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Post on 30-Jan-2018




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Page 1:  · Web viewShe asked if I had ever “developed” spiritually and I told her I was a Reiki master and sat “in circle”



This is a true and accurate recording of events that transpired over an agreed verbal and binding partnership between SOUL SISTERS 3, namely Sharon Leitch, Rona Leitch and Ann Brown along with our founding member, the live living, flesh and blood man who was given the name John Derek Stephen Drummond after he was born of this world.

We agreed a 4 ways equal partnership after my father eddy drummond agreed to give us a loan of £30 000 to start a holistic healing centre and spiritual café. SOUL SISTER 3 had been in the early planning stages of agreeing a lease but had yet to finalise it. I put all my trust in these spiritual people who profess to live in love and light but fail to see the darkness that surrounds them and through lies, manipulation of facts, self-interest, ego and fear of the truth, they have ruined my families lives, and have left us with nothing to show for the trust we placed in them, Sharon more than the others.

We have been conned, our spiritual beliefs have been slandered by the very people who ALL have given me messages from my mum at various points but could not take the messages they were given back. They were only asked to listen but each one had their own agenda.

We now seek damages for the fraud you have committed against my family and the deal that was agreed by us before my trust in you all, especially the girl who has the cheek to say she loves me when all she does is cost me everything I love, even her.


Derek has a t/c with a psychic medium. I has asked about my work life as I had just qualified as a remedial massage therapist and was looking to move from my 10 years career in residential child care (5 as a senior care worker). She spoke about me and Sharon being “twin flame loves” and said she seen me being more involved in the business. She said that when Sharon, her mum and I’s energies combined it would be like “a power house”. She asked if I had ever “developed” spiritually and I told her I was a Reiki master and sat “in circle” briefly a couple of year back. She advised that I “open up again to spirit and start looking for the signs that would be all around”.

I will note at this point that I have been in communication with my mother Pearl Drummond Stephen since 4/6/2011 after meeting Sharon again on 27/05/2011 after 20 years apart and she taught me how to meditate. She told me chart my spiritual journey which I did in my poem book called “Guided by mother” (a journey from the self, through the self, to the soul). It is important that this truth is noted as the CROWN CORPORATION and the NHS have used my spiritual beliefs against me and are currently colluding against me to try and drug and potentially KILL me, all because of the lies that were told about me where everyone who told them has gained financially from all my losses, leaving me with nothing and costing me my greatest love of all, my three weans, Darren, Danielle and Dean who I have missed over 2years of any real quality time with. AND ALL BECAUSE I GAVE I ALL FOR LOVE, ONLY TO FIND OUT TIME AND AGAIN AS I HAVE NOW FOR OVER 6YEARS, IT JUST WAS NOT ENOUGH TO BREAK HER FEAR AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TRUTH.

The Openarms Family Foundation, Copyright 2015-2020, all rights reserved. E-mail: [email protected] Visit us at or find us on Facebook @OpenArmsScotland. Write to us at 3 Glenmavis Drive Bathgate EH484BZ. Tel: 07572018580.

Page 2:  · Web viewShe asked if I had ever “developed” spiritually and I told her I was a Reiki master and sat “in circle”

She then gave me a meditation to do, which I did and it was powerful to say the least, I went to play golf that day and Sharon and Rona were meeting the landlord Javid to look at the shop. He also took £3000 in payment from me, knowing full well I was a full and silent partner in the business and another who broke a verbal agreement with me. They were supposed to meet at 3pm and was going for two 9holes at Polkemmet. I ended up only playing 1 round and called Sharron to see where she was. She said she was just heading to the shop for 1pm as they had re arranged the time. Coincidence?, I think not, we all met at the shop and they were discussing some from they were told they needed but were not sure so I took the form, ripped it up and said to Javid to draw up the lease and we would be back to sign it next week. Me and Sharon went to see Neil Diamond that night and on the way in I gave a homeless man £2, something that I was not in the habit of doing, we had a great night.


During meditation that day I heard my mum say, “ask him for 40 and you will get 30”.


Kept coming up with ideas for the business and started working on a logo for the shop.


Called my dad in Aberdeen where he was working at the time and said to him about the business and asked if I could have £40 000 to start it. He said, “how do you know I’ve got £40 000 tae gee ye” and I said, “ma mum told me to ask you”, he said he would speak to me tomorrow when he was back home.

Sharon and I met with Rona that day as she had a meeting with the bank about her loan and we put the proposal to her that I would come on board as a therapist and full partner if my dad would loan us the money. She agreed to this but left saying, “don’t think you’re going to be the boss” and it was stressed to her then it was a 4 ways equal partnership and we would all agree on things together.


Sharon and I met with my dad and discussed the business, told them how well “little whispers” was doing as that was the business model, Rona and Ann had basically copied as they had been working there. I have since heard little whispers that one of the owners of that, “spiritual café” put some sort of curse or hex on our shop through black magic.

He said he would have to get money from another account if we wanted £40 000 but could give us £30 000 just now which we agreed on.

Sharon and I met with Ann and Tony Brown later that day, and put our proposal to them and we all agreed on the partnership. Respected Tony as he insisted that the loan was repaid by us all as I had initially said I would pay my dad back. Ann gave me a message from my mum that night saying, “aye she has got you and you’re not getting away this time”


Worked my last shift with Edinburgh City Council, inadvertently gave my senior a message from his papa and uncle in spirit before I left. He later confirmed what I had said after speaking to his family about it.


