on the composition of dilute renal excretions

ON THE COMPOSITION OF DILUTE RENAL EXCRETIONS. BY A. B. MACALLUM AND C. C. BENSON. (From the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Torolzto.) (Received for publication, February rg, rgog.) The problem of the factors in the formation of urine is as yet not near a solution which may be generally accepted. The dis- cussion of the question in the literature of the subject still centers chiefly around the two theories, the one of Bowman-Heidenhain, the other of Ludwig. That discussion some years ago appeared to be in effect closed with the publication of Heidenhain’s con- tributionl to it, fortified as it was by the observations of Nuss- baum2 on the phenomena of secretion in the kidney of the frog which seemed to indicate very clearly that while the reflected epithelium of Bowman’s capsule in the glomerulus is chiefly concerned in the elimination of water from the blood and lymph, the cells of the renal tubules remove the urea and related organic constituents of the urine. Indeed Heidenhain’s own investi- gation on the excretion of sodium sulphindigotate in the kidney of the dog also decidedly postulated an excretory function on the part of certain portions of the renal tubule, a property not at all provided for in Ludwig’s theory. Ludwig’s theory has again been more recently advanced and defended, not indeed in the original form in every respect, by Starling,3 Cushny,* Henderson and others and this has led to a 1 Versuche iiber den Vorgang der Hamabsonderung, Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., ix, p. 26, 1875; Also, Die Harnabsonderung, Hermann’s Hand- bwh der Physiologic, v, p. 279, 1883. r Ueber die Secretion der Niere, Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., xvi, p. 139, 1878; Fortgesetzte Untersuchungen tiber die Secretion der Niere, Ibid., xvii, p. 580, 1879. 3 The Glomerular Functions of the Kidney, Journ. of Physiol., xxiv, P. 3179 1899. 4 On the Diuresis and the Permeability of Renal Cells, Journ. of PhysioE., xxvii, p. 429, 1902; On Saline Diuresis, Ibid., xxviii, p. 431, rgoz. 87 by guest on April 7, 2018 http://www.jbc.org/ Downloaded from

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(From the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Torolzto.)

(Received for publication, February rg, rgog.)

The problem of the factors in the formation of urine is as yet not near a solution which may be generally accepted. The dis- cussion of the question in the literature of the subject still centers chiefly around the two theories, the one of Bowman-Heidenhain, the other of Ludwig. That discussion some years ago appeared to be in effect closed with the publication of Heidenhain’s con- tributionl to it, fortified as it was by the observations of Nuss- baum2 on the phenomena of secretion in the kidney of the frog which seemed to indicate very clearly that while the reflected epithelium of Bowman’s capsule in the glomerulus is chiefly concerned in the elimination of water from the blood and lymph, the cells of the renal tubules remove the urea and related organic constituents of the urine. Indeed Heidenhain’s own investi- gation on the excretion of sodium sulphindigotate in the kidney of the dog also decidedly postulated an excretory function on the part of certain portions of the renal tubule, a property not at all provided for in Ludwig’s theory.

Ludwig’s theory has again been more recently advanced and defended, not indeed in the original form in every respect, by Starling,3 Cushny,* Henderson and others and this has led to a

1 Versuche iiber den Vorgang der Hamabsonderung, Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., ix, p. 26, 1875; Also, Die Harnabsonderung, Hermann’s Hand- bwh der Physiologic, v, p. 279, 1883.

r Ueber die Secretion der Niere, Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., xvi, p. 139, 1878; Fortgesetzte Untersuchungen tiber die Secretion der Niere, Ibid., xvii, p. 580, 1879.

3 The Glomerular Functions of the Kidney, Journ. of Physiol., xxiv,

P. 3179 1899. 4 On the Diuresis and the Permeability of Renal Cells, Journ. of PhysioE.,

xxvii, p. 429, 1902; On Saline Diuresis, Ibid., xxviii, p. 431, rgoz.


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88 Dilute Renal Excretions

series of investigations on the subject, but though the balance of the evidence advanced by these is against the filtration- reabsorption theory it is not decisive. In not a few of these investigations the kidneys under examination were subjected to abnormal conditions, such as certainly may be brought about by the intravenous injection of strong solutions of salts. Like quantities of such salts do not under any circumstances obtain in the blood of the normal animal, not even when such solutions are injected into the intestinal cavity and it can scarcely be held that either the glomerular or the tubular epithelium remains considerably unaffected when brought into contact with plasma or lymph containing such unusual quantities of salts or such unusual constituents. It is not at all, of course, to be contended that the results obtained from such investigations are not of value, for their importance is very great, and eventually, when the facts decisive regarding the processes of urine formation have been ascertained, their place and their significance in the summing up will be recognized.

