ool is y itt 72ci at175 atmwaists takeillnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7zkh0dwh2h/data/0248.pdfword ofwarm...

t< r is t r- i c i 4 I Y c S c L THE WINCHESTER NEWSF Three Faoc r 1 rLiiETYcIJ FORGET IllsT A We beg to remind you of the beautiful IJ t i 20000 Edison Amberola Phonograph and the 2500 Watch or we are giving away as Chrjptmas Present to tour friends 11l IS UPON USi Let us impart some fof it to you by showing you these handsome articles which we are giving away A machine exactly like this one holds a conspicu ¬ ous place in the Drawing Room of the White House j No reason why you shouldnot receive itI r Com iand see itt zIl r C Ht BO WEN Jeweler and Optician Winchester Ky- I3t dl + s cvi 1 Charminq Entertainment enIItertaincd jit ° nrc on srtcel i honor of her guest Miss Victoria Boothof K Cm1l1 B college O- flNortJl ons and They re- ported ¬ a nice time The guests wefts Misses Victoria Booth Delie Hull Pearl and Eddie Wade Keltic Oldson Bertie Turley Ida Peggs Edith and Agnes Reed Lillian Karriek Emma Karrick Rosa Kerns Pearl Douglas Nora Turpin and Hus iuTHle Messrs Charles and Ilarlan Doane Ode Douglas George Kerns Bennie and Carlos Wade Elmer Tiu tin Oral nice Leonard Talbott Robert Oldson Earl and Allie Conner Arthur and El mer Karritk Jeff Greene Ernest Swope and Mr and Mrs George Tall bott Misses Victorin Booth and Alta Lit ¬ ton Wade of K CHill B college spent Sunday with Miss Russia Gay Yule r U D C Meeting The Virginia Hanson Chapter Daughters of the Confederacy hell an enjoyable meeting wit lithe presi ¬ dent Miss Carrie Featheringill Sat relay afternoon The program was uite interesting and varied Deliciou refreshments were served by the host ¬ ess and Miss Bowden The meeting then adjourned until January lvhei- Mrs James Aisle will be the hostess ThcmasAldridge License was issued Monday for marriage in this county of theI e Thomas duel Miss Amanda Trances A Id ridge The groom is from Fayejie county IChristmas Gifts supjPOJts a11 one in the mountains of this state Sunday a subscription was taken for the purpose and a ChristI ntlll EntertainmentI An entertainment will be given aI the public school house at Hunt on the afternoon of Friday Dec 10 Tlio proceeds will be for the benefit of the library fund of the school The oustedt 1 tenth arc promised an afternoon of m l enjoyment The price of admis sion will be 15c Mrs Nannie Kash has returned to Mt Sterling after a visit to Mrs Floyd Day Rosa Wilson of Mt Sterling IlIiSS liras week E B Freeman of this lSn N Zimmerman 1 of Lexing ¬ ton titers the guest this wellof Mrs Ed Sutherland Mrs II D Varlic of MilVaukeeis thp guest of her mother Mrs Q Daugherty of this cit- yMfrs Henry 0 Thomas is the arues of her daughter Mrs Addle Smithof F yette county armyI Just Received j I t r tJf A TON OF at t Xmas Candies and Nuts SI I itf 1 over th t amount last year I why Because our Candies are absolutely pure Made from granulated sugar and pure syrups Our as ¬ I sortment of lout we buy from the largest house in the US- a t J SEE OUR LINE BEFORE BUYING l t MacNetfl Weathers Vtv t- f Both Phones 40 J i t T7 1 y1 j J 1- t 1 Artis Tnrr bun i< y n li i I 4 1 A frank statement pf the reasons wjtiy we cut prices on tailored suits waists wool goods and many other articles The November weather i was delightful but it was too fine for business resulting in a hear Yk I overstockiwhich willbe cut down by sweeping reductions nowa f > I t Wool GoodsW- ool 1 1 dress goods o tall kinds and qualities are cut to 7the quick you will heve to come and see our prices to realize the great recuctions j v t lleadyfoWear y Allcoats and feadyftowear V garziients of every description all this seasons styles are reduced as never before this early in the year ITailored Waists 375 Waists go atM 225 11 250 Waists go at175 II Muslin and Dimity Weists I 150 Waists gO forJ u > VU1VJ r 99c 72ci Black Soiesette Waists 121i Colored and Black Silk Waists Waists which sold from 5 to 650 go iri this sale for299- Muslin UnderwearA- ll muslin under wcaii also goes inthis sale at prices that will astonish you I i 1 r Artis Turnbull I Iwh Jre he will visit Capt J A Nash Judge Allie B Young passed through this city Monday on his way to Irvine to hold