Picked my weans up from Maggie Wilson, not Drummond as her lawyer is fraudulently trying to claim, spoke to her about our new business plans and said that she would have a new big house once day,

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shared some tears as I gave her a message and £1000 in cash. She did not question my mental health that day, did she?


Went swimming with the weans and the wee boy Sharon was child minding for the last week before she started our new business.


Took the weans and the little boy, sorry can’t remember his name, to Stirling Castle. Dropped him off and headed to Bathgate to meet the other to sign the lease. We went into the bank and I withdrew over £7000 that I had been saving up for my weans in their bank accounts for their future. I said to Sharon that we now had zero in all our accounts so we can equally share all that we make together.

We went to meet Javid and his partners or whoever they were to sign the lease. I was asked again that day by Javid if I wanted my name on the lease but I had been told by my mum that it was not to go on it and to put my trust in them. It was however me who paid the deposit and the first month’s rent from my weans’ savings.

It was about now that I first started to become concerned about Sharon, here we were just having signed a lease for our new business and life together, I wanted to go and get a new car as we would not be needing two and she wanted to “go up the road for a sleep”, great way to celebrate eh? I persuaded her to go and we did, taking both cars and the weans. Before I went into the shop I said I was going to go in and make a deal for a Mazda 6 for “£13 333.33” and that is what we did.

We went for something to eat and by now, more and more as I tried to talk to Sharon, the more she seemed to not want to hear it, she kept trying to tell me to be quiet and left when I said, “you are not talking to Derek anymore” she left the restaurant for a fag.

On the way home, someone ran into the back of her car with Danielle in it, a south African man, there was not damage to the cars and Danielle although shaken a little was unharmed as was Sharon so we did not go through insurance claims for personal damages.

In bed that night I said to Sharon I was being told to “forget everything I have ever known and start to look at everything from the middle out, back to front and upside down as that is how the world has become”. I know now that the more I spoke the more her voices or “guides” and the other member of SOUL SISTER 3’S guides and spirits were plotting against me, even though they still to this day don’t see it yet……they will.

I was told that what we were going to be doing with this business was going to help heal the world, that we were going to develop a healing plan and we would have contracts with the NHS, the Government and the Army and we would have more money than Bill Gates. The happier and more excited it got the quieter and more withdrawn she became.

How little did I know that sharing the thoughts running through my mind would come back to bite me on the ass and then some. I never said any of it would come true and since when has it been a mental illness to have a dream of success? America was built on it after all.


I had arranged for someone to come to my house to start designing our website. Rona, Ann and two of Ann’s weans came down and I was telling them the ideas I was getting. When he came down I said the

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parts I wanted on the website and left the rest up to them as I was busy writing poems, working on the logo and a structure for the business.

It was at this point thing started to turn a little. We all seemed to share the same vision to some degree but individual ego’s, started to raise their ugly heads, mine included, hindsight being a wonderful thing. The more I asked them all just to listen to what was being given to me the more none of them wanted to, especially Sharon. Voices were raised and tempers heated which was to be the theme of the coming days and months. I shall stress at this point that there was NO police involvement for any section 38 for causing fear and alarm for speaking. What ever happened to, “sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you”? ANOTHER LIE WE ARE TOLD IN SCHOOL.


The day she brought my world crashing down. Sharon got up in the morning, reluctantly as usual as she struggles to wake up after a sleep and has always been a nightmare in the morning as she can’t deny. Lost count of the fallout and arguments we have had as I am usually full of energy in the morning. I again was trying to run ideas past her while she got ready for her last day child minding and we were collecting the new car that day. As I spoke she just kept saying “shoosht” over and over saying I would wake the weans, even though I was practically whispering as I spoke. Asked her to stop treating me like a dug and she started shouting at me and me at her, waking the weans anyway and things again said in anger by us both.

Sharon may claim that is threatened to slap her but if so then why did she not call the police that day? She called them on the 13/08/2015 when I was screaming at her how much I loved her, how much sense does that make? Truth is what was said through me by my mum was “you go lady, you go, ah could slap you sometimes”. Lost count of the time she said she could have slapped me.

Sharon then went up the road and left me with the weans. She called to tell me that she had called her mum and Ann, told them what had happened. Then said that they no longer wanted to be in the partnership and they had called someone else to come and give me a healing. Said that she would get the car and take the weans with her, quite literally dictating to me but still not doing the one thing she was asked LISTENING. The was many calls back and forth most of which ended up in screaming matches as I could feel everything I has just done for them being ripped away from me.

I was upstairs but the weans hear it and would come up while I was in floods of tears to give me a hug. My youngest Dean came up at one point and asked me, “Dad, why does Sharon keep going back and forward?”. I know now this is because like some many others she disassociates from reality in times of fear and stress due to past traumas, some of which she had had to hide from herself from a young age.

3pm on the dot they came. Sharon had already cancelled the car, she took my weans back to Maggie and filled her head with her lies and spread more fear as most mediums do and left me with the other 3 Rona, Ann and Brian. They were going to give me a healing and Brian tried the singing bowl but the guide I had with me did not want it. I used to see a big Indian who was half man half eagle when I was doing Reiki healing and he wanted them to use my drum which Rona and Ann did. After I was over I heard them say something about a black fog or Sharon told me later, not sure on that but I know now that it was me breaking a soul attachment from a previous incarnation.

Sharon left me alone that day in a complete daze, wondering why after achieving our dream did she throw I all away over a stupid argument we have had a million time before?


