one mindanao - november 22, 2013


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Page 1: One Mindanao - November 22, 2013
Page 2: One Mindanao - November 22, 2013

Malungon townsfolk bask in the splendor of 6th Slang Fest Catherine T. ApelacioCentral Mindanao

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2013 Vol. 3 No. 68

Post-’Yolanda’ cleanup in Tacloban now more than halfway done




Today’s news...

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Surigao Norte GADCC joins commemoration of 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women 17Agusan National High Schooljoins DENR in NGP 18

Over 1,000 senior citizens in NorthCot celebrate elderly week 12


Diwat NHS in Misamis Occidental is Brigada Eskwela National Awardee

BSU supreme student council launches‘Isa ka baso nga bugas para sa Visayas

25 26

Rutchie C. Aguhob

Susil D. Ragas

Ruby Leonora R. Balistoy

Expansion of Cotabato Airport underway 13 Perlita D. Changco

Shahana Joy E. Duerme


Comprehensive Anti-smoking Ordinance yields more arrests and penalties 29

Alfonso T. Ruda


P15-M PAMANA road project to be implemented in Siocon town 31Alfonso T. Ruda

DTI steps up price monitoring on basic commodities 32

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In awe at its magnificence,thousands of people, as if weredrawn, never let themselvesmissed every single moment togetsomeglimpseofthedifferentactivitiesthatthelocalgovernmentofMalungonpreparedtohonoritsindigenous peoples (IPs). AccordingtoMayorReynaldoConstantino, the3-day fest (Nov16-18) which started five yearsagoisgettingevenbetter,withallitsvalueaddeachyear. The festivity is held with anoble purpose to preserve thetribal practice of barter trading,socializingandconflict resolutionamongdifferentIPsinMalungon,

which is the only landlockedtown of the seven comprisingmunicipalitiesofSarangani. “Thisistoremindourpeoplethatevenwiththeinfluxofsettlers,peacefulco-existenceflourishesinourmunicipalityuptothesedays.Andthatevenus,BlaansandtheKaulos, in unity and cooperationof our brother lowlanders, couldbe consistent flag bearers ofsuccess and development,” saidConstantino, standing proud ofhisBlaanlineage. Baring the winners of


It was a yearly event, but the townsfolk in this part of the province of

Sarangani never seemed to get enough of the Slang Fest as colourful activities celebrating the event’s 6th year unfolded before their very eyes.

Malungon townsfolk bask in the splendor of 6th Slang Fest By Catherine T. Apelacio

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Monday’s night search forMs.ManenggeyanaLibun ’13,Municipal Information OfficerIsaganiPalmasaidthewordsareofBlaanoriginwhichmean“beautifulgirl.”Thisevent,acrowddrawerinitself,highlightedthefestivity. Crowned MissManenggeyanaLibun ‘13 wasThelma Mae Trazona with IrishManialon, 1st runner-up; AubreySano, 2nd runner-up; and MaryJadeManambay,3rdrunner-up. TheSlangFest,accordingtoPalma,isuniqueonlytoMal’ngan(Malungon), being home to twomajor tribes in the province—the Blaans and the Kaulos, whoare still in considerable numbersliving harmoniously with other

remaining tribes likethe Ilonggos and the Cebuanos. The mayor alsotookhugepride in theactive participation ofthe tribal chieftainsandleaderswhochoseto look their best intheir native garmentsastheyreligiouslyandpatiently converged attheSunkenArenafromdayonetothelastdaytojoinlocalgovernmentofficials, guests, andthe constituents, ingeneraltoliterallybaskinthefest’ssplendor. Other noteworthy

activities, which were bothsymbolic and colourful, includedthe legendary horse fighting,parade,andtheinauguralprogramwhichfeaturedveryvibrantstreetdancingcoupledwithtribalgamessuch as the “Sambuno” or tribalwrestling competition, amongothers.


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Authorities have breached the one-million mark in terms of food packs distributed to families affected by super typhoon

“Yolanda” (Haiyan).

DSWD: More than 1M food packs given to ‘Yolanda’ victims

Department of Social Welfare and Development Secretary Corazon Soliman said the one millionth pack was given to a family in Tolosa, Leyte.

Soliman said that as of 6 p.m. Thursday, the DSWD had distributed 1,136,565 food packs.