A question of fundamental import in the discussion is whether filtration obtains at all in the normal kidney. If its occurrence could be demonstrated the cardinal principle in the Ludwig theory would be sustained and another point would inevitably follow, for to explain the differences in composition between the filtrate from the blood plasma and lymph on the one hand, and on the other, the urine as it leaves the kidney, involves of ne- cessity reabsorption of some of the constituents, the inorganic at least, by the tubular cells. It may of course be objected that the differences might be caused by the tubular epithelium adding by secretion to the filtrate as it passed along the lumina of the tubules, an addition not to be excluded in view of the results obtained by Bainbridge and Beddard’ and Cullis’ in the case of the renal tubules of the frog. In answer to this it may be said that to postulate filtration in the glomeruli and secretion in the tubular epithelium of such a character as to eliminate from the blood large quantities of salts is not a consistent position to

1 Secretion by the Renal Tubules in the Frog, Biochem. Journ., i, p. 255, 1906.

2 On the Secretion in the Frog’s Kidney, Joum. of Physiol., xxxiv, p. 250, 1906.

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A. B. Macallum and C. C. Benson

assume, especially in view of the fact that the tubular epithelium must be supposed in this case to contribute at times much more of the inorganic constituents than are filtered off by the glomeruli. What intellectually is to be gained from the assumption of such a position?

The determination of the question whether filtration occurs is one of great difficulty and it has been hitherto attempted only indirectly. Filtration would involve variations in amount of the urine with alterations in blood pressure and consequently efforts have been directed to ascertain if a correlation exists between blood pressure and the quantity of urine formed. These have shown that there is a connection between the two, and that when the pressure in the capillaries sinks below 30 mm. of mer- cury the formation of urine ceases, but it has not yet been demonstrated that there is a proportional relation between the fluid eliminated and the blood pressure. Nor has the attack on the problem by a study of the pressure in the renal tubules and in the pelvis of the kidney been more successful. A filtra- tion pressure in the capillaries of the glomeruli would involve a head of pressure in each tubule immediately adjacent to its glomerulus sufficient at least to overcome the resistance offered by the tubules themselves. Now high pressure exerted in the pelvis of the kidney through its ureter does cause the cessation of the formation of urine and moderate degrees of pressure should, at least, diminish its quantity if filtration is a factor but, curiously, as Schwarz,’ Brodie and Cullis’ in the dog and Steyrer3 in the human subject have determined, a certain degree of pressure in the pelvis of one kidney increases the quantity of the urine formed as compared with that derived at the same time and under the same blood pressure from the other kidney. This makes it evident that if filtration does obtain in the glomeruli, its occurrence is masked by the operation of other forces which may be grouped under the term “ secretory. ”

There is one way along which as yet the solution of the ques- tion has not been attempted and that is by the analyses of normal

1 Centralbl. f. Pkysiol., xvi, p. 281, 1902.

2 On the Secretion of Urine, Journ. of Pkysiol., xxxiv, p. 224, 1905. 3 Ueber osmotische Analyse des Harns, Hofmeister’s Beitrcige, ii, p.

330, 1902.

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Dilute Renal Excretions

urines of the greatest possible attenuation. In certain condi- tions of diuresis the urine formed is so great in volume and so rapidly produced that the swiftness of the current along the secreting as well as along the collecting portions of the renal tubules would permit of very little reabsorption and at the same time the additions made by the secreting portions would be very slight. The more dilute such urines are the more they would approximate to a filtration of the kind demanded by the Ludwig theory even when the concentration in the salts is much less than it is in the blood plasma or lymph, for then at least there should be a parallelism in relative proportions between the inorganic elements in the blood plasma on the one hand and the same elements in such dilute urines.

The quantities of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and chlorine in human plasma have not, since Schmidt’s’ time (ISSO), been accurately ascertained and his results are defective owing to the methods of determination then employed, but the estimations of the quantities of those elements in the blood plasma of mammals have been made by Aberhalden,2 who has found that in the serum of the horse Na = 0.3291 per cent; K = 0.02183 per cent; Ca = 0.00795 per cent; Mg = 0.0027

per cent, and Cl = 0.3726 per cent, and taking this as a basis of calculations of proportions there ought to be present in the plasma for every IOO parts by weight af sodium:

K,6.63; Ca, 2.41; Mg, 0.82; Cl, 113.22

and if filtration occurs in the formation of these dilute urines, then in the latter there should be a like or nearly similar series of proportions in the same elements.

