oowabdin. /; . . t ; . . - , . ' the slal&slsstana, · ttattaile'fi drug and cv.em....


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Page 1: OOWABDIN. /; . . t ; . . - , . ' THE slal&slSStana, · ttATTAILE'fi Drug and CV.em. Store, «l c,» Corner 4th and Broad ft*. ie2s~ rn 8 arch-Fading*, Ho. A Miunll lot ctwin#-Maple

nrß daily dispatch.*

r.r-1 \u25a0* ?


Ma. for m*Ua«, *1. y.ar to

*2rThe W««klT IMwMisli «? «»\u25a0?« mnr M.nailed to wWftriWw aflper aa-m.


««.« KxP*«'» ~o* f »*?«»? »?" r

. «a«ilna». thro"*" >»y I>«yll*fct»f iß "bccUxd Threw*. Kacrpt on||.i«**«' viBjtor>» to thn Vlr#lnl»t XprinaiMMO**"*"* take the South-Side Railroad cars atbT the Riehmo.d and Danville car. atr' tC* , at*! A. M. daily. (Send-.? excepted.)fcifhao" . h^nr> to Dinner, and tLenea, via the»r" v '" rL Tonnense Railroad, reach Bonaack'*

« d « « th « r

CO* FINE LINE OFRen«a,-k'*. lodge at Finctatle, din* at theW\ &Dd. V.tR«i .»«r . . i!r| \ ear ;_ eren-

Petersburg or Richmond.t«i<t , J,ev .||j|Y TRAVEL. acd wiih but 64 tnilrtVl rc' Or bj ilia Salera Krtl'e, stap til Bight *t. Red Sulphur Spring ( .0 mile* di*Untfrom

, d ,e.t the tied Sweet or Sweet Springs,the White SulphurSpdngs onthe evea

"L°< Railroad U locatedV. « mo*romantic country poaa»a*ing *climate

throoc . br; rte |(jhtfis tcmpera-* Theroad paeoea iheW. <vf thetore. Ih ' K [.P AK;t of OTTER!. w'ifc'n three BiUe*et"tha AlleghanySpringe, one

.o'the UoDifowry White Sulphur fpringa,andinar mile* oftbe Yellow Sulphur Springs; allirtiv .i;u*t«d *. fsw n» ie< apart, on the Eastern

' " .'!u Aliegnar.y uiouutain, in Montgomery co.ai'fnol th*»e Sprin,.*are celebrated for their

' '»» roedicioal qualities the aocomrocdationa areJ'*?V o(,'«nd bave been greatly increased since la»t

*«I nvi?or»to the Bed SulphurSprinp* take Kent,«. >n \ Co'» at SewBern Depot, on the

B "'.'rr cf th« nay that theyleave Petersburg orRich-Tr d ai'il anive at the Syringi oa the following dayio iontr. atirt at Salt Sulphur Sprfaga ea.ly in the/.* «f >.e tecxrod d»v from Richmond or Pbter*im> g.

from N'c w Bern Depot to the Rod S*l-? - -nit, miles ) h»* been graded and greatly

?"-,ro\ed »ince ia>: wiion, and ia now regarded (u

of 'Ue beet lumpikei inthe mounta;na.

The ine cf Telegraph from Richmond will beeom-ri»ted and in operation to the Montgomery WhiteSi in ur .^rrin*'eariy in luc.-,' -'...-.itera to Knoxville, TenrieMee, take Kent,Soruiera-'in k Co*» Sts.-e« at the Werteru termhin*! I the \ irgina and Tennc«»ee Hailroad, now 180? if . f.-jm Lvnehbnrg (and being extended Welt-ward en'he rite ofß mi'* : per tnoatb) to the Kaatercte'cin aof the Ka«t Tennavee und Virgisia Kail- :, ,*.l and arrixe at Knoxville, in 2j daya fromPetere-hr-a or Richmond.eaRK K.HOM PETERSBURG OR RICHMOND:'/vKfd Sweet, or Sweet Spring*viaBoagaok'f. $ 10.00.. .> " ?? " " Salem I05">?' Whits Sulphur Spring! " Bynsack'a...ll.oo i.. .. ?? " " Salem 11.50' Red Sulphur SpricgiAilmhany Sprinia 800

" .Mr,- pciiiiery U hiie Sulphur Springa 8 25" V.UuarSulphur Spriup B.ii" Knoxviile, Tenneaaee 23.1K1

{.[ TE.?The ciisrgafor tickers co the Alleghany.Sprii<t:» Mouigouiery White Sulphur and the Yellow{?ulpiiur Sprinrf. dotw not include thecharte from theRailroad t<, the Springs, l'aaacngera for theAllegha-rv Spnrga. (1 i"ile»distant,) take ticket* to Sbawa-vi!!e~i»>r Sioutgomery Vl. Mtc Sulphur, (1 mile dis-tant hy a h'snch railroad,) take tickets to Big Tnn-pel. and for the YeMow Sulphur, (4 milei distant,)tnke ticitefs to Christiacsburg Depot. Conveyanceswill tf viiundat these places.

#£V fi.rtbcr '.cforniauou app! v to£ A. GOODWIN,

Ticket Airent S. S. R. R? Pete'aburg.CHARLES CAMPBELL,

Sup't. Richmond and Danville R. R.. Richmond.E. H. GILL,

Bup't. Y. Jc T. R. R , Lynchburg.KENT, SUMMERSON Ac CO.

je2?sm Fincaatis, Va.. ? Tllli ADA.IIS'IiXI'UESS

OMt'A-NV. litf Main «t? Jiav-BOG, -es jn g mnumed their Steamshipto sod from ftorfo'k, Petersburg and Rich-

mond, by steamers Jamestown and Roanoke, which!-*vc New York every Wednesday and Saturday,siu thence by railroad to Weldou VVilniins'on,Lyncbbaig. Siiem, Wytlieville, sod the piibcipaipfnet-s in Virginiaand North Carolina, are now pre-; a.-ad to forward, with gre:it and at reducediate«. every kind cf Mercuandise, \ Suable Parcels,Jewelry. Jtc., to the above named cities, md ailplaces on the seaboard.

Uur Mprruon tne Steamships will be accompa-nied by er'«ci*i Mreseniters who wiiJ give their per-

\u25a0 <nsl «tt-ution to tne c«retul handling of goods en-tiuiied 10the ADAMa' KXt?,sd CO.'b feteamshipKxnrest.

shippers will please take notice that packages topoi t»!n Vjr*iniaand North Carolina, will be sent bysteeraer', aniens otherwise marked.

Kr-jijilit received on cay of sailing, until3 o'clock,F M. J. L. MACDONUGB,

Ajent of Adams' Express Co.r?"3PiCCIAL NOTlCE.?Express package* for

Norfolk, f etereburg, Richmond. and all places in Vir-cu issnd North Carolina, intended for sbi( uirnt by?tesmahipi Koatmke and Jame-*town. will hereafterbe received by the ADAMS' r-XPRKSS COMI'ANY,who are tne authorized Agent* for Express privilege*on tirese ships.