Also, she said the DSWD had distributed

216,389 one-liter bottles of water.For now, she said the agency plans

to open another repacking facility in Catbalogan in Samar, to improve efficiency in delivering basic services.

She added the delivery of food packs will continue for the affected families. PND

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Post-’Yolanda’ cleanup in Tacloban now more than halfway done

The work to clear this city of debris brought by super typhoon “Yolanda” (Haiyan) is finally more than halfway done.

City administrator John Tecson Lim told an inter-agency meeting here Friday that the clearing operations were 50.23 percent complete as of 10 p.m. Thursday.

Tacloban City is one of the areas hit hardest by Yolanda, one of the most powerful cyclones in recent history, and which has left more than 4,000 dead.

But in past days, it has gradually resumed daily activities, with businesses reopening and banks

resuming transactions.On Friday, the Department of Trade

and Industry opened a “Diskwento Caravan” for residents to buy basic goods at lower prices.

Meanwhile, the Bureau of Fire Protection said it continues flushing operations in up to 30 villages and in evacuation centers.

It said some 10 to 12 fire trucks are used for the daily operations, using about 100,000 liters a day. PND

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rCHITS to improve maternal healthcare in 7 Mindanao cities, municipalities

The rCHITS program is a UNICEF undertaking being implemented by UP Manila and partner municipalities through the University of the Philippines (UP) National Telehealth Center.

“rCHITS will help the partner cities and municipalities computerize the medical data and history of the residents and allow real time monitoring of child health indicators,”

Seven cities and municipalities in Mindanao are expected to improve on their maternal and child healthcare reporting with the United

Children’s Fund’s (UNICEF) Real-time Community Health Information and Tracking System (rCHITS).

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Arturo N. Ongkeko, National Telehealth Center Training Coordinator said.

He said rCHITS has three components namely mobile reports, community health information tracking system and local government dashboard.

Among the seven cities and municipalities in Mindanao that will benefit from Phase 2 of rCHITS are Davao City, four in North Cotabato including Aleosan, Arakan, Midsayap and President Roxas and two in Sultan Kudarat including Lebak and Kalamansig.

First phase of the project was implemented from November 2011 to May 2012 in three project sites namely Gamay, Northern Samar; Sto. Domingo, Albay; and Glan, Sarangani.

Ongkeko said they have already

conducted a two-week training in Davao City for the health personnel of the partner cities and municipalities. The midwives of partner local government units (LGUs) will submit selected maternal and child healthcare indicators using mobile phones. The operators enter the data using the CHITS software which will generate patient information and history. The LGU dashboard comes out with graphs and tables which will help the local government health centers as well as the local chief executives in decision-making.

He said the partner cities and municipalities were given four computer sets (for each area), 200 mobile Android phones and the CHITS software.

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KORONADAL CITY, South Cotabato -- Fifteen dump trucks loaded with a total of approximately 150 tons of food and non-food relief goods left Koronadal City early today for survivors of supertyphoon Yolanda.

SouthCot sends 150 tons of aid to storm-hit Iloilo provinceBy: Danilo E. Doguiles

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ProvincialboardmemberAgustinDemaalatoldPhilippineInformationAgencyyesterdaythatthesegoodsare intended for the province ofIloilo.“Deliveryofreliefoperationsare

currentlybeingfocusedonTacloban,Ormoc,andotherplacesinSamarand Leyte,” Demaala said, “so theprovincialgovernmentdecidedthatwe will send the relief goods toIloilo which was alsohard-hit bysupertyphoonYolanda.”Choosing Iloilo as the recipient

province is also logical becausemost residents of South Cotabatohaverelativestherewhoalsoneedassistance.Theconvoyof15trucksthatleft

at dawn were loaded with reliefgoods bought by the provincialgovernmentand those donated bylocal government units, religiousgroups, private groups, students,

andothers.Demaala said, with him leading

the contingent are fellow boardmembers VicdeJesusand RomeoTamayo. Reports reaching PIA12this morning indicated that boardmembers Samuel Ladot, RomuloLadot,andEllenGraceSubere-Albioshavealsojoinedtheteam.Inanearlierinterview,deJesus


intendedtobeloadedonthePhilippineNavyshipdockedatMakarwharfinGeneralSantosonTuesday.“But the navy ship can only

accommodate about 20 tons ofthe donations from the provincialgovernment,”deJesus,said,“sowedecidedtopulloutinfavorofothergroupsinGeneralSantosCitywhoarealso looking for ways tosend