Such dilute urines have been obtained but have never been analyzed. DreseP found that after copious draughts of Munich beer the concentration sank so low that the A was - 0.16’. Engel and Schar14 found in the case of an epileptic patient

1 Charakteristik deu epidemischen Cholera gegeniiber verwandtelz Trans- udationsanornalien. ’ E&e pkysiologische-chemische Utiersuchulzg, Leipzig und Mitau, 1850.

2 Zur quantitative vergleichenden Analyse des Blutes, Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., xxv, p. 65, 1898.

3 Arch. f. exp. Path. u. Pharm., xxix, p. 302, 1892. 4 Zeitschr. f. k&n. Med., lx, p. 225, 1906.

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who had taken 1400 cc. of Salvator water the minimum A was - 0.10~ C. This compared with the A of the blood serum of the human subject, which is -0.56’, indicates the degree of dilution which such urines manifest. The ‘capacity of the kidneys to form urines of such low concentrations is by no means rare and it has been found in individuals who did not at all suspect it to be present. All that suffices to test its occurrence in any particular case is to ingest large quantities of distilled water, 1-3 liters, in a couple of hours and in not a few individuals it will be followed by the formation of large amounts of urine of very low concentrations. In one case the senior author obtained early in this investigation 205 cc. of a IO minute period of which the A was -0.075~. In such a case the elimination of water by each kidney was not less than IO cc. per minute and it is not surprising that the A rose to such a height. In other cases it was found that it was readily possible to obtain after draughts of large quantities of distilled water urines in which the A ranged from -0.09’ to -0.60’, which latter is a little lower than that of blood plasma.

The possibility of obtaining readily such dilute urines for examination led the authors to attempt to determine howhigh the A in such urines may be raised. It was supposed that if a urine v-hose A was -0.05~ were obtained its analysis might reveal unique features which would help in the solution of the question of urine formation but the uppermost limit of - 0.07 5” was never exceeded and it was obtained only once while it was a matter of no particular difficulty to obtain fluids whose A ranged from -o.ocjto -O.If.

The failure to reduce the concentrations to the low limit aimed at, led to the attempt to determine quantitatively the inorganic constituents in such dilute urines, but owing to the small quanti- ties (65 to 200 cc.) passed during each period of IO minutes it was not possible to make complete analyses. The calcium and magnesium in such fluids were under the amounts which would have made it possible to determine them quantitatively. By adding together the fluids from several consecutive periods of IO minutes each it might have been ascertained how much calcium and magnesium was eliminated in the sum of those periods, but this would not have been of any service, for each

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urine formed during those periods had very often a different A and as we subsequently learned there was a variation in the composition from period to period even in cases in which the A was the same and consequently it was held to be of no object to obtain such estimations.

The chief inorganic constituents in such urines are the salts of sodium and potassium of which the most abundant are their chlorides. There is no difficulty in determining the amount of chlorine and of the potassium, but that of sodium, accurately ascertained, present in such dilution and in such small quantities of the urines, offers insuperable difficulties. It can only be deter- mined indirectly or differentially, that is, either by converting all the bases into sulphates (of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, estimating directly the potassium, calcium and magnesium and finally the sodium by difference, or by first of all removing all the calcium and magnesium salts and convert- ing the sodium and potassium salts into their chlorides which may be weighed and, having directly determined the potassium, the sodium may then be ascertained.

With the quantities of fluid at the authors’ disposal it is obvious that the estimation of the sodium in such urines could not be serviceably performed and in consequence only the determina- tions of the potassium and the chlorine were carried out.

It was felt, however, that even this much would be of value and the results obtained have justified this view.

