open the easylearn adaptations animal app.€¦ · a lake, a desert, a forest) habitats provide...

Open the easyLearn Adaptations Animal app. As you are using this app, you can scroll left and right across the top of the pages to see the pictures. You will need to scroll up and down to read/see all of the text material about each type of animal. Pressing the button will take you back to the main selection screen so that you can choose an animal to read about. Pressing the button, while doing the practice and quiz, will allow you to hear the responses and sounds of the activity. Select Select Scroll down on the page to view the rest of the text. Scroll left and right at the top to see all of the pictures. button to advance to the next topic or go back to topic screen by selecting the Use the button and select the next topic you need/want to read about. Read through ALL of the text material and look at all the pictures included for each topic to prepare for the quiz at the end of this assignment. Fill in the blanks below with the words that are missing from the text material provided. Introduction: A 1.____________________________________ is any place where a particular animal or plant lives. (Ex. a lake, a desert, a forest) Habitats provide food, water, and shelter which animals need to survive. The 2.___________________________________________ that an animal develops depend on: the climate in its habitat (temperature and rainfall), the type of vegetation available, and the presence of other animal species that live in the same habitat. Habitats of similar climate are grouped together into 3.______________________________________. The important biomes in the world are: tundra (arctic, antarctic, alpine), taiga (coniferous/boreal forests), tropical rainforests, temperate deciduous forests, hot and cold deserts, grasslands (savannahs, steppes, pampas, and prairies), chaparrals, freshwater (lakes, rivers and ponds), wetlands (marches and swamps), saltwater (marine/oceans, coral reef). These biomes are spread throughout the Earth. Adelie Penguin Adelie penguin is among the 4.________________________________ penguin species found in the Antarctic desert.

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  • Open the easyLearn Adaptations Animal app.

    As you are using this app, you can scroll left and right across the top of the pages to see

    the pictures. You will need to scroll up and down to read/see all of the text material

    about each type of animal.

    Pressing the button will take you back to the main selection screen so that you can choose an

    animal to read about. Pressing the button, while doing the practice and quiz, will allow you to hear

    the responses and sounds of the activity.



    Scroll down on the page to view the rest of the text. Scroll left and right at the top to see all of the


    button to advance to the next topic or go back to topic screen by selecting the Use the

    button and select the next topic you need/want to read about. Read through ALL of the text material

    and look at all the pictures included for each topic to prepare for the quiz at the end of this assignment.

    Fill in the blanks below with the words that are missing from the text material provided.


    A 1.____________________________________ is any place where a particular animal or plant lives. (Ex.

    a lake, a desert, a forest) Habitats provide food, water, and shelter which animals need to survive.

    The 2.___________________________________________ that an animal develops depend on: the

    climate in its habitat (temperature and rainfall), the type of vegetation available, and the presence of

    other animal species that live in the same habitat.

    Habitats of similar climate are grouped together into 3.______________________________________.

    The important biomes in the world are: tundra (arctic, antarctic, alpine), taiga (coniferous/boreal

    forests), tropical rainforests, temperate deciduous forests, hot and cold deserts, grasslands (savannahs,

    steppes, pampas, and prairies), chaparrals, freshwater (lakes, rivers and ponds), wetlands (marches and

    swamps), saltwater (marine/oceans, coral reef). These biomes are spread throughout the Earth.

    Adelie Penguin

    Adelie penguin is among the 4.________________________________ penguin species found in the

    Antarctic desert.

  • Penguins are birds that 5. __________________________________________ fly, but spend a fair

    amount of time in the water.

    Their feathers are thick and layered with 6. ________________________________________ that

    protects them from cold while on land and in the icy waters. Their wings are very short and serve as

    flippers for underwater swimming.

    They have backward pointing 7.____________________________________ on their tongues to prevent

    the slippery sea prey from escaping. They feed mostly on krill, squid, crustaceans, and other forms of


    When they dive into the deep waters, their heart rates 8._____________________________________

    from a staggering eighty to one hundred beats a minute to a mere twenty beats a minute. They also

    have an amazing kidney system that filters out the salt in the water allowing them to use salt water for


    Penguin chicks give each other mutual support by forming little 9. ______________________________

    (nurseries for child care) that give them protection against predators.

    African Elephant

    They are the 10._________________________________________ living land animals standing at a

    height of 10-13 feet, length of about 24 feet and weighing as much as six to seven tons. The males are

    bigger than the females.