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KIDAPAWAN CITY, North Cotabato - More than a thousand members of the Federation of Senior Citizens Association of the Philippines, Inc. (FSCAP) in North Cotabato recently gathered for the commemoration of the Elderly Filipino Week.

thedonationstheyhavegathered.”Their moveto personallydeliver

thegoodtothevictims,headded,isalsoanadvantageonthepartoftheprovincialLGUsinceitcoulddocumentwherethesereliefgoodsareactuallydelivered.De Jesus said, their activity

have been coordinated with localgovernment officials in IloiloProvince.Meanwhile,inaradiointerview,Gov.

Daisy Avance-Fuentes announcedtheprovincialgovernmentremainsopen fordonations for victimsofYolanda.“Reliefoperationsintheareashit

by typhoon Yolanda remain very

massiveandneedeverysupportthatwecangather,”shesaidinaradiointerview.A medical team from South


Dr. Rogelio Aturdido Jr., said theyhaveyettoreceivedirectivefromtheDepartmentofHealth12regardingtheirplaceofassignment.Atpresent,aKoronadalCity’s28-

man medical team led bymayorDr. Peter Miguel has set up amakeshiftmedicalclinicinfrontofthemunicipalhallofSta.FetowninLeyteProvince.(DEDoguiles-PIA12)

Over 1,000 senior citizens in NorthCot celebrate elderly weekBy: Shahana Joy E. Duerme

PedroAcosta,Sr.,FSCAPregionaland provincial chapter presidentsaid that the senior citizens whoparticipated in the activity camefrom the 17 municipalities of theprovince.The event highlighted

presentations of traditional songsand dances as well as traditionalattires.Meanwhile, OIC provincial

administrator Virgilita Guilaranexpressed appreciation for theeffortsoftheelderlyinjoiningthe

activity.She also thanked the senior

citizen sector for partnering withthe provincial government andfor supporting all the programsand advocacy of the presentadministration.Guilarannotedthattheprovincial

government supports manyprograms for senior citizens suchas those projects conceptualizedand proposed by FSCAP Cotabatochapter.“GovernorEmmylouMendozaand

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COTABATO CITY - After years of waiting, incoming and outgoing airline pas-sengers could expect a bigger and much sophisticated Cotabato Airport that can accommodate large aircrafts and increase the number of regular flights from Cotabato City to other destinations and vice-versa.

heradministrationrecognizetheimportance and the contributionsourelderlyhavegiventooursociety.It is but just right to give thembackwhat theyought toreceive,”Guilaransaid.She also announced that next

yeartheprovinceofNorthCotabatowill be celebrating its centennialyear.Inthisregard,oneofthemanyactivitiestheprovincialgovernmentwillbe launching isthesearchforCentennial Cotabateño. This is asearch recognizing the residentsof theprovincewhoseage is 100yearsandabove.On the other hand, 3rd district

boardmemberMaybellValdeviesowho is also the chair of SPCotabato Committee on FamilyandGenderassuredtheelderlyofthe continuous support from theprovincialgovernment.

“The provincial governmenthighlyrespectsandvaluestheroleofseniorcitizensintheaspirationofattainingprogressanddevelopment.Cast away your worries of beingneglected. The new generationcouldnotmakeitwithoutyouandyour priceless doings,” Valdeviesoemphasized.For her part, Gov. Mendoza

restated her truthful concern forthe senior citizens and reaffirmedher commitment to uphold theirrights and support them throughimplementation of programs andprojectsthatcouldbenefitthem.This year’s Elderly Filipino

Week celebration was anchoredin the theme, “Balik Kultura,Balik Saya” which centers on theculture, tradition and heritage oftheFilipinos. (SJDuerme-PIA12/N.CotabatoProvincialGovernment)