The chlorine was estimated gravimetrically, as the volumetric method owing to uncertainty as to the exact end point, intro- duces so large an error when dealing .with small quantities of very dilute solutions of chlorides. Indeed when the amount of chlorine in a solution is from 0.02 to 0.03 per cent and one uses for estimation volumetrically from 20 to 30 grams of the fluid the error may well be between 5 and 8 per cent. In con- sequence the gravimetric method alone was employed. A deci- normal solution of nitrate of silver containing 1.5 per cent of

nitric acid was added to a carefully weighed quantity, usually about or near IO grams of concentrated urine, but to between 20 and 50 grams of the dilute excretion, and the mixture placed in the dark for 24 hours, when it was carefully filtered through two thicknesses of an “ashless” filter specially adapted to hold

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back fine precipitates. The precipitate was washed on the double filter seven or eight times with distilled water in order to remove even traces of the adherent nitrate compound and when on drying the precipitate, as was the case with dilute urines, could not be detached from the filter, both filter and pre- cipitate were incinerated together, which of course, reduced a large proportion of the silver chloride to the metallic silver. The residue was in consequence carefully treated with nitric acid to dissolve the metallic silver, the nitrate formed as carefully converted into the chloride, after which the usual method of pro- cedure was followed.

The general method of estimating the potassium in urine is to remove by precipitation the sulphuric and phosphoric acids of the sulphates and phosphates and the magnesium and calcium of their compound (including traces of iron), and then on evapor- ation of the filtrate to dryness to get rid of the ammonium salts and the organic compounds by heating to a dull red heat in a platinum capsule, after all which the sodium and the potassium salts only remain and these can be conver&ed into chlorides and weighed, the chloride of potassium then being isolated as the double salt of potassium and platinum. Even when the quan- tity of the urine is large and the concentration of its inorganic constituents sufficient to enable the investigator to reduce the limits of error in the result, the method is tedious, but when at the most 50 to 75 cc. only of a very dilute urine are available for such a purpose the method is not only tedious but inapplicable, for the quantities of calicum and magnesium salts and of the sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid are too minute to be effec- tually removed by precipitation and they then remain to influence very considerably and, of course, unfavorably the exact deter- mination of the potassium and the sodium.

The method of estimating the potassium ,which meets all the difficulties is that known as Finkener’s’, and consists in the COW version of all the bases into sulphates which are then dissolved, with some hydrochloric acid, in water to which more than a sufficient quantity of platinum chloride in solution is added to.

L Poggendorff’s Annulen, cxxix, p. 637; also Rose, Handbzcch der anal. Chemie, 6 Aufl. by Finkener, ii, p. 923.

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94 Dilute Renal Excretions

combine with all the potassium present. The mixture is then carefully evaporated in a porcelain capsule on a water bath down to the volume of I to 3 cc., the platinum salt uncombined with potassium is thoroughly extracted with alcohol and ether and the potassium determined from the weight of the reduced platinum filtered off from the residue.

This method was considerably improved by Dittmar in his investigations on the composition of the sea water of the Chal- lender Expedition and it was also used with some modifications by the senior author in his studies on the inorganic composition of the Meduszel and in the case of a number of trial estimations of potassium in solutions of accurately known strength of this element, found to give on the average 99.4 per cent of the potas- sium present. Even when phosphates were present with the sulphates the determination of the potassium was not materially affected, so that thisobviatesthenecessityof getting rid, as in the other methods, not only of the sulphuric, but also of the phosphoric acid. More recently he has employed it in the determination of the potassium present in a wide range of physiological fluids and has ascertained that it is the most time-saving as well as the most accurate method of estimating potassium present in such fluids.

The method, as the authors employed it in this case, was as follows. A quantity of the urine, not more than IO grams of the concentrated, but from 16 to 60 grams of the dilute urines, was accurately weighed out in a platinum capsule, evaporated to dryness in it and the residue carefully heated in a fume cup- board with an amount of sulphuric acid varying with the con- centration of the urine from I to 5 cc. This destroyed the organic matter and after the uncombined sulphuric acid was expelled the residue was subjected for several minutes to a degree of heat which gave a red glow to the capsule and its con- tents. This removed by volatilization all the ammonium sul- phate present. Care was taken not to expel any of the potas- sium sulphate by raising the heat to too high a degree. The residue, which consisted of sulphates and some phosphates, was

1 On the Inorganic Composition of the Medusz, Aurelia flavidula and Cyanea arctica, Joum. of Physiol., xxix, p. 213~ 1903.

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then dissolved in distilled water free from all traces of ammonia, and the solution collected in a porcelain evaporating dish. To it were added 2 to 5 cc. of hydrochloric acid along with consider- ably more of a IO per cent solution of platinum chloride than sufficed to combine with all the potassium present and the mixture, with frequent stirring of the contents, was slowly evap- orated on a water bath till its volume did not exceed 2 cc. On this 40 cc. of absolute alcohol were poured and the mixture was allowed to stand for two hours under a bell jar, when 20 cc. of ether were also added. At the end of two hours more the greater part of the ether-alcohol solution was carefully removed by decantation, a fresh mixture (40 cc. of alcohol and 20 cc. of ether) was added and allowed to extract for an hour when a similar decantation was employed. The addition of a fresh mixture followed later by decantation was made usually five times, with the result that the only platinum salt in the residue was that combined with the potassium.

