on acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles · on acoustic cavitation of slightly...

On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles Anthony Harkin Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Ali Nadim Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Tasso J. Kaper Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Received 13 April 1998; accepted 15 October 1998 The classical Blake threshold indicates the onset of quasistatic evolution leading to cavitation for gas bubbles in liquids. When the mean pressure in the liquid is reduced to a value below the vapor pressure, the Blake analysis identifies a critical radius which separates quasistatically stable bubbles from those which would cavitate. In this work, we analyze the cavitation threshold for radially symmetric bubbles whose radii are slightly less than the Blake critical radius, in the presence of time-periodic acoustic pressure fields. A distinguished limit equation is derived that predicts the threshold for cavitation for a wide range of liquid viscosities and forcing frequencies. This equation also yields frequency-amplitude response curves. Moreover, for fixed liquid viscosity, our study identifies the frequency that yields the minimal forcing amplitude sufficient to initiate cavitation. Numerical simulations of the full Rayleigh–Plesset equation confirm the accuracy of these predictions. Finally, the implications of these findings for acoustic pressure fields that consist of two frequencies will be discussed. © 1999 American Institute of Physics. S1070-6631 99 00302-5 I. INTRODUCTION The Blake threshold pressure is the standard measure of static acoustic cavitation. 1,2 Bubbles forced at pressures ex- ceeding the Blake threshold grow quasistatically without bound. This criterion is especially important for gas bubbles in liquids when surface tension is the dominant effect, such as submicron air bubbles in water, where the natural oscilla- tion frequencies are high. In contrast, when the acoustic pressure fields are not quasistatic, bubbles generally evolve in highly nonlinear fashions. 3–6 To begin with, the intrinsic oscillations of spherically symmetric bubbles in inviscid incompressible liquids are nonlinear. 5 The phase portrait of the Rayleigh– Plesset equation 7–9 consists of a large region of bounded, stable states centered about the stable equilibrium radius. The natural oscillation frequencies of these states depend on the initial bubble radius and its radial momentum, and this family of states limits on a state of infinite period, namely a homoclinic orbit in the phase space, which acts as a bound- ary outside of which lie initial conditions corresponding to unstable bubbles. Time-dependent acoustic pressure fields then interact nonlinearly with both the periodic orbits and the homoclinic orbit. In particular, they can act to break the ho- moclinic orbit, permitting initially stable bubbles to leave the stable region and grow without bound. These interactions have been studied from many points of view: experimentally, numerically, and analytically via perturbation theory and techniques from dynamical systems. In Ref. 7, the transition between regular and chaotic os- cillations, as well as the onset of rapid radial growth, is stud- ied for spherical gas bubbles in time-dependent pressure fields. There, Melnikov theory is applied to the periodically and quasiperiodically forced Rayleigh–Plesset equation for bubbles containing an isothermal gas. One of the principal findings is that, when the acoustic pressure field is quasiperi- odic in time with two or more frequencies, the transition to chaos and the threshold for rapid growth occur at lower am- plitudes of the acoustic pressure field than in the case of single-frequency forcing. Their work was motivated in turn by that in Ref. 10, where Melnikov theory was used to study the time-dependent shape changes of gas bubbles in time- periodic axisymmetric strain fields. The work in Ref. 8 identifies a rich bifurcation super- structure for radial oscillations for bubbles in time-periodic acoustic pressure fields. Techniques from perturbation theory and dynamical systems are used to analyze resonant subhar- monics, period-doubling bifurcation sequences, the disap- pearance of strange attractors, and transient chaos in the Rayleigh–Plesset equation with small-amplitude liquid vis- cosity and isentropic gas. The analysis in Ref. 8 comple- ments the experiments of Ref. 11 and the experiments and numerical simulations of Refs. 12–14. Analyzing subhar- monics, these works quantify the impact of increasing the amplitude of the acoustic pressure field on the frequency- response curves. Other works examining the threshold for acoustic cavi- tation in time-dependent pressure fields have focused on the case of a step change in pressure. In Ref. 9, the response of a gas bubble to such a step change in pressure is analyzed by numerical and Melnikov perturbation techniques to find a correlation between the cavitation pressure and the viscosity of the liquid. One of the principal findings is that the cavita- tion pressure scales as the one-fifth power of the liquid vis- PHYSICS OF FLUIDS VOLUME 11, NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY 1999 274 1070-6631/99/11(2)/274/14/$15.00 © 1999 American Institute of Physics

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Page 1: On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles · On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles Anthony Harkin Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston,


acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubblesAnthony�


of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215

Ali NadimDepartment of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215


J. KaperDepartment of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215�Received13 April 1998;accepted15 October1998�


classicalBlake thresholdindicatesthe onsetof quasistaticevolution leadingto cavitationforgas� bubblesin liquids. Whenthemeanpressurein the liquid is reducedto a valuebelowthevaporpressure,� theBlakeanalysisidentifiesa critical radiuswhich separatesquasistaticallystablebubblesfrom

thosewhich would cavitate.In this work, we analyzethe cavitation thresholdfor radiallysymmetric bubbleswhoseradii are slightly lessthan the Blake critical radius,in the presenceoftime-periodic�

acousticpressurefields. A distinguishedlimit equationis derivedthat predictsthethreshold�

for cavitationfor a wide rangeof liquid viscositiesandforcing frequencies.This equationalso� yields frequency-amplituderesponsecurves.Moreover,for fixed liquid viscosity, our studyidentifies

the frequencythat yields the minimal forcing amplitudesufficient to initiate cavitation.Numerical�

simulations of the full Rayleigh–Plessetequation confirm the accuracy of thesepredictions.� Finally, theimplicationsof thesefindingsfor acousticpressurefieldsthatconsistof twofrequencies

will be discussed. © 1999�

American Institute of Physics. � S1070-6631� �


00302-5� �



The Blake thresholdpressureis the standardmeasureofstatic acousticcavitation.1,2 Bubbles

�forced at pressuresex-

ceeding� the Blake threshold grow quasistaticallywithoutbound.�

This criterion is especiallyimportantfor gasbubblesin

liquids whensurfacetensionis the dominanteffect, suchas� submicronair bubblesin water,wherethenaturaloscilla-tion�

frequenciesarehigh.In contrast,when the acousticpressurefields are not

quasistatic,� bubbles generally evolve in highly nonlinearfashions. 3–6


begin with, the intrinsic oscillations ofspherically symmetric bubbles in inviscid incompressibleliquids are nonlinear.5

�The phaseportrait of the Rayleigh–



consists� of a large region of bounded,stable statescenteredabout the stable equilibrium radius.The naturaloscillationfrequenciesof thesestatesdependonthe�

initial bubbleradiusand its radial momentum,and thisfamily

of stateslimits on a stateof infinite period,namelyahomoclinicorbit in the phasespace,which actsasa bound-ary� outsideof which lie initial conditionscorrespondingtounstable! bubbles.Time-dependentacousticpressurefieldsthen�

interactnonlinearlywith boththeperiodicorbitsandthehomoclinicorbit. In particular,they canact to breakthe ho-moclinic orbit, permittinginitially stablebubblesto leavethestable region and grow without bound. Theseinteractionshave"

beenstudiedfrom manypointsof view: experimentally,numerically, and analytically via perturbationtheory andtechniques�

from dynamicalsystems.In#

Ref. 7, the transitionbetweenregularandchaoticos-cillations,� aswell astheonsetof rapidradialgrowth,is stud-ied for spherical gas bubbles in time-dependentpressure


There,Melnikov theory is appliedto the periodicallyand� quasiperiodicallyforced Rayleigh–Plessetequationforbubbles�

containingan isothermalgas.One of the principalfindingsis that,whentheacousticpressurefield is quasiperi-odic% in time with two or more frequencies,the transitiontochaos� andthe thresholdfor rapid growth occurat lower am-plitudes� of the acousticpressurefield than in the caseofsingle-frequency forcing. Their work was motivatedin turnby�

that in Ref. 10, whereMelnikov theorywasusedto studythe�

time-dependentshapechangesof gas bubblesin time-periodic� axisymmetricstrainfields.


work in Ref. 8 identifiesa rich bifurcation super-structure for radial oscillationsfor bubblesin time-periodicacoustic� pressurefields.Techniquesfrom perturbationtheoryand� dynamicalsystemsareusedto analyzeresonantsubhar-monics,& period-doublingbifurcation sequences,the disap-pearance� of strangeattractors,and transientchaos in theRayleigh–Plessetequationwith small-amplitudeliquid vis-cosity� and isentropicgas. The analysisin Ref. 8 comple-ments& the experimentsof Ref. 11 and the experimentsandnumerical' simulationsof Refs. 12–14. Analyzing subhar-monics, theseworks quantify the impact of increasingtheamplitude� of the acousticpressurefield on the frequency-response( curves.


works examiningthe thresholdfor acousticcavi-tation�

in time-dependentpressurefields havefocusedon thecase� of a stepchangein pressure.In Ref. 9, the responseofa� gasbubbleto sucha stepchangein pressureis analyzedbynumerical and Melnikov perturbationtechniquesto find acorrelation� betweenthe cavitationpressureandthe viscosityof% the liquid. Oneof theprincipal findingsis that thecavita-tion�

pressurescalesas the one-fifth powerof the liquid vis-


2741070-6631/99/11(2)/274/14/$15.00 © 1999 American Institute of Physics

Page 2: On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles · On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles Anthony Harkin Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston,

cosity.� A generalmethodto computethe critical conditionsfor an instantaneouspressurestepis also given in Ref. 15.The�

resultsextendnumericalsimulationsof Ref. 16 andex-perimental� findingsof Ref.17,andapplyfor anyvalueof thepolytropic� gasexponent.