Expansion of Cotabato Airport underwayBy: Perlita D. Changco

According to OIC-ManagerLeonMasaltaoftheCivilAviationAuthority of the Philippines(CAAP)-Cotabato.anagreementhasreachedbetweenconcernedairlinecompaniesandtheCAAPforthe3-dayclosureaweekoftheCotabatoAirporttogivewayto

theimplementationofexpansionwork starting November 26 to28towidentherunwayandtaxilanestartingNov.26to28..Masalta said, with the

availabitityoftherequiredbudget,implementationoftheexpansionprogram is timely and based

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on the recommendation of theATOteamthatconductsregularinspection on the worthiness ofairportsinthecountry.FlightsofbothPhilippineAirlines

andCebuPacificwouldbeFriday,Saturday, Sunday and Mondaya week while expansion workcould be done during Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday andevery week thereafter, Masaltasaid.Masalta said, the expansion

program involves the wideningandrehabilitationoftherunwayandtaxilanefrom30to40meterstomeettheinternationalaviationstandards and accommodatelargeaircraftssuchastheAirbus320.Presently, both PALandCebu

Pacific have two flights daily

although they have the optionto increase their respectivenumber of flights given thenew arrangements with thetemporary interruption of theairportoperations.,hesaid.“Weasktheindulgenceofthe

public for the inconvenience.Anyway, this is a temporaryarrangement as part ofgovernment’s aviation safetyefforts to ensure the securityof airports and safe air travel,”Masalta said.Masaltasaid,uponcompletion

of the expansion program,upgradingoftheCotabatoAirporttoaninternationalairportisnotremoteasairtrafficisexpectedto increase that would boosteconomic growth in the area.(pbchangco/PIACotabatoCity)

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DOST “adopts” Yolanda victim families, raises funds for relief BUTUAN CITY -- The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is currently conducting its own relief operations to support the families affected by typhoon Yolanda that ruined Tacloban City and Palo town in Leyte, as well as neighboring towns in central Philippines two weeks ago.

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During theflag raising ceremonylastMondayatDOSTCompound inBicutan,TaguigCity,SecretaryMarioG.Montejoappealedtoallemployeesto extend assistance to the 400familiesorabout2,000peoplewhohave evacuated to the PhilippineScienceHighSchoolSystem(PSHS)Eastern Visayas Campus in Palo,Leyte.Theevacueesarestayingatthe first and second floors of thePSHS buildings and depend solelyondonationsfortheirdailysurvival.“Weappealtoyourkindnessand


DOSTwouldneedaboutP1,000.00tosupportforafamilyoffiveforaweek.Thus,DOSTtargetstoriseP2milliontosupportthefamiliesforamonth.“With 20 agencies under the

department, the goal is toreceive cash donations of aboutP100,000.00,moreorless,fromeachDOST agency,” he said.DOST will turn over

cashdonationsthisweektotheDOSTVIIRegionalOfficeinCebuCitywherefood, water, and othernecessitieswillbeboughtandpacked.Thesupplieswill be immediatelybroughttoPalo,Leyte.Therelief operation is beingmanaged by the DOST-Office of Undersecretary

for Regional Operations.“We are all witnesses to what

typhoon Yolanda brought to ourcountry,particularlyitseffectonourbrothers and sisters in the centralpartofthecountry.Wecannotleavethe2,000evacueesbehind,”hetold.DOST also hopes that assistance

will also come from other sectorsin the country and abroad tohelp “alleviate the difficultcircumstancesofourcolleaguesandthe other 2,000 other evacuees.” Last week, DOST has donated

food, water, clothes, and othersupplies to DOST VIII and PSHSpersonnel, students and theirfamilies, including those stayingin DOST VIII and PSHS campuses.“Ourregionalofficescoordinated

efforts and the Mindanao regionaloffices, braving the risks on theroad, brought the long awaitedassistancetoourcolleaguesandtheirfamiliesinPalo,Leyte,”heinformed.