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Visit from my dad after Sharon had again got to him first which lead to another huge argument and me in tears more than once as no one would listen to me. My dad became concerned as we have never argued like that before but I know where the words were coming from. The more I pleaded with him to listen the more he never heard my words.

I went to Livingston that day and put a deposit down on an engagement ring and was trying to get my mother’s ring fixed to give them both to Sharon as was planning to propose on the day we opened the shop while all our families would be there.


Went up Cairnpapple Hill as I frequently now do and was shocked to see it opened on a Sunday. We had been up times before and always closed. Before I left the house, I was told to take the money I had in my drawer £290. When I saw it was open I was going to put it in a charity tin but they did not have one and I was surprised to find out you could actually get inside the mound part of it. it stood with the wee guy who worked there and had a chat before sharing some breathes with him. I told him that I could see thousands of people here one day and I gave him the money I had in my pocket.

I went down into the crypt took my socks and shoes of and sat in the burial grave and gave all of myself back to mother earth. Walked back to the car barefoot for the first time and the experience who magical.

My dad and Sharon came down that day and I said to her that I had nothing left to give her, we had our dream and she threw it all away. Heartbroken and in a daze wondering why? why? why? She would not stay again with me and left me on my own. My dad would later tell me that the reason he went behind my back to get a Dr was because I was lying curled up on the couch. We all did that for months after my mum did and no one question my mind or any or minds back then.


Spoke to dad and Sharon on the phone in the morning. Heard my mum say, “the men in the white coats are coming son”.

That afternoon my dad, Sharon and a stranger by the name of Dr Duffy from Newlands medical practice in Bathgate came to the house. The had tried to get my own GP Dr David Cochrane from Linlithgow where I was still registered as I have never really needed a doctor.

She proceeded to ask me how I felt and I told her I felt great, was drunk in love, high on life just could not believe what had happened the past few days. Told her that I had lost 4st since February after cutting out sugar and alcohol and as the Dr always say, “a healthy body=a healthy mind” another lie I was told at school as not 1 Dr, psychiatrist, most of my family and now the CORRUPT VATICAN OWNED CROWN CORPORATION want to believe that. I lost a total of 6st in 11months in 2015, not going to the gym and eating a takeaway nearly every night in the same year in was sectioned twice by those who claimed to know, love and understand me as well as the “system” that turned against me when I told a bunch of so called professionals that they did not know my mind better than I knew my own and they had no right to judge me just because they have “read a book and believed that book”. They all, each to a man, or woman, forced their opinions on me and my family and labelled me as mentally ill without any proper justification. I HAD CASUED NO HARM TO ANYONE, HAD NO THOUGHTS OF HARMING ONLY HEALING YET WHEN I REFUSED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL I WAS SHOCKED, STUNNED AND AMAZED TO FIND THAT THERE WERE 2 POLICE OFFICERS WAITING OUTSIDE IF I DID NOT AGREE.

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While at the hospital where again I tried in vain to vindicate myself from the false accusations fired my way. My father and Sharon signed a form giving them the right to take control of my life and they immediately tried to attempt to kill me with their killer drugs being passed off a medicine, it’s a sin alright. They wanted to put me in an IPCU but could not find a bed and again I was telling them I was drunk in love and high on life with our plans, I remember saying to dad and Sharon “if I was drinking the now, would I not be acting exactly like this?” and the both laughed and agreed that would be so. Then as it got later the hospital refused to allow my FAMILY to take me back home with them as they had quite literally signed my life away.

A life I now know only ever existed on paper and in my own head through a name given to me after I was born when my parents unknowingly informed on me and signed a contract with the CROWN CORPORATION through a birth certificate and the very banks that it represents in the CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION have been using my name and trading in it in the stock exchange through our Cestuie que vie trust funds which are now worth millions if not billions according to my research.

They then tried to make me think they were offering me a good deal by saying I could go to ward 17 if I agreed to take their drugs. I only did so as my dad and Sharon were getting tired as it was getting late. I took them about 3 time I think until I found out that on a 72houe EDT certificate I should have been given NO MEDS as it was an assessment period.

I refused ALL PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS from that day having now spent a total of 45 day in hospital, 36 against my will over 2 spells in 2015 and 9 of my own volition in June 2017 so I could be assessed as having mental capacity to gain access to my weans who have been stolen from me by David Johnstone and Sheriff Hammond at Livingston civic centre through lies, miss direction, bullying, threats and they have conducted their business affairs dishonourably as have ALL other servants of the VATICAN OWNED CROWN CORPORATION who has stolen our lives and our property on more than one occasion while discriminating against my spiritual beliefs to live a life in peace and in love, causing no harm and sharing my story about how it healed my own body, naturally as we once did before banks, corporations, secret societies and clubs, all controlled by the elite family bloodline going back to Babylon in the Bible. My character and reputation has been torn to shreds as well as my credibility yet the system seem to think I can still dictate to me through their unlawful statutes based on laws of the sea, admiralty law which must be consented to.

I have given all my land, titles, monies and property to the OPENARMS FAMILY FOUNDATION set up in honour of my mum for guiding us on our journey as she Miss Sharon Leitch. This has been notarised by a lawyer on the 24/5/2017 and we will swear by every word of truth written in the 13 page rough draft of our charity we were trying to start before our MEDICAL RESEARCH MATERIALS were stolen by the CROWN which they admitted they seized in a letter received in Feb this year from the CROWN CORPORATION to our FOUNDATION yet they are still trying to pursue a fictional trust case they have forged against our founding member, who now has 2 different criminal records in 2 different names, NONE OF WHICH EVEN MATCH THE PARTICULARS ON THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Which is a crime under at least two of the very statues they continue to force upon our sovereign beings.

