nebnewspapers.unl.eduomaha daily bee ''v twent y-flllst y eall, omaha , monday morning,...

OMAHA DAILY BEE ' 'V T WENT y-FlllST Y E All , OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , MARCH28 , 1892. NUMJJFR 285. IN CONGRESS FOR THIS WEEK Program Prepared for the Solons of the National Legislature. HOW THEY WILL OCCUPY THEIR TIME Iteport on ttio Annnnt Consiilnr nml Dlplo- .mntln . Appropriation HIMilillill of the AcrlrtiUnml llopiirttnent nt tlio- World' * 1'nlr WmUlnjjtoii Notes. , OX, D. C. . March 27. ThoBlnnd silver bill still Impends over the house as n cloud , the pretence of which makes poislblo- ntitorm that , muy disturb the prognoMlc.- itlonsbf - thoio who endeavor to form nn accu- rate ¬ chart of the course of legislative work. Owing to the absence nf Mr. Cutehlnijs of Mississippi nnd the doslro that there shall bo- a full representation of members , when the rule making the Bland frco coinage bill and pending amendments n spacl&l order Is taken up , the rules comtntttco will not report mid call up the muoh-tulaod-of special order until Tuesday. The silver light will then bo re- newed - nna fought to u finish ono way or the other. Tomorrow will probably bo devoted to measures rolntinir to the District of Colum- bia. ¬ . The remainder of the week not dovotcd- to consideration of the silver question , will bo consumed either In ilobato on tbo tariff questions or In consideration of ono or more of the regular appropriation bills , no decision having yet been arrived at as to whether or not the tariff discussion shall bo further in- terrupted. ¬ . There nro three appropriation bills , namely the navtl , the consular nnd diplo- niuttc"nnd - the sundry civil , ready for action bv the house. Naturally the naval bill would take precedence of the others In considera- tion , ns It was llrst reported. 1'bo river and harbor bill has bcon agreed upon by the com- mittee ¬ and will not bo reported to the house until tbo close bf the vvcck. What They Will Oo In the Seimto , Interest In tbo proceedings of the sonnto this week will turn upon the disposition of the Bering sea arbitration treaty , which Is the unfinished business on the executive calendar , and iti expected that the sonnlo will exclude the public from the chamber for many hours.- In . the course of the legislative business , the Indian appropriation bill will bo further considered , uud there is moro to bo said upon the subject of employing array onicers in tne capacity of Indian agents. The 'Wost Virginia direct tax bill , after several postponements on account of the ill- ness ¬ of Senator Merrill , has been finally as- signed ¬ for debate on Tuesday , on which day Senator Stanford will also , according to no- tice - , add i ess the senate on his bill to de- termine ¬ the value of a tender dollar- .It . Is expected that the District of Columbia appropriation bill will bo taken up after- wards ¬ , and as this is a me as uro in which the senators feel much interest , owing in part to the fact that many of thorn own homes In this city, the debate upon the provisions of the bill is likely to occupy the senate for Botno time. _ DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR- .Iteport . of the IIouso Committee ou Foreign Air.iliH.- WA3HISOTON . , D. C. , March 27. Mr- .Blount . , chairman of the house committee on foreign affairs , hus prepared for the house on extensive report to accompany the regu- lar ¬ annual consular and diplomatic appro- priation ¬ bill framed by the committee. The report says that a oareful examination has been made Into the subject of our foreign missions , and the importance of our diplo- matic ¬ relations with the several countries. The facilities for the transmission nnd Inter- change ¬ of thought dispenses with much of the neoa nf foreign representation. It en- ables - the homo government to communicate rapidly nnd freely on all questions of differ- ence ¬ with foreign governments and to glvo directions In tbo most minute detail. So com- pletely ¬ does this practice obtain that wo shall scarcely find farno Springing for the ac- tion ¬ of our representatives nt foreign courts In the future as in the earlier davs of the republic. In addition to this , tbo country has grown to such magnitude as to enjoy that regard from other nations wnlch guarantees her against foreign insolence , outrage and causeless war. Very much might bo Kafoly done in reducing the number of our ministers by the abolition or the union of several countries under ono mission. Not to on con rage hope for an ac- ceptance ¬ of these views by the scnato or the president It has bcon deemed best , except in- n few instances , to postpone needed reforms at this point. Denmark , Sweden and Nor- way ¬ , however , hove been placed under one mission , as have Colombia and Ecuador , and likewise Peru and llollvla.