ontario workman, march 27, 1873

TUE EQUÂLIZATION. 0F ALL ELEMENTS 0F SOCIETY IN THE SOCIAL SCALE SHOULI) BETHE TRUE hlIM 0F OIVMLZATIO)N. VOL. J. TORONTO, TIIURSDAY, MARCIH 27, 1873 A NEW P'ARTY. Àn agitation is on the tapis armong the Labor IReforniers of' the tTnited States for the reorganizatien of thie industrial classes, and the formation of a great politico-social purty, having higber aims and ends tha4n.anjy that h ia gone befoÉe it,-"la party thal is te ignore ail past issues, polities ftnd actions- a party that beaves the old and leads forwaxd te the ncw." A writcr in the Clîiesge lWorkingnci's Aicvocale subînits the foi- bowiug as a platformi: lst, Control of federal aud State goverients. 1 2nd; Tîhe passage of general liws for the organ ization of:-co-oporative associa- tions or corporations tbroughout the en- tire n'atiou, where indiustrie8 will admit of it, eompes9d of the present cinployers and eomployoos, skilled anid unskilied, for the pro duction and exchange of ail the commodities wliieh eur elimate wnd other conditions may enable us te 3rd, Iceorganization of our financial systein, by the calling in of ail national and -bneonbalicur[ency, and substitut- in for it a peôpl's currcncy, of suffilcient vo urne to carry on aIl the internal busi- ncss of thec ùation; such. durrency to be màafnufaturedI by the federal gvcrnn'ent of the pcop]e, and loaned OXclIubivcly to these eo-operativo corporations. 4th, The combination . of the present wages systom, applied to every member of these co-pperiLtivo associations; such wages to be rcgulatod by value of ser- vices, bat the lowest amount paid to un-, skilled la bor te bc sufficient for a. coin- fortable subsistcncc; and auniform rate of wages everywhere for the sume grade Of labor or service.. 5th, The abolition cf ail restrictions on trade, such as eustorn lieuses, -duties, intern~ai revenuecolleetors, &c. ;'*itnd the collection of zil federal as Well as state taxes :freon real and persenal preperty, as is now the case in States. This is but an outline of the more im- portant changes indispensable for the future elcration of labor. *Out of' this politico-econonical movement of labor will necessarilyv growv ref ~is in cvery direction, It ducs aiway with the neces- sity for a inonicd eclass, unitês capital and labor * 1neLo Ilou bd, with but ocoienu ~t;elevates labor, reimoves pt . the ordinary causes of ciiue. s tilaim time it is fi-c frorn the imuputa tion of injustice *and robbcry, tâtes niankind just as tbey are, places them in faimilliar chlannels cf labor,leavcs titoni at liberty te choose any *occupation thev arc fitted for, deus nei interfere wh th iicarrangements -of pri- vate life. It is siinly the substitution of pfrtnerships in "place cf individual operatiens, on a system that positivcly secures every ma from los«;, while uuanintecinoe constant work- and rcady payinnt 8tfr ail. It is tinie for tho xndtusýriaI qa'sss $o dicuss andmIprare thelliscîves for social change.s. A par-tiacl co-operative syswcn hias beeu initiatcd in .England by the calitalizts thems-clves, but it is t.o slow and inefficient to ftirii an adequate * The Ooînmittee appointed by the Town 'Council of Edinburgh have. reconunenidoed te the Governors of* Heriot's Hospital a acheme for a complete system cf theoretical and tecirnical educttion, which censists of a àchol fur boys betweou twel!'éandI fifteen, and an cveing ,tûchilicad collège for. adn1lts and appronticesl. A great numrber of strikes are now dis- ,tressing trade in, îGerànalny. Wc have ai- ready alludoed te the strike in Leipsie aimong the printors, and now it appears tlîat this trado is aise nnccd. by the comlpesitors at Breslau. The ivcavers cf Cologne in the .omUploy cf M. Meyer have struck work as théy werc refused an increaso on thoeir mea- gre carninga of 12s (id per week. Thei fellow wcrkcr.3 cf the sainietô%vn, have fol- lowed this exmpie. NO-.O STRY OTS ROVI HESET F upport thé lnmense thrust thrown ou thie and Mr. -0: Shrives, thé General Secretary. O.-In order te suppor.t thé eociety'ameni STRA NOTS FRM TH: SET O interier and higher wall by the dome. The credentials-cf the delegates having been wlio are thus foroed eut, ecli sciety in thé OOVERNMERT.. The architecture of thege buildings is verfied, the chairman opencd the prèced- federation shail sond the sumn of threepence Gothic, chielly ini the early Engllsh style, ings by detailing what hiad benf done "ce'per week fremn its f nx;ds for every member y on itsa books, for four consee)Itive weéks, if which, for large Structures, applears te thon, lut meeting. lucidly showing the ad- urerd 'o, sould the upper executive (ýprom. our oitmî Correspondlent.) very generaily gaining favor. It is inter- vantages te be derived frini the* fdderation contidér it niecessary, ixpence per memùbèr esting te nlotico how the aversion frei cf 1liber uin.The moràl.power it would shal ho sent the firàt week, and tliréepnce class ic littrature was accompanied by a cor- have* ould bo immense, but the defenive ealli wok the two following wéés, Snuld - Math 25 . 3 y more rmeney hc r&ured, it-ýshàI1 As some cfthé OT.25. respondingý departure frein clanssie architcc- power would énormoua.' Aîdlieé cii- raised by a levy of sixpence per mémber on 1 As ein ofthereadeA cf TirE WoRKKAN ture, till wo, now find that substantially sidéred that a proper exercisoof thoir pqliti- every zuember ini the federation, the money who iay hate hîad ne occasion te visit what Wren cailed, a éYstem of "jetties, cal power, cifbined iwith the power. ht nalles e hasettthe mupperur edectiv Ottawa, inay yet care te learxî somOthing points, narrow wîz4ow and crinkie crankIk,' Federation wouild pîy ue ociéies menordred ut ii sric about thé public buildings in whicli tho Pugin, Barry and others,,as the .Victorian teaciethtpsio nhéStef accordancé with the 7th ani 8tlî clauses, oalain f thé DemiLion is ncw assein-. Gothie, have made thé favorite style cf thé whichi they were the very muscle, and fro ne'lt latér than Wédnesday in eacli week te bled, and ini which the ordînary. .wrork cf tuées. Our church architects---réturning theua the capitahiats spring their -fortunes ; thé sociéty's executive counrcil, wherein thé *varions governmcntal departmén ta. la te théepinrit of theirpredecesors-havQ for therefore, it was tlieir. bounden- duty tu sucli dispute exisa, Who ahail furniali a carried en, 1 send youi a few notes concern- many years ceased te adern Christian make everY effort te see that labor received execiitive, and echl executivo cuncil at in- theni which I hope may nqt ho dévoid ehurchés with Grecian perticoes and facades; its due réwarcl.- (Loud cheers.) .- IHé had their respective meetings, thé menin iiail cf interest.. practically éib.odying Coleridge's ostlietic taken seute trouble with thé resolutions. ca~ses te paid daily, and rocéipts taken d 1 I.9rtnai te their- site. This is on a canon, that the Gothie is thé ",petrifac- Te a omrybe gedtadh oÀeaon adt hm point cf ground ivhich juta eut ite the tien cf thé Christian religion." And eur coùld sec varions amèndmente wé.re requir- 10. -That an invitation is liereby givén river Ottaiva very nearly ini thé middle cf réalistic agé bas found out that tlîis systcm écd, and had, accordingly, insertcd varions te nil labor societies in thé United Kingdloin the ity, and* which ivas fornierly calléd net only gives for large buildings great aiuéndméats whicli li would rcad throughtejitéfdraon Barrack Bill. Thé lévél cf thià ground is facilities in thé way cf ventilting and for théir considération. MtI. Keen, Mr. mIttedCteeés ocisety metthfebérat-n considerablk higheIir tlîan in' thé neiiebor- iighting; but, that it is aise cheapor in Bull, and Mr. Elliet having expréssed. the« beforé it is signed, for their approval. hood, being nel n ude n it on c ot oétPl wn h,'iws cf their respective association%, thé Should it net réturned on or beforé fot aboyé thé stmnîner lévél cf the river, whén thé Snîiitlisonian Ifistitution at Wash- folowing resolutions weré unanimously Match thé l2th, four stampéd copiés shall an levation whicli contributés ini ne incon- ingtop, was te bc built exaninéd this ques- adoptd-That. it altered te tué titie cf signéd, and one sent .by thé upper excu- tiré te eadi society's éxecutivé council, and siderable degrés te thé isnposing. appéar- tien fully, f6und that . a Gothie structuré Federation cf Labor Unions, a signature cbtained for thé same, whicli ancé, whicli se strikingly ilapress alnaost could buiit at a price per cubie fMot net list-This meeting of delegatei, from the &hall make it hunding on évery member cf every observer who secs thèse buildings for more than hall thé ceat cf a classic hnild- fout societies, consider it essential for thoir thé fédération. future wclfàre that a working agreement thé first timie. The arca cf thé greunds ing cf the saine dégree cf conieliness. 30 uniting thé whole in one federation for dé- Thé meeting was then adjeurnéd untül helonging te the Govériient talces in alto- that ceet alone niay bé, in part at lenat, an fensivé purposos shenld drawn, eut and Wednésday, thé l19tli, ati lOa.m., te dise=s géthér nearly thirty acres, and is détache expianation of its use i late years for éstabliied, and governed for this pûrpoe and séttié the miner ;mattèrs sud foim cf frein adjacent propcrty by well-deflned secular as -AleI as ecclesiaistical structurés cf hy a hody kniown as thé uppér éxecuti'#e. procedure.- The 1reséflt tovernnent, and names cf ecdi liîe. On tho north la thé précipitous thé laeger and more expensivé kinds. Society, te retainéd lu exatl hesai A héatty vute of. thanka hbeing gtvep ,te éscarpient cf thé river; on théeéaut a dtep ' Thé côîtral structuré is four hundiecd position as at présent constitutéd for thé thé chai.rmaix and -vice-chairmna for nô. ably. raviné, at thé hottoni cf which la thé Rideau- andi seveaty.-twe féot lu-ri, is titrée stories wrig<ftérei soito rscéy conducting the.ýproceedings, brouglit thé.ý Canal, ivitis its fanious cqmbinéd leeks ; in liéighty and la. eut up by beit conues 2. ô-h as oRcaorsoscion o-haie on the south is Wellington stréet, destined, froui thé windows and .düt)rS,- .nto- five uppér e :utie, and sacli féderation shàll seo may the alirew'd cites, te thée fiet horizontal bands. Tho .cetral towér is heo »iev2Îl.by a counvuil whicqh eshahlhq imm 1"j 1 - . Street cf thé city ; aind on the west thirty *féet square at therb-ase,abuee known and nasmed thé lippe!' exécative, and tic siope cf the hillislase suddon that hundréd and ixty feet Ii.igÉ, and la divided hcouistltftcd frSocitynth va rio aeéctv -o ._______or______ thé lime of division frein contignous uuequaily into five vertical spaces, that houncilafeadscity thé fdert, Ot The colliers employèd lu thé varieus pits lots is sufficiéntly cîcar. Up) thé river, containing the béifry windows being thé 3.-Thé upper oxecutivo salil conaiat cf in the Sonerset coalfield district have ré- about a mile, are thé' Chaudière Falsa, most handsomé cof thé live. Thé wings atè six inembérs frein cach seciety in thé feder- céived an advaxsce ou théir Ivages cf 10 per wiih my h seu feinmau pats f achendof hisfac ar bnugh eu frination, nndbé electedia themonth cf Janmîary cent., ùunaskeé4for. whic ma bcsee frin ianypars o th eac en ofthi fae ýr brugh ou fr in neacli ycar, cadiî Society te éhéct its répre- 1 grounds, ana two miles down Streamn is thse the central« part even with thse central seutatives as it thinks lit. Notwçithstanding, the exaniple cf thé peint cf confluence hétween the Gatineau tuwer, which stands its fuit thickî,ess froni 4.-Ail ulinprtant questions saliahobcUaiitéd States acf'wtehad h anîd thé Ottaiva. Snell a site supplices ail 'thé walls. Thé angles thilis formncd havte muhitted te thé uppér exécutive for its Frni ahandiaofuso tze vodtea tho réquisites for a favorable coup d'oeil. cacli a tower. Thé roof is very step ini dccision by thé variotis.secietios' exécutive Fec alaetla eue evt comicils, Snell as a 'cossaticii of work subsidy te énablo Frenîch worknén te visit Thé m.-térilais uaod for constrtuctioti is a is te h, and cut cff at the top, or tecliini- Pasliamlentary actions, &o., and suci qués' the exhibition at Vieuna. It was thouglit compact, durabIle aaaîdstoué frein Napean, cal-truîîcated; it is covered ii-4 parti- tions bcing passed by a iajority cf net lésa that snicl a nieqsuré i)ropeaed for thé sole néar by ; a Stone cf a vcry délicate wanîn coloréd siates, and is surrouiiièd iwîtli as tian four-filftiis of these présent -at a suin- PuPo cf affording thé artisans cf France grey tint, and whieh la further relievcd by %wrought itou cresting paiiitéd dank bIné îîiu1ned îicctiug, shah hbc bindiug upoîs cvery niiher oif the varions socicties ini the feder- hui opportunity cf iîîproving théir teclinical the *stiil warnier Potsdai sansdtone round and tipped with gold. Several siial atioîi. two tiirds cf theé upper executive te iciowledgeocf. trade wouid restait, it la net ise arches, and by thé more sober drab o! peakéd, corner windows stand out freus feîrîn n quorum. ciearly éxplined how, ini théejîropaganda thé Ohio Stone used in thé coins, muilions thé roof, an *d contnihute te -glve nit te 5.-Thé upper exécutive shaffl necet on of socialists doctrines. On thse other ]aud and dnessilngs. gablets, tîsrréts and handsoine clifiîîîeys a the second Xednesday in cachi îoiitli, orth onfMasilmueibrhs Tiiere are tiares buildings lu thé pile, or brokén sky lins cf great beauty, ivhich i.q oftenerif équrd, at 7.30 p. ii., att thé oucfMrei.s or*iérl a înost convènient placé. They shall havée vOted5M0 franc$ te enahie somo cf its %work-- rathér tireblcks cf butildinigs,-thée Par- considéred oeeof the charina pecuiiar to power te samnion ail conéctéui with any men te visit thé Viénna exhibition. lianicut Hoimme piopot. biilt near the brink this stylé cf architecture. Thie saine fea- caïe submittéd for thoir décision ; as h cf thé river, which includes tise Chamnbers tures cf style are carried out ini the Bide socrétary cf auy Society te prodîmcc au docu- A confenence cf tihe conmitteo of tisé ilmienls réiatiug te thé ;anie. Brusseis Carpets Maisufactu rérs' Association for thé Couinions, and tise Senate, and thé buildinsgs, cf svlichs tisat ý,iî thé éast la by ri. -In cese cf cessation froni wonk hby any end delegates freithe Wéavers' Association Libary mid lîih iasa sutsor fae at iseîsostolean ii aPporace oc ietty in thé federation, n ne mbor cf thé lias just been held in thé Ciss-roon, Nid- lookina toavards Wellington street, aud wliere la thero any very c' éthy élaboration oulsér societiés s'haît accépt eusployient, or otir wcbuidigs caé n ithe ide cf of dotaiha, effect haviing bcu obtaincd by kiîowingly exécute aîyportiou cf the duty derminstèr, ivlsen thé Chainman anuounccd the mnain structure, détaclisd froin it by a ai,.Ilannioniolle arraugemenit of parts muid o'a ' htwud rsol oéeuedta i snfcurr îddcddo conideabl inervnig sace nsd tn gadtio offIa coonscftuestomewluiiby thé societiés' .monn who are lecked out giving thé weoavers an nivance of -jA. lier considerableintervening pores andingr euadayiordofrtcf théor pp rhexStyardhieiiic-rstandino oquivalent, ofeheahouer2ex departmemtal purposes, ansd knowii.rcspcct- refluet thé hightéat crédit on tise tasté cff theoctitive. yadiii th ilb qiaen.t bu s ively ini local panlance, as thoecastérn and anchitécts. A î.-No strilce shall sanctiened, no 4. ii h pound. This risc is te comîmenco western blocks. The ground tise mails Thé desigus were, for thi main building, c2sýaation frein. work hy any soety iii thé next meuth, as 50015 as the ptescrit con- federîation éufertained until èvery effort lias tracts are wotked out. If anas Statéd, fur- é difice stands coi, comiprises about twvo thsse cf Mvessrs. .1'imher Joncs, cf Te- beau umade te éffect a péaceahie settloment, tiser, that for the future ail %vorls avéré te acnés ; and thé departienuta buildings ronte, and wcré ohoîcas frosîs thoeeof four- aia as a final atteînpt tu do so, an offer occupy about tmiase spacé. The tone teen coinptiturs. The d:iýWmmentaal buiid- shali mado hy tIse upperexécutivo te re'i close .t' oe o'check an Saturdays. Thé u'all now iu proccscf construction, panai- ings avre frôzu m -lesssrs. eént &Latter, ùf f0lr tie dispute te arbstratsoîî, one~anitrator weaeshv otgmè I to acd lél with Wellingtoa stncet, avili forni tic this city, avIso obLasiîséd J.s Irmumi<vrtu e ho ineed by thse upper exécutive, and but are nèventièlspeadwt hlb fori sd ftu m;srmgec hic i cnpttoi ueI~cîaaiih- r b tise soccifis' exécutive cesîncils. étal concession cf the nmanufacturera. fti bside o to es eraf lic t i aotitîîlor Thcf c t ;a . ~ eaîap)!oyer, or c'Ji)Yýinj Iqués- tIObilig ttmeltsfon h ohrabu hremllo fddI- t. iui - f, s îahrit thmo dis4pufeil natter A meetingéf tisé Lonsdon District Con- threesdes. lie dpairt:isntliorshatio r conce ie edemanda cf mittee appointéd hy thé Exécutive Council tire adés Tie dpattncîiai icaa hve . Qsx~vîmc. . lc s'..iat li questioni, fîîaîîdame. iinotce cf thée.Aniagauated Society cf. Railway two miaini facades lookiîîg towards tihe , - ~ .f,,,.t 1wieer,o f that particulir scciéty ta quadrangie and te thé soati. Tisélibî-as'y FDR TON0 L- tave imipar aelslpoilleÙ l8111i1. mouie cf fiéShrvs, as iîeld on Suboayte10,0.00 at thi la sf111 incormpote, aud %will requiré e tat ct -uî:s uua thrin iasloin tshe. fh e b ervantas, ieprésontiugdye g aba t t es tare sasons or it wonk e crnjedte a Anscetimg cftraide asmsôms'rLrisays tovietty in tihe. Asaderc disinrhicfedr- disrict omnuitée recis, Edoîs- treet Lîsicîecî Reuis Elomiatî,ionaictinl i, tieravîsa tflian iin domforiity City, te consider thé question cf am i icréaso 1point cf in isli sufficiejît te shso w msueh nameé wasleld at Cooper L ilènIloiEdnwitit t!ais ciaîssc:; shalliiot ha aûîaporto.l hy 9than ifs rnagiiiceist proportions. Wheim streét,, Finsbamry, on WVilieadty ca'cning. tuie fedpr.-tion, and .9imihsîciety .91,1111 af cof wages, and a réduction cf thé heurs cf comnplété it wil héa circular roomîs uiîigty Mn. C. fSihrives was tamsneileùly cected tne.îso hossspemded durîng t4é dicrctionriof hhor Maîîy cf thé oumpaniesnotliaviîîg ceot ln dianotet, witli a doine-siaîptad roof, préside, .Mr. Morgans, ofcf 1aiorLýagnLî, the a pPý -eencttive, or ilcalt wts<5cr ae;ayntc fts ueosmuoi aaî féefrmîsamy ilan orotsé cntit-tetie ic-ciai; is Asi gasaeda~c UiliI5taille5 ilcy deterililinc.t aüdfre frin ny illrs r oherconriv tethevi---hir;theAnitLe p,.,ce m me isaolias lcei their servants have senît tbens réspécting auces te daaarf ifs sapparents ize. Tite roof cf Waternienanîd Liglstes nn ciig iepre. s,ýicblV C.implied %wit-m asitiiost slccess, tud tisesainle, ifawas decided te have a séries of was originally designeil to ho atone, but ai, sciited by Mesans. Cl' i Sisor, Ficlal, it shah k l i-lt t-i lic ecessasny, l heic tetinga in varionîs parts cf London, pre- r tis sugeatiois f tis Eîiince cf ise HbbsS. ,mal . î [lot;fli)L0bo umici-ccitiv-e, îumd a a'oto huumg passed in paratcry te a large meeéting la Exeter Hall s h Puic ibV of' tDepartmséi(n. Pae)o f ' roe tio n L . eegs, bynd G . ( Rc te La Guise fa'curaiewrhts îutucaaafstsita iélte îdc ati éiint -ae ct, tiioso ciety lu qtiétîn simallcels c en eeefaoian nLndn k o lias bêen deeided te use Iran imsteail cf. ral Secretasry, mid Mcesa r siiy, Miîrgcaa, avirI.d pesr clause -, ofsiy. Tisis flie sain 1 h ett vr esîas uLnoak satonse, and asready tise rmftrs arc ii thiai Faaler, Lynîch, and Masc cy; the Asmalgas- st)clc.t% Nsiîatlllie sapp.mteii hy ovcerysoeioty jing for a geiseral incretise cf 9à. per weék -inteîsded positions. Tise outer wall cf this mated Society ctf Railway Ser-vants, by Mr. il% tihe fuederatiomi ty as ievi, or o'Liseravis, SIx days istet xcéediîîg témiheurs te cou- ,r building la tory tliiék anmd low, a polygois Bull atnd Mr. Pearce; illo Amiaigamiat << i ~~ rêi' r emmd uattdItttaaveék's aork--Siday duty te 0 caulit0'cftise oppréssail aociety Bshah hi bc . 1- cf sixteers sidce ln shape, fronts each ange Carusasîs and* Covyaisc6 Associastics, by î,afflingt 'omset-exy îisiîiber iii the fedèIr- adfr o4La u nmgtsée sg of which is thrilaî up a ilying battres4 te Mesins.. Joy, Beashey, Oh.41, Nevilo, Strossd, afioai. %woéc. J. e. c.,. *.i :*~ ~....-,-.. -.-..- ~ '...iA>'~,e...d~4> -7 ,~ ____ c S,--,. .. - a. q e . . t fur

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Ontario Workman newspaper


Page 1: Ontario Workman, March 27, 1873




Àn agitation is on the tapis armong theLabor IReforniers of' the tTnited Statesfor the reorganizatien of thie industrialclasses, and the formation of a greatpolitico-social purty, having higber aimsand ends tha4n.anjy that h ia gone befoÉeit,-"la party thal is te ignore ail pastissues, polities ftnd actions- a partythat beaves the old and leads forwaxd tethe ncw." A writcr in the ClîiesgelWorkingnci's Aicvocale subînits the foi-bowiug as a platformi:

lst, Control of federal aud Stategoverients. 1

2nd; Tîhe passage of general liws forthe organ ization of:-co-oporative associa-tions or corporations tbroughout the en-tire n'atiou, where indiustrie8 will admitof it, eompes9d of the present cinployersand eomployoos, skilled anid unskilied,for the pro duction and exchange of ailthe commodities wliieh eur elimate wndother conditions may enable us te

3rd, Iceorganization of our financialsystein, by the calling in of ail nationaland -bneonbalicur[ency, and substitut-in for it a peôpl's currcncy, of suffilcientvo urne to carry on aIl the internal busi-ncss of thec ùation; such. durrency to bemàafnufaturedI by the federal gvcrnn'entof the pcop]e, and loaned OXclIubivcly tothese eo-operativo corporations.

4th, The combination . of the presentwages systom, applied to every memberof these co-pperiLtivo associations; suchwages to be rcgulatod by value of ser-vices, bat the lowest amount paid to un-,skilled la bor te bc sufficient for a. coin-fortable subsistcncc; and auniform rateof wages everywhere for the sume gradeOf labor or service..

5th, The abolition cf ail restrictionson trade, such as eustorn lieuses, -duties,intern~ai revenuecolleetors, &c. ;'*itnd thecollection of zil federal as Well as statetaxes :freon real and persenal preperty, asis now the case in States.

This is but an outline of the more im-portant changes indispensable for thefuture elcration of labor. *Out of' thispolitico-econonical movement of laborwill necessarilyv growv ref ~is in cverydirection, It ducs aiway with the neces-sity for a inonicd eclass, unitês capitaland labor * 1neLo Ilou bd,with but ocoienu ~t;elevateslabor, reimoves pt . the ordinarycauses of ciiue. s tilaim time it isfi-c frorn the imuputa tion of injustice

*and robbcry, tâtes niankind just as tbeyare, places them in faimilliar chlannels cflabor,leavcs titoni at liberty te choose any

*occupation thev arc fitted for, deus neiinterfere wh th iicarrangements -of pri-vate life. It is siinly the substitutionof pfrtnerships in "place cf individualoperatiens, on a system that positivclysecures every ma from los«;, whileuuanintecinoe constant work- and rcadypayinnt 8tfr ail.

