on our plight--rich people totally control all the media


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Post on 02-May-2017




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Page 1: On Our Plight--Rich People Totally Control All the Media

If a large part of the information that you receive about what is happening in the world passes, at some point, through the lenses and filters of the mainstream media, face it: you are in the dark about what is happening in the world.That’s because that information is crucially shaped by an extremely small part of society, which reports and portrays information from its own biased perspective--though it loudly portrays its reports as objective, honest, fair, and pro-social, and most people believe that, generally implicitly.

That extremely small part of society is those who are extremely wealthy, and who own virtually all of the media.

The interests of the extremely wealthy are different than the interests of most of us. For example, when there is a bombing, some people suffer terribly. Every time there is a war, human society’s suffering is immense. But the rich owners of war industries earn big big bucks every time a bomb is dropped, a missile is sent, or a tank, plane, ship, etc. is built. This is only the beginning of the ways in which war profits the wealthy much more than it profits others, while it costs the wealthy much less than it costs others. So the wealthy are war mongers--the poor are the shedders of the blood, sweat, and tears wars bring. The Repiglicans, the party of the fat cats, love war. The Democrats are some-what more oriented towards real human concerns.

For another example, the rich do not want to have socialistic elements in society--because doing so raises their taxes. They proclaim that any socialism breeds laziness and immorality, kills motivation, and is inherently violent, unjust, and unfruitful. For poor people, however--for poor people, who are valuable parts of society; whose poverty is usually or very often caused by other people, not themselves or even their own family, near or far; who do a vast amount of necessary work for society; and who are routinely extremely discriminated against in numerous economically impactful ways--for poor people, socialistic elements in society are a blessing, often a salvation from abject poverty.

Page 2: On Our Plight--Rich People Totally Control All the Media

Capitalism runs so extremely rough-shod over poor people, especially and crucially over poor people in other countries, that any person with goodness in them, were they aware of this aspect of what is and has been going on, would willingly sacrifice some of their surplus to meet the desperate need of those whose work benefits them.

But whose point of view are we all exposed to, day in and day out? That of the rich people, who own the media, of course. They are very pleased, thank you, with the way things are going! They are much much richer than the richest Kings of the past! Many rich children are raised without one little bit of appreciation for the struggles of poor people,or the realities of poor people, and without one little bit of empathy for them. Many rich adults never have acquired any of this appreciation or empathy.

And plenty of poor and middle income people, sadly, agree with the rich. They really want to pay less tax! Let’s have less government! The propaganda to which we have all been subjected in massive quantities , while we didn’t even realize that we were being lied to and duped, has worked! Many not wealthy people support the Repiglican party. We, all of us, are deluded.

Consequently, we live in a world where the abundance of the vast extremes of superfluous wealth and starving poverty speak volumes about our puny morality, our dim spirits, our bankrupt religion, our shoddy characters, our stupid and hyper selfishness, our undeveloped sense of siblinghood, our lack of caring, our primitive humanness, and our abysmal lack of intelligence.

Public television and public radio are a little bit better than commercial media--but because they are controlled by the Congress, and the Congress is to an amazing and distressing degree owned by wealth, lock, stock, and barrel--they are not much better. When the public media tell facts that are uncomfortable to the wealthy, they are redirected quickly.

Page 3: On Our Plight--Rich People Totally Control All the Media

Link TV, a station available on satellite TV systems, is much better. Its programming is often enlightening. It offers a refreshing breath of truth based television, in our current desert of big-money blahoney. The material on Link TV is vastly superior. Of course, it will sooner or later degrade.

But most people rely on the mainstream media as if it were true. That is the universe they know. Thoughts like these of mine are deemed from the radical fringe--probably closely related to terrorism! I am monitored closely.

The depth of our ignorance is monumental. In the depth of our ignorance, we, as a society, act poorly much of the time, and often atrociously. And we think that we are so good!

Study up, people! Inform yourself about the real world! Don’t accept what the media tells you!

We are in pressing need of wise behavior!

We are in crying need of pro-social people!

We got to get beyond the ME ME ME!!!

Note:It’s not that all rich people are selfish. But there is a very high correlation between being rich and being selfish.