one community enewspaper february 2010

Clarissa Cook of Sacramento, CA has always been creative and she has always had a heart to nurture and give to others. As part of her business, “Creating With CC”, Clarissa creates custom tile art, handmade jewelry, specialty muffins, homemade granola, cookies, and more. Although she is just 10 years old, she is in the middle of compiling a book that will include her own kitchen creations, her favorite quotes, and some original photography. Cook supports local charity by getting many of her supplies from the Habitat for Humanity Restore, making homemade dog treats for the animal shelter, and putting together care packages for the homeless. She donates 10% of her income to her church and spends some of her time serving in the community. One of her favorite service projects was when she handmade over 160 Valentine’s cards for the retirement home a few blocks from her house. Clarissa was so touched by the comments that the residents made to her. She says, “It made me so happy that I made all those cards for them.” So far Cook has used money from her business to buy a loft bed for her bedroom so that she would have more space for her business supplies, take a trip to visit her aunt to learn new cooking skills and take piano lessons, invest some in the stock market, as well as buy more supplies for future business projects. Her next goal is to save enough money to buy her own sewing machine so that she can start make her custom designed items from recycled blue jeans and other fabric from thrift stores. Clarissa wants to create a sustainable business that allows her to have choices in the future. When she isn’t doing homework, making crafts, cooking in the kitchen, playing the piano, or listening to music, you will find her surfing the web looking for inspiring stories about young female entrepreneurs. Her advice to other young entrepreneurs is, “Even though it’s hard to build a business, be patient and never give up.” To place a custom order with Clarissa you can go to her website: http:// The website has spam blocker and is monitored by her mom. Local Tween Girl Turns Passion for Creating into Business that Gives Back Clarissa with her handmade Valentine cards Clarissa showing handmade rings on her fingers Tiles with motivational words printed by Clarissa Peanut butter cookies made by Clarissa Making his seventh and final visit, Governor Schwarzenegger joined the Sacramento Press Club at the Holiday Inn Capitol Plaza, January 25 th , for a look at the challenges and opportunities his administration will face in 2010. The coming year promises to be one of the most difficult of Schwarzenegger’s tenure, with the state already anticipating a $22 billion deficit. Governor Schwarzenegger shared how the economy is hurting for our state, our nation, and the world. People are tired of the Governments reckless spending and the legislators need to come to decision making that works. He says the key thing is to listen to the people. Don’t continue spending money the state doesn’t have. Legislators need to live within their means. People are frustrated, things aren’t changing enough. It doesn’t matter whether it’s democrats or Republicans. People want them to get the job done. The governor says the number one priority is for the government to live within its means. We can’t sit back and wait for legislators to come together and take positive action. We have a broken budget system and broken tax system. There’s too much run away spending. Our spending on Pensions in the state the last 10 years went up 2000%. We can’t afford that. It’s based on an economy that’s always going up. Economies go up and down. The pension system needs to change. He also said, “Right now we have to get jobs back.” We need to get a hold of our legislators and let them know we want some positive action and not tax increases. We need get the small businesses moving. Gary Stalick Publisher ONE Community eNewspaper and Dr. Ami Bera candidate for Congress Matt Cate Secretary of CA Dept. of Corrections & Rehabilitation Carl (Tobey) Oxholm III, Senior Vice President and Dean, Sacramento Center for Graduate Studies Bill Halldin, President, Halldin Public Relations Inc. Governor Schwarzenegger Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Volume 9, Issue 2 February 2010

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Information for people in business, kids in business. How I met Vinton Cerf, the Father of the Internet. Not using your cell phone when driving.


Page 1: ONE Community eNewspaper February 2010

Clarissa Cook of Sacramento, CA has always been creative and she has always had a heart to nurture and give to others. As part of her business, “Creating With CC”, Clarissa creates custom tile

art, handmade jewelry, specialty muffins,

homemade granola, cookies, and more. Although she is just 10 years old, she is in the middle of compiling a book that will include her own kitchen creations, her favorite quotes, and some original photography.

Cook supports local charity by getting many of her supplies from the Habitat for Humanity Restore, making homemade dog treats for the animal shelter, and putting together care packages for the homeless. She donates 10% of her income to her church and spends some of her time serving in the community. One of her favorite service projects was when she handmade over 160 Valentine’s cards for the retirement home a few blocks from her house. Clarissa was so touched by the comments that the residents made to her. She says, “It made me so happy that I made all those cards for them.”

So far Cook has used money from her business to buy a loft bed for her

bedroom so that she would have more space for her business supplies, take a trip to visit her aunt to learn new cooking skills and take piano lessons, invest some in the stock market, as well as buy more supplies for future business projects. Her next goal is to save enough money to buy her own sewing machine so that she can start make her custom designed items from recycled blue jeans and other fabric from thrift stores. Clarissa wants to create a sustainable business that allows her to have choices in the future.

When she isn’t doing homework, making crafts, cooking in the kitchen, playing the piano, or listening to music, you will find her surfing the web looking for inspiring stories about young female entrepreneurs. Her advice to other young entrepreneurs is, “Even though it’s hard to build a business, be patient and never give up.” To place a custom order with Clarissa you can go to her website:

The website has spam blocker and is monitored by her mom.

Local Tween GirlTurns Passion for Creating into Business that Gives Back

Clarissa with her handmade Valentine cards

Clarissa showing handmade rings on her fingers

Tiles with motivational words printed by Clarissa Peanut butter cookies made by Clarissa

Making his seventh and final visit, Governor Schwarzenegger joined the Sacramento Press Club at the Holiday Inn Capitol Plaza, January 25th, for a look at the challenges and opportunities his administration will face in 2010. The coming year promises to be one of the most difficult of Schwarzenegger’s tenure, with the state already anticipating a $22 billion deficit.

Governor Schwarzenegger shared how the economy is hurting for our state, our nation, and the world. People are tired of the Governments reckless spending and the legislators need to come to decision making that

works. He says the key thing is to

listen to the people.Don’t continue spending

money the state doesn’t have. Legislators need to live within their means.

People are frustrated, things aren’t changing enough. It doesn’t matter whether it’s democrats or Republicans. People want them to get the job done.

The governor says the number one priority is for the government to live within its means. We can’t sit back and wait for legislators to come together and take positive action.

We have a broken budget system and broken tax system. There’s too much run away spending.

Our spending on Pensions in the state the last 10 years went up 2000%. We can’t afford that. It’s based on an economy that’s always going up. Economies go up and down. The pension system needs to change.

He also said, “Right now we have to get jobs back.”

We need to get a hold of our legislators and let them know we want some positive action and not tax increases. We need get the small businesses moving.