the Estill circuit court for Judge D U Redwine who is dangerously ilL Mrs G B Penman of Atlanta Ga is tike guest of Miss Carrie Tethcrin gilK CincinnatiMrs friends in Paris airs JT Renaker has returned from a visit to Paris jfiss Katlierinc McCord is with relatives at Richmond Allen Barrow and Harry Bush have returned from a trip to Iowa Euca Haggard of Texas is visit ¬ ing his parents Mr and Mrs YoS Haggard daugliterf guests of Mrs Jdbn Parker and Mrs II W Slicer several days last week Miss Lenora Rice ivlio has been in the county for a month visiting friends returned to her home in Win ¬ hester Monday Christmas Sec the line of pictures at the Winchester PaintcC Wall Pa Do you wiant something tasty for per Company 1210tf COLR08ln S J PIPE UREAM Takes Wild Ride in New Automobile Which He ThouQht He Could Run t Col Win Robb of this city bought au automobile recently He had want ¬ ed one for some time lint being close financier he objected to tll price But the opportunity came to gel a 4000 machine for 2O00 and he made the purchase lie was in Lexington and tele phoned to his wife lijd daughter t meet him at the front hib tarm for an auto ride After some instructions he started the maehiile in the direction of his home I From some cause unknown to Col Roble the machine continued to in ¬ crease its speed and he was unable to stop it When his front gate was passed it was going at the rate of a t mile a minute and he saw his famil as through a glass darkly Mr Robb kept the thing in th Steaming Hot I and MIGHTY DELICIOUS DRINKS f When you are tired and worn out from CHRISTMAS SHOPPING cup of our HOT CHOCOLATE HOT COF- FEE or HOT BOUILLON will take the chill from your marrow and put new life into you each drink is a drink j ofpleasureTASTY and SATISFYING t HOT CHOCOLATE CLAM BROTH LEMONADEi tn J NOTHING EQUALS HOT SCDA on a cold day i TRY ONE TODAYJ Martins Drug Store t INe giva G01DTRADING SiAMP L d- t Jr t p f l JI r I fl t t k 4 huddle of the road and in desperation decided to let it go until it ran down Mjles and miles were covered but finally it stopped and Col Robb woke up iIf RETURNED TO MOREHEAD J C Stun h the brother of Melvie Stuart who was found deadat the Winchester hotel Sunday morning re turned to his home Monday 1 Ir Stuart came down Monday morni 1tt shippedlloehead to l cd to stay here for several days He particulac rs 1 ing and returned 0A RARETREATPo- whatan I Will t Be Seen at t Opera House Thursday Night De- cember 15 That the people of Winchester ful ly appreciate the rare treat in store Intensey est g manifested in the Indiane opera which will be given at the opera house Thursday night Dec15 under the auspices of Virginin Hanson Chapter Cr Added to the enthrallingstory of the gallant Capt jo Smith by thq beautiful Indian princess and the charming romance vrluch pulrainatcd in the union of John Rblfc and Poe t hontas and through this union in ii treaty of peace1tyhich undoubtedly secured to the English and their de ¬ scendants the sorereirintytof our awn thepersonality tract those who wish to encourage talent It is not goiiig too far to say that the audience will be absolutely enthralled at the revelation of what ourn1idst pf the theatricalworld do not hesi taf e to say that our local talent will Compare favorably with any aggrega- tion ¬ before the public in a similar dine All who attend this beautiful perforrnanqe will be amply repaid A study of the complete cast will show jjthis in advance The Principals Powhatan Mr Fred Dakin Ilisela PathfindeiMr WK Reese i Ansome Arvey Mr Charles Ven able Winona Girl Jliss Anna Wills SunbeamBabe Peggie Cleland Cliff Gudenuff Mr Oullum Fpster s 1 t Crazy Horse Oilmen Womack Captain JohnRolfe Mr Louis Hampton John Smith Mr Albert L Baker Kate Rash 1POlahontasliss s Winnie Gar re tt Song Birl Miss Genevieve Con wayllinnehahahiss Allen Cmtcher Assisted by a large and veiltrain ¬ ed chorus of bewitching Indian maid- ens ¬ and stalwart braves as follows Misses Anna Stoner Rash Anna Wills Nancy Jett Mamie Scrivener Bculah Flkin Rosa Tempelman Dorothy PII T Bessie Conkwright Alice and Nancy Fans Katherine Nunan Min nie Glass Donahoe Benla- Thompson and Mrs Fred Dakin Warriors and SailorsEarl Cau- her Will Harding Ran Wright Ar- thur ¬ Bruce Clarence Ban Robert Pitch Robert Carr Graham Joann Cnllum Foster Marvin Wright Will Crutcher Gilman Womack The graceful feather dance w prove attractive to utias performed by the following Marie Bloomfield Grace Mary Edwards Henrietta Pcdfor- Nancy McCoy Nary Elizabeth Hayes Ruth Sewcll Nancy Katherine Day Miss Nelson Beulah Drake Margujute Courtney Amy KohlhasiRosa s r Taylor Lillian Jones Margaret Wills Bessie Haggard Josephine McNeill Elizabeth Stewart But the crowning delight of evening will be the Story of Paleface Man as told to the dainty pappooses who are alternately fas- cinated ¬ and frightened by the horrors unfolded to them by Minnehaha This must be seen duel heard to be appre ¬ I ciated The pappooses are Phoebe Da Martha Haggard Mildred lIreanlorrow Fannie Com Scott Ora Gaines Allen Mary Por tcr Louise Davidson Mary Agnes Garden Laurie Tomlinson Martha and Gladys Foster Francis Rawlins Laura Jett I This article cannot close without a word ofwarm commendation for the effective supporting work of 1 Winchester String orchestra and lh hem Ellen Bush pianist Without the performance would be Hamlet minus the Prince of Denmark Everybody come Seeing is believ ¬ ing Prices o f scats are Vac 50c am 25c The reserved scat chart n el Wednesday morning at Strode s drug store To the anxious mothers of the pnp pooscs aC wish to state that every provision is being made for the well being and comfort of the little per- former ¬ The committee of lathes in charge of them are Miss Carrie Featheringill Miss Mary Crutch Miss Joh1 Cleland Mr Chas Nelson and Mrs Jas W Womack Weird sounds have recently been disturbing the residents of the sub in ban portion of our city There no occasion foarlarm The explana lion is simpleIt is merely Mr F D the wellknown chauffeur rehearsing the warwhoo Ps incident to his role of the not chieftain Powhatan If you want pictures framed see us We are making special prices on Painthe TOMACH DISTRESS SIMPLY VANISHES Indigestion Gas Heartburn or Dy spepsia Go and You Wilt Feel Fine in Five Minutes If you had some Diapepsin untidy and would take a little mow ybui K if1J stomach distress or Indigestion would vanish in five minutes duel you would feel fine l This harmless preparation wilHdi II gest anything you eat mId overcome beforel ali crt > rr you or lays like a lump of lead iii your stomach or if you have heart burn that is a sign of Indigestion < Ask your Pharnlac Ji6fQtqijQ cent takeill a r 11 will be no sour risings no belching rij ofundigested food mixed with acid J urlhflillnessd h sea Debilitating IIcadachcsfDizR i1mesa or Intestinal all go and besides there will be 116 undigested food left over in the stom 4 n ach to poison your breath with nause r ous odors h Papes Diapepsin is certain cure 1 for outoforder stomachshecauseI it prevents fermentation and takes I justhe 1 there Relief in five minutes from all stom ach misery is at any drug store wnitr ing for you t These large 50cent cases contain thoroughlyy 0 dinb T Lo a Leading All Magaziiis AND WEEKLY PAPERS h toxJiQia It j SUBSCRIBE NOWv If you have not yet renewed your old subscription do it immediately so 1as to lose no numbers RI can meet any price qiolpd by 1Jat a agency Call or write for my neiicalilb glie WALLER BEAN Phillips Old Stand DEATHS ANn FUNERALS v = I Mrs Rachel Barrow tj The funeral services of firs Raclii morningS j Hedges Tuesday morning at 1030 oclock duel was conducted by Elder J V Harding Following the services the was buried in the family legraveyard near tihe house J Mrs Barrow was in her sixtyninth year and died after a long illness of cancer She is survived by one son r A C Barrow < i WINCHESTER IDEAHUSilEul l J L J L J Li l J L J l 1L 1 l J LiH1JLIJ i Lz I I Lz 6s Lz Li L LI1 Lp1 LiJ L J lT1 LiJ l- E t 1 HOLIDAY SPECIALS 1 r4 BEGINNING TODAY WE e OFFER YOU THREE SILK 8 TIES Regular 50c GradeI 8 I Three for 1 00 Wet Guarantee the Quality and Style 8 These Ties sold in lots of 3 enly We have about three hundred of 8these Ties in our front case E they are gone our offer ends r I E COME EARLY AND MAKE YOUR E SELECTIONS i I Ties Mufflers Glbves Caps Handkerchiefs < ESh rts Shoes and Hats r HUTSELL SMITH PATTERSON Ji1 lJi1Ji1Ji1 MJi1Ji1Ji1Ii1Ji1ri11IJi1rUi1Ji1J 1f 1W W 1 t 4 f