During the 8 days in hospital Sharon came to see me twice a day and my dad normally once although all I did was vent my frustrations at them for doing what they did to me and not believing in me. Sharon was being put under pressure from me mum to focus on the shop, even trying to get her not to visit me and I was told by Ann Brown that Rona had said to her that “I would marry Sharon over her dead body” after I confided in them that I planned to propose to her.

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Like I said, there are spiritual people who only profess the love and light, the raise their vibration when around others to give messages then spent the rest of the time fighting their demons in their own heads. Kept telling me to protect myself and switch of but my mum told me I had nothing to fear anymore and she ALWAYS DID KNOW BEST. They still don’t see that fear become fear, if you are asking for protection then you have any fears and it will only attract the very fears you fear till you have nothing left to fear. I chose to have complete faith that love would find a way and still do to this day.

Ann Brown has taken part in sacrificial rituals involving animals with the lady who owns THE STONE RING in Bathgate, something which we will be addressing in due course as we also heard that they too put some sort of curse or hex on our shop. I received a friend request from Marie Young who owns it while in hospital the second time, I know now why. Sharon told me that her aunt Shona has also been involved in this and she is another lady who is supposed to live in love and light but has a hidden dark side. We may report this to the RSPCA for further investigation and we feel the public had a right to know what is going on in their communities for financial and personal gain at the expense of others to which I can solemnly swear I have been a victim of.

Sharon returned £20 000 to my dad and to this date she still owes him £4000 which shall be actioned in a separate claim, the reason why shall be explained throughout this account.

When I got out of the hospital, Rona had gone and got the loan having obtained made up payslips from an accountant through a friend to show she was working when she was not and purchased things for the shop, paid for work men etc, basically started to assume control. Ann Brown was not happy with things and was venting her stress over Rona at me and Sharon but would say nothing to her face. Not happy that Rona had jobs for family and friends when none of it had been agreed buy any of us. Rona was already planning a second shop and who would run that when we had not even opened the first one.

The next two weeks went by with ups and downs, we would plan together, then Rona would do her own thing and tensions became more strained. Eventually came to a head over an idea I had where to place a tree of life on the wall where it would be better seen, before you knew it Rona had asked her friend to start it and in the wrong place. It was left to me to challenge this and I was told by Rona that it was nothing to do with me in front of people at least three time and to shut up. Sharon then stuck up for me and her mum left the shop, they would go on to fall out big time.


We called a meeting between the four of us that morning and Rona turned up with her nephew Scott who she has told could work in the shop. We had to ask him to leave as we had planned a meeting which Rona knew about. We opened in circle and in prayer as they always do and I opened the floor to discuss our issues giving Ann a chance to tell Rona the things she was saying to me. She went all shy it seemed and was certainly not saying anything to her face with the same energy and upset she was to me. Then when Rona started to move forward to start on Ann I stepped in her way, we had words then Sharon asked me to sit down and she and her mum had bigger words, it all broke down again and Rona left shouting “this was my vision, I had things happen to me” and Ann left too before I had the chance to give her the £1000 from the money we had left as she was struggling financially. Sharon was going to go up to see her mum and tell her that she had till the next day to accept this was a 4-way equal partnership or to take her name of the lease.


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This was the day the shit really hit the fan, I had called Ann the night before and asked if I could come and speak to her as Sharon had fell asleep, it was after ten so I ask if she could meet us at the shop in the morning to which she agreed.

We were also going to be getting the weans back to stay for the first time since July that night as Maggie had agreed it with Sharon.

I said to Sharon that we would stop and get a card to put the money in for her and was then met by morning Sharon, although I know now it was not Sharon but something else who tried to now say that I was trying to bribe her even though she knew the day before I was going to give her the money. How does putting it in a card make it a bribe? I asked which led to her then telling me over and again that the business was nothing to do with me, the very thing she argued with her own mum over the day before. She refused to even go to the shop initially and I ended up in tears again and begging at her feet. We had by the way just picked up our new car a Mazda 3 in white and we were going to help Sharon’s cousin Vickey to get a car on finance. We went to the shop and Ann did not even bother to turn up, Sharon was trying to suggest we go to the beach but I wanted to help Vicky. We left the shop and headed to my house and started to argue on the way there and Sharon asked me to take her home. I said we would go for a drive till we got this sorted as it was unfair that she was saying the very things to me today that she fell out with her mum for saying yesterday. I headed towards Falkirk and drove around a bit. Sharon became hysterical when she decided she wanted out and tried to grab the steering wheel, jump out the car, and scream help out of the window before calling 999. I took the phone from her and can evidence through my police statement that I was screaming that I loved her.

I feel one of the reasons she did not hear my words was due to the fear placed in her by the NHS who had labelled by as having had a cannabis induced psychotic episode in July, even though I have smoke it since 15 with 0 adverse effects.

We stopped for fuel and Sharon got out, went into the station and asked to girl to call the police and I left as she was not going to get back in the car. The police called back on the phone and I agreed to go to the police station.

If I knew then what I know now it would never have gone but having NEVER even been in a police cell in the 39years and 4months I had been alive. Indeed, working with them in my previous job I felt I had nothing to worry about and could never have imagined to nightmare to follow.