Thegoalof thepresentarticle is to applysimilar pertur-bation�

methodsandtechniquesfrom the theoryof nonlineardynamical*

systemsto refine the Blake cavitation thresholdfor isothermalbubbleswhoseradii areslightly smallerthanthe�

critical Blake radiusand whosemotionsare not quasi-static. Specifically,we supposethesebubblesare subjectedto�

time-periodicacousticpressurefieldsand,by reducingtheRayleigh–Plessetequationsto a simpler distinguishedlimitequation,+ we obtain the dynamic cavitation threshold forthese�

subcriticalbubbles.The paperis organizedas follows. In the remainderof


section,thestandardBlakecavitationthresholdis brieflyreviewed.( This also allows us to identify the critical radiuswhich, separatesstableandunstablebubblesthatarein equi-librium. In Sec.II, the distinguishedlimit - or% normal form.equation+ of motion for subcriticalbubbles/ i.e., thosewhoseradii( are slightly smallerthan the critical value0 is



the Rayleigh–Plessetequation.This necessitatesiden-tifying�

thenaturaltimescaleof oscillationof suchsubcriticalbubbles�

which happensto dependuponhow closetheyaretothe�

critical size.We beginSec.III by defininga simplecri-terion�

for determiningwhen cavitation has occurred.Wethen�

analyzethe normal form equationand determinethecavitation� thresholdfor a specificvalueof the acousticforc-ing

frequency 1 at� which the correspondinglinear undampedsystem would resonate2 . This pressurethresholdis thencom-pared� to numericalsimulationsof the full Rayleigh–Plessetequation+ and the good agreementfound betweenthe two isdemonstrated.*

Theself-consistencyof thedistinguishedlimitequation+ is furtherdiscussedin that section.SectionIV gen-eralizes+ the resultsto include arbitrary acousticforcing fre-quencies.� Acousticforcing frequencieswhich facilitate cavi-tation�

using the least forcing pressureare determined.Anunusual! dependenceof the thresholdpressureon forcing fre-quency� is discovered and explained by analyzing the‘‘slowly varying’’ phase-planeof the dynamicalsystem.Atthe�

end of Sec. IV, our choice of a cavitation criterion isdiscussed*

in thesettingof a Melnikov analysis.In Sec.V weextend+ thecavitationresultsto thecaseof anoscillatingsub-critical� bubblethat is driven simultaneouslyat two differentfrequencies.

We recapthe paperin Sec.VI by highlightingthe�

mainresultsanddiscussingtheir applicability.Lastly,weconclude� thepaperwith anappendixwhich qualitativelydis-cusses� therelationof our resultsto somerecentexperimentalfindings.

Blake threshold pressure


facilitate the developmentof subsequentsectionswefirst$

briefly review thederivationof theBlake threshold.63


equilibrium,+ the pressure,p5 B ,6 inside a sphericalbubbleofradiusR is relatedto the pressure,p5 L

7 ,6 of the outsideliquidthrough�

the normalstressbalanceacrossthe surface:

p5 B 8 p5 L 9 2 :R

. ; 1<The�

pressureinside the bubbleconsistsof gaspressureandvapor= pressure,p5 B > p5 g?A@ p5CB ,6 wherethevaporpressurep5ED istaken�

to be constant—p5EF depends*

primarily on the tempera-ture�

of the liquid—andthe pressureof the gasis assumedtobe�

given by the equationof state:

p5 g?HG p5 g? 0I RJ




,6 O 2Pwith, Q the

�polytropic index of the gas.For isothermalcon-

ditions* RCS

1, whereasfor adiabaticones, T is the ratio ofconstant-pressure� to constant-volumeheat capacities.Atequilibrium,+ the bubblehasradiusR

J0K ,6 the gashaspressure

p5 g? 0K ,6 andthe staticpressureof the liquid is takento be p5 0

K U .Thus, the equilibrium pressureof the gas in the bubble isgiven� by

p5 g? 0IWV p5 0

K XZY p5E[H\ 2 ]RJ

0K .


substitutingthis result into _ 2 we, get the followingexpression+ for the pressureof the gasinsidethe bubbleasafunction

of the bubbleradius:

p5 g?Ha p5 0K bZc p5EdHe 2


0K R


RJ 3

Lji. k 3lnm


combiningEqs. o 1p and� q 3lnr , w6 efi nd

p5 L7ts p5 0

K uwv p5ExHy 2 zRJ

0K R0


Lj{n|p5E}H~ 2 �

RJ . � 4�n�

Equation � 4� governs� thechangein the radiusof a bubbleinresponse( to quasistaticchangesin the liquid pressurep5 L

7 .More�

precisely,by ‘‘quasistatic’’ we meanthat the liquidpressure� changesslowly anduniformly with inertial andvis-cous� effectsremainingnegligible during expansionor con-traction�

of the bubble.For very small � submicron � bubbles,�

surface tensionis the dominanteffect. Furthermore,typicalacoustic� forcing frequenciesaremuchsmallerthanthe reso-nancefrequenciesof suchtiny bubbles.In this case,thepres-sure in the liquid changesvery slowly and uniformly com-pared� to the naturaltime scaleof the bubble.

For very smallbubbles,thePecletnumberfor heattrans-fer within thebubble—definedasR0

K2�N� /�W�

,6 with � the�

bubblenaturalfrequency� see Sec.II A � and� � the



of the gas—issmall, and,due to the rapidity of thermalconduction� oversuchsmall lengthscales,thebubblemayberegardedasisothermal.We thereforelet �E� 1 for anisother-mal& bubbleanddefine

G�˜ � p5 0

K �Z� p5E�H� 2 �R0K R0

K3L .Then�

Eq. � 4�n� becomes�

p5 L7t� p5E�H� G

�˜R3LA� 2


.   5¡n¢

275Phys. Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1999 Harkin, Nadim, and Kaper

Page 3: On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles · On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles Anthony Harkin Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston,


right-handsideof this equationis plottedin Fig. 1 £ solidcurve� ¤ ,6 which showsa minimum value at a critical radiuslabeledRcrit¥ .


if the liquid pressureis lowered to a valuebelow�

the correspondingcritical pressurep5 L7

crit¥ ,6 no equilib-rium( radius exists. For valuesof p5 L which, are above thecritical� valuebut belowthevaporpressurep5E¦ ,6 Eq. § 5¡n¨ yields©two�

possiblesolutionsfor the radiusR. Bubbleswhoseradiiare� lessthanthe Blake radius,R

Jcrit¥ ,6 arestableto small dis-


whereasbubbles with RJǻ


crit¥ are� unstabletosmall disturbances.

The Blake radius itself can be obtainedby finding theminimum& of the right-handsideof ¬ 5¡n­ for



This yieldsthe�

critical Blake radius.


crit¥°¯ 3l


2fh± 1/2

,6 ² 6³n´at� which the correspondingcritical liquid pressureis

p5 Lcritµ·¶ p5E¸H¹ 32l»º 3



. ¼ 7½n¾


combining the last two equations,it is also possibletoexpress+ the Blake radiusin the form:


crit¥°¿ 4 À3lEÁ

p5CÂHà p5 LcritµÅÄ ,6relating( the critical bubbleradiusto the critical pressureinthe�

liquid. Bubbles whose radii are smaller than Rcrit¥ are�quasistatically� stable,while biggeronesareunstable.


obtainthestandardBlakepressurewe assumethatp5EÆcan� be ignoredand recall that surfacetensiondominatesinthe�

quasistaticregimewhich amountsto p5 0K ÇZÈ 2


0K . Under


approximations,G�˜ Ê 2


0K2� and� the Blake threshold

pressure� is conventionallydefinedas

p5 BlakeÌ p5 0K ÍZÎ p5 Lcritµ

Ï p5 0K ÐZÑ 0.77

� ÒR0K .