- By . a mistake of. the printer It was an- nounced ¬ that Guatemala and Venezuela hud also been joined under ono minister. Sepa ¬ rata missions are to bo maintained to these two countries , and the salary is fixed at 15,000 each. The reports say that the com- tnlttno - gave careful attention to tbo con- sular ¬ service and revised it according to tbo business and Importance of the United States to each place.- SH.VUOWKO . I Y DETiCTIViS. United H til ten Senator * llclnj ; Watched to Discover Olllcml I.eukx.- WAaiiiNGTON . , D. C. , March 27. [ Special Telegram to Tun Beu. ] Some very sensa- tional ¬ features have cropped out of the sen- ate's ¬ executive sessions on Thursday and Friday. Vigorous efforts wore made by a few to strike at certain senators who were supposed to bavo given "pointers" to their newspaper frlonds respecting executive pro- ceedings ¬ , and in doing so they cast very seri- ous ¬ reflections upon mnocont employes , Ono or two senators wont so far as to name James B. Youngtbo oxccutivc clerk, ns being guilty of regularly giving out information for publication.- tilr. . . Young la ono of the proprietors of the Philadelphia Star, a brother or John Hupscll Young , well known diplomat and biographer of ( jencral Grant , and stands high In his profession , Ho has been in charge of the executive proceedings of the senate for IIf- tocn - or twenty years , and although ho Is a frequenter of newspaper row and has many intimate frlonds among the correspondents who write most of the executive work of tbo- scnuto , it U n well known fact that ho has never bean suspected by those who do tbo writing of giving oven aa Intimation of what Is done behind the closed doors. But there Is a demand upon the part of the senatorial Intlmidutors that sotnonno shall bo made a scapegoat , sacrificed to fct an example to the senators who glvo out the secrets , and thus frighten the real guilty parties.- Air. . . Voune Slay Ketlcn. The attack upon Mr , Young was so bitter nnd cruel on Friday that it. ID probublo ho will voluntarily resign , although expulsion was threatened. Ho caunol wfall remain in his position and cither fuel comfortable or maintain his self respect. Should he resign his example may DO followed by his assis- tant ¬ , Coloucl Morrow ot Missouri , and nossi- cly - tbo von rablc Captain Bassott , assistant tloor-kccpcr , who tin * been excluded from executive Bcssions for the iirst time in u third of acontuiy. In connection with the reign of terror which Is prevailing about the ecnata for tbo purpose of closing lips agaim t executive leaks , a very sensational report Is in circulation tonight- .It . in to the effect that detectives bavo been employed during the past week to shadow senators suspected of "leaking , " ana that they liava'followed the suspects over the city to note whether they bavo conversed with newspaper representatives , and whether newspaper men visit them at their rooms. Thus it Is that all who speak to representa ¬ tive * of tholr local press ate placed under a bau ol suspicion. It is not stated whether thcte detectives are employed by the secre- tary ¬ or sorgoant-at-nrms of the senate , or in- dividual - senators who are determined to lo- c.ito - the responsibility of the Ionic. It was reported last night that some of the detec- tives ¬ employed by the Treasury department were detailed to do this work , but the law prohibits the employment of department agents or detectives for private purposes , , It May PriMoIco Trouble.- If . It should prove true thht dotoctwos have been placed upon the trail of nnv senator It- Is almost sure to lead to serious trouble In the senate , as it Is not probable that nny senator would suffer such an aspersion upon his privuto Integrity. It 1 learned from the usual channels through which executive cocrois Ionic out that om ? very vlcorous speeches wcro made onlhundav end Friday against the present system of secret f csslons- by Sanders of Montana , Pottlgrcw of bouth- IJakot.t nnd other senators. A very strong feeling has oxlitcd for several years against the present procccdure ?, nnd it Is proposed that all matters which have heretofore been discussed in sscrot session shall bo consid- ered ¬ in open session unless Iho committee re- porting Ihom requests their llnnl considera- tion ¬ to bn In secret. Senator Sanders denounced the proposition that executive sessions leaked out through employes In very vigorous languago. Ho said It wai simply slily , cruelly absurd , as every frank nnd fair senator would acknowl- edge ¬ that the secrets came out through em- ploye ¬ * . ' 1 hare was not a man .in the senate , ho suld , who would refuse to accommodate a personal frlond in newspaper row If it was to ills own advantage lo do so. It was ridicu- lous ¬ , ho said , a sorry spcctaclo