Othue if the Nsw York and Virginia SteamshipCompany. LUDLAM i. i>i,EASANIS,«P4?is Agent*.

I MKT. I'M.HE. of *ie Old iMeilirttlif Hum-.,is still eugantd in treating ail sort* of rie-cret licenses, «nd hereby invites a call from those» w have (/\u25baen unfortunate in their associations. ?

Hi P. wculd I'aiticulaiiy iuvita a call from poisonsin t'ie ccuutry who hs,ve been given up by theirpbysicar.* as ir.curabie. rases are few indeed that1 einot be reached by when coirecrly ap-riita Th* article kuowa a* the CHEMICALEVTHACTO? ntf.NCH KBOWERB, is probably thev-:ty b'.st thing now before the public for renovating« system » isltered by dissipation or other cause ?

Tim Afue and Fever remedy, called FRENCHIA ILK, is next to a certainty. Price $1 per bo'tle.Office < u Krankliu street, jost below the ExchanaeHotel. at.a first door gouth of Trinity Church, Rich-

mond. Vs.Wtdicin** securely packed and sent to order, withfuii directions. |j«3|

4 I.AIUiK STOCK. OF IIRY GOOO*- V Si.UA.\<; OFF AT COST.?M. W. ROSE,bo. %/s Brian street, Richmond, Va., with a view toebacg'.ng hj* business, will soil from the* time to theloth day of August, his large, varied and beautiful?lock of

Dt'.rSS AND FANCY DRY GOODS,AT CUSf. The then remaining on hand,willbe closed out at pnbiic auction.Ail peisoas desiring to purchase Dry Goods of asupeiior quality, will here find sufficient inducementto make su investment, as he intends to be very aj-r-inmodaiiiij:, and want* tosave much expense asl-uwikle by, if not wfioliy. avoiding the auction. BeK '* e -~ c *'r &"d examine for yourse.ve*.N. B. 1; e no*, by aid w'll be forrent after the Ist of September. It is no excellentjocat'.un tor a diy goods store, for which purpue itfas beenccfuoiea by me for upwards of II years.my-3;J M. W. ROSE.

fr<L THK Nl<U( KUULlllim OK TIIKt ,,^kCt| A-N W INSURANCE COMPANY, OKK CHMOND.? Notice is hereby given that, under aesoiutloo of the Board of Director*, adopted on theMl lost, the following rtquititiant are called for,a

.t c I,"" OI !ore 'he days mentioned, viz;per Share on the Ist July

??}£! " 15th July, and3,50 "" 31*t July.

, ? ? A. I'L.Ea!JANTS, IWt.- . tl. Montague. ?ec*y. je 20? u11V7?\ VAUiXA ANO I*AKKJtt>B

...."A?Both adn iraole article*of diet fur the? c* ana convsleicent; for sale atttATTAILE'fi Drug and CV.em. Store,

«l c,» Corner 4th and Broad ft*.ie2s~ rn 8 arch - Fading*, Ho.

A Miunll lotctwin#- Maple una Mickcry per schr Bran-jwme t ijt §d*e tjarrive. ?

j-21 KDWAED E. DUDLEY,J"?" 19th «t. between Main and Franklin.

1 "*Jabn O, 'H byli»s ;n« ? 9tl' Jone, i&56, «nd du'y recorded,l.rn ,/, yytdlo the undersigned, intrust, for theH o deh*. ,V credi.£oi '. among iu« other property, alla'i i,,,,' of,,verv due lo him 'thereforelh;to«id Moasare notified to payt?| T

,e "l>«cifit!ly dne by thein to my orderfori »;d urf' iw,e'' *r,5 requested to coma

Jl!~" .'AMRS M. TAYLOR,Trostee

l V A <to HA^LK.UTIHKK*.-.'bants u i*""I"'' Ajeu's and Commission M«r-Vorir ..I "lI ® l* Maonfuetored Tobacco, in Newtheir * *oli e" shipments of Tobacco, totrMe *""" their scquiintßoeo with theHon le,bi peJJ*' U ":u"t:lvo a Ibey ca" «'»? satbfsc-

lat«oftHefirinof PaHcson, Adam**t t lii« boose P 1*"*" 1 to li«ar from bis old friends

jeril «<ra«tces on consifniirpts<OHNULt,Y k ADAMS,

. ~_

41 Krost street. N. Y."'*? llmr,At. Anams.

P"l-'ANVAnsKW HAiMM; l«lePepper;, i Lines, Cor-iag. wid Cotton Twine; far sale


'40 Pr, «« »ACO« Hi OKa, land ins" r"-^OMILEtcLIIBO,BEi7 Me. 11 Paarlat.


TBQoiloy Morwloa. Jaly iW, IjHO.

lfri»p«Jiw «r ikaTnnicaa(From Punch |


Tumdat, June 1« - On the motion for the »««?ond rMdiat of the Old Hou andBunkum lUilwayEstenHoa Bill,

Mr. Ola*if« (0») stated thatbe should considerit a personal ioenlt to hlmaeif and hi* colleague Ifthe motion were put. The Bill waa the audacioneapawn of a crawling aycophaney, which ought tobe indigaaatlykicked to the bottomless biasesMr. Blnckea (S. C ) eonenrred in what had fallenfrom the honorable speaker, aad wished be hadthe «am« commanding eloquence In which to em-body the unutterable dl*gn*t which he felt for theframer* of the Bill, and for all the deapicablewretehea who had dared to apeak In iu faror.Mr. Samuel X. Sioddy (Fa) had not thoughtmuch of the Bill, but was now convinced of it«goodness when two »ncb contemptible anagt aaUlsggt and Bincke* howled against it.

Senator Binckes hAre crossed the floor, and ta-king off hi* coat, and throwingit on the table, be-gan to whip Senator Sloddy some, but waa felledto the du.*t by a ruler in the hana of that patriot.Onkins of Mas*. He waa at tirat stunned, buthaving liquoredresumed his coat and seat.Mr. Legume (Va ) hoped the debate mightbeprocrastinated nntil more specificial informationwas before tbem. It was unworthy of the majes-tic genius of Atncrica to slngdollogize.

A Voice?Who's slogdollogizing?

Another Voice?Greased snakes ! Jc-rusalcm !(Srmatioii )

Mr. llactaria, Penn ?The bill hadbeen careful-ly discussed on a previous occasion, and there waano excuse for delay. He wonld not impute mo-tives to Its opponents, but would like to knowwhere the Honorable Senator Giaggsobtained thedollars that paid his extravagant hotel bill yester-day.

Mr. Giaggs?You are a mean dastardly spy.Mr. Hactaris?Von are a liar.The Senator from Georgia here fired four shots

at the honorable speaker, without any other casu-alty than killingPiskang, the silent senator fromColumbia, who, being asleep, was unaware of tbecircti nifctance. Mr. Hactaris loudlyprotestedagainstMr. Glagg's shooting at him on a second reading,as being out of order, which, strictly speaking, mayhave been the case.

