opening ilri’s knowledge and research: initial reflections on results, outcomes and impacts of...

Opening ILRI’s knowledge and research Initial reflections on results, outcomes and impacts of adopting open Peter Ballantyne Open Knowledge for Agricultural Development Convening East Lansing, 5-6 February 2013

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Presented by Peter Ballantyne at the 'Open Knowledge for Agricultural Development Convening', East Lansing, 5-6 February 2013


  • 1. Opening ILRIs knowledge and researchInitial reflections on results, outcomes and impacts of adopting open Peter Ballantyne Open Knowledge for Agricultural Development Convening East Lansing, 5-6 February 2013
  • 2. Content1. Opening ILRIs knowledge2. Thinking about outcomes and impacts
  • 3. (Research) business as usual doesnt work
  • 4. Business as usual ask a farmerWhats your Ill go find Feed somemain problem technology
  • 5. Business as usual look on the shelf What feed Planted foragetechnologies have Urea treated straw you got? Bypass protein OK, lets try those
  • 6. Our findings indicate that business as usual feed promotion and interventions are not too promising. Alan Duncan (ILRI) If you do what youve always done, youll get what you always got. Mark Twain
  • 7. Business not usual? Open the research!1. Co-create and co-learn in open multi- stakeholder platforms2. Open up to knowledge from the (un)usual people3. Make research knowledge, events, processes and platforms open
  • 8. 1. Join innovation platforms Spaces for diverse actors to engage in dialogue, to jointly identify, learn about and address issues Multiple knowledge Innovate and co- learn with communities
  • 9. 2. Open up to (un)usual voices Community perspectives Beyond reports Look and learn Empowering Social learning
  • 10. Participatory radio
  • 11. Happy Strategies
  • 12. Sandboxes
  • 13. 3. Open our researchOpen researchWorking out loud
  • 14. Open planning events and thinking
  • 15. Open events all the discussions
  • 16. Open projects work in progress
  • 17. Open presentations
  • 18. Open photos
  • 19. Open reports and repository
  • 20. Open source
  • 21. Open data
  • 22. Open to re-use
  • 23. Open for feedback
  • 24. Working in the open!bringing activities out of closed repositoriesand applications [and events and processes],and pulling them into the open increases thelikelihood of learning information earlier. - Stowe Boyd: out-loud-make-work-open-to-make-it-better
  • 25. Some indicators Web services views 12,207,73712,000,000 9,000,000 8,183,453 Open 6,000,000 4,769,214 2,990,394 3,000,000 - 2009 2010 2011 2012
  • 26. 12.9% Composition 22.0% 24.2% web services views 24.9% 15.5% 11.2% 5.6% Open 23.2% 29.7% Social media 42.9% Google Books Repository 33.3% 31.2% Website 13.6% Intranet 6.0% 3.6%Total 2010 Total 2011 Total 2012
  • 27. Whats our Theory of Change? outputs outcomes impactsOpenness: Research: Communities: Content Accessibility Empowered Knowledge Visibility Better-fed Resources Responsiveness Richer Platforms Effectiveness Educated Apps Efficiency Informed Processes Inclusiveness Mindsets Quality Behavior Transparency Uptake
  • 28. Some indicators of openness?Publication citations and impact factors?Object views and downloads?Co-creates?Metrics of open resources in repositories?Engagement comments, connections, edits Composition of research design processes / eventsValue addition and re-use / uptake? Outputs ?
  • 29. Theories of Change?
  • 30. Open data and citizens Citizens as beneficiaries: receive improved service through improved actions. Citizens as partners: co-creating development outcomes usually through intermediaries. Citizens as empowered actors: able to shape own access to developmental outcomes.Source: Fostering a Critical Development Perspective on OpenGovernment Data: Workshop Report, April 2012 Impacts?
  • 31. OER value propositionMay contribute to creating a revolution in educationMay offer cost savings and economic efficienciesContributes to make information and knowledge more relevant,accessible, and useable for allFacilitates active roles for learners in educational processes; itgenerates more effective learning environmentsThe transparency of OER places social pressure on institutions andteaching staff to increase quality Source: Exploring the Business Case for Open Educational Resources. COL, 2012. Outcomes ?
  • 32. Open AccessCan amplify and improve the research processA key part of research infrastructure - full accessibility and utilityof articles critical in design of the research systemDriver of scientific productivity - OA can help researchers dotheir work more efficiently - work fasterCan speed translation of ideas into innovative new services,products, and other commercial ventures.Source: Joseph, H. 2012. The impact of open access on research andscholarship: Reflections on the Berlin 9 Open Access Conference. Outcomes ?
  • 33. Potential outcomes of open actions?Cost savings, efficiency and product acceleration [ofservice providers]Empowerment and engagement [of customers, ofpartners?]Greater transparency [of decisions, of actors ?]Access, availability, visibility [of content]Return on investment [by funders]Improved quality [multidimensional - of education,research, government ] Leading to . ?
  • 34. Q&A and Discussion1. How do you assess and measure the opennessof outputs? And the results of this openness?2. What types of openness outcomes, ineducation or research eg, do you seek and howmeasure?3. How might we assess the impacts of openknowledge on communities / learners / society?What one thing should AgShare do?
  • 35. better lives through livestock ilri.orgThe presentation has a Creative Commons license. You are free to re-use or distribute this work, provided credit is given to ILRI.