The residue after being cautiously dried was heated in the evaporating dish to 300~ C. for half an hour in a current of dry hydrogen conveyed by an inverted funnel into the dish. In order to provide for a complete reduction of all the platinum present to a metallic condition the residue on cooling was dis- solved in a few cubic centimeters of water. The solution with the contained reduced platinum was evaporated to complete dryness and the residue once more reduced in dry hydrogen gas at 300~ C.

The residue was now treated with hot water and filtered through two filters of the “ashless” type, specially adapted to remove very fine precipitates. The employment of such filters is necessary since there is a tendency of the reduced platinum to form particles approaching in size those of a colloidal suspension of this element.

The filters with the reduced platinum were, after being dried, in- cinerated and as the ash of two such filters weighed not more than o.oooo8 gram the whole of the incinerated residue was regarded for the purposes of the determination of the potassium as reduced platinum and the weight of the latter multiplied by 0.401gg

gave the weight of the potassium. The value 0.40195 is the theoretical one based on the atomic weight of platinum being

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194.8 and on that of potassium being 39.15. Though, as stated earlier, only 99.4 per cent of the platinum is on the average obtained in such reductions and, consequently, a slightly higher factor than o.4oIgg might be employed, it was thought best to employ throughout the theoretical value.

In not a few of the cases the amount of fluid at our disposal did not permit us, unfortunately, to make duplicate analyses. In all these, however, the greatest care was taken to avoid error and where there was the slightest suspicion of its occurrence the whole of the filtrate from the reduced platinum, containing all the potassium previously combined with the latter, was concentrated with fresh quantities of platinum chloride and hydrochloric acid and the potassium reestimated through the reduced platinum so obtained. In the majority of these the duplicates agreed com- pletely with the original; but more instructive than these are those where the differences between the duplicates and the original determinations were the greatest as in two of the estimations for the periods 13, 14, and 15 of Series I, which gave reduced platinum in the following amounts:

No. 13. No. 14. No. IS. Original estimation.. . . . . . . . . . . . 0. oroz 0.0163 0.012, Duplicate estimation from filtrate of

original. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0102 0.0161 o.orzg

From these results it is reasonable to assume that where dupli- cate estimations could not be made the results obtained were fairly accurate and this assumption is strengthened when one examines the results in the three series, for in these the potas- sium determined in the successive ten minute periods shows a remarkable gradation in amount from period to period.

Early in the investigation the authors merely attempted to ascertain if in the urines of the greatest degree of dilution the chlorine and the potassium were present in the ratio in which they obtain in the blood plasma or in the lymph. According to Schmidt’s estimations already referred to, the ratio should be too : g. IO ; but Lehmann’ averaging from his own and Schmidt’s determinations got values for the two elements from which the ratio IOO : 8.86 may be obtained. These give a too high value

1 Lehmann’s Physiological Chemistry, London, 1851, ii, p. 160.

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due to the fact that the method of determining the potassium then in use was not sufficiently accurate. Vierordtl gives the mean of four series of analyses of Wanach,2 two of Schmidt and two of Arronet3 with results which give for the chlorine and the potassium a ratio of IOO : 6.83. This is very near the cor- rect point for the senior author found that the ratio in hydro- cele lymph to be IOO : 6.97. Accordingly if any of the dilute urines were merely filtrates the proportion of the chlorine to the potassium should be IOO : 6.97, but in the very first one examined, that whose A was -0.075~ C., the ratio was IOO : 35.71, that is, the potassium was relatively more than five times as abundant as it is in lymph, or in blood plasma.

It was subsequently found also that the ratio in the passage from the concentrated urines to the very dilute is not a constant one and in consequence it was thought best to ascertain how this obtains. The results of this line of work are to be found in Tables I, II and III embodying the analyses of three series of dilute urines.

In these it is to be noted that in no single instance is the pro- portion even approximately that found in lymph or plasma and there is a still greater discrepancy in some of the more dilute urines. In Series I, No. I, with A = 0.73’ C. the ratio is IOO : 32, but in No. 6 whose A was -0.11' C. the ratio was IOO : 67.99, that is, more than double.