the quasistaticregimewherethe Blake thresholdis valid,p5 Blake is the amplitudeof the low-frequencyacousticpres-sure beyondwhich acousticforcing at higherpressureis sureto�

causecavitation.When the pressurechangesfelt by thebubble�

are no longer quasistatic,a more detailedanalysistaking�

into considerationthe bubbledynamicsand acousticforcing frequencymustbe performedto determinethe cavi-tation�

threshold.This is the typeof analysiswe undertakeinthis�






makeprogressanalytically,we focusour attentionon‘‘subcritical’’ bubbleswhoseradii are only slightly smallerthan�

the Blake radiusat a given liquid pressurebelow thevapor= pressure.We thusdefinea small parameterÔÖÕ 0 b


×ÖØ 2 1 Ù R0K

Rcrit¥ ,6 Ú 8ÛnÜwhich, measureshow closethe equilibrium bubbleradiusR0


to the critical valueRJ

crit¥ . The valueof the meanpressurein

theliquid, correspondingto theequilibriumradiusRJ

0K ,6 can

also� be found from Eq. Ý 5¡nÞ to�


p5 0K ßZà p5Cáãâ 2 ä



0K 1 åçæ

2f è 2

� é 3l

êìë 4 í3l

R0K 1 î 1

2 ïãð3l8Ûòñ 2


. ú 9�nûThe liquid pressurep5 0

K ü and� the critical pressurep5 Lcrit¥ differ*

only% by an ý (þAÿ 2)�


turnsout that thecharacteristictime scalefor thenatu-ral( responseof suchsubcriticalbubblesalsodependson thesmall parameter� . This time scalefor smallamplitudeoscil-lations�

of a sphericalbubble is obtainedby linearizing theisothermal,


� RR � 3l2

R2� �

p5 0K ��� p5�� 2

f� R0K R




p5��� 2f��R � p5 0

K � ,6�10�

where, the densityof the liquid is given by � and� viscosityhas been neglected.Specifically, we substitute R � R0

K (1þ�x� )�

into � 10� and� keeptermslinear in x� to�


x� ¨ � 4 �� RJ



p5 0K #�$ p5%'&( RJ

0K2 x�*) 0.

� +11,


to - 11. ,6 representingsmall amplitudeoscillationsabout� equilibrium, are thereforex�*/ x� 0

K cos(� 0 t13254 )�

with theangular� frequencygiven by

687 4 9: RJ



p5 0K >�? p5@BAC RJ



. D 12E


1. Pressurein the liquid, pG LH , versusbubbleradius,R

I, as governedby


5M .

276 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1999 Harkin, Nadim, and Kaper

Page 4: On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles · On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles Anthony Harkin Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston,


now use O to�

definea nondimensionaltime variable: PQSR t1 . We are interestedin analyzingstability for valuesof(þR0K ,6 p5 0

K T )�

near (Rcrit¥ ,6 p5 Lcritµ )�. Hence,upon recalling U 6³WV ,6YX 7½WZ ,6

and� [ 8ÛW\ ,6 we seethat

]_^ 2f�`a R0K3L 2 1 b R



t1dc 2f�egfh R0K3L


t1 .


note that as i tends�

to zero, the time scalefor bubbleoscillations% j the

�reciprocalof the factor multiplying t1 in the


equationk increases

as lnm 1/2.Havingo

determinedthe properscalingfor the time vari-able� for slightly subcritical bubbles,we can now find thedistinguished*

limit p or% normal formq equation+ for suchbubbles�

in a time-periodicpressurefield. We start with theisothermal,


r RRJ ¨ s 3

l2f RJ ˙ 2 t 4

�vu RJ ˙RJxw p5 0

K y�z p5{�| 2f�}RJ

0K R


RJ 3


~p5��� 2 �

R � p5 0K ��� p5 A sin��3� t1�� . � 13�


amplitudeandfrequencyof theappliedacousticforcingare� given by p5 A and� � ,6 respectively,and � represents( theviscosity= of thefluid. Here,thefar-field pressurein theliquidhasbeentakento be p5 0

K ��� p5 A sin(�� t1 ),� with p5 0K � given� by Eq.�


. SettingR(þt1 )�W� R0

K (1þ���� x� (þW�

)�), with � the

�samesmall pa-

rameter( introducedabove,we obtainat order � 2 � noting' thatall� of the  8¡ 1¢ and� £8¤3¥§¦ terms


x� ¨ © 2f�ª

x� ˙ « x�­¬ x� 2�¯®

sin�±3² * ³B´ ,6 µ 14¶where,·¹¸ 2 º 2

»½¼¿¾ R0K


,6 A À p5 AÁ R0K

2f�Âgà 2

� ,6LÄ * ÅÇÆÈ R0K3L

2 ÉgÊ1/2

. Ë 15Ì

In Eq. Í 14Î ,6 eachoverdotrepresentsa derivativewith respectto�ÐÏ

.It is implicit in the abovescalingthat Ñ ,6 A,6 and Ò * are�

nondimensionaland ÓÕÔ 1Ö with, respectto × . To seethat thisis

reasonable,consider an air bubble in water with ØÙ 998�

kg/m3L,6�ÚÜÛ 0.001

�kg/m s, and ÝßÞ 0.0725

�N/m. If we

specify àná 0.1�

and take a modestequilibrium radiusof R0Kâ 2 ã 10ä 6

3m, then å¹æ 0.38.

�Our analysisof ç 14è in subse-

quent� sectionswill concentrateprimarily on valuesof é in


range0 êSëìê 0.4.�


and� í * are� relatedtothe�

forcing conditions,and their magnitudescan be madeorder% unity by choosingappropriateforcing parametersp5 A

Áand� î . As an example,if we again chooseR

J0K to�

equal 2microns,then ï * ð (

þ2.35ñ 10ò 7

ós)õô /

�dö ÷. Moreover,settingønù 0.05

�gives ú * û (

þ1.05ü 10ý 6

3s)õþ . Hence, the dimen-

sionless parameterÿ * is ����

1� when, � is

in the megahertzrange,andthis is preciselythe frequencyrangewe areinter-ested+ in exploring.Similarly, with R0

K and� � chosen� asabove,we, find A

°��(þ1.38 10 5

�m& s 2/kg)

�p5 AÁ /� � 2 and� therebywe see


if ��� 0.1,�

then p5 A can� becomeon the order of 103L


More datawill bepresentedlater � in Fig. 9� ,6 showingtypicalforcing pressures.

B. Interpretation

In the laboratoryonecancreatea subcriticalbubblebysubjecting the liquid to a low-frequencytransducerwhoseeffect+ is to lower theambientpressurebelowthevaporpres-sure. Thena secondtransducerof high frequency� high rela-tive�

to theslow transducer� will, give rise to the forcing termon% theright-handsideof � 14� . The low-frequencytransducerperiodically� increasesanddecreasesthepressurein theliquid�and� shrinks and expandsthe bubble, which follows this

pressure� field quasistatically� . Whenthe peaknegativepres-sure is reached� and� the bubble has expandedto its maxi-mumsize� ,6 we canimaginethatstateasthenewequilibriumstate, andat that point bring in the effectsof the soundfieldfrom

the secondtransducer.This secondfield canthenpos-sibly make the bubble,which had alreadygrown to somelargesize � but

�still smallerthan the critical radius� ,6 become

unstable.! This would all happenvery fast comparedto thetime�

scaleof the original slow transducer,so the pressurefield$

contributedby the original transducerremainsnearitsmostnegativevaluethroughout.Thestability responseof thebubble�

to thehigh-frequencycomponentof thepressurefieldis

the subjectof the restof this work.


value of " * # 1 correspondsto the forcing fre-quency� at which thelinearandundampedcounterpartof $ 14%would, resonate.We thereforechoosethis valueof the forc-ing frequencyas a starting point and perform a detailedanalysis� of the dynamicsinherentin the distinguishedlimitequation+ at this valueof & * . We caution,however,that, aswith, most forced, dampednonlinearoscillators,the largestresonant( responseoccursawayfrom theresonancefrequencyof% the linear oscillator.We use ' * ( 1 mainly asa startingpoint� for theanalysis,andthedynamicsobservedfor a rangeof% other ) * values= is reportedin Sec.IV.


specialcasesof * 14+ can� bereadilyanalyzedwhen,* - 1. In theabsenceof forcing, i.e., whenA


thephaseportraits� of / 140 with, 132 0

�are shown in Fig. 2. With no

damping* 4

Fig. 25 a�7698 ,6 the phaseplane has a saddlepoint at:1,0; and� a centerat < 0,0

�>=. The latter representsthe equilib-

rium( radiusof the bubblewhich, when infinitesimally per-turbed,�

resultsin simpleharmonicoscillationsof the bubbleabout� that equilibrium. The saddlepoint at ? 1,0@ representsthe�

effects of the secondnearby root of the equation A 5¡CBwhich, is an unstableequilibrium radius.When dampingisadded� D Fig. 2E b�CF9G ,6 the saddlepoint remainsa saddle,but thecenter� at H 0,0


a stable spiral, attracting a well-defined*

regionof the phasespacetowardsitself. In the pres-ence+ of weak forcing J small AK but

�with no damping ( LM 0

�), the behaviorof N 14O can� be seenin a Poincare´ section

shown in Fig. 3.


