online advertising and marketing

1 1 Seminar Goal To provide you with information on using online marketing techniques to promote and advertise their business.

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Seminar Goal

To provide you with information on using online marketing techniques to promote and advertise their business.


What is Marketing?



What is “Internet Marketing”?

Creating Buzz

How You Can Profit From E-Business


Internet Marketing

Internet marketing refers to strategies to promote your business online.


It is important to remember that any Internet marketing strategy should be part of your overall marketing strategy.

This includes online and traditional offline marketing.


Popular Methods of Online Marketing

1. Search Engine Optimization

2. Online Display advertising

3. Email Marketing

4. Social Media Strategies


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)


SEO tips

1. Keyword rich content

2. Relevant content and calls to action

3. Use images to complement text

4. As many external links as possible (links pointing to you)

5. Connected to Social media.

6. Always drive traffic to your website

7. Well organized and simple



What is Online Display Advertising?

Online display advertising can be defined as using the Internet as an advertising medium (i.e. promotional messages appear on other websites and/or search engine results pages).







•Location•Age•Sex•Keywords (appear in your users profile)•Education•Workplace•Relationship status•Relationship interests•Languages

Facebook Advertising


E-mail marketing is a form of direct marketing which uses e-mail as a means of communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience. In its broadest sense, every e-mail sent to a potential or current customer could be considered e-mail marketing. However, the term is usually used to refer to:

Sending e-mails with the purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its current or previous customers and to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business. Sending e-mails to a specific target audience with the purpose of acquiring new customers. Adding advertisements to e-mails sent by other companies to their customers. Cpmsent identification unsubscribe

What is e-mail Marketing?



• Highly Targeted: dynamic, personalized content• Immediate: shorter lead times• Test and Refine: ensuring optimal results through continues

improvement.• Measurable: effectiveness of campaigns (ROI).Greater insight

into customer behavior.• Reach: unlimited distribution globally, infinitely scalable• Better conversion rates: seamless – uninterrupted process

from prospect to customer in a matter of clicks.• Cost effective: fast acting, flexible focused campaigns equals

maximum return on investment.

What is e-mail Marketing?



E-mail Tips & Techniques

1. Use a high impact subject line.

2. Make sure your web address appears early. Provide a link to a relevant landing page.

3. Identify the user’s pain quickly. Use a classic problem/solution format.

4. Write with enthusiasm


Canada’s anti-Spam legislation

Specifies 3 “must-haves”:

You must have consent You must clearly Identify yourself Provide an unsubscribe function

For more info:



Social Media Marketing

Definition:Social Media Marketing is an approach to marketing your business by using electronic social media to raise visibility and to promote products and services.

Social media are primarily Internet and mobile-based tools for sharing and discussing information. They are a collaborative way of using the web to enhance creativity and knowledge exchange.


Popular Sites


Other Forms of Social Networking

BloggingA blog is a website (maintained by an individual or organization) where people post entries of commentary, or other material such as graphics or video.

Web Syndication (RSS)A form of syndication in which a section of a website is made available for other sites to use.

Social News DIGG RedditServices that allow people to post various news items or links to outside articles and then allows it's users to "vote" and /or comment on the items.


The phenomenon

Canada has highest social media network penetration in the world (82% of Canadians VS 75% of Americans.)

55% of online Canadians (19,000,000) are active on the top social

network in this country, Facebook.  Canadian individuals Spend an average of 2 hours

19 minutes on social networks each day. 46% of mobile phone users have a social media

app. 9% of Canada’s mobile users utilize location-based services.

91% of Canadian Internet users have a social media account and 66% have used social media in the past month.

85% have a Facebook account and 57% have used Facebook in the past month.

46% have a Twitter account and 22% have used Twitter in the past month. 45% have a Google+ account and 13% have used Google+ in the past

month. 30% have a LinkedIn account and 11% have used LinkedIn in the past

month. 26% have a Pinterest account and 10% have used Pinterest in the past



Mobile Canadians

Household mobile usage penetration amongst internet users is 76% (26,263,000), which is below the world average of 93%. 

58% of the Country connects to the Internet via a mobile device.

56% of Canadians have a Smartphone

89% of Canadian Smartphone users search for local information, compared to 94% in the US.

77% use their Smartphone to research products, which is equal to the US.

27% of Canadian Smartphone users have made a purchase using their phone, compared to 46% in the US.



Trends in social Marketing

Investment in Social Media will Become a Necessity, not a Luxury

With 92% of business owners recently indicating that social media is important to their business (up from 86% in 2013), this prediction appears to be on track. Businesses are continuing to re-allocate budgets away from traditional methods of advertising towards social media and other inbound marketing strategies.


Trends in social Marketing

Image-Centric Networks Will See Huge Success

Image-centric social networks like Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat may not be serious competition for Facebook, but they continue to draw in a loyal user-base, and that may ultimately be the key to their success.

Trends in social Marketing

We’ll Witness the Rise of Micro-Video

Brands are using micro-video platforms like Vine and Instagram video to stand out by simplifying their message. Take the anti-smoking campaign launched recently by Saatchi for World No Tobacco Day: Digiday reported that the first 5 days of the campaign garnered the ads 50,000 likes and 26,000 revines.

Trends in social Marketing

LinkedIn Will Become a Major Player for B2B Business Growth

LinkedIn continues to be a primary network for businesses, particularly the B2B set. According to research by LinkedIn expert Wayne Breitbarth, company page usage this year has jumped from 24% to 57%.

Your content must add value.

Articles about your industry (your own and other sources)

New client announcements

New product or services

Information that assists your client with their buying decision

Content strategy


Bernard Charlebois

(613) 720-0248

[email protected]