I gave an honest statement after being taken to Falkirk from Whitburn station and was shocked to be arrested for the first time in my life. The next day while waiting to go in front of the Sheriff I was asked to speak to a Dr Cummings and after a 5-10-minute conversation with him where I feel he took offence when I asked him not to patronise me I was taken to St Johns in Livingston on a section 52 (d) for 28days.

On arrival, the first thing I did was to stress to the nurse that as long as they did not come near me with a needle or try and force any drugs on me then I would cause no harm to anyone as I wished no harm on anyone but would defend myself if felt threatened.

The next 28 days of my life were some of the hardest of my life. Sharon refused point blank to even come in and see me and every phone call nearly ended with her screaming at me down the phone about the loss of her “liberty “because I drove the car for 22 minutes when she wanted out.

I have had to endure hours trapped in argument with her when she has been drinking, some of which I have had to record and is on the phone the police stole from me on 10/5/2016.

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I told her one day to go to the house with my brother and take £1000 from the house to pay her bills for the months and to take 1 carton of fags I had just paid my dad to bring us back from holiday. She took the money, all her clothes and stole every carton of cigarettes, 8 in total I think, knowing full well she had decided to leave me there to rot without a shred of remorse or responsibility for her actions.

I felt like I was in the film from the 70’s One who flew over the cuckoo’s nest except I was landed right in it. Had no escape, no distractions, could not phone a friend and was only aloud out in a small, concrete courtyard that seen no sun. the windows in the dining and living area were also coated to deflect the sun’s rays. In the court yard on a fence was spray painted in red “on you tube” which I though at the time was a bit random but it has been you tube where we have found most of our answers through the work of others over many years.

There is nothing much I have said or written in response to any actions taken against me of my family that has not been said before and if my mental health is to be questioned then why not the source of my information. My own professional qualifications in health, both mental and physical have been continued to be ignored and disregarded through professional bias, collusion, hearsay and lies.

I spent 28 days listening to music and replaying my whole life, crying daily as I replayed events in my mind. At times, I struggled as what the NHS constitutes as care is far from it in IPCU as some of my complaints which were again excused and ignored proves their only priority is drugging people to shut them up which is no more than genocide. All of the “guides” I had in meditation started lying to me even saying that if I wanted what I was told in July I would have to make sacrifices and all sorts of stuff was going through my mind. I just concentrated on my breathing till it went away. My mum told me to “just let them write their own obituary son” and they have. I have evidence on every professional body who are hell bent on recording data that they cannot do this accurately and this can and has been shown and proved but still ignored.

While I was in hospital SOUL SISTERS 3 tried to go behind my back and contact my friend’s son who was doing the website to try and steal that from me as well and the logo I had designed. I had already come up with my new openarms logo but stealing is stealing, I also registered THE OPENARMS FAMILY FOUNDATION with the copyright service while in hospital. It came through 12/9/2015.

I was released from court on 10/9/2015 having been taken there from the hospital on bail and went home that day and started to try and rebuild my life. Sharon would not come and see me, though I was following her about when I was not, just more shit thrown at each other through messages and over the phone. I got £20 000 back from my dad and had been in talks with the estate agent about a place in Falkirk to start my own holistic healing centre and I purchased equipment from it for my medical research into cannabis in its raw and natural from when ingested and its effects on the body. An idea my mum gave me in the hospital and my results to date, before my studies were halted by what can only be described as daylight robbery the by CROWN CORPORATION were astounding.

I was then faced with an even worse situation in that, the social work department has been to see Maggie and advised her to stop overnight contact with me and the weans and would only allow me to see them with my father of when they were at the swimming on a Tuesday. She then would tell me I could not have all of them as one or two would have other plans with her dad or her boyfriend.

Not one person has ever contacted me from the social work department even contacted me or ask to speak to me, even though these same people used to look to me for advice on caring and planning for children. Called them told be told by someone I was a “danger” to my weans for not taking their drugs.

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I was left with no choice to go and see a lawyer I felt but looking back it was the worst thing I could have done. Her lawyer as explained is a charlatan and a liar. We asked for mediation which was knocked back by him. Maggie had always said she wanted proof the kids would be safe, even though they always are in my care. I gave a her a copy of a risk assessment showing I posed NO RISK to children but she demanded more. In January 2016 after finding out Rona had a brain tumour I gave her 36 days’ worth of medical notes and explained about Rona as it was the same thing that killed her own mum and eventually mine, asked her and her boyfriend to read them and let’s sort it out together and leave the lawyers out of things.

She again broke my trust, along now with a promise made when we divorced that she would never stop me seeing my weans and gave all my notes to her lawyer. Even tried to make out that day I was acting strange when I was in tears, pleading for an end to things, even gave her and her boyfriend a hug before I left that day. Her lawyer would later deny in writing and then lie about this fact in court. I have a copy of the e-mail sent from my lawyer to him asking for my notes back as they were not supposed to go to him to scrutinise. Weeks would pass between her liar and my lawyer till I said to go to court, another bad decision.

After some bad advice from someone I tried to help about my case I fell out with my lawyer but only found this out the first day in court when I turned up to be told he had with drew. I decided to represent myself as I knew my truth and my story and was told by the Sheriff that “this may prove difficult for me and he was right. I have missed so much and them and them of me and we truly are the only 4 innocents in this situation.

SOUL SISTER 3 went ahead and opened their shop and later that day Sharon turned up at my dad’s girlfriend’s house with some cakes that were left over. Even Teresa said that day how bizarre it was and how she acted as if nothing was wrong in that.