Indeed , to send the sergcant-at-nrms about the closed gallery to Hud nu audlphono or other Instru- ment ¬ sot to catch executive proceedings. Should Ho HoncBt ultli Itself. rue scnato. ho ; ald , should no honest with itself and acknowledge that Its own member- ship ¬ did the leaking. Ho made the heads of the senators conducting the farce hang with shame. Senator Pottlgrew said that Just so long ns the senate closed Its door to the world , fired out its trusted and sworn cmplojes nnd shut the mouths of the senators for the purpose of considering the nomination ot two or three llttlo Pennsylvania postmasters , aIt did the other day , and was in the habit of doing , It could not expect any stress to bo put upon the real secrets of the senate. The action in the .insignificant things degraded the im- portant ¬ thing * . It wus cownrdly and puerile to rofuio tj consider ordinarv nominations , against which there was no objection In open session- .If . the senate would glvo Important ques- tions ¬ proper Impress of secrecy It would close tbo doors onlv when important subjects wore to be considered. Just so long as the llttlo things wore placed with the big things the latter would occupy the snmo position in the minds of senators that the former did. Some very strong feelmc has been urousod- by the proceedings of the last two secret sessions of the snnato and It is likely that something quite spirited will take place be- fore tbo end comes. . Marii-loiiY ArtUtfl.- WASIIIXOTOX . , D. C. , March 27. On of the most interesting partions of the Agricultural department's exhibit of the World's fair will bo tlio models of the plans Illustrating the at- tacks ¬ of the various insects and diseases which destroy them. To make these models , which have to bo absolutely true to raturo , two English artists of murveloas ability have been engaged. Tbo Hare ?. brother and slstar , who jn'this work far excel nny others , have takqn models for their work at the world's fair bold In London In 1831 , und ut frequent Intervals since. Tbo models of fruits uro made of wax , aud such remarkable skill has boon exercised in the manufacture that it Is only by the closest scrutiny that they are to bo told from the real article. Ono specimen , a piece of apple , containing a gmb which liar eaten his way Into its center , is so perfect that when compared with the origi- nal ¬ not the slightest difference can bo de- tected. ¬ . Even when held lo the light it is translucent In Iho same spots as In the real applo. Marvelous skill is shown in making the model leaves in the most perfect manner- .Kansas' . Kxi | rlinent In Tills Line Develops Some Interesting IMcto.- ArcinsoN" . , , March 37. [ Special to- TnulicE. . I The city registration books for the spring elce'Ion closoil last night , showing 2,010 voterj registered , of whom 159 wore women. .Tho woman vote , however , is rap- Idly - falling off hero. The law giving suf- frage ¬ to women in cities of the first class went Into'effect in 1SSS in Kansas. That year 4M ! Atchlson women registered , but less than 300 voted. The next ysur 481 women registered , but only 075 voted. Tbo third year 29'J women registered , Out less than 200- voted. . Last year 224 women registered , but ouly 140 voted. This year of the 150 women registered it is believed that less than 100 will vote. Atchlson women do not care to bo- in politics , and it is thought that the fad will die out this year. London Stock Market.I- CnpurlgMeil . isailijj iet Gonlsn nsnmU. I LO.NDOV. March 20. [ Now York Her- ald - Cable Special to THE BEE. | The llttlo business transacted on the Stock exchange today has been chiefly In prapatatlon for the settlement which commences on Monday , Funds nro a cbauo batter. Indian rupee pa- per ¬ has further declined' % per cent. For- eign ¬ government securities close weak. As regards international stocks , bo-no railways have been very little dealt in. The close was somewhat undecided in tone, butuxchango prices are only fractional , a trilling Improvement being marked In Brighton , Chatham , Metropolitan , Midland and Southeastern deferred , a few others are sllghtlv easier. American rail- ways ¬ open tolerably llrm , but sloco bncomo depressed on sales In view of settlement , and tbo distrust that prevails In regard to Now York operators. Money has been In good doinund. Short loans have not been obtained under2'f per cent discount. The market continued linn , two and three months' bills being quoted at 1 % per cont.- No . t'rluies Committed. Much to the surprise of tbo pollco not a- slngla case ot burglary , robbery or sandbag- ging ¬ was reported yesterday. It was fonrod that ou account of the storm and all the lights in the city being out the thieves would turn- out In full force und run loam all night with- out ¬ four of apprehension. In order to protect tbo city as much as possible the chief ordered out a lot of extra men who patrolled the streets In citizens' clothes , but not a crook was caught. Arrested for Inciting Hints.