Mr Wackliugburg, Va, thought that they werediscussing tbe bill with almost too much heaL TheRailway was wantedMr. Binckes would be darned if it was.Mr. Wacklingburg wanted it himself [laughter ]But, as it seemed to him, the only objection to the

Bill was, that the undertakers of the Railroad werea parcel of beggarlybankruptloafers, who wouldnever edify a pile or a rail.

Mr Branding (Ohio) was happy tobe able to in-form the honorable member that he was an infer-nal falsehood monger, and that among the promo-ters were men of the most impassioned intellect,and who sighed for tbe good of their great and glo-rious country with the most ardent aspiration.

A Voice?He means perspiration.Mr. Brandingknew that ribald throat, and daredits to stand upTbe gigantic Luke V. Black, of Delaware, here

heaved his ponderous proportions into tho air, butSenator Branding seemed to discover that be badsomething very engrossing to whisper to his nextneighbor, and managednot to see the DelawareHercules,« ho fiually set down, not much tbe worsefor having accepted tbe defiauce.

Mr. Sprittle(Yt.) said that althoughit was an pa-tent as the sua in the blue hemisphere, that theirdebates with worthy of an enlightened nation,»nd a pattern to the corrupt aad bigoted BritishParliament, he thought they lout time. lie wasfor business, and would clench the matter by re-gistering his solemn oath, which he did in the faceof eternal creation, that whoever tried to get thatbill passedbe would kick through yonder mahoga-ny.

Mr. Sloddy was n«t to be bullied by a lopsidedcrawfish from the Green Mountains. He beggedto move, with unmitigated disdain, that the OldHow and Bunkum bill be read a second time.

Mr. Sprittle here drew a life-preserver and rush-ed toward Mr. Sloddy, but finding the latter pre-pared with one of our friend Larkin's first-chopbowie-knives, tbe honorable Senator turned a>ideand struck Mr. Hactari* who had bis back towardhim, a tt%mendons blow from behind, and beatbim handsome while on the floor. Several Sena-tor* might havestopped this; but, as they said,"their motives might be misconstrued by their conatituents." and Jack Ilacktaris gotabout as granda lickingas five foot eight of Pennsylvania humannature hag ever taken. At the request of severalladies who were present, the debate was thenadjourned,for a chivalric deference to feminine in-fluence has ever been the characteristic of ourno-ble and impulsive patriots.

lathe evcciug vre hearth&tßrancingand Wack-lit burg fought a duel, anil that Branding was kill-ed, but the report has not been verified by the lasttelegraphs, and it certainly does not much matterIf true, however, we trust Major Billy F. Loggerwill jumpabout arid look after the empty place.

Sitjcn the above was written we find that it IsWacklinburg that caught it Virginny has lost agood sod, and hasgot maDy a gooder. ?

A Great Rack ?The celebrated race horse,"Sacramento," recentlyundertook the great featoftrotting one hundred miles in ten hours, which hasonly beeh accomplished by four horses. The racewas commenced under saddle tobe changed to har-ness. . While performing the seventy-ninth mile,the horsebroke down and expired inforty minutesafterwards. Thefour horses which performed thistask were. Fanny Jenks, Fanny Murray, Kate,and Cocquerer? two only of which survived thqeftort.

A VILLASF. OK WO.MKN.?The followingaccountappears in the AugsburgGar.ette:

The village of Madana, which is about sixtyEnglish milus from Rtti«cbiie<l, in Wallacbia, of-fers at the present moment, a curious otbnographi-cal singularity, havingbeen inhabited by womenoaly for the last thirty years. At one period, thisfemale population Amounted to 2UO. The ladiesdid not live as warriors, like the Amazon* of oht:but avoided all iuteicourge witn men, and droveaway from their territories all who appeared withinatiiuioniAl intentions. This anti-social settle-ment ia now supposed to be onthe decline; at leastnomore recruits are made from the disappointedor the love crossed, and the members of the population aro rapidly decreasing.

An Inveterare Thief?a Buffalo paper say*that ? few day* ago tn officer attached to the po-lice force of that city was conveying a sentencedcriminal to the penitentiary, when he stopped athi* owu house lor a moment, taking the prisonerin with him. In the front partof the house a quan-tity of tobacco and cigars were lying, and, whilethrofficer steppedinto theback room for a moment,tbe rascal stole the whole lot. Again: the sameofficer hadreceived six shilling fees, which he putiu his coat pocket, and started with his prisonerfor Haine'* House. Before they arrived there theprisoner picked the officer's pocket of the money.

ACOSTI.T Habit?The babit of writingone'sname on the backs of bank note* is a very foolish?ne A gentlemanwrite* to the Hartford Gaurantthat about a year ago, whtfe engaged in countingover money, be carelessly pnt bis name on theback of a i£o bill A *on of Erin came into binoffice a few day* rince with the $'M bill, and midbe bad come from East Hartford to get gold fromthe endorser. The gentlemaq looked in the BankNote lieporter and found that the Bank bad sus-pended paptneut, and wasobliged to give the managood bill for it.

"MiSSA.says you must sartin pay thebill to-day,'said a negro to a New Orleans shop keeper. "Why,be isn't afraid I'm goingto run away, ia ho?" "No#ssctly dat, but look, beah I'' eaid the darkey, slowlyand mysteriously, "he's goingto rou away himself,and darefore want* to make a big raise?"

Accident kkom Hoops?A lady in Baltimore,recently, whist getting out of an omnibus, caughther foot in a loop of a new stylo of hoop arrange-ment, and, failing forward, severed the bridge ofher fcoee and otherwise injured herself very seri-ously.

Running a Hoksjc Backwards ?Tbe Particorrespondentof tbe Boston l'ost says,, an Englishhorse was made to travel backward* on theChamps Elyvees the other day by his owner, tbeCount de I.ancosme Breves, to decide a wager ?

Crab-like, the docile animal performed five-eightsof a mile in five mlnHies and thirtyseven s«eonda.A spot ting item worth mentioning.

A Vai-uabmc Hkau vium ?On tbe occasion oftbe baptism of tbe Imperial I'rince, tbe jewelswornbytbe Empress in her diadem alone were valaodatfifteen million* of franca. Amongtbe larger stone*with which tbi* bauble was studded was tbe greatKegeU diamond. \u25a0

ftiCHMONJ), TUESPAY-JULY 22.1856ABloody avd atrocious Mtmoßß nt KzwYork-a Man KUltd inkit Room ?A moat bloodyand atrocioa* murder waa perpetrated on Fridayateht to the tailoring establishment of Mr. Joyce,378 Broadway, southeast corner of Broadway and

££ zzr?* -

Bartholomew Burke, aa Irishman, about 31years of age, baa for some time bean employed IntM above mentioned tailoring boose, aa aporter.It la a three atory building, the. first floor beingoc-cupiedas a saddlery and harness shop, the secondfloor by Mr. Joyce, aad the upper atory aa a realdenco. Burke sleptin the large room of the tai-toris shop, having a bed behind the cutting hoard.Friday morula*, when the employees went to

** usual hour, they found It locked andon catling toBurke, received no answer. The doorWM finally opened fiom the outside, and on enter-ingthey found blood upoa variousparts of the floor,and on going into the small room onthe east aide,discovered the dead body of Burke lying upon then<>or.Thp appearance of the body was most shocking.