Gary Stalick Publisher ONE Community eNewspaper and Dr. Ami Bera candidate for


Matt Cate Secretary of CA Dept. of Corrections & Rehabilitation

Carl (Tobey) Oxholm III, Senior Vice President and Dean, Sacramento Center for Graduate Studies

Bill Halldin, President, Halldin Public Relations Inc.

Governor Schwarzenegger

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

e N e w s p a p e r

ONEVolume 9, Issue 2

February 2010

Page 2: ONE Community eNewspaper February 2010

Page 2 – Community Newspaper – February 2010

Kay Burton is a longtime columnist and supporter of the SSPCA and other rescue groups. To share your family

pet story with our readers, email: [email protected]



OLIVE & PALOlive, a green & tangerine colored,

eight month old Senegal Parrot, spends a lot of time on the shoulder of owner Chris Cheney. The two were recently seen shopping at Bel Air Market as they were heading for the produce dept. she was a joy to see. Olive has been hand fed from the day she hatched in May 2009 so she is totally comfortable being with and handled by people. She treats everyone she meets as it they are absolutely fascinating.

Chris and Cindy Cheney, Fair Oaks residents, are keen observers of Olive’s daily patterns and habits in order to ward off boredom. They are greeted in the morning with Olive singing and screeching loudly when she greets them after her normal ten to twelve hours of sleep inside her cage,

Being a social creature, they have Olive’s cage is placed in a location central to family activity so she can interact with the family. She spends various periods of time feasting on foods that she likes: commercial parrot pellets, sections of crispy carrot, apple, and squash; tomato, grape, and other fruits.

When Olive is not looking for food, she is l looking for interesting activities such as hanging upside down or dropping a hollow perforated plastic golf ball from her second story playground and watching her owners scramble to retrieve it.

Olive is happy and well adjusted throughout the day until early evening when w she sings “good night song” (she often gets sleepy) and hikes down the outside of the cage, through the cage door, and into the upper chamber where she crawls into her fleecy, triangular open-ended tent suspended from the ceiling. Once settled into her cozy bed she doesn’t let out a peep for the rest of the evening. Olive will start to talk when she is about one year and a half.

Raising a parrot is not much different, than raising a two-year old.

Olive & Pal

Live Music! Friday Night Wine-Down

Tasting room hours Fridays in February are 11-8PM

2/20 Wells On Wine: Rhone Varietals and Blending Class

Contact the winery for details or check out our website for more details!

530-295-1833 or

Live music each Friday from 5:30-8PMNo Cover! Wines sold by the glass, bottle or case!

Biz Idea for Kids By Sarah Cook

Sarah Cook

Senior Service AgentThere are so many things you can do for people your grandparent’s age and you will be able find clients as long as you know where to look – retirement homes and assisted living centers. To get started simply make a flyer or brochure listing of all the possible services you offer as well as the amount you will be charging and the times you are available. Here are some of the possible services you could offer: Dog Walking. Cat litter box cleaningFish bowl cleaning or small rodent cage cleaning. Watering plants and flowers. Cleaning – dusting, bathrooms, sweeping, vacuuming, windows. Laundry: carrying, hanging, folding, cleaning, Running quick grocery errands… picking up milk, eggs, etc And MORE!

Then you will want to contact the activity director or social director at the location that you want to offer your services in. Set up an appointment with them to discuss the work that you would like to do for the residents of their community.

When you meet with the director be sure to discuss times that you are available as well as come prepared with sign-up sheets and business cards to leave with her. This way the residents can begin hiring you right away. Discus with the director, whether you will be paid by the resident, or if the director will pay you on behalf of the resident.

Sarah Cook is a mom of 3 young Biz Kids ages 13, 10 and 6. She is the founder of the company, Raising Biz Kids and operates it alongside her successful skin care and cosmetics company which she has grown for 16 years. To join Raising Biz Kids put this in your address bar:



Published Monthly

11230 Gold Express Drive, Suite 310-264, Gold River, CA 95670

(916) 224-6624 • Fax (916) 244-7166

Email: [email protected]

Member: Gold Unit-California Newspaper Publishers Association

Publisher/Owner: BWC Media

Pet Tails: Kay Burton

Food Column: MOM

Real Estate Q & A Column: Gary Stalick

Home Based Entrerpreneurs Column:La Ronda Bowen

Events Photographer: Tia Gemmell

Columnist: NORCALREIA, David Granzella

Teen Column: Morgan Lambert

Teen Thougths: Jackie Barr

Typsetting: Steve Atkins

Green Energy Columnist: Geof Lambert

Hot Flash Columnist: Cindy Sample

Legal Ease: Michael L. Hanks

Wannapreneur: Brett Owens

Postmaster send address change to:11230 Gold Express Drive, Suite 310-264, Gold River, CA 95670

e N e w s p a p e r


Page 3: ONE Community eNewspaper February 2010

Page 3 – Community Newspaper – February 2010

Jim Bellacera

Within the Mind of a Millionaire By Jim Bellacera

New Laptop Display Technology Saves Energy

A new technology being developed around the world could substantially reduce the amount of energy it takes to operate a display on things like laptop computers and mobile smart phones. It is called OLED (organic light emitting diode). Various consumer electronics companies like Sony, Nokia, Samsung and GE have been working on using OLED displays in their products. The big advantage OLED has over all other forms of displays like LCDs is that it does not require a backlight to function. As a result they can display deep black levels, draw far less power and be much thinner and lighter then an LCD panel. While they can be used in just about any kind of device that uses a display to operate, most manufacturers are presently working on putting them into battery operated devices like laptops and mobile smart phones so they can greatly extend the life of a battery between charges. At a recent large consumer electronics trade show Dell exhibited a prototype of a laptop with an OLED display, and it has hinted that soon it will start marketing products with OLED in the near future. So, who knows maybe someday soon you may forget the charger cord to your laptop and not have to worry about it.

Geof Lambert is an executive search consultant and an active member of the Internet Society

working to increase use and understanding of the New Internet.

He is the founder of



Geof Lambert

Green Energy By Geof Lambert

Managing Your Time and Controlling Your Life The key to managing your time is to take control of your life through your calendar, your daily schedule. As we go through our daily walk, our journey through life, we think we choose how we are going to spend our time. The challenge is that most people look back over the years and say where did the time go? Our goal in this lesson is to bring awareness to the things that effect your time. Time is our most precious commodity. You cannot buy time, you can either spend your time or you can wisely and carefully invest your time. So what you make of the time you have determines where you will end up. How you spend your time says everything about you and what your priorities are. And that is what will determine where you end up at the end of your life. Writing down your daily goals along with all of your obligations, professional and personal, and then living by your calendar is critical for maximizing your time and staying focused on your goals. So many times we allow the urgent to steal time from the important and before you know it you’ve lost a week and never accomplished what was really important to you.The better planner you are and the more efficient you are at scheduling, the greater chance you have of accomplishing what you plan to do. You will discover a greater satisfaction in life knowing that you have successfully accomplished all you set out to do.

