one of the most important aspects to be successful in your research, your job and your career (in...

Oral Presentation Skills for Technical Speakers with help from YouTube, etc.

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Post on 29-Mar-2015




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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Slide 3 One of the Most Important Aspects to be Successful in Your Research, Your Job and Your Career (in America) is Excellent Oral and Written Communication Citation comes from Prof. Sherman Frankel and it is full confirmed by Klara Nahrstedt Slide 4 Here is what you have to do: 1. Communicate your arguments and ideas 2. Persuade your audience that your ideas are valid 3. Oh, and by the way, be interesting and entertaining (riveting?) Slide 5 Lets look at some presentations Emulate excellent speakers. Slide 6 Presentations Opening and Closings Each presentation can have an Introduction (tell them what you are going to tell them) Body (tell them) Conclusion (tell them what you just told them) (You can break this rule if you are a very good speaker) Slide 7 Openings YouTube note spelling error on last visual YouTube Purpose Grab the audiences attention so that they will want to hear what you have to say Should be a grabber or attention seeker Slide 8 Good Openings Startling question Challenging statement An appropriate short quotation or illustration A surprising generalization An exhibit object, article, picture Personal story Slide 9 Poor Openings A long or slow-moving quotation A self introduction An apologetic statement Story, joke or anecdote which does not connect to the theme Slide 10 More Useful Tips and Tools YouTube video Do memorize your first and last few sentences Dont speak too rapidly Slide 11 Its no good stuck in your brain Why? What if you come up with some great idea that someone else expresses more clearly? Promotion and advancement can depend on your ability to communicate. Slide 12 Keep It Simple Simplifying and repeating the main idea will result in increased attentiveness and retention Slide 13 Unravel high-tech mysteries Use every day language, avoid jargon (and the dreaded 3-letter acronym) If you use jargon, make sure to introduce/define it. Slide 14 How do you connect with your audience? Lets make a list! Slide 15 Body Language Eye Contact In United States, eye contact is primary and vital By gazing directly into anothers eyes we establish link/closeness In fact, studies show perception of distrust are created when eye contact is NOT maintained. Slide 16 Body Language Facial Expression Words and face should convey the same message. Gestures Most expressive part of body language Speaker uses his hands and arms to illustrate his words Slide 17 Tone of Voice Convey life, color and melody Voice should not sound flat or wooden, beginners tend to speak on too high a pitch. A thin high-pitched tone lacks authority and appeal; it is harsh and unpleasant. Cultivate deeper tones. one-note pitch is also a problem boring. Slide 18 Breathe Correctly Breathe properly as a speaker (rather than saying um or like, just take a breath) Always breathe deeply from your diaphragm Slide 19 Show, Dont Tell! Example: Data Mining is dangerous and can swoop up innocent people it its net ---OR--- Or Slide 20 Show, Dont Tell! Privacy settings are important in online social networks Or Slide 21 Show, Dont Tell, Cont. Examples of drone warfarecollateral damage S_UF4 S_UF4 Make heavy use of examples, analogies, metaphors, and comparisons to clarify and support your main points Slide 22 More Useful Tips and Tools Dont pace/walk but a bit of movement is fine Dont fumble with a pencil, watch, or ring while you speak Slide 23 Ums, Ahs, Like, Basically Compiled by TA Rob Blake, Fall 2007 Slide 24 Closings of Presentation Repeat your speech objectives Leave the audience with something to remember Closing is the clincher Thank your audience, and start the 3 questions Slide 25 Three questions!!!! Slide 26 SAMPLE--Three questions to start discussionnote ESL problems Is it ethical that Xbox leaves the DRM as it is now? Is it ethical to sell both DRM protected track and DRM free track on iTunes Store? Is it ethical to just not develop DRM tech for online stores and leave those unauthorized copying alone? Slide 27 Questions Whos responsibility is it to prevent identity theft? The potential victims? The banks / credit card companies? The governments? Is the internet to blame for the growth in identity-theft related crime? Should it be the responsibility of the victim to repair the damage done by identity theft? Slide 28 Fun with PowerPoint See our links Slide 29 Tell us where you got the graphs, illustrations !!!!! ml?ref=todayspaper Slide 30 Creating Your Visuals Readable from the rear This font is Arial 32 No more than 3-5 major points Each point must be easily identifiable Use highlights, colors, bullets, different text size Slide 31 References at the end E-Commerce and Internet Auction Fraud: The E-Bay Community Model, Accessed: November 27 th, 2009 Wang, Shouhong (2005) A Model for Monitoring and Enforcing Online Auction Ethics. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, 1(3), 56-72, July-Sept 2005 eBay policy, bidding.html Accessed: November 26 th, 2009 bidding.html Steiglitz, Ken (2007) Snipers, Shills, & Sharks: eBay and Human Behavior. Princeton University Press, NJ auction sniping, Accessed: November 26 th, 2009 eBay Find of the Day: 1963 LeMans Tempest sells for $226,521, lemans-tempest-sells-for-226-521/#comments Accessed: November 26 th, 2009 lemans-tempest-sells-for-226-521/#comments Penny web auctions under scrutiny, Accessed: November 27 th, 2009 Slide 32 Creating Your Visuals Use colors appropriately Dont overwhelm Highlight important words Otherwise, all is lost Slide 33 Email Pay very much attention to good communication in every technical communication Voice mail, email, you name it! Slide 34 Writing an email to a TA or Prof Go to Web Preferences Include earlier email in yours Add a Signature! Slide 35 And don't forget to check your spelling (-: Slide 36 A Good Email Message Signature! Good Subject Line! Include previous email Slide 37 If you send a poorly written email The people who bring you CS210 will help you develop your email skills this semester. Expect to have your email message returned to you until you have used the spellchecker and a added helpful ID so we know who wrote us. Slide 38 Summary Asking and answering good questions is memorable communication Practice, Practice, Practice Ultimate Goal: Be an effective communicator in every situation Slide 39 Have three (3) questions at the end for CS210 and make sure you dont leave the ethical content until you get to the questions Slide 40 AND Finish your talk within the time limit Slide 41 THE END Make it Memorable