open house welcome: mrs. gohman room 421 fourth grade


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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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If you don’t believe half the things your child tells you about me, I won’t believe half the things your child tells me about you…


Have a BA in mass communications, with a minor in Spanish, from the University of Delaware

Certified in teaching at Kutztown University

Master’s Degree at Cabrini College

Worked at Dodd Elementary School in Allentown for three years

Two years at Kratzer Third year at Kernsville


Children: Twenty-month old boy Five year old girl

Love watching the Eagles and reading


Individual students are given tickets for a variety of positive behavior.

A ticket is pulled daily for a prize.

Bears are for whole class behavior. When we get ten bears, someone

gets to bring in a treat for the class.

Light System

Every day the students start on green.

After fair warning, if a student doesn’t follow the rules, s/he must move their clothes pin to yellow.

Some behaviors result in an immediate red.

Third warning will result in a red: If a student is on “red” the parent will be notified. S/he will not be eligible for a prize if their ticket is

pulled at the end of the day.


School Wide Behavior System

Focuses on the positive behavior of students throughout the school.P.A.C.K. behavior

Proud Accountable Caring Kind


Call Absentee hotlineCan pick up homework (request

prior to 9:30 PM)

Vacation: 1-2 week noticeMake-up work: complete w/in 2


Lunch Money

1.  Caftrac is now called eTrition.

2.  By accessing your child's account with birthdate or ID#, you can check balances, purchases and make payment online for a small fee.  Need to go to  3.  When sending in cash/check, PLEASE put in a envelope with FULL name, teacher's name and amount of deposit.

Checks are made out to PSD Cafe acct.  Envelopes can be a PPL envelope, etc, just make sure it is sealed. 4.  All blocks on your child's account must be requested again. (New system did not carry them over.) You can send in a note.

5.  Negative balance letters are sent out before lunch on Tuesday and Thursday.

My Expectations For Homework Read twenty minutes per night. (Show chart)

Math will be almost every night, unless we had a test or quiz that day.

There is plenty of time to work on Practice Companion and spelling sentences in class.

Assignments are written on the board and reviewed at the end of the day. Students have to have their Assignment Book filled out in order to get a prize if their ticket is pulled at the end of the day.

If there is not a lot of homework for the evening: Independently read for twenty minutes. Work on Compass Math or GoMath assignments. Visit the Xtra Math site.

My Expectations For Homework

Homework should be placed in their accordion folders under the appropriate subject.

Students move their clothes pins to yellow if they forget their assignments.

Red, if it’s two days late

Practice Companion needs to be completed by Day 5 of the LEAD 21 rotation, or they stay in for recess that day to complete it.

Friday Folders are due Monday.

Friday Folders Please sign on the left-hand side every

weekend. Write any comments or concerns. Will contain:

Tests All LEAD 21 assessments need to be signed and

returned. Please sign and return all math assessments as well All other tests may be kept at home.

Handouts Comments from teacher

If your child missed homework, or has a behavior issue

Good behavior that stood out


Our literacy program: Theme Reader Differentiated Reader

You can access both of these on the LEAD21 website.


Inquiry is research-based learning. Students work in groups to research

questions having to do with the theme of the unit.

Research may be done at home. They organize the projects and

research. I am just a guide.

Heritage Day

Family members come to share their heritage October 3rd. Food Music Stories Art History


What is AIMS?

A forty minute block of time in every child’s schedule

Instructional time specifically targeted for literacy and some math skills

Students receive extra support in a smaller group setting.

Groups are based on, but not limited to, multiple assessments, and daily classroom performance.

New Standards-Base Report Card

• A committee revised the current elementary report card to reflect Standards Based Education. A parent advisory team also met 2 times to gather information and provide feedback.

• A standards-based report card lists the most important skills students should learn in each subject at a particular grade level.

• Instead of letter grades, students receive marks that show how well they have mastered the skills or standards.

• The marks might show whether the student is advanced, proficient, basic or below basic for each reporting standard.

Academic Reporting Scale

Powtoons and District Explanation of New Elementary Report Card

Math Rubric Sample

Science and Social Studies

They will receive study guides.

Science: Hands on lab and research studies on the following:

Environment and Ecology Force and Motion Light and Sound

Social Studies: Pennsylvania Regions, landforms, and people of the United States


We will follow the Pennsylvania common core for fourth grade.

We’re beginning to shift to more focused practice and higher level thinking.

Tests will be entered online for data analysis.

Students will be pulled to meet with me based on their understanding of the standard for that lesson.

Assessments will be online.

There is a link on my website to the GoMath login page. Here students can access their books and their digital assignments.

Math Practice Online

Compass Learning:Username: Student ID#Password: Student’s first name

GoMath/Thinkcentral: Username: Student ID# Password: gomath


Rotates on a five day cycle. LEAD 21 Day 1

Pre-test They’re given a list on this day. Link to Spelling City is on my website. The

list is there as well as practice games. Assignments for practice are given

during Differentiated Reading stations. LEAD 21 Day 5

Fourth Grade Bulletin

More information on the curriculum this year is in the bulletin.

Please read at your convenience.

Parent Visitation

We will have two events this year inviting all parents to participate. Poetry café Biography reading

November Conferences

Please sign up in the cafeteria before you leave tonight.

How to Contact Me

E-mail: [email protected] Phone: phone (610) 351-5900

(ext. 27421)Best times: 8:00-8:30 a.m.

3:30-4:00 p.m.

My Website Information from this presentation

Contact Information Passwords Scholastic Links to helpful sites

Spelling City linked to spelling listPictures of your children learningThis PowerPoint


If you turn in the order by hand: Please fill in the order sheet and send payment with

the order. Every two weeks I’ll place an order if I have at least

$20.00. I can only send in orders once I reach $20.00, due to

shipping fees.

If you order online: We get a free book for the classroom. Code for our classroom to get started:

L2TW8 You’ll create your own login and password.


PTO sponsors and hosts many events throughout the year.

Money they earn goes back to the students and teachers of Kernsville toward programs and classroom supplies.

Visit the PTO website for events, meetings and volunteering opportunities.

First Week of School Web Portal

Make sure you fill out the important paperwork online.

Computer Lab is open to do this if you haven’t already.

Thank you for your time!!!!!

Let’s have a great year!!!!!

After a test is completed, the software calculates a score, and teachers and administrators view and analyze reports that show results for an individual, class, grade, or school.

STAR assessments measure specific skills as well as overall early literacy and reading ability.

They compare students’ achievement to that of students across the nation;

estimate mastery of state standards and Common Core State Standards; and

report growth over time. Results from this assessment will help us to:

provide students with appropriate materials; identify areas where students need more instruction; set learning goals; make plans for meeting those goals; and determine whether the instruction and intervention are effective.

All Parkland students in grades K-5 will be taking a STAR assessment at three different times during this school year; September, January, and May.

All STAR assessments are computer-adaptive tests. Computer-adaptive tests continually adjust the difficulty of each child’s test by choosing each test question based on the child’s previous response.

Students take STAR Enterprise tests at individual computers.

The software delivers multiple-choice items one by one, and the student selects answers with a mouse or the keyboard.