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Page 1: ool IS y itt 72ci at175 atMWaists takeillnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7zkh0dwh2h/data/0248.pdfword ofwarm commendation for the effective supporting work of 1 Winchester String orchestra and

t< r is tr-





Yc S




AWe beg to remind you of the beautiful

IJ t i 20000 Edison Amberola Phonographand the 2500 Watch or we aregiving away as Chrjptmas Present to

tour friends

11l IS UPON USiLet us impart some fof it to you byshowing you these handsome articleswhich we are giving away A machineexactly like this one holds a conspicu¬

ous place in the Drawing Room of theWhite House j No reason why youshouldnot receive itI r Com iandseeittzIlr

C Ht BOWENJeweler and Optician Winchester Ky-

I3tdl+s cvi1

Charminq Entertainment

enIItertaincdjit ° nrc on srtcel i

honor of her guest Miss VictoriaBoothof K Cm1l1 B college O-

flNortJlons and They re-


a nice time The guests weftsMisses Victoria Booth Delie HullPearl and Eddie Wade Keltic OldsonBertie Turley Ida Peggs Edith andAgnes Reed Lillian Karriek EmmaKarrick Rosa Kerns Pearl DouglasNora Turpin and Hus iuTHleMessrs Charles and Ilarlan DoaneOde Douglas George Kerns Bennieand Carlos Wade Elmer Tiu tin Oralnice Leonard Talbott Robert OldsonEarl and Allie Conner Arthur and Elmer Karritk Jeff Greene ErnestSwope and Mr and Mrs George Tallbott