He was in an entirely nude state, with eyes un-jnosed, and covered with blood and wounds. Helay upon his back, with his arms up in a posture ofdefence, and his fists clenched. There was a fright-ful cutabove the left eye, and numerous woundsupon the left shoulder, and a deadly gash on theleft side of the throat.It is probable, from appearances, that there wasa severe struggle, and that it commenced at thewest end of the cuttingboard, in the large room,as blood is here first discovered upon the floor.-?There were traces of blood on the floor, to thesmall room, where he was found, and in this roomwere evidences of an energetic resistance.

About half-past ten Thursdsy night.Burke wentiato a saloon in the basement, ia company with ayoung man, an acquaintance of his, and procureda quart of lager beer?being the third quart he hadbought during the evening?and the two left to-gether. He was last seen by a woman on the op-posite side of - White street, who at that time sawBurke and the youngman referred to, sitting by asidn window, in a shop.

It is supposed that this man committed thedeed; but It is impossible to arrive at any satisfac-tory conclusion as to the motive, inasmuch as MissJoyce misses no property. Burke was knowa tohave property in bis possession, and some valua-ble jewelry,but it is not known how much, if any,was stolen.

The family residing on the floor above heardnothingof tbe transaction, and abont half past teno'clock their servant girl met the two goinguptbe stairs from the saloon. Burke is said to havebeen a man of good character for truth and integ-rity.

A New Orleans Dinner.?The followingwasthe bill of fare of a recent dinner at New Orleans,La.:

Ist. Catfish soup. 2d. One huge catfish, withcattish sauce. 3d. A small catfiab, stuffed 4th.Several catfish, not stuffed. sth. Some fried eat-fiah. G;h. Catfish omelet, mixed. 7lh. Scrambledcatfish, great variety, very good. Blh. A largenumber of very small catfish, ala Francaise. 9th.A few catfish. 10th. Some more catfish. Therewas quite a number of dishes beside, but tbey allcontained catfish, done up in every style tbe heartamid wish.

Man and Team attacked by Bees ?Mr. 8Hooper, residing near McKiasack's Grove, lowa,while driving his team was attacked bv bees.?Tbey made tho attack apparently in three distinctstring* tbout the size of a man's'arm, first attack-ing the horses One horse, in endeavoring to ex-tricate himself, broke a blood vessel and diedshortly after; the other is severely injured. Tbeynext attacked Mr. Hooper and those who came tobis assistance. Everything was dene that couldbe to extricate the unfortunate man, bnt not nntilMr. Hooper and Mr. Slusher were so severely in-jured that but little hope of their recovery is en-tertained. The symptoms and sufferings of theunfortunate menresemble those of hydrophobia.Fatal and Destructive Fire ?On the 15thinst., Toronto, Canada, was the scene of a mnst

fearful and heart rendiyg sight, in the destructionfor the second time, by fire, of Messrs. Jacques SlHay s mammoth cabinet ware manufactory. By itthree hundred men are thrown out of employment,seven or eight are supposed to have lost their lives,six or eight have been wounded, and $MO,OOOworth of property has been destroyed. The fol-lowing are supposed to have lost their lives: JasMinns, a carver; John Watson, a cabinet maker;Anthony Ellis, do; Charles Druminond, carver;

Coles, do; Ives Leguerre, (French) carver;Thomas Gobert, (German) do.

The rights of foot pamengi Ti in the streets wasthe subject of an important decision in the Muni-cipal Court to day. A hackman was condemned tofour months imprisonment for trespassing uponthese right* and running over a foot passenger ?

The Court stated the rule of law iu such cases tobe that carriages bad no paramount rights of wayin the streets, and that drivers were beund at alltimes to heed the rights of those onfoot mod to ex-ercise duecare for their safety. This is a timelydecision.?Boston Traveller, Friday.

AnOld Lady walked Into the office of a Judgeof Probate iu Massachusetts, once upon a time,and asked?

"Are you the Judge of Reprobates I""1 am the Judgeof Probate "

"Well, that's it, I expect," qnoth the old lady ;"you see my father died detested, and be left seve-ral little infidels, and I want to be their execu-tioner."

Lynch Liaw in Missouri.?lnformation has beenreceived at St. Loul* that a man named Has washung under tbe authority of Judge Lynch, abouteight miles east of Florence, Morgan county:

Rue bad been engaged in a suit, wherein certainwitnesses had given evidence that they would notcredit him on oaLh, and heh d threatened revenge ?

Tbe spring at tbe school-huuse had been poisoned,and 'he children,of those testifying against him hav-ing drana of the water. w<.re riang-iously ill. Raewas suspicion«d; arrested on suspicion, and believedto be guilty, given five Cays to prepare for leavingthe Stale. He left suddenly mxc day. but was over-taken in Hickory county end brought back. He wastried by what is denominated mob law, and bis pre-vious t>ad character determined hi* neighbor* tohaug him, although he protested he was innocent tothe last.

Two Powdeu Mills Blown Up ?ProlabU FatalResult*.?Two of the wheel mills belonging to tbeHazard Powder Company, at Enfield, blew np thismorning. Three of the workmen were badly injured,two of ihem it is feared fntallv, and the third is alsoiu a dangerous situation. Their names are, CharlesAlcock, *V hitehead, and ?\u25a0- Lowrey?two ofthem are Englishmen, and o«ie is a Scotchman. Allare men with families. We do not learn tbe cause ofthe accident. The boiler and engine are uoinjured.?Hartford 1imtt, Jvly 12.

Roman Catholic Land Associa no*.?A meet-ing waa held at £t Louiaon Friday night,preparatoryto tbe organization of a Roman Catholic Association,whose object shall ha to enable emigrants of thatfaith, of whatever nationality, to settle on vacantWad* in Missouri. The shaies of stock have beenfixed at $10.

Indian Battle.?lntelligence received at St.Louia from tbe plains, state thai a sanguinary battlehad occurred at tbe crossing of the A'kaoaae >iver, onthe taata Ke road, between the eoafMerat* Sec* andFoie* and tbe Camaache Indiana, resaltiay in a com-plete rou. of the latter. The loss ot the Camaaeheswas 21, while the Sacs and Koxea loet bat two It isnoted as a curious coincidence, that at the same tinetwo years ago a lioatile meeting occurrea at the sameplace between tbe same parties, with precisely thesame result.

Great Depreciation.?The Ulendon railingmm, situated in East Boston, Mass, was recently?old for $72 100. Tbe property is said to have costever $400,000.

"No Great Bhak*s."_a slight shock of aaearthquake was experiencedon the evening of tbe10th insbi atFreeport, Armstrong 00., Pa.