    They have excellent 11. _____________________________________________ which helps keep them

    safe from oncoming predators. They have very small eyes with long eyelashes and eyelids that protect

    the eyes from dust.

    The tusks are ivory in color and made from dentine and enamel. These almost never stop growing. But

    since humans have been hunting elephants for their ivory tusks for centuries, the elephants are

    undergoing evolution. To protect themselves, their tusks are 12._________________________________

    that big anymore.

    Female elephants live in family herds with their young, but adult males tend to

    roam on their 13.__________________________.


    Alligators are reptiles. These 14._________________________________________________ mostly live

    in wetlands (marshes and swamps), lakes and ponds.

  • They have an extra transparent 15.___________________________________________ on each eye

    that can be closed to protect their eyes when they go completely underwater. It is similar to a pair of

    goggles. This lets them see underwater without letting any water get into their eyes.

    Their skin also acts as a great 16._________________________________________________ in the

    swamps, marshes, and lakes that they live in.

    The strong jaws of the alligator can also crush its prey while the teeth are used to 17.________________

    the animal in position in their wide mouths.

    American Toad

    The American toad is brown medium sized 18.______________________________________________

    that is found in many deciduous forests around the world.

    They have stout bodies with short legs and very thick skin. This skin is covered with big yellow and red

    warts. These warts have 19._________________________________________ that release poison which

    has a terrible smell and taste that keeps the predators away.

    Their warts also hold enough 20.___________________________________________________ so that it

    doesn’t have to keep going back to the water source to moisten its skin. This lets the toad walk around

    on land for long periods of time.

    Its tongue is attached to the mouth at the 21.____________________________________ so it can

    extend out farther.

    The toad’s tongue doesn’t push the food back for swallowing; instead, it’s protruding 22._____________

    to do the job by drawing them in.


    The anteater has a long snout and a thin long tongue. Its long mouth has lips but 23. ________________

    have teeth.

    They have a very keen sense of smell that allows them to sniff out 24.____________________________

    relatively easily as well as to tell what type of ant lives there. Their nose is the end of their long pointed

    snout. This allows them to locate food easily and helps them to hold their nose above the water when

    they are swimming.

    The anteater has long sharp powerful claws with 25.__________________________________________

    middle toes on each of its feet. It uses these strong claws to open termite mounds and anthills. These

    claws also help it to get a good grip while climbing trees. These claws also serve as defense against the

    predators. When confronted, the anteater swipes the predator with these large claws.

    Their digestive system is unique. They have powerful muscles that act as 26._______________________

    grinding the ants and termites they eat, after which this crushed food is dissolved in powerful stomach

    acids. Its powerful muscle makes up for its missing teeth too.

  • They have 27. ______________________________________________________ tails which means that

    they can hold objects with their tail, like gripping onto the branches of a tree to allow it to remain

    suspended). Some parts of anteater’s tail have no hair. This helps it to get a better grip on branches. The

    rest of the tail is covered with long hair. Their tails also keep them warm. When the weather is chilly,

    these furry creatures wrap their tails around themselves to stay warm.

    Arctic Fox

    The arctic fox has the warmest coat any 28._____________________________________ on Earth has.

    Its coat is even warmer than a polar bear or arctic wolf.

    Arctic foxes can eat a variety of food. Their primary diet includes 29._____________________________

    and seabirds. They also often feed on the scraps left behind by polar bears and other wild animals.

    When there is enough food to go around they save up for later by burying any extra morsels. Although

    they are usually carnivorous, they sometimes supplement their diet with greens and berries.

    They listen carefully to creatures under the snow, they 30._____________________________________

    on the snow with their front paws until the snow breaks. Then they catch their prey.

    Aye Aye

    Aye Ayes are native to 31._____________________________________________. They have a unique

    thin middle finger and rat like teeth. They are a type of lemur and the world’s largest nocturnal


    They have an exclusive way of gathering food. They tap the trees and listen to the 32._______________

    to find hollow chambers which they chew into with their front teeth to find little bits of food and finally

    use their thin middle finger to scoop out the grubs.

    They start foraging (looking for food) anywhere between thirty minutes before and three hours after

    33._____________________________________. They spend more than 80% of the night doing so with

    the occasional rest. They are able to jump from tree to tree like a squirrel, but find horizontal movement


    They are essentially 34.___________________________________________________ animals and even

    foraging is an individual activity, although there are times that they get together in groups. When they

    are in groups, they communicate using scent signals and vocalizations.


