open data trentino presented at the european commission (jrc)

13/05/22 1 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected] http:// / Open Government Data* *Part of this presentation is taken from the “Open Government Data Tutorial” gave at CLEI2013 Conference by Lorenzino Vaccari and Juan Pane (Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, Paraguay) Lorenzino Vaccari Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy [email protected]

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This presentazion was given to present the Open Data in Trentino Project to the JRC (European Commission)


Page 1: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/231 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Open Government Data*

*Part of this presentation is taken from the “Open Government Data Tutorial” gave at CLEI2013 Conference by Lorenzino Vaccari and Juan Pane (Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, Paraguay)

Lorenzino Vaccari

Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy [email protected]

Page 2: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/232 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

In this presentation…• Introduce Open Government Data

• Intro (Part 1)• Issues (Part 2)

• If you need it, how can you organize it?• Real experience (Part 3)

• Reusing open data• Applications (Part 4)• Semantic layer (Part 5)

Page 3: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/233 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected] 15/10/2013Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari3

Page 4: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/234 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]


“is data that can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone – subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and

sharealike.” *

*(Source: )

Page 5: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/235 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]


“open” = redistributioncommercial reusederivative works

BUT, may require:- attribution- share alike

J. Gray (OKF):

Page 6: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/236 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

The value is in its use

Page 7: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/237 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Maurizio Napolitano:

Page 8: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/238 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

New visualizations

J. Gray (OKF):

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10/04/239 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

New visualizations

13/11/20139J. Gray (OKF):

Page 10: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2310 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Why The Open data are the knowledge base to:

Improve the economic grow and the entrepreneurship based on the development of digital services reusing Public Sector Information

Answer to social needs through the publication of innovative services and applications

Aims at reducing the cost of the public administrative activities within Public – Private Partnerships (PPP)

Improve the transparency of the activities of the public institutions and the participation of the citizens to these activities

J. Gray (OKF):

Page 11: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2311 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

How - PrinciplesTim Berners-Lee (5-Stars of Linked Open Data)vs.Tim Davis (5-Stars of Open Data Engagement)vs.OGD: Ten principles for opening up government information…

Page 12: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2312 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

5 Stars Linked Open DataTim Berners-Lee

Page 13: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2313 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Create Community

5-Stars of Open Data Engagement

Tim Davis

Page 14: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2314 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Open Government Data: Ten principles for opening up government information1. Completeness

2. Primacy (primary source)

3. Timeliness

4. Ease of Physical and Electronic


5. Machine readability

6. Non-discrimination

7. Use of Commonly Owned


8. Licensing

9. Permanence

10. Usage Costs

Page 15: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2315 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

State of the ArtWhat is happening around us?• Globally• Europe• Italy

Page 16: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2316 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Open Data Charter - G8The principles are: Open Data by Default Quality and Quantity Useable by All Releasing Data for Improved Governance Releasing Data for Innovation

Page 17: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2317 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Open Data Census (OKF)

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10/04/2318 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Page 19: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2319 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Open Data Barometer (ODI)

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10/04/2320 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

OGD in Europe


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10/04/2321 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

OGD in EuropeInsert table

Page 22: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2322 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Page 23: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2323 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

OGD in Italy

Page 24: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2324 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

OGD: Part 2 - Issues

Page 25: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2325 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected] 08/10/2013Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari25

Page 26: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2326 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Open Data. Oh ohh

08/10/2013Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari26

LegalLegalOrganizationalOrganizational TechnicalTechnicalAdoptionAdoptionBarriersBarriers


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10/04/2327 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Page 28: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2328 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Organizational Barriers

• Not ready• Lack of resources

• IT• Human

• Don’t want to be ready

Page 29: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2329 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Legal barriersOpen the Data

All the data that was produced using public money has to be made publicly available (with exceptions)

vs PrivacyYou cannot open data that could allow

correlation of private personal data

Or the complete lack of legislation!