Joseph Bias, tb# Massachusetts legislator, has ilinfd ty> as ?. delegate from Boston to ? Btat»

Tbeschooner William Lewis, recently fonndabandoned at sea, and carried Into Newport, B 1.,U suppssed to be a slaverwbieh bad been desertedafter waking a voyage to Africa.

Senator Seward is a great smoker, and is orderto enjoy the weed, always rides in the baggageoar.

"Bnssel, what in tba world patmatrimony intoyour toad I" "WaH, the fact is, Jo, 1 was gettingshort of shirts."

Xn old peach tree In Plympton,Mass.,which wasentirely boried la a snow drift during tbe past win-ter, is well tadfD with frpH, wWle upon scarcelyanother treepatba Urn l» a peach to be seen,i b is saU that a convention of ail the New England

States in favor of Fremont and Umjurn is tub. hsitfis Jtostennest mouth. *

| Lieat. Gov. Harfy, aTKentucky, die* on Wsdata-

* i Copwavtthe Indian, is making nibMn speechesia hoar York.

1 . . * \u25a0...«,. ... , ?»«.-\u25a0 t ; . ~, .. *VaAt. y : lit 4., ??\u25a0 a*> ' ? . ? - , . ' f

ttijk Pritfrr /ftyrse*.?There has been a great-er demand fhv aegroea ta thia etty during theraoniha of Map, Jane aad July, thaa ever knownbaton Md they haveeoeamaadad better prieea du-ring that time. This latter is aa aoasnal tMng.asthe suiamer amatlw aregenerally tfee dullest la theyear for thatdescription of property. Priate fieldhand* (women) will new briag trnrntlOOOte tllOO,aad men from $1250 to ?1300. Not long since a~krty.negro girl sold in this city at private salefor fl/00. A large number of negroes are boughten speculation, aad probably there la set lessthan 18,000000 to town now seekinginvest ore iasnci property.

?M* Smith." in Court.?-A sudden call was madeyesterday in the Mayor's Court for this renownedIndividual to comeup to teatify, and inatanter acrowd ruahed to the door all Of whom were pre-sumed to be "John Smith."

The police rushed out, calling out, "Stop John !Smith 1 Stop John Smith f Everybody seised arunning man, and soon there were more JohnSmiths, than the court knew what to do with?John Smith ia the check coat was the one wanted.

Junior Independent Order of Temprranct.?Tbl*society of youths, we are triad to ieara, is in athriving condition. Their Charter will be preseated to them lna few weeks,on which occasion (heywill bare a public meeting. The followingia alist of the officers elected: James E. Watson, P;New. M. Meredith, V. P.: Richard Spraggins. R. S ;Charles H. Thompson, T ; Joha Austin, L S.; An-drew H. Monica*tie, G. K. They will meet nextWednesday night, at 8} o'clock, when It is desiredthat every member will be present.

The Slander Jatiuttown arrived yeaterday morn-ing frdm New York, with 84 passengers and aheavy freight list. The trip was made in the usu-al quick time. Thehigh reputation of her com-mander, Capt Parrish, and the universal popu-larity of her courteouspurser, Jack Smith, hasmade this vessel one of the most popular thatleaves oarport for tbe North, and none whoplacethemselves in the care of the above named officersneed haveaeyfear as to a safe and pleasant tripto New York. She leaves this afternoon at 4o'clock.

A Hottn that's Rocked every Right ?It does notfollow at all that such a domicile would proveagood place to sleep in?no, by the powers!?lorsome did try it, and came out victims of misplacedconfidence. What house was it? Why, the onein the alley, near tbe corner, of course?the virtu-ous house of Miss Sarah Foiter and the littlo "bru-nette," Kiss JennieTurner

These two demoiselles appeared before MayorMayo yesterday, to complain against Joe Burch, ayoung gentleman of eccentric fancy, independentnature, and erratic disposition, who often ignoredthe meaning of the words mcum rt tuum, for hav-ing thrown some primitive rocks at their house,broke their glass panes,and pained their feelingsTom Lambert and John Smith, youths of promise,were companions of Joe Burcb, on the night inquestion,when tbe rocks flew "like bail" Sarahdid not rel sh having stones innumerable flnngather and Jennie; said the proceeding quite injuredher delicate nerves, and both privately came to theopinion that Joe ought at least be incarcerated fora life-time in that iron-grated building np town.?Joe called as his witness John Smith, who testifiedthat he was in tbe house when it was rocked, butit used to be rocked every night, and he did notknow that Joe did it.

The Mayor told Joe that be was really an incor-rigible young man?warned the others from asso-ciating with him. and bound him over in the sumof SISO to keep thopcace. In default of the bond,he waa sent to jaiL

Stealing Movry.?Simon Cnrtis, slave of Mr. C.P. Word, was inducted into the presence of theMayor yesterdaymorning on a charge of larceny,preferred by Joe Scott. The theft was accom-plishedSaturday nigbt, and the sum stolen amount-ed to $27. Joe Scott, Simon Cnrtis and two otbernegroes were togetherin one room during the firstalarm of fire. Joe Scott felt onuuy though hecould! not tell "by, but nevertheless resolved to re-tire to bed. He suspended his pants against,thewall and was soon in the land of dreams. Heawoke in the morning to find that his pile badvanished In a most mysterious way. Nobodyknew nothing, and Joe waa in a deckled dilemmatill some of the otbera remembered that Simon badgone from the room at quite an early hour and in-timated to tbose who were cognizant of the factthat if tbeydid not shut the door tome body might"distress" them. On therobbery becomingkuownMessrs. Tyler and Seal instituted a search for. Si-mon Curtis and the money, and were eminentlysuccessful The rogue had stowed awaythe largerportion of the booty in tlia liningof bis cap. About$21.75 were recovered and banded over to Scottby the Mayor's orders, the balance having beenspent by the prisoner. The case was ended bythe infliction of 25 stripes on the tawnyhide of fci,mon Curtis.

The Convention of Colleget, called by GovernorWise, at the request of several Professors, will as-semble in the basement of the First BaptistChurch, on Wednesday, the 23d inst, at 10 o'clockA. M.

Correction.?V> T* erred in placing the value ofthe mansion house of Mr. Clarke at $4000. Theoriginal cost, we learn, was $12 000, and the woodwork alone of tke interior cost $3000. The houses insured at only 16000.

Interesting Couple.?Ann Dungan is a lady witha face not uulike the setting sun, and possessing aperfect understandingof the routine of business atthe Mayor'* Court, independent of an extendedknowledge of gutter rhetoric and billingsgate,hasbesides a familiar acquaintance with tbe differentsirta of mountain dew. In tiutb, Ann Dungatthas seen a good many ups and downs in tbl* life,aud her glowing face and easy manners, though"fair, fat and forty," show it. She must breathetbe atmosphere of tbe Mayor's Court, or tpile.?Clarissa William* is a second edition of the samefemale bound in calf. Both made their appear-ance before his honor yesterday,but in antagonis-tic positions. Aun Dunganswore she had been a*Faulted and beaten by Clarissa in a most outra-geous way. In givingevidence she repeated oath*with a glibness that could not but convince herhearers that abe was perfectly au.fait in their nse.Clarissa hit her a lick back in tbe same style. AnnDungan had gotten her quandamhusband in jailbyhard swearing, and she just gave Ler a slap"through prejudice,and that's all she done to her."Clarissa was admouuhed and discharged.

pjtiee one cent;

slal&slSStana, Marrim Bh>k«a, Qnarles, WbHfleM, B»p«,Oratter, Cratebfldd, KoMtf, Scott and Sana,aeri.