The analyses of such dilute urines, therefore, not only do not support the filtration theory but tell directly against it while they furnish facts which are of great significance as regards the secretion theory.

It has been shown by Nasse,4 Denis and Leichtenstern” that

1 Anatomische, physiologische und physikalische Daten und Tabellen, p. 196, 1906.

2 Quantitative Analyse des Menschenblutes. Dissertation, Dorpat, 1887, Reference by Vierordt.

8 Ueber die Menge und Vertheilung des Kaliums, Natriums und Chlors im Menschenblut. Dissertation, Dorpat (St. Petersburg), 1888, Ref. by Vierordt.

1 Wagner’s Handwcirterbuch der Physiologic, i, p. 128, 1842.

5 Essai SW l’application de la chimie 2c I’&tude physiologique du sang de l’homme et h. l’&tude physiologico-pathologique, hyg&zique et thgrapeutique des maladies de cette humew, Paris, 1838.

8 Untersuchungen iiber den Haemoglobingehalt des Blutes etc., Leipzig, Vogel, 1878.

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98 Dilute Renal Excretions


NO. I cl<


Time of ~llection

c I. f -,-

&mntity mllected n grams.



-0.73 -0.13 -0.13 -0.15 -0.14 -0.11 -0.115 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.12 -0.11 -0.11 -0.09 -0.11

Cl. Ii.

I -r

1 1.40 2 2.00 3 2.10 4 2.20 5 2.30 6 2.40 7 3.00 8 3.10 9 3.20

10 3.30 11 3.40 12 3.50 13 4.00 14 4.10 15 4.20

280 252 180 120 94 89

151 100 88 93 93

101 76

107 100


per cent.

0.203 0.03042 0.03306 0.03296 0.02963 0.02987 0.02786 0.02775 0.02757 0.02698 0.02694 0.02829 0.02797 0.03024 0.02848

per cent. 0.065 0.02208 0.0238 0.02099 0.02107 0.02031 0.01790 0.01621 0.01616 0.01728 0.01684

0.01588 56.77 0.01805 59.35 0.01711 60.07

NO. Time.

1 1.10 2 2.45 3 3.00 4 3.15 5 3.30 6 3.40 7 3.50 8 4.00 9 4.12

10 4.22 11 4.33 12 4.43 13 4.53 14 5.05 15 5.15 16 5.25


Q uuntity of distilled water taken = NO0 cc. SERIES II.

pantit: :olleotec II grame

382 160 94

126 211 139 137 156 167 130 131 109 125 113 119 130



I -I-


-1.935 -1.39 -0.385 -0.235 -0.245 -0.205 -0.235 -0.22 -0.21 -0.21 -0.205 -0.185 -0.165 -0.18 -0.20 -0.305

A i



per cent.

0.8019 0.5222 0.11545 0.0694 0.06466 0.05745 0.05808 0.05958 0.06358 0.06457 0.06337 0.06321 0.04724 0.05069 0.04946 0.04955

Cl. K. Eatio of K to Cl

(Cl = 100).

per cmt.

0.3184 0.31838 0.05828 0.03334 0.02495 0.021?1 0.02375 0.02433 0.02821 0.03293 0.03802 0.03179 0.02529 0.01928 0.01537 0.01494





39.70 60.96 50.48 48.04 38.58 37.78 40.89 40.83 44.36 50.99 59.99 50.29 53.53 38.04 31.08 30.14



btio of K to Cl 0.3 = 100).

32.02 72.58 71.99 63.68 71.11 67.99 64.26 58.05 58.61 64.04 62.51

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NO. The.

1 12.45 2 3.00 3 3.20 4 3.30 5 3.42 6 3.50 7 4.02 8 4.10 9 4.20

10 4.33 11 4.53 12 5.13 13 5.33 14 6.53 15 7.40


Quantity of distilled water taken = %WOO cc,




75 91

130 168 111 129 137

218 211 226 261



_- A

-1.36 -1.00 -0.18 -0.185 -0.145 -0.135 -0.095 -0.15 -0.185 -0.115 -0.205 -0.13 -0.17

Cl. K.

pm cent. per cent. 0.6457 0.2336 0.3842 0.18206 0.02291 0.0117 0.02402 0.009965 0.02527 0.007406 0.02696 0.008945 0.02347 0.007544 0.02814 0.007955 0.03491 0.00967 0.02103 0.008416 0.02137 0.009106 0.02308 0.010796 0.02630 0.01433 0.02718 0.02052 0.03173 0.02463

I Eatio of K to Cl (Cl = 100).