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The celebration will kick-off onNovember 24 with the hanging ofstreamer/tarpaulin, walk to endVAWat5:30amfromGatewayHotelto Provincial Sports Complex andfollowedbyaZumbadance.OnNovember25,asimultaneous

opening ceremony and flag raisingfollowed by a Monday MorningSharing will be conducted at theProvincial Convention Center andon November 30 and December 7,a radio information campaign onVAWC will be hosted by PhilippineInformation Agency-Surigao delNorte Information Center through“PIAHour”airedoverRPN-DXKS.A candle lightingwill beheld in

celebration of World Aids Day onDecember1attheProvincialSportsComplex and on December 2, a

videopresentationonSTI/HIVAidsprevention and controlwill be heldattheProvincialConventionCenterfollowed by a Poster and Slogancontest at the MGB-13 TrainingCenterandaFeatureStoryWritingcontest(forinmates)attheSurigaodelNorteDistrictJail.A Symposium on R.A 9262

(Violence Against Women andChildren)willbeheldonDecember4attheCulturalCenterforChildren,Provincial Sports Complex, SurigaoCityandonDecember11,aholymasswillbeconductedattheSurigaoCityCathedral followed by aMalunggayand assorted Vegetable SeedsPlantingtobeheldatBarangayPuntaBilar,andaculminatingactivitycumRDC-GADCC4thquartermeeting.

Surigao Norte GADCC joins commemoration of 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women SURIGAO CITY -- The Gender and Development Coordinating Council (GADCC) through the Provincial Center for Women’s Training and Development will join the commemoration of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW) with the theme, “End VAW Now! It’s Our Duty” on November 25 to December 12, 2013.

by Susil D. Ragas

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Agusan National High School joins DENR in NGP

BUTUAN CITY -- Inspired by the National Greening Program Program (NGP) being implemented by the national government, the Agusan National High School (ANHS) Class Alumni 1990 have joined hands with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in planting about 1,500 mangrove propagules recently at an islet near Barangay Lumbocan, this city. OIC, CENR Officer Norman

Asugan Of CENRO-Nasipit, Agusandel Norte said the people are nowbeing encouraged to participate inthe Reforestation program throughthe NGP as demonstrated by themember of Class 1990 of theAgusanNationalHighinButuanCity. “We are very thankful for the

support of a private organizationsuchastheANHSAlumniClass1990”

Asugan said. He said assigned people tomonitortheprogressofthenewly-planted“Bakhaw”propagulesinthearea to ensure a healthy growth.The DENR officer has urged the

people to protect and preservemangrove along the shores andnot cut it off since they contributevery much in protecting thecommunity from the storm surgeapartfromservingasrefugeoffish.

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Dominga MallongaDOST-Caraga Regional Director

for more details visit us DOST National Website: Caraga Website:

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Dominga MallongaDOST-Caraga Regional Director

for more details visit us DOST National Website: Caraga Website:

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Be responsible pet owners, city solon urgesby CdeOSP

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – Cagayan de Oro City Council committee on health and sanitation chair Councilor Dante Pajo appeals to all pet owners to be responsible citizens. He said that they should not leave their dogs on the streets to scatter garbage.

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Be responsible pet owners, city solon urges

Diwat NHS in Misamis Occidental is Brigada Eskwela National AwardeeBONIFACIO, Misamis Occidental - The Diwat National High School (NHS) in Barangay Tusik, this municipality, has been declared a Brigada Eskwela Best School Implementor National Awardee, this year.

by Rutchie C. Aguhob

This was revealed by Dr.Jonathan S. Dela Pe?a, SchoolsDivision Superintendent of theDepartmentofEducation,DivisionofMisamisOccidental(DepEd-Mis.Occ.),whocongratulatedtheDiwatNHSfortheaward. The award was received byRalph Castillon, Principal of DiwatNHS at the Bangko Sentral ngPilipinas (BSP) Conference RoominManila, yesterday, Nov. 20,Dr.JonathanS.DelaPe?a,said.

Criteria in the selection ofthe Brigada Eskwela Best SchoolImplementor included the scopeof work, repair and maintenancecompleted based on the SchoolImprovement Plan, volunteerdiversityandparticipation, impactandresourcegenerated. “In recognition of the hardworkof theentire teaching force,parents, students and otherstakeholders of Diwat NHS, withthemodestleadershipofMr.Ralph

According to councilor DantePajo, bites of dogs also endangerthe lives of people in theneighborhood. The committee noted thereportoftheCityVeterinaryOfficewhichindicatedthatlastmonth466persons from various barangayswere victims of dog bites. Thesebarangays are: Carmen (71 dogbites),Gusa(26),Kauswagan(26),Balulang(25)andbarangayPatag(23). PajothankedCityVeterinarianDr. Perla Asis and her office forvaccinating2,997dogsduringtheperiod.