Turns up with the scraps left from their table for them, from opening the shop to which they were not even invited even though my dad had funded it before they callously cut me out of it? needless to say it went in the bin.

I got myself 2 puppies that I had to take back as I was told I would not get the weans till at least the new year which never happened due to events in January and on the 26/12/2015 when I took the weans back home and Maggie questioned the risk assessment, no doubt due to her lawyer, she had been drinking and tried to push me out of the house before standing behind her boyfriend and sticking the fingers up at me repeatedly, which was witnessed by Sharon who had lied her way back into my life.

Never seen Sharon again till 4/12/2015 when she called out of the blue early in the morning and said, “fancy a visitor?” again as if we had just spoke the day before and all was ok. She came down and told me that day that she believed me and “got it now” what I had been saying in July. She then told me about how the business was not doing good, how her mum had taken total control of things, would not let her and Ann she the books, was borrowing money from family and not telling them and had basically ran up debt. I gave her a healing that day and we ended up in bed together. Her mum and Ann both came to see me and I gave them both a healing, don’t think Ann was ready for it then as Sharon received a threat from her husband Tony saying I was a “prick” and he was going to “smash “me for upsetting her. Rona said, “you could be on to something there”. Me and Sharon got back together and I again put my trust and faith in our love for each other. We got engaged on 1/1/16 which last exactly 3hrs and 3mins before Sharon’s demons set in through drink when I ask her not to call her friends till later and just enjoy our night together, she took the ring of her finger and we had a huge row on what should have been one of our happiest nights. AGAIN, NO POLICE CALLED THAT NIGHT, funny how things change

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when drink is involved. In fact, most of the next few months was filled with huge rows and arguments between us, among the good times, highs and lows to say the least.

Ann Brown asked me if I would take over her share of the loan they are arranged between them and I said I would as an engagement present for Sharon. There was no contract between us although there may have been one between her and Sharon but no monies changed hands between us. It was around this time that her and Tony told me about “little whispers” and the black magic done on the shop and that Ann wanted out because of Rona. There was also a Romany gypsy that came into the shop when I was not in the picture while they were setting it up who convinced Sharon to allow her to give her a reading and she paid her for it. I could not believe she could not see the symbiology of money being taken from them before they had even started making it, paid out for the very service they were looking to provide.

We went to Tenerife for 2 weeks and had a magical time until the last night when Sharon spent most of the night in the toilet talking to some woman, leaving me with the friends we had met. We went to our cabin to pack and she flipped out over about 50p worth of after sun which escalated to the point none of got sleep that night and I pretty much had to follow her about the boat trying to get her to come back to the room. I won’t go into all the details of that night as it’s too embarrassing to tell now but I know it was because Sharon did not want to go and face the shit that waited for us back home.

We found out about Rona on our return and her tumour but relations between her and us were so strained by this point. She had her son’s wife draw up a contract between her and her daughter to take over the payment of the loan and I gave her £9000 for her to hand back the keys. As said she made a nice profit from a business she could not run, alienated her partners and SOUL SISTERS and then accused me of “stealing her business”. It was now all in Sharon’s name which was what she said she wanted all along so why the accusation? If anything, we did her a favour, well I did, little did I know what Sharon was still to do to me.

I gave Ann Brown £1000 as she had not been paid by Rona and only did so as I was of the impression she was still going to work with us in the shop, another lie, and gave her a necklace for her birthday and a crystal from Morocco and she never work an hour for us again. Another hand dipped into my family’s generosity and Rona had agreed to babysit her son’s new baby meaning there would only be Sharon to do readings most days.

This lead to problems but they were always meant to happen in a shop that was always destined to fail. We did what we could but then Sharon took more and more control of what was happening in the shop while I was helping a friend or so I thought after finding out he had been a smack addict for the past two and a half years.

Pressures at this point were mounting between me and my dad over the weans as again Maggie would only allow us to see them with my dad there. Again, instigated by her lawyer to tried to use me and Sharon being back together to again question my “mental health” FALSE DIAGNOSIS. She was obviously quizzing them when they got home and used what they told her against me again without proper proof, validation or allowing a chance to explain. They have used my lack of knowledge of their court proceedings to keep my weans from me for their own financial gain and nothing more. All of my weans have expressed they want to see me and no one is listening to them either.

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I bought a bearded dragon as a pet for the shop and we got a puppy from the dog’s trust for my birthday in April.


I was travelling to Bathgate with some of our medicine to infuse it into coconut oil so we could give it to Rona to help with her tumour and was stopped by the police for speeding.



After having a drink this night which we hardly ever do by now we again fell out when I mentioned to amount of paedophilia that was becoming more and more evident as we found out more through our research and was shocked when Sharon said, “have you no got a good word to say about anybody?”. Well when it comes to that then no, sorry. She then followed me about her house from room to room for about an hour and a half, would not let me turn the TV on and sat in front of the plug to keep the wi-fi turned off. Her friends heard us arguing that night and then I feel out with one of them over a situation from Sharon past which is private to a degree but goes way deeper then she can remember, which is why she is struggling still to accept it. Sharon leaves with her lying friends and returns a few hours later, come in get a can of beer from the fridge, falls asleep with in her hand without as much as a word to me. I leave in the morning for my own house.