    Beavers belong to the family of 35._________________________________. They live in ponds, lakes,

    rivers, marshes, and streams.

    Beavers have large webbed feet, flat broad tail, and a thick 36.__________________________________

    coat that allows them to glide smoothly through water.

  • Lodges are usually cone shaped with 37.______________________________________________

    entrances and are built along the shore using mud, grass, and branches. Some beavers create burrows

    out of the mud along riverbanks instead of building lodges.

    Beavers can survive even below a layer of ice because they can 38._____________________________

    under water. Their lips close behind their front teeth allowing them to chew on food without letting

    water in their mouths.

    They can also stay underwater for long periods because they have slow blood circulation, big lungs, and

    a huge liver that stores oxidized blood. These unique 39._______________________________________

    allow them to conserve oxygen.

    Beavers have strong 40.__________________________________________________ shaped orange

    teeth (incisors) that are always growing. So beavers need to keep gnawing on trees and branches to

    keep their teeth trim. They can chew on large tree trunks and make the trees fall. They love to eat barks

    and leaves from these fallen trees. The orange color of teeth comes from a hard protective coating

    containing iron.

    Black Widow Spider

    The black widow spider is among the most dangerous 41.______________________________________

    in the world. The female, the dominating partner, is notorious for sometimes devouring the male after


    The female, extremely poisonous, has a shiny large black body shaped like a bulb and long legs. It has a

    unique 42._________________________________________________________________ hourglass-like

    shape on it stomach. The male, smaller than his partner, is brown with orange striped legs and yellow,

    red, or white markings on its back and is not poisonous.

    Once the prey is caught in its web, the spider 43._____________________________________________

    it by biting it. The spider then injects enzymes that speed up the digestion process outside her body.

    Boa Constrictor

    The boa constrictor is a 44.____________________________________________________________

    reptile found in many warm regions around the world. Its main adaptation to its surroundings is its

    ability to blend into the trees almost effortlessly.

    Boas are huge, growing to anywhere between 45.___________________________________________

    feet in length. This length serves them well in allowing them to blend into their surroundings to easily

    ambush their unsuspecting prey and to climb trees to sometimes get their prey.

    Boas also have a bunch of special 46._______________________________________________ just

    below their lips which they can use to detect warm-blooded preys.

    Their eyes always make them look like they are 47.______________________________ even when they

    are sleeping. This protects them against humans, their one and only enemy, who kill them for their skin.

  • Camels

    The two humps on their backs have 48.__________________________________ stored in them which

    sustains them without food (for several months) or water (for a week or more).

    They protect themselves against harsh sunlight and sand blown about by strong winds using 49._______

    rows of eyelashes.

    Their knees have thick leather-like patches that shield them from 50. ____________________________

    themselves when they kneel down in the sand.

    Camels can drink up to about 51. _____________________________________________________ of

    water at once. Their body temperature is also known to be unstable and this allows them to conserve

    the water by not sweating it out.


    Chipmunks belong to the 52._______________________________________________________ family.

    As their name suggests, they make chipping noises with their 53._______________________________.

    Being 54. ____________________________________________________________, they most often

    feed on nuts, berries, seeds, and grains. They have strong teeth to break open the nuts. At times, they

    also feed on insects and eggs of birds. Chipmunks are good climbers and their needle-pointed claws help

    them in climbing trees to find food.

    Chipmunks are food gatherers. They carry foods in a special 55. ________________________________.

    They can carry nine nuts in their mouths at a time.

    These animals hibernate during 56.__________________________________________________

    although not deeply. They use their store of nuts collected throughout the year as food during



    Cockroaches (or roaches) are 57._________________________________________________ with flat

    bodies, long antennae, and long legs. They usually come in different shades of brown.

    The average cockroach is half an inch long and the largest is about 58. ___________________________

    long. Typically, roaches have six hairy legs and eighteen knees.

    A cockroach’s skeleton is outside of its body (59.____________________________________________).

    As they outgrow their skeleton, they shed it (giving them a white appearance) and regrow a new one

    with a few hours (regaining their color).

    These winged creatures 60.____________________________________ only fly fast; they can scurry and

    disappear into nooks and crannies in seconds. They have quick reflexes and can run really fast.

  • They breathe through the sides of their bodies and because cockroaches do not use hemoglobin to carry

    oxygen, they have 61. _____________________________________________ blood.

    A cockroach can go without water or food for a long period and it can live about a week or longer

    without its 62.________________________________________.