Page 30: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2330 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Adoption barriersData is not contextualizedPeople are not informedOpening data is a complex task, opening cleaned

data is even more complex.Unclear licenses

Page 31: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2331 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Technical BarriersAccess to data:

OrganizationalTechnical, Downtimes, logins, Payment fees

Fragmentation, incomplete data, scattered

FormatCataloging, indexing, searchLack of explicit semantics, metadataData is not reliableConflicting standards, models,


Page 32: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2332 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

BarriersZuiderwijk et al 2010

Listed 118 socio-technical impediments for opening data in the literature.FindabilityUsabilityUnderstandablityQualityLinkingComparability and compatibilityMetadata….

Page 33: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2333 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Context Barriers

Privileged access to dataOther companies what to avoid legislation of

privacy.Transparency is bad for fraudulent business

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10/04/2334 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Page 35: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2335 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Part 3 - Real Experience

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10/04/2336 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Our story started with GeoData…

Page 37: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2337 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

5 Stars Linked Geo Data Catalog

DBpedia TrentinoGeoData Freebase

Page 38: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2338 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

The “Open Data in Trentino” project

• The “Open Data in Trentino” project is a 3 years initiative finalized to develop an open data infrastructure to enhance Service Innovation for Trentino following the PAT strategy for services innovation enabled by ICT. The project will be developed within a partnership between Trento RISE and the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT) according to the innovation PAT model

• Goals• Improved quality of life for citizens• Open Data and local businesses• Transparency• Improved efficiency and productivity

Page 39: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2339 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Workplan – Best practices Not only a Project, but also a “Change management process”

Best Practices:- Guidelines (metadata, formats, licences)- Point of contact (domain, operator)- ONE dataset each provider- Community Building- Distributed catalog- Clear Licences- Enterprises- Courses- Contest

Page 40: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2340 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Nome (Acronimo) Descrizione

Tipo di Dato Estensione del file

Comma Separated Value (CSV) Formato testuale per l'interscambio testuale di tabelle, le cui righe corrispondono a linee e i cui valori delle singole colonne sono separati da una virgola (o punto e virgola)

Dato tabellare .csv

Geographic Markup Language (GML) Formato XML utile allo scambio di dati territoriali di tipo vettoriale

Dato geografico vettoriale


Keyhole Markup Language (KML) Formato basato su XML creato per gestire dati territoriali in tre dimensioni nei programmi Google Earth, Google Maps

Dato geografico vettoriale


Open Document Format (ODF) Formato per l'archiviazione e lo scambio di documenti di testo, fogli di calcolo, diagrammi e presentazioni

Dato tabellare .odc

Resource Description Framework (RDF) Basato su XML, e' lo strumento base proposto da World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) per la codifica, lo scambio e il riutilizzo di metadati strutturati e consente l'interoperabilità tra applicazioni che si scambiano informazioni sul Web

Dato strutturato .rdf

ESRI Shapefile (SHP) Lo Shapefile ESRI è un popolare formato vettoriale per sistemi informativi geografici. Il dato geografico viene distribuito normalmente attraverso tre o quattro files (se indicato il sistema di riferimento delle coordinate). Il formato è stato rilasciato da ESRI come formato (quasi) aperto

Dato geografico vettoriale

.shp, .shx, .dbf,


Extensible Markup Language (XML) E' un formato di markup, ovvero basato su un meccanismo che consente di definire e controllare il significato degli elementi contenuti in un documento o in un testo attraverso delle etichette (markup)

Dato strutturato .xml


Page 41: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2341 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

…MeteoMeteo GeoDatiGeoDati StatisticaStatistica Comune

TrentoComuneTrento TrasportiTrasporti Etc…Etc……

Tecnological platform

Page 42: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2342 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Data Sources

Page 43: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2343 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Data Sources Plan