Boy Scouts Go Green…Recycle E-Waste

When: Saturday, Feb 20, 2010, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.Where: Arcade Wesleyan Church, 3532 Whitney Ave., Sacramento(near corner of Whitney & Sunset Ave.)We can take: TVs (including flat screens) … laptops, monitors … VCRs … stereos … disk drives…PDAs … Zip drives … computer mice…printers & copiers … scanners & faxes…telephones, video game consoles…small appliances (such as blenders … mixerstoasters … vacuum and carpet cleaners)CEAR shreds all computer disk and hard drives to protect your privacy!

We CAN’T take: Large appliances (such as washers & dryers& refrigerators) … microwaves … furniture…batteries … paints …oil & grease … and other…hazardous waste.Questions? Want to arrange a pick-up (if you’ve got big items or you’re a business)?Contact: [email protected] us your old computers, TVs and other e-waste… Sponsored by the Boy Scouts and California, Electronic Asset Recovery (CEAR) will recycle it safely. It’s free! Recycling proceeds help Boy Scouts - Pony Express Friends of Scouting, (helping all Scouts in our District), and Troops161, 802 and Crew 55.

“Hello Fashionistas!”

Tired of putting beautiful clothes that are in great shape in the Good Will bag? Clothes you either never wore, don’t fit or can’t find a perfect match? This Community Newspaper is pleased to invite you to a cost effective way to reinvent your look - a Closet Swap Party! Hosted by local style consultant Karri Grant. Purge your closet of those clothes, purses,

shoes and jewelry you keep looking at, never wear, but just can’t part with. Bring them to the party and receive a “credit” for every item. Then “shop” for new items! It will be an afternoon of fabulous company, tasty food, great drinks AND GUILT FREE SHOPPING! For details you can contact Karri Grant at [email protected], or you can wait for more details in the March 2010 issue.

Jim Bellacera, entrepreneur, visionary, leader. Founder of several companies, author of “Within the Millionaire Mind” & “How to Make Millions from Your Home” and featured on hundreds of audio recordings selling nearly a million copies. He shared the public speaking stage with Zig Ziglar, Rudy Ruettiger, Charlie Tremendous Jones, Tony Alessandra, Paul Zane Pilsner, Denis Waitley, Col. Oliver North, & Jack Canfield and a host of others. To contact email [email protected]


***********“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”

—Helen Keller: Author, activist and lecturerHow many risks do you take a day? Not physical risks such as skydiving—but rather, living new experiences, learning new things, creating new ideas, meeting new people and living each day as if it might be your last. When you ask some people how they are doing, they’ll answer, “Same old, same old.” They aren’t living for each day. They aren’t taking risks. They will probably never find success. Start now by deciding how you can finish your day so it’s unlike any day you’ve ever lived. You can live a far more daring life and find success while you do.

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Page 5: ONE Community eNewspaper February 2010

Page 5 – Community Newspaper – February 2010

Business Community

We welcome your questions and comments. Please e-mail them to: [email protected] or visit our website at: and check the entrepreneur section. La Ronda answers all questions

personally or in this column.

Home Based Entrepreneurs

La Ronda Bowen is an award-winning

writer, speaker, and management

consultant with over 20 years experience. She has served at the executive level in both

public and private enterprises.



Customer Relationships 2010

By: La Ronda Bowen

Can my computer help me manage my Q. customer relationships?

Yes, but you know who your customers are, R. what you need from your electronic assistant, and how your customers respond to e-mail, RSS feeds, blogs, websites, etc. You find this out by asking them. Your computer can also help you manage customer information more effectively.

An easy first use of your computer is to organize existing information about customers such as address, purchase preferences, and dates of purchases. Use this information to learn where your best or new customers tend to come from, who buys what from you and when. Such information can inform your marketing, inventory, and sales efforts. Your electronic assistant can also help you provide excellent customer service by reminding you of special customer requests, birthdays, and interests.

For customers that want electronic communication, you can notify them directly when you have a new product or service that may interest them. An annual (brief) customer satisfaction survey, periodic newsletter, and other opt-in types of information will ensure that you stay connected with customers and keep getting referrals to new ones.

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Bendi Computer Keyboard Product Facts: In the hidden world of espionage spies must constantly adapt to their surroundings – why shouldn’t their keyboards be flexible, too? Perfect for communicating on the QT, the rubber-like, silicon keyboard is ultra quiet. Plus it rolls up, so it’s great for the spy-on-the-fly. Ergonomic design reduces negative-angle stress to the wrists. Waterproof; clean with a damp cloth.

Orbitor Listening Device Product Facts: Capture conversations on the Q.T. with this remarkable electronic listening device. The Orbitor lets you hear sounds and voices from up to 300 feet away. Its viewfinder has a 10X prism optical system so you can zoom in on the action, too. Suburban spies can survey all the neighborhood drama, while sports enthusiasts can eavesdrop on coaches and players from the other side of the football field! Take it to a concert or the theater, or see what Mother Nature’s been hiding by watching and listening to birds and other wildlife from afar. A playback system records up to 120 seconds on a digital chip. Padded headphones cover the ear to reduce ambient noise.

Electric Shock Lie Detector Product Facts: They say the truth hurts, but with this lie detector, it’s fibbing that causes pain. Strap your suspect’s hand onto the hand plate and ask a few control questions so the built-in computer can analyze the responses. They may get away with a few white lies at first, but if they lie once your interrogation is fully underway, the results can be truly shocking. Literally! There are two shock levels – high and low – plus light and sound effects. NOTE: This is NOT a toy. Not recommended for people with pacemakers or epilepsy, pregnant women, or children under the age of 14.

7-in-1 Emergency Tool Key Chain Product Facts: James Bond wouldn’t get into his Aston Martin DB5 without it…and neither should you. This emergency rescue tool is indispensable if the windows or doors of your vehicle fail to open due to damage, fire, or submersion under water. Features an automatic glass breaker, quick-release safety belt cutter, 130-decibel sonic alarm, LED flashlight with high and low beams, emergency flasher, a thermometer, and a digital tire gauge. Place within easy reach on a key chain or rearview mirror—it glows in the dark, so it’s easy to find.

