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Margaret Mellinger OSU Business Librarian Overview of Tools Available to You Group Exercise on Getting Your

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Information ExerciseInformation Exercise

Think of Your Product (Service) Concept/Idea…

What Information Do You Need? Where in the OSU Library System

Can You Get It? How can You Use the OSU Library

System to Leverage Your Information Requests?

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Concept GenerationConcept Generation

Figure II.1

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Genius Thinking StrategiesGenius Thinking Strategies

Geniuses find many different ways to look at a problem. Einstein, for example, and da Vinci, were well known for looking at their problems from many different perspectives.

Geniuses make their thoughts visible. Da Vinci’s famous sketches, and Galileo’s diagrams of the planets, allowed them to display information visibly rather than relying strictly on mathematical analysis.

Geniuses produce. Thomas Edison had a quota of one invention every ten days. Mozart was among the most prolific composers over his short life.

Geniuses make novel combinations. Einstein found the relationship between energy, mass, and the speed of light (the equation E=mc²).

Geniuses force relationships. They can make connections where others cannot. Kekule dreamed of a snake biting its tail, immediately suggesting to him that the shape of the molecule he was studying (benzene) was circular.

Geniuses think in opposites. This will often suggest a new point of view. Physicist Neils Bohr conceived of light as being both a wave and a particle.

Geniuses think metaphorically. Bell thought of a membrane moving steel, and its similarity to the construction of the ear; this led to the development of the telephone earpiece.

Geniuses prepare themselves for chance. Fleming was not the first to see mold forming on a culture, but was the first to investigate the mold, which eventually led to the discovery of penicillin.

Source: Michael Michalko, “Thinking Like a Genius,” The Futurist, May 1998, pp. 21-25.

Figure 4.1

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““Killer Phrases:” Killer Phrases:” Roadblocks to CreativityRoadblocks to Creativity

It simply won’t work. Are you sure of that? You can’t be serious. It’s against our policy. Let’s shelve it for the

time being. That won’t work in our

market. Let’s think about that

some more.

I agree, but… We’ve done it the other

way for some time. Where are you going to

get the money for that? We just can’t do that. Who thought of that? It’s probably too big for

us. I believe we tried that

once before.

Figure 4.3

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Historic Roadblocks to Historic Roadblocks to CreativityCreativity

“I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” Thomas Watson, Chair, IBM, 1943.

“Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.” Popular Mechanics, 1949.

“I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won’t last out the year.” Business books editor, Prentice-Hall, 1957.

“So we went to Atari and said, ...’We’ll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we’ll come work for you.’ And they said no. So then we went to HP, and they said ‘We don’t need you, you haven’t got through college yet.’” Steve Jobs, co-founder, Apple Computers.

“640K of RAM ought to be enough for anybody.” Bill Gates, Microsoft, 1981.

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Historic Roadblocks to CreativityHistoric Roadblocks to Creativity

“Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?” H.M. Warner, Warner Bros., 1927.

“Stocks have reached what look to be a permanently high plateau.” I. Fisher, Prof. of Economics, Yale, 1929.

“We don’t like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.” Dick Rowe, Decca Records executive, rejecting the Beatles’ demo tape, 1962.

“This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication [and] is inherently of no value to us.” Western Union, 1876.

“Heavier-than’air flying machines are impossible.” Lord Kelvin, President, Royal Society, 1895.

“Everything that can be invented has been invented.” C. H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 1899.

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Barriers to Firm CreativityBarriers to Firm Creativity

Cross-functional diversity: Diversity leads to more creative stimulation but also to problem solving difficulties.

Allegiance to functional areas: Team members need to have a stake in the team’s success, or won’t be loyal to the team.

Social cohesion: If interpersonal ties among team members are too strong, candid debate may not occur, resulting in less innovative ideas.

Role of top management: Management should encourage the teams to be adventurous, otherwise only incremental changes will occur.