36.17 47.38 51.07 41.48 29.30 33.17 32.14 28.26 27.69 40.02 42.60 46.77 54.48 75.53 77.62

drinking large quantities of water does not appreciably alter the volume of the blood. Magendie’ did not find the specific gravity of the blood to be altered thereby and Leichtenstern, using the photometric method, did not obtain any evidence of change in the concentration of the haemoglobin in the blood even in individuals who drank as much as seven liters of water daily.

More recently Engel and ScharP found by the refractometric method that no decrease in the concentration of the blood occurs when water is copiously ingested and that even an increase in concentration obtained when the kidneys were exceedingly active, secreting a very dilute urine with a A of - o. I 6’ or -0. I 5” C. The conclusion to be drawn is that the water is not retained in the blood but is removed very quickly. Our own observa- tions tend to confirm this. In an individual who drinks as much as two liters in as many hours practically no diminution in the number of red corpuscles may be demonstrable with the haemocy-

1 Quoted by Dreser, lot. cit. 2Zeitschr. f. klin. Med., Ix, p. 225, 1906.

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Dilute Renal Excretions

tometer, which ought not to be the case if the ingested water increases the volume of the blood. It is, of course, to be admitted that even with the greatest precautions taken in the use of the haemocytometer (of the Thomas-Zeiss form) two observers may vary very considerably in the determination of the number of the corpuscles present in each cubic millimeter, but this should not exceed 2 per cent, yet in the estimation of the corpuscles in the blood of the individual before and after the ingestion of a large quantity of water the difference may be less than this. In one of the two cases in which we made estimations of the number of corpuscles, the latter, immediately before the ingestion of water began, were 4,732,ooo per cubic millimeter. After two and one- half hours when 2 700 cc. had been ingested and I 260 cc. excreted by the kidneys the corpuscles numbered 4,638,ooo per cubic millimeter. In the second case, immediately before the inges- tion of water the blood as estimated contained 4,820,ooo cor- puscles per cubic millimeter, but two and one-half hours later, when the kidneys were secreting vigorously, the estimate was 4,900,000. If, as is doubtful, the first case is to be taken as indicating the degree of dilution which the blood was made to undergo by the ingestion of large quantities of water, an addition of water to the blood to the extent of about 2 per cent of its volume stimulated the kidneys to an activity, in the removal of water, twenty to twenty-four times that ordinarily exerted.

It may, of course, be postulated that a portion of the water removed from the blood goes into the lymph, which circulating in the lymph channels of the glomeruli and about the renal tubules promotes filtration, but such a decrease in the concentra- tion of lymph in the kidney derived only from the blood driven through the kidney could not possibly reach the degree demanded to account for the removal of water on the filtration theory. It must also be pointed out that in the renal glomeruli the endo- thelial walls of the capillaries and the reflected epithelium of Bowman’s capsule are in such intimate contact as at times to suggest that they form a syncytial structure, in which there could be no provision for capillary channels. Indeed the struc- ture of the glomerulus would seem to indicate very decidedly that in its elimination of urinary constituents, the lymph plays no recognizable part.

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A. B. Macallum and C. C. Benson 101

The only explanation which embraces all the facts is that the removal of water is the result of a true secretory process which may be enhanced by such a small.excess of water in the blood plasma as may escape detection, and that the act of secreting water is independent of that involved in the secretion of other constituents of urine. In no other way is it possible to account for the formation of urine of such low concentrations as we have obtained and analyzed.

As regards the two constituents, the chlorine and the potas- sium, there is a separate rate of excretion for each, as may be seen on examination of the tables. When the urine is passing from the concentrated to the dilute condition the chlorine ex- creted quickly diminishes but the potassium does not keep pace and may even for time, as in Nos. I and 2, Table II, remain constant, but eventually its diminution begins and is finally reaches its minimum later than does the chlorine. It is this lagging in the activity, a hysteresis as it were, in the glomerular membrane as regards the elimination of potassium compared with that of chlorine that increases the ratio of the former to the latter in urines of some of the periods and decreases it in others.

This hysteresis is shown in periods Nos. I to 8, Table II, and in Nos. I to 4, Table III, as well as in Table I in which, however,

the initial value of gis not regained even approximately in the

later periods. It is worthy of note that in Nos. 6 to I I, Table II, the value of potassium is rising while the amount of the chlorine is almost stationary but, later in Nos. 13 to I 5, the quantity of potassium is falling while the amount of the chlorine does not show any important variation.