Rubber-like Computer KeyboardListening Device from 300 feet

Shocking Lie Detector

Emergency key chain tool

TiroGage replaces pencil gage

Page 6: ONE Community eNewspaper February 2010

Page 6 – Community Newspaper – February 2010

Fashion By Karri Grant

Karri Grant

Karri Grant, a Stylist who specializes in Image & Wardrobe Consulting is an industry expert educating on the value of confidently projecting the

best impressions.



“Just the facts maam, just the facts...”

I have been sidelined by many men asking why I “cater to the women readers and not to them?” and in fairness they have been correct. Much of my business is men, who come for style services, completely unsolicited from their female counterparts…so contrary to urban legend, men do care about how they look.

Because men don’t need quirky anecdotes or clever analogies (they are so right brained), this month’s advice will be short and to the point. These are the top 5 reasons the fashion police could be banging down your door, “Book’ em, Danno”.Punishable violations:

Match your socks to your shoe – when choosing socks you should always 1) consider the suit, not the shoe, color. Navy suit, navy socks, black shoes. Simply wearing suits off the rack – even the very best designer suit needs 2) some tailoring. Always buy the correct size, but invest in a good tailor…and a good stylist. Dress shirts without an undershirt – whether you feel you are a guy who 3) perspires a lot or not, those rings kill a good look. Choose better quality cotton undershirts without much ribbing to keep it clean and stylish.Sporting skinny ties – this is a look for a fashion forward young man, not 4) a mature sophisticated gentleman. A safe bet is a tie that measures three inches at the widest point. And learn how to tie it correctly. Skipping the extras – what sets 5) the men apart from the boys are the small details that have been long forgotten in our generation. Cuff links can be worn without a tie. Pocket squares are not for “squares”. Quality watches do more than just keep time. Cleaned and polished shoes are never overlooked.

So there you have it, you asked and I provided – one can’t say I am biased in my style advice. I won’t close with my catch phrase, “Looking Fabulous is Never by Accident”. Instead I will close with “Guys, Looking Fabulous is Never without Asking Directions”.

Investment Real Estate Group

David Granzella is a sophisticated real estate

investor that continues to share his education and

experience. David can be reached at 916.791.8322



David Granzella

Building Trusted Relationships in Real Estate

InvestingJoin NORCALREIA on the 3rd Thursday

February 18th, with active investors sharing their experience, strategies and tools. Find out how distressed and REO properties are being purchased. Sacramento rentals are making dollars and cents again! Discover what it takes to get back into the real estate game, building success. Learn how to implement practical techniques that provide results. This is your opportunity to become educated by local investors who are in the streets. We know first-hand that lenders have thrown in the towel. They are running away from properties, giving huge discounts, and have radically changed their approach to investor offers.

Successful investors are getting back into the real estate market, building wealth. You Are Only Ten Cash Flow Properties Away From Becoming A Future Multi-Millionaire! Hasn’t it become abundantly clear to you that now is the time to form your game plan and set yourself up for one of the greatest opportunities in your lifetime to become truly rich? While others pack up their bags and avoid real estate investing until the market “settles,” we are actively purchasing properties and purposefully positioning ourselves to get in the way of wholesale inventory.

We are witnessing the greatest transference of wealth, IN HISTORY! Don’t sit on the sidelines. Join us February 18th for an event that could very well completely change your financial future.

Building wealth together, David Granzella 916.791.8322

I met the Father of the InternetMarch 2008 I took my son to Southern California to visit and play at Disneyland.

We were staying at a Marriott Courtyard. I’m up early and read a little then I go to the morning complimentary breakfast in the lobby area. We were staying three nights.

It’s the middle of the week so there weren’t too many people there having coffee and breakfast. Four of the six little tables were being used by a college women’s athletic team. They were talking athletic business. They were having fun. There were a couple of sofa’s to sit on also.

I went to the buffet table and put some oatmeal in my bowl picked up a couple of sweetener packets then sat at an open table. I ate my oatmeal then went back to my room. It was quick and easy to start my day. My son and I had a great day and evening at Disneyland. I was tired by the end of the day. We were there for three days.

The next day I did my morning routine of reading then going to the lobby for the complimentary breakfast.

I walk in the lobby and all the tables and sofas were full. There was the women’s college sports team at three of the tables, as well as many other guests. I went and got some oatmeal in anticipation a table would open up. After I got the oatmeal and two packets of sweetener I noticed an almost vacant table. The only thing on the table was a paper coffee cup with just a little bit of coffee in it. So I figured I got lucky at the right time to be able to sit at a table. I sat down and started mixing up a little sweetener with the oatmeal. As I was doing this a slim healthy looking man with gray hair stood beside me and told me the table was his. He pointed to the coffee cup and mentioned he had laid his cup there. I apologized and told him I thought someone had just left the cup because it was almost empty. Then so as not to be rude I asked if he’d mind me sitting just to finish my oatmeal. He said his wife is here too. There were three chairs. He also mentioned he was expecting someone else too. I said okay, I can go over there and sit. I was pointing over next to a sofa that was full. There was standing room only. He looked over where I was pointing and changed his mind. He was gracious enough to let me stay seated to eat my oatmeal. He then sat down and his wife Sigrid came to the table and sat down. They were very nice. Vint then introduced himself and his wife. He started telling me how he worked with the military in 1973 developing the internet. I’m being kind of stoic, although my brain is going through all kinds of mental gymnastics thinking this is the guy, the Father of the internet. He talked about teaching at Stanford University, then working for MCI, and now he’s with Google. I asked for a business card. As Vint handed me the business card, he told me he was able to name the title he wanted on the business card. I’m pulling the card out so I type it correctly.

On the left of the business card GOOGLE was in colored lettering.In the upper right corner of the business card it says:

Vinton G. CerfVP and Chief Internet Evangelist I notice the card he gave me is now a little dirty from me showing it to people I know. How lucky I am to have met the Father of the internet. Vint is a very gentlemanly type a guy. I could feel his brain muscles working as he was looking me over while sharing who he is. Vint’s wife Sigrid was mostly quiet. Although when she spoke, she was warm and friendly. She was supportive of Vint. She was sweet. Vint emailed me on the 4th of July, after receiving the July 2009, ONE Community eNewspaper. He asked a techy question about the eNewspaper. You never know who you might meet and where you might meet them. It’s a great idea to be aware of your surroundings and have good manners. It was a real pleasure to meet Vinton and Sigrid Cerf. We had a great little very memorable chat. By Gary Stalick

“Your greatest asset is your earning ability. Your greatest resource is your time.”