Figure 4.4

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Required Inputs to the Required Inputs to the Creation ProcessCreation Process

Form (the physical thing created, or, for a service, the set of steps by which the service will be created)

Technology (the source by which the form is to be attained)

Benefit/Need (benefit to the customer for which the customer sees a need or desire)

Technology permits us to develop a form that provides the benefit.

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Some Patterns in Concept Some Patterns in Concept GenerationGeneration

Customer need firm develops technology produces formFirm develops technology finds match to need in a customer segment produces formFirm envisions form develops technology to product form tests with customer to see what benefits are delivered

Note: the innovation process can start with any of the three inputs.

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What is a Product Concept?What is a Product Concept?

A product concept is a verbal or prototype statement of what is going to be changed and how the customer stands to gain or lose.

Rule: You need at least two of the three inputs to have a feasible new product concept, and all three to have a new product.

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Why Do You Need a Product Why Do You Need a Product Concept and Not Just an Idea?Concept and Not Just an Idea?

Needed to judge whether it is worthy of development

Potential customers do not have enough information to judge the worthiness of an idea: the product concept gives them the required information.

Ex.: Would a taxi operator like cars with a 10 cents per mile operating cost? (need)

Not if it used Caterpillar tractor technology instead of wheels! (need plus technology)

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New Product Concepts and the New Product Concepts and the New ProductNew Product

NeedNeed FormForm

TechnologyTechnology New Product




Figure 4.4

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Need-Form-Technology Need-Form-Technology ExampleExample

Break into Small Group… Identify two examples of a

product/service Need Form Technology

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The Designer Decaf ExampleThe Designer Decaf Example

Benefit: “Consumers want decaffeinated espresso that tastes identical to regular.”

Form: “We should make a darker, thicker, Turkish-coffee-like espresso.”

Technology: “There’s a new chemical extraction process that isolates and separates chemicals from foods; maybe we can use that for decaffeinating espresso coffee.”

Why would each of these taken individually not be a product concept?

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What a Concept Is and Is NotWhat a Concept Is and Is Not

“Learning needs of computer users can be met by using online systems to let them see training videos on the leading software packages.” (good concept; need and technology clear)

“A new way to solve the in-home training/educational needs of PC users.” (need only; actually more like a wish)

“Let’s develop a new line of instructional videos.” (technology only, lacking market need and form)

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Methods for Generating Product Methods for Generating Product ConceptsConcepts

Two Broad Categories of Methods: Gathering Ready-Made Product


Using a Managed Process Run by the New Products Team

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Best Sources of Ready-Made Best Sources of Ready-Made New Product ConceptsNew Product Concepts

New Products Employees Technical: R&D, engineering, design Marketing and manufacturing

End Users Lead Users

Resellers, Suppliers, Vendors Competitors The Invention Industry (investors, etc.) Idea exploration firms and consulting engineers Miscellaneous (continued)

Figure 4.6

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Best Sources of Ready-Made New Best Sources of Ready-Made New Product Concepts (continued)Product Concepts (continued)

Miscellaneous Categories Consultants Advertising agencies Marketing research firms Retired product specialists Industrial designers Other manufacturers Universities Research laboratories Governments Printed sources International Internet

Figure 4.6

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Lead UsersLead Users

An important source of new product ideas. Customers associated with a significant

current trend. They have the best understanding of the

problems faced, and can gain from solutions to these problems.

In many cases, have already begun to solve their own problems, or can work with product developers to anticipate the next problem in the future.

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BA 590BA 590

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Problem-Based Concept GenerationProblem-Based Concept Generation

Figure 5.1

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Problem Analysis: General ProcedureProblem Analysis: General Procedure

1. Determine product or activity category for study.

2. Identify heavy users.3. Gather set of problems associated with

product category. Avoid “omniscient proximity” -- rate

importance of benefits and levels of satisfaction.

