:10:08 The instance has started. When we go back to the cockpit,

00:10:12 we will see that in our My Inbox application, a new task will appear for my user.

00:10:18 And if I go there, since I'm the same person who will approve the leave request, in this case,

00:10:26 I will see the information of the leave request, the details, and here I can approve or reject.

00:10:36 As an example, let's approve it. When we go back to Workflow Instances,

00:10:44 here you can see that we have one running instance, with the workflow context provided.

00:10:53 And if we refresh it, we can see that the task was completed successfully,

00:10:59 and we can have a look at the execution log. It was initiated by the user,

00:11:06 followed by the manager decision, and the manager decision was made

00:11:14 and the task was completed, and the e-mail was sent out successfully.

00:11:19 To verify it, we can go to our inbox, and we can find the approved vacation request in our inbox.

00:11:36 This is the end of the unit. You should now be able to create a leave request workflow,

00:11:42 have a basic understanding of the different task types available, and finally,

00:11:48 build and deploy a workflow project to the Business Technology Platform.

00:11:53 In the next unit, we will change gear, and talk about SAP Conversational AI.

00:11:58 Thanks for listening. I hope to see you in the next week.

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Week 3 Unit 3

00:00:05 Hello, and welcome to week three, unit three of the openSAP course Building Applications on

SAP BTP with Microsoft Services.

00:00:14 My name is Harutyun Ter-Minasyan. I'm a product expert for Business Technology Platform at SAP.

00:00:20 In the last unit I showed you how to create a leave request workflow using Business Application Studio,

00:00:27 and how to deploy it into BTP. This unit is dedicated to SAP Conversational AI.

00:00:38 We will start the unit with the overview of SAP Conversational AI. Then we will learn how to design a leave request chatbot

00:00:46 and trigger a workflow. Finally, how to integrate

00:00:50 Conversational AI with Microsoft Teams with the help of Azure bot.

00:01:00 Let us have a look once again at the solution architecture. And as you remember, last week,

00:01:08 we created the leave request workflow. And today we would like to create a chatbot

00:01:12 to connect to this workflow. And also that we integrate the chatbot with Microsoft Teams.

00:01:23 The main idea of SAP Conversational AI is to help the businesses to improve

00:01:28 the employee and the customer experiences. This can be achieved by combining two main components.

00:01:35 The first one is the end-to-end bot-building platform, which will allow you to create a bot from scratch with

00:01:42 low-code development, train the bot, connect it to external platforms, and monitor it.

00:01:49 And the second one is the digital assistant, which will offer you the conversational interface

00:01:56 to interact with your chatbot and also interact with the entire SAP solution portfolio.

00:02:06 Bot-building platform has the following four capabilities. The first one is the training,

00:02:14 which means building and maintaining the behavior of your chatbot,

00:02:17 which will make it understand any kind of question coming from the end user.

00:02:24 The second one is building your bot, which means building the flow of your conversation

00:02:31 from what we are calling in conversational AI as a "skill", I will explain it in the next slides in more detail.

00:02:38 The third one is the bot connector, which will help you to connect the chatbot

00:02:42 with any SAP solution or external platform. And the last one is monitoring of the chatbot,

00:02:49 which is also known as bot analytics, to understand how the customers and employees are talking to the chatbot,

00:02:57 and to analyze how it's actually working and is performing. As an outcome, you can find example conversation

00:03:07 with the bot to request the leave. So this is actually the bot that you are going to build

00:03:13 during this openSAP course. After creating the bot, we can ask for a leave request.

00:03:20 For example, I want to take a leave, and the bot will identify the leave request intent

00:03:25 and ask accordingly the required information for the leave request.

00:03:30 In this case, the start and end date of the leave. Also the leave type, and in conversational AI terminology,

00:03:37 intents represent an intention or something that the user wants to do.

00:03:43 So we'll see later how to define them in a demo. And after providing the start and end date,

00:03:49 the bot will confirm the request and trigger the workflow. Finally, we can close the conversation

00:03:56 by saying "thank you" or "goodbye". So once we have defined the intentions and trained the bot,

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00:04:05 we have to tell it what to do when it recognizes the intention of the user.

00:04:12 So this is what we call building skills. As you can see here, we have five skills.

00:04:18 For example, the skill "greetings" will be triggered when we say "hello" to the bot.

00:04:24 It will recognize our intention for greeting and will trigger the skill "greetings".

00:04:30 So this greeting skill doesn't have complex logic or many actions.

00:04:35 It's very simple, it just answers our greeting. It can be, for example, also a bit personalized

00:04:42 and add our name while saying, "hello". Similarly is the "goodbye" skill.

00:04:48 We have then two predefined other skills, which are created by default with every bot.

00:04:53 The first one is the "fallback", which is triggered if no other skill is triggered.

00:04:58 And the second one is "disambiguation", which is triggered during the conversation

00:05:03 in case multiple skills are triggered. Then we have the "leave-request" skill,

00:05:08 which is our main skill. And let's have a look at it in more detail.