*«. Crmtchfleld oflaradjfca Mhmfaf:Th?t Coaaeij appro pglste the Mat of?538 for coreiiDg theroof of the City Hoapit*]withtin: »*?«. fo* watar efoaata and other aeeweery ra-

fin.The thirteenth rule beingsuspended, therasolo-tion |nmm4 n?nlmoinlj. 1The nomination of Win, A. Irving aa Dep«ty

Collector of Taxes was confirmedA petition of Messn. Maury St Morton.ln refer-ence to their claim against the city (acted upon bythe last Council,)waa referred to theFinance Com-mittee.Theordinance requiring the Chamberlain «e payto each volunteer company the sum of #50 an-nually,from IstOctober, was takes up and read asecond time.Mr. Gretter moved toamend by exolnding theVirginia Rifles from any benefits arising there

from. ' ;Theamendment was adopted?eyes 6, noes3Mr. Robinson and othere spoke against theamendment as injudicious.**r- Whitfield moved further to amend by mak-ing the annual appropriation to each company onehundred dollars, which motion was negatived.rt»e ordinance being read three times, waspassed aa amendfd. ""

~?* e CfUocil adopted anamendment to the Chain>wUJnlSfw cut that part requiringe£ !»kept ea refractory prisionrere, after to the jail. The orciosics wai

V to key 4 feet of thetsiwiilSf .."r?oatJeMt>*tt«ectvm of Main sadif 6to 5prlce of * <0° per toot, bya vote

at^4ho^ock.Cil sd j° ttmedto again this evening

Dhpoxtd Of?The case cf Newman C Hoik,mate of the schooner Bengali, who struck the aailorBenjamin Burgess on the head with a handsDikewaa yesterday finally disposedof by the discbargeof the mate The Mayor, in announcing bis de-cision, said that the act was by no means justifia-ble, and If the witness would notsuffer by confine-ment in order to ensnre bis attendance at Court, bewould feel bound to send the case to the grand"jury.

Death of an Emfneut Jurist ?Jndge John P. Mayof Petersburg, we regret to learn, died last Sua-day night, after a long and painful illness.

President linbrrls, of Liberis, passed through thiscity yesterday evening, tn route for Boston. Hehas been on a visit to his old f(iends in Petersburg,where he spent a portion of Sunday and yesterday.

Indecent Exposure.?3aires Glenr, a white manwas arrested by Capt Wilkinson for indecent-ly exposing his person to the gaze of ladies inthe street on Sunday. Jim was conducted tethe lockup and left to ruminate on the uncertaintyof every day life tiH yesterday morning,when, onthe appearance of hie honor at sunrise, be expe-rienced one of its vicissitudes in being sent to th#city jail in default of security to be of good beha-vlor.

Runaway ?Caroline, a slave owned by RicbardArcbcr, of Chesterfield county, was taken in cus-tody yesterday morning, by Captain Johnson, ofthe police,she havingabsconded from her master'*house,and a reward being offered for her appro-hensien. TheMayor gave a certificate of the factand directed her to be returned to her owner.Die Windier.?Yesterday was averypleasantday,thoughold Sol didnot mitigate a jot of bis accus-tomed warmth. A cosy, lively and comfortablebreeze made it quite acceptable on the shady side

of the street.Americas Btm.r Union ?Rev. Dr. Maclay,late President of this society, has issned a pampblet, in which he makes some serious charges inrelation to the manner in which the work of trans-lating the Bible has been performed, and.allegev

that men are employedas translators who are noiqualified for the task. He also allegesthat unwar-rantable translations have been made, which, iipublished, must bring into discredit the most precious doctrines of his fjutb, sap the fundaments'truths of Christianity as indubitablyrevealed in fbeHoly Scriptures, and >ha<se the confidence of th.-peoplein the canon of sacred wri ingg. The NewYork Commercial says it is apprehended that tbeeedi«clo«'ires will result in the annihilation of theBible Union.

Caution to Children.?Last Tuesday evening, a boyeight years old, sonof Martin Myers, ofGap Furnaoep, Blair Co , Pa:, underwent a mostpainful operation in an unsuccessful attemptto re-move a cherrystone from his ear, into which hehad thrust It during the day. Another attemptwiii bare to be made.

A New Theory.?A Dr. Kinaham, who has re-centlyreturned from Peru, attempts to prove thatguano is produced from fetid seal, which dieontheislands and not from the droppings ofbirds.

Canadian Legislative Council ?The bill toreader this body elective, havingbeen assented toby her Majesty'* Council, has been proclaimed in'asupplement to the CanadaGazette, dated July 14.

The Deposed King or Oude ?The Ex-Kingof Oude, whom I«ord Dalhausie, the late GovernorGeneral of India, deprived of a kingdom, is nowin London. His Majesty was found to be toonaughty to be protected any longer; be declined acivil indication to abdicate; then he "ra» regularlydethroned, and his realm incorporated with theBritish empire?four millions of population and ?

surplus revenue, which, with fiseal science andcare, mightbe nearer to three than two millionsHe is endowed witha pension of a hundred andfi:'ty thousand pounds sterling The LondonTimes has described him as *'a degenerate despot,who lived only for the gratification of his ownappetites." He arrived in Prance by the overland route, accompanied by an English functionsry; is of fine personal appearance; a hearty fellow,with an intelligent, manly countenance, a fallflowing beard, a stout frame, a glosayIndian skinHe aeems between forty and fifty yearsof age.?His oriental costume is magnificent; onone fingerhe has an uncut ruby valued at three thousandpounds sterling, lie visited the Electrical Tele-graph office to witness the process of transmittinga message from bitu toLondon; the mechanism isAmerican, includingthe latest improvements;beexamined it admiringly, and then exclaimed,'? God made man; tbe Devil quickens his brain*."

Arnault with Brickbat* ?Mary Sullivan, Marga-ret Sullivan and Hannah Cronan were carried before tbe Mayor yesterday morningfor committingan assault on Patrick Honey with brickbats. Tbeca*e was continued till thia morning,and the par-ties were allowed to return home uutil the'timeabove indicated. Roney testified as to the mannerof tbeasiault and tbe time of it* commission, (Sun-day.) His Honor seemed to regard Mrs. Sullivanas a very had custodian for her daughter, Marga-ret Sullivan, and will take measure* to bare hersent to the poor house.