- LOXPO.V . , March 27. The Times' Shanghai correspondent says that the Tslang Uo- Yumon ( the Chinese forelxn oftlco ) urgoil by the foreign mlnUtori ut Pokln has ordered the viceroy of Chang Chi to an as t Chan Hun Van , oniclally responsible for the spreading of anti-foroigu lltcruturo , 1'listen ! Tlniii Irom Havre. NEW YOIIK, March 27. The French line steamship La Tourainc , from Havro March 111 , crossed Sandy Hook bar at 8:53 : o'clock- Saturday. . The trip was made In six days , hours and thirty min- utes ¬ , the fastest on record , l.aiiiion mid Frcy Mittrhetl.D- OSTO.V . , Mass , March 27. JooLannonand George Frcy huvo been matched to light to a finish for a"o,000 pursu , tuo winner taking $ 200. May 10 , before the Coney Island Athlctlo club , Brooklyn , Mr. uml.Mrn. Held Hall , HiVRE.March 27 , Minister WhltelawReld and MM. Hold sailed for the United States .testerday morning on the steamer La- Champagne. - . Itemoteil to un A ylum. New Yonv , March 27 , George Shepard Page , tbo millionaire chemist , was removed to Morris Plains iusauo asylum last Monday , HOW THE SOUTH PROSPERS Senator Hill Finds the Hi h Tariff Quito Acceptable Thew.- HE . SUDDENLY CHANGED HIS PLANS After Uhnertlng ttio Oencral Satliructlon of- tlio rcoplr. of Alt Sections wltli Pres- ent ¬ I'edenit , tlio Demo- cratic ¬ Lender Win Silent. WASHINGTON BUIIEUJ or Ttiu Bun , 61.1 FOUUTKBXTU STHKBT , WASHINGTON1) . O. , March V7. ! Senator Hill's utter Inability , on his recent trip through the south , to find miy flaw In President Harrison's administration , and his Indirect hut very positive eulogy upon the wonders our present tariff law has worked In the Virginias and portions ot Georgia and Tennessee , has been the subject of much comment hero among southern men from nil political parties. It was firmly expected that Senator Hill , frco trader that ho Is , would Jump upon the spirit and tbo opsra- tion - of tbo tariff law adopted by the last re- publican ¬ congress. It Is stated that ho wont south with a view of doing this thing ; but when ho got down In Virginia and delega- tions ¬ , or redemption committees , began to board his private car , ho found such a course would never do. Ha was advised lo let the tariff soverelv alone , bain ? told frankly that It had done moro lor that country than any law wo ever bad. Instead of pouncing upon the tariff law it will bo seen thai Senator Hill talked of the many now Industries springing up on every hand and the apparent evidences ot proi- perlty. - . Ho spoke not n word against the tariff law except In general terms , and then verv sparingly , very gingerly. Ho did not , in fact , do anything but talk of the upbuild- ing ¬ south , Its power for the fulure , and gen- eral - democratic pilnclplos. Quito all of his attacks were loft out. lie found the condi- tions ¬ very different from what ho expected , and has prlvatclv said so to his frlonds. It- Is said by ono of the senator's friends that ho- is not now so anxious for the nomination and will likely abandon his efforts to get it, .Muy Conrt-Murtliil General Grceloy- .It . Is staled at tbo War department that a- courtmartial will likely bo convened to try General A. W. Grooloy , chief signal oflleor , for a breach of the general order which pro- vides ¬ that no ofllcor , active or retired , shall directly or indirectly without being called upon bv proper authority , solicit , suggest or recommend action by members of congress for or against legislation pertaining to mill- tar v affairs. General Groeloy is charged with having addressed the secretary of war ana members of the house committee on ap- propriations ¬ in opposition to placing the new military bureau of information under the jurisdiction and control of the adjutant gen ¬ eral's ofllce. GoneralXJrceloy Is said to bavo advised withholding the necessary appropri- ation ¬ for the maintenance of the now bureau until Iho right ot the chief signal ofilccr to its control could bo dohnitcly determined. Adjutant General KellOn hus brought Gen- eral - Greelcy's alleged broach of discipline to the attention of Iho department In u loiter which comments severely upon the violation of general orders.- No . Lobbies In I'uturo.