online attendance tracking training session #1: ccis provider training

Online Attendance Tracking Training Session #1: CCIS Provider Training

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Online Attendance Tracking Training Session #1: CCIS Provider Training

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OAT CCIS Training



• OAT Overview and Background• OAT Captivate Simulation• Next Steps:

- Training, Support, Outstanding PCRs (Program Change Requests) and Advertising Materials

• Questions

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OAT Overview and Background

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What is Online Attendance Tracking?

oOnline Attendance Tracking allows subsidized child care providers to receive and submit monthly attendance invoices electronically. Providers who opt-in can view their invoices as of the first of every month, as well as copies of payment summaries, recoupment letters and outstanding balance letters. Processing invoices online provides flexibility and various time-saving options including:

• Increased time to fill out and submit invoices• Access to online invoice history• View a snapshot of payments received each month• Receive e-mail notifications when invoices are available, past due and submitted• Reduced risk of lost invoices• Resolve discrepancies more quickly• Minimize paper usage and postal fees• Minimize data entry errors with multiple pre-populated fields• Enter comments at the individual child level and at the invoice level to explain details or

updates, eliminating the need for CCIS follow-up

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How does provider submitted attendance information get to CCISs?

Subsidized Child Care Providers

Provider Self Serviceused forOnline

Attendance Tracking

PELICAN Child Care Works

CCIS Staff

Today’s Focus

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History of OAT:

• In August 2010, prior to requirements gathering, CCIS and provider site visits were conducted in order to solicit feedback as to how OAT should be implemented.

• The pilot program was conducted to allow a targeted group of providers and CCISs to opt-in for OAT. The pilot program occurred from Apr, 2011 to Aug, 2011. During the pilot, providers received, completed and submitted their attendance information using the PELICAN Provider Self-Service portal.

• Throughout the pilot, providers and CCISs were asked to provide feedback on the following:o User friendliness and effectiveness of the systemo User friendliness and effectiveness of the available training materials

• All CCISs are receiving training in preparation for:o All KinderCare locations that will be opting in and submitting invoices onlineo OAT which will be advertised to all regulated providers at the PACCA conference (Nov 30th – Dec 2nd)

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OAT pilot program:

•Nine CCIS offices and18 providers from across the Commonwealth are participating in the pilot program

Pilot ProvidersKinderCare (8 locations) Hildebrandt

Apple Child Care Center YWCA Lancaster

Young Achievers Lancaster Day Care Center

FELS – Paley E.L.C Aa to Zz Child Care Learning Center

Northeast Family YMCA U-Gro


Pilot CCISs

Philadelphia-Center City and South




Philadelphia-West and Southwest




Delaware Note: If providers approach CCISs with questions and/or concerns that CCISs are unsure about, please direct their calls to the ELN Help Desk (877-491-3818).

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“ I love online attendance and I find it very helpful” Lisette Colon, Child Care provider, OAT pilot provider, YWCA Lancaster

“Other providers will be interested in using online attendance because it is much more convenient”

“ I like online attendance and can’t wait for other providers in my county to begin using it”

Kristen Zell, Child Care provider, OAT pilot provider, U- Gro

“ I like that you can easily view your co-pay. The highlighting helps to keep things accurate across multiple sheets”


“I think Online Attendance is fantastic! I have shown it to my owner who also likes it”

Maryann Huzvar, Child Care provider, OAT pilot provider, Aa to Zz CCLC


Feedback from OAT pilot providers:

“Way more convenient!”

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OAT Captivate Simulation


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Next Steps:Training, Support and Advertising Materials

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Outstanding PCR Update

• The following defect and system enhancement PCRs were identified since the April 2011 Go-Live:

PCR Type Description Status Update

31010 Defect Enrollment comments not fully visible on the Online Attendance Invoice screen.

This PCR is prioritized for March 2012 release.

31011 Defect Closures are appearing incorrectly on the Provider Attendance Invoice Details screen.

This PCR is prioritized for March 2012 release.

31002 System Enhancement

Changing error message text on the Provider Attendance Invoice Details screen.

This PCR is prioritized for March 2012 release.

30758 System Enhancement

Changing when the “Schedule Change” highlight is triggered on the Invoice Attendance Detail screen.

This PCR is prioritized for March 2012 release.

