online survey user guide

Online Survey user guide | 314-209-0922

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Page 1: Online Survey user guide

Online Survey user guide | 314-209-0922

Page 2: Online Survey user guide

Accessing the Survey Module .................................................1

Sending Survey Invitations .....................................................2

Definitions of Survey Fields .....................................3

Viewing Sent Surveys .............................................................4

Viewing Survey Results ..........................................................5

Exporting Survey Results .......................................................6

Publicly Displaying Survey Results .........................................6

Customizable Survey Features ................................................7

Standard Category Options .....................................7

Response Options ...................................................7

Results Graphic Options ..........................................7

E-mail Letter ...........................................................8

E-mail Notification ..................................................8

Survey Questions ...................................................................9

About the Net Promoter Score ..............................................10

Frequently Asked Questions ...................................................11

Table of Contents

Page 3: Online Survey user guide


The survey module can be found at To access your firm’s survey module, type your username and password in the fields provided, as shown below, and click the “Login” button.

Accessing the Survey Module

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To begin sending a survey invitation, or a group of invitations, click the “Send Surveys” link from the homepage of the survey module website. This will direct you to the “Send Survey Invitations” page, as shown below. From the Send Survey Invitations page, complete all fields with as much information as possible. See “Definitions of Survey Fields” on the next page for an explanation of each field.

Sending Survey Invitations

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First Name: first name of the client being surveyedFull Name: first AND last name of the client being surveyedCompany: company name of the client being surveyedEmail: email address of the client being surveyedProject: specific project about which you are surveyingCategory: general category/niche/department of the project about which you are surveyingManager: manager in-charge of the project about which you are surveying (if applicable)Partner in-Charge: partner in-charge of the project about which you are surveyingOffice: office location of the partner/manager in-charge of the project about which you are surveying (if applicable)

To send multiple survey invitations at once, click “Add Another Recipient.” If you prefer to upload your data from an Excel worksheet, click the “Browse” button. Then locate the appropriate file on your computer and click “Open.” Please note: your Excel worksheet MUST contain the same number of fields, and in the same order, as shown on the Send Survey Invitations page.

Definitions of Survey Fields

Once all fields have been populated, or an Excel file has been uploaded, click the “Send Survey Invitations” button. After the survey invitations have been sent, you should see a confirmation page, as shown below.

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Viewing Sent SurveysTo view a list of the survey invitations that have been sent, click the “View Sent Surveys” link located in the masthead of the survey website. This will direct you to the “Invitation List” page, showing the dates the survey invitations were sent, as well as all the information you entered when sending the survey invitations.

Please note: the “Resend” link in the first column only appears on those surveys which have not been completed. Clicking this link resends the survey invitation to the client. Once a survey has been completed, the resend link will automatically be removed.

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To view the dashboard results of your completed surveys, click the “View Results” link located in the masthead of the survey website. The Survey Results page shows the results for each survey question using easy-to-read graphs and charts, as shown below. You also have the ability to sort your survey results by category, partner-in-charge, office and date.

Please note: Survey results are calculated in real time and refresh automatically every seven seconds. You can also manually refresh the survey results by clicking the “Update Results” button.

Viewing Survey Results

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Your survey module gives you the capability to export your current survey results into an Excel spreadsheet, enabling you to view individual results for each completed survey, as well as data for each sent survey. Please note: you do NOT have the capability to export results based on information sorted on the “View Results” page. Exported survey results will include data from ALL sent and completed surveys.

Exporting Survey Results

Publicly Displaying Survey ResultsSome firms choose to display their survey results in break rooms, dining areas or other areas of their offices where employees frequently gather. This allows all employees, not just partners or firm administrators, to see how effectively the firm is serving its clients, while seeing results update in real-time.

For presentation purposes, dashboard results from the “View Results” page are designed to be viewed on a standard monitor with 1280 x 1284 resolution or a widescreen monitor with 1440 x 900 resolution. The minimum monitor size is 17 inches and can be as large as 30 inches and larger on a flat-screen television.