It is tinie for tho xndtusýriaI qa'sss $odicuss andmIprare thelliscîves for socialchange.s. A par-tiacl co-operative syswcnhias beeu initiatcd in .England by thecalitalizts thems-clves, but it is t.o slowand inefficient to ftirii an adequate

* The Ooînmittee appointed by the Town'Council of Edinburgh have. reconunenidoedte the Governors of* Heriot's Hospital aacheme for a complete system cf theoreticaland tecirnical educttion, which censists of aàchol fur boys betweou twel!'éandI fifteen,and an cveing ,tûchilicad collège for. adn1ltsand appronticesl.

A great numrber of strikes are now dis-,tressing trade in, îGerànalny. Wc have ai-ready alludoed te the strike in Leipsie aimongthe printors, and now it appears tlîat thistrado is aise nnccd. by the comlpesitors atBreslau. The ivcavers cf Cologne in the.omUploy cf M. Meyer have struck work asthéy werc refused an increaso on thoeir mea-gre carninga of 12s (id per week. Theifellow wcrkcr.3 cf the sainietô%vn, have fol-lowed this exmpie.


STRY OTS ROVI HESET F upport thé lnmense thrust thrown ou thie and Mr. -0: Shrives, thé General Secretary. O.-In order te suppor.t thé eociety'ameniSTRA NOTS FRM TH: SET O interier and higher wall by the dome. The credentials-cf the delegates having been wlio are thus foroed eut, ecli sciety in théOOVERNMERT.. The architecture of thege buildings is verfied, the chairman opencd the prèced- federation shail sond the sumn of threepence

Gothic, chielly ini the early Engllsh style, ings by detailing what hiad benf done "ce'per week fremn its f nx;ds for every membery on itsa books, for four consee)Itive weéks, if

which, for large Structures, applears te hé thon, lut meeting. lucidly showing the ad- urerd 'o, sould the upper executive(ýprom. our oitmî Correspondlent.) very generaily gaining favor. It is inter- vantages te be derived frini the* fdderation contidér it niecessary, ixpence per memùbèr

esting te nlotico how the aversion frei cf 1liber uin.The moràl.power it would shal ho sent the firàt week, and tliréepnceclass ic littrature was accompanied by a cor- have* ould bo immense, but the defenive ealli wok the two following wéés, Snuld

- Math 25 .3 y more rmeney hc r&ured, it-ýshàI1 hé

As some cfthé OT.25. respondingý departure frein clanssie architcc- power would hé énormoua.' Aîdlieé cii- raised by a levy of sixpence per mémber on 1As ein ofthereadeA cf TirE WoRKKAN ture, till wo, now find that substantially sidéred that a proper exercisoof thoir pqliti- every zuember ini the federation, the moneywho iay hate hîad ne occasion te visit what Wren cailed, a éYstem of "jetties, cal power, cifbined iwith the power. ht hé nalles e hasettthe mupperur edectivOttawa, inay yet care te learxî somOthing points, narrow wîz4ow and crinkie crankIk,' Federation wouild pîy ue ociéies menordred ut ii sricabout thé public buildings in whicli tho Pugin, Barry and others,,as the .Victorian teaciethtpsio nhéStef accordancé with the 7th ani 8tlî clauses,

oalain f thé DemiLion is ncw assein-. Gothie, have made thé favorite style cf thé whichi they were the very muscle, and fro ne'lt latér than Wédnesday in eacli week tebled, and ini which the ordînary. .wrork cf tuées. Our church architects---réturning theua the capitahiats spring their -fortunes ; thé sociéty's executive counrcil, whereinthé *varions governmcntal departmén ta. la te théepinrit of theirpredecesors-havQ for therefore, it was tlieir. bounden- duty tu sucli dispute exisa, Who ahail furniali acarried en, 1 send youi a few notes concern- many years ceased te adern Christian make everY effort te see that labor received execiitive, and echl executivo cuncil atin- theni which I hope may nqt ho dévoid ehurchés with Grecian perticoes and facades; its due réwarcl.- (Loud cheers.) .-IHé had their respective meetings, thé menin iiailcf interest.. practically éib.odying Coleridge's ostlietic taken seute trouble with thé resolutions. ca~ses te hé paid daily, and rocéipts taken

d 1I.9rtnai te their- site. This is on a canon, that the Gothie is thé ",petrifac- Te a omrybe gedtadh oÀeaon adt hmpoint cf ground ivhich juta eut ite the tien cf thé Christian religion." And eur coùld sec varions amèndmente wé.re requir- 10. -That an invitation is liereby givénriver Ottaiva very nearly ini thé middle cf réalistic agé bas found out that tlîis systcm écd, and had, accordingly, insertcd varions te nil labor societies in thé United Kingdlointhe ity, and* which ivas fornierly calléd net only gives for large buildings great aiuéndméats whicli li would rcad throughtejitéfdraon

Barrack Bill. Thé lévél cf thià ground is facilities in thé way cf ventilting and for théir considération. MtI. Keen, Mr. mIttedCteeés ocisety metthfebérat-n

considerablk higheIir tlîan in' thé neiiebor- iighting; but, that it is aise cheapor in Bull, and Mr. Elliet having expréssed. the« beforé it is signed, for their approval.hood, being nel n ude n it on c ot oétPl wn h,'iws cf their respective association%, thé Should it net hé réturned on or beforé

fot aboyé thé stmnîner lévél cf the river, whén thé Snîiitlisonian Ifistitution at Wash- folowing resolutions weré unanimously Match thé l2th, four stampéd copiés shallan levation whicli contributés ini ne incon- ingtop, was te bc built exaninéd this ques- adoptd-That. it hé altered te tué titie cf hé signéd, and one sent .by thé upper excu-

tiré te eadi society's éxecutivé council, andsiderable degrés te thé isnposing. appéar- tien fully, f6und that . a Gothie structuré Federation cf Labor Unions, a signature cbtained for thé same, whicliancé, whicli se strikingly ilapress alnaost could hé buiit at a price per cubie fMot net list-This meeting of delegatei, from the &hall make it hunding on évery member cfevery observer who secs thèse buildings for more than hall thé ceat cf a classic hnild- fout societies, consider it essential for thoir thé fédération.

future wclfàre that a working agreementthé first timie. The arca cf thé greunds ing cf the saine dégree cf conieliness. 30 uniting thé whole in one federation for dé- Thé meeting was then adjeurnéd untülhelonging te the Govériient talces in alto- that ceet alone niay bé, in part at lenat, an fensivé purposos shenld hé drawn, eut and Wednésday, thé l19tli, ati lOa.m., te dise=sgéthér nearly thirty acres, and is détache expianation of its use i late years for éstabliied, and governed for this pûrpoe and séttié the miner ;mattèrs sud foim cffrein adjacent propcrty by well-deflned secular as -AleI as ecclesiaistical structurés cf hy a hody kniown as thé uppér éxecuti'#e. procedure.-The 1reséflt tovernnent, and names cf ecdiliîe. On tho north la thé précipitous thé laeger and more expensivé kinds. Society, te hé retainéd lu exatl hesai A héatty vute of. thanka hbeing gtvep ,teéscarpient cf thé river; on théeéaut a dtep ' Thé côîtral structuré is four hundiecd position as at présent constitutéd for thé thé chai.rmaix and -vice-chairmna for nô. ably.raviné, at thé hottoni cf which la thé Rideau- andi seveaty.-twe féot lu-ri, is titrée stories wrig<ftérei soito rscéy conducting the.ýproceedings, brouglit thé.ýCanal, ivitis its fanious cqmbinéd leeks ; in liéighty and la. eut up by beit conues 2. ô-h as oRcaorsoscion o-haieon the south is Wellington stréet, destined, froui thé windows and .düt)rS,- .nto- five uppér e :utie, and sacli féderation shàllseo may the alirew'd cites, te hé thée fiet horizontal bands. Tho .cetral towér is heo »iev2Îl.by a counvuil whicqh eshahlhq imm 1"j 1 - .

Street cf thé city ; aind on the west thirty *féet square at therb-ase,abuee known and nasmed thé lippe!' exécative, andtic siope cf the hillislase suddon that hundréd and ixty feet Ii.igÉ, and la divided hcouistltftcd frSocitynth va rio aeéctv -o ._______or______

thé lime of division frein contignous uuequaily into five vertical spaces, that houncilafeadscity thé fdert, Ot The colliers employèd lu thé varieus pitslots is sufficiéntly cîcar. Up) thé river, containing the béifry windows being thé 3.-Thé upper oxecutivo salil conaiat cf in the Sonerset coalfield district have ré-about a mile, are thé' Chaudière Falsa, most handsomé cof thé live. Thé wings atè six inembérs frein cach seciety in thé feder- céived an advaxsce ou théir Ivages cf 10 per

wiih my h seu feinmau pats f té achendof hisfac ar bnugh eu frination, nndbé electedia themonth cf Janmîary cent., ùunaskeé4for.whic ma bcsee frin ianypars o th eac en ofthi fae ýr brugh ou fr in neacli ycar, cadiî Society te éhéct its répre- 1grounds, ana two miles down Streamn is thse the central« part even with thse central seutatives as it thinks lit. Notwçithstanding, the exaniple cf thépeint cf confluence hétween the Gatineau tuwer, which stands its fuit thickî,ess froni 4.-Ail ulinprtant questions saliahobcUaiitéd States acf'wtehad hanîd thé Ottaiva. Snell a site supplices ail 'thé walls. Thé angles thilis formncd havte muhitted te thé uppér exécutive for its Frni ahandiaofuso tze vodtea

tho réquisites for a favorable coup d'oeil. cacli a tower. Thé roof is very step ini dccision by thé variotis.secietios' exécutive Fec alaetla eue evtcomicils, Snell as a 'cossaticii of work subsidy te énablo Frenîch worknén te visit

Thé m.-térilais uaod for constrtuctioti is a is te h, and cut cff at the top, or tecliini- Pasliamlentary actions, &o., and suci qués' the exhibition at Vieuna. It was thouglitcompact, durabIle aaaîdstoué frein Napean, cal-truîîcated; it is covered ii-4 parti- tions bcing passed by a iajority cf net lésa that snicl a nieqsuré i)ropeaed for thé solenéar by ; a Stone cf a vcry délicate wanîn coloréd siates, and is surrouiiièd iwîtli as tian four-filftiis of these présent -at a suin- PuPo c f affording thé artisans cf Francegrey tint, and whieh la further relievcd by %wrought itou cresting paiiitéd dank bIné îîiu1ned îicctiug, shah hbc bindiug upoîs cvery

niiher oif the varions socicties ini the feder- hui opportunity cf iîîproving théir teclinicalthe *stiil warnier Potsdai sansdtone round and tipped with gold. Several siial atioîi. two tiirds cf theé upper executive te iciowledgeocf. trade wouid restait, it la netise arches, and by thé more sober drab o! peakéd, corner windows stand out freus feîrîn n quorum. ciearly éxplined how, ini théejîropagandathé Ohio Stone used in thé coins, muilions thé roof, an *d contnihute te -glve nit te 5.-Thé upper exécutive shaffl necet on of socialists doctrines. On thse other ]audand dnessilngs. gablets, tîsrréts and handsoine clifiîîîeys a the second Xednesday in cachi îoiitli, orth onfMasilmueibrhs

Tiiere are tiares buildings lu thé pile, or brokén sky lins cf great beauty, ivhich i.q oftenerif équrd, at 7.30 p. ii., att thé oucfMrei.s or*iérl aînost convènient placé. They shall havée vOted5M0 franc$ te enahie somo cf its %work--rathér tireblcks cf butildinigs,-thée Par- considéred oeeof the charina pecuiiar to power te samnion ail conéctéui with any men te visit thé Viénna exhibition.lianicut Hoimme piopot. biilt near the brink this stylé cf architecture. Thie saine fea- caïe submittéd for thoir décision ; as hcf thé river, which includes tise Chamnbers tures cf style are carried out ini the Bide socrétary cf auy Society te prodîmcc au docu- A confenence cf tihe conmitteo of tisé

ilmienls réiatiug te thé ;anie. Brusseis Carpets Maisufactu rérs' Associationfor thé Couinions, and tise Senate, and thé buildinsgs, cf svlichs tisat ý,iî thé éast la by ri. -In cese cf cessation froni wonk hby any end delegates freithe Wéavers' Association

Libary mid lîih iasa sutsor fae at iseîsostolean ii aPporace oc ietty in thé federation, n ne mbor cf thé lias just been held in thé Ciss-roon, Nid-lookina toavards Wellington street, aud wliere la thero any very c' éthy élaboration oulsér societiés s'haît accépt eusployient, or

otir wcbuidigs caé n ithe ide cf of dotaiha, effect haviing bcu obtaincd by kiîowingly exécute aîyportiou cf the duty derminstèr, ivlsen thé Chainman anuounccdthe mnain structure, détaclisd froin it by a ai,.Ilannioniolle arraugemenit of parts muid o'a ' htwud rsol oéeuedta i snfcurr îddcddo

conideabl inervnig sace nsd tn gadtio offIa coonscftuestomewluiiby thé societiés' .monn who are lecked out giving thé weoavers an nivance of -jA. lierconsiderableintervening pores andingr euadayiordofrtcf théor pp rhexStyardhieiiic-rstandino oquivalent, ofeheahouer2ex

departmemtal purposes, ansd knowii.rcspcct- refluet thé hightéat crédit on tise tasté cff theoctitive. yadiii th ilb qiaen.t bu s

ively ini local panlance, as thoecastérn and anchitécts. A î.-No strilce shall hé sanctiened, no 4. ii h pound. This risc is te comîmencowestern blocks. The ground tise mails Thé desigus were, for thi main building, c2sýaation frein. work hy any soety iii thé next meuth, as 50015 as the ptescrit con-

federîation éufertained until èvery effort lias tracts are wotked out. If anas Statéd, fur-é difice stands coi, comiprises about twvo thsse cf Mvessrs. .1'imher &ý Joncs, cf Te- beau umade te éffect a péaceahie settloment, tiser, that for the future ail %vorls avéré teacnés ; and thé departienuta buildings ronte, and wcré ohoîcas frosîs thoeeof four- aia as a final atteînpt tu do so, an offeroccupy about tmiase spacé. The tone teen coinptiturs. The d:iýWmmentaal buiid- shali bé mado hy tIse upperexécutivo te re'i close .t' oe o'check an Saturdays. Thé

u'all now iu proccscf construction, panai- ings avre frôzu m -lesssrs. eént &Latter, ùf f0lr tie dispute te arbstratsoîî, one~anitrator weaeshv otgmè I to acd

lél with Wellingtoa stncet, avili forni tic this city, avIso obLasiîséd J.s Irmumi<vrtu e ho ineed by thse upper exécutive, and but are nèventièlspeadwt hlbfori sd ftu m;srmgec hic i cnpttoi ueI~cîaaiih- r b tise soccifis' exécutive cesîncils. étal concession cf the nmanufacturera.

fti bside o to es eraf lic t i aotitîîlor Thcf c t ;a . ~ eaîap)!oyer, or c'Ji)Yýinj Iqués-tIObilig ttmeltsfon h ohrabu hremllo fddI- t. iui - f, s îahrit thmo dis4pufeil natter A meetingéf tisé Lonsdon District Con-

threesdes. lie dpairt:isntliorshatio r conce ie edemanda cf mittee appointéd hy thé Exécutive Counciltire adés Tie dpattncîiai icaa hve . Qsx~vîmc. . lc s'..iat li questioni, fîîaîîdame. iinotce cf thée.Aniagauated Society cf. Railway

two miaini facades lookiîîg towards tihe , - ~ .f,,,.t 1wieer,o f that particulir scciéty taquadrangie and te thé soati. Tisélibî-as'y FDR TON0 L- tave imipar aelslpoilleÙ l8111i1. mouie cf fiéShrvs, as iîeld on Suboayte10,0.00 at thila sf111 incormpote, aud %will requiré e tat ct -uî:s uua thrin iasloin tshe. fh e b ervantas, ieprésontiugdye g aba t t es

tare sasons or it wonk e hé crnjedte a Anscetimg cftraide asmsôms'rLrisays tovietty in tihe. Asaderc disinrhicfedr- disrict omnuitée recis, Edoîs- treetLîsicîecî Reuis Elomiatî,ionaictinl i, tieravîsa tflian iin domforiity City, te consider thé question cf am i icréaso1point cf in isli sufficiejît te shso w msueh nameé wasleld at Cooper L ilènIloiEdnwitit t!ais ciaîssc:; shalliiot ha aûîaporto.l hy

9than ifs rnagiiiceist proportions. Wheim streét,, Finsbamry, on WVilieadty ca'cning. tuie fedpr.-tion, and .9imihsîciety .91,1111 af cof wages, and a réduction cf thé heurs cfcomnplété it wil héa circular roomîs uiîigty Mn. C. fSihrives was tamsneileùly cected tne.îso hossspemded durîng t4é dicrctionriof hhor Maîîy cf thé oumpaniesnotliaviîîgceot ln dianotet, witli a doine-siaîptad roof, préside, .Mr. Morgans, ofcf 1aiorLýagnLî, the a pPý -eencttive, or ilcalt wts<5cr ae;ayntc fts ueosmuoi

aaî féefrmîsamy ilan orotsé cntit-tetie ic-ciai; is Asi gasaeda~c UiliI5taille5 ilcy deterililinc.taüdfre frin ny illrs r oherconriv tethevi---hir;theAnitLe p,.,ce hî m me isaolias lcei their servants have senît tbens réspécting

auces te daaarf ifs sapparents ize. Tite roof cf Waternienanîd Liglstes nn ciig iepre. s,ýicblV C.implied %wit-m asitiiost slccess, tud tisesainle, ifawas decided te have a séries ofwas originally designeil to ho atone, but ai, sciited by Mesans. Cl' i Sisor, Ficlal, it shah k l i-lt t-i lic ecessasny, l heic tetinga in varionîs parts cf London, pre-

r tis sugeatiois f tis Eîiince cf ise HbbsS. ,mal . î [lot;fli)L0bo umici-ccitiv-e, îumd a a'oto huumg passed in paratcry te a large meeéting la Exeter Halls h Puic ibV of' tDepartmséi(n. Pae)o f ' roe tio n L . eegs, bynd G .( Rc te La Guise fa'curaiewrhts îutucaaafstsita iélte îdc ati éiint

-ae ct, tiioso ciety lu qtiétîn simallcels c en eeefaoian nLndn ko lias bêen deeided te use Iran imsteail cf. ral Secretasry, mid Mcesa r siiy, Miîrgcaa, avirI.d pesr clause -, ofsiy. Tisis flie sain1 h ett vr esîas uLnoaksatonse, and asready tise rmftrs arc ii thiai Faaler, Lynîch, and Masc cy; the Asmalgas- st)clc.t% Nsiîatlllie sapp.mteii hy ovcerysoeioty jing for a geiseral incretise cf 9à. per weék-inteîsded positions. Tise outer wall cf this mated Society ctf Railway Ser-vants, by Mr. il% tihe fuederatiomi ty as ievi, or o'Liseravis, SIx days istet xcéediîîg témiheurs te cou-

,r building la tory tliiék anmd low, a polygois Bull atnd Mr. Pearce; illo Amiaigamiat << i ~~ rêi' r emmd uattdItttaaveék's aork--Siday duty te hé0 caulit0'cftise oppréssail aociety Bshah hi bc .1- cf sixteers sidce ln shape, fronts each ange Carusasîs and* Covyaisc6 Associastics, by î,afflingt 'omset-exy îisiîiber iii the fedèIr- adfr o4La u nmgtsée sg

of which is thrilaî up a ilying battres4 te Mesins.. Joy, Beashey, Oh.41, Nevilo, Strossd, afioai. %woéc.



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Page 2: Ontario Workman, March 27, 1873

2 T~~IE. O1TARi() WORiKMAff


Wriienfoe' thé Ontario, Worlcman.Many a veary heaît bath pned,

Without a friend te cheer,4Many a goad and honet mnd,

Math shed a lonely tear;But many a eue, when ail seemied night,

Kath fat the precious casp,Whýich fil the, soul with beams of light,

With honest friendship's gasp.

Bach day doth bring its troubles,AB ve journey on lif's road,

A good f riend wil make*them bubbles,For he'l1 help you with your load;

Then, when the angry storm la put,-Wa feldthe precious clasp,

Tw o hent eatarte aie atillhelci fat,By honest friendahip's gràsp.

But trust not alway8 lu smooth varda,Which often leacl atray;

They fly in vinter liko t)ba bird,And corne back when 'tia May..

Honet frendship ne'er growa cold,However cold the blast ;

Tbcr's genial vanrmth and woth untold,In honet friendshp's grasp.

Wheu alter years of toil and pain,Absent from home and friands,

The. wanderer seeke hie home again,Eacb auxious moment tende

To bring hici nearar frier ds ugain;Ho feels the joyans clasp ;

There's eamity ta Care and pain,In honest friendahip's gmup.,*

Montreal, March, 1873.


Writtea for the Onnrio WorLkman.

There la a nanie weil kuowu on earth,Anid blease<¶ by ail who kuow its worth,For good it'a doue 'er sinca its birth-


Wbat ln it that from day to day,Does aU it ean ta drive awayTho pangs of ilnes, and decay?-


What le it that tbroughout the landEztonds an ever-helping baud,.To s» wba jou ouir noble bad?


Wbat às it helps the widow on,When from ber aide ber busbaud'u tom,And avery other help la gouo ?A-


Wbat taices the orphau by the baud,And helps hlm on tili ha eau stand,Au one amnongstiss lin the bad?-

.oaddfelowablp.Wbat la t that does Most to BaveThe. aged froni a pauper'a grava, -.And gvea him &U that hocan crave?-


Now frendahip, love and trath you'il ueo,Aise, faith, hope and charty,Combined lu this aur Unity -


It nover yet vae knowu ta pause,Promn givng help where thara vau cause;For charty pervadea its lav,-


.0 blessed Lard, bc thon our friend,And grant that we may te the endDo that -which vill or cause extnd,-

Oddfalowship.G. Pi7PuRerr, I.O.O.F.. M.U.F.S.

Hamilton, Marob, 187.

B"ER TWO, HANOS.Od Caspar came home about sunset. nis

pick vas on>bis shoulder; se vas bis aid woolbat, for ho thraal it ïar back frem is l wrlnkledfront. asapar had a bend, ex if ho had bean,half.peruae.Iiena many yaara to go on

bnasdkn" again. So heavily turne st

on his back, aÏ4uo close to the eartb did bisdaily labor draw-bt.

Ha was a good-natured trotting oldfelow,-working hie mouth eagerly and straiuîingbMablearad ayes, as ha approached the towu'adraggled skirts, for very thinkiag of bis foks

L-b Id wem .AdMisittA g.

ber loos eat tb. gâte. 8h. vua acomfortingigit ta oseé ln lat Ajýý1ghborhood, bo tidy ana1

faim lu câlico sudbr anLà,sd tue piuk flas-c9ler et youtb. 7You**w,ndered wby.,oie Isada't 1beau t frtiser u lv~&rpd

80mohin cotly; wyber doIt lingera h" 1

eoul vblci lnmbered in roewo4,d bnuses t a tauch, 1k. sno bleased genl,tocorfrt ail 11e, *ailthhaugite;.Y40Uvondemeà ýviy sema bigh-brcd fathar vas net comiugborna ta ber nov. But thoan this old mnwouid have found it se bard ta do witiautber. Thon, tee, binage mgil nover in alber 1f. have truck tise royal hert vbich vasnov in bar bauds, vbicis she hala ber bankagainat ail tisa future, and the interest of icivais thse enly lucarn se ah.vnted.

'lThere yen are, grandpa 1" es-lad Isadge."'Yeu, and theme yon are Madge ! And

boe.wa bath ara, Madge VI anterng theo opcnedgaLe sud castng dowu bis pick.

Ho put bis banda on aach aide of ber bondand gave ber a soiusding âmack on the cheak.

"4Supper's ready."Ya', yen. Jist vaittll 1 git a littla aI

the niant off my bauds anal neck, It's ban apowerfsl bat, duty day."

Capar tretted threugh th o littls barn allotadta hlm, haulld bis 'aid vite, vWho ot ready tapour eut bis tan, and aiLer blovlng aud plnng-ing throngh a 'analef vater, returned te hiefl mily vitis sbining countariance sudsa band-fui -of enjoue.

I I st pulled tlsese up for a rehs8h. Tbey'racooling, iisgana je. Yen 'taadad tint lngeabed,did't yen, Madgie f'

"Graudmu and IV""And wé vautad sains of theminlgons fer

market,". ýid Lie old vife, eyeiug the. scri-fice soaverely. '«Wo a't got nso grouud tetbrow avayrnal'uxus-ies for ourslvas."

".Well, wéli, mother," pleaded Caspar, dip-ping bis fmgrant spieno la sait, I dos'tcalk'iute tc, pull 'em ail. 1 just wantcd nse-tii' nefrehil' afLer a lard day. Taste 'arn,Mvadgi," iaaiwuating exierald tope towandbar.

"«Oh? no, graadpa, heep 'oci yourself,"sisskin herm baud and smilixsg.