Phase plane criterion for acoustic cavitation

To determinewhena slightly subcriticalbubblebecomesunstable! we choosea simplecriterion baseduponthe phaseportrait� of the distinguishedlimit equationP 14Q . For a givenR,6 there exists a thresholdvalue, AescS , o6 f A such that the


throughthe origin T 0,0�>U

grows� without boundfor

277Phys. Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1999 Harkin, Nadim, and Kaper

Page 5: On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles · On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles Anthony Harkin Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston,

A V AescS ,6 whereas that trajectory stays bounded for AWA°

escS . A stablesubcritical bubble becomesunstableas A°


past A°

escS . Thus there is a stability curve in the(þA,6�X )� -plane separatingthe regionsof this parameterspace

for which the trajectorystartingat the origin in the phase-plane� eitherescapesto infinity or remainsbounded.Numeri-cally,� many suchthresholdY ,6 A° escS pairs� Z represented( by theopen% circlesin Fig. 4[ were, foundwith \ * ] 1. Thedataareseen empirically to be well fitted by a least-squaresstraightline,�

given by A°

escS_^ 1.3563a 0.058.�


practicalexperimentalpurposesa linear regressioncurve� baseduponour escapecriterion shouldprovidea use-ful cavitationthresholdfor the acousticpressurein the fol-lowing�


p5 A c 3.835l d 3/2


h 1/2RJ

0K3/2Lji 0.116

� k 2 lRJ

0K . m 16n

Here,o o


given by Eq. p 8ÛCq and� is itself a function of theequilibrium+ radius R

J0K ,6 surfacetension r ,6 and the pressure


p5 0K sut p5wv .

FIG. 2. Phaseportraitsfor thedistinguishedlimit equationx 14y . In z a{ , A | 0 and }�~ 0. Thefixed point � 0,0� is a center.Thefixed point � 1,0� is a saddle.In�b� �

, A � 0 and ��� 0.09.The fixed point � 0,0� is a stablespiral.

FIG. 3. Poincare´ sectionshowingthe unstablemanifold of the saddlefixedpoint� � 0.999769375,� 0.024007197� for A

���0.048 and ��� 0. Asymptoti-

cally, the saddlepoint is locatedat a distance� (A) from � 1,0� , specifically�1 � A� 2�/10�����

(A� 4 ), ¡ A�


(13/200)A� 3¤¦¥�§

(A� 5¨) © . Invariant tori areshown

inside a portion of the unstablemanifold. The centerpoint has moved alarge distancefrom ª 0,0« , in this casedue to the 1:1 resonancewhen ¬ *­ 1. We notefor comparisonthatwith nonresonantvaluesof ® * , Poincare´sectionsshow that the centeronly movesan ¯ (A

�) distance.For example,

when ° * ± 0.6, 0.7, and0.85, the centersare locatedapproximatelyat thepoints� ² 0.009,0.045³ , ´ 0.009,0.066µ and ¶ 0.029,0.163· , respectively.

FIG. 4. Escapeparametersfor the trajectoryof the origin ¸ 0,0¹ . For valuesof A�

, º abovethe regressionline, the trajectoryof the origin growswithoutbound.�

Below this line the trajectoryof the origin remainsbounded.Leastsquaresfit: A » 1.356¼�½ 0.058.

278 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1999 Harkin, Nadim, and Kaper

Page 6: On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles · On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles Anthony Harkin Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston,

B. Period doubling in the distinguished limit equation


sohappensthat thestability curvefor the trajectoryofthe�

origin canalsobe interpretedin termsof theperioddou-bling�

route to chaosfor the escapeoscillator ¾ 14¿ . In otherwords,, thevalueof AescS happensto bevery nearthe limitingvalue= at which the oscillationsbecomechaotic, just beforegetting� unbounded.For a fixed value of À3Á 0

�and a small

enough+ A,6 thetrajectoryof theorigin will settleupona stablelimit�

cycle in the phaseplane.As A°



period of this stable limit cycle undergoesa doublingcascade� asshownin Fig. 5 for a fixed valueof ÂÄÃ 0.35.


period� doubling sequencewill continue as A is increaseduntil! the trajectoryof the origin eventuallybecomeschaotic,but�

still remainsbounded.Finally, at a thresholdvalueof A°


trajectoryof theorigin will escapeto infinity. This is thevalue= of A that

�is given by the opencircles on the stability

diagram* Å


4Æ . A typical bifurcation diagramfor the es-cape� oscillator Ç 14È with, É3Ê 0

�is shownin Fig. 6, in whichË3Ì



Robustness of the simple cavitation criterion

In this subsectionwe justify defininga cavitationcrite-rion basedupon the fate of a single initial condition. In allsimulations with ÎÄÏ 0,

�thereis a largeregionof initial con-


whosefate Ð escaping+ or stayingboundedÑ is

thesameas� that of the origin Ò Fig. 7Ó . In fact, when the trajectorythrough�

the origin staysbounded,it is clear from the simu-lations�

that the origin lies in the basin of attraction of abounded,�

attractingperiodic orbit, and points in a large re-gion� aroundit all lie in the basinof attractionof the sameorbit.% The trajectoriesthroughall pointsin thatbasinremainbounded.�

Then, as the forcing amplitude is increased,theattractor� is observed to undergo a sequenceof period-doubling*

bifurcations,and this sequenceculminatesat theforcing

magnitudewhen the origin and other initial condi-


in a large region about it escape,becausethere is nolongera boundedattractingorbit in whosebasinof attractionthey�


D. Comparison with full Rayleigh–PlessetsimulationsÔ

Thestability thresholdpredictedby Eq. Õ 16Ö can� becom-pared� to dataobtainedfrom simulatingtheRayleigh–Plessetequation+ × 13Ø directly.

*For small valuesof Ù ,6 Fig. 8 shows


resultinggoodagreement.The following is a brief descriptionof how the simula-


werecarriedout. The materialparametersusedto pro-duce*

Fig. 8 were ÚwÛ 998�

kg/m3L,6ÝÜßÞ 0.001

�kg/m s, and àá 0.0725

�N/m. Four valuesof â were, chosen,ãåä 0.01,



and0.2. For eachfixed valueof æ and� for a selectedsetof% valuesof ç ranging( from 0 to 0.4, the parametersR

J0K ,6

FIG. 5. Perioddoubling route to chaosin the distinguishedlimit equationè14é . For ê�ë 0.35, the limit cycles undergoperiod doubling as A



FIG. 6. Bifurcation diagram( î�ï 0.375). Plotted is xð ˙ versusA. For eachfixed valueof A

ì, the origin ñ 0,0ò is

íintegratednumericallyandthe valueof

xð ˙ is plottedevery óõô¦ö 2 ÷ .


7. Boundedtrajectoriesfor the distinguishedlimit equationwith øù 0.2,A ú 0.3, and û * ü 1.0. The dark regionis the setof initial conditionswhosetrajectoriesremainbounded;it is the basinof attractionof the peri-odic orbit that existsin the period-doublinghierarchyfor this valueof A.

279Phys. Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1999 Harkin, Nadim, and Kaper

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crit¥ , (6 p5wýÝþ p5 0K ÿ )�, and � were, calculatedsuccessivelyusing


formulas R0K�� 2 � 2

�/(��� 2�����


Rcrit¥ � R0K /(1�����


, p5��� p5 0K ��� (2

þ��/�R0K )��� 1 � (1

þ/3)/(1 ��� /2)

� 2� �

,6 and !#"%$ (2þ�&(')/�

(þ )

R0K3L )�+* 1/2. , Note

�thatthis successionof computationsis done

for eachchosenvalueof - in eachof the four plots..Havingo


simulationof the full Rayleigh–Plessetequationscorre-sponding to a given /10 ,632+4 pair,� we useda bisectionprocedureto�

determine AescSRP,6 the threshold value of A separatingbounded�

and unboundedbubble trajectories.The bisectionprocedure� wasinitiatedby choosinga valueof A

°close� to the


regressionline. For this choiceof A°

,6 the dimensionalpressure,� p5 A ,6 was calculatedusing the middle equationin5156 . Then,the initial conditionR(0)

þ87R0K and� R(0)


wasintegratedforward in time using an implicit

; 18 fourth-orderRunge<

–Kutta scheme.The adaptive, implicit schemeweused! offers an accurateand stable meansto integratethegoverning� equations.The time stepsarelargein thoseinter-vals= in which thebubbleradiusdoesnot changerapidly, andthey�

are extremelyshort for the intervalswhere R or% R islarge = see, for example,figure4.7on p. 309of Ref. 6> . If thebubble�

radiusremainedboundedduring the simulation,thenthe�

valueof A°

was, increasedslightly, a new p5 A was, calcu-lated,anda newsimulationwasbegun.If, on theotherhand,the�

bubbleradiusbecameunboundedduring the simulation,then�

the valueof A°

was, slightly decreasedanda new simu-lation�

wasinitiated.Continuingwith this bisectionof A°

,6 the


value, A°

escSRP,6 where the bubble first becomesun-stable wasdetermined.


