online backup service on amazon

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  • 8/14/2019 Online Backup Service on Amazon


    Here is a step-by-step set of instructions to get your online backup service running on the Amazon Cloud using StoreGrid online

    backup software.

    Tech Essentials:

    What is Amazon EC2? Amazons Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2) is a service that provides

    scalable, hosted virtual servers running on Amazons data centers.

    What is Amazon S3? Amazons Simple Storage Service (S3) is an online storage service that

    offers scalable storage on Amazons data centers.

    What is an Amazon Machine

    Image - AMI?

    An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a virtual appliance available for use

    in Amazons data center. Using web service interfaces, you can launch

    instances with a variety of operating systems.

    What is StoreGrid Cloud


    StoreGrid Cloud AMI is the complete virtual appliance that is already

    uploaded on Amazon EC2 pre-installed (and pre-configured) withStoreGrid. You can simply launch an instance of StoreGrid Cloud AMI

    and get your backup / replication servers running on the Amazon Cloud.

    Online Backup Guide for the Amazon Cloud:How to Setup your Online Backup Service using Vembu StoreGrid

    Backup Virtual Appliance on the Amazon Cloud

  • 8/14/2019 Online Backup Service on Amazon


    How does StoreGrid Service

    Provider Edition work with


    StoreGrid Service Provider Edition clients are installed in your client

    machines that require to be backed up and you can power up your

    StoreGrid Servers on the Amazon EC2 to receive the clients backups.

    The backup data will be stored on Amazons S3 storage service (please

    note that the StoreGrid backup server will use an Amazon EBS volume

    during the backup process).

    How much will this entire

    setup cost?

    Amazon charges fees for the server usage time, data transfer and

    storage charges on S3 etc. For more information please visit

    StoreGrid licenses cost $30 per desktops and $60 per servers For more

    information on volume discounts, please visit

    How will I manage my


    Simply login to your StoreGrid server web console running on Amazonusing your public DNS address and login. You will be able to manage the

    backups from all your clients using StoreGrids powerful management


    I need more information.

    Where can I find it?

    This guide provides you with the steps required to setup an online

    backup appliance on the Amazon Cloud using StoreGrid Cloud AMI. If

    you require further information, please visit

    For more information on Amazon EC2 / S3, please visit Our Cloud Technical Support team is available

    at [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 Online Backup Service on Amazon


    Get your Amazon

    AWS account

    Launch the StoreGrid

    Virtual Appliance on


    Using AWSManagement


    (Or) Using ElasticFox (Or) Using Amazon

    Command Line tools

    Configure your

    StoreGrid Virtual

    Appliance server


    Get your clients

    machines to backup

    to your Amazon






    Installation Steps in a Nutshell

  • 8/14/2019 Online Backup Service on Amazon


    Getting your Amazon AWS account1) Point your browser to and click on the button Sign Up Now

    2) Enter your Amazon account details, if you have one (or select I am a new user)


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    3) Enter your name and email address to register for an Amazon Web Services Account and click Continue

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    4) Please enter your contact information and accept the AWS Customer Agreement

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  • 8/14/2019 Online Backup Service on Amazon


    7) You will see the Access Key ID and your Secret Access Key listed below. Please note them down for future use.

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    To proceed with the next steps, you can use AWS Management Console, ElasticFox or Amazon Command Line tools; in this guide,

    we will proceed with the ElasticFox tool to manage your Amazon Cloud instances.

    What is


    ElasticFox is a Mozilla Firefox extension for managing your Amazon

    EC2 account. You can launch new instances, mount volumes and


    Where do I get it? You can download it from here

    ernalID=609How do I use it? You need Firefox browser to be able to ElasticFox extension

    You can get the latest version of Firefox from here

  • 8/14/2019 Online Backup Service on Amazon


    Launching the StoreGrid Virtual Appliance on Amazon EC2

    1) Once you install ElasticFox, you will see this screen when you select Tools ElasticFox in your Mozilla Firefox browser.


  • 8/14/2019 Online Backup Service on Amazon


    2) In ElasticFox, Click on the Account IDs button. And enter your Account Id and give it a Display Name and click Add.

    3) Once you have created your Account Id, Click on Credentials and enter the Display Name from the previous step for thefield Account Name and enter your AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Access Key from step (7) above.