- W. . . P. Clough of St. Paul , chief counsel of the Greui Northern railroad and confidential man of James J. Hill , twenty times a mil- lionaire ¬ , is hero and savs tbo Groat..Northern has practically decided to abandon tbo lobbies of congress nnd the stale legislatures and In the future to lake no part in political matters whatever. In the nast the great railroads ot the northwest , ho says , have practically controlled tbo politics of Dakota , Minnesota and Nebraska. It has ueen fro- quonlly - charged that ox-Senator Gil PiPrco was defeated for re-election by the Northern Pacific because he refused to concur lu tha appointment of a certain United Slater judge- .ThHdefeat . Is said to have cost the Northern Pacific 10000. If this Is iruo Mr. Clouch is probably jifslilled in saying that no railroad is'justltlod In maintaining lobbies , for, ns ho says , "It is moro expense than prolit. " The Northern Pacific , it is said , is already camp- Ing - on the trail of Senator Casey of Norlh- Dakota. . "Tho Great Northern , " says Mr.- Clougb . , "will in iho fulure exert ibo same interest in legislation that nny other largo property holder would do , but will abandon lobbying nud other political intcrferonco as too expensive a luxury. " To Timber Lands. Senator Paddock's joint sub-committco from Iho senate committee on agriculture and forestry and public lands which is mak- ing ¬ inquiry for the purpose of agreeing upon a measure which will preserve tbo forests and the governments timber lands , nnd pro- mote ¬ Irilgution by natural processes , has found a way to tho'destrcd ends. At a meet- ing ¬ of Iho sub-commllleo yoslordav appeared Mr. Furnow.chief of the bureau of foreslry in- Ihc agricultural department , Mr. Browar , sccrelary of the l oreslry association and Mr- .Ogdcn . of the forestry division of timber in- Iho Interior department.- Mr . , Furnow presented Iwo bills which had been drafled by himself and Mr. Brewer covering Iho points under consideration and which will probably bn unanimously adopted- .It . is "for tbo protection and preservation of- tbo public forests of the United Stales , " and provides lhat all lands heretofore proclaimed by the president under the net of March it , IbOl , as forest rcscrvoiions , or muy horeafler- bo set asldo ns such , shall bo exclusively con- trolled ¬ by the provisions of this act for pro toctlon nnd Improvement ; that there shall bo established in tbo Interior depart- ment ¬ a commissioner of forestry w > o shall bo versed In matters of for- estry ¬ and appointed by the president.- Ho . shall have sufficient assistance to enable him to enforce the provisions of the law, and there shall bo employed on every reser- vation ¬ , rangers , not moro than ono for every 10,000 acres of reservations lo act as pollco- lo prevent trespass and fires , apprehend trespassers , supervise culling and removal ot Umber , and bo under Iho direct control of- a superintendent nnd llvo near the district assigned to tholr supervision. Tbo secretary of w ar uhull maka such details of troops as the secretary of tbo interior with tbo approval of the president may require for the addl- tlonal protection of tba reservation , ItcKitlitlloiiH Muat Ho Obeyed. The ofllcors on tbo reservation are nil to have commissions as deputy United Stales marshals , with all the authority of those oftlcers. The commissioner of forests t hall cause a survey aud description of the lands in the reservation to bo made and formulate rules und regulations for the preservation of- tbo reservation , which rules and regulations shall bo posted In public places and puollsbcd- In nowspupers. Persons desiring to occupy the reservations longer than ono day are icqulred lo obtain a permit from thn superintendent or other oflicor In cbargo. and shall strictly obey iho regulations , There shall bo no restrictions to prevent prospecting for minerals , but no exclusive right to prospect , hunt orllsh shall ho given. Tno opening of mines tlinll bo permitted onlv under license } granted by the secretary of the Interior. Pasturage may bo leased by iho superintendent when desirable under re- strictions ¬ ; tbo construction of water reser- voirs ¬ , ditches and other necessary adjuncts of irrigation work may bo permitted by the secretary of tha Interior , but no roads or trails shall bo opened by any ono except as designated by the superintendent. All cutting of wood on the reservations Is- to bo under a system of licenses ard every year , on or before the 1st of April , the super- intendentof - tha reservations bhall mulco a- ropoit in regard to the areas may be put under licenses , tbo same to bo adver- tised ¬ for bids not later than July 10. How Timber Muy Jlu Secured. Timber for domestic purposes shall bo had by means of a prospector's llccnte upon tbo payment of J for u settler's license to any Dona lido settler having any timber on his claim upon alike payment. Applications tor licenses are to bo numbered in their order of receipt aud acted upon lu tbo order of their filing. Tbo license will bo nontransferrablo. Such Umber ou ibo forest reservations as the commissioner shall decided Is hot needed for mineral or agricultural -development in the neighborhood shMl b'n disposed ol to lumber- men ¬ or others who miry npply for it under n- lumberman's llcanso la quantities not less or moro than that Doing In ono sec- tion ¬ or that standing dr being on twenty-live contiguous socttop , said license to bo granted upon a too of $2i nnd ' ( $1 per aero to bo paid for the timber before operations are begun , The bill provides in detail for the dis- position ¬ of all timber , wooJ , etc. , und pro- vides ¬ amply uinlnst frauds and misrepre- sentations. ¬ . AbJoIuto Jurisdiction is given over tbo reservation to United States author- ities ¬ , nnd punishments imposed for violations of the law arc rigid nml the provision for tha enforcement ot Itbo law and detection of frauds complete. I Tbo revenues derived from licenses , root, fines , etc. , are to bo used In parlor whole payment for the expenses In- curred. ¬ . The bill proposes nn appropriation of $500,000 for the beginning of operations under the provisions of the proposed law. MJRcollancotts.- Mrs. . . Senator Wnrron expects to Icavo for her homo nt Cheyenne , WVo. , next week , Senator i'uddock anticipates action upon his pure food the house during the next mouth. | . _ P. S. II- .II7.I . , Flillir XIlK TIIVST- .1'corla . Business Men Propose to Krcct Lnrgo DUtltlerles.- PnouiA . , III. , March27. Rumors have been in circulation for'several days to the effect that those Pcorlans who had sold tholr stock In the Distillers and Cattle Feeders com- pany ¬ contemplated the erection of now dis- tilleries ¬ for Iho purpose of fighting iho Irust. Samuel Wollnor , was mentioned as being In- terested ¬ in the now plan and a roportcr called on him today fo'r information. Ho said report was correct That ho associated mm- Belt with others for the purpose of building two distilleries , Jcach to bo of about 5.000 bushels capacity The capital stock will be $1,000,000 and wprk will bo commenced ns soon as tha weather will permit. The trade wo formerly had , ' snld Woolner , asks us to- go into business' nsutu , and I um satisfied wo will get triido enough to tnko our entlro production , Since 1 disposed of- my stock 111 the Distillers and Cattle Feeders company 1 have had nothing to do , nnd as I- dcslro to bo active , have decided to again go Into iho distilling'business. I expect to pro- duce ¬ cheaper than , the trust , for 1 am a prac- tical ¬ distiller and can manage my own busi- ness ¬ , while the trust Is compelled to biro practical distillers to dp it for them. I am trying to got possession of Iho new process rcccnilv discovered Hungary. It does away with Iho usa'of mult in the production of spirits and alcohol from corn , ana will greatly reduce the cost Of production. It will bo u great deal cheaper than wus at llrst claimed for iho Takutnino process , if It was a success.- Wo . propose to buid | barns also and feed enough cattle to use) tno , entire slop from the 10,030 bushels. Wejoxpeel to bo running by tall if Iho weather IS at' all favorable. John H. Francis , alsq a practical distiller , will be associated willrran.j and another prominent business man uric ) distiller , whose numo must bo withheld for thn present , will also como In. " True Hills rouhtl Against Aldermen liov- Icr - * nmf'Mlchaeliiun of Clilengo- .Cincoo . , III. , MarjchUO. Aldermen and Mlchaelsun 'worelndlcled yesterday by. the grand Jury , making 'nlno of the city fathers 'in'all who musjt defend themselves boforjeudu and jury or don striped clothes. The specific chargu against Bowler is tbat- ho attempted UXmuTct real estate owners to- thajjxtent of Itl.OOg for putting through a streetcar ordlnaacji.'on Milwaukee avenue- .Tbat . against Micbtelson is that.he u-iod to bleed n'coal merchant'who. , wanted permis- sion ¬ from the .city council to lav switching tracks. ' t ' ' Yestorday'afternoon the Investigation took angunoxpccted turn , Inquiry loading uwu'y for the ttmo being from iho crooked aldermen to members ot the City Board bf Education. Otis Jones , heading an apparatus manufac- torywas ¬ celled upon to explain how nis tirm received nearly nil , the contracts , Jones was undorflro but a foxy minutes when ho fain ted. Great commotion ensued but he soon revived. His testimony if true would rolled seriously on Stnto Senator M. B. Heroly , ono of the members of the Board of Educa- tion ¬ and Batiks Crcgicr , son of- exMayor Cregicr. Through Jones' clerk, C. H. Gqodrlch , now secretary of the Mti-icotah was claimed about $2.000 had been paid to Horely'and young Jones to the former : to defeat , contracts and the luttor to have Herely reuppoluted by Mayor Crepier. , Goodrich succeeded Jones on the witness list nnd declared Jones' testimony maliciously false. , v-1 Except AhleripoiiBowler and MIchaclson , none of the many u uspocts wcro Indicted today. Bowler and n-'Il ' MlchueUou each gave ' ball. - ) IflTV'S .ITULTSTES. They Trotldo Splendid Quarters In Which to Take : KiercMe.