-I fel," rausblad Capur, fiuing bis sennesand java vith perfurnod roots until a blindmsan would hava prauouucod hlm a Mexicun,if hie nase iad st lu judgmant oves- Caspur,I r'aly feel as if I needed samethin' efresi-

ia', vos-ing bard dey aftar day for nothin',yen rbight aay. Sort o!feol' your work gote piaces. under your eyes, sud knovln' thedanger ta tiam onLise rond.-

"What de yomenma, grandpa ?" crledMadga, turnmg.vhite as ber bread sud butter.

"Wýhy, honey, ydu sesa veapicised sudpicked lu that ent, aud the i. ll's as unstiddyas vater. The atones sud eusti jist ral an thetracis continaral.. The couspany osta do some-tiin' ta stâcnet. Stones big as yen in jars-addavis oves-y train. > But, tia, thse road'a nais,tisa road'e nov yet."'

.IlMena alt geL ne senns, I braise out the.old vile. Il"Do't yen esetyou'r. akeering tbatcbild ta deatis fer fear Cbarlay 'il git aaahedup? Ho rima ou that road."1

Tve blades of kaeon remorse leuped from.Caspar's hlesrod eyes.1

«"1Naw, dont ha skaerad, honey. Taise aniugen, honey."

He reaicbed ever ta pet lier flIgera.IlCias-ley did't pass to-day vian tisa dis-t

was rttlin' dovu ne. Ho don't pans till bal-aftcr egit tuis evein', asd we laIt thse tmacisas dlean as this tablb.' Yea, air, tiseci rails isas Iree sud isigit as uew tin-paus. Se don'tho akeerad, beney."

11I'm not scared about anytbing, grandpa,"said Madgc, tremulously, but suiing lise arainbbw.

"Tharo nov, rmotiser," cried Cuspars, tri-umpbantly, setrniug La bis anions, "yencama dovu au me for nethin'. 8h. ain'takeered a bit."*No, nt a bit. Sis fi ev about tisa omu1k. a bird, vuaied tise ortlsenwure, brougbtber grandfatisar bis pipa, sud drapped nt hisfeat te tell bu same fuuny l'atory afieut. Inbis ejayment, b. vrupped hiniaf luncsbacieud that se.could bardly see thse dock. '* Madga aipped onttte igaLa. Sis vas

1often tiare lookiasg up therôad. .Tisa two aidtpeoploet inilde tbliing efthtie days vhon,-tisey vera youag.àShe vais restless, sud flitted oves- the ida.v als, foilwing a «muguet vbicb vwould bave

sdrawu hem fs-cm tise centre of the ourtls. ToLhe rond ef course. How ofton ba h. watch-ed Lb. rails convargng horizon-yard iutil

* Liey sbarpene datisenselves ta a ueedle.piutTise rilrAnAd AdA fiatinfor Msde.

etf ber liLlie dry lite. Everoady muet have

great d%îtai~h. aârved froni a hoidaytnp adha IIE ed aleud to née omre buey

englue hissî 9-s-yi nsd*devni, :.jlcking npfreigist lke abezi gathering. isèt, chiakene;nov breatingloud oueugh te d'eafeu a multi-tude, nov cohtents-ating iLs ets-engtis Adpanting sloviy Faway'ht tise baud o! iLs chsarge.5h. isaid akéd tram eleep ta heur tises cail.ing toe aucis aLias- irough tise darnose, sudtsansated ta herseif visait iey mid.

IL vus a preper hing for Madge ta ha anenginéee'.vife. 'She thought iL n right thingta b h arley's vile undaray cîrcnatancea,I assure yen. Tiare vas nov oly a littiestrip oetime betvecn Madge and Cbarley.Sise lookod oves- that littie sLsip sud sav justboy it wonid ha. Thoyv era ta bavea aect-tage an a clean tret ; bar grau&paments, ifLiey: hacarne infis-a, wes-a te have a home vitis.éer;. IlÀn d tiesa Lweo littie baud," taidCisaley, 11 viii make me tise deureet neet ; l'Ilbc so glaid ta sun inte it igist.1"

Madge's pinS face took on rose as eh.Liought on ail these tisg, laaking np suddevis Lie eut te ses il b. rack were lear, asier grandîatisur md aaid. IL vas clair. Sisetait relieved ansd toolisis about comng eutthèro througi the twiigit ho spy for Cbaisley'sVélfiýc, sud mucis inclijed ta bid fsrmtisaesmaîe rising fer off. But tisose unstabie suudy%wail towcriug over hie wuy? Msdge watcbedtiesu jealously. JusL as Lise thunder otftisatrain cold bo hourd, her heurt tood tili tasee thosu dissolve, lisé pillea- grouad dowvuby' soema liciona Samson, and piied upn tisetruck till notbiug couid ho seau for yards buteue long billaof arth aud stane!

>1ev, littie Madge, if theiseso erasdamilYen, IL mut meet sud lassa, thut iran bcastwbiiniz a isuudrad people upon deatis! Abnundred! The. wiai, vos-Idwasilu the engluahouae.ds-lvng dejisfiretupon that fato! IHavonldn't try ta ava bimssaîf vheu ha carneupen tia liIe-trap Sise saw bow lie ouldset bis lips, baud narve and brain ta Ltheemergency ; aise saw boyv car vould crssai jtecas, the vs-es-k lia oves- a buruing angine,C hanlia bc grouudl and chairs-ad undar Lhemail !

Oh auhlimely unselfiivoman! ShefleayeLia tracki1ke. atiig af vings. It waslitcand Cisariey,or deatis viti Charley I Thehead-igbt fiaahed np Lisougis tio dusai. Tiarevere matches lu bar posket; sic sesapdtlemau a rail sud tare off ber apron. Oh ! heywouldn'L ignite, and tIse cotton vould butemoldar. IL la noling dowu as svlf t as air.Blasa Lb. loom vbicb vova tisa clatis vbiclimade tisat cottea apron ! Sisa tassed ithbinka-ing and bIaziug above ion baud, valkingalovly hackwards. 'lihe réd-eyed fus-y roareddova ut ber, but yen can't terrify a vomanviohem armlud le made np. 1It sionld rna ver ber hces-re IL uhould reaci tise ssnd-houp.6

She vus seau. Th isnle set eveaung vitisits yels; tise braises vere on-her lasso badcuugt lt-iL could nDov ha tapped lu ime.

1Sis dusted. aside, but theo- carrent vas teetrang for han. Sisevais dizzy; ta», sund

iclutobed lu tisa vrong direction. Pon, poorlittle ingess!kNov -tise people pour eut: tisey rauaharoaud tiiera. Woseu are cryiag-periaips ho-cause tisey waren't hu-ti Tise engineer durst

balong like a madman, lookiag undas- the train..Tiare, ai dozen feat isore Lie angine, risosi b tésand-bill. Evarybody vanta ta Suovbey Lisey vereastepped beoe-ethey s-unded

"lHe oe is l,!"sbauted Chusloy, stidingup vjtis n lump buuffla, liSe a king vie badl

Lsaesiflced .ta the good of tie stato. IlSi.sioved tisa signal ! Ansd stocd np ta iL untilI env ias---uutii va almot sun ber dowvu!

LTisese's hal tise ingera ct off hem laIt baud.Tisase, visut do yau tbjuk uf that, nov, lfo-Lihevornun tisat saved yan al 1" holding up

tishe mntilated sturnp.IlGod blase It !" psayed an aid gentleman,

takîng off ils batL "Amesa " so as-d Lie esavd. With ane

6bs-astis tisy, saisod Lis-e eaboute, vbici s hook'tise saud-bills until Liey cama. down -a sd-

isomely a second ime, CÔhainiey standing above1tisais enthusiasm -ith Lise faiuting chld luibis arma, ike a ragent holding soe royal in-fant.

"lLot me seo ber !" sobbed firet oee oman,then suothas-. Sa Cisrley sut dovu sud ltthem cs-ovd rdund iti ice-vater, ceionise,sud inea for bandages. Ho eaven gava tise

l.mon ai gliaupsaaofiser vaixy face, juat unlold-ing te consciouaess. Lise ail Western people,thay vuuted ta pour -eut thisas-heurts l a

Unwlae Madge 1,, She drew ber fates upon.herself. I do ;# ýthat te this day her mnoois muais fittened 1b7 the vice lke puishebmaupChsMyzonade ber fferfor ithut speech'.

Wlieu ho came lun nx$ evening, ho: laid,% ipaper lu her laapsutvt hec ii ale facea

expaud and blogsom vbie it' rend a" deed of fPdlf te toer of the prettiéet cottaie an the. prêt.ctie8tiatrëeetin tsatcity. Thé 6opny whicbCbarley servad, and which coula do handsoeor 11thinge as veli aw tboughtless ee, beggad lieroin a flattering note tea ccopt the gift as only asmall ackuoiwledgeminent of their obligations1te ber. .. 'f

IHow could she makien l ittla nest for hlm?"aslced Chirley, looking ut -ber tbrough brim -mingcya.f

IlWhy, with ber banda, after ail," answoedtMudge, crylng.1

IlAnà this vill always beottsa prettier hund1of the tva," said that feelisisf llow, touchingrthe baadaged oaa.


As I vas Icaving the. yard one evening, tatrudgo back te the bits of roins vo veraobligea te put up with. sinca I cama ta Lo)n-don, ln order ta get better ivages, 1 vas oaledcalaed inte thse office by the foreman. IlWhat1Je yeur preseut job, Liadaay ?" ho asked; andI told him.

11Humph ! Thnt cain stand ever for a dayor tva, can't it? Stubbs bas failen MI again,and you muet tuke bis place."

I didn't care ta be abif Lad befora l'd firished1wisat 1 vas about; but a journeymau brick-.layer, witis a vife and eilidren loakng to himfor bread, cannat abiord te ho particular, andsei 1 ha]d may tangue.

IlYou muat go ta Coot's broery to-morrowmorning, and finish that chimney-," the. fora.man told me. Ha gava me a few more direc-tions, and thon vent bis way, and 1 ventmina, net very weil pleased at the prospectbaera me.

I suppose I nover eugbt ta h.ave followedthe trade, for thougis I had gaiaed myscif agcad cisaractar us a steady workman, I havenover been able te avercome a barrer at beingperched at any great height. In the country,viara the buildings %vere low, I managed velianougis; but i this great city, tisere versroof; on wbich I coula net stand without thisdread oppreasng me, nom look down withoutfeeling as though semotbing below vas tempt-ing me te fling mysaîf over and eud ut oncathe miserable senstiarvhîch no effort ofmine caula possubly élsake off.

This buga ciimneytha foreman had oraredme ta finish -wss recl<aacd ona ai tha bighestand best built sisafta ln London. We verea alprend of tisa job, 'which had beau carried onoe far vithout a single mishap ; but I bcd beauearnestly boping that 1 xigbt net ha sert toit, and iL wasn't tiil the workmeu mad got al-most te thc top, that 1 began te breatho a bitmare freely, and trust that it would be finish-_.ed without uny belp oet-mine.

Once at home vith tisa yaungaters' merrypràttla aounding in my cars, 1 forgot my un -easy feelings about ta.rnorrow'a job; but tihemornent I dazed off te slaop, it cama back tame in a iideous dreum. 1 tisought 1 vas fail-ing down, davis, dowu ! and just as tise crashof my body strikii g tise earth seamed inevita-hie, 1 voko up vith a start, ta. flnd myseifln a cola perspiration, and tremhling lu everyiimb.

No mare settled sleep visited my pillowthat night, and it was a relief viien tise boom-ing of the dlocks dispelaed nsy frightful visions,s-id waru ina that it was nov time te face the.reality.

The morning vas bitteriy colad ud halter-ans;; scarcely a seul vas te ha sean lu tise dç-sertad streets, at that early heur, and tisa dullthud of my foatsteps sounded mournfully inthe stilliss reigning araunâ. At laet ticgroat ciinny loomed in sigit, and gazingnput its height, I shivoret astis e thought at be-iug o n thse top of it, wid forced ta look dowuut tb. sicisening deptis bel ow.

If it bad not bean for tisabme of the tbing,I aboula bava gene back ; but the thought ofRassie and ti écbild ren spurred me on ; sie,buttoning my jaciset tightly arannd rue, 1 ba-gan te acend +ihe taging. Iu my journey up-ward, 1 passad many costiy curtaincd windows,and raerniser thiuking, rutiser e. ously, hawnica IL umuet ho ta ha ricb, aud aheltered, onsuds a merning, tram the bitiiig -cold, is a

,-Iý.-bdbeeu bard ut iL fer, #bre tisan uheur,anàhl4vaa getting a bit mo ý1*Qnciled ta Mypoition, ceers-ng 'zLyself as 1j ývbistbod androi evtibtou1tta,àhbrick I

latwsbiiinu'ue' neare- taeafinish, vienalf à ones af eroeèr sud cides-blat hum hé.lare c'aimd sbri&li,ùg sud Luaring'-round-tise

clsy. ws s-. vrthrowu, sud lutue; :endeuWcr te. recoeas myseît I Liltad the%-boeard af mar -off Irom tLis edge od tise miafton te tisafs-ail standing-place.

lu a çcnnd, te my instesea brrer, I fait tisaboars-d and ail Liat vere on tisec glidingRway vith me fs-oui Lie clsimney, and lu afow marnants I shonld bave beau lying a. man-gled cose bb lifI bad n uaLe>ceedad lnfliugiug rny arm oves- sud luto tise hsoliov afthe sisaît, visase, as ticsa caffoldisag and iLsioad of bricks crushed da-wnwas-d, 1 vas leItisuiging with certain deati sivaiting nie Lbemoment I booscaed rny hoid.

My fis-st impulsa vas Lateiisow my othenbaud oves- sud dr.,v my body up 0seait 1could lic pas-tially aiess tisa top o! tise aisaît.In Liis I'vas succeseful, ansd corstinced hobalance myseif, hiall lu theisa sncy and halleut.

Tisere lfs- soea ime I could euly cin iugvtiIs-csszied daspas-atiosi, ps-aying cas-ssastly te hosaved fi-rn tisa horrible deatis tbratusing me;but ait lat 1 surnmoaed ceur#gefi) peer s-anti-eualy oves- tisa ontaicie ofisc sisaft.

Net a bit af acaffoling remained vitinmnany yards af me-aud tisat but tise pales,wits a 1ew bourds danglssg teta Linudthera vas uoting tu break sîy lu shouid 1quit mny hol<l.

Sisuddcrng, I ds-cw my lscud oves- tis a st,les- tises-eLhe daisSu hid s-ny danîger, wvbileLe gaze ou tise sceno vitiseut breught tise aidfeeling af boing dregged <lavin back te sme lufull taorcc.

Tison I baga e houisaof the vile ansd littleues whom I isad laIt sîsug inî bcd, anid bitter-tare came iste my ayes as I vcsdcc oytbey wouid' liv. if I vas-o tasen tvay fs-arntisas. Tise tisoughb soughlt sua bas-k te moes-selfiali onces,sud I Sept askuusg nsn-selIl "MuetI dia? Hov long. cau- I isolai on ,tvithb Lisfias-cc wins bascttiag uie? l tses- o ehope ?Wsll n ne i,seeiag isow I arn 1,aced, ats-ivetu rasçue use?"

.Again I turncd my eyes dovuvard. Intisa court-yutk oethLe braes-ry, and lutheatreets bbyo. people or-cfast callcting;windows vaseeheing tlsrown oesn. and voîensud cbilds-eu, sbrieking sud sobbing,- verogazing tram tLbat me. Tise crbwd belovLbickoned, munning isither sud Lisitiser. Alarge Site flattas-ad nearar ai nearas-. Hav1 Lnied ta staady mysal ith ones anc ad, -tiat 1migist gs-asp Lise cord wltb Lise otss e sauonasit vus vithin raei, couses-vividlybaîfu- menov. But it neyer did came vithi My reacis,a guet oethLe breeze cas-sying ILlas-tiser avayas- daisiig iL te tise gs-ouud.

Aunhans- passcd, sud Lisougis stili ciingirsg Letise bnickworki ih vas almet ncousciausly;for coid and leur liad su workad isupousn rit nt1 bacame. quit. dazod.; and tise chimneya, thepeople, sud the confused noise fs-rn tise streeta,sud muy eva perilaus position,seerned td hajumbed tagetisar in a tungle whicb I cossld net,put straigit. Whiile lu tisis bull-inseusibleetate 1 beard n voice shout isny nasne. ButiL isad taehbcs-opeated tivicc bs-ioro 1conidronse mysalî sufficietly tu littairvisat vassald.

IlBill! Bill Lindsay! chearup mate ! haiple ,oming V' vera tisa Word$aiat mumbled upLise sisaît.

.41tar dais tiare vas a pause los saieMin-utes ; sud scurce able te control my excite-ment, I Lsied ta tahan owis hlslp wouldcoma. Thon Lier. vas a vnrning siolited hon-e ta Soep nsy bad bas-k, follovcd by aîvbizzing, biesing noise ; and, loaSing vithinLhe sisaît, 1 auv a hs-igbt sîsrof- Igoldenspars-ke ightiag up tise vel-flke isole, sud SuavLisat a rocket had beau fired.

But IL t s-ucis Lie bsickvas-k, luiLs asceutasnd taiiled teath nil ue, se tisat onmes-areIvas laItt Laiaund hope until tisa voice againsieîîted fer nm e tSakep clous-. A momentsItes- a fiery hLil af apunke alsot upward. taraboase me, sud au earnest "'i'iauk God 1"came fromumy hast.as I g-asped ai i cordthnt fa»hy my side as tisarack-et desceudcd.

By Lis commniratiea a sLouter and stroag-cr s-opa vas sont ta me. ' But my digrvaenet oves-, fer '1n my wcakcucd sud uumbedstata it vas pas-bous ta alida devis it. Atafis-st 1 could scas-cely bruce my nos-sc up sul-fsciauhly La launcis mysaîf oer tise bricSu-osk,sud usy iend tunend dlzzy, fas- a nmosment 1tlseugbt mysaîf gesse, but cauque-isg tise fel-iug by a gireat effort, 1 alowiy desceaided uritil

Page 3: Ontario Workman, March 27, 1873


hI. i, a noticeable factin athse tant annuaeMessages cf the Govoruors ef Massachusotand Maine, thsttihese afficens cancu n lansuapoonce the opinion that the problem o clabor, in its relation ta capitali,1s tue greas,qustion cf the day. To. quota the langutagiofthtea (lvenior cf Masschusets : IlThis iss question inhicIs cannai be mnuai longer pont.ponied.p"

The sauna opinion prevaiha among the greatthinkors cf Europe. Socialism-though thetact is daeniati b>'thein Gavanimeut organe-has bunt oui afresh, asuin ha hood, lu Rusais,htinl murmuuing un Ganaman>'. And i bunî,lu lis asiies, lu Wales. The freaz>' of Con.aniuais, the thrcaieuiîîg aspect of the Inter-

*nationalie, are ioltisa offspriîîg cf an>' sympa.thy vhichithe massas havaeiitit disorticu, ouwtli agarant notions. The excesece cf or-gauizad labor, wheu t i asntes an offensiveshape, are ul> se suany> acta of seit-dafeiiceagainattih&'oppressiouui ast iniuvsions cf lîcari-le.and coutelatuuti> eîcroaching privilego audcapital# Duive tolutiepair bhauisu etatesmeasud piiauiihraiists anud capithijth sceun te

-neglect aiti ioug-i thleai, tha eita113oftoit accapisueit datigerous leader-ehip as tho Jack Cadc-acf the hour offer-innatics and demagagues,who are ittar for insane asyltime sud prison>thsa for suat a salenîn trust ae arc theainter-este cf labon.

The lima bas carne wlîon lie van hetweilaber and catla cannot ha safeiy vagcd mucblonger-. Capital must ha waraed in time !Hlonet liber doas net tnlicicisly auvy the

*granite palace uer tic ilideti equipage. Han-est aber hsnjpatienut, bîut u'tt patient untodeath. IL demnadwrk ; tain vagas ; sud ajust chatnce ta eauru ita ehare et the sai; sudsquare. recogeèitian b>' the (iovcnmeut-auuiwihii sI mili be conmtent.

Look (aunang theagreCn tumbaerftihe likeich occurnel aîl eýt a-> the Walsh strika

cf 1872 for saîmomnt, aîîd observa hein1, frouaanae sigle convulsîin, tbe greatestinhteresissvena iunpeilcdl. Tan thousaud coal mineran'e- aucad in their zcant>' mages tan percent., ný,iîl 'slruîk' B>' iis menus 41,000iro-n',tckera ware titrown oui cf ampia>'ferwnt of ceai te carry on thahu- business. Syn-pathetio indlustries hecama iqolvad, until-tram this one causa ailone--the nggregaie otunampioy'au renclhad 70,000 men and boys.Th e etit, in is hast stage, of tItis etnuiggia,n'as the spreatdcf the gh.isth>' famnue laver,sud druukaniicss and crinue, lu a district whraehealti andt tmpeunuce and content had befonepnevaied,

WVhile iutdusiry -aas tîtus suffeing, sudhoanditig np itheseeda eoft hie fartransmissiontu ie posttniity agalutctatpl, capital lockaduip is coffece andecalutly %urited fer necassit>'te reduice t beau helpice creatuires ta its terme.Iu the single case, that cf tha DowlaisIWorke-on a neamiln apeinîls sberliumg verohat nuenuployet b>' taenîtuser ! What themaek suffarcrs diti îas--.-ipiy ta sufer!The>' comnttedotreu t-spassece; neoniubreakaoccurrcd. Thoy associatcdil Tuada Unicus;"tIse>' luahi "coatcrcuiccu' vitî tihe masters.Tia>' heard ltesa e te sa>': '"IVemuet

make ciîcap uailuoad iran, anti, therefore,lioli- waqcs îîuî,-,teciie irt" Anti, finnly,wtheu the uvuif tared iii ai aven>' door of theeuutctniuiatee, tiuey silcil>' encaumbeti, sud,mnha dî'ubts i, itt hatreie t leir hante,aud secret i-ows cf vengeance aginsi udertyrants". Fou, eveut viie ire write, taetalc-graphi iufornv:it s that titese Wlsi strikeshave juti bure tint atrasit.

Rle.-tin-g lnithiis vob-anaof Haie, urbicht lerend>' tt anit'in't ttat <îilch foutht unîtuantddestruîctionî ta uu)(,ety anti te al th iiarudadgainus of seuhuise, ex-ii tde&poiheEurope lenet safe. Ttero, miereinuouarchs anditioblesrila,, and wliere pîi-iiilcgo ha rcspccted, the se-callead pnwid iulcubm egiutetafeal thpir%vealcitesa uintefast-ciuigcrisis of the cout-filt bbîvetw t.iilaor anîd capital. To maiechiDap*ltallua:î'cl iiu rcthe ijoiefi af i nugssud sptecutuarît.muile thc pîroduîcets are taritb>' the oaug f w-aut, te sue ihua lords afarisiocu-acy failul>' idiîug oer thain abaseclnecks, is mutaita icectac likl>' Yta cemmunt labiorin thuelbond wm;letaauia caut hold ttc depauit-et links of'lte sciai elaill 1uuitbnuuketl-thebondt of fi.;% Lù,-ity att-i felo5iist: ululit lîittiemnututai httecestés u aîii' usuiuesiutuiual liapes

ameng all uhaarces oaimun. The thînkans ofEurope ucouitizelte tact, antd appeni ta ticpowven ai w,-aiîhiandi bitLitetatrembleatai heseundergroundil nsuats, A-1td lbcha ivut eb--fot-e tit :tqîuac oer*et":ý.is.

An1d wm ii,ttltl tl ihie no nt hali tenu- froua

mnhîch 9 u-ap - 4. belssait ituAhi > iebhu


sabait to witnesa aithar the Gaver ument or 'partial jüstice) mncsb be 'considoed as ouiy a veal iteelf te the sanie of .rightt, that a strongcapital craating au impassable gulf batwecn succnseful teleseopa maker, and1 a very pon and laatlng impression in produced an thehlm and tha ights snd recognition which are philosopher. This absurd doctrine about the mind ; and ini proportion.- as thse person ha.

seacurcd othor mn. Mouopolie* cannot long, nature of theesun is aven naw.a-dîsys, net ex- holding it la able ta percaivo and, appreciate

fwith safety-increase the pice cf bréaclatuifs 'puuged frein aur achool books on astranomy, its baauty snd menit, just in such proportionb>' 0orna freiglits on ceraad, and combine te many cf, which stiil contain thse following sen- hua bis tuti becomo cultivatod and refined.put up the priceocf fuel when it ismuost naaded. tance ; «"Theasun la a dark body surroituded" For the amotious have beau arousaci, the ura-Politiciaus cannat nuuoh loagr-with safty- by a luninous améosphar." aginatian awaketied by thse contemplation cfdemagagna it periodicall>i with labor ; refusa Thanka to the ravolations cf. tho spectre- this haro, so superbly free and dauntieu ; ourit'whoilyouch reprasenittianas capitalseocuresq, scope, *wa hnow naw that Isaac Newton n'as ypahe ana given ta hlm and hie causa,la cammon Governueni; pasipone itâ de- penfotly ight whan hoenetim;ted the tom- sud Whau wa tara away aud seek te b. aur.