He said he feared the influence of Mrs. Sullivan'sexample might, 11 It bad not already corruptedMargaret Cronaa. Mrs Sullivan said if bi* honorbad determined to do her injustice, he might pro-cess ; but a* for herself, she was the most Innocentcreature in the world She gave tbe complainanta rather dismal character. It i* but just to her,however, to state that she waa laboringunder theeffect* of spirits at the time. Her character, asdrawn by his honor, will not be considered veryflattering. She waa all tbe time tn some foaa, andbeside* was the most drunken, disorderly andpugnaeious female In the town Mrs Sullivan's merit*have been discussed at Ue Mayor'* coart very Ire-quently.

Depredations ur Wolves ?in the town* ofnaverbili, Burton, and Piermont, N. H-, wolves-are quite numeroui,and are doing extensive damage to fleoks of sheep and to young cattle. Onefarmer in Haverhill lost over forty »heep in oi enight, about two weeks since. The selectmen o>these town* have offered a bounty of $100 perbead for wolves, and th<* State bottnty is $20more.

Greece.?A cenftiu just taken in Greece showsthe population to be 1,043,153 sooi*. Thelucrauwoo tbe population of the preceding year is only1581, bnt this is explained by tbe tact of tbe chole-ra having, in several provinces, caused extiaordi-nary mortality.

Violent Hail htokms ?Violent bail stormsbare committed great damage in different piov-inces in Austria. Bohemia baa suffered very se-verely. Daring tbe 10th, 17th and 90tb alt, fortyplace* were more or less injured Many of thepeasants are entirely rained, their farm homes,outbuildingsand crops having been destroyed.?The quantityof wheat destroyed in the circle ofSaaz, which is one atthe most fruitful districts intba provinceof Bohemia, is said to be enormous.Poitoning Cote.?Bill Jackson and Bam, slaves,

In the employ of Wm. Grcanor, were carried before tbe Mayor yesterday, char{red with attempting to poison Mr Benjamin Mann, overseerat Mr,Greanor's factory, by putting arsenic la bis crffee.The plan agreed on to effect this result, (and whichwas partiallycarried into execution.)-was as fnfeIowa: Sam, who carried Mr. Mann's breakfast, wasbribed by Bill Jackson to let him put somethingwhite in tbe coffee. Mr. Mann, on partaking, of itontwo occasions, became very sick, and bis suspi-cions being aroused be questioned Ham andlearnedthe whole story from him. A partial analysisshowed tba presence of arsenic,and tbe guiltyparties were token in custody. When tbe easewas Called for examination yesterday, tba accusedwere committed till today, In order that a thoroughexamination may be made of tba contents of thecoffeepot

MovulightEzeurtion.?Tbe Montgomery Guard,Capt P. T, Moore, accompanied by a largonum-ber of ladien nod gentlemen,made aa exeafslandown JamesRiver last evening.In tba Curtis Peek.Tbaarrangements msde for ensuring satisfactionto those who participated war*eompleto, and withtba aid of tba atafarabfe ansta of bmltb's ArmoryBand, all wbo fancied the pleasuresof tba "many

«si?MiH*** bwTJJs^d'hTruuSAf!aher register.

Miraculous Escape.?As a freight train pas*ed through the "LehigTi Gap," Pa» last Saturdayafternoon, a woman conisi Iron behind abrush-heap, threw herself lengthwise between the railsTba breaks wereapplied,baton tbe train rushed,paaaingover the prostrate body, bat had hardlypassed, when tha woman lamped up, entirely un-hurt, and went back Ma tbe wo jds. There wasno cowcatcher to tba locomotive, and honee barescape.

Lite I'oola murder will, it is estimated, eost thecity of M.yotk somethingWho $100000 The costof summoningextrajarses l«» toe attempt tobringaa tbe wa» tß.o<a

KxtctrrtOM ran M.*** .Bteauho ?M. MeSSi-IKESgS;vUle, S O, oo tbe sameday. Moses (tyeett w»»bang fur the Mmscrfas,.


Toarn warn 141 deeWfcJnJa* <T*toan« for tbe

THE MILV jJltfPA'l'CHV»w»wwwwwy % ~~. /;


15 21....40.1*....4*«» I*l W


t»w, *£»be Mid mall nmi rsmainin* ondapoaita «tit ».<MMh«a. 5Z* and«re

>\u25a0 H. »rom. IWr. ... wfM»BA«K,

shattered bytb« Legfelatar#. raeeiw dsjailWn, apa«which interest to allured at the rate of ? petmmt. iffwidrtm »t* monibj, A p«r nat for leaa »»??

BTOSm at it> (tort rf Mmn Dm4M|» fcHart. OKOKGr I. HKIKING. IWt


( ?UiflillK«i;|AL. SAVIMIWBAfrtk?Obrnrv/ tared by the Lefialatvre of I'irgiaia. Piiwkf17th, 1863?Capital, ?M.M.-4'hla laatftattoa H»eefree deposit*. on which interest ia paid at the lataof frMr e«nt. per annuo K remain! a* on deposit dnmonths, and 5per cant, for shorter periods.

VVM. U. PAINE, President,OJCO. J. SUMNER. Secretary,

\u25a0h 18 HEMBT W. QPAIILfca. Treasurer.'I'H* VIHUINIA SAVINGS BAIV3I,X chartered by the Legislstare of the State, ia Buwprepared to receive depoaitiof money of aay amonatover flee dollar*, on which will he paid liz per e*ot.iatareat oa all sameremaining en dapaait sfs mentisor long«r, and for a ahottar time fire per eatDeposit* may be made with the Zreaeaftr, T. B.Starke, at the store of E. B. Spence, corner Maiaand 13th atreeta. or with either e< the oCoera.

SAMUEL 8. CUTTtELUPwdiwtT. B. STARKE, Tressortr,*e« C. WALTHALL, Secretary.

piM LEH UK BUNCAHD, a IMeatnrnt fsireux inalterable, tan* odear m m«sr da leron d'icxU; ferUi da Dr. CleMias CtprakidaRaquin an Beams da «"opahu; Piln'ee <Je Carbonatefrrrenx inalterable D» Va let; Pamigateor PtcioalCm tea maladie* de» Vole* de la Respir«tion ; Baea-

ut Des Arubes; Pat* Pectoral and Strap Peetoialde Nafed' Arabic: Enveloppe* Medicamentcose*, onCipsulesen Lichen; Dragee* de Santoaine, kc, t(.for tale by MEADE St BAKER,

Phar»s<-eoti*ta,ISS, N. W. comerof Main and 10th*tr**ta.

Jy21?2w»(>OA WATJS.Kli MENT.?I am now furnishing a very anperlor

article of Carbonated GingerPop, a drink eightyre-comuiended by Physician* »* astiuiulsnt. Tb«txet«-lively warm weather we have produce* debility andrelaxation of thesystem, consequently a stimulant r,f*om*j kind is necessary to counteract ilie debilitating"fleets of the heat Nothingi* ao invigera'ingto thesy.teui aa Carbonated Ginger Pap while at ihe aruuotime it i« a moat delightfnl beverage.