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    4) Select the region in which you want the Amazon Instances on EC2 to be located. Here we have chosen us-east-1

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    5) Click on the KeyPairs tab in ElasticFox and click on the green button to create a new Key Pair for your virtual appliance.

    Give it a name to identify it. E.g. ABC_BackupServer

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    6) Once you click OK, you will get the following screen to save the private key for your virtual appliance. Choose a location

    and click Save

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    7) You will get the KeyPair for your virtual appliance ABC_BackupServer listed in the KeyPairs tab in ElasticFox

    8) Now to get your own StoreGrid Virtual Appliance started, Click on the Images Tab and select the StoreGrid Cloud AMI idthat you wish to startup. Simply select AMIs in the drop down menu and enter the StoreGrid Cloud AMI ID (listed below) in

    the text box in the Images tab.You can choose from the following -

    StoreGrid Cloud AMIs for the US Region

    Vembu StoreGrid Cloud AMI ID for Windows [32 bit]: ami-f232d59b

    Vembu StoreGrid Cloud AMI ID for Windows [64 bit]: ami-f93fd890

    Vembu StoreGrid Cloud AMI ID for Cent OS [32 bit]: ami-01b75668

    StoreGrid Cloud AMIs for the EU Region

    Vembu StoreGrid Cloud AMI ID for Windows [32 bit]: ami-2ee3cb5a

    Vembu StoreGrid Cloud AMI ID for Windows [64 bit]: ami-36e3cb42

    Vembu StoreGrid Cloud AMI ID for Cent OS [32 bit]: ami-afb29adb

  • 8/14/2019 Online Backup Service on Amazon


    (Note: The steps detailed below are applicable for a Windows instance of the StoreGrid Cloud AMI; for instructions on setting up

    a Linux instance, please refer You can get in touchwith us at [email protected] in case of queries.)

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    9) Select the StoreGrid Cloud AMI listed in the screen and right click and say Launch instance of this AMI

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    10)In the following screen, select the type of instance (e.g. m1.small), number of instance (e.g. 1), select the Key Pair that you

    have created in the previous step (e.g. ABC_BackupServer). Then select the availability zone for the instance e.g. (US-East-1a). Then Click Launch. (Note: It will take a few minutes for AWS to launch an instance. Please wait till the State status in

    the Instances tab in ElasticFox comes to running)

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    Congratulations! now you have your own backup virtual appliance running on the Amazon Cloud. You will see a screen like this


    11) You will require an EBS volume along with your backup virtual appliance to run StoreGrid backups. For this, go to ElasticFox

    and click on the Volumes and Snapshots Tab. Click on the + button to create a new volume

    What is an EBS


    EBS is short for Elastic Block Store.

    Amazon EBS volumes are storage that persists independently ofyour backup virtual appliance. Amazon Elastic Block Store

    provides storage volumes that can be attached to a running

    Amazon EC2 instance (like your ABC_BackupServer backup

    appliance) and be viewed as a device within the instance.

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    12)Enter the size of the EBS Volume and the Availability Zone in which you require it. Enter the Instance ID (available in theInstances Tab in ElasticFox) of your backup virtual appliance for the Tag

    (Note: The availability zone of the EBS volume should be the same as the availability zone of your EC2 instance that you

    started up in Step #10 above)

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    Configure your StoreGrid Virtual Appliance server settings

    1) To login to your EC2 instance, you will have to grant permission to Remote Desktop (RDP) connections to your backup server.To do this, click on Security Groups tab in ElasticFox and click on the Grant New Permission button (marked with green).

    Select RDP under Protocol Details and click Add.

    2) Right click on the instance of your backup virtual appliance under the Instances tab and select Get AdministratorPassword


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    3) You will get a message like the one below.

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    4) Now, to login into your backup virtual appliance, right click the instance again and select View Details. You will see a

    screen like the one below. Copy the Public DNS Name field from the window that appears. You can login to your backupvirtual appliance using remote desktop using this Public DNS Name.

  • 8/14/2019 Online Backup Service on Amazon


    5) If you are performing these steps from a Windows installation, use Remote Desktop Connection, (Start -> Programs ->

    Accessories -> Communications -> Remote Desktop Connection) to login to your EC2 instance (or) In case you are on a Linuxmachine, use rdesktop to login using the public-DNS name of the EC2 instance and the administrator password.