He enjoins newly-electedbarangayofficialstoimplementtheAnimalWelfareActandtocoordinatewith theCityVeterinaryOffice fortheconductofOperationPamatongin their respective areas ofresponsibility. “The continuing operationPamatongisalsolaudableandmustbe supported especially in thebarangay level,” Councilor Pajosaid. Theoperationwas conductedinthebarangaysofBonbon,Bugo,MacabalanandKauswagan.

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Castillon, Principal 1, this Officecongratulates them as BrigadaEskwela National Awardee,” hesaid. “It is expected that this willserveasinspirationtoeveryoneinourdesiretoimproveourschool,”DelaPe?asaid inamemorandumto all the Education ProgramSupervisors (EPS), Public SchoolDistrict Supervisors (PSDS) andElementaryandSecondarySchoolHeads(E/SSH),inthedivision. ItcanberecalledthatDepEdUndersecretaryFranciscoM.Varelafor Finance and AdministrationvisitedtheDiwatNHS,lastMay,forthelaunchingofBrigadaEskwelaorthe National Schools MaintenanceWeek (NSMW) with the theme“Isang Dekada ng Bayanihan saPaaralan(ADecadeofCooperationinSchools).” BrigadaEskwelaisavoluntaryschool maintenance program thatengagesalleducationstakeholderstocontributetheirtime,effortandresources to ensure that public

school facilities are set in timefor the June 3, 2013 opening ofclasses. TheDiwatNHSwasoriginallylocated in Barangay Buenavistabut was transferred to its newlocation in Barangy Tusik, uponrecommendationoftheMinesandGeosciencesBureau,DepartmentofEnvironmentandNaturalResources(EMB-DENR),region10,duetoitsvulnerability to natural disasters,suchas,earthquakes,strongrainsandstrongwinds. Evenwiththeslightestearthmovements,landslideseasilyoccurin the area, in the past, sendingbig stones, rolling down to theclassrooms putting the lives oftheteachersandstudentsingreatdanger,DelaPe?asaid. Ontheotherhand,DelaPe?athanked Governor Herminia M.Ramiro, who released an initialamount of P200,000, for therelocationoftheDNHS,lastschoolyear.

BSU supreme student council launches ‘Isa ka baso nga bugas para sa Visayas by Ruby Leonora R. Balistoy

MALAYBALAY CITY, Bukidnon – Bukidnon State University’s Supreme Student Council (BSU-SSC) has launched “Isa ka baso nga bugas para sa Visayas (a cup of rice for Visayas)” project to help typhoon ‘Yolanda’ victims in Visayas island.

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“As students, majority is stillconsidered dependents by ourparentsbut in our own littleways,weneed tohelp typhoon survivorsbecause they have been terriblyaffectedandareindesperateneed.Besides,givingoutacupofricecouldneither make us poor nor rich,”JohnmarM.Gamo, student councilpresidentsaid. Latest data on rapid damageassessment in Visayas showed thenumberofaffectedfamilieshasreached275,000orabout1.3million survivors. A food packisonlygoodfortwodaysforafamily and they need about140,000foodpackseachday. Gamosaidtheywantedtoconveythevalueofgenerosityandthegoodthingingivingtoease pains especially that itwould be a sadChristmas forthesurvivors. The student organizersare now mobilizing staffmembers to accept ricedonations through the SSCdonation booth inside thecampus. Withthe“Bayanihan(unityandcooperation)”spiritguidingus through our drive to help,wepushedintoacceptingotherdonations especially food andclean drinking water. We alsoinvitedothercampusclubsandorganizationstojoinusinthisendeavor,hesaid. Likewise, BSU campusradio dxBU has turned over

relief goods to the Philippine RedCross(PRC)earlythisweek,which,reports said PRC has transportedsaiddonationstoVisayas. “Of course, we have to becareful in where we send ourdonations, whether in cash or inkind,inorderforthehelptogettowhereitshouldbe-tothehandsofthepeopleaffectedbythetyphoon,”Gamosaid.