Soda Water, Philadelphia Porter, Ale and CUarfurnished in any quantity, at short notice,


Must »fc.At;'rt*> tu. i;uin ikiTWO-Mll.tS WEST OF RICHMOND ¥OR

SALE.?The beentiful country(eat. located a* above,owned and occupied by H. B. Dickinaoa, Em , i* for?ale. The dwellinghas attached to itAbout 28 acres,in a highatate of cultivation Tbedwellingi*nearlynew; i« large and elegantly finished, and po**e£e*every comfort and accommodation usually founi iniuah an ritabllshment. The oat building* are *ler>comfortable and ample for the u*e of the place. Ifdeaired, more land can be had.

Term*renaonable. Apply tojy 2l?fit GODDIN k APPERSON.

run IvnK.vi'..-in thr upperC 7 stowsof fttr warehouse, corner Cary and Pearlstreets. we have room fi.r abaut three thousand bush-tlrtif Wheat If it i*damp, there ia aobetter placefor drying it. This weather it would be nearly eqvalto kiljdrying it. WILLIAMS k BROTHER.jy 2'

SKLDciN & HIILLKK, cornerPearl andCary streets, have at all tira»sa full aupply of thefollowing kind* of OLD WINEi?, LIQUORS, lie,part of their own importation, to which theycall th*particular attention of dealers and consumers.

BRANDIES, of tbefollowing celebrated ard choicebrand*: Otard; Dupuy k Co : Sazarac; Pmet, Castil*lion & Co ; P Hennestey;A. Seignette; Michel; Ber-nard, and J. J Dupuy.

WlNES.?Choice old Madeira; Royal Pal* Sherry,extiemely delicate and fine : A. Monrillado'* Sherry;dienai' Pale Sherry; Blackburn'* Madeira; Cock-burn'* Oid Crown Port; Bnrgttndy Port; MalagaWine*; Chelic and low priced Wine*, fur culinarypurposes; Claret Wine*, from low priced tabl* toextra fine quality; Sparkling Moael:* a»(t Htiil HeckWine*; Mix, Hutaine V Co.'* and CHafTes'Heidsick'*Champagne Wines, for which we are ageats, and sellat New York pries

LIQUORS ?Old Janaica Ram; Scotch Whiakey;Old Bourbon Whiskey; Mocongsbela liye Whiskey;ftobinson's Zfegler's, Stoubfer'a and Kckmao's Whis-kie*; Rectified, our own; Holland Gin; Apple andPe.tch Brundy; London Porter, in qoa t* and pint*;Scotch Ale, pint*; Domestic Brandy; Gin Cordial,*Jte tW Havana C.l*ar*. Jy 21


MOND. FREDERICKSBURG ANDPOTOMACRAILROAD COMPANY, bearing m interest of 7per rent, t lie principalredeemable in 1875, and con-vertible into stock of the Company at the pleasureofthe holder.?The subscribers are authorised torec*iv««until the 10th day of July next, when tbe (ame willbe opened, aeated propoibla for ti>e whole, or anyportion, of the loan of $200,000, authorized by theStockholders of tbe Richmond, Fredericksburg andPotomac Railroad Company, at their late anopalmeet-ing. No bill will be considered at a less rate thanpar, and to snch extent as they may be accepted bid-ders will recehe the bends of the company, payableon the Ist of July, 1875. bearing all interest of 7 percent., payablesemi-annually,at the office of tbe com-panyin thecity ofRichmond, and convertible at thepleasureof the holder into stock of the eompany.

For the information of tbe public, it ia deemedproper to state that, by tbe express provisions of tbecharter of the company, all dividendsupon its stock,and all profits arising from Its work, are exemptedfrom any tax whatsoever; and as during tbe wholeperiod of its operations?now mare than twentyyears?the average of dividend earned and paid by thecompany has exceeded B per cent., a ter a deductionof every item of expenditure in the way of workingexpense, and interest, it is reasonable to infer that,with the expenditure of the loan authorized in thefurther improvementof their work, tbe stockholderswill receive a great!} increased return upon their in-vestment,and consequently sfford to the purchasersof the bonds now oft'ared a strong inducement for theconversion of the »««je intostock of tbe company.

For the te- ms of tlio losn, and any farther informa-tion in regard to tbe condition of the company, andthe undoubted securityof the loan now clfrred, applyto the undenitned. RO. H. MAURY fc CO.

je 28 .

NOTICE? We have this day appolßiMlMr CHARLKS HATEB as oar Agent io e»r»y

on a Provision butinest at Stall No. 1, ia the NewMarket, in the city of Richmoad, to tny nod soil forccsb only. L. M. HAkROLD,

lT U_«W J. M MimmYg 'AKDKN bumib FUR 9\JT the following Seeds may be so »a: Cabbage, Colt-worts, K«ui«u, iurnipa, k««m, Ostis, uitij, slb-dive, Peas. Cress and Cueuinber.

Always onhfnrt, a fn l ropply oT fresb aad genniaeSeeds, warrants.', I, f.SaHflif, D(if)id|

Jyl9 Win st.| UMUUM BLIK ftU»»--ks»ll»k Uls-U me!,SulphateQuinine- Sulfh Morphia, Ext. Co*loeynth Cemp., with ether ( eth aid reliable piepa-

FOLLiID,ly 10 17 h s>rfat.At K.NT mtlllAii 111liwiw mm pHNIas aperm CHI, and onlyhalf tbeprime. Prepared

sad ao'd It J. W.I Jr 13 Dmssisf. 17th street.WPOKKW, 11UII9 A.MIO have ia «tor* a Urge aud welt ?elected atock ofRiekory a»d W bite U«( Spckee, aar rted from 1 to 8iochet; A»h Oak xni HiekwyKoiloara. wwM teowU ia. to 21 la; Elm *"d Gam FaU,«<o MM*, amU-b<« tor CtntifM. Wfoot and Carta AUo, rmjkmud finUb'd thafj, CarrwM w, »»Taraea biUUkcVAN LEW> TAYLOR It CO.jy 19 If Mat* «*?

TIAVA»A CIHAKW. I,nfu» 1 ltl» inJHL .T.-MM»Ha*a*Cl«aM !n.jw»« ««ejby a* >tr rbra. W». Grocery aai aa4eompr rn. \u25a0>?> ax rt ehete«br»ii'«, .elee^dfiomUMiao«t «<? < i i-t sMartaa ia the ltiaad of Caba; for?ale cu .M . ri|j, i« chau t. Worth** ? co.

thou)dealt at» Mklb (treat. u4 fa* afeaatao *?*?"

t rV.nean WATER IftLTKK tfca oily aero aheap

\u25a0".\u25a0ys"""" I?\u25a0aawsK-LAT.wf.

di«poaeef Hatatorea* tm Use OMMecm. AjHfr**?PlifWMHi'i* 'iTn

?jwatf liwi tatire «nirf?fw. >aa«ant»f^*»<<^Ueomea .surely a. wiWm"*-*1 eaeta, 9» caau W an, f, --r