Got to shop in the morning and leave when Sharon arrives, still no apology from the weekend. I arrive back later and we have another argument when again as usual she cannot remember why and how things actually do happen, when she has been drinking and twists and turns everything to her favour and tries to lie her way out of any wrong doing, always pointing blame to me. I end up throwing a chair at the wall in frustration and leaving with the dog. Sharon come down for the dog after work shouting a bawling at me in the street and calling me names. My friend had come in looking for me and she had a go at him too that day for no reason, trying to accuse me of being with another woman and all sorts.


Go up to see Sharon to see if she has calmed down any to find her up her loft with her friend Arlene. I had come up to tend to our medicine plants we were just about to start to grow for our research at Sharon’s house. She was up the loft demanding that I get them all out of her house and would not listen when I was saying that was all we had left as the CROWN had stolen everything else with the unlawful warrant that was not consented to. We again started to argue about what was said at the weekend and I again told them I was going to find out the truth about just how my now fiancé was treated or acted “back in the day” when it was party time and drink and drugs were involved as I know the stories I was told before we even met again in 2011.

Sharon again decided that today would be a good day to call the police and make up a complete lie about how she never knew what I was doing up there and should not have gave me a key which again resulted in the loss and theft of my property, another criminal charge and a night in the cells for her lies. Bail conditions to stay away from her and my shop during which time she sold my pet lizard and still to this day has not told me to who and she gave away everything my mother and father’s money paid for without even telling me about it. Rona said she was disgusted at her for it, not because she done that to me but because she did not sell it so they could make even more money from my pain and misery.

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These so called spiritual people did nothing but use me time and again and then turned against me and left me with nothing on more than one occasion. They don’t even realise they are being controlled by their demons but I have seen enough times when they all talk about each other behind their back and judge how they give and get messages from spirit and the back stabbing that goes on between them through jealousy.

July 2016

Had court this month for the weans and also for the trial where I had decided to represent myself as I did in the same type of case the CROWN had brought against me through their unlawful statutes again instigated by Sharon. I pled guilty to that charge so I would not have to put my life and hers on public display.

I stood in the dock that day and was asked to take a name that I tried to explain I do not associate with any longer due to the experiences I went through since 2015 and that I had 36 days of medical notes to show that I had a spiritual awakening. Sheriff Duff that day decided who I was by asking the fiscal if he was satisfied I was the person they wanted me to be. He also decided that Sharon was now a vulnerable witness and I was not allowed to represent myself, even though the case just passed a Falkirk where I represented my self was identical in every way so it went home.

A couple of week later there ended up over a dozen POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS at my house, 4 to start with all pointing at me and again trying to tell me who I was, calling me John which is a name I have never been called by anyone who knows me. They smashed the back door which the council still have not fixed, forcing me to try to flee from threats of violence from them. Another night in the cells forced under duress and lock and key to take the name they had FORGED again for their fictional trust case.

Went to trial in August and again pled guilty for her lies again and got back together again shortly after this. Fell in and out numerous times over silly thing as we always have done even spending Christmas and new year apart last year.

October 2016

Had court for the weans and was to go back to Falkirk from my 6 months good behaviour bond, got the dates mixed up and missed them both.

Arrested on the 3rd November, made to go for a criminal justice social work report and told to appear again on 1st December. On 30/11/2016 we go to the fiscal’s office at Falkirk and hand in a copy of lodging made on 9/11/2016 for our family case and a letter asking for the CROWN to see reason and let us live our lives in peace.

We did not attend on the 1st December and no warrant was issued for a nonappearance that day, in fact amazingly I managed to get admonishes and dismissed for it in October as my record shows, two weeks before I was arrested for nonappearance?????


Missed my youngest son’s birthdate, first time ever missing any of their birthdates.


Missed my oldest son’s and my daughter’s birthday as well as Christmas with them.

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January this year we managed to get enough money to start our research again and our dream of being self-sufficient.


Sacked Alan Jackson from Adams Whyte for misrepresentation and lying to us about not being able to get hold of the CROWN or a response from them to get my property back from them.

Started e-mailing the CROWN myself and received a response back identifying OPENARMS FOUNDATION as a corporate entity just as they are saying they had passed the case back to the Livingston for review and they would let us know what would be returned to us at that stage. We are still waiting on this response.


Citation posted through the door, not served to anyone, giving 7 days to respond but no date even on the papers. Response given and ask to be responded to but no response from the CROWN.

20/03 we go to first diet. By now our research had shown us how corrupt the courts are and we initially refuse to stand in the dock and are met with threat of being “taken down” by Sheriff Kinlock. I did go in after Sharon asked me to and the police then tried to get her out of the court so there would be no witnesses. The sheriff immediately threatened me with contempt is I made a “mockery of him or his court”. I treated him with respect, not ask to make any plea of declaration only asking if I was ready to go to trial.


We go to court for the trial and make lodging trying to avoid going to trial and giving to CROWN a change to settle our business. We did not get into the court till after 10.30am. We were again made to wait till they went through all other cases. Mr Kinlock then declared he “had no further business” and swiftly left the court. The two officers then declared the court closed, giving no indication it would re-open at any point that day. We left court assuming the case had been deserted and left around 11.20am that morning. We then received information from a third party that the case had been called in our absence and a warrant issued for my arrest under a name they again forged from the particulars on my birth certificate.

Throughout April and may we tried everything we could to find some resolution through e-mails to the CROWN, the Lord Justice General, the Sheriff principal, even the first minister looking for help and support over our human rights being breached along with our religious beliefs and our god given right to live in peace and love causing no harm to others. All of which was ignored forcing us to invoke Article 61 of the Magna Charter, our lawful right to rebel, again ignored by the CROWN.