    Duckbill Platypus

    The duckbill platypus always lives near water- mostly in the rivers of eastern Australia and Tasmania.

    This is because it is 63. ___________________________________________________________ (lives

    both on land and in water) and dives and swims well.

    It has 64. __________________________________________________________________ ability. This

    means it can sense small electric charges that animals emit when they move.

    It has a long, flat tail that helps it to swim fast. The tail stores fat which acts as a 65. _________________

    to keep the animal warm during the cold season.

    The male produces a venomous 66.______________________________________________ in each of

    its hind legs which is used against attackers as well as to compete with other males.

    It is one of only two mammals in the world to 67._____________________________________. The

    female feeds her young with milk secreted from glands under her skin.


    The ermine (a type of weasel) is a small short furry creature with black-tipped tails and a long body. It is

    also known as a 68._____________________________________ in Europe.

    Ermines have a very sensitive 69._________________________________________________________;

    their sense of smell is one of the most important to their survival being the one thing they need to rely

    on to catch their prey. Their keen sense of smell compensates for their poor eyesight. Their whiskers

    give them an added sense to touch.

    Their eyesight is only poor during the day. During the night, they have powerful night vision. They have a

    70._____________________________________________________ color vision which means that they

    can identity long and short wave lengths of light although they cannot make clear distinctions of specific


    The ermine’s long, thin body causes it to release more 71.___________________________________

    from the body. So it needs to eat a lot of food to compensate for the heat-loss.

  • Freshwater Shrimp

    They use their front legs to crawl along the bottom of a pond. They have 72._______________________

    of segmented legs that allow them to swim sideways. This sideways movement allows them to hide

    under stones and rocks away from prey. Because they live underwater, they breathe through their 73.__________________________________.

    The sideways movement pushes water over their gills which allow them to get the required amount of

    oxygen for breathing.

    Their bodies are curved like a 74.________________________________________________________

    which they stretch out when they swim. They look almost transparent although they are pale green in

    color. The male shrimps can grow up to 20mm in length but the females are much smaller.


    They can adapt well to changing weather conditions. If it gets too hot outside, their exoskeleton’s thin

    waxy coat protection prevents it from 75.__________________________________________________.

    In extremely hot climates however, the waxy coat can melt. The grasshoppers control this by varying the

    melting point of their coats.

    Some grasshopper species are capable of 76.________________________________________________.

    This means that a grasshopper can change its form (body structure) depending on certain conditions. Ex.

    one form may be green with short wings and an alternate form may be brown with longer wings.

    They taste the plants they eat by 77. ______________________________________________________

    near their mouth which are similar in nature to taste buds.

    Grasshoppers can also adapt to the extreme colds of winter. They do this by winterizing, a process

    known as embryonic diapause. The female adult grasshopper lays eggs in late summer/early fall. The

    eggs go into a state called 78.____________________________________________________________,

    a type of hibernation that protects them against the colds and keeps them alive until the warmer



    Along with their strong wings, their 79._____________________________________________________

    allow them to fly to increasingly higher altitudes without being weighted down.

    They have amazingly sharp 80.________________________________________________. Hawks are

    even able to spot a mouse in a field below when they are flying overhead. Hawk’s eyes are placed on

    top of

    its head allowing it to judge the distance and focus on prey. It has 81._____________________________

    vision which is the ability to see the same object with both eyes.

  • Hedgehog

    Hedgehogs are 82. _____________________________________________________________________

    with spiny coats that live in both cold and tropical climates mostly found in Europe and Africa.

    They are 83.__________________________________ and 84.__________________________________.

    Hedgehogs in the cold regions hibernate in the winter when the food is scarce. But hedgehogs in the hot

    regions enter a state called 85.___________________________________________ (like hibernation)

    when the temperatures become too hot. They are mostly dormant except when they go out once a

    week to collect food.


    Jaguars are the 86.________________________________________________ largest member of the cat

    family (after the tiger and lion). Its markings are similar to that of a leopard.

    They are able to take a prey down in a single blow/bite 87._____________________________________

    directly targeting the brain.

    They also ensure their survival by hunting 88.______________________________________. They have

    the skill to ambush and kill a prey without the help of other jaguars.

    Jumping Spider

    The family of jumping spiders is the largest of all the spider families with about 89.__________________

    different species.

    Although they are named jumping spiders, their jump is not really as high as we might expect. Their

    strongest feature instead is their extremely good 90.__________________________________________.