00:05:15 So, basically, the skill "leave-request" handles the leave-request questions

00:05:20 and triggers the workflow. And as I mentioned it before,

00:05:24 the skill is triggered when an intention is identified. In this case, we are checking

00:05:30 if the leave-request intent is present. Once it's fulfilled, the next step is to retrieve

00:05:37 the information about the leave request from the user. This is what we call in conversational AI a "requirement".

00:05:43 So the bot will ask for the start and end date from the user. And once we have all the necessary information

00:05:50 from the user, it is time to perform certain actions. In this case, we would like to call the workflow API

00:05:59 and provide in the context all the information which we gathered during the conversation with the user.

00:06:07 Once we finalize the building and testing of the bot, we can connect the bot

00:06:13 to one of these supported channels. In this case, we would like to connect with Microsoft Teams.

00:06:20 First of all, we need to create a new bot channel registration in Microsoft Azure

00:06:26 and get all necessary credentials and then provide these credentials in a conversational AI

00:06:34 to establish connection to Microsoft Teams. Okay, now let's jump into the system

00:06:40 and see all the steps we learned here in action in the system.

00:06:46 This is the dashboard of Conversational AI, where we find all the bots we created,

00:06:51 or we can create new bots. As you can see,

00:06:54 I already created one bot calling leave-request. Let's have a look inside this leave-request bot.

00:07:04 As you remember, we had four capabilities for conversational AI bot building -

00:07:10 training it, building, connecting, and monitoring. Let's start with the training.

00:07:16 So the training part is where we define the intents, or the intentions of the user.

00:07:22 And here we created the intention of the leave-request, where we can specify the expressions

00:07:31 with which the end user can ask for the leave request. So we listed a couple of combinations of expressions,

00:07:38 how the user can ask the chatbot for the leave request. So you don't need to provide all possible combinations,

00:07:45 just giving a couple of samples. The platform will use it to train the bot

00:07:51 also to understand other combinations for asking for the leave request.

00:07:56 Once we provided the training information and trained the intents,

00:08:00 the next step is to build the skills. So whenever the intentions are recognized, right?

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00:08:07 So we can now do the actions based on that, which are our skills defined.

00:08:14 In this case, we have the leave-request skill, and the first step is to trigger the skill

00:08:21 whenever we identify that the user was asking for the leave. Once it's fulfilled, we need to start gathering

00:08:30 the information from the user, from the conversation, in this case, providing it in the requirements.

00:08:38 So we defined very simple requirements in this example, to get the start date, end date, and the leave type,

00:08:46 by providing the types here. So we can get from the user

00:08:51 the information to create the workflow leave request. Once we've gathered information,

00:08:59 we can actually perform the action. And the first step is just to inform that we have

00:09:06 all the information, and also list it from the contextual variables.

00:09:11 And as the next step, to perform the API call to the workflow instance.

00:09:17 So we provided the workflow instance API here and the credentials, which we took from the instance

00:09:24 from the BTP cockpit. And in the body, we need to give the context information,

00:09:28 which we gathered here, and which will be used from the workflow service for creating the leave request.

00:09:36 Once the API call is successfully triggered, we can let the user know that it was successfully triggered.

00:09:44 We have the option in a dashboard also to do the chat preview about our bot, so we can test it

00:09:55 and see how the chat is actually working directly here. I will continue it in a bit,

00:10:04 but for now I want to move to the next capability, to the connection, to connect it with the other platforms.

00:10:12 And we would like to connect with Microsoft Teams. As you can see, I already established connection

00:10:19 with Microsoft Teams, and it can be achieved by a few steps, following the wizard here.

00:10:27 What we need to do, We need to first of all

00:10:30 register a bot channel in Azure portal. Let's go to the Microsoft Azure portal where we can

00:10:39 look for bot channel registration. We can find the bot channel registration service.

00:10:49 And here providing the unique identifier, subscription type, and a couple of pieces of location information,

00:10:58 we can actually create this registration for the bot in Azure.

00:11:02 So this is something that I already prepared as well, and we can find it here.

00:11:10 And once the creation is done in the configuration part, we will find all the information we need to exchange

00:11:18 between two platforms. So we need the Microsoft application ID

00:11:22 to provide in Conversational AI, and also to get the credentials from here.

00:11:29 Finally, we provided the messaging endpoint from Conversational AI into Microsoft Azure here.

00:11:37 So once these steps are performed, the channel registration is actually done,

00:11:44 and we can have a look within the channels. And you can see that I have one running channel for Microsoft Teams.

00:11:55 And when I go to Microsoft Teams, you can see that my chatbot channel is available in the chat.

00:12:05 And I can start my conversation with the bot. So I can ask that I want to take a leave to the bot.

00:12:20 Provide a start date and also provide the end date of the leave.

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00:12:30 Finally, the bot will ask me about the purpose of my leave. This time I will say I will take sick leave

00:12:39 for these days. You get the confirmation that the workflow

00:12:49 was successfully triggered. So to verify it,

00:12:53 we can go into SAP Workflow Management cockpit. And as you can remember,

00:13:00 we can have the monitoring of workflow instances. And if you look inside the workflow instances,

00:13:07 we will find there one running instance, which we just created.