Police arrive at one of our properties 59 Parkview and force their way into the house uninvited when they found the back door opened. They placed Sharon in handcuffs for no reason and would later claim they smelled cannabis as an excuse to un lawfully enter. We have video evidence that throughout the conversation with Sharon did they mention cannabis and only seen my research when I was forced to flee up the loft through threats of dog units. We also have video evidence of our pleas for peace and reasoning, contrary to the reports I was threatening the police. The video also clearly shows they did not have the right person on the warrant, they would not produce the warrant of even their warrant cards

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and that they were breaking their oaths as constables by enforcing an unlawful warrant. It also shows me telling them they are breaking their own laws knowingly trying to pass a forged instrument as genuine. Why does the law think they are above the law? No man is above the law.

I demanded to be taken to the hospital which I had already decided to do as explained earlier. I was discharged on 16/6/2015 and arrested again on the 19/6/2015, again lied to by the police who said that as I was still an outpatient the duty Sargent would take this on board and I would be let back out that night. Never even spoke to me and another night held against my will, asked a lawyer to arrange bail, forced to take another name they had forged, agreed to a psychiatric report and to sign on every Monday at Bathgate police station.

Again, we had everything taken from us and left us with nothing and as usual we took our stress out on each other and I moved back to my house but still went to see Sharon.


Sharon staying at mine past couple of days, thing going good, we go up to Cairnpapple Hill and Sharon lies down on the ground and shakes for over half an hour, start to go through what I did 2 years before.


Exactly 2 years to the date that I had the reading which changed my all our lives forever. Sharon had been up most of the night, we went out for a walk on the grass barefoot in the morning and then up the hill with our dog. Came back down and were going to go to the beach, met our neighbour Bell and her sister and the weans and Sharon wanted to walk to town with them, still with no shoes on, same as I did 2 years before. We went to Portobello beach and walked along and back again. Sharon was becoming more and more concerned saying thing like “oh babe” over and over and “we’ve fucked up, we’ve fucked up” she a couple showers throughout the day and when I went in with her at one point I found she had on my chef knifes from the kitchen hidden behind something. This concerned me and I asked her why it was there. When someone knocked the door she almost jumped out of her skin. She then wanted us to go and see Gerry Gallagher to see if he would take us to Uganda with him as he was going to see the weans from his orphanage.

She asked if we could go back to her house and just lay under the cover with each other. On the way, up she seen a car and wanted me to follow it saying it was trying to show us a way out. When we got to the Hillcroft in Whitburn she clicked out her seatbelt and opened the door while I was still in motion. I stopped and tried to keep her in the car but she got out, still bare foot and ran over to the car park. I turned the car around and got into the car park where she was asking people if they would come to the hospital with us as she was convinced they would let us both stay there for the night. I called my dad to see if we could go see him at her request but he was out for tea. We got back in the car and went to Fauldhouse but then she would not go into her house. We were going to go to her mum’s and she changed her mind on that, left again and got to Longridge before again going to go back to her mum’s and again changing her mind. We decided to go back to mine but again as soon as we got to the Hillcroft she again clicked her belt of so I pulled into the cemetery when my mum was buried and she asked to be taken to her grave. I drove round and stopped the car saying we would go and find it then I would park the car. I was walking up to find it thinking she was behind me but I looked round to see her running back to the car and into the driver’s side. I opened the passenger door and she drove off with me hanging on to the door at speed causing me to trip and fall over a kerb and almost head first into someone else’s grave stone. I was so worried she was going to have an accident as she so irrational at this point and I ran from the grave yard and stopped someone in the street to ask for a shot of their phone as mine was in the car. I then went back into the hotel to call the police for assistance to find

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Sharon back there, still with no shoes on, asked what she has done with the car and left to get my dad who was now home.

When we returned the police were there and she was taken to her mum’s that night while I again was held against my will to give a statement to the police. Her mum and now filled her head full of doubts and she had let her head and spirit rule her heart and soul for now.

There are times in doubt if this is really meant to be what we have always though it was going to be between us but then I have faith that we can’t have gone through all we have together for nothing. Either way I believe it was all for a higher purpose and I will clear my name, even though I no longer use it. At time of writing this 10/9/2017 I have not seen or heard from Sharon again for weeks now as she again hides away in the prison of her mind and from her love.


Go for assessment at the hospital for the CROWN did not want to speak to him alone but he insisted that we speak alone to start with and having read the report he submitted I will never again leave myself in the position of such subjective bias and out right manipulation of information.


Appointment with my GP Dr McCallum who gave me a fit for work certificate and stopped my mental health reviews.


Visit to the COPFS to make lodgings for our case, seeking remedy, over this case and to find out if they wish to proceed with the charges brought against Sharon on 7/6/2017. We were told by a Carla we would get a response sometime in the next week. We are still waiting. Asked for a copy of the report and they tried to say they did not have it yet, I explained that I was told it had to been in for the next day on the 8th and they suddenly found a copy.

As said the report is a joke, called to speak to Dr Omer’s secretary but she was not in, e-mail sent to the lady I did speak to who said she would forward it on, no response yet. Even my dad was shocked when I told him some of the things that were written in it. it also contradicts the 9day assessment I had in June when I was discharged as I showed as they put it mental capacity to make choice and decision over my medication.

We lodged our intentions to start civil proceedings against the individuals responsible for denying us our right to practice our faith, deformation of character and slander if we cannot find a peaceful solution to this nightmare.

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