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Your survey module includes many customizable features to help meet the unique needs of your firm. To change any of these features, contact your representative at The Growth Partnership. Customizable items include:

•Standard Category Options: these are listed in a drop-down menu on the “Send Surveys” page. Examples of category options currently available include Audit & Accounting, Assurance and Business Valuation. However, other categories may be added as you define them.

•Response Options: response options relate to the choices your clients have when answering survey questions. You may allow clients to respond to survey questions in three different formats*:

1. Disagree, Slightly Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree (default format for questions 2-11) 2. N/A, No, Yes 3. Scale of 0 to 10 (default format for questions 1 and 12) *Please note: this option does not apply to question #1, which is always tabulated on a scale of 0 to 10.

•Results Graphic Options: results graphic options relates to how your dashboard results will appear on the “View Results” page. You may view survey results in three different formats**:

4. Pie Chart (default format for questions 2-12) 5. Horizontal Bar Graph 6. Vertical Bar Graph **Please note: this option does not apply to question #1, which is always shown as a number/score.

Customizable Survey Features

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•E-mail Letter: this e-mail is sent to your clients when you send them invitations to participate in your survey. An example of the default letter from the managing partner is as follows:

Dear #fname#,

Recently, the team at ##CLIENT## completed work on your engagement.

As part of our continued commitment to being your CPA firm of choice, we are asking that you take 60 seconds to complete our brief post-engagement survey. Your continued satisfaction and loyalty toward our firm is important to us, and we truly value and appreciate your feedback.

Should you have any questions or concerns that you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact us at ##PHONE NUMBER##. In the event that you would like to discuss your concerns with someone other than myself, you can reach one of my other partners at the same number. Thank you for your continued confidence in our firm. We look forward to the privilege of continuing to serve you.

Warmest Regards,

#managing partner#Managing Partner

P.S. If you know of others who may also value a relationship with ##CLIENT NAME##, we certainly appreciate referrals from our clients. Thanks in advance for thinking of us!

•E-mail Notification: this “notice of completion” is sent to designated individuals at your firm to alert them when clients have completed a survey. This e-mail also contains additional comments the survey participant included in their response (if any). The additional comments are also captured in the exported results Excel document. You may select the option for receipt of this e-mail to suit your preferences from the choices below:

•No Contacts: the notice of completion e-mail feature is turned off.

•MP/P/EM and Administration Contact (All contacts): the survey administrator and all other survey contacts (including the Managing Partner, Partners and Engagement Managers) receive the e-mail.

•Administration Contact: only the firm administrator will receive the e-mail.

•MP/P/EM: only the selected steward (Managing Partner/Partner/Engagement Manager) receives the email. No one else is copied.

•MP Copied on P/EM: the Managing Partner will receive a copy of the e-mails sent to Partners and Engagement Managers.

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Your survey is required to have a total of 12 questions, no more and no less. In addition, the first survey question (regarding the Net Promoter Score) cannot be changed. All other survey questions may be altered or changed completely as you see fit. Below is a list of the 12 default questions in place for each survey.

1. Net Promoter Score: Please indicate how likely you would be to refer this firm to friends, acquaintances or business associates.

2. Meets Deadlines: Meets deadlines and provides service in a timely manner.

3. Courtesy and Professionalism: Exhibits courtesy and professionalism when serving our account.

4. Technical Expertise: Deploys the appropriate level of technical expertise to complete our engagement in a timely and efficient manner.

5. Easily Accessible: Is easily accessible for meetings, phone calls and follow-up as needed.

6. High Quality Materials: Provides finished products (returns, reports, etc.) which are useful in their content and professional in their appearance.

7. Innovative Recommendations: Looks beyond standard solutions and makes innovative recommendations when appropriate.

8. Provides Regular Updates: Provides regular updates on the status of our engagement.

9. On Top of Changes: Is on top of regulatory, legislative and other economic changes that affect our personal and professional situations, and brings them to my attention as appropriate.

10. Delivers Proactive Solutions: Delivers proactive service, solutions and advice based on a thorough understanding of my individual and organizational needs.

11. Receive High Level of Value: I consistently receive a high level of value for the fees I pay.

12. Overall Satisfaction: Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction with the services and attentiveness of the firm.