Dicembre Gennaio

Catasto # 18


10 20 30 302010 10 20 30

Attività Culturalii #59

Servizio Istruzione #57Attività Form #58

Dati Energia #30

Dati Progettone #63

Dati Motorizzazione #72

Elettorali #35

Gestione Strade #16

Bilancio PAT #37, 38

PersonalePAT #41

Turismo STU #53Idrometr


Trentino Cultura #32

Ufficio Rifiuti #34

Servzio Europa #56

Aff FinanziariConsuienze #36

Min. Linguistiche #48

Pub. Esercizi #49

Imp Funivie #50

Immigrazione #52

Sovr. Beni Arch #60Dati Scuola #61

Agenzie Forestali #64Incendi #65

Cinformi Stranieri #66

Imp Depurazione #68Opere Civili #69

Dati Traffico Stra #70

Gestioni Patrimonialii #71

Dati SAT #28

Dati Cons. Prov #3

Trasporti 2.0 #6

OsservatorioLavori Pubb #17

Comune Trento update

Dati Cons. Prov #3

Dati SAT #28

Dati Cons. Prov #3

Dati SAT #28

Dati Cons. Prov #3

Page 44: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2344 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]


The Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) is a non-profit organisation founded in 2004 and dedicated to promoting open data and open content in all their forms – including government data, publicly funded research and public domain cultural content.


Page 45: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2345 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]*

Analysis: Admin: Harvesting:

* Available for all the data providers of Trentino  

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10/04/2346 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]


Page 47: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2347 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Legal Issues

Permissions: share, create, adapt

Actual interoperability!

Constraints: nothing!

Permissions: share, create, adapt

Actual interoperability!

Constraints: nothing!

Page 48: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2348 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Organizational Issues - Macro

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10/04/2349 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Organizational Issues - Micro

Page 50: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2350 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Community buildingMunicipalities“Consorzio dei


Municipalities“Consorzio dei


“Comunità di Valle”

of Trentino

“Comunità di Valle”

of Trentino

Private Companies

Private Companies CitizensCitizens

Educational Institutes

Educational Institutes

Research InstitutesResearch Institutes

Page 51: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2351 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

International Community

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10/04/2352 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Also Trentino is going to launch a challenge to build software applications and creative products (multimedia, audiovisual products, posters, illustrations) based on the datasets published on the open data catalog.

 #ODTChallenge will be the official hashtag for our first open data challenge in Trentino! 

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10/04/2353 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Page 54: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2354 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

8 months until now68.555 visits 7.988 unique visits2.516 downloads

37,36% returning visitors

62,64% new visitors

NOW- ALL the departmnets demand to be involved- Plus other local actors

AgricultureCultureGeographical DataWelfareWeather ForecastSocial policiesStatisticsTransports…MUNICIPALITY OF TRENTO, and


580 datasetsprovided by 10 departments of PAT…

20 reporting errors15 asking for new data10 new suggestions6 OD Applications


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10/04/2355 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Want to Know more? A couple of links

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10/04/2356 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

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10/04/2357 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

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10/04/2358 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

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10/04/2359 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

OGD: Part 4 - Applications

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10/04/2360 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]


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10/04/2361 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Best Application:

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10/04/2362 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Open Bilancio

Best Idea:

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10/04/2363 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Open Source, Open Data, Open Hardware

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10/04/2364 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

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10/04/2365 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Johann MITTHEISZ (CIO der Stadt Wien)

Total hours to develop 38 applications:around 2.600

City of Wien saved around 208.000 Euro

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10/04/2366 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Beyond Data (The OpenStreetMap Case)

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10/04/2367 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]



OpenStreetMap project creates and provides geographical data, such as road maps, freely available to anyone. Behind the establishment and growth of the project have been restrictions on use or availability of map information across much of the world and the advent of inexpensive portable satellite navigation devices.