00:13:12 And from the context information, we can read that it was the request we just requested

00:13:19 for the sick leave. What I can do as well,

00:13:23 the task of the leave request will also appear in the My Inbox application,

00:13:28 where I can, the manager, in this case me, can approve or reject the leave request.

00:13:42 As usual here, you can find some learning materials if you want to learn more about the SAP Conversational AI.

00:13:49 Also, you can find the openSAP course dedicated to conversational AI

00:13:54 if you want to learn more details about it. This is the end of unit three.

00:14:01 Now you should be able to create a simple chatbot using SAP Conversational AI

00:14:07 and connect it to Microsoft Teams. In the next unit,

00:14:12 you will meet my colleague, Holger Bruchelt, who will explain to you how to send an adaptive card

00:14:18 from the workflow. So thank you for your attention,

00:14:22 and hope to see you in upcoming units.

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Week 3 Unit 4

00:00:05 Hello and welcome to week three, unit four of our openSAP course,

00:00:10 Building Applications on SAP Business Technology Platform with Microsoft Services.

00:00:16 In this unit, we'll take a look at adaptive cards

00:00:19 and how we can leverage them in the context of SAP workflows.

00:00:24 So basically what we want to do in this unit is to take one of the workflow tasks that we had created before

00:00:33 in the units with Harutyun, and transform them into so-called adaptive cards.

00:00:37 Now, obviously in order to do this, we need to understand what is actually an adaptive card.

00:00:41 So we'll also quickly take a look at the concepts and the ideas of these adaptive cards.

00:00:46 And then we'll actually send an e-mail, an Outlook message, an actionable message to Outlook

00:00:54 so that you can approve your workflow directly from within Outlook.

00:01:00 So all of this is actually based on a fantastic blog post by Harald Schubert,

00:01:06 and we have taken this and enhanced and extended this scenario.

00:01:11 So basically what we'll do now is we'll take a look at this custom Java application that you can see here in the middle.

00:01:19 This Java application is basically the heart of the integration scenario that we have here.

00:01:25 This Java app will actually act as a transformer to send or to take the workflow task

00:01:33 and transform it into this adaptive card, send it to Outlook,

00:01:37 and then also listen to and retrieve updates that will come in via the adaptive card.

00:01:44 So basically we have these different steps here.

00:01:49 So we have the Java custom app listening to updates or new tasks in the Business Technology Platform.

00:01:59 When that is done, then the application actually takes the data

00:02:03 from this specific form, converts the form,

00:02:08 the task form into an adaptive card, sends this e-mail or this adaptive card

00:02:15 via the Exchange server to the specific user, the Outlook of the specific user

00:02:22 processes this adaptive card, and asks the user to take a decision.

00:02:27 And then once this decision is done, then the task is actually approved

00:02:35 in the SAP system. And in this unit,

00:02:37 we'll skip the last step here, the create calendar item.

00:02:42 That's something that we can look for in our next unit. So basically if we just focus on this actionable message,

00:02:50 the idea here is that the e-mail that is sent to the e-mail server,

00:02:57 then retrieved in Outlook there, this is an actionable message, basically.

00:03:03 So it's not only a read functionality where the user can read through an e-mail,

00:03:08 but the user can actually take actions. So you'll see in a second that there are certain activities

00:03:14 associated to this. And if a user clicks on one of these buttons,

00:03:17 then we can do an http call back to the Business Technology Platform, to our Java app,

00:03:22 and then approve this specific leave request in our specific case in the SAP system.

00:03:31 So what are all these adaptive cards? These adaptive cards are platform-agnostic snippets

00:03:38 of a user interface. And they're based on a JSON structure,

00:03:43 and they have certain elements that allow you to easily create

00:03:48 beautiful-looking user interfaces that not only run in Outlook,

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00:03:53 but really across different platforms. So the beauty there is if you create this adaptive card,

00:03:59 it runs in Outlook. So a user can see it embedded in an e-mail,

00:04:03 but it also runs in Teams and SharePoint and in lots of other clients.

00:04:07 So it's a really beautiful way to bring actionable information to different end users.

00:04:15 In our specific flow again, in this specific unit,

00:04:19 what we'll focus on is just the Java app that creates the adaptive card out of the SAP workflow tasks,

00:04:28 then transforms this and sends the application or this adaptive card to the user

00:04:35 and the user then can finally approve the task in Outlook.

00:04:41 So actually, let's take a quick look at how this looks. So let me quickly open up here

00:04:50 my Teams experience. So obviously this is something that we have created before.

00:04:55 So as before, I can just interact with this specific chatbot here.

00:05:02 So I'm getting a reply here from the chatbot. If I now say "leave request"

00:05:10 so that we want to create a leave request, now the bot asks me,

00:05:15 "Well, what is the start date?" So maybe we'll start this for tomorrow.

00:05:24 And the end date is, let's say, in two days from today,

00:05:30 so July 10th, 2021. So with this information now,

00:05:37 the chatbot has all the relevant information it needs to create the leave request.

00:05:43 It just asks me now what kind of leave request. So we'll select a vacation.