    They use their excellent vision to calculate 91._______________________________________________

    before suddenly leaping on their prey.

    They are good jumpers because they can quickly change the pressure of the body fluids in their limbs so

    that when their legs stiffen suddenly, the spider is propelled upward. They use an internal

    92.___________________________________________________________________ that changes how

    much fluid is allowed into the legs.

    Their webs or 93.___________________________________________________________ have many

    purposes. They build these for shelter from bad weather, to sleep, to store egg cases, and to protect

    themselves during the winter. But they don’t use them to catch their prey.

  • Migratory Fish

    Fish such as salmon, trout, and eel that are able to adapt to varying levels of salinity are described

    as 94.______________________________________________________________ (able to live in both

    fresh and salt water).

    They migrate through coastal wetlands, rivers, and estuaries (where fresh water meets salt water) which

    have different degrees of salinity in the water. The main reason for 95.___________________________

    is to find food or breeding sites.

    In fresh water, the body fluids of a fish are saltier than the water in which it swims. So the water seeps

    through their skin to create a balance. This process is called 96._________________________________.

    A freshwater fish maintains the concentration of its body fluids by expelling the extra water as diluted

    urine which prevents the fish from becoming waterlogged.

    Salmon and trout are known to travel many 97._____________________________________________

    of miles out in water, but to return to the same place they were spawned when it is time for them to


    Polar Bear

    Although most polar bears are born on land, they are largely 98._________________________________

    animals spending most of their life in the icy cold waters of the Arctic.

    They have 99.___________________________________________ under their thick coat of fur. This

    allows for better heat retention.

    The animal also has very 100.____________________________________________________________

    which help preserve body temperature and prevent water from entering its ears and freezing its


    Polar bears are excellent swimmers. They can swim up to about 101._____________________________

    and are known to be able to swim continuously for about one hundred kilometers.

    The polar bear is also extremely skilled at digging deep holes 102.________________________________

    deep underground. This gives it shelter from the strong winds of the Arctic and shields it from broken

    branches and debris that often fly around.

  • Pond Skater

    The pond skaters (or 103.____________________________________________________________) are

    small insects that are adapted to live in mostly-still waters (lakes, ponds, marshes, and slow moving


    Their feet have tiny velvety hairs (called 104.______________________________________________)

    that trap air which helps them to skate over water without falling in.

    The 105.__________________________________________________________ on their body is water

    repellent. This shields their bodies from coming into direct contact with the water.

    When they stay on the surface of water, they feed on the remains of dead plants and animals. They

    also 106._____________________________________________ for small creatures found on or below

    the water surface.

    During winter, they 107. _______________________________________________________ moving

    away from water and come back to their watery homes in spring.


    The ptarmigans are well adapted to their alpine tundra climate. Resembling chicken, these birds

    are 108.______________________________________________________________________.

    Ptarmigans have the ability to change the color of their 109. _______________________________

    (feathers) to suit their surroundings.

    The black lines by their eyes act like a pair of 110.____________________________________________.

    They help prevent snow blindness by reducing the glare from the Sun’s reflection on the snow.

    In case they are face to face with a prey, their primary escape tactic is a full 111.____________________

    flight motion from their seating position. This gives them instant flight without having to climb gradually.

    Puff Adder

    The puff adder gets its name from its ability to puff itself out when 112.___________________________

    so that it actually looks bigger than normal.

    Usually, the puff adder is quite lazy and slow moving. If it is disturbed, it makes short bursts of speedy

    jumps. However, it is the 113._________________________________________________________

    striking snake in the world.

    Puff adders ensure the survival of their species by having large number of offspring usually

    about 114._____________________________________________________________________. Many

    predators feed on young puff adders and they compensate for this by having many offspring.

  • Puma

    A puma is a large solitary mammal that is mostly found in the 115._______________________________

    from southern Canada to the tip of South America. It is also known by the names cougar and mountain


    Pumas are not able to 116.____________________________________ like the other big cats.

    Pumas need large land areas to hunt and they are 117._______________________________________.

    This means that each puma has its own hunting area that no other puma is allowed to enter.

    They have five claws on their front paws and four claws on their back paws that can

    pull in (118._______________________________________).

    In their large hunting areas, they stalk their prey quietly and 119.________________________________

    on them from behind, killing them with a deadly bite to the neck. Their spines are flexible and made for

    this type of action. Then they cover their prey (if it is large) with leaves and bushes and eat the meat

    over a few days often supplementing it with other small animals.