4. Sort and rank the problems according to severity or importance.

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Problem Analysis Applied to the Cell Problem Analysis Applied to the Cell PhonePhone

Keeping the unit clean. Breaks when I drop it. Battery doesn’t stay charged

long enough. Finding it in dark. Battery dies in mid-

conversation. Who “out there” hears me? Dropped calls. Looking up numbers. Voice fades in and out. Hard to hold.

Health risks? Can’t cradle between ear

and shoulder. Antenna breaks off. Flip cover breaks off. Disruptive instrument. Can’t see facial/body

language. Rings too loud/too soft. Wrong numbers. Fear of what ringing might

be for.

Figure 5.2

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The Bothersomeness Technique of The Bothersomeness Technique of Scoring ProblemsScoring Problems

Figure 5.3

List of pet owners' problems: AProblem Occurs


BProblem is


A x B

Need constant feeding 98% 21% .21Get fleas 78 53 .41Shed hairs 70 46 .32Make noise 66 25 .17Have unwanted babies 44 48 .21

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Problem Analysis: Sources and Problem Analysis: Sources and Methodologies Methodologies

Experts Published Sources Contacts with Your Business

Customers or Consumers Interviewing Focus groups Observation of product in use Role playing

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Typical Questions for Problem Typical Questions for Problem Analysis Focus GroupsAnalysis Focus Groups

What is the real problem here – what if the product category did not exist?

What are current attitudes and behaviors of focus group members toward the product category?

What product attributes and benefits do the focus group members want?

What are their dissatisfactions, problems, and unfilled needs?

What changes occurring in their lifestyles are relevant to the product category?

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Observation and Role Playing in Observation and Role Playing in Problem AnalysisProblem Analysis

Carmakers send their designers out to parking lots to watch people and how they interact with their cars (Ford called this “gorilla research”).

Honda got insights as to how large the passenger compartments of their SUVs should be by observing U.S. families.

Bausch and Lomb generated ideas on making contact lenses more comfortable by getting pairs of executives to act out skits in which they played the eyeball and the contact lens.

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Scenario AnalysisScenario Analysis

“Extending” vs. “leaping” Using seed trends for an “extend“

scenario Techniques:

Follow “trend people”/”trend areas” “Hot products” Prediction of technological changeover Cross-impact analysis

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Relevance Tree Form of Dynamic Relevance Tree Form of Dynamic Leap ScenarioLeap Scenario

Figure 5.4

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Wild Card Events and Their Wild Card Events and Their ConsequencesConsequences

No-Carbon Policy: Global warming may cause governments to put high taxes on fossil fuels, shifting demand to alternative sources of energy. This changes the allocation of R&D investment toward alternative energy, possibly causes new “energy-rich” nations to emerge, and ultimately may lead to a cleaner environment for everyone.

Altruism Outbreak: This is the “random acts of kindness” movement – solve social problems rather than leaving it up to the government. Schools and other institutions will revive due to community actions, and perhaps inner cities would be revitalized.

Cold Fusion: If a developing country perfects free energy, it becomes prosperous overnight. It gains further advantages by becoming an energy exporter.

Figure 5.6

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Solving the ProblemSolving the Problem

Group Creativity Methods/Brainstorming Principles of Brainstorming:

Deferral of Judgment Quantity Breeds Quality

Rules for a Brainstorming Session: No criticism allowed. Freewheeling -- the wilder the better. Nothing should slow the session down. Combination and improvement of ideas.

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Brainstorming TechniquesBrainstorming Techniques

Brainstorming circle Reverse brainstorming Tear-down Phillips 66 groups (buzz groups) Delphi method

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Electronic BrainstormingElectronic Brainstorming

Supported by GSS (group support systems) software.

Overcomes many drawbacks of brainstorming (only one can talk at a time, fear of contributing, “social loafing”).

Participants sit at networked terminals. Contributions are projected on screen, and also

recorded (so no errors are made in transcription). Can be done over multiple sites via computer

linkups or videoconferencing. Can handle larger size groups (into the hundreds).

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What are Analytical Attribute What are Analytical Attribute Techniques?Techniques?