Îmanda by wiudy promises cf lagilative ne- peratura cf the soier bcdy' to ha man> thonu. selves again, we find that it la net possible, aiforme when votes are ueedad, ani then, when auds cf dogreas. Ttinhail fact, no high that, lensai for a tima, te descend ta out formersaCUra in pawer, offor atones instead cf bread accordiug te his iataments, vo, wth our levai-wo have beau uplifted ta a more nafinedte those whom they bave thus daluded aud mns intense fines, cannaI fana an>' adaquate atinasphene, and prafen te remain thene.used. Cougnes cannot much longe.-with coception of the sarine. 1 t is chiefi>'bacausa the Bcivi doe Appail9*,impunity-discniminate agahusi labor in its As a -proof of the correctunsa of aur asser- with other nenowned statues, isnflxad foraversubsidias sud other icgîsiation. Nonroaa itie :tien is te the opinions ln regard te the us- uinaneignificant aud impreaive attitude andleaders in Labor Reform ha munch longer bibed ture cf tho sun during the century precading expression that uueducated eyce caui perceivete baira>' -te capital iluose who coilfido lu Newton, we refer ta a vork, written in lis besut>'. The sanme eyes lock upon, with-them.. Latin by Father A. Kirchar, and publishaed in out aeeing, the lovelineescf eai.th and air, cf

Our fathers prompil>' recognized the theory Amusterdamn,- Hollaud, whene . a translation of water and fine, thase aleuntns vhlcl are con-which we lierea auvanco. These great men- this book ia the Dutcli lauguage appearad stantly'formiug for usnitheunost beautiful pic-tha lasi of ibese champions wa% Hanry Clay- lu 1682. Tt consiste cf twa folio volumes, andi turas and forma, avernuew, neyer tiring.clcariy saw hIiw divtinctiva «fr.-m ait ailier lat-i is ilustrated b>' man>' voodcuta and cugrav- How much the>' hase, ihose clark, half-bliadedbar Amanican labor mui be, if n'a vould lu- ing auncapperpîste. The- work is, as ail oyes. I s theinr cwuers rush through thesure perpetutiy te aur farun of gavernmeni. ivorlis of that urne ware, a cunlous mixture of crowded treets, haaiening te dail>' tl inl theAnd so the>' realy honoérail labar and legislaued 'truth and untratb, fllliiig the r"ader, in suc- imorning, ta daily reist in the -aveuing, acaingta hielp it. They clairnad for labar a fair cession, with admiratinai the patience and nothing but the gnima pavements, ar tho facestariff on enterprisa and weahh, whenl these souund judgmeîàt of thea uthor, aud then with Of ailier moles lika iheunselvas ; wbule aven-

1askad lagisiative aid. i surprise ai bis craduliiy in recürding evident head the fleecy ciande go by, veining and

Hae vho eurveys the conduci cf cuir Coun- rrons as poitive facis. The article ou tha sofieuing the azure doune, and in thse fan east-greasa ince the war, cannai shut lis ayea to suit, ile ocf the remankiable instatnces in yard the marning sun graws like a pnincelesa

the fact thai the tendoncy cf cuir legislation I nbich the author is on the aide of the nuby of the Orient, or in the fan vastward

lias beau ta favon mrtnapal>'and privile go at iruih, aud haie ven unicipatas the modern lîghis haîf the heavens wiili scsýrlet aud gold,the xpeee of omptitin ad eualrigts.ideas rasulting fraun discovenies of twa cen- and saf tly fades ta rasa and amiier, aud geutly

tha xpasa af omptitan ud qua nlhis tuiaslatr. e eu cl>'gvea abraviatad dies away hato a pale purple flash befora theAud the observersceas the'saine dirngerons fac trns laton ns, leau aily ai ta., i stcnsu euin the legisiation of Onr Stases. Lsiior bas noanltoas iealidwtngti on iigmnuhoncant, brava voice- ta protetet it in -iicsc loug.windad for reaclens of the 19,*fh century. Ta ihoLe who are able ta usec, life ha neierassemblages. Trhe railraari isbacôming the Ha anys, in substance - vearisomo, soldont sad. Te thain ail nature

chiaf daspot. Tt is absarbing aur public landes"Tîa grant anud gaod Architect cf the uni- 'speaka of beaut>', of hope, of li1e. Itini for

and ovan-mastanlng the Gaverun Ian seif, verso, lias givan us an imuage cf His Divinit>'teniagoiu unj hanaddwshuttin1 is cars agahuAt the crics of pairiot- In a body n'hicli causes ail lifa. motion anîd odraps glten un ie .rayeteho s aven l thisin, ceaf lu its salfishness, blind lu ts foly, beiug, tbe sua, vhich (as the amui or mind cf coddci'ahti ac fgaso lm

insne n ls gaad déian inus saupîlns.the universe) is, ini teniaterini n'old, the ilig vine viii make a picture for their eyes-a

Gavaraimani infactad with the contagion, ! visible representative of the invisible God ; bv y tn laelgtsdsao u eicaihiaiks cf noihing but immense jobs, whiîh 1i Ha rcated hlight and order eut of the chaos, ights-chianoscuna and points of brilliane>-

speec!>' f511 juta the gipe cf suob carrupt .nand revenled ta man the majesi>' of the in- aeual waniing ; vhcra aven bizarre and lu-

managers as ihose n'ha made up the Credit visibla power te which lie oves hie ver>' exuet- iong'tu rhtcuossfee uml

Mobilier. Wa are rusbiug .too reckslyl enaadb'heuiyanosae taasal>ibis direction. Wc muet stop, an encaunitar a " Notwithsianding Ihat vo sec the suen picrreufsquensanuie athe teninmovicollisioun ihich mn>' ha fatal to eyary clierisheri Ad.y, n'a mubsi-hoamazad ati us beaut>', sud nuatinfantearcninlt. peit tamaiAmarican iintereat. 0f n'lai avail ara the notwithstauding tuatithish given ta no man teich cargo autd the poriiy vessai, If the slip iu obtahu a correct knon'ladga of ils nature, tic Such a one-the owner <of; the educatad

n'hicbcaur nil ia embarked ha beîng scutilad question arises: - 1mni doas that glo-vlug sub- eyes--on n journay, is lka a chiid; ail thiogs

whila inae go blindi>' ai, by the bands cf des- stance cousisi cf? To ihis I auiswer that Miue area new, ail beaiful. Shut him luttan

paie mnsw» i a fery body! coût1enîsed tfrolauî. heakvcu7y crowvded ehip's cabin during a storm, andTito ramady for this incrbasing wvraug ila1rcpor, out cf whicIL hent and liglitfliow' off te while altera are frciting mirerabl>' ho wil

eimluap>ta navre-aur course.- I'ueaad of tigliui ail îlhing.5, as ont cf an in.axhausiible foutain spu lant heur in acbuiring the deli-

ing.each ailier, Capital aholî auitudy the labar cfFie ; n'hich litat and light, combined viili cate complexion ot a girl, whose naundad

problin lun sympathy mitIs inhor. The em- the acada cf the eautii, praduca tle vonderfuul cheek displayu. the rose and the Ely 'biauded,

ployer aiiould tbink mare cf the seuiiilitica vaicty cf thinizs nhiceh n'a dail>' sac bane ha- iluni the ai litais w'cre se fend cf describiuag;

of hie baunds thuan ha <osas of those cf hie loin. The sun, than, iw a splueîe, roiegh andt or thesIa ii--a re.9i, like spun goid, or like

petied hories. Capital shola idcombine tni taeI in-ce»1, cn sb Parliul/Y! iliquid and ihe gl'sy raven's '- ing. cof sormaefair lady.

lower, but ha ail pataihia ways ta alevale mette,-, wlîich îvoul. appear incredîble, if i î1-no iakliî'sue trniat ilabor. Sucli a cembination cf heariesud had not been provad b>' tte -cry ecellent terriblo subliiîîîity of air- and ocean n'ill fili his

uinda n'ouid soon resuli in the moat reseciful magnfyiu)g spy.glassca, huvntotd for the in spirit <ith t uispeakbeantin avn

recognition of labor ln ail uts achenies. Capi- a peciion cf the stars, If encbin glass ie aitach- danlos over a dasolate nonrand wnhere anuther

tal wonld sac ias interasta cheerfull>' prmatad. ed ta the bola iii a biiud ho a lark reoom, andîvoîld feel solitar>' mdcccl, anid rejaices iu the

And un thtis ira>' cr lagfislatorswouuid ha con- iured toward the sut, aut image o e .n'teama ofi, broad sketches of colon anud lifinite 4x_

pallcd ta ramemben thxt Our faundalioas ~a ma>' b thrown an a white sieta i n'll bc Panse tuaitictpuirpia Iteather belon' and the

nation reste on thaeoidren cf toil. sean tuai the surface of the sîta la nnevciî, bar,. cool,'itaz>' sk-y abane presani ta him. A

Alreridy murmure are boeard ag'ainsi a Certain sliadowvs and 1ghn, anud i,; rougli like the waves lichcni-coveredl boulder iîy the roadeside fur-

olass of immigratian. The Chinese, for illus- cf an occan, and thatith varias and is tint ta- uishas te luin bot a rcstiîg place and a puc-

irniion, must lbe dhvated ta tropical climaica. day as itn'as yaserilay. Ail of wiuieit has tue, îÇýtU ite dilicate feras nprcadling- iii iLS

Blroad as are car domaine, the epeculator luneban édscnibad b>' tcé calebratad Scheinenîîs. lîadov ara but addaui abjects ei! beant> anîd

gnaspad sa mineluof thaun that canîpctiticu for Souetimes aisea large spots, sonie Of ilienupieasura.

soli ln hccomiuîg edccpara&tea mongimmigrant dnrk, 'andtsasea igiht, are seaui, n'iici lait iOtlier.s value a gem Ian theamauetno f moncvcuiivaors ~V mut dscrminte a fvorofsevenal cinyq, somet umacs isappecar anîd reap- it repreils, lue for hj" intrimtsie haauiy ; for

nur cwn race, and au outici must be provided penn agnin af tan soic days ;tiiesc spots are ltae clear tratîslticettey of thee diamond, the

b>' capital, inm the tropical portions of Aunenica, espaciali>' sean at cert-iiiilpositain of the stau-e. ihan Ics. purea paciiy of the Ipeztri, tLù lovely

for the suuplinrt cf immnigranttOrientailain, IAil -wlio hava aven secouthtualarge erucibles "001Ot oft40 c--raLI 1, t'le uuIb, t1le 1111thyst-an much uuaaiod iin huse i-attandi prolifie for the inel-tiiig o ai i:i, ifftl noticeil the sur- Ihis-uvrtItu n'liicte ibca 1btýuitîf!il woiuaii

ne~iui.face of the %white hliietal and lthte motion îrishei amanm Of Oadueatecd eYe3 'S lirtô be-tTo usea awcll-lznoýrvn admonition "B,.aeo i ufae a oa bte daa in iaguific-cunt an ivien a uvoni:uuis ducatei

of te leauoiîe iiie th bel rngs~" o uppc->arauiee cf lte surface of thc suri. wlmeuice 1eyes observe-they cati .only sýec and appra-uaL desjiise ibis laiton 1 roblenui. Do lent leive soîIu-ýiiiesa smnoke aris,havelia-eo'eitloaif scta ri aîi' le ul acnldcialabur i ils.despnir ta i ivn wn idcalitsels. *in PRonie -nuithlu i-incrus, cii I th of A1 iî, jb>'iesîctcîindlle

Dare ol icoff atith. Chanipion ts juticl- 10-25, 1 lrfoeI Iavo ju it iaîipit Aud it is uîot mcrely objetive*henni>' thîsimaOusiidi: ty.mec i psition,'nîiîtd , nuitito add liera a p utf 'uît ia . 'l!ýat inakas an imipresion uiuiî ibaso -ge fted Unes3,eduitealio, liti ni itasiam1). aei ialte tiesa ilnagi..ofsai oiwei be-îlnheliu; ta tiese aobservera ; hbur-e ot rvfleetion coiiokîtaves au nd iM-(nien of the Communea. Let us titu solasurfaîît~ce, h evii-t fiul iiuC0uiioii w-heu heautififl things oucea seaunni a ne-isea iluceaaI(ivatttcs for justice it ail thelItalie Ireàso'ii. Vie iiiut t iiii cr1uuic-li tit h c ilied 1»' uuaînony. TIta the nind foutas aof legisltitii,, nud î-erywlicrc ýauiig c>nor jstait iîa hlr eiociiery regiouu.it- hucre lîcturea id d (weul u!iuit tili n train out iliueutlarge Luuloc-.This îiu>îe. and a iaw suiîtehîag.inlg spots, 'ilioî,ze utIid '»1'firom is ii-ausuui ; timerelatiotiseofaiatiactivemîcss tawtili u-se ai-eu the clilidreilot f , 'whunse iflu.t- he surtface, llo% iii!ih!, upî, theui aat disap. 1 fa, te bappiness, 10 u'rogress, arecaerefuili>atuce, like the dews aofhi-avett, sialilrefr-eslitpeariig, ast in a lirry <e, igtiaibyoui- t'snimcd ouit antruc-uide-ni or Subjectivelabor and catitai ali ;.-Fraieik ua~ij.iiaîx otiis and diii cutruvuts. Ail tlua-e b-nuait>' hn pe-u-cival.

who %ffi u-th- -; 't - fe edae eto î le whîu auiiates his a3-cs alevatas hi meifthe suitî ut-dl. N ititiot t i'.lbt, ecasly iiersiatitil aunl'lie aotswrtin oldttt

1ZlPCHEI'S itEMARKABILE BSRV-the on--m of t'te c-iuit..... .- l e* -drrndpotmuI etTLO-NS CNEtIiGTFE SUN. litai the suit shuiMl iîtýai-r -il îi-ouuîfusuîce%îViil h 'songn>bi.HI s-es! ]'iluoîvs ilue lita of aven'>'cranta(lil ùthiîig

-- pou-eu-ta thea lhliIcavenmîolv iae. tu(: Au--. 'fi'- animae, luhm, au-rtî,, n meabuicTua gant Ecxliub îlti<ueoiuerIsuacYaw- liltet-ft atie utia .14il4ait...... uit., l tVI- tiiaeuul tilwticturcef

trating mmnd to study the hxdden lore'oinature.

Notonly do men aad,*wome a of cdactètoyes add world upon world to the ane aphn'ôYthat contenta the unobserving, but by inter<wt-ing theinselves in the mode of life, the dationand enjoyments of ail living croatures, theyfufly use every maoment of existence. and mul.

>tiply a thousand foid that little opan of eevenîtYyears which. the mutitude fiud too long.


There in one quiet trade in the Metropoliscaruing high wages and on a large scale, thatthe public littia notice, i.e., the coacbmskeMuand I beieve it has as many branches, if notmore, than the manufacturing of a pin. Atthiassson of the year tae whole of the bran-ches are very busy, and I learn that alreàdy,the trade gives indication of an unusual briuk-ness, and forcigu orders particularly for theEast Indies aud aur colonies, are coming infast. This augmentation of trade rebouandainta the harness trades, for wbere a carrnageis "snet up, " or a niaw one ordered, a new netof harnessi is bound to accompany it, and nou*but those who have paid a harnessnmker'abill cau comprelicnd the wagcs profit of a suitfor «Ifour-in-*band," '«a pair," or a #-brough-

From. leather to Caxton !-and here typasand machiniots have experienceid a suddenrise no ona can account for. lu the early partof February, ilBan Jobuson," and ather hos-tels of that family about Fleet street, warefull.handed, and all a printer had ta do if h.were pnshed waa ta send lip.ta these tradehouses of cal; but Io ! ail at once, and with-out any apparent canse, neither typos noirmachinios are ta be found anywherc, fromFar ringdon street ta Chauccry Lane. I wou ' Itakze an affidavit the trihe have not become" hood Templars !" The late strike in Edin-burgh, bas withdrawn, I knaw, mauy non-saciety printers f rom Landou, but the numbaris net sufficient ta accout for the great califor handii in the Metropalis, and wa must setthe reason clown ta a flourishing state of thetrade, and which augure n'eU for tha year.

The tan.pits and the whole of the Bermoud-scy leather tiades, rr very active; and wenet nlot for the immense importe af forelgn, but'badly tsuned leathers, aur English leather,%vauld bie worth its weight ini golid ; and it Maynat be foreigu ta the subject ta *observe 'thaVnet many years since thera n'as a baavy excisetax on aur tan-pits; and Parliament removedtitis impqst in arder. that leather for boots.sliouid be chaapened.. I have nosamerentm->brance of the leather marchants beiug thément noisy promaters of ibis benevolent tradetransaction, and 1 can appreciate thcir effortsby having ta pay 100 per cent. more for myboots au'l leather ta repair theam non' tban Icid bcfore the. Icather tax n'as repealed. Anaid flcah-killer 1 kuon' infarms une that hiegais but; a little more for bis bides at Leaden-hall than lie did in the trne of the tAx. Thisbrings us ta the wvages quetion and the priceof laber. Wretl, bere I find that ivages alwaysril.il higli throngbiont the trade, and exceptthe japanners, thiere bas been but litile in-crense -, and tiis iîeing so-to. speak of atrtc-ihere's nothing like leather.

I uext arrive ai Icather manufâctured, and,tupan thitu impqrtant emporiuma of labor 1 haveta repartsone pauticulars that I ghau fraun atiscful and accredjtel traide a'rt è.Cri..pia,.

Thte Amalgautatel Societyaof Stb vnaikers haveiven the masterg notice of thdcr intention ta

cezise %vrk on April 7ti ext unless thcfollow-uig conditionîs are accedled :ai ailvince ofwages ta range. frain M3. ta ls. 31. pcr pair,ani a further tise uli ta 3d. (extra on workdane ait te wnrknani's home. Aàclead to this,the masterq are ta find hieini, flax, wvax, l'asie,haire, nn'is, canie-iight, tacks, &ca. Alto-,gether, I aiti informied, tibis iîîcrerasç wilI fnotiaP far short af '25 per cent. It is net niy pro-vincre teoboserve upon ibis Som Nuewbt klarningaddition ta the price of lboots. but 1 mtiy lieraremnarl that ihis a'lv:îaccrefvrs mare Io theintcrests nfithe liLi thin the liard w,arersand woanld h tbut hait liera theaibriîîg classeswouuid utt feel the " shoe jhicli. " .'tsu occurs,hawevcr, S. 'i. Znj on ta trorgots, nnclthe Men are goilng "ta Aenian arise in spring;n4 ibeir tacties wvil bc ta strik-c ail tuie -haps,itai suica.sfulI > iuld out on the lisi icet.sion."1 am notiycet iuformcd of tho incrc.aî.aor tliisbrauch of the bootmakirg, but frin sorte tradeom junis Ihes, h it il icl -,ery seyvert ]y anotItér braiclics of labar. An ýxtra ievy ouithe

Page 4: Ontario Workman, March 27, 1873


NO-*0TICE. proseoution,withdrawing the. chrge ma

WU hal e laaib ecevesea t atnti~againat Wellband and McFedries. Wi&Wu a rade seu~iu..em ausparu ofetàis omio deed, we are informed there was net thseW' ribiattoi. omncera of Tradea Unlie-. §-tr slightest evidence produoed in court tetiLImagîs, etc., an' invtod te uend 'un newa reia&Ing te

* e ucsalwconusdiion ot al.s, etc.support tise proseoutien._______________Wc have aiready froqaentaly ailudod toe

TERMS OF SUBSCDIPTIONS tise peratiens of the Criminal Law<isviAiLy bc OrANE.) .mendment Act, asd to tise large

DatAsmm....................2 00 amountof money tisat has boon expended~ Mntb.......................in tise mether country te defend actionse

* . - thathlad been taken under iLs provisions,.AD'VERTISEMENTS. adc1h teuusadln otne

Icch insertIon, ten conts e pr ine..ado h teuusadln otn"atracat Advertiacunonte et the foiiowlng raies: efforts on tise part of unionise te bave

*Obn couma, for outyer......... 00Oc this obnoxious act repealed. Now, we.........5000wish te notice that in the prosent1

................... ioo instance the Act of 1872 wvas the oe

................ 60 whieh vas quoted for tise- action; and~ee olumn, for 50aontw...........8000Cib . . .... .. 46 00 wbat je ineant by tise terni 41Act of

Qurtr".............26 00 1872," muet be understood) not tise# 15600Orne columa, for 3inonths ................... Trades' Union Act itsecf, bat that Il<nu-màil .4. .... 3000C necossary incumbrance wvhich kilts itsIgre"' 4. .. .. 17 00

et d ::*.* 100 power for good," -tise Criminal Ansosd-W VAil communications ahouid bc addressed'to the ment Act. There je net tise ligistest

MSe, 124 Bay Sret. or t0 Poat ciSc. Box 1025. doubt but that tihe Tredes' Union BillWo wùh it to bc dlastity swdertood that w. do not wii esasatts i otie bu

Wad ouracivea rcsuonsible for the opinions of correapon- wi ral lthoddcrisabudents. restraint of combinations, and ail' tisat

Our coiumss are open for the dLscussion of ain que-ttons affccting tho working elasse. Ai communications kind of thing, bas been foand. te be per-ma#t Se accompani.d S>' the numos of th. writers, fnt fectly effectuai te aniswer tise purposesaêcoaarily for publication, but as a euaraatco0'oS gd for wbicis it was introduced,îud je, in"bt.

WILLAM, SLEETH & MÂ&CIifLLAN. aIl respects te ho regarded as a substan-iai, good aud hoeet bill, and is a comn-

plote charter legalizint, Tradei' Unions;Trades Assembly Hall. but se long as iL jseoncunsbcred -%iti tise

second part-tise Criminal Lai' Amend.Meetings are held in the following order a-mnent Ac-it wilt nover accemplisistise

Machiniste and Blacrnitsi, evei'y Monday. parposes designed by its introduction.Painters, lat andj 3rd Monday.' Iftise Crimisal Law required amesd-GOacimakers, 2nà snd 4th Monday. ment, it eertaiuly slseuld bave beenGispins, (159), lat ad 3d usdy amended - but -iL shouid bave been doseILO.S.C. Lodge 356, 2nd and 4th Tuesday.Tinamithe, 2nd ansd 4th Tueaday. by an Act whiih bad sot refereuce teGigar Makers, 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Trades' Unions alose.Iron Moulders, eveny Thuraday. We are 'glad te know that action isPlasterers, lat and 3rd Thuraday. being teken by the habor organizationsTrades' Assembly, Ist and Srd Fiday. oflim ciueisvn nvc'tsBricklayers, let and 3rd Friday. orepeal c hiojcn,,abte uinvew de*eopers, 2ad and 4th Friday. rpa fti betoal mnmnPrinters, lot Saturday. Act; and tise Toronto Trades' Assembly,Bakers, every 2nd Satsrday. Ottawa Trades' Counseil, Hemiltocn

~ Canadian Lahor Uuîty, Provincial GrandLodge, K. O. S. C., aud other associationsthat mey bho evi ng in this mater, may

TO~OTTTRDY AC 7 83 take this firet action under the IlAct cfrNO -'SDYbAC,2,173 18 72"-so far as Canada ie conerned-

as an occasion te l"point a moral," if/' HE RILIA.TRADE ISPTE.net te Iladorn a tale."

We aliuded lest week te the faeL that If men render themselves ausenabie tea difliculty bad oceurred in Oriiiia, be- tise ]aws cf tise ]and, iL is right that thetween four Knigits of St. Crispin and bonor and dignity of Lise lalg sbould hosan employer. Tise fncts of the case, se05maintaincd ; but iL is higis time tha .t iLfar' as voe au bears, are sinsply tlsese :_sbould be put eut of tise pewer of anySome time ago, a Iodge cf tise K. 0. S. C. man, in a spirit Of spitoeand pettywas establielbed in that village. A bil evenge, te taire men from their occupa-of weges was drawn up, wisich M'as tiens inte a' court cf law, and bring asubmitted te tise employers, and withoat charge cf Ilcsnspiracy" against thens,any hesitation adepted by thora, each witisout the ffligh test tittle cf evidenceemployer signing thse bill. All vent on te sabstantiate that charge beyond tise

.satisfactenity- titi a veoir or twc ago, fact that tise Amendaient Act declaresvison ose et tise emptoyers-Fitzgerald iL e criminal action te -1ceerco,"andk,' name-teok exception to soine por- if a man who happons Le ho a tradetien cf tise bill (aitheugh hiaving up te usionist but spesîr te anothor under tiief'tisai ime paid iL vitisout densur), and circumstasces we have named, iL Mayrefused toe psy iL. The mes employed, be ut once infenî'ed that ho is usingcensiderng that faithbhad been brokes "ceerciÔn;" and, in defesding liisciwith tbem, refused te wcrk, aud "struck" against sueh a charge, not culy ia tthetise shop. Ultimately, communication man's Lime bLoste b im, but legal ex.was isad betweeui employer and empleyed, Penses bai-Q te ho incurs'ed; and aaud tise resuit w-as tisat the mes were te statute se confuised and se andefised,resuae venr under tise old bill cfvwages. entrusted te tise definitions cf unprof'es-This vas considered satisfactery; bui sional magistraLes, rendors iL quite pos-vison the men went, te vos-k M4r. Fitz- sible, and mor'e tisas probable, that in-gerald dischurged ose cf Lisons, and, nocent men, besîdes hein,-,piaced at tiseunder tise circumstances, tise oth ers, morcy cf vindictive esnployers, suuay hoconsidering that tise man discharged punishcd fer a crime they noves' evenwas beiusg made tise. victim, refused Le eOîtomPIated.go ta work unless al vere pheced just MINISTERIAL CRISIS IN GREATas they isad been befone tise dispute. BRITAIN.Tisetise employer refused, and againthe nmen left thse shep. After a f ew dasys, Tise uisis in Great- Britain bas endedtwo cf the meus viol'uted tiseir ebtîgatiois in the retuirs of Mn. Gladstone sud bisby "going back" upon tise lodge; sud boleaguos te power. Tise ConservativewAnf.te work for 14 r.itgnsd The p)arty beisg in a minonitv in tise House,

feurteen days succeeding the correctParliamentaî'y openiug cf tise Legisla-Lune. Tise Houso tises divided on tlîerecepties cf the petition, and resulted asfolevas: fur its receptieus, 72; againstiL, 76.