00:05:50 And that's basically it. So now as before,

00:05:54 the chatbot actually creates the leave request in the SAP system.

00:05:58 So if I switch over here to the inbox, if I refresh the screen here,

00:06:04 then we can see that there's now one task pending in the inbox.

00:06:11 And obviously I could now approve this specific leave request directly here

00:06:15 from the Fiori application. We could have other applications that bring this information

00:06:21 to the user, but the important thing is now that the workflow is triggered.

00:06:25 Now the important thing that happens hopefully in a second,

00:06:29 is if I switch over here to my e-mail, and you can see it just arrived.

00:06:35 I got this e-mail that says, look there's a new vacation request.

00:06:39 And here you see all the relevant information. And again, this could be even more beautiful

00:06:43 and there could be additional information in here, but what I can now do is I can just click on Accept.

00:06:48 So you can see there's really an action provided in this specific e-mail.

00:06:52 And if I click on accept, then as mentioned before,

00:06:56 we sent an HTTP request back to the SAP system. And now obviously if I switch over here to my inbox,

00:07:02 and if I refresh here this list, you can see that the leave request was actually approved

00:07:10 and is now gone from my task list. Okay.

00:07:15 So how have we done this? Well, actually, it's pretty simple.

00:07:19 The most important thing actually is that we need to register this actionable message

00:07:26 in the actionable e-mail developer dashboard. So that is one site where you need to go

00:07:34 to create mainly a provider ID, an organizational ID.

00:07:38 You need to set who's a trusted audience because obviously you don't want to render

00:07:43 all actionable messages or all adaptive cards in your Outlook.

00:07:48 You really want to limit this to a trusted set of senders. And that's what we do in this specific screen here.

00:07:57 Once that is done, you just need to provide this information into your

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00:08:01 Java app, and that's it. So again, let me quickly switch back to the demo

00:08:07 so that we can take a look at this. So the most important step here is really this

00:08:13 actionable e-mail developer dashboard. So here you can actually do this for multiple

00:08:20 actionable messages. Here we have, for example,

00:08:23 the openSAP workflow step here, and you would just create a new provider.

00:08:28 In our case, we have done this already.

00:08:30 We've created a provider ID or the provider ID is generated here.

00:08:34 The organizational ID is created. We provide some trusted sender e-mail addresses,

00:08:41 and that's basically it. In our specific case here,

00:08:45 we're just using a test user. Obviously, if this is really in a productive usage,

00:08:49 you could say this should be a global trust end, and it should be available to everyone.

00:08:54 Now with this, let's actually switch to the Java app. So I'm opening up here

00:08:59 our Business Application Studio, where we have deployed our

00:09:03 workflow Outlook integration application. And the first thing that we need to do is here

00:09:08 in the, that's where you need to provide here this

00:09:13 organizational ID and this originator, the provider ID.

00:09:19 Actually, if this is not correct, then it might happen that this

00:09:25 actionable e-mail here or this adaptive card here is not rendered properly.

00:09:29 And what you can do there, there's a debugger,

00:09:32 there's an actionable message debugger, which you can install as an add-in

00:09:37 to your Outlook environment here. If you click on that,

00:09:40 then you get a lot of detailed information like who is the originator ID,

00:09:45 what's the correlation ID, and so on. And this can be very, very helpful

00:09:50 in troubleshooting why, for example, this adaptive card here would not be rendered.

00:09:58 So again, just if you encounter some issues,

00:10:01 then just install here the actionable message debugger and you should be fine.

00:10:06 So this is, as mentioned, the first thing that you need to update

00:10:11 in the Java application. Now let's quickly take a look at another

00:10:14 very important piece and that's the card builder. Because the card builder,

00:10:20 what the card builder does is it takes the tasks, the workflow tasks,

00:10:25 so the JSON structure of workflow tasks from the Business Technology Platform.

00:10:31 And it transforms this workflow task in an adaptive card

00:10:39 and then sends this information back over to the SAP system.

00:10:43 So that is where the whole magic happens. And I think obviously you can spend a little more time

00:10:50 to dig deeper here to enhance this whole scenario. There's corresponding config files that

00:11:00 outline the template, how the adaptive card looks.

00:11:03 So I think that's a good place to get started. So with this actually,

00:11:09 let's switch over back to the presentation here. This is actually a fairly quick unit.

00:11:22 So we talked about what is an adaptive card. We talked about how you can use the Java app

00:11:30 or an enhanced version of the Java app from Harald Schubert to transform this

00:11:34 workflow task into an adaptive card, and then how we can actually send this adaptive card

00:11:39 over to Outlook so that end user can then

00:11:45 actually approve the leave request directly from Outlook. With this, thank you very much.

00:11:52 Here again, like always, we have additional information. There's also information about actionable messages,

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00:12:00 adaptive cards. There's a playground for how you can actually start building

00:12:04 your adaptive card and get started with this. So check out some of these links.

00:12:09 With this, thank you very much and see you soon in one of the next units.

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Week 3 Unit 5

00:00:05 Hello, and welcome to week three, unit five of our openSAP course, Building Applications

00:00:11 on SAP Business Technology Platform with Microsoft Services. My name is Holger Bruchelt,

00:00:17 and I'm happy to talk about this unit five, Microsoft Graph: create a calendar entry.

