online advertising as a new story: effects of user-driven photo advertisement in social media

Online Advertising as a New Story Effects of User-Driven Photo Advertisement in Social Media Min Shin, Yonsei University, Korea @HCI International 2013

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Conference Proceedings of HCI International 2013 at Las Vegas. Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science on Human Computer Interaction (


Page 1: Online Advertising as a New Story: Effects of User-Driven Photo Advertisement in Social Media

Online Advertising as a New Story

Effects of User-Driven Photo Advertisement in Social Media

Min Shin, Yonsei University, Korea

@HCI International 2013

Page 2: Online Advertising as a New Story: Effects of User-Driven Photo Advertisement in Social Media


Mobile device has infiltrated into our lives (79% - 2hours everyday, IDC research 2013)

!Social media is at the center of mobile activities (70% - Facebook) !Experience of highest sense of connectedness through social network services !Mobile & Social Media = New media environment for advertising


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Promoted TweetsPage Posts Ads

Mobile & Social Media Advertising interface

Sponsored Stories


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Current Interface: ‘Display’ ads in personal mobile space

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‘Banner Blindness’ : Users tend to ignore online banner advertisement on purpose (Benway, 1998) !Feelings of irritation elicited and adverts avoided when perceived as intrusive (Edwards et al, 2002) !User adopt more negative intentions when a site display advertisement (McCoy et al, 2007) !Online banner advertisements click-through rate is decreasing steadily (Idemudia et al, 2007)


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Previous Works

Mobile ads effectiveness: Context, trust & attitude (Ozaki, 2004) !Consumers may be willing to tolerate contextually targeted ads more than other ads because regarding it as information (Goldfarb and Tucker,2011)

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More contextual More informational More effective Interface Design

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How to design engaging advertising interface?

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Photo Contents on SNS

Source : Facebook(2012)

Getting bigger and important !People share their story with images !Most shared content type : Photo - Wildfire (2012)


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User Driven Ads Interface


User’s Social Network Space

Text Information

Image Space

Other Contents




User’s Social Network Space

Text Information


Other Contents


Page 11: Online Advertising as a New Story: Effects of User-Driven Photo Advertisement in Social Media

User Driven Ads Interface

Shared Photo Brand Logo Combined Ad


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Prototype Video

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Psychological Context- 1

Self-presentation: Connect to self-concept !Psychological mediator of contents sharing in online (Taylor et al, 2012)

!Sharing ads & photo = Self-presentation


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Psychological Context- 2

Emotional & Cognitively tagged information !Guiding choice strongly driven by emotion (Peatfiled et al, 2012)


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Psychological Context- 3

Self-referential effect: self function as a super ordinate schema that is deeply involved in the processing, interpretation and memory (Rogers et al, 1977)

Link between social cognition and self-referential thought. Social cognition about the mental state of another person increase self-referential effect (Mitchell et al, 2005)


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Prototype & Experiments

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Prototype & Experiment

Hypothesis 1: The brand logo on photo will arouse users’ attention in positive way. !Hypothesis 2: The user-driven ads interface will be more effective to memorize advertisements than current ads interface


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Prototype & Experiment Test pages of Facebook

:popularity & universal familiarity

!Created 4 Facebook mobile test pages : 2 x 2(current & new / famous & anonymous) : 8 ads inserted : Rest of contents are identical : Provide blank box to write recalled ads

!Experiments design & the number of participants (between subject design)

Famous brand Anonymous brand Total

Current design 25 26 51

Proposed design 27 25 52

Total 52 51 103


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Prototype & Experiment

(A) Famous-Current (B) Famous-New Design

(C) Anonymous-Current (D) Anonymous-New Design




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Results : Effect of User-driven ads interface

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H1) Brand logo on friends’ photo has drawn attention as much as current Facebook ads (empirical eye-tracker study, )

Result -1 Brand Logo Effect


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H1) The attention caused from more positive than negative attitude: Participants answered how much they agree about brand logo on friends’ photo with shown adjectives (useful, interesting, irritating and disturbing) by 7 scale agree to disagree measure (p <.05)

Result -1 Brand Logo Effect






Famous Anonymous

Negative(irritating, disturbing) Positive(useful, interesting)






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Result - 2 Retrieval Performance

H2) The number of recalled ads mean difference between new interface and current interface was significantly valuable. In both famous and anonymous brand condition, participants recalled significantly more ads in the user driven interface. (p<.05)






Famous Anonymous

Current New






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Conclusion Summary: Current mobile social media ads design is limited to display. The user-driven ads interface made an association between shared image story and related ads. This interface made positive attention by brand logo and more powerful to recall ads. !Limitations: Not explored self-presentation desire to share ads with their photo. The attention of brand logo is not fully researched about long-term effectiveness. The effects tested only instant response just after using test pages. The usability value was not explored. !Future step: Test of long-term perspective in terms of attention, effectiveness and usability. Explore what motivates people share ads with their images (profit or others)


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Context between image and ads = Online Advertising as a New Story

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Thank You

Min Shin, School of Integrated Technology, Yonsei University

@HCI International 2013