Tise Provincial Grand Ledge cf tiseLoyal Orange Association for EasternOntario,whicls beld its session in Ottawaast week, elocted tise follcwviug grand

officers :-Pro. H. S. Macdonald, M.P.P.Brockviile, Rigist Worsisipfuil GrandMaster; Pros. S. S. Peck, Windsor, andA. Br-oder, West Wiîs-eefer, RightWorshipful Deputy Graind MastersPcv. Pro. J. Norris, Onseusce, GrandChaplain; Pr-c. J,. S. Wod, Belleville,Grand. Tresatrer; Pro. A. Vaulug-en,Keene, Grand Secretary; Pro. D. Ewing,Dartford, Depuity Grand Sccrtary;Bro. J. Hoînica, Kingston, Grand Lee-tarer ; Bro. Wns. lenderson, PortGranbhy, Grand Director of Ceroînonies.Tise uext annual session wili ho beld inPort Hope.


Mr. Yoursgr, Member for Waterlco,'onWcdesdy.of iasL week iutroduced a

bilt te provide for taking tise votes atetections for 'niembers cf tise Commons,by baillot. Tise bill vas introduced andrend e first tisse. We ire not-yet iu vposlition te give Lise particulars of tisebill, but hope te do se at anuesrly date.

»Er- The Tîitors' Protoctive Union,cf St. Catisarines, bave presented teLiseir emptfoyerg a rcvised bill of wages,sud Lise cmp!oyel'e are te give S au swersext teek.

JOHN KELZ, 'MEROIIANT TAILO1.-WObog te refer te this gentlemuan's card inianotisen colunîn. IL ivilibe sioticed Lisat hobas receivcd>bis Sprixsg stock cf goode fororderedvenr. We cail coxfidetly rocm-moud vonkitîgmen te ahane their patronagewith Mr. Kola, as ho is geverned by Lthemotte of '.' amail profis and quickir e-

,ýW~- For firiL-celass Job Printisig go te'tise WoBtxurÂiOffico.

cîency, courage, Lise enpncity cf endus'-auce, and cf perseves'ing devotion tefar-reacising plans. Alas for tise mass orwveman Who lias not lcarned te work!They tire peor crnture.-, indecd. Theykuow not tisemeelves. They dcjsend ciiottiers, vitis so capacity of m'.kingretuns for tise support tisey give. Andlot tlsem net fancy tisat tliey have amenopoly cf enjcyment. Base, rest,oves iLs deliciousuess te toil, aud no toilis ge hundensome as thse rest cfIiim viselias nothiuug te task and qaieken bispowes's. liencewo ase w.irsantd te saytisat matinal lahox' is a grant gond ; iut.lu so àaying wvo must ho anderstood tes-peaircof miser in its just proportions.ln excess iL dccs greet liarin. IL is netgood wbcin made tise sole werk cf life.IL muet bc joincd witis higiser mnisofiruprovosuent, or' iL degrades inste:sd cfexalting. Man bsaîs e varions nsature,wiviscisrequires et variety cf t-ccîîpiitîossand discipline for iLs gs'owths. Study.nieditatioss, Society, jind relaîxationslsould ho mixed Up ivitis pli*yasii toile.Tise meaneet ]aborer hns intellect, hceurt,im'agination, taste, i.,w-cil as boules anldMuscles, and Ise is* greviously wsrougcdvison cômpetled te* exclusive dî'ssdgeryfor hodiiy subsistance. Unsasppily, ourproscrnt civilisation is far from rcaiisingtîsis idea. IL tends te increase tiseamoait cf malna i elit tise very Linethat IL rendors tLis iL les f.1verable tethse culture of tise mmnd.

Tise division of labor ýviii distin-gisses civleiîzeod fpm gavage life, andte wisich veowoe eîifiy tise pe'füet.ioncf tise arts.. tends te dwarf tise istehco-tuaI powers, hy confininà tise activitycf tise individual Le a narrow range, teoitfeu' detils-îerhaps te tise hoading cofpins, tise pointiug cf sale, or tise tyingtegetisor of brokon strngs-so SisaL,visile Lise gavage bas bis ftiteiltiessl-Iarpened by varions eccupatiosA andisy expilsureto varions perils, tise oiviiizedman trends a monotoncus stupifyinground.of untlsinizing toil. Tisis canneS,must net atvays ho. Variety cf action,correspending te tise variety cf Isumanpowers, and fiÉtted te devebope aIl, is tiseme0sS important eieme'st cf humas c'ivi-.lization.. In proportion as Ohitianityshall Rproad Ljse spirit cf brotisénlood,


A Hamilton. correspondont writeto Assurning it for fact that the 'workingthe cdl s folowsclasses stand in need of elevatios, where-

I will add, as tfie resuit of My own in does it coniit? or *bat ie the trt*ieenquiries, that there is. every prospect elevatien* they ou ght te aspire after ?of a very large building business heing By the elevatien of the workisg classesdoue inllamilton the incomisg season,if wewere only sure efene thingnamety, we do nlot moan that the laborer is te.that we are 'te have neosrikes this be raised abovo the need of tubor. Wespring. If we have no strike, a great cannot expeot a series of imprevements,deal of -money wil hbc laid out on b7uiid- wonderful as theyhv be'urn hing this season, emp!oyment xiii bcet ees i rmbt al

actie, îon-ywili bc in pientiful circu- past ycartereseimfo bidallation, and retailors wriit do a full and werk. Stili more, we cari bave neprofitable businse. PBit if thero 'is te desire to dismis imn frem his werkshopbe a big strike, as is talked of in sorne and farm, te tako the s;padcansd axe fromquarters, thon look out for hard tîmes, bis band, and te mako bhis life a longelosing of shops, and stoppage of bui-bol idaî. Surcly we wouid flot change,nes. I venture te say that in ail this Iamn. by ne meas oxiigger-atinig cither the if we could, our suiýjection te physicai* 1ppreheneion in the publie mind here laws, our exposure to hunger and cold,with regard to a generai strike, or the and the necessity ef constant confliitsdisastroui consequences in Hamilton with the material werid. We wouldshould it take place. 1 fnot, if wvo could, se tcsnper the elements

We sbould imagine tihe animer te the that they shouid infu.se into us onlyabove query re8s a geed deai With the gratefful sensations, that thcy shouidemptoyers. We da not know what the make vegetatien se exuberant as te anti-request of the men ef Hamilton in the cipate evcry want, and the rainerais sebuilding tr-ade is iikely te be. If the ductile ae te offer no rcsisetasce te ourrequest be reasonable it shouid be strongth or skil. Suecb a %vorld woutdgranted; if otberwise, let steps be taken maire a, contomptible race. Manualte convince tbem of tbeir wrosg position. labor is a school, in* which mes lireLet net faisè pride on the part of cither pîaced te get esergy of purpose andemployers or mien prevont recourse te character, a vastiy more important es-every reasonabld means to adjust their dewmentthnalteianngoaldifference. other sehools. The laborer is placed,

indced, under bard masters, physicalCENTRE TORONTO.- sufferinga and wants, tihe power of fearful

-elenients, and the vicissitudes of alOn Friday last, iMr. Edgar objected; humnan things; but tiicse stern teacisers

te the reception of a petitien eomplaining do a wvork whipli no compassinate,of the undue return of M4r. Wilkes, the intelligent friend could do for us, andmember for Centre Toronto, on the ts!ue wisdom 'will biess Providence forgrousds that the time specified for thse! this sharp ininistry. %Vorkwe ail must,receptien of petitions bad expired. The. with band or head, if wve mean te bringquestion was debated pro and con, and ont and perfect car nature.at a general requet of thermembers the But more: labur bas great dîgnisy.matter. was aiiowed to stnd over tillI t is not.mercly the grand instrument byMonday.' The debate -%vas resumed 0on which the earth is eversprend vitlsMonday night, and the question weii fruitfulness and beiuty, and the occanventilated. The Speaker rtuled that the subdued and *matter wrou-ght into ini-petition sheuld be rcceîved, as in bis numerable formns for comfort and orna-opinion thse fourteen days provided in ment. 1[t has a far bigber fusetion,wbich te receive petitions meauttiewih atçrvfnnM th dId

there wiill and.- muet bc a more oqualdistribution of toils and means of -lm-prevement. That systein of-laborwhiohsape the heaitb; nand shortens lifo, andfamishes intellect, neods, and mnuetrecoive, groût modification; stilil aborin duc proportion is an important partof our presbnt toil. It is tihe condition6f all oîtward eoiflorts and improve-ments, whilst at the same time it con-spires wîth higser monas and influencesin ministering to thse vigor asnd growthof theoimmd. It is, tises, ne part ofphilauithrepy which -%vouId elevate thetaborilng' ciss te exempt thins from,manual lahor. lit trrrth, a wise ])hilanf-threpýy would, if possible, persuade almen of ail conditions te mix up a mca-sure of this toil with tiscir othor ptursuits.The body, as ivell as thEcnslnd needsvigorous exertion. [nd even thse studîeuswould be happier were thcy trnined tetuber as well as te ttsînk. Let us leurnte regard manula toit us the truc discip-line of a man. Net a few of thse wieest,grandest spirits bavc toilcd at thse %orkbencis and thse piouh .- People's.Jourieal


DIon differ in their opinions as te wbatis work and what je play. Ho* whothreugh a long summer'r, 4ay swvingé'aslcdgo, pushes a planc, or foltows.a plow,naturaliy enoagi imagines that haivîngnothing te do is a blissfut state cf 'ftîirs,and that play is a state cf re.st or' idle.ses; on the other hand, and abie-bodielmas,7 poseessed of ail active brais, finds,doing nothitig thse lardcst kind of work.

la those lnutter yeurs there is neoslallamuuteof attention paid te muscle. Brainfeels tise need ef bi-av-vigrous, phy-sical exercise@evon though it bc for thsetîme fatigueing. la Dot neccssarity anunplcasnt excitemnent, and the> rewar-tdit brings, in red biood, digestion, arndSieep, is well werth havisg'r. A -reatdeal cf ou r play is work of thse soughestkind. This is true cf rewving, swimssing,bal-playing, and and a huîsdred ofeotherdeligbtful exorcises. H1e wlso fotiows atrout stream ail day nsay calltihie sportby whist evei' saneiec chooses, but it iswork n leyertiseless.

0Of ahi work, brais labor is thseumontfigis.One cas dreptlsiupliciests

ef bis trade and tihe dàys work is ended,but the cares cf the offilce and tihe busi-ness cross tise throshoid of' honme, mîarthe peacecof the. dinses' heur, asndfri-hten away slecp, or ast icast huntone's drearne.

Work is agrecabie aud enjoyable verymach in proportion as the ebjeet souightis desiraîbto and att:sinabie. It is netvcry maucli te ho wondered ut thut monNvork with increasing carneetuese as theyacisieve notable sueeess in life, for manla se constituted thant he loves power,sud Mnsy gives him. titis. Tite morexnoney thse more poer.

Habits of oconossy are vcry i mportantiiu tise relation tlsoy bear te the happi-i-ess of tbc individual. lHe who gainsand boids bas ail cencouragemenut te goon gainisg, wlseras if oîse's -'tins slipttrougls bis fingers, se tîsat hù iindé; himi-seif as poor ait tihe und of.tise ycur aswlsen he begssn, hc saturalty grows dis-eCtsuiraged andi work becomes îrksome.

The love cf lmoney niay ho, and witb-eut a question je, tise reot of usuicîs ovil,but iL is aise the germ of much -.,ood.Whorever it exists thore are ci tics, com-merce, manufactures, aigriculIture, edtica-tien,' art;- vhere iL docs net oxist, thereis barbarieni. Tise right thiing fbr evcrymans te do is to try te geL on in lifie.

Page 5: Ontario Workman, March 27, 1873




(To the Ediftw' of fibe <btario 7Worlan<o.)

DEAnSI,-haglthe t)rogreusscf theworking classes is being cvidencad by thcuist uiidoubtud slignes, and in ne sense ai)strllingly as la thoir coming together in in-telligent counsel, te express their feeoling«sonitnaiters that directiy concern thon%.Sueli densonstrations have not Iléon with-out their effect la cau8isng-favorable legisin-tien in the intcrcst cf the wvorking classes;but no)twithsatitnding this progress and itsfavorable resîsîts, tIhe workilsg clasises. have1yet muchLn lta ban before tlisir influencewill lie fully rcognizod mand fruitinilinproinotimsg suiclirefornma as ai intelligentworkingmcn se nitncîs dosire. Party differ-ences h." lo)g-bcn the basse of Ilbor pro-grees ; and, as evinced iii tiee meeting- heldins Hamnilton, can only bo productive of tihemcst- disasirous reanîts. IL is realiy sur-prising tisai at a meeting such as the oeheld in Hamnilton, calcd by workinginen,and presided ever by worlcingmein, to con-aider questions which beiong te labor, andhave becoine th e propcty of wor-higmenby being placed before the country by thosewbom they have cisosen te create and ad-munister our lawa, that unity could net hcfeund te exist. Mlsy in the nainecof coin-mon senso could not the wcrkingiiicu ofHamnilton ineet ctlbnly together te discusstîsose inîasures thit are dasigned by theframuers thercof te affect directly tise laborof the country ? And net go as Grits orTories, îshi~hcan ilonly lie produeitiv.e ofciscresut: thai of dividing ibose whosenîiterests arc identicai ; therchy cxposiagtise weak points in the unenîsin of lalior.Workingnuen should reîiseînber lti neithercf the existing parties are parties of labn,that neithien iili give the reforins we needeept ini coitiplinnce with the demanda cf

a well-directed ansd united agitation ; anidtisis agitation can neyer assume thse propor-tions tIsai the truc friends ef labor neforuiwotuld wisls, or thai would warrant actionon the part cf our law-makers, se long asthé workers appear on the hoards as Gritsor Tories. IL is reforais Nve need ; asnd assuilpporters of suds nîessure-measurca ac-knowledied to be of a nature te premuotethecblit iiterests of labor, that we shouldcomne, and bing ail our influence te bearon the powers that lierno inatter cf whatparty, and get tlsose ineasures enacted fi%thç very best possible shape te subservetIse intencsts of thse industry o! aur commusincountry. I hope thai workungmen in thiiscountry ini future will not appenr in publicas Oits or Tories, but ratlier as rationalbeings, ta appreve or dondeain measurfsthat directly concera thona as producers.True, our Ljocal Legislature have bandledmore questions, during tie teriu that Wsniow dr&wissg ta a close, - questionistisai nay bec considercdl worlcîngnien's ques-tions, ilian any cf tiseir predecessors ; andtlîough tlshey have beau dealt with iii aniost superficial îmaniner, ne cannot Ainsiour eyes te tise facitInht tîsis la, trî say theIcast, ais ackiioviedgnscîîit of the iseed oflegisation in th(,-imterest of labar, whichiiiisust bu asiended by sul';icnt sessionsof our Lerishstmsre, and brought mocre iin ac-cord iijtIste views .111(lisants of tîsose for

whos iesaqîssl:oîs verr isîicndd..Ow

fissession, and it i initise power cf tisatrepresoîstîsti vt udly b :sneliorate the oil-dtioîs of labos'. lls h ie Traite UnionAct, gaod ini iteclf, lait freiithted îith aisiiisiccesesry ecidîsusmrsce tisat killg ilspoiwer for good tî tIse Tî'ades Unions4,ksiîiie stlîe Ciîiiîîail Lu%,; AnenluientAct. Il is tihe snaninisous wisli cf fthe,torkuingiiiels to have ibis repealed, ftnd insany beboîiing i.rte tIe party in ii p vr aiOttaswa arc trie te thieir promises we milhlave sucs leislation ; and if the exps'esseddesire cf the wtorkunlgmelisnthis respect isnegiect ed by tise Ministerial pmrty lci tiseOppositioni siakeLtise attesîspt, and thoughtlîey shîould fîil, tlscy womid establish a


feudalism, property aliavo man- a meansby wbidh the lansd grasper may ceut fifty ora huncred votes imuitaneouely at a gen-oral electien by certiicate.. He may noverlave sean the property that the hardy,strsiggling backwoodsmaîus l niaig'valu-able by is laber on tIse adjacent landebut sill bu muest have a voice ini con-trolling tise destinies of ibose hardy sons1cf nature iris have tak'an thpir lives in1thoir biande, asnd gene boldly'forth ta re-idcciii fraîn thse ilderacas and sîak.e valu-ab)le tisai nischs ias vaîseles wýiulst. tiselabnr cf inan. I muet forerer cbject toInan's francdhise liung .liased on any otilerlisis than bhdnor and înnnhoed. 1 noticearso tIhe cevert opposition given by tIselion. gentleman te tise Ballct; consideringthai îsany cf lus supporters arc pledged tetheir censtituents, wiih lus knowledge, tosupport it, coine witî very badl grace. Onthe wlole, hanever, thse bill is xo indefinitebliat comsment is premature ; for it is lardte say nîsai shape it will assume bcfore itemomes law. Tise Oppositicon have a fine

oppcniunity te showv to wbat exicut tlseyare Reformera. Mr. MýcKenzie's rensarkson tIse Bill bad somethiîsg of the truc ringabout theiu. .Manhîood Suffr'age la wbatwe waîît and are prepared for in tisis coun-try ; ansd if tle leader of île Opposition iswllliisg tu net as wchl as apeak, lhe in in apositin ste force tihe isapung of ihis Bill tea very groat extent sîpon thc Government,'and it wl not blic fotien by ilsose interested.

Yeurs, etc.,JOHN rHEWxrm.


(To tihe Edi tur.of thse (Mario lVo,'rcnî..

Sn,-Fior the enke of abbreviatienIiadoi tiseaboya emptien, ilougis îsy ne-msarks %rul be principally on thse hiring cfprisons labor te contractera. And aitîshistusse it perblîmîp woîld be as ws.hi te fore-shadow my intention <'f dealing iith ihisquestion liy argument, evideuce and corns-msent. 'My ie being priiscipally engrossedini attendimsg toîssy private affaira, any lapsislinfina. or slip cf tise tongue, iviii perhapslia excsssed ini one mule je a grenuine work-ingenan, and whis now, as for the lasttwenty-fomir ycars, has toilcd ln a wonk-ahepfrom mnsmung tili nighlt, and hîke tihemajoity of lus clas, a, liss tile vcsance ferrecreation or pursuit of knowledge. 1therefos'e as], indulgence for aiày seenslngambiguty on gr'anmmaical mnisiake.

Em'ery pcrsom's mind is pecular, thlîc-fore 1 cant expeet ail nill agruce wiils msein îny remnaar's on tisis question. I shalleicmply satisied if 1 cais conviîsce souseof thsose iris noniv old a différent riew,that refonsîation shoîild lie tise fret dutycf tîsose lîaving charge over prisoisers.

Conîfinement le by sema looked uîpýon aset menus cf pusishuîseis, uriile ailiers vicwrit us a mîeanson i iisdering crinsinais transceaiinitiing ofleuscea tasst the iaw ; yet1imîîot see tise reasen for tise uicepiasuceof eiher oi these alone, huit tak'e h tIsaithscy shcîsld be supplemseîsiary to tIse(une,

gilîsdolject tIsai shscsld aniroate tise breasiai overy ene, namely, nformuatiais. Tobe conssisteai, tisose ii.ldfiîg tise "fî-msons viaw elîould urge tihe eternal comune-nient of ail persois leavisîg thse smoral ursil;ansd tisese holding the psisîîuisueat ieaantîrely negiecteues of tihe grauid laws cfCiîisiiaîsity. Vc suay tienmt ne nay liefgircis osr sie, a iref orgiva tise -is cf

otîsers; yùt tîsis lei's ctically peut aside,ansd vengeance is carmried tu tise utunst.

Ljolthîsese nirew are emineîitly slient-ilted anîd geliif-,I. ansd will mmci for cise

iîomssosst csîp ids i'efes-natien. Pis-iliiist'î t deliaSou>, kisdîess i isprcx'es usrecil'pisit. Punislmseni bardnsstîe cri ssi-assl's isheurt, maid inicites Iisi te thougisaofretalimution sncmi naoppressons, as lhe coisidersthems; maid bnoodiîsg aven tihasîis«ti of futur'even.ige.tntce la cvideîiiiy allytlsiig but ma steptoivruds anmussilieit. h tdacessci reqîsireamîythsîîg ilie a vivid iumaginatuions touimsaginse-1. l>'ri»ýwte', (01, if yon Elke il botter', ahasidesîed crimîinal,) '' îîtteriîs eîse iuthsouîgh deep " ai ii'lat lic i may thisk miss

noc emse a1ussemuns.timsirm i t ii i .iissîg tise imve iio owr te sepresemît, uishfesi; utisor-issoraha cf a lisais, alii isi ssi saleciatîiei ized todo so. If 2%1. Parker hsmd bliseni-hsoiet. I thiîsk silietten î'my wii'uld hie to gaged a I mîims, tise iiitei'csts cf morlcigsienalton his ith]isi iicareeratuîi njsti cui ansïd tlueur fmuîilics, wotild lbe butter ad-clliiosigîs 1< giu'c huit istille, smiden ps'oler vaîsccd, leiig mt is-oîie aller six o'clock.iîsstrtieti,i, te hean Îi tie ins actud sii- *Iflise iras eves-droppiusg cii Locosmuntivejuistly tý).ausmrfs hiis elli ma un, mid thîii mu j Street, lie.s'equied to hava lus CuresSharp-wnamsg u(âmiee an ic vos'briigisu ppisese tûe emed, for al hi tîsml ven I sjsokc agaisel muntIhe î'ramsgdoer ; tu isiprees cmuu'îcstly, the amseidissesut lrossght iin by tIse letides' oftiiomiglihslidiy, iliat tise Oppositimu t tc)ise Lien Lmaw Billivisicls

Hli ier . ic»' a kîsa1Ve ie disapproved of. Cciisistiucy ! SiluliWiso nouSt uipey Sm thse ga-,leaders !Sitesifolloivers! 1 chs» mo ro

Or5 1:'zeeîset thce .iuimtaititoi liLseut to ctilîsb, iatîiiiîi i teoi tiamin ijial wciîis lanaitedOir a hueant, hoîîuves' l'i, fo)r thc hemsgthu of its tmu'î mumd ilss tuîpiliiy.

I si mii ~5pthy 'debaî're 1 Mn. ltaniser mîsmst-ii l ses-y coisfisaedl1'at imdsess' coicli meStommes sîi cîîmiter i. te, ms. heie jutIsefrst lscu eayîu tlise

1 dm515 fmtiisy saise nîssdor msug:"Do iseassiires uitilly affect tIhe -oiicrîsg classesyoli t hsîssk i.bhil hiluitly Sisssit b t I sepuy d ,thiey arcie sf01 lil thiirdly, thiuyitsxcs fr tis iort'of tliisg, muid kicq l i suare îlot %'orth thle lîspon thecy îrie pr'nitud

5<enr ners eo sVlNt sofaat, my friend.NOoe ovor expected yu, would quietlysubmit te axiy such thing. Work is. ànocossity tewardis the reformation of acriminal, and 1 do neot sec %Yhy that workshould not be of a'reanunerativo kind. Itle very likely. a prisoner would willinglydo any useful labor. Personaiiy, I abomi-nate ail kinds of prison eranka and tread-mailla. This in net a joke ; I amn in earnestin the mtitter. At the saino time I woulddevote a portion of time each day to theinculcation of moral lessons, put in an in-teresting and attractive ferras. If a prisoneris. taught to tako a pleasuro in work andmoraiity, the natural colîsequence will bea return te an honèst mode of living afterhis terni of inîprisonuînt ln conipleted.Work should *be reinunerativo for tworeasons. Piratly, no man cau take picasurein labor that la of noa service. If a manswas to pull a cranlr frain ïnorning tili nighitlie wvould soon get diugusted with it, andinstcad of industry, laziness would becomothe ruling power of hisiniind. Secandly,it. in but just that eacis prisoner shouid paybis share of expenso lu the administrationof justice and the intidental'fexpenses ofhis confinement. Yot this iene reason hoshould be sold as a slave to the highestbiddèer, and every mode cf whipping hiasto laber resorted te, e..cept thse direct appli-cation of the lash. e

By experience we can judge of the de-gradation of the slaves cf any nationality."Dieguise thyscîf as thou wilt, still,Slavery, ilîcu art a bitter, bitter draught,"wrote Lawreunce Stern; and slavery, dis-guised under the cloak of a contract. willeuhll be bitter te the slave. Ne hope cf animprovenment in industry can lie entertainedunider the feeling cf being drive» to toilfor the lien eft of speculati.ve and avaricionscontractors. A prisener muet becrmade tefeel that loieni confined for bis own benefitprincipally; and if once lie understandsthat ho iii worked solcly for the benefit ofindîviduala who have no further interest inhias, there is an end to any correct indus-trial ideas being plassted within himi. Itevidently follows that gond, lionest, carnestand competent mnen muet be appointed asofficers in a prison, if the best resuits arcte lie attained. Mly opinion is that theyshould bie appointed according te ablity,teitted by conmpetitive exanîjuiations,' andirrespective cf political opinions.