— Brian Tracy: Self-help author and international speakerYour productive time and your earning ability are essentially glued together. When one goes up, the other follows. That’s not to say that working a 60-hour week will suddenly line your pockets with cash. Rather, when you invest in contemplating strategies and ideas to improve a business and improve your career, that time will pay off significantly. Begin maximizing your time by listening to Gary Stalick.

Carroll On Hindsight It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

Lewis Carroll, writer

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Photo CenterSend us your photos! Email to [email protected]

Please include the photographer’s name, captions for photos, and event location.

Home & Landscape Expo

City of Rancho Cordova

Sacramentans for Youth

Page 8: ONE Community eNewspaper February 2010

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Successful Thinkers

Page 9: ONE Community eNewspaper February 2010

Page 9 – Community Newspaper – February 2010

Successful ThinkersAd Sales POSITION

We have an opening for an Ad Sales representative for the Gold River Community Newspaper and ONE

Community eNewspaper.

The position is full or part-time, in a fun paced environment. You’re paid on results.

We want an upbeat, detail-oriented person, preferably with sales or marketing experience.

Please send your resume to: [email protected]

All resumes are confidential

Page 10: ONE Community eNewspaper February 2010

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Successful Thinkers

Page 11: ONE Community eNewspaper February 2010

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Successful Thinkers By Darren Bocksnick

Darren Bocknick

The Make-it-Happen Generationby: Darren Bocksnick In today’s changing economical landscape, business owners are quickly discovering that yesterday’s methods are not bringing the same results as they once did in the past. Rather, new methods and out-of-the-box thinking must be at the forefront of the savvy business owner’s operating plan to make 2010 the success he or she expects. In many instances however; this is simply not the approach that business owners are taking. For example, those in the past who have built their entire business on traditional means such as mailers, fliers or local Yellow Pages, now find themselves in need of Internet advertisement.

Additionally, those who have based their business’ entire operational mandate on word-of-mouth and referral alone are now faced with the need to proactively “replenish” their depleting referral pool with new prospects, to maintain a healthy base. Yet, such business owners are often reluctant to accept the facts that their current business model is no longer working as it previously had before.

The former tenacity, sacrifice and perseverance with which their businesses were launched and thus propelled to a level of success, over time seem to wane as the momentum of that initial “thrust” carries that business along for a time. Once this level of success is ascertained, the temptation of business owners is to ease back, coast and ride out on the inertia their former efforts set in motion.

This precarious position that business owners can get into seems only right and fair but it also is a detriment to their success. In turn, they create for themselves a “hope it will happen” system. However, what is needed in today’s challenging businesscape is a “make it happen” system that’s headed up by a make-it-happen generation! Which of the two are you?

Business And You By Amparo Diaz Aztiazarain

Amparo Diaz Aztiazarain

Amparo Diaz is Vice-President of Marketing & Operations for

Renderline Productions, a full services production company for TV Lighting,

Concert Touring and Corporate Events production services. Contact:

[email protected]



Sales: Personal Branding

by Amparo Aztiazarain

Personal branding, in the age of the Facebook culture, creates a parallel between yourself and the business process. Your personal presentation, what connects you to someone, how you connect to others, and how you speak in person, or in a social media forum, should be an authentic extension of the product or service you represent. Whether or not you are an entrepreneur or an employee working for a company, personal branding is a topic that is rarely the focus of your personal sales strategy, but it should be a focal point, as you are the first contact in the eyes of everyone you meet . The idea of packaging yourself in a way that personally describes and represents the product or services connected to you, and the qualities of your brand, is an important aspect of your overall promotional effort. Understanding your market and the needs of the people you interact with and are connecting to should be done in an authentic and personal way. This is a shift to trusting you and your personal brand as opposed to the glitz behind your product or service. Consistency becomes important in branding yourself, as people tend to remember the qualities of how someone makes them feel. Your personal branding effort should allow you to become a more authentic you than traditional business models of selling have allowed in the past. Personal branding will make people more motivated to remember you, and more apt to seek your services when making purchasing decisions.

“Why Cell-Free Driving?” Distractions are the leading cause of motor vehicle crashes and the number one distraction is cell phones. The use of a cell phone while driving is a very high-risk behavior with a significant impact on society. This is due to the vast number of people engaging in the behavior and the cognitive distraction drivers experience when engaged in cell phone conversations. More than 50 peer-reviewed scientific studies have identified the risks associated with cell phone use while driving.

Drivers who use cell phones are four times more likely to be involved in a crash. Two different studies found this same conclusion, a 1997 New England Journal of Medicine examination of hospital records and 2005 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety study linking crashes to cell phone records.

Drivers who do TEXT MESSAGING are eight (8) times more likely to be involved in a crash. No matter how good you think you are at being able to drive and text message another driver doing text messaging may hit you, and your life could be over. Or what if someone text messaging while driving hit and killed a close family member. These accidents are happening every day.

Please stop driving and using the cell phone for talking or TEXT MESSAGING.





“CALL THE COFFEE MAN”916-799-3443




Community Celebration Planned for

Rancho Cordova Library’s Feb. 13 Re-Opening

As an early Valentine’s Day gift to local residents, Rancho Cordova Library will re-open its doors with a community-wide celebration beginning at 11 a.m. on Saturday, February 13 at 9845 Folsom Boulevard, Sacramento. The free family festivities will include formal remarks from elected and library officials, a face painter, a magic show, a classical string-music trio, a Friends of Rancho Cordova Library book sale, and light refreshments.

The library branch has been closed since October 26 for refurbishment and renovation. Among the building’s new features are a “just for teens” area with four new computers, new lounge space with comfy furniture and an expanded view of the landscaped patio, colorful new carpet, an enhanced children’s area, more catalog computers and expanded self-check opportunities. Two large book drops have also been added for customer convenience. In addition, the staff workroom has been renovated through a generous bequest from a passionate library volunteer and member of the Rancho Cordova Friends of the Library, Anne Richardson.

One of 27 branch libraries in the Sacramento Public Library system, the Rancho Cordova Library has served the citizens of Rancho Cordova since 1959 and has occupied its present facility since September 1975. Rancho Cordova library customers will have access to over two million items including books, magazines, CDs, DVDs, and audio books are available for check out, in addition to computer and Internet resources. Rancho Cordova Library also houses a 94-seat community meeting room, which will continue to be the site of many outstanding programs for toddlers, children, teens, adults and families.

When the branch reopens, public hours will be Monday and Thursday, 12 noon to 8 p.m.; Tuesday and Wednesday, 10am to 6pm: Friday, 1pm to 5pm: and Saturday 10am to 5 pm.