    Rainforest Frogs

    Frogs are great at escaping predators. Rainforest frogs have different 120._________________________

    mechanisms that allow them to thrive in their environment.

    The red-eyed tree frog has bright green body and sparkling bright red eyes. It also has blue and yellow

    streaks on its body and large orange toes. It uses these to distract and scare predators such as snakes.

    This technique is called 121.____________________________________________________________. It

    can also change its colors depending on its mood, from light lime green to a darker green.

    The poison dart (or poison arrow) frogs come in many colors; yellow, copper, gold, red, blue, green,

    black or a combination of those. These make them appear attractive, but in reality, they are attractively

    deadly frogs. Their bright colors and startling designs help warn predators of the danger they impose.

    This mechanism is called 122.______________________________________________________. Within

    their skin, they store natural venom that can paralyze or even kill a predator. It has enough poison to kill

    ten adults. The poison dart frog got its name because the ancient tribes that used to live close to the

    amphibian’s habitat used to dip their darts/arrows in its poison. These arrows remained lethal for up to

    two years.

    In winter, wood frogs literally 123._______________________________________________________,

    their blood stops flowing, and the lungs, heart, and muscles stop too. Ice fills their body’s cavity and

    they only begin to thaw during spring. Until then, they sleep through the winter burrowed under a leaf.

  • Roadrunner

    The roadrunners are birds with very long legs and belong to the 124._____________________________

    family. There are two types of roadrunners: the greater roadrunner and the lesser roadrunner.

    Their long legs allow them to run very fast across the desert. This helps them to camouflage and avoid

    detection by predators. They can run up to about 125.________________________________________

    which for birds of their size is amazing.

    They are large birds about 126.________________________________________________ tall. This gives

    them an advantage over large animals in the desert that they hunt for food. They are even able to hunt


    When there is a food shortage, they even eat their 127._______________________________________.

    They can survive for long periods without water. They obtain 128._______________________________

    from the body of their prey and from the fruits they eat.


    They have a unique water retention system that lets them re-absorb water from their 129.___________

    before excretion from the body. Their nasal glands eliminate excess salt in the body instead of from

    their urinary tracts like other birds.


    Their large colorful bills allow them to eat large bits of food. Although they usually eat fruits, they

    become 130.___________________________________ when fruits are not available. Then they eat bird

    eggs, rodents, reptiles, insects, and other weaker birds.

    On each of their feet, they have two toes in the front and two toes at the back. The toes have bent

    claws. This helps them to grip firmly onto tree branches.

    The bright colors on their beaks and the flash colors underneath their wings are also used

    for 131._____________________________________________________________________ with other


    These birds are also 132.________________________________________________. This helps them to

    distract their predators and escape them by hopping over to other tree branches.


    Wolverines look like bears, but they actually belong to the 133._________________________________

    family. They are the largest land dwellers of their kind.

    Even though they weigh a mere 134.________________________________________________, they

    are known to take on animals twice their size, like caribou, wolves, and bears.

  • They have incredible endurance to the cold climate. They cover as much as 135.____________________

    in a day especially during winter, in search of food.

    Their advantage over other predators is mainly their thick skin which protects them from attacks by

    other carnivores the upper 136._____________________________________________ that allows them

    to effortlessly tear through their prey’s skin.

    Not only do they feed on live animals, they also scavenge off 137.________________________________

    left behind by other predators.


    The yak lives in the high mountains in extreme cold, high altitude, and low oxygen environments.

    The yak copes with the extreme cold by conserving heat within its body. It does not generate heat

    because this action requires food and food is hard to come by in these areas. It has a

    low number of 138.________________________________________________________.

    Just before winter, the yak gets a layer of 139.________________________________________ that

    comes right beneath its skin. This acts as an energy reserve as well as an extra coat to keep it warm.

    Most yaks have black fur coats and a highly pigmented skin. These protect them against the

    high 140.______________________________________________________________ in their


    The yaks prefer to stay in herds for 141.__________________________________________________

    against predators. They can fight to the end in dangerous situations.


    Zebras have unique black and white striped coat which acts as camouflage. This is called

    142.______________________________________________________________. It helps them to blend

    into their surroundings especially during dawn when most predators in their habitat are active.

    Zebras are a healthy lot of animals. Because of their constitution, they can 143.____________________

    many diseases that often affect cattle.