30735 System Enhancement

Changing the clearance criteria of the “Child Terminated” highlight on Invoice Attendance Detail screen.

This PCR is prioritized for March 2012 release.

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12* (Indicates materials designed for providers to be distributed by CCISs)

Number of files

When and where to use these materials Provider CCISUse in Trainin


Overview Presentations 2 The presentations provide an introduction to OAT to familiarize users with OAT. CCISs should use this as a kick-off deck during training to provide a complete picture of OAT to Providers. Provider

PELICAN Online Help 3 Online Help is specifically designed for CCISs. Online Help is a comprehensive reference tool that details all aspects of the PELICAN system, with specific files (3) related to OAT functionality. A glossary of commonly used terms is also included.

Captivate Simulation: Provider Self Service Online

Attendance Tracking

1 Use for a comprehensive walk-through of the PSS OAT process for submitting online invoices. CCISs should direct providers to this simulation to demonstrate to providers the ease and flexibility available with OAT.

Captivate Simulation: Processing Online Provider


1 Use for a comprehensive walk-through of the processing provider invoice process. CCISs should use this simulation whenever deemed necessary.

Tip Sheet: Processing Online Attendance Invoices

1 Use for questions and concerns related specifically to processing OAT invoices. CCISs should use this tip sheet if questions and/or concerns arise with processing OAT invoices.

Tip Sheet: PSS Account Setup

1 Use for questions and concerns related specifically to PSS account setup. CCISs should direct providers to this tip sheet if providers approach them with questions and/or concerns related to PSS account formation.

User Reference Guide 1 Use for comprehensive and detailed information related to all aspects of OAT. All users and non-users of the OAT system should use this guide to addresses questions and/or concerns related to OAT.

Brochures 3 CCISs should use brochures when promoting and encouraging providers to opt-in to OAT. CCISs should distribute these brochures whenever contact is made with providers and when deemed appropriate.

Newsletters/List Serv (text only)

2 CCISs should use newsletters when promoting and encouraging providers to opt-in to OAT. Newsletters should be distributed following your normal procedures or as deemed appropriate.


• All available training, support, and advertising materials related to OAT:

Training Materials

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Type Purpose Link

Overview PresentationsProvides an introduction, general overview and background of OAT.


OAT Brochure: Benefits Provides overview of benefits associated with opting- in to OAT.

OAT Brochure: OverviewProvides brief overview of OAT system including how to access PSS and how to create/register for an account.

OAT Brochure: SecurityProvides overview of the security features for providers who choose to opt-in to OAT.

Captivate Simulation: Provider Self Service

Online Attendance Tracking

Electronic learning tool that provides a walkthrough of the OAT system designed for Child Care providers.

Note: PSS log-in required, then click “CCIS Online Invoicing Demonstration” on left hand side .

OCDEL Link: http://ocd/custom/ccis/training/ccis_provider_training.asp

PSS Link:

Newsletter/List Serv: PSS Overview

Provides text to be distributed by CCISs to providers detailing benefits of PSS account creation.

http://ocd/custom/ccis/training/ccis_provider_training.aspNewsletter/List Serv: OAT

OverviewProvides text to be distributed by CCISs to providers detailing benefits associated with OAT.

Tip Sheet: PSS Account Setup

Provides detailed assistance for providers on multiple aspects of PSS account creation and functions.

User Reference Guide Provides comprehensive and detailed assistance for OAT system users and non-users.

OCDEL Intranet: http://ocd/custom/ccis/training/ccis_provider_training.asp

PSS Link:

• The following training and advertising materials are specifically designed for providers:

Training Materials

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PACCA Conference

• A booth will be available throughout the conference with computers available for Providers to begin the opt-in process; brochures will also be available to Providers to take back to their locations.

• Two training sessions will be held for the Providers attending the conference. The following reflects the information that was shared with the Providers to advertise the session:

When: Nov 30th – Dec 2nd Where: Penn State, State College, PA

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Next Steps

• CCISs should make it a priority to become familiar and comfortable with provider processes in order to address provider concerns and questions.

• If CCISs cannot answer provider questions, CCISs should direct providers to the ELN Help Desk (877-491-3818).

• Please use the materials provided to assist and encourage providers in your county to opt-in to OAT.

• Please note that all CCISs should attend next week’s training session which will focus on how CCIS staff should process online invoices.

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Thank you!

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