For more information, please telephone the Sacramento Public Library at (916) 264-2920 or visit

SUCCESS! In your small or home based businesss

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Page 12: ONE Community eNewspaper February 2010

Page 12 – Community Newspaper – February 2010

Cindy Sample, Local Author

Hot Flash By Cindy Sample

Cindy Sample is a published author and former CEO. Her goal is to help people embrace the humor in their lives. Email

Cindy at [email protected]




Has Cupid wandered into your life recently? Or are you one of the many single men and women who will not be rushing into the Hallmark store at six p.m. on February 14th?

The greeting card industry, florists, and purveyors of fine chocolate taunt us year after year with the not so subtle suggestion that we can only be happy if we are one half of a couple.

Is it possible to enjoy life as a single woman or a single man? To that question all I can respond is…

Hell yes!But with that answer comes a caveat.

As a woman who has been married twice and who currently enjoys her single status, I do venture out in the dating world periodically. Having met quite a few men through an on-line service, I’ve been astonished as well as comforted by the fact that men of any age, especially those over 50, are still searching for the love of their life.

Not surprisingly, so are my single girlfriends. It doesn’t seem to matter what gender you are, whether you’ve been married once, twice, or even thrice, everyone is hopeful that some day they will find their soul mate. Even some widows and widowers are betting that in their lifetime they can find not just one, but two true loves.

As an active participant in the Hot Flash set, my days are filled with numerous social engagements. There are no demands on my life other than the demands I put on myself. I have a fruitful and joyful life.

And yet, I willingly admit that someday I would like to meet a man who can make my heart and body sing the same way Puccini does.

Can I survive without meeting him? You bet your sweet bippy I can (that’s for my fellow Laugh-In generation).

Will I continue to look? Of course I will. Because he could be out there. And if he isn’t, there’s always Puccini’s masterpiece Madame Butterfly to

console me. As well as the fifteen social groups I belong to.Life is good and since I’m a perpetual optimist there’s one thing I know for

sure.It can always get better.Cindy Sample is the author of DYING FOR A DATE (available June, 2010)


Brett Owens is a recovering wannapreneur, turned entrepreneur.

He is the CEO and Co-Founder of Chrometa, a Sacramento-based

software company that helps you keep track of your time automatically – with no stopwatches or data entry.

To see how Chrometa has leveraged webinars in their sales efforts, please visit for some free




Brett Owens

3 Ways to Spend Less Time Managing Email

Despite exaggerated reports of email’s demise due to social media, the fact remains that your email inbox is likely to be the place where you spend the most working time.So, what are some practical steps that we can take to improve our handling of email – ie. spend less time in our inboxes, and more time doing productive, value-added activity?Here are three best practices for Microsoft Outlook that have worked well for me…1. Keep your Inbox empty

Either delete or file emails as soon as you open them. If they sit in your Inbox, they will drive you crazy. You’ll end up looking at each email over and over again, thinking how you “should” get around to addressing that item.Then, if you procrastinate, it will be the same drill next time you look at your Inbox – you’ll look at the same email, and decide whether to act or not.2. Use rules to automatically file emails

I used to let every single email drop directly into my Inbox…what a nightmare that was! Looking back, it was a crazy practice. All of my correspondences, newsletter subscriptions, etc, came right into the same place – yikes!If you don’t yet use Outlook’s Rules and Alerts, you can find this under Tools > Rules and Alerts. 3. Dial down the Send/Receive frequency

Under Options > Mail Setup > Send/Receive, you can control the frequency in which Outlook checks for new mail. And believe me – the longer you set this option, the better off you’ll be. I used to have this set at a cool 2 minutes. And what happened? As soon as an email came in, I was on it! Well, great, but is an immediate reply really needed? Would it have killed me to not know about the email for an extra 10, 30, even 60 minutes? Of course not.***c

In summary, the less time you can spend handling email, the more time you’ll have for productive activity – and that’s a beautiful thing! You can read an expanded version of this article at

By Brett Owens

Make a Difference AND Make Money

With SEND OUT CARDS!You create a real card on your own computer… We print, address, stamp, and mail it for you…

For less than $1 per card, plus postage… You get paid for every card your team sends!

To send a FREE CARD on this revolutionary system, go to

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Legal Ease by Michael L. Hanks

Attorney Relations

Oftentimes clients expect their attorney to maintain the same difficult relationship with the opposing attorney as the client has with the person on the other side. Such an approach seldom works. Indeed, it is important that attorneys maintain as civil and respectful a relationship with each other as each attorney should maintain with his or her client. The tone of the inter-attorney relationship has to be set by and within the control of the attorney, not the client. Although the clients may not understand it, their prospects for a fair and equitable resolution of the dispute will depend largely on the professionalism of the attorneys toward each other and toward the institutions of law.

Page 13: ONE Community eNewspaper February 2010

Page 13 – Community Newspaper – February 2010

What’s Cook’n With Mom

Health & Beauty MASSAGE MAGIC For Body Mind and Spirit, un-surpassed massage techniques, to relax and re-energize, Call Inge CMT 638-3345

Services MOBILE HOME WANTED CASH BUYER Single 12’-14’ wide, loc in MHP, available in 30-60 days, in good condition.Call Dennis 916-567-1155.We Can Buy Your HouseSave your credit, I’ll work with you and your lenders. Stop potential foreclosure. Call Gary now at 831-3665, If I’m not available please leave a message, or email Gary c/o [email protected]

CARPET CLEANINGFree phone quote. NO bait and switch. Quick drying. Very detailed cleaning. “You get the most thorough car-pet cleaning ever or it’s free!” 7 days a week cleaning. To get a quote call Gary at 224-6624.(if it goes to voice mail leave a message and Gary will call you back, he’s in a meeting or finishing a project)

House WantedI have a buyer for a 3 bedroom 2 bath single level home in excellent condition, and another buyer for a 3 bedroom 2 bath condominium, If you’re looking to sell your house call Gary 831-3665.

WantedLooking for good webmaster to work with this news-paper. Call 916-831-3665.

Passive Real Estate InvestmentsDo you want to know how you can use your IRA, or 401k, or Roth Self Directed IRA to get a 7% return secured as a 1st mortgage on a house. I know of one home you could have a 7% return with 1st mortgage security at about 50% of the houses value. The house has been owned by me for 30 years and the tenant has lived in the house for about 10 years. The houses value is approx. $310,000 to $319,000. If you’re interested in knowing more you can call Gary a Gold River resident since 1988 at 831-3665. If you’d be interested in a dif-ferent home or a lower dollar amount I could refer you to another Gold River resident that is a very strong real estate investor. You can call me, I’m Gary 831-3665.