I have yet ta bcarix that the care of ourprizoners ean be justly entrusted to amn because le bas been an active poli-tician, and probably active in view cf anmesudh lerth, where hoiecau get a large salaryand dodge thé %vork. It is itore crinsinalto bu gîilty of suicli 4 jobs " than anv crime'short of humais ife. Tite thouglit of ourcriminals-crirninal, ofien tirrougl povertyunavoidable-beimg driven, houniided andtortured by political partisans, wvthout onetboughit for improving tise mtoral conditionof their charge, is one that n philantbro-plat cau endure wlithout grief. It wvilllieu8elesa te appeal to those who for " filthylucre " can s e sight cf ail decency andjustice as te traffic in the sweat cf ourcriiiinal population, and tracte upon las-morality and crime, and at tlieir periodicalbanquet gloat over the large dividenderesulting from profits on crilise.

Yours, &o.,J. *W. LEVESLEY.

Il A -M I L 'r ('N .

(To t/lu .Eilih' cf tflic tu Z. 'l['f.ir mn.

SR Ivyconscience isevur uccused nmeof having done aytlsing ws'owg, Is ia

nizting held in tlsie city. [t. ias yotireditormai wlîiclc.'sled forth iny letier: Iiras »,> se troublcd lu 'mid or con.cienceas t0 attack an editor of a paper on Sisndayfur pnblishing the proceedings cf thateveninn ; neitlser did 1 lîold any nsectissgtrylng te explain away facti that canîsot lie

denid. 1arn sorry Mr. Parker lias goetinto such a deleinia. I licard the meetingcslled an" indigntion " ene by ai Tory.Hâd thse Managing, Comunsîtie of said incet-ilig inivitcd me la J. Mowast, I %vould havebeen thora ; bt the invitation n'as given

on. Now whicl of thene siatemousadoeshe wish us te believe 1 What a splendidrecord of acte dons la refar mc to for theshort tima the Tories bave been in power!Thue Act cf 1812, cf wiicl Mr'. Parkerspeake, je as defective as any aci tIsai evorcmanated f rom any Governxemis,, and lasmore need of boing amended ibat aayother on tIse statutes cf the Domnioin ;for in raality, as it passed, it docs noViveus sny ioro protection thaïs ne anjcyedïiormerly. Persp the nexi abi wil lic toecnd us'te tle B.y of»Gaspe, and lie ceuni-ed no boiter than codfis ; or bandcnffedas tIse gve five gas etokers cf Landon nere,Fand nIa ara noAseerving tiseir tarin cf la- 'prienineat uîsder an aci cf niuici île eneiutneduced by thea srcl-deciver of tleworkingsnen of tîsis fair Dominion, in afac nsilp. In acitishe second -" haborn'achd.>' Dees Mn. Pariker cm siay otser mncauni hiruseîf a slave by sdlling lhi& habor 1The case le differeat iith tIsa ciminal nîsebas forfeited bis ireodoin by breaking tleiaws ai lus country. The comparison is in-tconsistent. Hlisatieneuer for Kinga-ttei s ad te be'kept ini power by the profitscf tiha labor of tise convicts in tle KingstonPenatentiary 7Inh conclusilon, one morequestion: Wjll Mr. Parker show te thcpublic iiinIai way I bave lice» uaed as atedl, 4r deserted any gond cause tIsai I an-gaged in 1 and-.1 sali lel gueatly obiiged.

Yomrs, reapectiîmihy,JOHN Mon-LT.

Hamilton, Mardi 24, 1873.f


(To the Editor of thse Oittar-le J'VorkLmcm.)Sit, -On île Sthi mat., tIse molders of

ihia city met un gond nunibers aitishe Vic-<toria Hall, ai a supper held i li nni' ofithein Interna.tional Presidemut. Aller aspheijustice bad been doeietîe "goodt isg1provided bytise praprietor o! thehbuse,toasts ànà nouags rere tise ordor cf the day.The fini icoast iras, " The Iran Moulders'International lUnion." Mr. Saffron, Presi-denît I. M. I. U., aîsd Mi'. Waltens, of thiscity, responded te tisa toast. Mr. Saffrongave anuiîstenetiiag historical sketch cf therise assd pragresa cf tise International«Unionu, nîicis ivas organized lu Phladaîphian onme tiirteca. years age.

Ho spokze cf tle groat apparent changeln tise molders af America simîce tlat urne.Had tIse men cf Phuladeiphsia thoughu onlycf thsems'elvee, tise irade would non be farIower thasu irIati h ven n'as tisei ; butihsey Isad eîssmobicd thiseches by assistîngte elovste tiseir fellon enftsînen. Hesaid tînt tise Iran Moldcrs' International'Union irvas ane <of the het ,os'gsîizaf sons inAmerica ; ansd itistise assistansce oi Na.26 and ail othen stîbordunate unsionsa, hirould rank tIsheiti tlhe norld is 1874.Tiîoy irare banded togeuber nuls tise IronFotsaders' Saciuty of Eng«,iaitd.and Scotland,ln tI4e exclsniaig cf isuambers maid alan bysyînpatlîy, a contracita that effeci liavingbeen sigxsed, scahcd, and delivercd omsthelai day of Jnnuînry, 1873.

Mir. Vaters, la respoiuding to flic toast,roerred te tle higîs esteeru inîshicl tIsePresident se held by tIsa nhole organization,and tise snbotnded confidence plmced laiis. He rejoiced ai this, because it iras

a sure aigri of pu'ospeity. To be sîlceess-fui, neCimuist have faithi n oui' leaders ; nemustîsibelleveathai lie la net oniy tisa iglîtmnan, but tisai lie ia tIse ighi niaisi in theriglît place. Hie alluded to tise stis*factionit musts afford tise President toe l iisîsof1relicd iupoîs to suds an axteat, by tiseamenlue in seekii>gte benefit and elovate. 'Mr.Walters spoka of tise pleassîre e'ei'y mîeisi-lier nuss feel in oceupying the position ofa asensher cf ibis organizsai. Tinsescoule -%Ien mseni are conipelled te taise a.retrospeet of ilicîr lives. Wîsat a poor satin-tfaîction mruld a miais derive irssn tisai, irisan lie holisad Iscoîs abonîiig agaînsi liaclvi iteresi andsel tiso f ]it; felloîs'-cr.fts-asci. On tIse etier bîaud it la wortisy cftIse tient feelings cfcuir snture te kisoi tisaii'e lived fefr somseiiing; tIsaiiWe lim'ed tbdo gond iii our calliisg. We irere bessefit-tiîsg oui' chihdreîu and socieiy mt large.

No. 26 n'as teasted, Mmr. McGregor ne-

iiinc feircf ne MA poecfts nifli-idlie

Mr. Donovars repliad in is behalf by ashort sketch cf tle 'grant obstacles thieylad met wiiis ln holding île meetings of..ilelr union, and spk. cf ths finis manner,ins wIiel the few asembesraa tucis te-gatiser.

TIch nexi toast wes thse ONTrÂnre WOiK.MAresponded te by Mr. Saffron and Mr.Pryke. Mn. Saffron eaid the Owrs.musoWonKitAN iras île oaiy iruse workingmaasadrocae on tIc Cefiinent cf Amanica. Rehld it in île iighest esiem. He thosugisire shoisid remcmnber cur friands ; asîd me-marked tîsat tle ONTRIO eWOItKurssi adput now lie and vmigor lie four labor paparson thse othuer side cf île ines, irhich ireredying cout befora tieWoRKmAw as started.

Mn. Pryko offcred a feir practical obser-vations regarding île Woc-,tirMcs' advocncyc» tIsa part of labor.' ..

Tise healh of the Hosi ansd Hostasu ierenexi dmunk.

A number of sengs nena interspersedîvils tIhe speeches of tisaeî'ening ; and al-togethcr,a social iront and a ihiorosugis goedtune iras enjoyed by ail, cementiag- te-gauler île bonsds of unity.

Yours, truly,

H3amltomn, Mardi .18, 1873. s

O S H A W A.

(To tise Editor of tise Ontario IWcrkma.)

Su,-isa -formuer latter 1Iissînticned tisafacu cf île man nIe forurardod tle petitionfor tIse aine heure te île Joseph HallWcVrks haviag been disclarged ; but untillately iras net aware tisaitishe President oftisa Works lad sent circulai» te the bossesof Uc norks ibrougisout tise country, ne-quasting tIcs» nsc te giva thse man employ-ment. One can scarccly cradiitisbai sudsura vindictiveness existe amengst Cliris-

tian asen in -a civillzad country, more as-peciaily in eue nIe professes te disclergetise duiea cf Superjntendeat oi a Suisday

scel."AlÉis for tis aity

Of Chrniu Chansiy,Under tise suns1

My neason for refarring te the subjectag'am us thnt île President of île abovelVcrks le in île field as a candidate te re-preseat West Durhsam la tise Ccmmosns;anud se confident la lie cf ehection ilai lalise prapared maid non steuun anay coietheusand torches ini tle attiec; f tIseVorýs ;at least, suisole 1 of tise conjectusres as tethîcir use. I tis eavait cf bis hcusg electecl,it wui'mld lie nahi if île Housse would kinchfyaliow ii te oinit île words, " as I asiausaisand a Christian " (rom îlhe oatI n(hlI behieve lie %vomid ilie requsired te take, andse save hîmus froua coausîmittlmsg pejury; asit appears e oue tisaibosses nIe camu liguilty of suds despicable actios go fsar taprove tise carrectnes cf the Dmrmiiiiaisthaou-y, and tisenere can suot lay claimss totle title cf beiiigamu uuy.

I lave iaicly scn a latter irons tIse Sct.retany cf tIhe Cabinet Makens' Associaiticîs,London, Emsg., in wrîicis lic statea fbnt liean scarccly credit, tIat in tîuis ycar ai

grâc.e, tise norkinginen cf Cansada isave fawork 60 louiralper neek, and tinka sudmuaitlie a "usiserabla isole" on tlisai ccomnt.Ho aiastates tise vages for cbe t msaiersiin tle Old Couatry taelbe £2 stcr. (810) perusel of 5Q~ heurs ; assd tisaitiscre are ouiytwre cities i» île Statesiriseatiseaareassy inducenienis for uhe Londons cabinetsuakers uo go te liciter thenmeuires ; ansdlunally le offeu's te seund nsoney ta Ithe pmrtyta nIons île letten is -ivitten, to taise IMinIsia baek, te London. if liemeiie tI Iauier liard on Canada!

Yours, etc.,HEATHEï JeoCs.

T HEJORNYENP ESONnnssedilmte viciniliy hoil tl.ôr meetsings lis tse Sn. Ls-

resice Hoici. corner of Rideaus andi Nichoena îrects, ('11tihe irsi and lsir(I.Mondauy lss eauh nomuii. Tac i 5c:.,,leccfd for the 5rtasnt qurtcr, cosss'ssii,sssasi M.tyMaehi 3,15873, auc m..flw -r.iin.licberS Tiîu:mlisuesi : iicei'ri<dent, Joephs i{gg: Fiîsmcni t-1Se',r'-tmry, iii ss uuîd; liccordimîg and n'sns:-Secretmry, George Dlatti Tr4msssrcr, R5obert5Pmusî!e.Tyler, Jamsca aker; Traitsc CouacS!. TDonuald Robiert-

tfc,. Donald Itotsertson, Johns da-<oy, Wsli'm Clark.



Page 6: Ontario Workman, March 27, 1873

6 ~IE .~~TA~Q WTU<AN


Wrieýe for tAse Ontario WorL-mali.My heart la sicke. I see such waste cf ime-Tixno unimproved and lest te every goed..Men ln their flly seeiu te think anid ay-Az other mon lbavo fltn 1 shall net lu,1 sbalùiot stumble-tools oniy loose their way;I âeý the laüdniark and j know the raid,1 Icarefuliy bave scasnisd tise ehart of life,And knoNv the patis te wealth and happinssa.Givo me but riches anîd ail else la sure-Lands, bouses and barns, my> whole desime,Orchards anid meadowÉ, and the iowing brd-Te greet my gaze, wxhen, dut at early morn1 wander te bebeid the beauties cf the summor.AUl theee are mine by sharpeat wisdom gined.While others slept I iîboed on with inight,1 counted n et my> dollars, but hoarded every

cent,And steadily my locks and wealth increased.And in the city, heîîscq, terraces and blocke,For tisose wiuc> are mut able, and havenetThe means to build and fui-niai for tbinsciyes;On these I charge a siau percentage, san> from

*tonTe fifty---lsus I genprousl>' provido lieuses.And homes, for lersesis net se cdorer as myseîf,Who tisankfi: Il>' consent te pay My taxes,lte repaire, and r-l>' mn>'rtnta beaide,

Fer what have they te do îî'itls equal rigis,The>' whe lin poverty were -borit and Aiined;What riguîlt have they te lookfor couinpetence?Hewers cf wood andl draswera of waier te sucis

a s une,Ite erder, they t.duobey and do nuy bidding,

Tho>' seek ne higher gier> iu tbis world,Thau, bat in hand, fulfillng my behests,Anticipating every wish, look, gsture.My firme are uany sud ns>' iirelinga l.igion;1 @end my meniala forth to fieldsa nd wo-ode,And frein the llougis, the sicklennd the scytheMy wealth ceuses pouring in apace.With bort adrantage te myself 1Ireut nsy lande,ARl tenants need la bbr and the coinsest food,Anid nothing more. What need bave tise> te

learn ?Or why should the>' the use of figures know,And learn the secret way to wealth and happi-


And thuis ho indepetident cf my moins.My geede are much increased, my harns tee

anlailBecome. 1 must net -,aste my gooda,What shail I do?1 amn resolved te tear down alin>'barns,And substituts mitcis urger l is er stead,And whien my polis are afel>' atowed. away,Thon caWxsy te uny seul will salely say-Seul, thon bast'-much pools laid lu storeFor many> years ; eat. eýnnk, take thine ese;0f othere take ne thfonglt-be happy ini thy-

Sself-Eat, drink and ho moi-nyBut hark ! methouglit 1 beard a vice:l'Thou fool."I muet have dreamt-I did net heinrretSurely none dire sa>' thou fooui" te me, tI who have proved my wiadomi by ni> acte,Anid wealth bave gaixied, and honer anid a

naine ;Who gave the poor man all ho ought te seek,My cat off clothes te cover him, and hread te

oat,For wbicbho clemned mn> shoos, and 'tended

fiocks and bercs,.And hcld my> herses in the street on holy Sab-f

bath day,tWhile I into the saxictuar>' went te thank the1

Lord,1* That I am net as other men.9

But hoewiso bult this wendrous universe, anàcoutcd

Ail the stars that ahime and twinkle ln the*boirons,

Who snid "Lot there ho igt, " and in majestic

That *glorious orb of light, thse sun, arose insplendor,

.And lighted ahl this ui-orse of Qed;Be who caused. the ratiers te ascend,.And watered mouintalîis and the Llmrsty earth>.And brouglit abundaiit vegitatirmn forth,.And bouxteoocsly supplied the wants of ail,Who ifeeds tise lion atd lion whelps with nîcat,And the yeung rayons n-hon for food tisoy cry;But Qed tho Fatiier Bai'l te hlm, IlTisou fol,This ni ghtthy as'ul shal ho reqnired of thee,Thon -wheae shahl those things hoe whicb thou

hast provljedThe l11e la more than uneat and the hedy moreThan rament, which cf you.can -with

*Taking that, adld ono cubit te bis stature."Thus umreenerted Mni, Lees on aîsd proves

country'.Arriving iL a certain village, tise people ask

ed them their Labary on business. Thse maxiwlso truste in lis l iens, muid -hem n-esisaîl cal MiNf. Trust-lu-mnin, pi-emptlI>'ie-plid-

'"My fieuti isr-,trusts in Qed te feed imwiserenen ho mn>' go, but 1 place us> corifi-deunce in ni>'fellIcu-un."

Tise iliagers, hiving eonsulted together.sait-

"Let tîsesa hotuh ive lu Lhe samte bises, inci-don that n-e nua>' aIe thse Godan-ho il footitise one n-ho trusts lu Rim.$'

As accu aet food lad been pnepared, tiheanmuan of tbe village sent a servant Le cli Mni.Trust-in-utan, but ortiered ihîm net te invitetise aLlier.

"Let -tho Qod in n-bons ha trusts,-" Lb>'said, 1"gi-e hlm food."

The endors given te tise servant ivee-"'%' invite you n-ho trust lu men like

yonî-self, to ceme anti dine witl US"Off -ont tise servant, but on arrivîng aLtiseé

hanse -bore tise str angera dn-elL, lus n-erdsn-cie chanîgeai mud ho salid-

IlYen n-be trust ila d, n-e invite yente dine withs us."

Se off wneut-Mn. Trust--QedI-as n-e shahlcal him-witb the messenger,

As seon as dinuer bat! h<on linished, anditise gsest hati taken bis dopai-Lune, tise peoplewere ingny wîth tise sessenger, sud sid-

IlW'iuy ci yen cli Mn. Trust-in-God, lu-steat of teÉalieCer ?le

Tise uext tinte focdn-as prepared, Lse>' sentimther person, charging him to follow. impii-citI>' the n-erds of Lhier message. As soon asho bad lotthLie buse, fsaring ho sheniti forgettise nords, ho nepeateti theus te himlf-

"Mr. Tnust-in-ixian, n-o invita yen te dinewith us"

But as soon as ho bid eacised Lbe door, biswore changeti ajain, anti ho sad-

"Mnr. Trutin-Goi, n-e invite you to fSinewlLh us."

Mm. Trust-iu-God having finished lhie meaianti taken bila departune, tise villigens n-crului-ions with tise mesenger fer ing laritesiLise wrong porsea.* Poor Mnr. Trust-la man,beiug by this ime almoat fauisled with huit-ger, %vms. ohiiged te conk sonethinig for hlm-self. Tinikii>g tisat matera wvould nat changelu this village, tise>' set eut for authr ; buttise sane thing happeuset liaie as un-tise form-ci-, anti se li even>' village thej, visited.

At hast Mi-. Trust-iu-min, feeling Luit hewms hein& worsted ia tise couuit, saidt L bisfrienc-

"'Lot us take tise mater hefare tise kig."Mi-..Truist-lu-Qed living agi-ced te this tise>'

came hfore the king. Oms cnteriîig Lthe king'sprestnce, bais jesty demmusclec their busi-ness. Mn. Trust-in-nmn epoke, A anid-

IlI put ni>' trust, yens- majesty, lu mon ikemyelf, n-bile my friaundbei-e trusts in God,whem ie lias nover ceea; neithen bas ho con-fidence ini you, 0 king. This, cur centi-overs>',n-e bave hi uugist heloe.aIl tise -ise mon, antitise>' not being abl. te <lcide i, wn-bavebruugtt tise mater before your majost>."

IlThsat n-hicis aih my n-lac mon have failedLe sttie,"esaid the king, Ilbow * eau 1 hoe.todecide 7 fon I reign mieL lone, tiseomen bav-lie boom c:sled te the threne."

His suajest>', lîcveroerdereti food Le beprepas-otifor theus ohal; anti wien tise>' lteatea sent tseusan-a>', giviug thn each ilamba or cletis, one greon and Lthe otherw-hiLe. On tîse %n-a>, the oeie' -be iadthien-hiLe larxiha said to tise oee itl tise groon,-

"Lot ns exdhaxige lamisas, as my>'wife lefend of green."

IlOh, if thatho tise case," saiti Mn. Trust-lu--Goti, Ilyoun n-Ife eau bave this oee"

Soteyse'exeisîngeti thon andi thona..Shorti>' after tise>'béaoteLtise king called

bis eieecutienens, anti ordereti theus te folio*tise two mon, anti kiliLbhe oe wltb tise greenlamxba.

"Flor," ,ai tise king, 4db. trust. oniy inQed, anti bas ne confidience in mo.n."1

Tise *exocuntionen. set off, and, overtakizngLh. 'twlo men, laid hoîd cf Lbe. on. wlLh tisegreexi lariba, anti k ilIotihlm ontLis pet, tais-lung bis lamba Le Lise king to show that bis n-ibadi béeenaccomplised.


A iissionar> la the island of Madagaýscartisus write :-1.

Tise followiùg story uvas related te me b>' aSakalava bore ut Vohinuaro, a regular attend-ant on our services. $inîca thon ho bas beonhaptized, auttila no%- aidhuug une in preachingtise Gospel te lus fellow.cossutrymen. My in-formant told me that hie ancesters, lanmi-net-iug their ciildi-on, usod often te relate IL.

*cm for tise stor>' or parable:oneupon a ime thore n-cie twe friends,

thse one put bis confidence in God, thse otherli man. Oise day, iA' conversation, Lbheoneoaid Le tise other-

" Friend, li n-bhm do yenceafille te aidyen, and bep te feed mund ebothe yen 7"

"Qeod, " replied thil otiser, "la my hope luevenything,,."

Again hoci-as asked-" But, friend, supposing you wnet on a jour-

ney, î-eubd yen trust in God Lte seud you foodte oit ?7"

" Ce!taiuiy," repied tise ether, "tise Godinn-hem I trust is able to feed me."

"Ais !" nesponded tise qnestiener, "li alin> wandering, un> confidence la in peoplellke My.seY-."

Emeis holding lis opinions, tise>' set eut te-gothon on a joui-ne>' te a disant part of the

Mn. Trust-la-Qed thon rosunsed hi. jounneyalêne, and bm-lng roacbed hi. wl!e and faunilyli safet>', relm+e te thom, Ood'a providencetoward hlm.

IIBlessed le thse mm that trustet in xitiseLord, antd whosé hope the Lord is. Cursed lathe min that trusteth ini min, andi makethfieshh besam, andi wboso hoart ceparteth fronithse Lord,"


Plate declaned happinesLe coomsist in thecontemplation o!. abstract ideas of heasit> andiexcellence. This nia>'bc a geoti doflnition ofthe word, as understooti b>'mon wltls sncbminde as tItis gre.ut pilosopher hact, but itn-raid appl>' te but few pensons. Indeed,iine-entha cf LIe race woubd ho misenable luan>' such purallit, or mental occupation. Ayoýung lady dofined hiappiness Le comsiet lu thsepossession cf a truc and beautiful lever, andne donbt abse apolzo tise trastis as fan as cisccould apea. iL; but lien gra-udmother at seron-t>' wonld givo quite anotisen detmitiomî. Tolier IL would conist in tise contemplation of an-ell-spent li1., simd tise hope * ofje>' lu then-orld Lu cerné. 'The trutis la, cacis individualwill dofino bappine-s lu bis cwn-a'. Gisema in hde iL in LIe pursuit cf weath, -anetherlu the pursnit cf cimLturd, une "thor lu the pos-.session cf religion.> The philanthropist findaiL lus oinggocd. The liumîi-> maxi seeka ILlufld;tise cow >man in n-arm >th and alielter, thoman ol poeerty sceka iL ini wcalth. Probabi>',hon-oves, perfect healtb ja the feuntain sourcecf mere bmppinezs tîsan mn>' aLler. With agond digestion, tougis skin, andi a sound mmndlus a spîcusditi bodly, n-be could net be happy?isere are pi-ebibl>' moi-e hippy mon antI n-mon than uihappyones, more je>' tian soi-non.

Mari>' people thitik tissy asie nnhappy n-hontise>' are mot., Real unhappincas cunot exiatuithouit a cause. IL la a fihaume andi a dîsgrmcete complain. of heiug unisîppy n-heun-we ar-eoui>' Lizy and unoccuuied. Snell people arelike tise fox wsho biai a deep wcund somlenhereon bis body, bsit ho coulti nat teln-bore. Lottisenibhoasisamedt e own iL, unlesthe>' cmxshow good reasomi.

Ilappiness consistaeii leoimsg ant iuig bovcd.There la exieugh te love in tise world, but teho loi-ed we imstdesenve iL. We ru ca>'h d-mined for oui- beîuty or talent, courted for ouninfluence or wealth, but we eau exil>' ho ovedas n-e are goeet. Theneforo, happinesa con-sista in geodness. Tise iacred writer bitLigit n-hon ho said, "The kingdom of heaven

je withia you."


