online marketing presentation for suny new paltz ama

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Post on 10-May-2015




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Learn more at - Business students at SUNY New Paltz attended the 17th annual Business Day Conference hosted by the American Marketing Association (AMA) on Wednesday, Oct. 24 to learn about the field of green marketing. The theme of the conference was “Go Green to Make Green” and it included workshops and a keynote speaker, Jeff Zelaya, to illustrate topics like digital marketing, marketing energy efficiency, making business more green and entrepreneurship. Ted Clark, marketing lecturer and AMA adviser, said the theme for the conference was chosen from one of “the hot marketing topics” of the year. Clark said “going green” has become a concern for markets around the world, with many companies trying to design green packaging that will minimize waste going into landfills. “Finally, the expectation is that to some degree when we talk about green, we’re talking about the least negative impact on society,” Clark said. “So, that’s become a very important topic in marketing as well as business actually in the entire globe and so that’s why we chose it this year.” AMA had a target of 200 attendees this year and about 190 students, staff, faculty and businesses attended, including some from other colleges, Clark said. Erica Vaccaro, vice president of communications for AMA, said the organization believes it is time to transform the way we treat the environment and that business leaders play a key part in that transformation. “AMA believes that the world needs to change and everyone needs to give a helping hand and save the planet,” Vaccaro said. “Going green is a way for business leaders to show that they care about the environment and consumers respond to that in a positive way.” Samantha Bove, a second-year marketing major, said the conference allowed her to see concepts she learned in the classroom in practice. “This conference was interesting because it is different to learn about techniques and concepts in a classroom than it is to hear directly from a business professional,” Bove said. “When talking one on one with a business professional, one can not only learn about the steps to become successful but also get tips based off of experience.” Bove said she enjoyed Vincent Cozzolino’s presentation on marketing solar energy because she learned how green marketing works from a professional in the field. She also said she learned something surprising from Zelaya’s presentation on digital marketing. “One interesting tip that Jeff Zelaya shared was that one can gain more customers if they do not sell or over-promote a product,” Bove said. “This surprised me because I thought that marketers would want to try selling their product when marketing it.”


  • 1.How To Become a Lean Mean Green Digital Marketing Machine Presented by: Jeff Zelaya

2. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 3. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 4. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 5. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 6. August 13, 2011 2011gust 13, 2011Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 7. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 8. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 9. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 10. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 11. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 12. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 13. Today Ill share with you the 3 secrets to my success Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 14. Secret #1 Personal Branding Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 15. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 16. Relevant Differentiation Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 17. Awareness Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 18. Secret #2: NetworkSocial Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 19. Ask the Good Questions and Listen Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 20. Let me introduce you to Billy Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 21. Seek first to help then, to be helped Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 22. Secret #3 Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 23. Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 24. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 25. Take Advantage of Online Resources Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 26. Secret #1: Personal Brand Secret #2: Network Secret #3: Learn Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 27. Now that we have the prerequisites out of the way lets get to the good stuff. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 28. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 29. Todays Agenda Social Media Email Marketing Search Marketing Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 30. Social Media isnt the end-all-be-all, but it offers marketers unparalleled opportunity to participate in relevant ways. It also provides a launchpad for other marketing tactics. Social Media is not an island. Its a high-power engine on the larger marketing ship. -Matt Dickman Social Media Marketing 31. Why do we Market? More Customers Clients Volunteers Donors/Members Brand Awareness Sales Time Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 32. Marketing is Changing Everyday Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 33. 5 Types of People Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 34. Social Media Marketing is Building your social network & using it Sharing relevant and interesting content Reaching & engaging more people Driving more business. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 35. These are the concerns I hear.. Social Media Marketing looks interesting, but I will never have a million customers or even 5,000. Using new, inbound marketing tools sound great, but I dont know what to write about or say. Listening to whats being said on social media sounds useful, but Ill never have a dedicated staff to do it right I hear about new tools and networks everyday, but I just dont have the time to stay current Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 36. Lets Look at What You Do Have You can successfully market your business or association because you have Loyal, happy customers An excellent customer experience Interesting and important things to say! Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 37. Social Media is about the people! Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide for you. -Matt Goulart 3 Keys to Social Media Marketing 38. Key #1 - Set S.M.A.R.T Goals Drive engagement (action) Encourage repeat business Encourage referrals Get online endorsements Reach new customers through online, word-of- mouth marketing Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 39. Key #2 Get Connected Where are your customers, partners & competitors?Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 40. Key #3 Build your Presence Make your social presence a reflection of your business/organization. Dont blur personal and professional use. Be transparent. Be complete New users should immediately identify what you do. Deliberately choose your expertise and areas of engagement. Put the social in the social media. Be broad and informaland have fun! Tie it all in Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 41. Content is King -Anonymous 3 Keys to Content Success 42. Key #1 Starter Content Basic information Tips and practical advice Q & A Past newsletters Polls and surveys Blog Posts Partner websites Product or service reviews Thought-provoking discussions that inspires dialogue Relevant videos, photos, podcasts Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 43. Key #2 Share it Every network is different Short & Sweet Be an Original Include Links Get others to share it for you Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 44. Key #3 Engage with the audience Ask questions about the content Answer questions Thank people for sharing Reply to comments and tweets Reward engagement Be consistent Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 45. A manager is responsible for the application and performance of knowledge. -Peter Drucker 3 Keys to Social Media Management 46. Key #1 Schedule It Create a content calendar Stick to it Start slow and build up Record time spent on social media 80/20 Rule Be patient Be consistent Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 47. Key #2 Use Technology Sign up for Google Alerts Use Hootsuite, Buffer App, TweetDeck, Radian6, Vocus Measure Cross Channel Use Google Analytics Each Platform has their own technology and metrics Keep up to date: Bookmark Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 48. Key #3 Hire Someone Outsource or internally Do we have the expertise? Can the job be shared? Agency or Individual? Setup, maintenance or both Is there a budget? Do we plan on growing? Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 49. "Social media is not checkers; it's chess." -Scott Galloway Social Media Donts 50. Dont Sell Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 51. Dont Overly Self Promote Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 52. Dont Bribe Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 53. Dont Overshare Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 54. Dont Blabber On Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 55. A strong foundation increases the value of everything you do. -Aaron Wall Intro to Email Marketing 56. Email Marketing is.. Delivering professional email communications to an interested audience containing information they find valuable. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 57. Using an Email Service Provider Email Service Providers automate best practices Provide easy-to-use templates Reinforce brand identity Email addressed to recipient only Manage lists adding new subscribers, handling bounce-backs, removing unsubscribes Improves email delivery, tracks results and obeys Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 58. Acquiring Customers It Takes Time, Money, Energy & Effort On average, it takes 7 touches for a sale to occur. Some buy right away Others research and try Some show interest but dont trust you Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 59. Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. Albert Einstein 3 Keys to Email Marketing 60. Key #1 Build The List Build Your List Where You Connect Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 61. Key #2 Set Goals Promote Motivate purchases Increase event attendance Inform Inform potential customers Differentiate my business Relate Increase loyalty Encourage more referrals Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 62. Provide Value to Your Audience Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 63. Determine Appropriate Format Newsletters Frequency: Regular i.e. monthly / weekly Lots of educational content (typically non-promotional) Use bullets, summarize information, be concise Promotions / Invitations / Surveys Frequency: Depends on your business and sales cycle Focus on promotion / limited content Use content to invite click-through or other action Announcements Frequency: Event-driven Press releases, holiday greetings, thank you cards Use content to build deeper relationships Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 64. Frequency & Delivery Time How often to send Create a master schedule Include frequency in online sign-up Monthly Newsletter Keep content concise and relevant to planned frequency When to send When is your audience most likely to read it? Day of week (Tuesday & Wednesday) Time of day (10am to 3pm) Test for timing Divide your list into equal parts Send at different times and compare results Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 65. Key #3 Get Your Emails Opened The From line Use a name your audience recognizes Include your organization name or brand Refer to your business in the same way your audience does Be consistent Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 66. The Subject Line Keep it short and simple 30-40 characters including spaces (5-8 words) Incorporate the immediate benefit of opening the email Capitalize and punctuate carefully Avoid copying the techniques inherent in spam emails. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 67. Avoiding Spam-speak The words: free, guarantee, spam, credit card etc. ALL CAPITAL LETTERS Excessive punctuation !!!, ??? Excessive use of click here $$, and other symbols No From: address Misleading subject lines Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 68. Dont Forget To Analyze Reports What are the trends? Fewer subscribers engaging More subscribers clicking links What are they clicking? How can you segment? Which lists are performing better? Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 69. Experimentation is the only way. No one really knows whether that page will rank #1 in Google; no one really knows which paid search copy will get the highest click rate. Even experts cant tell you which content will attract the most links. You just have to try it and see -Mike Moran Intro to Search Marketing 70. Why does the front page matter? Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 71. Googles Front Page Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 72. What is AdWords? AdWords is Google's flagship advertising product and main source of revenue. Google's total advertising revenues were USD$23 billion in 2009. AdWords offers pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and site-targeted advertising for both text, banner, and rich-media ads. ... Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 73. What is SEO? SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the process of getting traffic from the free, organic, editorial or natural listings on search engines. All major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing have such results, where web pages and other content such as videos or local listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users. Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 74. SEO is a marketing function for sure, but it needs to be baked into a product, not slapped on like icing after the cake is baked. - Duane Forrester 3 Keys to SEO Success 75. Key #1 Pick Keywords Think like your customer Use Google AdWords Tool Check Volume/Difficulty Do the Keywords match your content Are your keywords in? (URL, Description, Plugin, Alt Text) Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 76. Key #2 Build Links Links are essentially Votes for your site. Who can you reach out to that can link you? Who can you link to? What Link Anchor text will you use? How can social media help you build links? Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 77. Key #3 Create Awesome Content Why do you share? Funny, Motivating, Controversial, Informative Press Releases Product Reviews Video Reviews Funny Photos Blendtec increased sales 1,000% Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 78. Never let your ads write checks that your website cant cash. -Avinash Kaushik 3 Keys to AdWords Success 79. Key #1 Have a Call to Action Calls to action produce results You dont want to waste $$ Have a clear purpose for the click Have a variety of calls to action and measure Test, Test, Test Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 80. Key #2 Pick the Right Keywords Think like your customer Analyze the results and conversions Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 81. Key #3 Pick the Right Target Build a Geo Specific Campaign Use Zip Codes Run the campaign at the right times Make sure the ad and landing page match the query Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 82. Resources Vocus Blog Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya - 83. Thank you! Email: [email protected] Phone: 305.766.2631 Website: Twitter: @jeffzelaya Social Media Speaker - Jeff Zelaya -