dimensionalcounterpart(p5 AÁ versus= R

J0K )� to Fig. 8 is

shown in Fig. 9 along with the dimensionalstability curvegiven� by Eq. ? 16@ . Note that for a given parameterA ,6 therelationship( which definesthe dimensionlessdamping pa-rameterB ,6 i.e., R0

KDC 2 E 2�/(��F 2��GH�I

)�, canbe thoughtof asde-

fining the bubbleradiusR0K . That is, for a given liquid vis-

cosity� J and� with all other physical parametersbeingconstant,� K can� only changeby varying the equilibrium ra-dius*

R0K . As such,the dimensionlessA-versus-L curves� can


put in terms of the dimensionalp5 AÁ versus= R

J0K curves,�


in Fig. 9.To�

show the way in which the bubble radius actuallybecomes�

unboundedin the full Rayleigh–Plessetsimula-tions,�

Fig. 10 providesthe radiusversustime plots for threetypical�

simulationswith the samevalue of MON 0.3,�


is nondimensional.In this case,A°



Thetop twocurves� are obtainedfor valuesof A

°of% 0.3 and 0.5, respec-


They showstableoscillationsalthougha perioddou-bling�

canbe seento haveoccurredin going from oneto theother.% The bottomfigure correspondsto A S 0.53



the bubble radius is becomingunbounded.The corre-sponding dimensionalparametersfor the Rayleigh–Plessetsimulations aregiven in the figure caption.


8. Simulations of the fullRayleighT

–Plesset equation for fourdifferent valuesof U . EachopencirclerepresentsV an (A

W, X ) pair at which the


first goes unstable.Superim-posedZ is the linear regressionline ob-tained[

from the simplecriterion basedupon\ the distinguishedlimit equation.In]_^

a – a db , c�d 0.01,0.05,0.1,and0.2,respectively.

280 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1999 Harkin, Nadim, and Kaper

Page 8: On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles · On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles Anthony Harkin Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston,

E. Consistency of the distinguished limit equation


this subsection,we argue,ae posteriori,6 that it is self-consistent� to use the escapeoscillator as the distinguishedlimit equationf 14g for thefull Rayleigh–Plesseth 13i ,6 i.e.,weshow that the higher-orderterms encounteredduring thechange� of variablesfrom R


x� may& be neglectedin a con-sistent fashion.

Recall that, in the derivationof the escapeoscillator,allof% the jlk 1m and� npo1qsr terms

�droppedout, and the ordinary


equationt 14u was, obtainedby equatingthetermsof%wv (

þyx 2�)�. The remainingtermsareof z (

þy{ 3L)�


precise,at | (þy} 3L)�, we find on the left-handside:

xx� ¨ ~ 2 � xx� ˙ � 3�2 x� ˙ 2�,6

and� on the right-handside:

� 3�4x��� 2x� 2

�D�203� x� 3L.


we note that, for i;+�


all termsof � (þy� i)�

on theleft-hand�

sideareof theform x� i � 2�x� ˙ ,6 while all termsof � (

þy� i)�

on% the right-handsidearepolynomialsin x� .WeN

alreadyknow that, for trajectoriesof the escapeos-cillator� thatremainbounded,thex� and� x� ˙ variables= stay �l� 1� .Hence,all of the higher-ordertermsremainhigherorderforthese�

trajectories.Next, for trajectoriesthat eventuallyes-cape� � i.e.,

thosewhosex� coordinate� exceedssomelargecut-

off% at somefinite time� ,6 we know that x� and� x� ˙ are� boundeduntil! that time andafterwardstheygrow without bound.Thefact that thenR also� growswithout boundfor thesetrajecto-ries( � due

*to the changeof variablesthat definesx��� is



with thedynamicsof the full Rayleigh-Plessetequation.Potentialtroublecouldarisewith trajectoriesfor which x�


negative and large in magnitude, e.g., whenx����� 1/ � the

�coefficientof x� ¨ vanishes.= � This


small RJ

.� A4

glanceat the Poincare´ map& for the escapeoscil-lator reveals, however, that trajectories which have


9. Simulations of the fullRayleigh–Plesset equation for fourdifferent valuesof � . Eachopencirclerepresents� a (p� A

� ,R�

0� ) pair at which the


first goes unstable.Superim-posed¡ is the thresholdcurve ¢ 16£ ob-tained¤

from the simplecriterion basedupon¥ the distinguishedlimit equation.In ¦ a§ – ¨ d© , ª�« 0.01,0.05,0.1,and0.2,respectively.

FIG. 10. Radiusversustime plots ( ¬�­ 0.1, ®¯ 0.3, A ° 0.3, 0.5, 0.53± . Di-mensional parameters:R

�0�³² 3.0 ´ m, R

�critµp¶ 3.2 · m, p��¸³¹ p� 0

� º¼» 29.7kPa, ½¾ 0.7MHz. p� A�À¿ 141.6Pa. Middle: p� A

�ÀÁ 236.0Pa. Bottom: p� A�À 250.2Pa.

281Phys. Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1999 Harkin, Nadim, and Kaper

Page 9: On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles · On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles Anthony Harkin Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston,

x��Ã�Ä 1/ Å atÆ sometime Ç canÈ neverhavex� (þyÉ


and x� ˙ (þyÊ

) o�

fËlÌ1Í simultaneously,Î for any Ï . Hence,thesetrajectoriesare

notÐ in the regimeof interest,neitherfor theescapeoscillatornorÐ for the full Rayleigh–Plessetequation.This completestheÑ

argumentthat it is self-consistentto usetheescapeoscil-lator for this study.




Stability curves for various Ô *


now, we haveonly examinedthe caseÖ * × 1 intheÑ

distinguishedlimit equation Ø 14Ù . In this sectionwe ex-amineÆ thedependenceof thestability thresholdon theacous-ticÑ

frequency, Ú ,Û for subcritical bubbles.Specifically, forfrequenciesÜ * between

Ý0.1 and1.1, we performednumeri-

calÈ simulationsof the distinguishedlimit equation Þ 14ß toÑ


many ( á ,Û Aâ escS )�

pairs. Thesepairs are plotted inFig. 11, andthe datapointsat eachdimensionlessfrequencyã

* areÆ connectedby straight lines ä in contrastto the leastsquaresÎ fitting donein Sec.III A å .


in Sec. III A, good agreementbetweenthe distin-guishedç limit equation threshold and the full Rayleigh–Plessetequationis observedfor variousvaluesof è * ; thiscanÈ beenseenin Fig. 12 which comparesthe two resultsatfouré

different valuesof ê * givenç by 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and0.9,for a fixed valueof ëíì 0.05.


featuresobservedin Fig. 11, suchastheflatten-ingð

of thesecurvesas ñ * decreases,à

are explainedin thenext subsection.

B. Minimum forcing threshold


that we wish to determine the driving fre-quency,ó for a givenbubblewith anequilibriumradiusR0

ô andÆaÆ critical radiusR

õcrit¥ ,Û so that the acousticforcing amplitude

FIG. 11. Stability thresholdcurvesfor the origin trajectoryof the distin-guishedlimit equationö 14÷ for manydifferent valuesof ø * . The valuesofù

* on the right-handborderlabel the different thresholdcurves.


12. Simulations of the fullRayleighû

–Plesset equation for fourdifferent valuesof ü * . In eachplotý�þ 0.05. Each open circle representsan A

ÿ, � pair¡ at which the bubblefirst

goes unstable. Superimposedis thethreshold�

curveobtainedfrom the dis-tinguished�

limit equation.In � a� – � d� ,�* � 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9, respec-


282 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1999 Harkin, Nadim, and Kaper

Page 10: On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles · On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles Anthony Harkin Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston,

necessaryÐ to make the bubble unstableis minimized. ThiscanÈ be done by choosingin Fig. 11, the value of � * for

éwhich the correspondingthresholdcurve is below all theothers for a given � . The result of sucha procedureis pro-vided� in Fig. 13 as follows. Figure 13 aÆ�� provides� the fre-quencyó of harmonicforcing at a given valueof the dampingparameter� � for which the requiredamplitudeof theacousticpressure� field to create cavitation is the smallest.Figure13� b��� showsÎ thedimensionlessminimum pressureamplitudeAescS correspondingÈ to thevalueof � * just

�presented.In Fig.