In iÉs essence, aund i:urely fer iLs on-n sake,neatucs h fouud in a few. Mmii> a nman leneat fer appeairrulce sike; thei-e is ani instinc-tive feeling tht thene is pon-or'la I. Wisena muan coiisults a plysiciaxi for the finaL ime,or comesa te i-cnt a bouse or bonrow muonoy, lieuill comle i bis beat dresa ; a lady will calin hon cxrriage. A man n-ho meamis buminessandi honeat>' cernes as ho je, juat as yen willlfinti hlm in bis tere, bis sisop, bis couatiug.lieuse. Tise meat iccom'pliabetl gambIens <hi-sauveli; tise most enteu-prising swlind]ers arelaultlessly chotheti ; but counliss multitudesai-o but nwite usashed sepuiclire..Tee n>'n'der't came, as long as i nil net hc seen."iVîshington Alîston, tise greit artiat, thse ne-complishiet gentleman, zqsddenly eft bis friendstanding at the door cf a splendid Bostonmauision as tise> were abhoit enterinig for a1 art>', hecatise lie bati joat remenubelscdisatlie liad a boblusinlis stoekiug. IL could uîot bcseen or knw, u,'ot tise vdry kuowledge o! iLsexistenice nade hlmi feel Luit lue n-as less aunai thmîn lie Ought to ho, gave Ilisu a feelingof iferirity.

As persersa are leas canctul o!flercnal cean-limîcssasdmuidy i' pparel, tise>'are luI uilibiy andineces-aril>' less cf LIe ingel, more of LIe lni-mal ; more unden the domination of passion,leas under tise influneco! principle. Saiti apier servant girl: 'II ca't exîxiain vilutchiange religion bisa macle line, buit Ilookmurie cosel>' umder tise mat, -%vhcms I se-epLhuin .1i ued e."- Intelligence, enîtivation,ehev.tion, give punit>' cf body as -ei as purit>'of ai nstt antisentiment.

Wlie ene>o sec a necat, titi>, cheenful dwel--ling, tht-se >'eu will fluxt a joyons, lovîng, hap-

lpy frmil>'. Eut if filtI mand aqualor, anîd adisregarud for refiniug tisicacies cof ite pi-onulin an>' iolseiîolth, there will bo found inu tuemoral cliaracter'ofthislnuLaes mucb Lthaisj4)w r. umunpmrinciipled, viciouaraistI di-.

mift, %Veil kuow is tissdistr-ict lad net scenhis sou for a long Period of tine, owiuu Le tisefact tit th tLbbtL' n liretired te boc rôtisofor-mae-rourein'd lLmui,., wmuinlthIe nîimîiig thefathen inysleft b i 'rc oi t J'nt îontutof 1htI.One nucining Lthe lau:,' i.f theim e i-mîageilte C'et Lime, fiaLxer .- Aso~ ~n toýc..bhev ut tisebreakf.aset La ndiu, iiliv- ay of a jokr, remuai-k-cd. ' Son, lot nie iîîti-odsîce y>-uita yolir f-.tiser.'.1'Hon-île yen (do, fatlcr ?' raid LIethe oelul;«'I dnu't reemen ever Iîa;ing umet yen liefore,but I have heard imui speak o! yent.'

MT55NC;.~Aneniluont judiliouscd te su>'tht iii bis epinionx, tLee ry x-st 1îin g evensaid b>' a -iltues te a conimel n'as Ltîe rouI>'giv'or ta Missîuiig, LIme w'rll.hiou-fi .bari-r-lter, at

inug n prsoner chi-î'geuI ith atcaiing a deuike>'.The preseeuîtci had lekbthLie animal tied up tea gaLe, anti n-heu ho returutu t L'wvlis gene.Mi3ssing %%,as ver>' savore ilis exauîmia ti.n oftise witnes."IlDo yenu mean teýamy, witnesiu,the dis'.coy wîs stolen frieusthue 'i ' - Il Ilmoii Lu Bay>, sir," giimg tLb jsdge anti LIenLthe jury a sly look, at Lihe mseime poiutiugLe tise cousel, thLIe a3s a-s iMisine"

-ýW Por first-clus Job Piliting go tethe IVoRKZSTAi Office.

The Wui'rrn i InT, cor,.tof Yensc & Elsu abs.,lla eonducted on Lhe good olti i neisi s tyle, b>'Bol) Belmont, hate cf Lontion, Zcii., Wiso hasmacle tise. aboi-o tise most popul-ar re.îort cfbise ciL>'. Tise bar la mugi; elegaîstl>' cecoratesi,displaying boLl judgmnent andti Lste, ant iuspranouaceé!to tebu tLb. "Princeffof Bars.'? lbln under Lthe sole cosîtrol of Mçis. Emtma Bel-ment, n-ha is quite capable cf diseisargixgthedutise extrustedti o hon. The spaoiosîs billiardIrous i. mallagod b>'v H. Vesper ;' andtihie ut-moaet courtes>' is d iepl.yet b>' evor>' one cons-îîected witis this establishsment.

For fimt-chasa ]Book anti Job Pilisting gote 1isc -office *cf thse Os{io~uKI124 Bay'streot.

*NO CHANGE. I bacchanal, 1'"yolaWo 4ve.nvr eemIbrîber." ,1~hv oe onm

Somne daya agosa main accuatorned th trSm. "r engog emkeafowrbd1oeand one who undorstinds how te get how out; lAeyugigt aeafoe-e eeof a tiglit place, teck the train at Detroit for, Jùdkins 2" asked ayoung lady of the gardoer.thie city. His pocket-book was pretty Riat-: IlYus, mura, thcm's -the bordera, " anawerednothing in it to, defray expenses for nome day. the gardener. IlWhy it wvili quito speil our

te orn bu atondolar ul. H mut kepcroquet. ground." Il an't help it, muramoving, or else hoe vould find hiijl bank-thmsorpa hde;hoaya 'wbrupt in als trango city. Standing in the depot hev it laid, out for 'orticultural, net for 'an-and looking at the train which waa about bandry."leaving, bise ye foul on the placard, IlThis A Quaker gentlemnan, riding in a carnagecar to, Rochester without change." An de with a fachiona4ble lady decked with a profu-which nover oécnrred te hini before, although sien of jewellciry, beard lier conspiain of theho 'hadl seen a litre piece of pasteboard a: .o1d. Shivering in hor lace bonnet and shawlthousand times, camne ijito bis hcad. He as light as a cobweb, suc e eclaimecd, , 1 Whatstepped on board the car, toek a seat landasus. shaîll1 *do te get warru ?" 1"I really don'ttained himsolf in a most digniitd position. know," replied tho Quaker, soloranly, "lun-Tho signal was given for the train te atart. less thee should put on another breastpin !"Out of the depot it pa8sed in a few moments, White a veiidor of greens in Boston wvas on-along the suburbs of tise city, and then the deavoriug to dispose of hiie stock inu trado hieconductor announeed . bis appearance by the poor eld nag balked and refused to budge anword "*Ticketa." Pasesengers began fumblixîg inch, The driver finally couienced bolabor-f or their littie piece.3 of paper, or ovcrhauling inca the animal with a stick, %Vhen an old ladytixeir wallets fer their fare. 0ir digniled pas- thrust lier hie4c out of a wiindow.iud exelaim-senger neyer made a move. The conductor ed:-." lave o ena xuer(-y 2" I"No, xnaam,"1approaohied, and said shorily anâ1 quickly, replied the pedier; " nothir' but greens."

"'lieela "Xeoattention was givcu by the r aIen r t oman1,elicool p:îssenger. g"eu tefor tegncr states th t hoe u ret in

Conductor, with a sharp look-Your ticket, ,otb rinreie ha ,Wo ra asir. lies in the United States, the tirât thing dontsir. in te proplose a flleo statue is bis lionor ; next,

Cool gentleman-Hal-c none. te maise part of thse necussztry inoney ; next, teCen.-Then l take yossr fare. forget tu order any statue, andi liat, te, %vondorCeût gent.-Can't pay it. wirst bec'sme of the mency." ']hle remarkCon-Do yeti expect to ride %vithout paying shows close1 observation and clear jucigment.

for it?Cool gent.-Ycs, air. In a xîight echool, the teacher wai trying te

* Cn.-ellme hy.make lus clans understaud thc*nianing of sub-Cool gcnt.-Your. advertisomens s no. traction, and, te illustrate luis eubjc(;t, said,

Ccîu.-Were « Supposing a farmer had four itudred shcop,Cedl gent.- That placard on the car aays, an 01ho l ifty of thern, l>y what process

ciLlqI." would hli nderstiiid isew nany hli adtleft?.'This train te Rochester r W'tLout Wchange.hodeAra-bnd>adoThe conductor, -. îth a look of astonishunenit htwilo avondadf

at the individual's assurance and checck, pasa- svnenrpid sso sb agttead him hy vith a amibe, thinking te, hiniselff, teachser's eye, "Ask the simuppard, air." 'IlThis lan . new wriukle ln the confidence Dean Alfnrdl telis of a Scotchi lad ln a mxilit-dodg e." ary selhuol who ivcnt 111) with. a dIrawiing of

Venice, wiiich ho liad inatfiisled, te showit.te thc master. Obsorring tisat lie hadl

AaRTmus WAItD. printedl th£ naine nder it ivith two"n"

No more amusing anecdote in tôld of Arte- (Vennice "), the mnaster raid Don't youmua Ward than the followlng: knew that there'a oui>' one 1'hen ' lu Venico ?l"

One day wYhile traveling in the cars, andIl Oiily on e ien i Venice !"' exclaiunod youngfeeling iniserable, and dreadipg te hie bered Sanû1y with astonieinneut; Fin thinkingby strangers, a man took a suat bcside him and thcy'lb ne bae many> eg,,s tIso.'presosit>' said: An inhabitait of a suburban ILtOwn; alLer

"f14 Yeu hear the liat thing ou Horace spending a convivial ceieuig veas dujcortdGreely V' Iamoug thc carrets andcib esof bi. humble

*" Greely? Grcely?" said Artemus. "Horace ggarden wr-kpped. n lunheis.--" %Well, Bill,"Greely Who ijs ho 1" sad an atl nining fricnd, L3 lie illoüL the pros-

The man waa quiet about (ive minutes. trai e yonth, IlWhat are you cloispg heroPretty acon hoe sad, "Watchin& for a lien that's stole lier. test,",

"George Fraumcia Train is kickîng up a good was the sententious ans-or.-",,xBLt vhat aredeal. of a row over lu England. D)u You think your oves shut foi-, Bill?"-Don't M-ant thothey wiIl put hlm in a Bastibe 1" 01(l'en te sec me,"~ grufflby repiËtl the sleeping

"'Train ? Train 7-George F3rancia Train?7" pilusophier.said Artemus, selemn>', "1nover hoard of A ailer on onme occasion appiod ta a soi%-hlm. captain for relief for- examp lu bis sý'emna8h.

This ignorance&kept the mani quiet for filteenTecatn da],ueo mlî1borminutes; then lho sad, wTh athe iseues d remuedies mcelic.1umberc-.

IlWhat do yen thiuk about General Grantsa iH foedistue s anr'ees ilitu er o.5

chances for the Presidenoy ? De yen think efudteIlcacmp.ii nlr-Ç.15theyvil rn hm?"anai prcecribed tho niedic-ise. Uuforunately,

t"Gravil nGanhlm ai tmn" adhowever, tîsere vas a Lun upon No. 15, and thse

"GatArteuyuaa t lluî iera in ge ss bottie was selomrpty. But the skcipper nmadeArtous,"yo appart knw nee sranorsup a dose b>' cornbiniug 'L1os. S and 7, sayin

than any man 1 ever 5iw." "in nac n; adLgcilr ewoThse mai waafcnious ; ho walked UP thetIl e andi7cul15on;scond the asur, fto - a

car, but at hast came back and said, the k caftwnd s omifl i ted ato a lt r

IlYeti confouindod ignorantis, did >'ou ever re t his m scry ie.ntd deadL

heuar of Adam ?" oto i iey

Artcnuus looked up andsaiiii, IlWbat was bis A pier tells us this stery, for LIe ftrnth cfother Daine ?". which it voiucies :-" A pi-ofessio;!etl geutie-

Ijételbqgrnt Boy: "lFa, V'un soir>' yon'vcgot tise 'Flueuza !"-Palpa: "Why, Laddie 7"Boy: "'C.îuise 1 miglît catch it, yen know !

Thére is a maxi cowrn our n-a>' se fondc ofmiono>', that lt ilaid, after paying a unax'sbill, hoe wlks douvxi lieme wtih b, se as tele ucar tIhe mono>' as benig as possible.

Ila tht niai-he " saud a gentleman, peint-ing Le tho buste!f Kentuecy's gi-oit stitesman,rocent>', li a New York 'atone. * "No, ir,that's' CIa>," quietly repiied the deilor.

A bluff old fanmer decliiied tise other day Letake a sîmudwic'h witis a friend at a nefresh-ment buffet. Netfor iliums! RNelatI obaervedthat the ý'ouvg ladies hehiisd the bar positivelyhandled 'eux with a pair o' tougs!

A gîllant n-as sittiug behiiid bis holoved,and being unabbe Lu think cf anything else te)su', asked lier uni>' aie-as ilz a taller. 111dori't know," stid se, xvth a pouting lhp,"«unless it is because l'un sitting boside agnose."

Hiero n-e have a gond example of Frenichwit: A docton, like everyhody else iLt tisseason, went out for a day's sport, and coin-plained cf having kiled nothiug. 11Thmt'stise consequence cf living neglected yonrbusiness," obscrved'sis wif e.

Latwyer: lAon- do you ideutify the hland-kerchiof ?'"- Witîess : I"B>' is gnenal appear-auco, and the fact tht I bave others like I."Lamu'yer:':That's ne proof, for I have ônejust like it li'n mypookt.- WiL,îea8 "I- doms'L*doubt Lisat. 1 bad more tham.eue cf tis anesort. stolen."

"If Yeun bac!avoided rmm, Ilaaid a wealtbythosugisnet intelligent grocer tebis ixtemper-atîe noigihos', &.your earl y habite,. industnjrmuid intelleetual àbilities would have porniitted

yen te ride, li yosur carniage." 'And if yenýhêd Dever sold rmsfor me te buy," replioci tise

Page 7: Ontario Workman, March 27, 1873


~ij4j~ -~ ~

The highct and monti profitable lenson inthet true knowlodge and lowly cstem of oar-selves.

It in groat -wisdc'm and perfection te thinknotlshsg .ô£ oursolves, and to think alwaya wellsud highly of othors.

The gretest friond. of trntb is timo; hergreatest enemny is lirej ud ice ; and her constantcompanrion is humility.

Labôr is mau's gu'at functioîu. 'He is nobli-ing, bc can boe nothing, lie cIN11 achieve nothixig,fulill nothing, wituîout working. -

Bad maniirs, or the lack of good breetling,j. no where se trouhiosome as in the domesticcircle, whethcir at the table or by tîho iresidu.

Faint net; thenileo te heavcn arc foiv andshort''herroarc many beade lyilng ou Clrist'sbosoin, but there is rocmltfo' yours aiiogstthe rest.

Sincorit.y iii to speak as wo think, to dû aswe pretend and profûss, te lirforin and makegooà,ti wte promise, anid really te bc wliatwe would seemn andi ap[ear to bc.

,What can lie a more wrctched sight than to

se a starving miser mortify ."thout religion?-te Pulumit teo iich vluttary hardships te nopurpose, and Io.4e the present vithout provid-ing for the future.

Among if-&l other vittues, lîumility, the low-

est, is pcciiit It ia the safc>t; beeauseit s ahvays at aiclor ; and. that Muai inay hotruly saîd to Il e theo inost content in bis eaui-ing, that strives to live withiu the compass

of it.

110,v lauy toi on, disquiet, and harasâ

themselves, as if dcesperately sitruggling aganst

po.vcrty, at the sime tino that tisey are sur-

roundeci Rith abindlance ; have nt onlyenough, buttmore than cnûjug-far more, ini

tact, thon thcy actnally enjoy.

Evcry parent is like à iooling-glass for lus

chlldrei 1o dre ;tleisslvcs by. Therefore,pa ets slicold take* care to keep the glass

b]righit ansd clear, anîd net cduil an<i apAttod, as

their good exampIle is a riih inheritance for

£liq risiaîg gentratiôli.

*In inatters of great concorn, and whiehmust be (douc, there is no auner argumnent of a

-weak mind than irresolution-to ho undeter-mnineà whcro tIhe case is plain, and the noces-

sity no urgent; to bc alwaYis intoncing to leacia new life, but iiover finding time te set about

it.sonie employments nay be better than

othlers ; but there is no employaient so balasthe haviug none at ail. The nind will con.tract a rust aüd an unfitness for everytbing,and, a nian must ither fill up hies time witla

poil, or at least innocent business, or it willrua to the worst kiail of wate-to si"i andvice.11 îGive lue, " -ays theic ev. Robert Taylor,

"the inonoy that lias benallient in drink,. and

I Wnl pure-hase eeery foot of lanîd upon the

globe; 1. will clothe every ruan, woman -.andohld iu ani attire of Uvich kings sud queessWoUI liehopî-oid ; 1 -uil build a school-houao

en every li-side ant inlu ciry valley over thewhole caîtb, a college in every State, and f611it with able professos ; I will crowa every

hili with a place of wor.thile conscrated to thepronlation of the gospel of peaco ; and willsupport in overy pulpit as! able teachier ofrighteousnoss."


la the niattor of .JOHN A. RICHARD3SON andCHAULES ilip:CllART) trsaing togetiier iu tieCity of Tuo,,to ail U,,ok,-Dear and PuishGr.,

jînder tIie naino udî,lfinis cof RICHARDSON à

The ijiso,îltât have nrle iau Asgunient oetIicmetate to laie, ud the Cît-<itcrî are uottfed to nîlect at- oiiticei. No. ", ,lcee-hatî,C -Exchange. lWellingtoui

Sieoot, Toi*.;:to, unvitf. the 1*11IItTY-PIJtSTINSTANT, c tet d'oye c, andculeWreceLVe statemntso!I iuS .. iwdto: iliiuiit aui Assi'îîee.

baiuc't it i,r,)Iîtu, tîhîî 1(.0% ,lcy o! Marh, AD. le-,.WILLIAM F. MUNiRO,

4;,11 unterlui Assigiirec.


FOIR SALE C!ýii" :

Corner Queon îand Jarvis Stroo47-h



68 Qn(cen street wTst,

- W. MAH'i'J~iLS, 1MI'r>lt~'Efl. I

. etuitiltfrj, 5tric &C.MàEDWAR*D SNIDEP,


CiIVîOVr. Aid>l) Bay z.&Ilk-Street., a fcw doorsbelow Kingr Street, Toroiîto.


J A. T 1I T hlAN, L. D. S.,

DENTISV.0tFFCr AND lttaînceyco-rl27 Church Street, ToroutO,

oppositeo ctrop)oIiýah Chîrch.*Unkes the Pruervatlomî ot tho naturel teoth a ope

ciality. 2i-oh



Opicc-Concr ù( Kin.- und CIucch trecti, Tur;onto


OFicrE--Cornter of King and Jordan Stroats

24-hr TOltOnTO.

Re G. T RO0T TER,DE'Y 1lS T,


Opposite Toronto Street.Rpâliiteer 172 Jau-vle Street. 28-01

Iw oC.Al) A NFS,-h

DEX 1'l S l,35 King Street East, Toronto,

Has givoul attontion to luis profesion in aIl its parte.

DE -N T-I S T,Noi. 6 TENipiPEA-i;E ST, ToitoNTo,

34-hr Firt hîcuso off Yonge St, North, Sid.

N e A ùNE -n, M. D.,

(Sîîccesenr to hie rote. th, lZ«!e Dr. Âgtz-w.)



LUMBER MERCHANT,Maufaturer of Doors, Swih, Illinds, looriiig, Slceting,Packng Boxes, .t.kt


me Planlng, Saing, &-. done to order. 28-oh

W. MILLICHAMP,Gold and Silver Platerin ail its branches


Nickel Si/uer and Wood Showi Casesand Window Bars,


Is the best place in the city te get value foryour money.

Pcernmber 'the -addt'e-s, --

- 55. KIIN(:~'ÎREET E AST,

ýàÀmDELý ~LArT, JR.,,

OF'~ J: -. K Ni*V; TS' 71,V1' IWES T,


lMrstcr.i' 0(u si leî]irtl. s ,,'iîbcu. :cfl.tîd O iiîipt.-ri:l-Sunoîcluig ?irturc ciiibu Ii-mllieuei c & -ri Iaekct,,

,Iuîy 15u ccl.


(llclwecit i aud inl treiSts.

TH-OMAS SQUIFi 5t ý. Pîoprkto',.Kld GlOVes <;:c!ad oiC î1 ci upekr'it înt.d ce!)tûli.

j"7 ci,îtteî,,cm's Chlothi k-:iclD:'.1 dand loieparcdquiî toe etorl.e.t ts

t 11ioeS-l


72 (?L'EEN SIlimii't' WE s.t.

A la uu e.eivi? a,ck uîîî Im:il.A ù:nd fit

0jIlN' i k-eL Z,

A 'LAIIRE'ANDi <MOI) As I-ORTNIlFIt i-PI'AL.t(ti îOti -'lRui IIBi~docii.

_ -~


OF-FICE :-Maonlc 1Hall, 20 T&roto stroot.A. IV LAUDERt JAS. A. PROOTOR

HARRY E. CASTONIAttorney-at-Law, Solicitor ih Chancery,


OFFICE-48 AD1ELAIDE STREE'T,.Opposito the Court. Hon,,



Attorney and Sol icitor, &c.)1 NOTARY PUBLIC, &c.





Il o wan t G0(1o, Cheap Suit, now is thetimc>fuor gemmie bargains.

Order Work PunctuaUly Attended to,AND> VE GUAEANTEE À QUOI> FIT.

gr A Flrst-Cltss Cutter kopt un tihe promises.44 to




Cûottons at Manufacture rs'Prices.,

J. SECS WORTII,Impoterof Wtclc,,Clocico, and l;'%tcy Goodio, and

Manuactrer af la i itrer JOwotllry. m"01liciEmblemi. anade to order. 1

Mr. Spectacles to Suit 6vory Slgbt ..


"STAR. HOUSE3,"Corner Ring and West Markeet Square.

rE' Ail GoW uda iaked ln tplain figuire3s: 35te1


New & Second-Hand Furniture.A good tasortînclnt of


Of cvery description. Alwûay eon land,




Sofas Re-coueed and Chairs Re-Caned£' e l beforu purchîintir solrc

JAMES WEEKES,44-to 21-,& o :çt: it îEET


,ni ql*lEN ST. WEST, TOLOINTO, p>NT.tr t i(0tioit pi,1 te,,retairing iat ts branches.

Cft> Emrs s oicyproniptly -ettee,. IloîuclioldFurnîltire rooved %wth gnet.tetrC-.

Fitn*t-cl.u Furniture Vri'iisiîalwàays oit luttait. 22-oh

CREAP FUR98TURE STORE,28-Queen Stro-: t Ws-2

?.e.t tu RKnox <hircli.

TI.Ssrite bcgs tai ccli *'bce!al titciîîtioil IoiItleBARGAlINS flou olft .re;1l n cw 'laitl îî-liidFurnituro.

£ý- oîaisiti a! otîers illilii,!it t) dur ulr,îîtugeG Invi,it tilis store tl pirclleint htthieo*vîu


Ilini ià.>% in lstockz a largo ,>artiliciit of Crockcry andîGlasso-arl, t, uhi lalie alinvitits 1,0 tteli-IaOiî<f latiot

:%lait !IcltIment turtisliiig-

100 liatteris llroakffst and Ta "'CI 450 'le )uiiîcr Sts,27, " Dle rtSots.

.j'i e droutili Sts.Aigu, Toiul Jutre, Fane.y Taapît.U,cliestpe Corar, iscuait. jars.GaullO ie i clv>, spooîis,cuttlery and ninoucy Gonds.



illiakday, l7th day of Februi«rj,, 1873.



Oui tle recommeandateon of the HIononîtble .tliu Mifils-ter of Custinîs, and tier tîî- .'et tl. %'le. (ttv.c:. Oin-tlttiled "An Art respcodnimi tàiCîtouu," flts Excellcuicy lias becus iiîcased tii unio, and it is hercliy ordered,tîîat the Towsn off Stm-tlroy, li tue Couity of 'Micdle-

tiex, Proviunce c,!fintact. lie nul îtîe saie le hereby>cî,nstittitel and erecte,! iuto ani Out Port ut Custoumsanîd laced ,îîder thu siurveyoL !te Colector o! Custonsnt the>Port ot London.

W. A IMWii4(lerL-, Irivy Council.

Mearcli 10, 1873. "2-e


Satsîî-daLÎ, 2ilh day of Decee, , 1872PRESENT:


IYhercns theO article icnimw as 0W TromtGin, being aswceteucd jspirit, cicuujot. lc acctiratel>. tested for hs-strengthî by Syke's Hydroniuter, lutthe uîoîtc ircrcrlbe -d 1b>' lau' for tcatln. spirituous liquors, aund It. le expedi-

ent witlu a y'icw to uîiiforiiutty lit thle veetun It>tiiereun, tîtat.nul nver..e atr.Dllth lotid tic udoited asthe mîit g,îverning emtries tlivreni.