Basic idea: products are made up of attributes -- a future product change must involve one or more of these attributes.

Three types of attributes: features, functions, benefits.

Theoretical sequence: feature permits a function which provides a benefit.

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Gap AnalysisGap Analysis

Determinant gap map (produced from managerial input/judgment on products)

AR perceptual gap map (based on attribute ratings by customers)

OS perceptual map (based on overall similarities ratings by customers)

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A Determinant Gap MapA Determinant Gap Map

Figure 6.2

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1 2 3 .... Options .... X Ideal1 2 3 .... Options .... X Ideal

1122 .. .. .. .. . . .. ..1515














1122 .. ..


A Data CubeA Data Cube

Figure 6.3

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Rate each brand you are familiar with on each of the following:

Disagree Agree

1. Attractive design 1..2..3..4..5 2. Stylish 1..2..3..4..5 3. Comfortable to wear 1..2..3..4..5 4. Fashionable 1..2..3..4..5 5. I feel good when I wear it 1..2..3..4..5 6. Is ideal for swimming 1..2..3..4..57. Looks like a designer label 1..2..3..4..58. Easy to swim in 1..2..3..4..59. In style 1..2..3..4..5 10. Great appearance 1..2..3..4..5 11. Comfortable to swim in 1..2..3..4..5 12. This is a desirable label 1..2..3..4..5 13. Gives me the look I like 1..2..3..4..5 14. I like the colors it comes in 1..2..3..4..5 15. Is functional for swimming 1..2..3..4..5

Obtaining Customer PerceptionsObtaining Customer Perceptions

Figure 6.4

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Snake Plot of Perceptions Snake Plot of Perceptions (Three Brands)(Three Brands)






Figure 6.5

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Data Reduction Using Multivariate Data Reduction Using Multivariate AnalysisAnalysis

Factor Analysis Reduces the original number of attributes

to a smaller number of factors, each containing a set of attributes that “hang together”

Cluster Analysis Reduces the original number of

respondents to a smaller number of clusters based on their benefits sought, as revealed by their “ideal brand”

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Factor Eigenvalue Percent VarianceExplained

1 6.04 40.32 3.34 22.33 0.88 5.94 0.74 4.95 0.62 4.26 0.54 3.67 0.52 3.58 0.44 3.09 0.40 2.7











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No. of Factors











The Scree

Selecting the Number of FactorsSelecting the Number of Factors

Figure 6.6

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Attribute Factor 1 --“Fashion”

Factor 2 --“Comfort”

1. Attractive design .796 .0612. Stylish .791 .0293. Comfortable to wear .108 .7824. Fashionable .803 .0775. I feel good when I wear it .039 .7296. Is ideal for swimming .102 .8337. Looks like a designer label .754 .0598. Easy to swim in .093 .7939. In style .762 .12310. Great appearance .758 .20811. Comfortable to swim in .043 .75612. This is a desirable label .807 .08213. Gives me the look I like .810 .05514. I like the colors it comes in .800 .06115. Is functional for swimming .106 .798

Factor Loading MatrixFactor Loading Matrix

Figure 6.7

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Attribute Factor 1 --“Fashion”

Factor 2 --“Comfort”

1. Attractive design 0.145 -0.0222. Stylish 0.146 -0.0303. Comfortable to wear -0.018 0.2134. Fashionable 0.146 -0.0175. I feel good when I wear it -0.028 0.2016. Is ideal for swimming -0.021 0.2277. Looks like a designer label 0.138 -0.0208. Easy to swim in 0.131 0.2169. In style -0.021 -0.00310. Great appearance 0.146 0.02111. Comfortable to swim in -0.029 0.20812. This is a desirable label 0.146 -0.01613. Gives me the look I like 0.148 -0.02414. I like the colors it comes in 0.146 -0.02215. Is functional for swimming -0.019 0.217

Sample calculation of factor scores: From the snake plot, the mean ratings of Aqualine on Attributes1 through 15 are 2.15, 2.40, 3.48, …, 3.77. Multiply each of these mean ratings by the correspondingcoefficient in the factor score coefficient matrix to get Aqualine’s factor scores. For example, on Factor 1, Aqualine’s score is (2.15 x 0.145) + (2.40 x 0.146) + (3.48 x -0.018) + … + (3.77 x -0.019)= 2.48. Similarly, its score on Factor 2 can be calculated as 4.36. All other brands’ factor scores are calculated the same way.