OpenStreetMap is a free map of theworld, created by someone like you

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10/04/2368 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

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10/04/2369 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Watercolor maps

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10/04/2370 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

From maps to blankets…

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10/04/2371 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Sharing Data Globally(the eHabitat example)

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10/04/2372 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

The Group of Earth Observation

Source: © GEO secretariat84 GEO members and 61 Participating organizations

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10/04/2373 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

GEOSS Data Sharing Principles • Full and Open

Exchange of Data, recognizing Relevant International Instruments and National Policies

• Data and Products at Minimum Time delay and Minimum Cost

• Free of Charge or minimal Cost for Research and Education

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10/04/2374 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

GEOSS for biodiversity

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10/04/2375 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

The eHabitat Model

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10/04/2376 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

OGD: Part 5 – Semantic Layer

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10/04/2377 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]



Open formats



Linked Open Data

The best data is an open data


All data must be perfect

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10/04/2378 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Lack of explicit semanticsThe real meaning of the data was kept in the developers mind when creating the data


Page 79: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2379 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Lack of explicit semanticsCan lead to things like:

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10/04/2380 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Semantic heterogeneityDifference in the meaning of local data

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10/04/2381 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]



Open formats



Data Catalog

Data Catalog

Entity centric

Importing tool

Entity centric

Importing tool

Page 82: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2382 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Entity centric: Added valueAggregated dataAccurate data, manually curatedUnique identifiers, distributed perspectives

Re-think identifiersSemantified values


name Juan Pane

nationality italian

lives in Trento

affiliation Univ. Trento


name Ignacio P. F.

born in Paraguay

date of birth 1980

affiliation PF-UNA

Page 83: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2383 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

EntitiesReal world: is something that has a distinct,

separate existence, although it need not be a material (physical) existence. Has a set of properties, which evolve over time. Example:

Mental: personal (local) model created and maintained by a person that references and describes a real world entity.

Digital: capture the semantics of real world entities, provided by people.

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10/04/2384 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Entity based Semantic Layer:• Address the integration problems due to

semantic heterogeneity:• Different formats• Different identifiers• Implicit semantics• Homonyms, synonyms, aliases• Partial knowledge• Knowledge evolution

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10/04/2385 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]



The semantic Layer: why?






i i+1v0

Applications use entities instead of raw data

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10/04/2386 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Importing steps


Schema Matching

Data Validation

Semantic Enrichment













Take raw data from

Cleanse data

Map to an EntityType

Link data to entities/concepts

Update/insert entities

Export to Entitypedia

Publish to

Get insights about entities

Page 87: Open Data Trentino presented at the European Commission (JRC)

10/04/2387 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

1. Source SelectionImport one data file at a time

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10/04/2388 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

2. Schema MatchingSelect a target type of entity -> correspondences between the input columns and the output attributes

nome provincia descrizione funivie lat long

Andalo (1047) Provincia di Trento

Sorge su un'ampia sella prativa al centro...

3 654463 712857

Canazei (1450) Trento Prov. Situato all'estremità settentrionale della...

2 511504 147444

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10/04/2389 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

3. Data ValidationApplies format and structure validation and possible automatic transformations needed to have the input data in the expected format.

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10/04/2390 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

4. Semantic Enrichment (1/2)Entity disambiguation: Transform text references into links to existing entities.

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10/04/2391 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

4. Semantic Enrichment (2/2)Natural Language Processing: Extract concepts and entity references from free-text.

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10/04/2392 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

5. ReconciliationRun Identity Management Algorithms to identify each row as a new or existing entity.

Result•No Match•Match•Multiple Matches

Action:•Use ID•New ID•Ignore Row

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10/04/2393 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

6. ExportingAt this point:We know what to export.All values for target attributes conform to the expected format.All text has been semantified (NLP).All textual references to entities are converted to linksEach row has an identifier

i i+1v0

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10/04/2394 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

7. PublishingPut back the semantified entities into CKAN so that

the entities can be Open Data and can be found in the same catalog as the original data.

Developers and find the data files of the cleaned, aggregated entities

But can also interact with the entities via the Entitypedia APIs

8. VisualizationSearch and Navigation

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10/04/2395 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Our Goal




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10/04/2396 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]


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10/04/2397 Lorenzino Vaccari - Autonomous Province of Trento, Trento, Italy - [email protected]

Thanks to all the Open Data in Trentino Team and in particular to:Juan Pane, Maurizio Napolitano, Marco Combetto, Moaz Reyad and Luca Paolazzi