Misses Victorin Booth andAlta Lit ¬

ton Wade of K CHill B collegespent Sunday with Miss Russia GayYule r

U D C MeetingThe Virginia Hanson Chapter

Daughters of the Confederacy hellan enjoyable meeting wit lithe presi ¬

dent Miss Carrie Featheringill Satrelay afternoon The program wasuite interesting and varied Deliciou

refreshments were served by the host ¬

ess and Miss Bowden The meetingthen adjourned until January lvhei-Mrs James Aisle will be the hostess

ThcmasAldridgeLicense was issued Monday for

marriage in this county of theI


Thomas duel Miss Amanda TrancesA Id ridge The groom is from Fayejiecounty

IChristmas Gifts

supjPOJtsa11 one in the mountains of thisstate Sunday a subscription wastaken for the purpose and a ChristIntlllEntertainmentI

An entertainment will be given aIthe public school house at Hunt onthe afternoon of Friday Dec 10Tlio proceeds will be for the benefitof the library fund of the school Theoustedt 1

tenth arc promised an afternoon ofm l enjoyment The price of admission will be 15c

Mrs Nannie Kash has returned toMt Sterling after a visit to MrsFloyd Day

Rosa Wilson of Mt SterlingIlIiSS liras

weekE B Freeman of this

lSn N Zimmerman1 of Lexing ¬

ton titers the guest this wellof MrsEd Sutherland

Mrs II D Varlic of MilVaukeeisthp guest of her mother Mrs QDaugherty of this cit-

yMfrs Henry 0 Thomas is the aruesof her daughter Mrs Addle SmithofF yette county

armyIJust Received




r tJf A TON OF at tXmas Candies and Nuts

SI Iitf1over th t amount last year

I whyBecause our Candies are absolutely

pure Made from granulatedsugar and pure syrups Our as¬


sortment of lout we buy fromthe largest house in the US-





MacNetfl WeathersVtv t-

f Both Phones 40 J i


1 y1 j J1-



Artis Tnrrbuni< y n li i I



A frank statement pf the reasons wjtiy we cut prices on tailored suitswaists wool goods and many other articles The November weather

i was delightful but it was too fine for business resulting in a hear YkI overstockiwhich willbe cut down by sweeping reductions nowa f >

I t

Wool GoodsW-ool



dress goods o tall kinds and qualities are cut to 7the quick youwill heve to come and see our prices to realize the great recuctions

j v

t lleadyfoWear y

Allcoats and feadyftowearV

garziients of every description all thisseasons styles are reduced as never before this early in the year

ITailored Waists375 Waists goatM 225

11 250 Waists goat175II Muslin and Dimity WeistsI

150 Waists gO forJ u > VU1VJ r 99c72ciBlack Soiesette Waists121iColored and Black Silk WaistsWaists which sold from 5 to 650 go iri this sale for299-

Muslin UnderwearA-ll muslin under wcaii also goes inthis sale at prices that willastonish you


i 1

r Artis TurnbullI

Iwh Jre he will visit Capt J A NashJudge Allie B Young passed

through this city Monday on his wayto Irvine to hold the Estill circuitcourt for Judge D U Redwine who isdangerously ilL

Mrs G B Penman of Atlanta Gais tike guest of Miss Carrie TethcringilK

CincinnatiMrsfriends in Paris

airs JT Renaker has returnedfrom a visit to Paris

jfiss Katlierinc McCord is withrelatives at Richmond

Allen Barrow and Harry Bush havereturned from a trip to Iowa

Euca Haggard of Texas is visit ¬

ing his parents Mr and Mrs YoSHaggarddaugliterfguests of Mrs Jdbn Parker and MrsII W Slicer several days last week

Miss Lenora Rice ivlio has beenin the county for a month visitingfriends returned to her home in Win ¬

hester Monday

Christmas Sec the line of picturesat the Winchester PaintcC Wall Pa

Do you wiant something tasty forper Company 1210tf


Takes Wild Ride in New Automobile

Which He ThouQht He Could

Run t

Col Win Robb of this city boughtau automobile recently He had want ¬

ed one for some time lint beingclose financier he objected to tllprice But the opportunity came togel a 4000 machine for 2O00 andhe made the purchase

lie was in Lexington and telephoned to his wife lijd daughter tmeet him at the front hibtarm for an auto ride After someinstructions he started the maehiilein the direction of his home