- HVPID . Cm" , S. D. , Mirch 27. The open- ing ¬ of the Unpid City gymnasium will occvr tomorrow night. It starts out with a mem- bership ¬ of ninety dftbo most active young business raon ol the city, with Prof. W. U. Gould , the aeronaut , as physical director. During the past week the omUl arrived and was placed in po'sitlpn In a largo ball on-Main street specially prqvlded for it. It is the finest anil most compjeto gymnasium outfit m the stute. The_ "boys" nro enthusiastic over it and many expect to bouomo export athletes in a few months' Vrepurlng I ( r .Mitigation..- MX . . , S , D. , March 27. | Special Telegram to TUB BEK. | The ice Is today running out of the Missouri river and the channel will probably bo clear for navigation within tbo next few days. It is going out u itbout causing any serious trouble.- SIXGUL.IU . .iVOlDEXr. Three I'coplo Wounded unit n Iiby Killed liy Ono Hnllot.- . , N , M , , Mprch 27. A serious ac- cident ¬ occurred between Polomas , Mexico , and Doming to a Jformon family Friday.- B. . . H. Young woa drlylng along behind an- other ¬ wagon vv'uon aloadod gun la the front wagon acclJei.tallVfflill and was discharged , tbo ball piercing Mnf foung's shoulder ihou his son's hip and thenpassing through the baby's head und struck Mrs , Mary Knberts , duuchter of Mr. Young. The bullet very seilously wounded tlio lather und son aud killed tbo baby J Uantly und slightly wounded Mrs. Roberts.- n . u l >e j . ST. Louis , Mo. , .VJarch 27 , Two settlers , George Barton and .fames Xulo, occupying adjoining claims on'tbe Sao nnd Fox agency , Indian Territory , qparrolod Tuesday'over a debt nnd.ulo was worsted. Then ho got a Winchester end l.aid for Barton. When Barton ratno qutf of his house Wednesday morning Xuln shot.find seriously wounded bun , Mrs. Bortofi ) dragged her hucband Into tbo house and Zulo forced his way In. Then followed a struggle between the wounded man , | and Xulo. Barton wrenched tlio gun from Xulo and blew his ( Rule's ; brains out , thus ending the conflict. Suit fr Jilt Money , DENVER , Colo. March 37. Tbo Central Trust company ot Now York has be- gan ¬ cutt in the United States district court to recover from the ponycr City Water com ] puny and the American Works ? 1,288- UOO , - , claimed to bo duo on bonds Issued by tbo first named defendant and secured by a trust deed on nil tne Defivorplant now owned by the Works. Acquitted Him. UTICA , N. Y. , March 27. Tbo case of Itlch- ard - T , Council , charged with bringing Chinese Into the country from Canada , was given to the Jury nt 5:30 p. m. Friday. Toduv seated1 verdict of not , guilty was returned. REVOLimON IN VENEZUELA All the Country's ' Prominent Men Impris- oned ¬ by Dictator Palacii. STIRRING EVENTS IN THE CAPITAL Members of tlio Supreme Court Arrested by tlio ( loteriiiiu-nt's l' vllrp anil Con. Illicit liiMlrgrntn Actively lro- pnrlug - to ( Jlxo Iliittlo.- l . l H02 trj Xt-nu fJir.Jii ItmncUC- AUACAS , Venezuela , ( via Galvcston , Tex. ) Mnrcn37. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now Yotk Hornld Special to TUB BEU. ] A crisis has been reached ID the political struggle In this country , aud from nil parts of the republic come reports of uprisings against President Palnclo. The news I cabled you on March 13 of the flgtit between the government troops and the revolutionists has been followed by most stirring events in the capital. Pulaclo's attempt to r.italn his dic- tatorship ¬ , for such his ofllco has now ba- come , or falling In that to have a figurehead elected to succeed htm as president , hai ar- rnlcncil - the highest court of the land agai nst- him. . Its adverse decision in regard to his right to continue as chief magistrate , when the constitution clearly declares ho Is not en- titled to his ofllco , has brought the executive aud legal powers Into direct conflict. The result Is that scones of despotism , tyrrauny and terrorism have bcnn witnessed within the past" twenty-four hours In this city , recalling the very worst parlods In the his- tory ¬ of Venezuela. Palacio's claim that ho- is president is pronounced an outrage by the supreme federal court , und It adds that ho holds Iho ofllco Illegally. . Tbo supreme fed- eral ¬ court consists of as many members as there arc states- .llov . They Arc Selected.