Please note: an “additional comments box” is provided at the end of each survey for participants to elaborate on their responses or provide additional information that may not have been covered in the survey.

Survey Questions

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The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a management tool designed to gauge the loyalty of a firm’s client relationships. More specifically, the NPS indicates a client’s likeliness to refer their firm to friends, acquaintances or business associates. The NPS survey question (question #1 on your survey module) may be answered by clients based on a scale of 0 to 10. Clients are then categorized into one of three groups based on their response, including:

•Promoters: respondents who select 9 or 10•Passives: respondents who select 7 or 8 (These respondents do not figure into the NPS formula.)•Detractors: respondents who select 0 – 6

The NPS is figured by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters (NPS = % of Promoters — % of Detractors). The scale of possible Net Promoter Scores ranges from -100 to +100. Net Promoter, NPS and Net Promoter Score are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company and Fred Reichheld.

About the Net Promoter Score

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Getting Started

Q: What do I do if I forget my username or password to access the survey module?A: If you forget your password, simply click the “Forgot Password?” link on the survey home page and enter your e-mail address. Your password will be sent to you via e-mail. If you forget your username, contact your representative at The Growth Partnership. They can provide you with that information.

Sending Survey Invitations

Q: Am I required to fill in all fields when sending survey invitations?A: The only field you are NOT required to complete when sending survey invitations is the “Project” field. However, keep in mind that information presented in this field is often used in the custom e-mail letters survey recipients receive when you send them invitations. Therefore, you’ll want to make sure your custom e-mail letter does not include project information before you leave this field empty.

Q: Do I have the ability to see if a survey recipient has viewed the survey invitation or questions?A: No, the only time you will know if a survey has been viewed by a recipient is when they complete a survey.

Q: I made an error in a survey that was sent, which I do not want to show up in the cumulative survey results. How do I remove an individual survey from the results?A: To remove an individual or a group of surveys from appearing in the results, contact your representative at The Growth Partnership. They would be happy to have those specific surveys removed in a timely manner.

Q: Our firm has offices in more than one location. Do I need to have a separate survey application set up for each office?A: No, with this survey module you have the ability to send surveys and sort results for each office location. Simply provide a list of your office locations to your representative at The Growth Partnership, which they will add to the survey application. You will find a drop-down list containing your office locations on the “Send Surveys” page of the site.

Q: Our firm recently hired or promoted a professional whose name should be included in the survey application. How do I add their name to the appropriate drop-down list?A: To add a name to the “Manager” or “Partner in-Charge” drop-down lists, contact your representative at The Growth Partnership. They would be happy to add that information to your survey application. Likewise, you can also contact your representative, if you need to add a “Category” or “Office.”

Frequently Asked Questions

continued on next page

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Q: Do I have the ability to change a survey question even after we have sent survey invitations and received responses?A: You have the ability to change a survey question at any time in the process. However, realize your survey results will always show the most recent form of that question. In other words, your survey module will show cumulative results for the current and previous forms of that question.

Viewing Survey Results

Q: Do I have the capability to sort my dashboard survey results?A: Yes, you can sort your results while viewing your dashboard on the “View Results” page of the survey site. You have the ability to sort your dashboard results by category, partner-in-charge, office, date and any combination thereof.

Q: I just sent multiple survey invitations to clients and would like to see the updated results from those completed surveys. How often do the dashboard survey results update?A: The dashboard survey results are calculated in real time and refresh automatically every seven seconds. You can also manually refresh the survey results by clicking the “Update Results” button.

Net Promoter Score

Q: What is considered an “average” Net Promoter Score?A: The average NPS for companies in the United States is +11.

Q: What are the highest and lowest possible Net Promoter Scores?A: The highest possible NPS is +100 and the lowest is -100.

Q: How is the Net Promoter Score calculated?A: The NPS is the difference between the percentage of your “promoters” and the percentage of your “detractors.” (NPS = % of Promoters — % of Detractors)

Q: What are promoters and detractors?A: A promoter is a survey respondent who selects 9 or 10 on survey question #1. A detractor is a respondent who selects 0 – 6. A respondent who selects 7 or 8 is referred to as a “passive” and does not figure into the NPS formula.