opening film


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Post on 29-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Opening film


(On the phone, walking down street with JAY)

Lucy – Yes! (Frustrated)…Okay Mum! We’ll be with you in 5, see you soon…okay….bye! (Hangs up, puts phone in hand bag). Right we’ve got 5 minutes…

Jay – Oo, sounds good to me.. (Starts to push her into a bush)

(Lucy gives Jay a disgusted look) (Jay walks away sulking and Lucy follows)

(Bridget cooking in kitchen) (Shouts)

Bridget – Jonathan!! Stop Pacing around, come make yourself useful!!

(Jonathan walks in – Bridget clicks fingers and points)

Bridget – Vegetables! Now!

(Jonathan mutters and goes to vegetables) (Bridget gives a disgusted look)

(Lucy and Jay walking)

Lucy – You’re not nervous are you? (Rummaging in bag to find lipstick and mirror)

Jay – Pfftt! No, course not!

(Lucy putting on lipstick looking in mirror)

Lucy – (laughing) As long as you know their names… (Jay looking shifty) You do know their names?

Page 2: Opening film

Bridget – No, it’s not James or Jack it’s Jay!

Jonathan – Jay?! That’s an initial, a letter – I refuse…I refuse to call him that!

(Bridget rolls her eyes and carries on cooking, puts on a smile)

Lucy – My dad’s Jonathan, my mum’s Bridget!

(Jay nicks lipstick off Lucy and writes on right hand BJ remember)

(Jonathan looking through keyhole at Lucy and Jay arriving)

Jonathan – BRIDGET! They’re here, they’re outside!!

(Bridget walks out of kitchen door and peers round to find Jonathan)

(Bridget slaps him over the head)

(Walking to door)

Lucy – You’ll be fine, just don’t embarrass yourself!

(Lucy and Jay stood face to face outside)

Jay – Alright….give me a kiss quick..

(Lean in for a kiss…Jonathan swings door open) (Lucy and Jay looked surprised)

Jonathan – LOU BE LOU!!

Jay – Oo, you had an eyelash..