Classified AdsFree Consumer Classified Ads Via Email [email protected]

Small Fee for Business or Real Estate Classifieds

Almond Apple CrispIngredients:1 tablespoon water 1 teaspoon almond extract 6 cups sliced unpeeled tart eating apples (about 4 medium) 1/2 cup coarsely crushed zwieback crumbs 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons chopped almonds 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3 tablespoons reduced-fat margarine Yogurt Topping -- (recipe follows)Preparation:Heat oven to 375º. Mix water and almond extract; toss with apples in 1 1/2-quart casserole sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Mix remaining ingredients except Yogurt Topping until crumbly; sprinkle over apples. Bake until top is golden brown and apples are tender, about 30 minutes. Serve warm with Yogurt Topping. YOGURT TOPPING 1/2 cup plain nonfat yogurt 1/8 teaspoon almond extract 1 teaspoon sugar“Mix all ingredients.”

Frozen Peanut Butter Pizza PieIngredients:2 Thin Dough 12 inch dough shells 2 Tbls. butter, softened 1 8 oz. package cream cheese, softened 1 cup creamy peanut butter, softened 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar 1 cup milk 1 12−oz. package Cool Whip chocolate syrup Preparation:Preheat oven to 400°F. Brush tops and rims of pizza shells with butter, place in center oven rack and bake 8 minutes. Remove and cool on wire racks. In a large electric mixer bowl, beat cream cheese and peanut butter, then add the powdered sugar in three portions, alternating with the milk. Fold in thawed Cool Whip, then spread mixture over the cooled pizza crusts. Freeze until firm. Serve pizzas cold, but not frozen. Just before serving, drizzle with chocolate syrup.

14 Carrot Cake DreamIngredients:2 Cups Flour 1 1/2 Teaspoons Baking Soda 2 Teaspoons Baking Powder 2 Teaspoons Cinnamon 1/2 Cup Nuts 2 Cups Sugar 1 Pinch Salt 1 1/2 Cups Oil 4 Eggs 1 Can Pineapple 2 Cups Carrots – gratedPreparation:Sift all dry ingredients together. Add sugar and oil to flour mixture. Add eggs, pineapple, nuts and carrots, mix well. Bake in bundt pan (or large cake pan) at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. Cool a few minutes in pan, turn out on wire racks.

Egg and WatercressFinger SandwichesIngredients:6 Eggs, hard-boiled & chopped 1/4 c Mayonnaise 1 tb Honey Dijon Mustard 1/4 ts Celery Seed Salt and Pepper 6 tb Unsalted Butter, softened 16 oz Loaf Whole Wheat Bread, Sliced lengthwise with Crusts removed (6 slices) Fresh Watercress Sprigs Preparation:In a small bowl, combine chopped eggs, mayonnaise, mustard, celery seed, and salt and pepper to taste. Mix well and set aside. Lightly butter bread. Spread half the bread slices with egg mixture, then top with watercress. Top with remaining bread slices, buttered side down. Press gently to seal. Wrap and refrigerate at least 1 hour. Cut sandwiches crosswise into 1” fingers.

Double Tree Hotel Chocolate Chip CookiesIngredients:2 cups flour 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1/4 tsp salt 1 cup oats (uncooked) 3/4 cup sugar 3/4 cup Dark Brown sugar 1 cup butter, softened 2 large eggs 2 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. lemon juice 12 oz. chocolate chips 1 1/2 cup walnuts Preparation:Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease cookie sheets. Place the butter in a large bowl and cream lightly with an electric mixer. Add the sugars and beat on medium speed for about 2 minutes. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the vanilla and lemon juice and mix well. In a separate bowl, stir together the flour, oatmeal, baking soda, and salt. Add to the creamed butter mixture and stir well to blend. Add chocolate chips and walnuts and stir to combine. Using a 1/4 cup measure or a 2−oz ice cream scoop, drop the batter on the cookie sheets, leaving 2 −3 inches between each cookie. Bake for 13 − 15 minutes or until lightly browned around the edges. Remove from the cookie sheets and cool on wire racks.

Page 14: ONE Community eNewspaper February 2010

Page 14 – Community Newspaper – February 2010

Events By Tia Political & Event PhotographerTia Gemmell 920-2903See More Photos in eNewspaper...Email [email protected] ask for eNewspaper

Eskaton Lodge Gold River Assisted Living & Memory Care11390 Coloma Road Gold River, CA 95670 License # 347001241


We came to The Lodge for my wife. We stayed for both of us.

Ad Sales POSITIONWe have an opening for an Ad Sales representative

for the Gold River Community Newspaper and ONE Community eNewspaper.

The position is full or part-time, in a fun paced environment. You’re paid on results.

We want an upbeat, detail-oriented person, preferably with sales or marketing experience.

Please send your resume to: [email protected]

All resumes are confidential

Charity Sneak Preview of the Palladio 16 Cinemas in Folsom December 9, 2009 Elliott Homes and Cinema West hosted the Palladio 16 Cinemas Sneak Preview Red Carpet Charity Event, kicking off the grand opening at Broadstone, the Sacramento region’s only all-digital projection theatre. The Cinemas will featured 16 screens with all-digital projection and the largest solar system on a movie theatre roof in the U.S. to be completed in 2010.The event benefited Mercy Foundation and Folsom Lake College.

Don Hudson, President of Mercy Hospital of Folsom and his wife, Gail Hudson; Rod and Mary Louise Klein,

both retired

Byan Byrd, Comcast, Director of Communications, with his wife Janet

Lisa Woodard-Mink, Chief Philanthropy Officer for Mercy Hospital of Folsom, Mercy Foundation. Russ Davis, Vice President of Elliott Homes. Carrie Johnson, Special Events Coordinator, Mercy Foundation. Jennifer Scott, Marketing & Communications Manager, Mercy Foundation

Sister Bridget McCarthy, Mercy Foundation President and CEO

Rod Klein

Claudia Cummings, Bernice Hagen, And friends

Mary Ann, Lori Rianda, Executive Director of Folsom Lake College Foundation And

friends of FLCF

Debbie and Harry Elliott, President of Elliott Homes

Gary StalickDave Corkill, owner of Cinema West

Please Join Derek’s Wish……as we celebrate our 4th year at Laugh’s Unlimited Comedy Club in Old Sacramento & our “Unite Against Cancer” campaign!!

You have three Showtime’s to meet your weekend plans.Saturday: Matinee show with music starting at 2:30pm with Dennis Lensea a Delta Blues guitarist and my daughter, Brieanna French Gates, singing her selected favorites. Comedy starts at 4 p.m. Cost is only $25 per person.