Factor Scores MatrixFactor Scores MatrixFigure 6.8

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Gap 1

Gap 2




The AR Perceptual MapThe AR Perceptual Map

Figure 6.9

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Aqualine Islands Sunflare Molokai SplashAqualine X 3 9 5 7Islands X 8 3 4Sunflare X 5 7Molokai X 6Splash X

Dissimilarity MatrixDissimilarity Matrix

Figure 6.10

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The OS Perceptual MapThe OS Perceptual Map

Figure 6.11

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AR Methods OS MethodsInput Required

Brand ratings on specific attributes Overall similarity ratingsAttributes must be pre-specified Respondent uses own judgment of similarity

Analytic Procedures Commonly UsedFactor analysis; multiple discriminant analysis Multidimensional scaling (MDS)

Graphical OutputShows product positions on axesAxes interpretable as underlying dimensions(factors)

Shows product positions relative to each otherAxes obtained through follow-up analysis or mustbe interpreted by the researcher

Where UsedSituations where attributes are easily articulated orvisualized

Situations where it may be difficult for therespondent to articulate or visualize attributes

Source: Adapted from Robert J. Dolan, Managing the New Product Development Process: Cases and Notes(Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1993), p. 102.

Comparing AR and OS MethodsComparing AR and OS Methods

Figure 6.12

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Failures of Gap AnalysisFailures of Gap Analysis

Input comes from questions on how brands differ (nuances ignored)

Brands considered as sets of attributes; totalities, interrelationships overlooked; also creations requiring a conceptual leap

Analysis and mapping may be history by the time data are gathered and analyzed

Acceptance of findings by persons turned off by mathematical calculations?

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E. & J. Gallo ExampleE. & J. Gallo Example


Perceptual Maps

MDS Graph

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Trade-Off (Conjoint) AnalysisTrade-Off (Conjoint) Analysis

Put the determinant attributes together in combinations or sets.

Respondents rank these sets in order of preference.

Conjoint analysis finds the optimal levels of each attribute.

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Thickness Spiciness Color ActualRanking*

Ranking asEstimatedby Model

Regular Mild Red 4 4Regular Mild Green 3 3Regular Medium-Hot Red 10 10Regular Medium-Hot Green 6 8Regular Extra-Hot Red 15 16Regular Extra-Hot Green 16 15Thick Mild Red 2 2Thick Mild Green 1 1Thick Medium-Hot Red 8 6Thick Medium-Hot Green 5 5Thick Extra-Hot Red 13 13Thick Extra-Hot Green 11 11Extra-Thick Mild Red 7 7Extra-Thick Mild Green 9 9Extra-Thick Medium-Hot Red 14 14Extra-Thick Medium-Hot Green 12 12Extra-Thick Extra-Hot Red 17 18Extra-Thick Extra-Hot Green 18 17

* 1 = most preferred, 18 = least preferred.

Conjoint Analysis Input: Salsa ExampleConjoint Analysis Input: Salsa ExampleFigure 7.2

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Regular Thick Ex-Thick









Mild Medium-Hot Ex-Hot Red Green

Thickness Spiciness Color

0.161 0.913 -1.074 1.667 0.105 -1.774 -0.161 0.161

Conjoint Analysis: Graphical OutputConjoint Analysis: Graphical Output

Figure 7.3

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Conjoint Analysis:Conjoint Analysis:Relative Importance of AttributesRelative Importance of Attributes

0 20 40 60 80 100 %







Figure 7.3(cont’d.)