From some cause unknown to ColRoble the machine continued to in ¬

crease its speed and he was unableto stop it When his front gate waspassed it was going at the rate of a t

mile a minute and he saw his familas through a glass darkly

Mr Robb kept the thing in th


f When you are tired and worn outfrom CHRISTMAS SHOPPING cupof our HOT CHOCOLATE HOT COF-

FEE or HOT BOUILLON will take thechill from your marrow and put newlife into you each drink is a drink j




i TRY ONE TODAYJMartins Drug Store


L d-

tJrt p

fl JI r

I fl t tk 4

huddle of the road and in desperationdecided to let it go until it ran downMjles and miles were covered butfinally it stopped and Col Robb wokeup



J C Stun h the brother of MelvieStuart who was found deadat theWinchester hotel Sunday morning returned to his home Monday 1IrStuart came down Monday morni 1tt

shippedlloehead tol

cd to stay here for several days Heparticulac rs1

ing and returned


whatan I Will t Be Seen at t

Opera House Thursday Night De-

cember 15

That the people of Winchester fully appreciate the rare treat in storeIntenseyest g manifested in theIndianeopera which will begiven at the opera house Thursdaynight Dec15 under the auspices ofVirginin Hanson ChapterCrAdded to the enthrallingstory ofthe gallant Capt jo Smith by thqbeautiful Indian princess and thecharming romance vrluch pulrainatcdin the union of John Rblfc and Poe thontas and through this union inii treaty of peace1tyhich undoubtedlysecured to the English and their de ¬

scendants the sorereirintytof our awn

thepersonalitytract those who wish to encouragetalent It is not goiiig too far to saythat the audience will be absolutelyenthralled at the revelation of what

ourn1idstpf the theatricalworld do not hesitaf e to say that our local talent will

Compare favorably with any aggrega-tion


before the public in a similardine All who attend this beautifulperforrnanqe will be amply repaid Astudy of the complete cast will show

jjthis in advanceThe Principals

Powhatan Mr Fred DakinIliselaPathfindeiMr W K Reesei Ansome Arvey Mr Charles Venable

Winona Girl Jliss Anna WillsSunbeamBabe Peggie ClelandCliff Gudenuff Mr Oullum Fpster



Crazy Horse Oilmen WomackCaptain JohnRolfe Mr Louis

HamptonJohn Smith Mr Albert L Baker

Kate Rash1POlahontasliss s Winnie Garre tt

Song Birl Miss Genevieve Con

wayllinnehahahissAllen Cmtcher

Assisted by a large and veiltrain ¬

ed chorus of bewitching Indian maid-ens


and stalwart braves as followsMisses Anna Stoner Rash Anna WillsNancy Jett Mamie Scrivener BculahFlkin Rosa Tempelman DorothyPII T Bessie Conkwright Alice andNancy Fans Katherine Nunan Minnie Glass Donahoe Benla-Thompson and Mrs Fred Dakin

Warriors and SailorsEarl Cau-her Will Harding Ran Wright Ar-


Bruce Clarence Ban RobertPitch Robert Carr Graham JoannCnllum Foster Marvin Wright WillCrutcher Gilman Womack

The graceful feather dance wprove attractive to utias performedby the following

Marie Bloomfield GraceMary Edwards Henrietta Pcdfor-Nancy McCoy Nary ElizabethHayes Ruth Sewcll NancyKatherine Day Miss Nelson BeulahDrake Margujute Courtney Amy

KohlhasiRosa sr

Taylor Lillian Jones MargaretWills Bessie Haggard JosephineMcNeill Elizabeth Stewart