    Their ears are an indication of their 144._______________________________________________. If

    they are erect, it means they are calm. If they are pulled back, it means they are angry, and if they are

    straining forward, it means they are afraid.

  • Go to the Menu page


    Select :

    Circle the correct picture that

    answers/matches each of the statements

    included. (NOTE: Not all questions that

    appear in the app will be included in this

    part of the activity.) Go through the

    matching activity in the app and answer

    each question to prepare for the quiz at

    the end of this assignment.

    145 146

    149 148 147

  • 150 151 152

    153 154 155

  • Go to the Menu page

    Select (Circle the correct answer for each question. NOTE: The questions and

    answer choices within the app may not appear in the order listed on this activity.)

    156. Which animal can walk, swim, and jump under water?

    pond skater glass frog eel shrimp

    157. Which animal can stay underwater for long periods?

    jaguar wolverine elephant beaver

    158. Which frog contains enough poison to kill ten adults?

    poison dart frog tiger legged frog red eyed tree frog glass frog

    159. Which animal can jump very high and far to get away from predators?

    cockroach grasshopper jumping spider toucan

    160. Which animal’s skin acts as camouflage in the rainforests?

    chipmunk jaguar zebra poison dart frog

    161. Which animal relies on its great sense of smell to locate food?

    zebra hawk salmon hedgehog

    162. Which animal kills its prey with a poisonous bite?

    pond skater grasshopper jumping spider hawk

    163. Which animal’s hooves help to walk on sand without sinking?

    zebra camel jaguar yak

    164. Which unique mouth belongs the anteater?

    long snout cheeks with pouch long trunk flat bill

    165. Which animal saves energy on long journeys by tobogganing?

    penguin ptarmigan arctic fox polar bear

    166. Which animal breeds in temporary ponds where fish don’t live?

    red eyed tree frog freshwater shrimp American toad duckbill platypus

    167. Which animal hides behind rocks and bushes to escape from predators?

    ptarmigan hedgehog road runner chipmunk

  • 168. Which animal kills its prey by suffocating it?

    arctic fox black widow spider puff adder boa constrictor

    169. Which animal produces castor oil that it rubs on its body to keep warm?

    beaver penguin hedgehog ptarmigan

    170. Which animal’s thick and tough skin helps it to crawl on ground?

    yak camel alligator wood frog

    171. Which animal’s coat does not turn brown/grey during summer?

    ermine ptarmigan polar bear arctic fox

    172. Which animal’s chest helps it to live in high altitudes with low oxygen?

    yak jaguar puma African elephant

    173. Which female creature eats the male after mating?

    jumping spider black widow spider grasshopper cockroach

    174. Which frog’s body gets frozen with ice during winter?

    glass frog poison dart frog red eyed tree frog wood frog

    175. Which animal releases strong odor to mark its territory?

    puma wolverine African elephant chipmunk

    176. What protects an elephant’s toe bones and helps it walk on rough land?

    padded feet toes with claws webbed feet split hooves

    177. Which animal has a thick layer of fat under its skin?

    African elephant puff adder alligator polar bear

    178. Which bird’s sharp eyesight helps to spot its prey from a distance?

    hawk toucan penguin road runner

    179. Which fish do not migrate between saltwater and freshwater?

    eel salmon clown fish trout

    180. Which animal’s feet are not adapted to walking on the snow?

    anteater ermine ptarmigan polar bear

  • 181. Which animal can thrive well in dirty, messy, and even toxic places?

    grasshopper cockroach black widow spider pond skater

    182. Which animal’s tongue has sticky saliva and is covered in tiny barbs?

    puff adder boa constrictor jaguar anteater

    183. Which animal uses its powerful back kick to fight with predators?

    poison dart frog camel jumping spider zebra

    184. Which animal’s special tooth helps to swallow its prey whole?

    puma boa constrictor polar bear alligator

    185. Which animal is deaf, blind, and cannot smell underwater?

    freshwater shrimp duckbill platypus salmon alligator

    186. Which animal’s limbs help it to run fast, swim, and climb trees?

    camel zebra African elephant jaguar

    187. Which nocturnal animal spends eighty percent of the night foraging?

    boa constrictor aye aye hedgehog American toad

    188. Which animal’s young ones are capable of killing as soon as they are born?

    boa constrictor puff adder puma polar bear

    189. Which beak helps a toucan to camouflage in the rainforest?

    small and pointy big and colorful hooked long and pointy

    190. Which animal’s strong and muscular hind legs make it very agile?

    puma zebra African elephant camel

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    Select (Circle the correct answer for each question. NOTE: The questions and

    answer choices within the app may not appear in the order listed on this activity.)