00:00:23 So in the last unit, we talked about the integration of the adaptive cards to send some notification to Outlook.

00:00:33 Now, what we want to do is we want to continue the story and talk a little about the Microsoft Graph.

00:00:39 Take a look at how the Microsoft Graph Explorer works. A nice tool that helps you get started,

00:00:45 helps you to get familiar with the Microsoft Graph. Talk about the steps required to actually

00:00:50 make the authentication happen to this Microsoft Graph. And then we'll configure a destination service

00:00:57 on the Business Technology Platform. So to start with, let's put this into perspective again.

00:01:03 Where are we? So this is our overall scenario again,

00:01:06 and we have most of the things already now in place. And now what we want to do is, once the leave request

00:01:13 has been approved, we want to actually create a calendar entry

00:01:19 in your Outlook. So for this, obviously, we need to call some APIs

00:01:22 that allow me to connect to my Exchange server and allow me to create an entry there.

00:01:29 And this is something where we, yeah, where need to first, obviously, take a look

00:01:33 at the available APIs. In the past, there were multiple APIs spread

00:01:37 across different Microsoft products, but in recent years now, Microsoft has really combined

00:01:46 and concentrated all these relevant APIs into one central entry point.

00:01:52 And that's the Microsoft Graph. This central endpoint allows customers to easily connect

00:01:57 to, and from there, access multiple Office 365,

00:02:03 Azure Active Directory, and other services. This means that if you authenticate once

00:02:09 against a Microsoft Graph, you actually have access to a lot of information there.

00:02:13 You can retrieve your profile information. You can retrieve documents that are stored

00:02:19 in your OneDrive. You can retrieve information that is part

00:02:22 of your Exchange calendar. And that's exactly what we will focus on.

00:02:27 Now, obviously all of this is really protected, and by the Azure Active Directory.

00:02:33 So everything that can be searched, that can be accessed via the Microsoft Graph

00:02:39 is protected via Azure Active Directory, which also means this is no different to what you would see

00:02:45 if you actually open up Outlook or if you open up OneDrive.

00:02:48 You will only see these documents via the graph that you have also access to,

00:02:53 via the known tools. And what I very much like,

00:02:58 especially to get started with the Microsoft Graph, is the so-called Microsoft Graph Explorer.

00:03:04 If you click on the link, then you will end up here with this Graph Explorer.

00:03:09 And even without signing in, there's a sample user automatically assigned

00:03:15 to the Graph Explorer experience. You can already test it.

00:03:19 You can take a look at the profile. So if you click on here, for example, the get profile,

00:03:25 then you would see the API coming up here, and you can actually really test

00:03:29 how the graph API really works. And this is available for a lot of different scenarios.

00:03:34 So what I really love is to just play around and see how it works.

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00:03:39 And then when you're ready, you can actually sign in with your corporate credentials,

00:03:45 for example. And as in our specific scenario,

00:03:48 obviously, with our Office 365 and developer account, you can just sign in with this specific user,

00:03:54 and then you can experience to really see your specific data.

00:03:58 So the data of the test users that were previously created. So I think this is really a beautiful experience

00:04:07 to get started and to learn about the Microsoft Graph. Once we've done this,

00:04:12 and maybe you can check the APIs to actually query the Exchange calendar

00:04:21 or maybe you can create an entry in your Exchange calendar already via these APIs.

00:04:27 But once you've understood how this works, then we can actually look at the authentication.

00:04:32 So very similar, like in the Business Technology Platform, in order to be able to authenticate to the graph via APIs,

00:04:40 the first thing that we need to do is we need to create an application, and this application will allow

00:04:46 or will actually provide us with a client ID and client secret that we then can use later on

00:04:52 for the authentication using OAuth. Now, in addition to this authentication,

00:04:57 we also need to provide scopes, permissions. Like what scopes and APIs

00:05:05 is the user actually able to access? Is this access able to just read information in my calendar?

00:05:13 Or it should this specific access, this application that we are creating here,

00:05:17 should it be also allowed to write information? So what we will need to do in our specific case,

00:05:23 we'll need to create this application to get the client ID and client secret,

00:05:27 and then we also need to provide API permissions to allow Calendars.ReadWrite.

00:05:33 With this, actually, we can switch sides and log into the Business Technology Platform.

00:05:38 And in the Business Technology Platform, we'll create a destination.

00:05:41 So very similar, like if you create a destination to connect to your SAP system,

00:05:45 maybe the SAP system on-premise or something like that. Here, we'll create now a destination

00:05:51 that allows us to connect to the Microsoft Graph. So you'll see that we have the URL for the graph

00:05:58 that provided. And this allows us to get access to the Microsoft Graph.

00:06:04 Then we also need to provide the client ID and client secret.

00:06:07 These is exactly the information that we just previously got when we actually registered

00:06:13 our application in Azure Active Directory. So with this, we're actually ready to go.

00:06:18 And then we can easily continue the integration to be able to create calendar entries

00:06:25 in our Microsoft Exchange service so that you can actually see then your calendar in Outlook.