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Tagum efforts vs. crime yields success with bust of robbery gang

TAGUM CITY- Mayor Allan L. Rel-lon’s agenda on genuine peace, safety and security in the City of Tagum scored another victory with the arrest of two suspects of rob-bery by the local police office. But the local chief executivesays much more remains to bedone, and he is counting on thepolice force, the force multipliersand the general public to be hisadministration’spartnerinmaking

thecitysafeandsecure. Reports of robbery andsnatching made rounds inthe city recently, ignitingalarmamongstthepublicandmade the authorities morealert to deter the criminalsfromdoingillegalacts. The latest developmentisthearrestoftwosuspectsin separate operations bytheTagumCityPoliceOfficeunder P/Supt. Solomon deCastilla.

OnNovember18,theyarrestedDdjayCruz,aresidentofNewLooninnearbyAsunciontowninDavaodelNorte,aftersnatchingthebagofAngeliedelaTorreonthesamedayat2:45PM. Another suspect namedJeyromeMahusaywasalsoarrestedlastNovember15,2013,aftertheseriesofrobberiesperpetuatedbythesuspectseveralmonthsago.

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Comprehensive Anti-smoking Ordinance yields more arrests and penaltiesDAVAO CITY- The Comprehensive Anti-Smoking Ordinance in the city yielded P.5-Million in penal-ties and apprehended more than a thousand violators since its imple-mentation from July to October this year, according to Dr. Domilyn Villareiz, chief of the Anti-Smoking Task Force. Speaking at the Kapehan saSM, she disclosed that residentsand visitors are more conscious ofabidingwiththeAnti-SmokingLawinpublicplacesgivenitsimpacttogoodhealth. “Residentsfeelgoodofnolongerenhaling secondary smoke,”Villareizsaid. She said based on the issuedcitation tickets, a total of 3,301violators have been apprehended

fromJanuarytoOctober2013.Villareiz said theCityMobileGrouphasthemostnumberofarreststhisyearat1,473,followedbytheTalomoPolicePrecinctat564,Sta.AnaPolicePrecinctat234,SasaPolicePrecinctat182andPublicSafetyGroup337. Sheobservedthatviolatorstendtotaketheissuedcitationticketsforgranted and no longer submit themto the police within five days, soauthorities give extension from onetotwoweeks. Villareizexplainedthatonlythesecondoffensewillbesubjecttofilingofformalchargesincourt. Shealsostressedthatdesignatedsmokingareasmustbeapprovedbythe task group before they can beactually used by smokers. (PIA 11-JoeySemG.Dalumpines)

Stolenitemswererecoveredaspersonswhoboughtthesaiditemsvoluntarily turned it over to PNPTagum.Thisincludes9laptops,13cellphones,oneiPad,oneportableDVDand one digital camera. PNPTagumsaidrobberyandsnatchingvictims can claim the said items,provided they can show proof ofownership. Thetwoarrestedsuspectsarenow charged with theft/robberyandarenowincustodyofTagum’spoliceoffice. Mayor Rellon is counting on the

police authorities as augmentedby the forcemultipliers that havegainedanincreaseinmembershipsince the ascension of the localchief executive to the mayorshiplastJuly. Just recently, the UnitedTaxpayers Against Crime (UTAC)was launched with membershiprangingfrombusinessmentosinglemotorcycle drivers—all committedto help the local government andthepoliceinfightingcrime.(LouieLapatofCIOTagum)

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LocalradiostationsandnewspapersturneduptoparticipateinthemotorcadefromDipologtoPolancotownwherea“budol fight” with municipal officialsandabowlingtournamentamongnewsmen followed.

Budolfightisawayofeatingfoodsplacedonbananaleavesscatteredonlongtablewithbarehands. Anchored on the theme, “ThePress:Continuingitsroleasvanguardsof good governance,” the members

Zambo. Norte media men celebrate press weekBy Franklin P. Gumapon

DIPOLOG CITY – Broadcast and print media practitioners of Zamboanga del Norte have converged here Sunday to join a motorcade signaling the start of the press week celebration spearheaded by the Zamboanga del Norte Press Club (ZNPC), Nov. 17-23.