Nis Excelie-icy, u1u bbe reconuc:îcltion of th( fmoier-able the 3Mini4ter of Cistoiitîs auutiînder the aîthurityKil'emoisîy the 4tiîsectiu)of the ActtiI Ve ii. 6.lntituicù :tIl Au Act respcctiuig Custo:ios," ]wec" ee-1plzIedeiltu ordor aud it is leroby orîlorcî th:ît in collect-tng Custoivis Duty oi timuportation of ON id ''e, Girt,the sanie lié delt siith i nid trotted n.s.a Spiit twenty-jtireco lier cent undur tîroof, or cotiîcîîîig seronit>.;cvenàpear cent ut lrîof siirils.


fiord, *10, 1M7J. 4~




tii tic rec-omsuînîultioni of tIh l u,*rabie the mli is-terti îtCisstùie, and idedr theîto 1 lius tifto ,eSthî

,:Ccl bU t tue Aeb Olsi victoiai, Cmpu. (, i.ittlîlcd t 'AitAtisitt he tua ctci," 111.4Exce-Ilcicy lias licu

îîlenstuil ti urde-r, aIî t is lie;rcby ,rlcreîl, tîîat thu Vit-lae i o oac i u ,i u Ulty Of!lienit aniî'rovliec

ut NowIlv i bci ,Leiid the sanuté !4mreby coiwt-tutri ei11 cicetoti l ito nu ,Ot-t'ort of Cîutiîîi o

ilicett tide.r the surve> o! tlîe Collcetor c,! Custb'uII4 utthe P,îrl utifllelehbict<.

W. A. HIc W RIHùlerx of theiliie.couneil.

Icrh1,1873. 48-e

E.WESTMAN,177 King Street East,


IW Ail oode a Vanetd. 20-h

PETER WEST,<Lâte Wentgfrothcrs,)

GOLD AND SILVER PLATER.Evcry des"rptloit of worn out Elcetru-Plate, Sf4,.!Knlves, E&c., re-plated eîqua te W new, Carrnage Irons Sil-ver-1'iated tW order.


T: CL.,A-X TO0N,Importer and Dealer ln

>frst-class Band Instruments,Violins, Englieli. Qrnian and Anglo-German Concer-tinîe, (luitars, Flut08, Fîtes, Euwe, Strlngo, InstructionBooks, etc., lo OCSTE .

Special attention givcn te repairin.- and tuntng "Vrydescription of bMusiul Instrui.ctë, 28-ohi



s]îaving. Har Cutting. Shampooing anîd lair Dyulegdonc ln 1rt-cleas style.

Luuies and Chilltrc,îu HRair Cuttingr 'Promptly Advarelnlly attended te.


MARSB, TOBACCO AND SNUFF,Ani cvery description of TobacconjsVo Goodo,

70 Quvair STREET WEsT, TonozNvo.Sgn of the I NDIAN QUEEN."



On the slertest notice, au,! in a manîler as te rive enlisesatisfaction. Home-miade bread always oni hand.,r Remenîber the acdxress-CORNEit OF' TERAULET



* No. 100_ Lote Tlqgraph Building;

WM. BLACKHALL.Aceount Book Manuacturer. and Law, Plain and Ores

mental Ilookbinder and Pape.' Ruler, Toronto.05h



CRAS. A. SCADDINC4,a3 Bav Street. Torono.








Ottawa, Nov'ember, 1872

AUTHORIZED DISCOUNT ON A!PCAN Invoices until further notice, 12

lper cent.

R. S. M. ]3OUCHETE''CoMmiioie0r

26 ti

D-. E VI TW3st End *Hardware Establishment,


S--oh _______



Thl9thIsde lilaeefor Mechanicc WegUn ehep p etires.AIl wcrk doule ini tbe test styloeorthtie art.-



.i.el, l'O


Page 8: Ontario Workman, March 27, 1873



LUNEý 0F BLACK LUSTRE,Bought a Job iii the Old Contry,

M.EAKIN & 00.1207 -YONGE STREET, «U w .- :



*NOTICE IS REREBY GIVEN,That li comsequeco of the mii wlo wer npoooutection o0,l,.Presbyterianu hmaeh, nt"othigben yfpald, the my.1einbom-s of! nilTiadea' Unions audchrare requcatcdnet to engage t ail with tieCm-

tractor Who now lias if, or anu> Contracter. wlo umyhercater have said Chtrcli, until ail amrnsamre lr.id.

By Order,R. I. GRAHAM, Secrstazy.

Otaa, Maret 1, 1873,. * 48-tf


33~2 Zueeni StretŽt West,(OPPOSITE W. M. CHUROR>.

H. J SAUN DERS,Practical Tailor and Cutter,

Elegs non thc iunierous roadors of the OwrARioocsstt e sili de is utinct t nianke hie estab-ient one of the test Cltlîlug flouses ln the WVesternrart o! tbe cty. sud lîupes by attention to busines te

meit n large stsxe of public patronîage.



NOTICE /8 HEREB Y GI VEN,Thata a eond eall of teu per cent. oek the acl>sriledstock of this institution tas tiis day bcecumade, >sîdpayable at thse office of the Bak Iere, on or before theIlU thprozlano.

By Order,

Toronto, IStisMaret, 1873.



Titcsdoey, lOtit day ýf Septlember, 1872.ý




On the reeornmeudmtic>n of the Hon. thse iiater ofCustoms nd uder thse provisions of tIse Sth section of.thse Act 31 Vi., cap. 0, iîtitmalcdIl"An Act rcspectiugCustomns," Ilus Excllcucy bas been peuse d te ordcrani it la hcreby ordcrcd, that thse out-port of -Peter-boro, heretof ors usader thoesmrvey of tIse Port ofPort Ho'pe. tand thse ine la larcby coutttted aud

'5 Zed Wto a Port of Etry for lil ise purposes ofthe said Act.

W. 'A. HIMSW TOKRH,Clerk Prir>' Councl.


ToionTo, 5Tii MÂBen, 1873.

A N ORDER IN COUNCIL, DATED 19,A. pi-Ilust, with the vlew of promoting settleinut

on feuis oftbe rown atprcseit remoesfron tbe centresor trafflo. lirovldes that the Comimisaloner of rownLsad4 may wltldraw siiy loi or lots or portioiis of land,

hé ay >'doom ocecssary front any 'timuler iiise there-af fer fiued or reuowe , for tbe purpome of fumnisubig asupply of tlimber for saw inlîls aanufacturlng or to

mnuufacture lumber for lopal çoustunptfoi; the timberfrom lands se set spart for die sîpîly of such s 55 inillsto De eut and intanuisctured exclumive!y for simet localdémasmd, and so disposecl of; that au), infrictiomi o! suchcondition, dfrectly or ludlrcetl>'. will bc followced lu cactcase by caacllatloiî uf mitlorit>' to eut Iisaber or trocseno tte lande se set art for die purposo mentloed, ancdticat such landu .sha l bc rcstorcd toeItielicenso from

whih tey erewitdram. R. WV. FCOTT.



Monda y, l7th day of rFebrmry, 1873.


* On the rccomanendatlon eft the Honorable the Minis-ter of Cuetomna, snduder thme provisions of fic OtIsSection 0fite.At 31 Vie., Csp. 0, intttcld: An Act re-

sqpun tc Cistome," His Excecloeno> tis bien plessodte orde, and it.s bcreby ordcred, tIsaIt tc Town of St

'Thcnems, iu the Count>' of Elgin, krevlnc ef Ontaxloho and the sase la hereby eosttutcd sind mrectod be

sas Osm Port of Custome, sudm placd under the aurvey61,tihe Coliect6r of Custonis et tbe Port of Lonîdon.

* W. A., HEIMSWO TR,Maro 10 188: CerckPrvy Coumacl.

- - 1, 87.48-e



Ilcarso, Carriagos, Seulfe, Jioves. and Crape, fiur-nishcd at Funerais. Fsks Patent Mouillec Cues onbaud.

laf .ld.?IcCABI8 lias been nppolted Cty Undortaicerb>' Hs IWorhlp the Mayor. 026-br

E Rt T AL ]- 1El -.

337 YONGE STRE ET, TORONITO.Funerals furuishedi te order. 1]sWo IMetallo Durial

Casesmmwas uhamîm. iEFRmOERATOit Cgktyi5s suLic


G. Armotrong's Undertaking Establilit-ment, Montreai,O


," Fauralu Eu rui.sled tltlî. cver-y Requisite.AigENT FOR FI9K'S PATENT METALLIC




85 Quteen Street -West.

Neari>'opposite Elizabeth street, TORIONTO.

Subsriptions rçceive-1 for ail Porixlicals. Any Boo0kprocue oorder. flookbuiding cxecuted lu aiiy style

at I' Raet ites.


i1t' Jewllery caret uîîy sud leatly rcpaircd.




a-ir ZSIpeeial attention given tu the deliveryof the Eveig Papers tbroughouo the Wardsof St. Johin and St. James.




A further supply just received at

Piddington's " Mamm >oth Book Store$"2.118 . 5 '~ YONGTIrE ST.

Artizans eaUl for a copy of Catalogue





27 Yonzo Street, Toronto.______________________________ 45-te


el-ovisious, Cured Meats, Butter,xuUiLTRY, ETC.,

ýéLb it e,tILC Str'eet, Toronto,'

<Opposite Loîmsa Street.)

!Iaumî, icon, Pork, Sausazes, ]iloilcd Hant, atid Rflleil,ceof, Lard, 1'cultry, Butter, Eggs, Vcgclabies, &c,

alwa>ms oui hftsd.40to


FRUITS AND) SPICES,Ports, Siorrlea, Clarels aund Chammpges-.Hcunesscy'mi,Vine Grover Co.'r, Jules Robin & Co.'s CçmeB.dies: Douuîviiic's Irish tVhskey ; berard e Gi Brne

iie; Sfewarthà Scotch Wbiaikcy; Jamuica andu St.Jago Runs; BootIu'e andl Bernard's OlmITo Gnu; De

i~~rand H1oulman's Heloimd in : flas's Pale Aie;.Asimme and Blocds Diubin Stout ; Monîreal India

Pale Aie tand Porter: Epp's Housoepatlmk Cocos sudTa>lor's Itcnsoopathi tle mavilia, Cocos mand Chocolato ;James L, Sole's Donse illek Lecet; Starc and Blu;Crmse & ]lackwli'sPickleos uid Sauces, ete., etc.




v £4 li XI





,Hendeî,son"s Auction Boomrs

J. F. COLEMAN & Go(Sucessors to Geo. Chasffoy & Bre.)





OORDWOOD, OUT AHmIIOIT.,OFFICE AN)»AtD-4lcorier Qumen sMd Siserboîmi

.Streete. WHARF: Fool j! sterbouruefit., Tcrclmlo.1

soot# and $k0tor

:Boot, - nd Shoe M.e'po YONCiI STREET.

Ak large and well Uasorted Stock always on land.

m URPHY .& BOLTON(Blaors b 8to ~f ,Wiieac&)


i6h1OF'rO, ONT.N. B.-Mhe. MicemTHY'8 business bu rcipevcd to>

thme atovi sedresmi.26-hr


JOII X LACDNÀL, w IIEREAS, IN AND BYV aikaet of Parliamnent

* Attnu>' sucai, f (limda, passed iu the,eInteade. Jthmlrtfy.lnmt yemcr ci Ouîr Rogtesnd Intitulcet, "An Act provldluig for Ilie organlzation

of the Departigiemit o! tue lecrtm-y of State of Canadaand for thc nisiîsgeruniit of tho liadimi nnd Ordnco[stimdo," It, la aniongst other ltigluIneffict, onatemisîmat 1the provisions in-tle igliîlccîth sud thé four fol.limViig sections, thut iuts m, lihe nincteent, tivcntctlitvtwf-ilrat, aimd t%%ctàity-aevûicl sectlmis cf thfBlicak

jAct, contained shmnll cxfeud tii mch I idin [muds oui>'ntt e rnar, froui tintesse l f ue y Proclamatons,

I)llsmcd liethe Ca,îuda fJazr!toi, .Iclnros sud uimi<emubjecelltothse saute, sud se. lonig cml>' ms suà Prolait.tien romamint lit force.

AND ýVIIPRS kiflias boeam decimed ecdicmt by 0mw0(levernor of Caunada thiat thcessid pro-huions should tefeXteudcd te flhe several trcts cf landsmlslureiîîaiter mes-Stloiîed and caîll .kimosen sid misel mus ludion Rltorn'rcspe,;tively, bcimug Lmmudet orrlfcsds or allowaimorronds;ruàmimux firmgh n>'lands lbelotilg te 10or ceu-pieod by any trlto,- ba iid, or body (et Imud ams situate ndiin lug c'thlu tise -roincemos f Ontario sud lmerelnafttr.Ipsrticularly desrimmi.

goa, tu Nood.



(Oppescte .Fre Hall.)

Becet, Mapîs, 3iised, anîd Pino Wood constantly ou band.


HARO AND SOFI GOAL0fov-ry dsrîtoî promptly dellvered, at lowest

Note the Adcrcs,-





flitig completed nîy non proises i arn prcpiared tooffcr a compote assortment of


(Joal Covered and Fi-ce ficrn I.ce anad siwie

P. ]BURNS,Office corner Bathurgt and Front streets.





VICTORIA WOOD YARD,YVictur1<1 Stretf, jeCUr J.VilOt (St.

.NB.-L0W lvii- u 11V TIE CARLOAD 46 r



room for a Spleimdid Stock ot




eZ0 0 -YO NTC-3@S T RZEJETý.38-te -


AU1 wlio wlmm to hlise gocil, seat, sud comfortablc


-Wofrlrin&Pneu's She Dpt40-hr

Secret .r~ o! State.60-~

9. -~ ~


Wediîeud<îy, 121A dMy ~fFbrw ,183



Onithe mrcoiniendmtimsu of tli n ho me secretary AmiState for thc Prov-inceis aiitimîer t he îrovisiomms of Li*3s7tim sectio>n of the Act 31 Viec cp. M, Mis Excelleie>lu Ceunei lbias scen plessei f0 orîler llîbat tîmisfoiloiiigregmlatiomis fur tl ime 1,afotioai <'f the hilicr momcthimelandsof fle icSx 'Nation Imidiasiansd cmith l eimeerie f the

Mlssîssagu iIdniàcf f tile Nec'Credif Settloimct, samdte lîrovide for.tlemc code 4-f lelcrsmim imite location cflanmds t o bmuilil, cisemi amu iemjAmvmmml by theo îmid Indimni

'ider the prmiiî!--e lhe .1tot of the Prliamcnt of'l'tclla-oli.Cammmdareimtig theinlo 1;c. andcime ,iibme reliemeli>- umiade miii e5*.-mimiiisimeîi

GEORGE ELLUS, I*.RCLTOfP ~~ Manufactcurersand Imuportr off No. .- No timcmr or fircwool, rmiway [lies, st:ive-,Ilar ad ute Sw jch s inge ôô or uailier descriptioof mi Ilimiir or ivooci

Hai an Jte withe,. b;ýl . t,,,nfros, mr eut mi, tlim a smil of thc'SixC iguoias, Cuidra, Wigs, Bauds, Pugs Nationc hiulaîs or those o! thme Missisesgties oftlime New

a nd lPerfime->. Credif Sefulement ciitîouf çitiieri- spsmelal iicensmc issuem--- Amies Asomimusar F llÂiit irà, b>' lie Stimiirimtemieit Cfiicà;m5o i i lit!i AfTairs, or

No. 179 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. othiccvep b> th t clmrilimtel!de:t îritlm 'hose a;eno>.*. BOX.767, l». 0 * or jnrisdlcfion theo sid Imiclt;i mre laiîctd und lîn

Spociai attemnfionu gis-cm te Slianmpooiug,, Cmtlng, and lSoperitendemmfsbil iln a>50 mmc issuie suiil a iicelisc exDressmsg Ladies' avitd Chlidre's linir. Pric liste andlcu iilinstrciomnsfor scif--eareuseumt of igs sent Oms appli pti t theiapprobamtioni muid eOmISf-îmfmmm i resîmecte limeeatiom-itber whloeale or retl. 41-te 1 ix Natiomn lancia, of time cecîmmil of vic!; limd ms ru

i spets ttc landîs of ltme Xcii Credift tiemcl, mwltileL 00K LOOK l LOOK I I Ijoint conmcurreniceocf tliIei cle!limd lime LocalLOO 1 LO K 1 L OKSaîmerititeilamiiî ;andmitiis regîmîstiomi S'Imsii :cpy te al

býE£RSCHA UM AND BRIAR PIPES, lazi(b wimctlierlocat*d or mtimrssise.POUCHEs, STEMS, f No. -2.-Ai>' tiniber or %imiai remumcscd, fiLaeiî or maît

CIGAR CASES, witlmcît sîmeli licemase shmsil bc.4cizmd b hlie Local Super-VESUVIANS,,Lc. iîutcmsdcmt, or lime Freet Wmrdcuc, or b>' suy cersoimdii>'tJH.EINB T H 2RE -V(IT Y, sstlorize n w assritiuîg by time said iieîmmnmlifor

TuE E.ypj~ii~ * *~1erêet 1xt W iiuo t4m do, asud ssherei-er.foomud, ss'hctlicr824 YONGE STREET. mser off tisamitl rcscrv-s-mamii> lie scizcilmluil soud for

324 -1G STlimte bemefitET gomicrall- o! tise baud or immmucs, tu seimuulimeroserve nia> belomcg.

R E W~ 1OODIBINE, 88 YONGE STREET. No. '3.- -Andm whercmm, if h mcsrtble tu lrovide for tteT modie of denermxiniiig thse locafiomi cf indj u, c lieled,ivm. J. HOWELL, Jai., PnoPRsîTR.om. scimsc moymb>tu miiIcinimicrhepvi

ilsdCadolecel bradisnal lnlsais.ii! W tîncsv]grConsla est ou and f * ni;Liquios. sud Cigar en s o!flice Acts of timo Psrisumcmt o! Canasda n lulsa

contatl onlaan. oh resp)ect, If k li tiorero<cinred tlit i resîmet te lime- * * landms set spart for theeaune of, the Six Nation Indinais,

theLotai Siiiierliteidut., mactig laisconemrt wÎiv ime* counicil ofo huifs '!fluhe Six Notionu Indisus; amiin re-

PARLIAMENTARY NOTICE. spetel th ie lanîds set spnrt for the Mlissgîas o! (lej ew Credit Settememul, thme Local Superiuituudcum, seliimg

* - * ~lii ooneîrroneo wiLi.imthe hIead cmAie f flice anid i"ss-* BOUSE 0F COMMONS, smgcms, lit ho byactlorizei l l dot a nlcla te ttc

* Ts CERK8 OFIC, *varoumc amemîbrs cf the bauds for ivliomomise scrcsî,eoli.vei>'i thse landcs or reserves su l;eld, aswlime case niay lus>;the

Ottaelia, Janf. 30, 1873. i varliss lots% msîcet iincmsr reserves; amnd sellcg lu> cen-Pursaul b tethe 5811> file of lise Iloisse, ultioela m'cort, or w1thc lie coimurronucoafmrecid, as ttccio a>'ay

teodu>' ivenui Ithelb. ime for 4-ECEIVING PETI- te, te settle, readjust simd ro-arrenge suot alléenstsTIONS FOR -PRIVATE BILLS will e.splrc on Wcd- and locations wbere disputes ma>' arise, as te lihe crigi-needa', flue 20th dey o f Isb-cliiucat. ai or sîîbseqmeîît niotmueîml or location ef an>' uet

ALFR I smidii or rcsmrseu. !IREtaPATRICK, W., A; HIMÈ)WOPTII,

* Cicrk cf lime fouse. Cierk-PrIs>' C<Uail

J. PRYKE,'Workingmen's Boot and Shoe Store,


COpica o1lime QTO it? scMÂM îcan t e ottaimuemiPive Ceuteacicr cep>'!

133 YONGE STREET. - 33


1 -8-Y STONE.

<.> < ' NOW THICiREFOR k<O%% Vi. TA %,tI mbOmirRoyl cînsleratiou, simd opo-u~ftce.tentaion at prvsionsi o!fludit d býsectionis cf tIhe

sal actta themesii ans rslimitait Lands ecntli intlmmîed sud every Iî>rt tharecf, tao, lgRsardeolare

an t ibk itljo o te iprovisios or io eiglitcnmhI ~~ ~iîîicsîciîît, tweîîtioth, tilrtmit ndtceny.scconâ- ~ G ~ . ~ soctions of tteAAtt of %taîclienut Of C(Ik,mcMado

an~sid pssmmcd lu the Slst yena- ofOunr Roigui, amnd liaitulcd.-tt. A Act rovidi furthue orgamiization <if tise Dopart-

- sei c t ic h e e c re ir > - o f lS t c mo f ICa l m i , sa d fo r li e

u~~fi~iv Juil miiitgimiuar ttcfi i Isslm nclina Limmims situ.îte littte Provine0f Om th îat i f0 sîiv:

Co Viel landsof

551~~ge mI[U N mThe Mohawks of tue Bsy of Quinte."

p R O CLAMA T ION. '*"The Chipp.aw.a of tise Thmaaae." -

__To alli w/oif »iag eoeci-i, GCe-e(611.11The ?loraviatis f the Tii«timîc.-

MON THL Y DISCOUJNT SALE., 'andthiser Spuwable of 8:vmi, otm o

Theo Public are hcrcby lmmfrmcd that «The Ortidas oif th 'fUlintemi." and

S Mil C Cl2X1£ iE3 CrkeItem-e sp". l'of Satgeclla"'md fCiProprioter of the Big Biue foot Stôre, Cio aH vil he lreuises miii omr Jusitices,' Sbeiflim,

No. 59 QUEEN TREET WEST, -li5il% oisai.si iliif, ter iliticerzoiof.Ittstlçc,muid ailNo.59 UER SREL WET, otîmer omr liege ibJccte mar:iioroiy rcmircd to take

ln preparedlmoeccforth t la soBoot8 Waald idiots of tmmloice and t u goverm iîîelcc imordiiiîmry.îbapes anmd i7eg, of ail qualifies aimd prices, 1iteon PcrCent. clîsaper tham i smmy tîer store mlite cil>'. Ife cmnlin IN'flxsmoxv Wiitmi.Wc* lhave c cscd (liae Ourafford tle do so, mishlicos îfmr cash-d, amuilias coimle othe e 1*1e. lto immiteumtfanid thse Greait Sealconclusionim itat tres lus osaiv, t3 weilais teueiiblice cf C uaadu lc creimonomite CWrzoin-Intcat, liy lssiimg large saesand l hlgbflt.e. île also -li~h Tut imd eiif,,ilCmmm adou-iuteid. lmvluga Dsccamtais ta lavtr lice sorkiimgl llorthe ifgio!, iablc Sir Faiticnic Tesmîx.lses f lm int lMods>'o! ever>' nîmnth, thenm te rI fl>lïmi, i'uaitsm Jmimn Cm d-topes for time increaeed iafronss of Ilis mmimcrocms f oye ut hmidcmyiMc i Ciîiity Dîilit Cie

fredasmdcstmmos -mge of the L'hitud Kimigioin, laromi DufferimiWe have a magnifient variety of uos ltenim rted » iid Ciaidboye o!flmil Wdy maid Killelegh, imu

iiere, owinig buflic want of sîmie. %c wauîd fiartler sny te CocîtanyDuîwi, iiit te Peer.ige o! frelatitd, sudtc*tlme Laies andi Gentlemnello! tîi ity. tîat il îlîcyi a Ileronet, Kuiglît of ciir iost illicstrmis Ordercm-st fastiousble, well-made aud easy ttiîmg boots ad mof St. Patrick, andcilimglt Cmiimmiof Ouirstoce, 6ice us n catil bcfore'îicrchaszin.- elsewvlmre. Must lHonorable Oruler o! Chu Ehi, Govenior

- RcseeLlîlly1 S. >IcCABE, I (.cnumora f Cîumîda. and Goveruwandî Commnmde.-Rc.iputtilYhî-Cblef litiand over tii, Islidîu !l'rine Edwaa-d,Sigmu of the BiglBluce Datot, Fassiiubic Emmporun' 59, îmîd Vice-Admînîl mmf Ciimnitdlmîlrinmce Edward.

qiaeui St. West, liii dorWest of!Bas t. I At (Oir 0vimig Holmselic oni-CITY OF-40-te f OTT'AWA, liti <mur ftiiail, it is 1'WENTY-

-. - - -- - -SiXTH Day oi Felîrcars- lu tiia;. tmir oi 0cr LordSn a i timîid siglit Isîimdreml mmîsdseveîtilree

1 3 0 O S - l Nr] 8 1 0 1 E Sm aid itlîe Th rt -sixtl k ye tr ci ;Om ir l m 'u

Now is the Time for Bargains. * *13 oaumuiBaisice u Wiiier Sirt uumatte clmJrclC.mit toinak
