opening slides - ark group australia slides the power of transformational change leadership agenda...

Opening slides

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Opening slides

"Change agents are people who

act as catalysts for change and

posses the knowledge and

power to guide and facilitate the

change effort "

The success of any kind

Change is heavily

dependent on the

involvement of people

with a particular and rare

set of social gifts.

The Tipping Point Malcolm Gladwell

Are you a Change Agent?

The “change agent” does not have to be the person in authority, but they do however have

to have a clear vision and be able to communicate that clearly with others. It is

essential to tap into the strengths of the people you work with and help them see that

there are many ways to work toward a common purpose.

Do you have

a Clear Vision?

Change does not happen overnight and most people know that. The persistence comes in

that you will take opportunities to help people get a step closer often when they are

ready. Every step forward is a step closer to a goal; change agents just help to make sure

that people are moving ahead.

Are you patient

yet persistent?

It would be easy for someone to come in and tell you how things should be, but again that

is someone else’s solution. Keep asking questions to help people think, don’t alleviate

that by telling them what to do.

Do you ask the

tough questions?

If you want to create “change”, you have to not only be able to articulate what that looks

like, but show it to others.

Are you


and lead by


Do you have


relationships built

on trust?

A change agents needs to be seen as extremely approachable and reliable. That

doesn’t mean that they aren’t willing to have tough conversations though; that also builds

trust. Trust is also built when you know someone will deal with things and not be afraid to

do what is right, even if it is uncomfortable.

The Innovator’s Mindset George Courus

Presentation slides

The Power of Transformational

Change Leadership


Case Study 1 Case Study 2 Case Study 3 Case Study 4

Understand the characteristics of

a Transformational Change


Help Transformational Change

Leaders prepare for change

Know the steps Transformational

Change Leaders need to take to

lead change

Insight into the biggest mistakes

Transformational Change

Leaders make

What's the next big step for transformational

change leaders?

Apply all the learning's to your workplace

Is the ability to lead change the key to

a successful transformation?

Transformational leaders

become role models for

change: Senior leaders have a

unique role in transformational

change: They must provide

cues about what really matters

for everyone in the

organization to follow.

As Change agents we must

help leaders make the

transformation personal, role-

model the change, openly

engage others, and spotlight

successes. We also need to

give our leaders skills to build

commitment and alignment

within the senior team.



Case Study 1 Characteristics of a Transformational Change


How does this apply

to your Business?

Understand that paralysing anxiety is representative of

leadership immaturity.

Know that transformational change cannot happen

“through” them unless it has happened “to” them.

Believe that innovation is an attitude and is not just

something on a “to do” list

Understand that people don’t resist change; instead,

people resist “being changed” without their permission


Invest only in the “best” options, and have the courage

to let the other options fall away

Focus on what “wants to happen” instead of

myopically trying to “make things happen.”

Robert Tipton Culture Change, Organizational

Change, Transformational Change Leadership

Case Study 2


"When experiencing change, a leader

is an employee first and a coach to

their employees second"


Identify your own areas of resistance

Discuss your objections or concerns

Make a personal choice to support and participate in the change


Identify the changes impacting your group and why they are being made

Identify how the changes will impact your team

Understand your role


Understand the concepts of change management

Learn how to use the tools for managing change

Develop action plans for working with your employees

How do you build Change Leadership



Actively and


throughout the


Teams identified a list of activities that constituted active and visible leadership

from allocating the necessary funding to attending project review meetings.

Leaders cannot disappear once they've attended the kick-off meeting for a

project. Their sustained presence is necessary to build and maintain momentum

for a change.

Build a

coalition of


and manage


Participants stated the need for the leader to play a key role in building and

maintaining a healthy coalition in support of the change. The leader must

mobilize other key business leaders and stakeholders so they can take the

change back to their part of the organization. The coalition is especially important

for changes that stretch across multiple parts of the organization.


directly with


As noted above, employees want to hear about why a change is important from

someone either at the very top of the organization or at the top of their

department or division. Senior leaders must deliver messages about why the

change is being made and the risks or costs if no change is made.