13� aÆ�� ,Û for � between�

0 and 0.225, the frequencycurve isnearlyÐ a straightline andwe fit a linearregressionline to thedataà

in that interval: � * ��� 1.12�! 0.90"

for 0 #%$&# 0.225."


in Fig. 13( b��) ,Û we see that the minimumpressure� curveis alsonearlystraightfor thesameintervalof*

values.� The leastsquaresline fitting the datain Fig. 13+ b��,isð


1.030!1 0.02"

for 0 2%3!2 0.225."

When4 5!6


thereis a discontinuityin thefrequencycurve,È as seenin Fig. 137 aÆ98 . At the samevalue of : ,Û thepressure� curve levelsoff to A


This canbe explainedby�

a brief analysisof the normal form equation.The keyobservation will be that, in the escapeoscillator with con-stantÎ forcing < i.e.,constantright-handside= ,Û thereis a saddle-nodeÐ bifurcationwhen the magnitudeof the forcing is 1

4> . In

order to carry out this brief analysis,we considerthe cases?!@0"

and A&B 0"

separately,beginningwith C!D 0."

ForE F!G


thePoincare´ mapH of thenormalform equationI14J has

Kan asymptoticallystablefixed point L aÆ sinkM ,Û which

correspondsÈ to anattractingperiodicorbit for thefull normalform equation.Now, duringeachperiodof theexternalforc-ing,ð

the location of this periodic orbit in the (x� ,Û x� ˙ )�-plane

changes.È In fact, for thesmallvaluesof N * we areinterestedin here( O * P 0.3

"approximatelyQ ,Û thechangein locationoc-

cursÈ slowly, and one can write down a perturbationexpan-sionÎ for its position in powersof the small parameterR * .TheS

coefficientsat eachorderarefunctionsof the slow timezTVUXW * Y . To leadingorder, i.e., at Z\[ 1] ,Û the attractingperi-

odic orbit is locatedat the point x� (þzT ),� 0 ,Û wherex� (

þzT )� is the

smallerÎ root of x�_^ x� 2`ba

A sin(Î zT ),� namely,

x�_c zTedef 12 g 1

2 h 1 i 4A sinÎkj zT�l .Therefore,oneseesdirectly thatA m 1

4 is a critical value.Inn

particular,if oneconsidersany fixed valueof A-/o 1

4> ,Û then


attractingperiodic orbit exists for all time, and the tra-jectory�

of our initial condition p 0,0"rq

will be always be at-tractedÑ

to it. s Notet

that the viscosity u&v 0.225"

is largeenoughw soorbitsareattractedto thestableperiodicorbit at afasteré

ratethantherateat which theperiodicorbit’s positionmovesin the(x� ,Û x� ˙ )

�-planedueto theslow modulation.x How-

ever,w for any fixed value of A y 14,Û the function giving x� (

þzT )�


complex after the slow time zT reachesz a criticalvalue� zT * (


)�, whereA

-sin(Î zT * )

�|{ 14> ,Û andwherewe write zT * (



sinceÎ zT * dependsà

on A. Moreover,x� (þzT )� remainscomplexin


interval zT * (þA),�/}�~

zT * (þA)�


which A sin(Î zT )�|� 14.


in terms of the slowly varying phaseportrait, theslowlyÎ movingsink mergeswith theslowly movingsaddleinaÆ saddle-nodebifurcation when zT reacheszT * (

þA)�, and they


togetherfor zT * (þA)���

zT������ zT * (þA)�. Hence,theat-


periodic orbit no longer exists when zT reacheszzT * (þA)�, andthe trajectorythat startedat � 0,0

"r�—andthat was

spiralingÎ in towardtheslowly movingattractingperiodicor-bit�

while zT was lessthan zT * (þA-


noÐ longerany attractorto which it is drawn.For thesakeof completenessin presentingthis analysis,

we notethat whenA � 14,Û thenzT * (



hence,it is pre-ciselyÈ nearthis lowestvalueof A

-,Û namelyA

-/� 14> ,Û thatwe find


thresholdfor the acousticforcing amplitude,andthe es-capeÈ happensnearthe slow time zT���� /2.

�Moreover,for val-

ues� of A � 14, 0�� zT * (



andso the escapehappensatanÆ earlier time.


the minimal frequency� * appearsÆ to be�* � 0,

"where � * � 0.01

"is the lowest value for which we

conductedÈ simulations.Moreover,this alsoexplainswhy, as


13. In � a� , the   * that¡


esc£ is¤

plottedversus¥ . In ¦ b§9¨ , the minimum valueof A¢

esc£ correspondingto the valueof © * in¤«ª

a¬ is¤

plottedversus­. The opencircles representRayleigh–Plessetcalculationsof the minimum thresholdwith ®e¯ 0.05. Note that A

¢_° 14>_± the¡

flat portion of the curve in ² b§9³µ´representsthe Blake quasistaticthresholdfor the distinguishedlimit equation.

283Phys. Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1999 Harkin, Nadim, and Kaper

Page 11: On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles · On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles Anthony Harkin Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston,

we see from Fig. 11 already, the curves are flat with A¶ 0.25"

for · * ¸ 0.3."

This is therangeof small valuesof ¹ *foré

which the aboveanalysisapplies.Next,t

having analyzedthe regime in which º!» 0,"


briefly to thecase¼!½ 0."

For small values,¾ * ¿ 0.3,"

thecurvesÈ in Fig. 11 remainflat nearA À 0.25

"all the way down



Thefull normalform equationwith Ä!Å 0"

is a slowlymodulatedH Hamiltonian system. One can again use theslowlyÎ varying phaseplanesas a guide to the analysis Æ al-ÆthoughÑ

the periodic orbit is only neutrally stable when ÇÈ 0"

andno longerattractingasaboveÉ ,Û andthe saddle-nodebifurcation�

in the leading order problem at A sin(Î zT * )ÊÌË 1

4 istheÑ

main phenomenonresponsiblefor the observationthattheÑ

thresholdforcing amplitudeis near0.25. Í We4

also notethatÑ

for a detailedanalysisof the trappedorbits, one needsadiabaticÆ separatrix-crossingtheory Î seeÎ Ref. 19, for ex-ampleÆ Ï ,Û but we shall not needthat here.Ð


and most importantly, simulationsof the fullRayleighÑ

–Plessetequationconfirm all the quantitativefea-turesÑ

of this analysisof the normalform equation.The opencirclesÈ in Fig. 13 representthe numericallyobservedthresh-old forcing amplitudes,andthesecircleslie very closeto thecurvesÈ obtainedas predictionsfrom the normal form equa-tion.Ñ

We attribute this similarity to the fact that the phaseportrait� of the isothermalRayleigh–PlessetequationhasthesameÎ structure—stableand unstableequilibria, separatrixbounding�

the stableoscillations,and a saddle-nodebifurca-tionÑ

when the forcing amplitudeexceedsthe threshold—astheÑ

normal form equationÒ seeÎ Ref. 7Ó .


The dimensional form of the minimum forcingthresholdÔ


that, for Õ between�

0 and 0.225, we fit linearregressionz lines to portionsof Figs.13Ö aÆ�× andÆ 13Ø b�eÙ . Specifi-cally,È for Fig. 13Ú aÆ�Û we found that, for a particularchoiceofÜ,Û the frequencywhich yields the smallestvalueof AescÝ canÈ


expressedas Þ * ß�à 1.12á&â 0.90"

for 0 ã%ä&ã 0.225."


Fig. 13å b��æ ,Û we found that the stability boundaryfor theminimum forcing is given by

A ç 1.03è!é 0.02"

for 0 ê%ë!ê 0.225,"


for 0.225ì%í!ì 0.4." î 17ï


the definitionsof ñ ,Û A,Û and ò * asÆ given by ó 15ô ,Û the‘‘optimal’’ acousticfrequencyto causecavitationof a sub-criticalÈ bubbleis given in dimensionalform by

õ�ö�÷2.24 øù R

ú0û2 ü 1.27 ý 1/2þ 1/2

ÿ 1/2Rú



0 � 2 � 2`

����� Rú




p A��

2.91 3/2���

1/2�� 1/2R

ú0û3/2��� 0.04

" � 2 �R0û

for 0 � 2��� 2

����� R0û


� 2`!