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Some Qualitative Attribute Some Qualitative Attribute Analysis TechniquesAnalysis Techniques

Dimensional Analysis Checklists Relationships Analysis

There are many others.

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A Dimensional Attribute ListA Dimensional Attribute List

Weight Rust resistance Length Color Water resistance Materials Style Durability Shock resistance Heat tolerance

Explosiveness Flammability Aroma Translucence Buoyancy Hangability Rechargeability Flexibility Malleability Compressibility

Figure 7.4

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An Idea Stimulator Checklist for An Idea Stimulator Checklist for Industrial ProductsIndustrial Products

Can we change the physical/chemical properties of the material?

Are each of the functions really necessary? Can we construct a new model of this? Can we change the form of power to make it work better? Can standard components be substituted? What if the order of the process were changed? How might it be made more compact? What if it were heat-treated/hardened/cured/plated? Who else could use this operation or its output? Has every step been computerized as much as possible?

Figure 7.5

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Templates for CreativityTemplates for Creativity

Attribute Dependency: Find a functional dependency between two attributes. Ex.: color of ink on coffee cup is sensitive to heat and can reveal message if coffee is too hot.

Replacement: Remove a component and replace with one from another environment. Ex.: antenna is replaced by headphone cord on Walkman.

Displacement: Remove a component and its function to change the product. Ex.: Removing floppy drives resulted in ultra-thin PCs.

Component Control: Find a new connection between a component internal to the product and one external to the product. Ex.: Toothpastes with whiteners, suntan lotions with skin moisturizers.

Figure 7.6

Source: Jacob Goldenberg and David Mazursky, Creativity in Product Innovation, Cambridge University Press, 2002.

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Relationships AnalysisRelationships Analysis

Force combinations of dimensions (features, functions, and benefits) together.

Techniques: Two-dimensional matrix Multidimensional (morphological) matrix

Two-dimensional example: person/animal insured and event insured against.

Household cleaning products example used six dimensions: Instrument used, ingredients used, objects cleaned, type of

container, substances removed, texture or form of cleaner

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Another Form of Dimensional Another Form of Dimensional AnalysisAnalysis

Two key dimensions for winning new product ideas:

Utility lever: How the product will affect the customer’s life (such as simplicity, fun/image, environmental friendliness, reduced risk, convenience, and productivity).

Buyer’s experience cycle: The stage when/where the product will affect the customer (purchase, delivery, use, supplements, maintenance, disposal).

Figure 7.8

Source: W. C. Kim and R. Mauborgne, “Knowing a Winning Business Idea When You See One,” Harvard Business Review, Sept.-Oct. 2000, pp. 129-138.

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Other Methods:Other Methods:Lateral Search TechniquesLateral Search Techniques

Free association Stereotype activity Lateral thinking -- avoidance Creative stimuli words Studying “big winners” Use of the ridiculous Forced relationships

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Lateral Thinking -- AvoidanceLateral Thinking -- Avoidance

Keep an idea from dominating thinking as it always has in the past by asking avoiding questions.

Ask “Is there another way of looking at this?” Ask “Why?” Focus on an aspect of the problem other than the

“logical” one. List all possible alternatives to every aspect of the

analysis. Break apart aspects (concepts) of the problem, or

combine them to create even more concepts.

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Some Creative Stimuli WordsSome Creative Stimuli Words

Guest stars Alphabet Truth Outer space Charity His and hers Style Nation Family Videotape

Photography Testimonials Decorate Fantasy Hobbies Holidays Weather Calendar Push button Snob appeal

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Use of the RidiculousUse of the Ridiculous

How can you join two wires together? Hold them with your teeth. Use chewing gum.

Can you think of others? Do any of these ridiculous ideas

suggest a not-so-ridiculous solution?

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Review and Preview…Review and Preview…

Margaret Mellinger Lecture on Chapters 4-7 Midterm One

Distribution Group Discussion

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Midterm One DiscussionMidterm One Discussion

Questions Comments