It is not possible to account for these results except on the assumption that the membrane or membranes engaged in the elimination of the chlorine and the potassium vary in activity for each element independently. As the chlorine is chiefly if not wholly combined as chlorides of sodium and potassium it is obvious that the rate of excretion of sodium chloride is different from that of potassium chloride, being greater when the urine is diminishing in concentration than it is in the later periods of dilution. This differential activity may be supposed also to

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102 Dilute Renal Excretions

obtain in the case of the phosphates, sulphate and carbonates of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and ammonium and this would explain Cushny’s.results, who found that the excre- tion of the chlorides, phosphates and sulphates did not run parallel and accounted for it by postulating that the chlorides are more readily absorbed by the epithelial cells of the renal tubules than are the phosphates and sulphates.

This differential rate of excretion would account for the varia- tions in the chlorides and sulphates that appear during the stages of activity in the kidney of the dog as ascertained by Brodie and Cullis. They found that after the intravenous injection of quanti- ties of sodium chloride and sodium sulphate, the rate of elimina- tion of each salt was different and in the later stages the chloride diminished and even disappeared from the urine though the diuresis was still at its height.

In saline diuresis the presence of large quantities of such com- pounds as the sulphate of sodium and even an excess of chloride of sodium in the membrane, influences sometimes favorably, sometimes unfavorably the rate of elimination of the other salts.

A differential secretory activity was observed by Wohlwill’ in the urine of a young patient with orthostatic albuminuria.

During the orthostatic periods $ was more than double what

it was in the urine secreted during the recumbent position but the acidity decreased. In a case of cardiac insufficiency the same conditions were found. Wohlwill, however, explains the results he found by postulating that the chlorine and the potassium are not eliminated by the same secretory mechanisms in the renal tubules and glomeruli.

It is probable that the normal differential activity is the result of an adaption on the part of the excreting membrane, developed through long ages in contact with a circulating fluid of more or less fixed composition. This differential activity would essentially depend on the solubilities of certain plasma salts in the excreting membrane itself and these again on the physical constitution of the membrane, but the latter as a sensitive living structure may alter with the composition of the fluid in

1 Arch. f. exp. Path. u. Phurm., liv, p. 389, 1906.

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A. B. Macallum and C. C. Benson 103

contact with it, and consequently the differential activity may also vary, with the result that the rate of elimination of those constituents of the plasma which are in excess of the normal may be enhanced. It is only in this way that we can explain the almost constant retention in the blood plasmaof proportions in the amount of the sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, such as those already referred to and which without important variations obtain throughout mammals. Renal excretion is, on this view, fundamentally a matter of solubility in the excret- ing membrane and as the solubility must vary for different salts from time to time, differential activity obtains.


I. In urines of low concentration obtained through the ingestion of large quantities of distilled water and whose A

ranges from - 0.30~ to - 0.07 5” the value of G is never that which

obtains in the blood plasma and is usually much greater than that which obtains in the concentrated urine formed immediately before the experiment began.

K 2. This increase in the value of cl- in dilute urines is due to

a “lag” in the diminution of the secretion of the potassium as compared with the chloride during the decrease in the concen- tration. This lagging behind, or “hysteresis” may be found again, though not always, when the urine begins to increase in

K concentration, the value of - then falling because the potassium

Cl slowly and the chlorine (especially of sodium chloride) rapidly increases. In some cases, notably towards the end of a series, the rate of the excretion of the potassium may, relatively to the chlorine, rapidly increase or rapidly decrease.

3. The elimination of water is not due to filtration but to the physiological activity of the renal membranes involved in the elimination.

4. The removal of potassium salts and of chlorides from the blood by the kidneys is not due to filtration but to forces which may be termed “ secretory, ” that is, it is caused by an activity which

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104 Dilute Renal Excretions

is apparently selective, or differential, but which maybe explained as due to differences in solubility of the different inorganic con- stituents of the plasma in the secreting membrane. The solubility, either relatively, or absolutely, or both relatively and absolutely, would be altered by changes in the constitution of the membrane brought about by the action on it of unusual constituents of the plasma or of constituents of unusual pro- portions.

by guest on April 7, 2018




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A. B. Macallum and C. C. BensonRENAL EXCRETIONS


1909, 6:87-104.J. Biol. Chem. 


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