    191. Which animal can sustain without food and water for many days in the desert?

    road runner camel horse

  • 192. Which spider weaves a sticky funnel-shaped web and hangs in the middle of it to catch its prey?

    jumping spider house spider black widow spider

    193. Which animal’s eye’s always look like it is awake even when it is sleeping?

    alligator boa constrictor aye aye

    194. Which creature can make their legs stiff by adjusting the amount of body fluids in their limbs to propel it


    grasshopper jumping spider toucan

    195. Which animal pushes water sideways over its gills to get oxygen for breathing?

    freshwater shrimp salmon trout

    196. Which animal’s skin holds enough moisture so that it doesn’t have to keep going back to the source to

    moisten its skin?

    American toad alligator green tree frog

    197. Which animal has a flat body and quick reflexes that lets it hide quickly in nooks and corners?

    grasshopper cockroach chipmunk

    198. Which predator is relatively small but physically strong and can hunt down animals twice its size?

    wolverine polar bear grizzly bear

    199. Which animal listens to creatures under the snow, then jumps up and down to break the snow to catch its


    ptarmigan ermine arctic fox

    200. Which bird has a hooked beak that allows it to dig in and rip the flesh off the bones of its prey?

    toucan road runner hawk

    201. Which animal has a very flexible spine and stalks its prey quickly and pounces on it from behind?

    polar bear alligator puma

    202. Which animal makes burrows with several chambers and tunnels connecting them to stay in warmth and

    store their food?

    penguin platypus chipmunk

    203. Which animal taps the trees and listens to the echoes to find cavities in the wood and then gnaws a hole

    in it to reach food?

    woodpecker aye aye beaver

  • 204. Which animal releases disgusting odor from its anus to drive predators away?

    aye aye zebra ermine

    205. Which insect has a thin waxy coat that protects it from hot weather?

    ant cockroach grasshopper

    206. Which animal cools itself using huge flap ears and by bathing and showering with water?

    African elephant tortoise camel

    207. Which animal has a large chest with large lungs and a large heart to survive in low oxygen environments?

    yak wolverine jaguar

    208. Which animals tend to their sick and look for the lost ones when a family in their herd goes astray?

    camels zebras elephants

    209. Which animal stores fat in its long and flat tail that acts as a reserve to keep its body warm during the cold


    Duckbill platypus beaver anteater

    210. Which animal is able to take a prey down in a single blow/bite between the ears directly targeting the


    alligator boa constrictor jaguar

    211. Which animal has powerful muscles and acids in the stomach to grind and dissolve the insects that it


    anteater American toad road runner

    212. Which animal can keep its eyes, ears, and nostrils above water while it waits in water for its prey?

    shrimp alligator polar bear

    213. Which animal’s skin changes (yellow-brown-black) depending on temperature, humidity, and stress?

    glass frog cockroach American toad

    214. Which animal can absorb water from fruits, its prey and its own feces before excretion?

    arctic fox road runner camel

  • 215. When fish are in fresh water, the water seeps through their skin content. This process is called ___?

    osmosis mitosis hibernation

    216. Which bird takes a sudden upward flight when faced with a predator?

    toucan road runner ptarmigan

    217. Which animal has orange teeth, webbed feet, flat tail, and a waterproof coat?

    polar bear penguin beaver

    218. Which animal can play dead and when touched in that position can strike quickly with a venomous bite?

    black widow spider puff adder boa constrictor

    219. Which insect has four splayed long legs and two short legs in the front?

    pond skater cockroach grasshopper

    220. Which animal has backward pointing barbs on its tongue to prevent the slippery sea prey from escaping?

    adelie penguin polar bear walrus

    221. Which animal enters a state of estivation (dormancy) when the weather is too hot?

    camel hedgehog chipmunk

    222. Which animal does not generate heat within its body, but conserves it with sweat glands that don’t


    camel yak puma

    223. Which bird’s colorful feathers can change colors to blend into its surroundings?

    penguin toucan hawk

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    224. Take the Naming Quiz. Record your score _________ / 34

    225. Take the Questions Quiz. Record your score_________ /35

    226. Take the Matching Quiz. Record your score_________ /30

    227. Take the Trivia Quiz. Record your score _________ /33