0û for

é0.225" 2

��# 2`

$�%'& Rú


D. A lower bound for Aesc) via* Melnikov analysis

The distinguishedlimit equation + 14, canÈ be written astheÑ


x - f . x/�021 g354 x,Û7698 ,Ûwhere x:<; (

=x> ,Û y? ),Ê

f@(=x> ,Û y? )Ê�A

(=y? ,Û x> 2 B x> )

Ê, and g3 (= x> ,Û y? ,Û7C )ÊD 0,

"A sin(ÎFE * G )ÊIH 2J y? with A K2L A,Û'M�N2O P . When Q R 0


systemÎ hasa centerat S 0,0"UT

andÆ a saddlepoint at V 1,0W . ThehomoclinicK

orbit to the unperturbedsaddle is given byX0û (=ZY )ÊZ[ x> (


y? (=Z]

where x> (=Z^


(= 1


(= 3�2)Êtanh2




y? (=Zd


(= 3�2f )Ê tanh(g /2)



. Following Ref. 20, theMelni-kovi

function takesthe form

M j!k 0û!l�m n5o

of p 0ûrqts9u ∧g3 v 0

ûZwtx9y ,Û7z|{2} 0û d~��

� 3�2� A-¯ �<�

�sinÎU��� * �!�|�2� 0

û!�7� tanhÑ �

2� sechÎ 2 �

2� d~��

� 9�2�2� �5�

�tanhÑ 2

` �2� sechÎ 4

� �2� d~��


Thefirst integralcanbedonewith a residuecalculation,andtheÑ

secondintegralis evaluatedin a straight-forwardmanner,resultingz in

M �!� 0û!���a� 6

�¡ £¢�¤* ¥ 2 cosȧ¦�¨ * © 0

û!ªsinhÎ «­¬¯® * ° A ± 12

5²´³ .

The Melnikov function has simple zeros when AµA-¯

h.tan.¶ ,Û where

Ah.tan.· 2�

sinh9¹»º * ¼5²¡½¿¾�À

* Á 2` Â . Ã 18Ä


the stable and unstablemanifolds of the perturbedsaddleÎ point intersecttransverselyfor all sufficiently smallÆ Ç 0

"when A

-¯ È A-¯

h.tan.É .20 The

Sresulting chaotic dynamicsis

evidentw in Fig. 5, for example.Since homoclinic tangencymust occur beforethe trajectory throughthe origin can es-cape,È A

-¯h.tan.mayH beviewedasa precursorto A

-escÝ . Figure14


that, for small enough Ê ,Û Eq. Ë 18Ì provides� alower boundfor the stability curvesseenin Fig. 11.


reasonwhy Melnikov analysisyieldsa lower boundforé

the cavitationthresholdrelatesto how deeplythe stableandÆ unstablemanifoldsof thesaddlefixed point of thePoin-careÈ mapfor Eq. Í 14Î penetrate� into the regionboundedbytheÑ

separatrixin the A-


case.For sufficiently small val-ues� of Ñ ,Û long segmentsof the perturbedlocal stableandunstable� manifoldswill stay Ò (


closeto the unperturbedhomoclinicK

orbit. However,as Ô growsç Õ andÆ onegetsout of

284 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1999 Harkin, Nadim, and Kaper

Page 12: On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles · On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles Anthony Harkin Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston,


regimein which the asymptoticMelnikov theorystrictlyappliesÆ Ö ,Û theselocal manifolds will penetratemore deeplyinto theregionboundedby theseparatrixin theA,Û�×�Ø 0



fact, thereis a sizablegapin theparameterspacebetweentheÑ

homoclinictangencyvaluesandtheescapevaluescorre-spondingÎ to our cavitationcriteria, i.e., when the trajectorythroughÑ

the origin grows without bound.Thereis a similargapç whenother initial conditionsarechosen.


Melnikov function was also calculatedin Ref. 21.There,a detailedanalysisof escapefrom a cubicpotentialisdescribedà

andthe fractalbasinboundariesandoccurrenceofhomoclinicK

tangenciesaregiven.We alsorefer the readertoRef.Ñ

22 in which a closelyrelatedsecond-order,dampedand


oscillatorwith quadraticnonlinearityis studiedusingboth�

homoclinic Melnikov theory, as was done here, andsubharmonicÎ Melnikov theory.The existenceof periodicor-bits�

is demonstratedthere,andperioddoublingbifurcationsof theseperiodic orbits are examined.Their equationarisesfrom the study of traveling waves in a forced, dampedKorteweg–de Vries Ù KdV Ú equation.wV. PRESSURE FIELDS WITH TWO FASTFREQUENCIES


this section,we considerwhat happensto the cavita-tionÑ

thresholdif two fast frequencycomponentsarepresentin theacousticpressurefield, andtheslow transducer,whichlowersÛ

the ambientpressureandwhoseeffect is quasistatic,isð

also still present.In Fig. 15, we show the results fromsimulationsÎ with quasiperiodicpressurefields. Thesewereobtained from simulationsof Ü 14Ý with the forcing replacedby�


sin(Î�Þ1* ß )ÊIà sin(ÎFá

2`* â )Ê ,Û anda wide rangeof values

for ã 1* andÆ ä2`* . For a fixed valueof å�æ 0.25,


surfaceÎ shown in the figure was plotted by computingthetriplesÑ

( ç 1* ,Ûéè 2`* ,Û Aescê ).


notethat in Fig. 15, the intersectionof thecavitationsurfaceÎ and the vertical planegiven by ë 1* ìîí 2* representszcavitationÈ thresholds for acoustic forcing of the formA sin(Î�ï * ð )Êòñ i.e., a single fast frequencycomponentand aquasistaticó componentó . Furthermore,we seethat the globalminimum of the cavitation surfacelies along the line ô 1*õîö

2`* . Hence,for A/2

�asour particularchoiceof quasiperi-

odic forcing coefficient, the addition of a secondfast fre-quencyó componentin the pressurefield doesnot lower thecavitationÈ thresholdbeyondthat of the singlefast frequencycase.È


distinguishedlimit equationhasbeenderivedwhich issuitableÎ for usein determiningcavitationeventsof slightlysubcriticalÎ bubbles.This ‘‘normal form’’ equationallows us

FIG. 14. Comparisonsof thestability curvesof Fig. 11 with theMelnikov analysisfor two valuesof ø * . Thedottedline is thestability curveobtainedfromtheù

distinguishedlimit equation.The solid straightline is Eq. ú 18û . In ü aý and þ bÿ�� , � * � 0.9 and1.1, respectively.


15. Stability thresholdsurfacefor the trajectory through the originobtainedby integratingthe distinguishedlimit equationwith quasiperiodicforcing. This was obtainedfrom simulationsof � 14� with the forcing re-placed� by (A


sin(� 1* ) � sin(� 2�* � )� , andfor 0 ��� 1* , � 2

�* � 1.3. The valueof � wasfixed at ��� 0.25.The pointsbelow the surfacecorrespondto pa-rameter� values for which the trajectory of the origin remains boundedwhereasthosepoints abovethe surfaceare parameterswhich lead to anescapetrajectoryfor the origin. Qualitativelyandquantitativelysimilar re-sultswereobtainedfor ��� 0.15and �! 0.35.

285Phys. Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1999 Harkin, Nadim, and Kaper

Page 13: On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles · On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles Anthony Harkin Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston,


studycavitationthresholdsfor a rangeof acousticforcingfrequencies.For " * # 1, we find an explicit expressionfortheÑ

cavitationthresholdvia linear regression,sincethesimu-lationÛ

datarevealan approximatelinear dependenceof thenondimensionalthresholdamplitude,A,Û on the nondimen-sionalÎ liquid viscosity, $ . When convertedto dimensionalform,é

this linearexpressiontranslatesinto a nonlineardepen-dence,à

cf. Eq. % 16& ,Û on the materialparameters.In all of oursimulations,Î the acousticthresholdamplitudecoincideswiththeÑ

amplitudesat which thecascadesof period-doublingsub-harmonicsK

terminate.Particularattentionhasalsobeenpaid to calculatingthe

frequency,' * ,Û at which a givensubcriticalbubblewill mosteasilyw cavitate.Expression( 17) for

éthe correspondingmini-

mumH threshold amplitude A-

growsç linearly in * foré +


until the critical amplitudeA - 14 is reached,andthe


amplitudestaysconstantat A . 14 for larger / . For


largervaluesof 021 0.225,"

the ‘‘optimal’’ frequencyisessentiallyw zero, as we showedby doing a slowly varyingphase� portraitanalysisandexploitingthefact thatthenormalform equationundergoesa saddle-nodebifurcation at A 3 1



which theentireregionof boundedstableorbits vanishes.TheS

transition observedat 465 0.225"

marks a boundarybe-tweenÑ

the regime 7986: 0.225" ;

in which the minimum thresh-old amplitudeoccursfor dynamiccavitationandthe regime<0.225" =?>A@



which theminimumoccursfor quasistaticcavitation,È via the Blake mechanism.The full Rayleigh–Plessetequationundergoesa similar bifurcation at forcingamplitudesÆ very nearA