Appetizers will be served, compliments of Bryan & Mike at Yager’s Bar & Grill. Sunday you have two different shows. The first is a Dinner, Music & Comedy show starting at 5:45 p.m. Cost is only $40 a person or two for $75 & includes a tri tip dinner with all the fixin’s compliments of Yager’s Bar & Grill!!The second is at 8:00 p.m. and is a Music & Comedy only! Cost is only $25. Thank you for your support, remember we count on you to help make a difference!!

Page 15: ONE Community eNewspaper February 2010

Page 15 – Community Newspaper – February 2010

Safe and Tax Deferred Alternatives to Bank C.D. Accounts

If you’re bewildered by declines in your 40lk or I.R.A. savings accounts in the last 10 years; you are in good company. If you turned to your bank for a safer alternative and found that current yields were low; it should have been no surprise.

The current yields for 1 year bank certificates for example are now at a nationwide average of only 1.57%. (Source: These yields are often reduced even further by income taxes; if the funds are not currently in a tax qualified plan such as an I.R.A. For money reinvested annually; you might want to investigate fixed annuity savings accounts.

Fixed annuity deposits up 78% first quarter of 2009 versus first quarter of 2008.. Consumers have flocked to fixed annuities at a record pace for 4 quarters in a row. (Beacon research study)

What is a fixed annuity? C. D. Fixed annuities can have a fixed rate that stays the same for a set term such as 5 years or Fixed indexed plans that have an interest crediting method choice tied to an index such as the change in the S&P, or Dow Jones indices.

Key features of fixed annuities: Minimum interest guarantees, !0% annual withdrawals, probate avoidance, income tax deferral, no up front fees. Lifetime income guarantees. Not F.D.I.C. insured, backed by carrier cash reserves.

How do you choose an insurance company when almost 2,000 are offering products? Work with an independent insurance broker or financial advisor. When comparing the simple C.D. type 5 year annuities for example; ask for 2 things:

A spread sheet that ranks the carriers offering the highest rates with an 1.) objective listing of yields.Ask for a Vital Signs report. This 1 page report can compare up to 8 2.) companies for financial strength ratings from 5 independent sources.

What if you need retirement income or inflation enhancements? Consider a fixed indexed annuity with an income rider attached. The rider gives a predetermined increase to the deposit of approximately 7 to 8% per year until income is taken. This income account can be set up with guaranteed level payments or inflation enhancements, If you prefer to surrender the product at the end of the term instead of taking income; you have a separate account with interest based on a fixed rate or an indexed rate. This article is not offered as investment or tax advice. Please review any product disclosures with your insurance, legal, and tax consultants before adding fixed annuities to your portfolio. By Randy Taylor, Financial Services consultant. If you want to contact him email [email protected]

Randy Taylor

You can send a greeting card or a post card through the US Postal Service using your

computer. I’ll show you how. Email Gary at: [email protected]

“Selling Your House?”Call Gary Now! 224-6624

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Page 16: ONE Community eNewspaper February 2010

Page 16 – Community Newspaper – February 2010

We’ve all been brought up with the idea that every spring we should clean our homes from end to end and freshen up for our health. This might have come from the idea that in spring, things are fresh and new and cleaning the home will renew your feelings about yourself.

1. Improve Your Health Without Diets Or Pills

Pollens, mold, and mildew spores are dumped into the air at incred-ible intensity. Pollutants from car exhaust, burning fields, and cigarette smoke were also dumped into the stagnant air. All this gunk drifted into your home and when you closed the house up, where do you suppose it’s been ever since? It got trapped in your home. Thanks to today’s air tight, energy efficient homes, your family and guests have been breathing that recycled air-garbage. 2. Your Home Is Your Personal Breeding Ground For Invisible Crit-ters And Varmints In addition to the air-garbage from outside, you have uncontrolled vermin inside. Too tiny to see, dust mites live in your carpet, upholstery, bedding and drapes by the millions. By now their dead bodies and dung are in your house by the billions. They live off your dead skin as do billions of bacteria in your home, including those that cause staph and strep infections. Ever wonder why so many people get strep as soon as it cools off outside? Now you know. Plus, fleas brought into your house last summer don’t die off like they do outside when it freezes. Bacteria and germs have been breeding in the warm fibers of your carpet.

3. Does Your Bedroom Smell Like A Gerbil? Here’s Why…

Besides being Harmful to our health, all the germs, bacteria and crit-ters that live off dead skin from us and our pets, stink. They eat skin and along with other excretions, put out tainted methane gas which smells bad. 4. Heavy Soil From Outside Sifts Deep Into Your Carpet Never To Be Seen Again Until the winter rains have washed the sand soil from the roads and sidewalks, heavy soils from outside are tracked onto your carpet, wiggle down deeper than your vacuum can reach and stay there, grinding your carpet down into worthless fibers. You’ll find them in your vacuum bag.

Choosing a company can be treacherous. I’ll tell you up front that my service is not for everybody, but here are some reasons to choose me: If all you want is a cheap, brush-the-dirt-off-the-sur-face cleaning, lots of companies can help you. Choose us when you want deep, thorough cleaning. We’ll give you the fluffiest, freshest, healthiest, longest lasting, clean carpets possible . . .

. . . Guaranteed!!!

I have seen many service personnel that my wife would not allow in our home. Good character and integrity have kept us in business for 21 plus years

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Cleaning now, will get rid of sandy soils before they do lots of damage or get too deep.

5. Finally – Someone Who Can Remove Those Ugly Black Lines By The Walls, or Crevice of Steps I’ve had new clients call us to evaluate some embarrassing black lines where the carpet meets the wall and at the edges of steps and jagged lines under curtains. They told me no carpet cleaner could get them out and in some cases they had tried up to five different firms. But the black remained. I inspected these lines and found the cause to be an air filtration problem. With extra effort and knowledge on our part, the ugly black lines can be removed. I told the client this and they were apprehensive. I also told them if it didn’t come clean as I described, they would not have to pay us. How’s that for confidence? Yes, we cleaned the ugly black lines. Yes, our clients were happy. 6. Do-It-Yourself Folks Get What They Paid For… …Nothing The problems I have described here can’t be fixed very

well with any home remedy. Sure you can dust and do the basic cleaning just fine. But drapes, fine rugs and upholstery often cannot be safely cleaned except by a professional. Let’s face it. If those puny little cleaning systems could even come close to the effectiveness of a trained professional using a $55,000.00 steam cleaning system, no one would pay the money for them. But There’s Still One Thing You Should Know . . .

King and Prince of Clean,Gary and Steven Stalick

You Get the Most Thorough Carpet Cleaning Ever, or it’s FREE!

7 Days a Week. Satuday & Sunday OK