online shop intro inderjeet

Chapter 1 Introduction Online shopping is the process consumer goes through to purchase product or service over the internet. Online shopping, e shopping, e store, internet shopping, web shop, web store, online store, virtual store evoke the physical analogy of buying product or service at the brick and morter retailer or in a mall. The metaphor of the online catalog is also used, by analogy with mail order catalog . All type of stores have retail websites, including those do and do not also have physical storefronts and paper catalogs. Online shopping is a type of electronic commerce used for business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) transaction. The term web shop also refer to a place of business where web development, web hosting and other types of web related activities take place (Web refer to the world wide web and shop hjas a colloquial meaning used to describe the place where one’s occupation is carried out) A process in which images or listing of goods and services viewed remotely via electronic means, e.g., a vendor’s website, items are selected for purchase, and the transaction is completed electronically with a credit card or an established credit account. Various encryptions scheme may be, and usually are, use to reduce the risks of sending sensitive information , such as credit card numbers, over the internet or other telecommunication facility. A wallet is a small software program used for online purchase transaction. Many payment solution companies , such as cyber café , offer free wallet software that allows several methods of payment to be denied within the wallet [for e.g.: several different credit cards]. Here’ show it works, when you order something ,the order is sent to the merchant. The merchant sent back an invoice and asks the consumer top launch the wallet in

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Page 1: Online Shop Intro Inderjeet

Chapter 1


Online shopping is the process consumer goes through to purchase product or service over the internet. Online shopping, e shopping, e store, internet shopping, web shop, web store, online store, virtual store evoke the physical analogy of buying product or service at the brick and morter retailer or in a mall. The metaphor of the online catalog is also used, by analogy with mail order catalog . All type of stores have retail websites, including those do and do not also have physical storefronts and paper catalogs. Online shopping is a type of electronic commerce used for business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) transaction. The term web shop also refer to a place of business where web development, web hosting and other types of web related activities take place (Web refer to the world wide web and shop hjas a colloquial meaning used to describe the place where one’s occupation is carried out)

A process in which images or listing of goods and services viewed remotely via electronic means, e.g., a vendor’s website, items are selected for purchase, and the transaction is completed electronically with a credit card or an established credit account. Various encryptions scheme may be, and usually are, use to reduce the risks of sending sensitive information , such as credit card numbers, over the internet or other telecommunication facility.

A wallet is a small software program used for online purchase transaction. Many payment solution companies , such as cyber café , offer free wallet software that allows several methods of payment to be denied within the wallet [for e.g.: several different credit cards]. Here’ show it works, when you order something ,the order is sent to the merchant. The merchant sent back an invoice and asks the consumer top launch the wallet in his computer. When the consumer selects “pay”, the Cyber cash software on the merchant server send some message back to the consumers pc that activate the “Wallet” software. The consumer selects one of the cards defined in the wallet and clicks. The transaction includes real time credit card authorization. cyber cash says soon we will incorporate an electronic and coin system to use for transactions that are consider small for credit cards.

1.2 History of online shopping

The idea of online shopping predates the World Wide Web, for there are earlier experiments involving real time transactions processing from a domestic television. The technology based on video text was first demonstrated in 1979 by MICHAEL ALDRICH, who designed and installed system in a U.K. including the first Tesco pilot system in 1984. The first B2B was Thomson holidays in 1981.history of online shopping starts not so long ago. Tim Berners lee created the world wide web browser 1990. In 1994 few other development took place. Online banks , the first of its kind open this year. Another development was opening of online pizza by pizza hut.

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In the same year Netscape introduce SSL encryption to enable over the data transferred online. This later become the necessity of online shopping. In 1995 Amazon started operation, one of the largest online shopping mall now. Then in 1996 eBay stared its online shopping portal.

1998 with witnessed use of electronic postage stamps, where people can download and print postal stamps after paying nominal fee. In 1999 the first online shop in U.K was launched.

1.3 cultural impact

With its advent in the early 1990s, online shopping has spread into every corner of life, linking people to the cultural of capitalism in frequent and daily based. It lets us to buy what we want, when we want, at our convenience and helps us to imagine our self buying, owning, and having positive outcomes buy the goods available out there on the web. For some, shopping has become a way of identifying on self in today in cultural by what we purchase and how we use those purchases. Online shopping has always been middle to high class commodity since it first arrival on the internet in society.