00:06:34 And in order to show you that, let's actually hand over to Harutyun,

00:06:40 who will give you a live demo of this specific scenario and some of the configuration steps that are required.

00:06:47 Thank you Holger for the introduction. Now I would like to show in action the scenario in a demo.

00:06:56 So let's start with having a look at the Graph Explorer. So the central entry point for all Microsoft APIs.

00:07:05 So this is a great place where you can find all the APIs you are looking for.

00:07:10 We have a lot of sample queries, and also to try it and find out the right API,

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00:07:17 which you can later integrate in your application. So this is what we did as well.

00:07:22 Since we were interested in creating a new calendar entry in our Outlook,

00:07:27 so we were looking for the Outlook Calendar APIs, and we found a couple of them,

00:07:34 and we're more interested in the so-called events in my calendar API.

00:07:41 And here using this API, we were later able to create the new calendar entries

00:07:49 on our Outlook. So you can see,

00:07:52 you can run the query to get all the information from my calendar.

00:07:57 Also have different operations to create a new entry when we provide the request body as well.

00:08:05 So very helpful, also the permissions where we can find the right permissions

00:08:11 we need later to grant access to consume these APIs.

00:08:17 So once we identified the right APIs, the next step was to register an application on Azure portal

00:08:24 and expose those graph APIs. So that's what we did as well.

00:08:29 So we register a new application in an Azure portal, and after successful registration,

00:08:36 we will get generated an application ID, a directory ID,

00:08:43 which we can use later from Business Technology Platform to access the API.

00:08:49 Then we created also a secret so that we can securely access the API.

00:08:55 And finally, we granted the right permissions and the scopes to the API

00:09:02 so that we can only use the calendar entry and not other APIs exposed from the graph.

00:09:10 So this can be done very easily. So by adding the permissions for Microsoft Graph.

00:09:17 And so similarly, what we saw in the Graph Explorer, we will find all the APIs here and the permissions

00:09:24 of those APIs. As you can see, I selected the Calendars.Read

00:09:29 and Calendars.ReadWrite permissions for our use case. So actually once we granted the permissions,

00:09:37 we can move to Business Technology Platform, where we can define the APIs to use it from our application.

00:09:46 So for that, we can use the great destination service in the Business Technology Platform

00:09:53 where you can specify all the details and credentials of the graph.

00:09:59 So here we provided the right URL of the graph, and also the authentication credentials,

00:10:07 so the client ID and the client secret we got generated. And important is also to provide the right token endpoint.

00:10:16 So the right directory ID is also generated in an Azure app registration.

00:10:24 And we provided that here as well. Once we define the destination,

00:10:31 we can then consume it from our Java application to actually create the calendar entry.

00:10:36 That's what we did as well. So in our Java application,

00:10:43 we created a new function, which actually gets the destination, consumes it,

00:10:49 and uses that for creating a new calendar entry in the Outlook.

00:10:58 Now let's have a look how it will look in action when we request a leave request.

00:11:06 So I can start conversation the with Teams. So the chatbot.

00:11:15 So I would like to request leave again. So I need to provide the start date.

00:11:22 So starting from today, I would like to take a vacation. Okay, so we can see the confirmation,

00:11:50 and that the workflow was successfully triggered. From here, again, as you remember,

00:11:57 we had the two options, either using My Inbox application or directly the actionable messages in Outlook

00:12:05 to approve or reject the request. So let me go to Outlook,

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00:12:10 and where we can find the request there. So you can see, we just received the request.

00:12:21 So after proofing, I can accept it directly in Outlook.

00:12:28 And I got a message that it was successfully created, and also that the calendar entry was added in my Outlook.

00:12:39 So let's have a look at that. And here we are.

00:12:47 So you can see, I have created a new calendar blocker in my Outlook, starting from today.

00:13:00 All right. So in this unit, you learned about Microsoft Graph

00:13:05 and how to use the Graph Explorer. Finally, how to use the destination service

00:13:10 in Business Technology Platform to create a new calendar entry using Microsoft Graph APIs.

00:13:20 As usual, you can find some helpful learning materials for further reading.

00:13:25 And in the next unit, we will have a summary of the key takeaways from week three,

00:13:32 also to have an outlook on core engineering and innovations on SAP Business Technology Platform

00:13:38 and Microsoft integrations. Thank you for your attention,

00:13:42 and hope to see you in the next units.

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Week 3 Unit 6

00:00:05 Hello, and welcome to week three, unit six of our openSAP course, Building Applications on

SAP Business Technology Platform

00:00:12 with Microsoft Services. My name is Holger Bruchelt,

00:00:15 and like in the last unit of week two, Harut and I want to provide a summary of this week,

00:00:21 and an outlook of what is happening in the Teams integration,

00:00:24 security or single sign-on area. So let us take a look at the agenda.

00:00:30 As said, we quickly want to do a recap of week three. Talk about things that we have done,

00:00:35 that you hopefully have done in the exercises. And then we want to take a look at

00:00:40 the things that are happening in the Teams integration. So what SAP and Microsoft have been doing when it comes

00:00:47 to the Teams integration. Then we also want to look at single sign-on.