-ED 14> foré

sufficiently small F . Overall,theÑ

resultsfrom the normal form equationare in excellentagreementÆ with thoseof the full Rayleigh–Plessetequation,andÆ this may be attributed to the high level of similaritybetween�

the phase-spacestructuresof both equations.Inn

view of the findingsin Ref. 7, we may draw an addi-tionalÑ

conclusionfrom the presentwork. In a certainsense,we have extendedthe finding of lowered transition ampli-tudesÑ

reportedin Ref. 7 to the limiting caseof one low fre-quencyó and one fast frequency. We find that if a low-frequencytransducerpreparesa bubble to becomeslightlysubcritical,Î thenthe presenceof a high-frequencytransducercanÈ lower the cavitation thresholdof the bubblebelow theBlakeG


resultson theoptimumforcing frequencyandmini-mum pressurethresholdto cavitatea subcriticalbubblemayalsoÆ be useful in fine-tuning experimentalwork on single-bubble�

sonoluminescenceI SBSLJ K

. In SBSL,23–25 aÆ singlebubble�

is acousticallyforcedto undergorepeatedcavitation/collapseÈ cycles,in eachof which a short-livedflashof lightisð

produced.While the processthroughwhich a collapsingbubble�

emits light is very complexand involvesmanynon-linearphenomena,thepossibilityof bettercontrolovercavi-tationÑ

and collapse, e.g., through the use of multiple-frequencyé

forcing,canperhapsbeinvestigatedusingthetypeof analysispresentedin this paper.



are grateful to ProfessorS. Madanshettyfor manyhelpfulK

discussions.Theauthorswould alsolike to thankthe

refereesfor their comments.This researchwas madepos-sibleÎ by GroupInfrastructureGrantNo. DMS-9631755fromtheÑ

National ScienceFoundation.AH gratefully acknowl-edgesw financial supportfrom the National ScienceFounda-tionÑ

via this grant.TK gratefullyacknowledgessupportfromtheÑ

Alfred P. SloanFoundationin the form of a SloanRe-searchÎ Fellowship.




illustrate one application of our results, we nowbriefly�

considerthe experimentalfindingsof Ref. 26 on so-calledÈ ‘‘coaxing’’ of acousticmicrocavitation.In theseex-periments,� smooth submicrometersphereswere added tocleanÈ water and were found to facilitate the nucleationofcavitationÈ eventsM i.e.,

ðreducethe cavitationthresholdN when

aÆ high-frequencytransducerO originally aimedasa detectorPwas turnedon at a relatively low-pressureamplitude.Spe-cifically,È the main cavitation transducerwas operatingat afrequencyé

of 0.75MHz, while the activedetectorhada fre-quencyó of 30 MHz. In a typical experiment,with 0.984 QspheresÎ addedto cleanwater,the cavitationthresholdin theabsenceÆ of the activedetectorwasfound to be about15 barpeak� negative.Whenthe activedetectorwasturnedon, pro-ducingà

a minimumpressureof only 0.5 barpeaknegativebyitself,ð

it causedthe cavitation thresholdof the main trans-ducerà

to be reducedfrom 15 to 7 bar peak negative.Thepolystyrene� latex sphereswere observedunder scanningelectronw microscopesandtheir surfacewasdeterminedto besmoothÎ to about 50 nm. It was thus thought that any gaspockets� which were trappedon their surfacedue to incom-plete� wetting andwhich servedasnucleationsitesfor cavi-tationÑ

weresmallerin size than this length.In Ref. 26, it isconjecturedÈ that the extremelyhigh fluid accelerationscre-atedÆ by the high-frequencyactivedetector,coupledwith thedensityà

mismatchbetweenthe gas and the liquid, causedtheseÑ

gaspocketsto accumulateon thesurfaceof thespheresandÆ form much larger ‘‘gas caps’’ R on the orderof the par-ticleÑ

sizeS ,Û which thencavitatedat the lower threshold.Herewe attemptto providean alternativeexplanationfor the ob-servedÎ loweringof thethresholdin thepresenceof theactivedetector.à

To effect our estimates,we shall usethe samephysicalparameters� as earlier: TVU 0.001

"kg/m s,ÎXWZY 0.998



andÆ \^] 0.0725"

N/m. We also ignore the vapor pressureoftheÑ

liquid at room temperature. Note also that1 bar_ 105

`N/mt 2

`andÆ that the transducerfrequenciesf


aboveÆ arerelatedto the radianfrequenciesb used� earlierbyced2�gf



us begin by estimatinga typical size for the nucle-ationÆ siteswhich cavitateat pi LcritjlkXm 15bar in the absenceof the activedetector.Upon usingBlake’s classicalestimateof pi L

ncritjloXp 0.77

" q/�Rr

0s ,Û the equilibrium radiusof the trapped

airÆ pocketsis estimatedto be Rr

0s6t 3.7�vu

10w 8 m oH r3 7n m.This sizeis consistentwith the observationthat the surfacesof the sphereswere smoothto within 50 nm. We note thatsuchÎ a small cavitationnucleuscannotexist within the ho-mogeneousH liquid itself since it would dissolve away ex-

286 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1999 Harkin, Nadim, and Kaper

Page 14: On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles · On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles Anthony Harkin Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston,


fast due to its overpressureresulting from surfacetension.Ñ

However,when trappedin a creviceor within theroughnessz on solid surfaces,it canbe stabilizedagainstdis-solutionÎ with the aid of the meniscusshapewhich separatesit from the liquid. The naturalfrequencyof a 37 nm bubblexif it weresphericaly foundfrom Eq. z 12{ would be385MHz

which is very large comparedto forcing frequencyof thecavitationÈ transducerwhich is 0.75MHz. Therefore,consis-tentÑ

with Blake’s classicalcriterion, the pressurechangesintheÑ

liquid would appearquasistaticto thebubbleandat suchaÆ small size, surfacetensiondoesdominatethe bubbledy-namics.The Blake critical radiusRcritj which correspondstothisÑ

equilibrium radiusR0s of 37 nm canbe calculatedto be


critjl| 64}


us now supposethat the cavitationtransduceris op-eratingw at pi L ~X� 7

�bar peaknegativeas in the experiments

with the activetransduceralsoturnedon. Using Eq. � 5²�� ,Û thefinal�

expandedradiusof thebubblewhenthe liquid pressureisð

quasistaticallyreducedto � 7�

bar is found to be 4.2�10� 8 m or 42 nm. In other words, a bubble of original

radius37 nm at a liquid pressureof 1 bar,growsto a maxi-mumH size of 42 nm when the liquid pressureis reducedto� 7�

bar. Its critical radiusis still 64 nm, reachedif the liquidpressure� wereto be reducedfurther to � 15 bar.

At this point,sincethepressurechangesin theliquid duetoÑ

the 0.75 MHz cavitationtransducerare occurringslowlycomparedÈ both with the naturaltimescaleof the bubbleandtheÑ

30 MHz detector,let us take the meanpressurein theliquid to be the pi 0

s ���X� 7�

bar, andimaginethe bubblesizeatthisÑ

pressureto be its new equilibrium radius R0s6� 42nm,

with the critical radius still given by Rr

critjl� 64}

nm. Thisbubble�

is now assumedto be forced by the 30 MHz trans-ducerà

at anacousticpressureamplitudeof 1.5 bar � i.e., � 0.5"


peaknegative� . Using thesevalues,the perturbationpa-rameterz � is

ðcalculatedfrom equation� 8��� to

Ñbe ��� 0.69.


parameter� is too big for the resultsof the asymptotictheorytoÑ

provide meaningfulquantitativeagreement;nevertheless,we proceedwith the discussionto see if we can at leastobtain the right order of magnitudefor the pressurethresh-old.


the given physicalparameters,andusingthe forc-ingð

pressureof pi A�2� 1.5barand ��� 2

�g�¡ 30��¢

10£ 6¤

sÎ�¥ 1,Û theparameters� ¦ ,Û A

-,Û and § * areÆ calculatedfrom Eq. ¨ 15© to



A ¬ 0.09"

and ­ * ® 0.16."

UponexaminingFig. 13,attheÑ

relatively largedampingparameter±° 0.98" ²


therangez originally considered³ the

Ñminimum forcing threshold

would appear to correspondto the constantvalue of A-

´ 0.25."

Herewe alsonotethat this sameforcing thresholdisalsoÆ observedwith a range of small µ * ,Û including ¶ *· 0.16" ¸

seeÎ Fig. 11¹ . In otherwords,the predictedthresholdpressure� for the active detector to causecavitation is Aº 0.25"

which correspondsroughly to pi A » 4 bar, whereasintheÑ

experimentsthe thresholdwas seento be A-E¼


orpi A ½ 1.5bar. Despitethe lack of quantitativeagreement,thetheoreticalÑ

predictions and the experimentsdo show thesameÎ trends.Namely,in theabsenceof the30 MHz detector,theÑ

pressurein the liquid had to be reducedto ¾ 15 bar forcavitationÈ to occur. With the high-frequency transducerturnedÑ

on, however,cavitationoccurredat a minimum pres-

sureÎ of ¿ 7�ÁÀ

1.5ÂXÃ 8.5Ä

bar in the experimentsand at Å 7�


11barbasedon thetheory. Ê We4


pressurecontributionfrom the two transducersto arriveatÆ the final minimum pressureË . Thus, the presenceof thesecondÎ high-frequencytransducerdoesreducethe pressurethresholdÑ

for cavitationin both cases.


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