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Zambo. Norte media men celebrate press week

In its regular sessionMonday,the provincial board approved theresolutionpassedbyBoardMemberJulius Napigquit, presiding officerpro-tempore,grantingGovernorUytheauthoritytoinkaMOAwithDILGfortheconcretingofa1.3-kilometerprovincialroadatBarangayMalipot,Siocon,ZamboangadelNorte. As stipulated in theMOA, theDILGwillfundtheprojectthroughthePayapaatMasaganangPamayanan(PAMANA)Pillar3projectamountingtoP15million. For its part, the provincialgovernment shall extend technical

assistance during the execution oftheproject to ensure transparencyandaccountability. This project is the nationalgovernment’s intervention forconflict-affected and vulnerableareas in support of the peaceinitiative pursued by the presentadministration. The PAMANA is also part ofthe President Benigno S. AquinoIII’s social contract as articulatedin the Philippine DevelopmentPlan from 2011-2016 to achieve acomprehensive, just, peaceful andorderlycommunity.

P15-M PAMANA road project to be implemented in Siocon town By Alfonso T. Ruda

DIPOLOG CITY - The Sangguniang Panlalawigan (SP) of Zamboanga del Norte has recently granted authority to Governor Roberto Y. Uy to enter into a memorandum of agreement MOA with the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) for the concreting of the provincial road in the third district of the province.

of the fourth estate are reminded oftheirrolesaswatchdogsofthepublicservants. “The profession we chose is aunique one.We shape the destiny ofournation.Wearethewatchdogsofourpublicservants.Wearethevanguardsofgoodgovernance.Letuscontinuetobe so,” ZNPC President Rosemarie P.Mirandatoldherfellowjournalists. ItcanberecalledthatduringtheMarcos regime, twomediamen hereknowntobecriticsofthedictator,wereslain.ThedeathsofAtty.ZorroAguilar

andJacoboS.Amatonghaveremainedunsolvedtoday. In1996,anothernewspapermaninthepersonofAtty.FerdinandReyeswasgunneddownrightathislawofficebyunidentifiedassassins. The last victim was radiocommentator Clyde Cantoneros whowasshotdeadinMay2005.Hefiercelydenouncedthewrongdoingsofcertainlocalofficialsinhisradioprogram. Awardingofprizestosportsfestwinnerswillbedoneduringthedinnerfellowshiponculminationday.

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ThisdevelopedafterPresidentBenigno Aquino III declared thewhole nation under the “Stateof National Calamity” due to theonslaughtofsuper-typhoonYolandaintheEasternVisayas. Republic Act 7581, otherwiseknownasPriceActofthePhilippines,asamendedbyR.A.10623providesthat once a place or a countryis declared under the State ofNationalCalamity,pricesofallbasiccommoditiesarealso frozenwithinaperiodof60days. In view of this, Engr. NoelBazan, DTI-Zamboanga del Norteprovincial director, appealed to thelocal businessmen to cooperateand follow the freeze order andnottakeadvantageofthesituationlikemanipulating thepricesand/orcreateartificialshortageofsuppliesofbasiccommodities.Healsourgedthe public to remain calm andnotresorttopanic-buyingasthis isonlytemporary. DTImonitorsthepriceofcannedgoods,processedmilk,soap,schoolsupplies,nails,battery,andelectricalsupplies. However,Bazanclarifiedthatnot

allproductsarebeingmonitoredbytheDTI,asthereareotherproductsthat are under the jurisdiction ofotheragenciesofthegovernment. TheDepartmentofAgriculture(DA) or the local agriculture officemonitorsthepricesoftheagriculturalproductslikerice,rootcrops,fishandothermarineproducts,meat,eggs,vegetables,fruits,oil,animalfeeds,veterinaryproductsandothers. On the other hand, theDepartmentofEnergyalsomonitorsthe price of household liquefiedpetroleumgas,andkerosene,exceptgasolinewhichisnotincludedinthepriceact.GasolineisnotconsideredabasiccommodityandissubjecttotheOilDeregulationLaw. FoodandDrugsAdministration(FDA) monitors the prices ofmedicineswhile theDepartmentofEnvironmentandNaturalResources(DENR)monitorsthepricesofwoodproducts like firewood, plywood,etc. Based on its observation, theDTInotedareligiouscompliancebythelocaltraderswiththesuggestedretailpricesofbasiccommodities.

DTI steps up price monitoring on basic commoditiesBy Alfonso T. Ruda

DIPOLOG CITY - The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in Zamboanga del Norte has intensified its monitoring on the prices of basic commodities in the province to ensure stable prices of goods.

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