00:00:51 So obviously, throughout this course, when we were talking about integrating SAP data

00:00:56 with Microsoft services and the other way around, one key topic is always single sign-on.

00:01:02 And we didn't talk too much about this, but actually there are a lot of things happening where SAP and Microsoft,

00:01:08 where we're working together to simplify the way how customers can actually do a single sign-on

00:01:14 between their SAP world and their Microsoft world. So with this, let's quickly take a look

00:01:19 at what we have done in the last week. So we created a pretty interesting sample application

00:01:27 that allows you to create a leave request, that triggers a workflow that we had previously created

00:01:34 in the Business Technology Platform. And this workflow simulates a leave request.

00:01:40 Then we created a chatbot within Teams that allows you, or that allows an end user actually

00:01:46 to create a leave request, or sick leave or whatever,

00:01:50 directly from within Teams and trigger a workflow on the Business Technology Platform.

00:01:56 Now, the users could go into the Business Technology Platform

00:01:58 and approve the workflow directly there via an SAP Fiori user interface.

00:02:05 But what we have also done, we have created or deployed a Java application that pushes

00:02:11 an adaptive card to Outlook. In this adaptive card,

00:02:15 users can actually take actions directly from within their Outlook experience.

00:02:20 So they not only get the notification that a new workflow is there, that I need to do something,

00:02:24 but I can actually really approve or reject this workflow directly from Outlook.

00:02:29 Now, if I have approved this workflow, then we use the Microsoft Graph integration

00:02:35 to actually create a calendar entry in your exchange. So hopefully this is something that you have done

00:02:42 also in the exercises. I personally think this is one

00:02:45 of the most beautiful exercises that shows how services from the Business Technology Platform can be integrated

00:02:52 and can be combined with services on the Azure side, where we look at the Teams integration,

00:02:57 where we look at Microsoft 365, the Office integration, the Outlook integration.

00:03:01 So this is for me one of the most beautiful scenarios that shows what is possible.

00:03:06 And it can inspire a lot of customers on what they can do by really leveraging the services

00:03:12 on the SAP and the Microsoft side. So now what we want to take a look at

00:03:17 is what is actually coming from SAP and Microsoft natively. So again,

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00:03:21 we showed you how to create a chatbot experience, for example, in Teams,

00:03:25 but this is custom development obviously. And there are lots of scenarios where we see customers

00:03:30 and partners really using these techniques, using these different building blocks

00:03:38 to create content for your Teams environment. But actually if you look at what SAP and Microsoft are doing,

00:03:44 and that is something that we talked about in the very first week of this openSAP course,

00:03:50 we talked about the investments that both Microsoft and SAP are doing in this area.

00:03:55 And especially around Teams, we've been focusing on three main areas,

00:04:00 so on the employee experience, on the supplier experience, and on the sales experience.

00:04:05 And actually, while we were recording this openSAP course,

00:04:09 a lot of things happened. So there's a lot of new content already available,

00:04:14 and actually looking at the roadmap, even more will come. So for example,

00:04:19 if we look at the SAP Sales Cloud integration, this is something that is available now in the Microsoft Teams store.

00:04:26 So you can go there. If you have a Sales Cloud system,

00:04:28 you can connect your SAP Sales Cloud experience directly with Teams and then benefit from this integration.

00:04:35 Similarly, there are a few other scenarios that are already available.

00:04:39 Again, others are on the horizon. So what I want to do now is take a quick look at yeah,

00:04:44 what you can do today. So let me actually switch over to my Teams environment.

00:04:50 And here I'm logged in as a user, obviously here as the user Nestor.

00:04:57 And what I can do, I can go here to the app store section, and in the app store, if I search actually for SAP,

00:05:05 then you can see there are a few applications already available.

00:05:09 So down here, for example, you can see the SAP Sales Cloud scenario

00:05:14 that I talked about before. So if you have an SAP Sales Cloud system,

00:05:18 you can just go here. You can connect your SAP Sales Cloud system.

00:05:22 And then as a result, you have a functionality

00:05:25 or you have an additional application here in your Teams meeting application

00:05:29 that allows you to interact with your SAP Sales Cloud system directly from the meeting.

00:05:35 Another thing that I want to highlight or want to showcase is this ByDesign integration.

00:05:40 So very similar to the Sales Cloud, you can just here click on Teams,

00:05:44 you would say, where do I want the ByDesign experience to show up?

00:05:49 Then you just click on "Set up a tab" in Teams. And then you just need to provide

00:05:56 some configuration on your Teams environment. That's actually something that I have already done.

00:06:01 So if I go here to this channel, I can, for example, see here,

00:06:05 the list of opportunities really coming from my ByDesign system.

00:06:10 So if I click here on execute the query, then we are fetching, from within Teams,

00:06:15 all the relevant information from my ByDesign system. And obviously I can now drill down.

00:06:21 I can take a look at this specific opportunity or something like that.