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    6) Once you are connected to your EC2 instance, convert the EBS volume attached to the EC2 instance into a new partition

    using the New Partition Wizard on Windows

    Once you complete the wizard, you will find the EBS volume listed in the EC2 instance like the figure below.

  • 8/14/2019 Online Backup Service on Amazon


    7) In the EBS volume (E:\ drive in our example), create a new folder called SGCloudConf. Within this folder, create a file calledSGConf.xml with the following text. This xml file stores the values of StoreGrid Configuration and EBS Volume snapshot


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    Attribute Description

    ID The ID attribute under Configuration tag represents the uniqueStoreGrid ID of the StoreGrid installation.

    StartModule The StartModule attribute specifies that the StoreGrid instance to be

    started as 601 - Backup Server or 609 - Replication Server

    To know more about StoreGrid Backup and Replication servers, please


    article&kbarticleid=54Enabled The Enabled attribute under EBSSnapShots tag represents the enable -

    1 and disable - 0 of scheduled snapshots of the attached EBS Volume.

    It is recommended to have this value enabled, as this would make

    sure that there is a backup of the attached EBS Volume.

    Schedule The Schedule tag fills in the details for when to schedule the EBS

    Volume snapshot. For example, if you wish to do snapshot of the EBS

    volume daily on 2:10 AM, then you can configure as follows :

    Volume ID The Volume tag's ID attribute provides the EBS Volume's id value for

    taking the snapshot.

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    8) Next, to store the backup data, we will require a bucket of storage in the Amazon S3 service. We will use the S3Fox tool tocreate the storage bucket on Amazon S3.

    What is S3Fox? S3Fox Organizer is a simple tool that lets you

    organize/manage/store your files on Amazon S3. It is integrated

    into the Firefox browser.

    Where do I

    download thistool?

    You can download this as a Firefox Add-on at

    You can get the latest version of Firefox from here

  • 8/14/2019 Online Backup Service on Amazon


    After installing S3Fox Organizer, click on Manage Accounts and add your AWS access credentials as below.

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    Click on the Create Directory button to create a new S3 folder (or bucket).

    (Note: Folder (i.e. bucket) names can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.) and dashes (-). )

    Then close the S3Fox tool and come back to the ElasticFox screen.

    9) Under the same folder in the Amazon EC2 instance, SGCloudConf, create another file called S3Conf.xml with the followingtext. This xml file stores the AWS access credentials needed for StoreGrid to store the primary storage data in Amazon S3.

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    Attribute Description

    AccessKey AccessKey attribute stores the AWS access key.

    SecretKey SecretKey attribute stores the AWS secret key.

    BucketName Enter the name of the folder (or bucket) we created using the

    S3Fox tool in the previous step.

    10)To allow StoreGrid clients to connect to the StoreGrid Backup Server, you need to grant permission to the security group(e.g'default' security group) which determines the ports opened up for communication in your EC2 instance.The TCP ports for which the permission should be granted are 32004, 32007. For accessing StoreGrid web console remotely,

    you should open up 6060 and 6061 TCP Ports.

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    To do this, click on the Security Groups tab in ElasticFox and click on the Grant Permission button under Group


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    11)In the Grant New Permission pop-up, select Other under Protocol Details and enter the Port Range as 32004 to 32004.

    Repeat this process for the ports 32007, 6060 and 6061.

    Port Number Description

    32004 For default Backup Port

    32007 For default SSL Backup Port

    6060 For default HTTP Port of StoreGrid WebConsole

    6061 For default HTTPS Port of StoreGrid WebConsole

  • 8/14/2019 Online Backup Service on Amazon


    Congratulations, Your StoreGrid Backup Server (or Replication Server, as set in StartModule attribute in Step# 7) is now

    configured! After StoreGrid is started, login to StoreGrid web console by entering with the username of "admin" and password "storevembu"

    Get your clients machines to backup to your Amazon Server

    1) Download and install the StoreGrid client builds from this link

    For client installation instructions and help in configuring backups, please refer to the help documentation

    Client Operating


    Installation Steps




    In case you require any further assistance during installation, please write to us at [email protected]


    Vembu Technologies powers the online backup and storage business of over 1300 Managed Service

    Providers, VARs and ISPs worldwide with its flagship brand StoreGrid

    Vembu Technologies, 2009. All rights reserved.