one loaf of bread

One Loaf of Bread That Changed the World Forever

Upload: natalia-goloskokova

Post on 25-Jun-2015




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One loaf of bread that changed history forever.


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One Loaf of Bread That Changed the World Forever

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You think it was Christ?that fed multitude with one loaf of bread?

Well... Yes...But our story is about another change that happened later...

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Once upon a time, when Tzar ruled in Russia, somewhere in Siberia there lived a smart guy named Vova (full name - Vladimir - same as Putin :)

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Vova (Lenin)

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How it works...

You need only these things...

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How it works...

Use a loaf of bread to mold an inkpot...

Pour some milk into it...

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How it works...

Now you can write in the book with the milk between the lines...

Then let it dry... and don't forget to eat inkpot:)

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How it works...

Milk writing becomes visible when page is heated under a lamp...

"The specific feature of the present situation in Russia is..."

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To repeat this experiment without quill at our time is a bit hard, here was paper clip used. You need a lot of patience to do it:)

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In our days you still can create a history with bread