00:06:24 So all the data is easily accessible to me. Similarly, if I want to check the account lists,

00:06:31 then I can just click here on this other tab. I can, for example,

00:06:35 select that I want to look at all the accounts. I click on execute query.

00:06:38 And again, I get all this information here directly within Teams.

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00:06:42 Now the important, the beautiful thing here is that I can obviously leverage additional Teams functionalities.

00:06:48 So let's say I want to collaborate with my colleague and I just say, "Hey Adele, can you take a look at account"...

00:07:02 whatever, 1000 or something like that. So I can really start an interaction with Adele,

00:07:08 and we can jointly work here on the data coming from the Teams experience.

00:07:13 So I think this is really, for me, another nice integration where we see SAP and Microsoft

00:07:19 really providing out-of-the-box content that you can leverage in your Teams experience.

00:07:27 So with this short demo, let me actually hand back over to Harut,

00:07:34 who can then talk a little about the security and single sign-on aspects of the work that SAP and Microsoft are working on.

00:07:42 Over to you, Harut. Thank you very much, Holger, for recapping the week

00:07:47 and giving an overview of the Microsoft Teams integration scenarios. And welcome back, everyone, from my side as well.

00:07:56 As Holger mentioned, I would like to talk about the security integration,

00:08:00 which we couldn't cover much in this week, but there is actually a lot happening

00:08:05 between SAP and Microsoft for simplifying the security integration.

00:08:10 Now I just want to highlight the current approaches and what to expect in upcoming months.

00:08:20 You can see here an example of Microsoft Teams integration with SAP SuccessFactors system,

00:08:27 which is kind of an advanced scenario, what we showed you in week three.

00:08:32 And I want to share how we can currently achieve principal propagation

00:08:38 between Microsoft Teams and SAP SuccessFactors, which you can see has a lot of steps.

00:08:46 So initially, the employee signs in to Microsoft Teams and starts the extension application,

00:08:53 which in this case is running on Business Technology Platform.

00:08:57 Then Teams requests the access token from Azure Active Directory using the user session.

00:09:06 And the user initially needs to log in before the first usage of the extension application,

00:09:13 where they need to also provide consent for requested scopes.

00:09:19 After that, the Azure Active Directory will return the access token back,

00:09:24 and the extension application can use it for further processing.

00:09:29 In step four, the extension application can exchange this token

00:09:36 with Azure Active Directory and get the SAML Assertion, which will contain the user attributes.

00:09:43 And this SAML Assertion, we can send it to Business Technology Platform

00:09:49 authorization server, the XSUAA component, to receive the OAuth new token,

00:09:56 which is issued by Business Technology Platform. And having the Business Technology Platform access token,

00:10:03 the extension application can call the SAP Cloud Integration endpoint URL,

00:10:09 which respectively will call the OData service exposed by SuccessFactors system,

00:10:14 and return the results back to the extension application.

00:10:19 So this same approach is also applying to other scenarios,

00:10:24 for example, where instead of SuccessFactors system we have on-premise S/4HANA system,

00:10:30 and it is connected to Business Technology Platform via the Cloud Connector,

00:10:36 which is also fully supporting the principal propagation. There is a great blog post by Martin Raepple,

00:10:44 who describes all these steps very detailed. You can have a look at that as well.

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00:10:50 Now I would like to share also some insights about the partnership between SAP and Microsoft,

00:10:57 where teams are working to simplify the system-to-system authentication and the principal propagation.

00:11:05 Please note that this is still work in progress and is subject to change.

00:11:09 But the important message is here that there are upcoming simplifications

00:11:15 which will help you to achieve the principal propagation for both directions,

00:11:20 from Azure to SAP and from SAP to Azure. And if we look at the Azure to SAP,

00:11:29 we can see that the application will be able to get the JSON Web Token widget issued

00:11:38 by Azure Active Directory, but for the Identity Authentication service

00:11:43 of Business Technology Platform. And then using that token,

00:11:47 we can provide and obtain from Identity Authentication service the SAP token,

00:11:52 which can be used for accessing different SAP line-of-business applications.

00:11:58 The other direction, this will apply as well. So you can use a similar approach

00:12:04 also for the other direction. And with this,

00:12:10 you can actually have really different scenarios for both sides to achieve the principal propagation.

00:12:18 Please stay tuned for the news, updates regarding these, which we'll, of course, share with you in the community.

00:12:30 To summarize our last unit, we have learned about Microsoft Teams integration

00:12:35 across different SAP solutions, what is already in place and what is coming.

00:12:42 And finally about current and upcoming approaches how to achieve principal propagation

00:12:48 between SAP and Microsoft and vice versa. Here you can find the important materials,

00:12:59 like the blog post for Martin Raepple. Also, you can explore the Discovery Center

00:13:05 for other use cases with Microsoft and SAP. We are at the end of the unit,

00:13:13 also at the end of week three. Thank you for staying with us.

00:13:18 I hope you've enjoyed it. And if you have any questions,

00:13:21 please use the discussion forum, where we are happy to meet you.

00:13:27 And next week you will learn about the end-to-end data federation scenarios across SAP HANA Cloud,

00:13:33 SAP Analytics Cloud, and Azure data services.

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