But the crowning delight ofevening will be the Story ofPaleface Man as told to the daintypappooses who are alternately fas-


and frightened by the horrorsunfolded to them by Minnehaha Thismust be seen duel heard to be appre ¬


The pappooses are Phoebe DaMartha Haggard MildredlIreanlorrow Fannie ComScott Ora Gaines Allen Mary Portcr Louise Davidson Mary AgnesGarden Laurie Tomlinson Marthaand Gladys Foster Francis RawlinsLaura JettI This article cannot close without aword ofwarm commendation for theeffective supporting work of 1

Winchester String orchestra and lhhem

Ellen Bush pianist Withoutthe performance would be Hamletminus the Prince of Denmark

Everybody come Seeing is believ ¬

ing Prices o fscats are Vac 50c am25c The reserved scat chart n elWednesday morning at Strode s drugstore

To the anxious mothers of the pnppooscs aC wish to state that everyprovision is being made for the wellbeing and comfort of the little per-former


The committee of lathes incharge of them are Miss CarrieFeatheringill Miss Mary CrutchMiss Joh1 Cleland Mr Chas Nelsonand Mrs Jas W Womack

Weird sounds have recently beendisturbing the residents of the subin ban portion of our city Thereno occasion foarlarm The explanalion is simpleIt is merely MrF D the wellknownchauffeur rehearsing the warwhooPsincident to his role of the notchieftain Powhatan

If you want pictures framed seeus We are making special prices onPainthe



Indigestion Gas Heartburn or Dyspepsia Go and You Wilt Feel Finein Five Minutes

If you had some Diapepsin untidyand would take a little mow ybui K if1J

stomach distress or Indigestion wouldvanish in five minutes duel you wouldfeel fine l

This harmless preparation wilHdiII

gest anything you eat mId overcomebeforel alicrt >rr

you or lays like a lump of lead iiiyour stomach or if you have heartburn that is a sign of Indigestion <

Ask your Pharnlac Ji6fQtqijQ centtakeill ar


will be no sour risings no belching rijofundigested food mixed with acid Jurlhflillnessd hsea Debilitating IIcadachcsfDizR

i1mesa or Intestinalall go and besides there will be 116

undigested food left over in the stom 4 nach to poison your breath with nause rous odors h

Papes Diapepsin is certain cure 1

for outoforder stomachshecauseIit prevents fermentation and takes Ijusthe 1there

Relief in five minutes from all stomach misery is at any drug store wnitring for you t

These large 50cent cases containthoroughlyy 0dinb TLo a

LeadingAll Magaziiis


h toxJiQia Itj

SUBSCRIBE NOWvIf you have not yet renewed your

old subscription do it immediately so1as to lose no numbers

RI can meet any price qiolpd by 1Jat aagency

Call or write for my neiicalilb glie

WALLER BEANPhillips Old Stand



Mrs Rachel Barrow tj

The funeral services of firs RacliimorningS jHedges Tuesday morning at 1030oclock duel was conducted by ElderJ V Harding Following the servicesthe was buried in the family

legraveyard near tihe house J

Mrs Barrow was in her sixtyninthyear and died after a long illness ofcancer She is survived by one son

rA C Barrow

< i


lJ L JLJLi lJL Jl 1 L 1l JLiH1JLIJ i Lz I I Lz 6s Lz Li L LI1 Lp1 LiJ L J lT1 LiJ l-



r4BEGINNING TODAY WEe OFFER YOU THREE SILK8 TIES Regular 50c GradeI8I Three for 1 00WetGuarantee the Quality and Style

8 These Ties sold in lots of 3 enly

We have about three hundred of

8these Ties in our front case

E they are gone our offer ends rI


Ties Mufflers Glbves Caps Handkerchiefs <ESh rts Shoes and Hats r


Ji1 lJi1Ji1Ji1 MJi1Ji1Ji1Ii1Ji1ri11IJi1rUi1Ji1J 1f 1W W1 t4