Case Study 3:

How to lead Transformation change


Define what you are going to do, why you will do it, what the benefits of change are, and what the dangers

of not changing are.

Create a sense of urgency and then maintain it for the long haul

Put governance and management in place; Form a powerful guiding coalition for success

Engage key stakeholders – particularly managers – in making change happen

Over-communicate the vision & key messages by a factor of 5…at least

Remove obstacles to transformation success, especially during implementation

Enable real transformation by cultivating a new organizational culture and individual behaviours

Realign operations and organization to enable the new vision and support the transformation

Upgrade executives’ and leaders’ skills in change leadership

Case Study 4

Why do Transformations fail?

Only involved at the beginning a when they announced the change,

Acted as a figure head but did not actively participate on a weekly/ daily basis

Concentrated on Executive level only Not visible and engaged

No support through

worlds or actions

Caught not walking the walk,

Did not empower the team,

Said it was a top priority but didn't sign off resources

No communication Did not articulate the business benefit,

Assumed people understood what was going on,

Did not communicate enough

Ignored the people side

of change

Ticked all the process boxes,

Underestimated the concern of the people

Wasn't honest about how the changes would impact the people

What are some of the biggest mistakes you have

seen in Leading Transformational Change?

Not giving the change Relevance and Meaning

Unclear Change Leadership—roles, structure, decision-making, interface with operations.

Leaders not providing strategic disciplines for change—no enterprise change agenda, no common change

process methodology, and inadequate infrastructure to execute organizational change successfully.

Running the organizational change through multiple separate or competing initiatives instead of aligning all

initiatives as one unified effort and ensuring the integration of plans, resources, and pace.

Not creating adequate capacity for the organizational change—setting unrealistic, crisis-producing timelines and

then laying the change on top of people’s already excessive workloads.

Not adequately addressing the organization’s culture as a major force directly influencing the success of

organizational change.

Leaders not being willing to develop themselves or change their mindsets, behaviour, or style to overtly model

the changes they are asking of the organization.

Not adequately engaging and communicating to stakeholders, especially early in the organizational change

process; relying too heavily on one-way top-down communication; engaging stakeholders only after design is


What's next?

Leaders who boldly Transform

Re-imagine ourselves in a digital world - How companies innovate their existing products and

services, introduce new products, rewire their organizations, leverage big data with advanced

analytics and communicate with their customers,

Adaptive in an uncertain world - A culture of experimentation, rapid learning, and improvement

must complement a traditional focus on the strong execution of well-defined processes.

Seek simplicity in an increasingly complex world - while the world around us is complicated, we

must strive to reduce complicatedness inside our own organizations.

Leaders must be purpose-driven in a world searching for meaning. - Leaders must recognize

that their "why" is as important as the "what" and the "how".

The New CEO’s Guide to Transformation


Transformation: The Imperative to Change :


Five Case Studies of Transformation Excellence


Closing slides

At the end of the

day ....

1. Find someone you haven't

spoken to today

2. Tell them 3 things you will do as

a result of the conference today

3. Tell them 1 thing you learnt


4. Share your 4 points with the

wider group

Lessons from a Professional Change

Agent People are more important than strategy. Leaders may develop well-crafted strategies that emphasise the

urgency for change, however its how they lead their people through the change and to achieve the strategy is

what matters.

Emotion has more impact than logic. Which is not to say that logic isn’t important. Employees need to

understand the marketplace realities that are the driving forces of change. They need to know the

consequences of not changing. And they need to hear the answers to questions about how changes will impact

them personally: What specifically is changing — and what isn’t? What’s in it for me? How does this affect my

job and my security? What new skills will I need to learn?

Your behaviour is more persuasive than what you say. As a communication coach, I help leaders find the

words that inspire, enlighten, and transform people.

Informal networks are more influential than formal communication channels. We will always need and

value authentic speeches from senior leaders, well-written and well-researched articles in newsletters, and first-

line supervisors who are first-rate communicators. Authentic communications that filters to the people that need

to change.

Nonverbal communication is more powerful than verbal communication. Traditional explanations of

human behaviour in the business world presume that employees are influenced most by the words used when

a change is announced. Employees watch their leaders role model the change.