- Tbo . representatives of each state furnish a list of principal members and substitutes , uud from each state's list-congress cboosiis a member [ and a substitute. The pronuncia- mcnto - of the court throw Palacio Into n great rage. Instantly ho sumtnonod Iho police authorities. " 1 want these judges , every ouo ot them , " ho said , "locked up. " It was a boldauduclous stop , the overawelng and imprisonment of the Judiciary by ono it had declared a usurp cr , but matters bad reached such n state that all right and law wcro sot aside. There was no disobeying the stern command of tbo- wrathy ruler. The pollco sought out the judges , nnd in- &ldo - of twenty-four hours every ono of them was behind prison bars. Accounts of this high bunded action spread rapidly through all parts of the city, and thence wore carried Into the country , causing intense indignation everywhere. It served us a ral- lying ¬ cry to the opponents of the Pnlaclo und the dictatorial spirit which ho repre- sents. ¬ . Conservative men who hod hesitated to range themselves again&t the government , oyen though they believed that it was trans- 'presslng - tno laws of the land , now piuo up all hope of a peaceful udjustmont of affairs tind'jomcd the rebels. The warmest sup- porters ¬ of tbo president wcro frightened at , the way things were going , and rauny de- serted ¬ to the other side' In tha ueliof that Pnluclo's rule was destined to bo of short duration. Itevolntlon AVltlegpreml. All reports confirm the general belief that revolution has become so widespread that there will bo great loss of lifo before Palucio- conquers. . bis enemies or they succeed in kill- ing ¬ or Imprisoning 'him or driving him into exile , as hus happened to other presidents of this rbpuUic. General Cnspo , who is at the head of the Insurgents , is a goad lighter. Ho bas been in many a hard fonirht battle before , anil has at his back u largo number or tbo best trained and bravest boloicrs In Vdnczu- Vla - and more than once ho has led thorn to vic ¬ tory. He Is a bltt'-r enemy of Palacio and fond nf powor. Ho has had bis eye on the presidency for some time and looks upon Palucio us a man who is keeping him out of- tbo high oflico ho covets.- Dr. . . Hogns Paul has not yet appeared on the sconetbut ho is credited with having considerable to do with tbo revolt or revolts. His friends are numerou" . He and they have been long awaiting a good opportunity to even matters up with Pulacip| for It was ho who banished Paul without any cause save that he was jealous of ono of the best presi- dents ¬ Venezuela has had In many years.- Crispo . Is engaged In a campaign of strategy and it Is pot his intention to Invade the stronghold of the government.- Ho . Will Tnko IMcnty of Time. ' The time has not arrived for that. Ho Is willing to await the spread of discontent throughout Caracas. Ho Is In constant com- munication ¬ with secret friends in the capi- tal. ¬ . They keep him posted as to anything that Is going on hero. They have advised him that Palucio is rushing hoadlonc to de- struction ¬ ; that his tyranny is alienating some of his strongest adherents , and that if- bo persists In his proient course ho will have not only enemies In front of t lie city , but In Caracas Itself numbers of them will desert to the foe as soon us tbo right time arrives.- In . the mcanwhllu Crlspcs' plan Is to turn the government troops Into the prairies. There the lancers , under the insurgent gen- eral ¬ , could bo at homo nnd light to the best advantage while the [ resident's army would bo handicapped , Caracas is in a virtual state of slogo. Lifo and liberty are unsafe. People do not ven- ture ¬ out of doors after nightfall. Arrests are being made on all sorts of pretexts , and the prisons will soon bo unable to accommo- date ¬ those who are committed to them. Liberty of tlio I'rcHi Suppressed , Of courao liberty of tbo press Is out of the quostlon. No ono durci to express an honest opinion in tbo papers without being locked up. All telegrams aud dispatches are care- fully ¬ scanned and tbo least thing suspicious in any of them subjects tbo writer to arrest. Many prominent men are imprisoned , among them a lar o proportion of the senators and deputies from the eight states. The United Btates war vessel Newark ar- rived ¬ at La Guayra today. She arrived there from Darbadoes , 1 am disposed to un demand , us a result of my dispatch to the Herald on March IS relating to the 11 rat en- counter ¬ between Potaclo's trooi >s and the in- surgent ¬ force. She will remain by order of- Admlral.Uborurdi ut La Uyaura until all the trouble is over so us to protect the interests of Americans in Venezuela- .It . Is impossible to exaggerate the excite- ment ¬ now existing in Caracas. At any mo- ment ¬ the strectx may bo fillo-l with armed citizens "driven to desperation by the iron rule under which rich and poor , high and low , statesman and the humblest rcHldeat now tremble. Tburo is a limit to human en- durance ¬ and it Is questionable if u baa not well nigh boon reached by Palacio's terror stricuon subjects. LONDON nossir , Clint ty llltti of Nu s of rusting Jntorot from tin ! ( IrentMetropolis. . LONDON , March 'M. | Nevv York Herald Cable Special to TUB Unc. ] The trustees nnd executive of the company which floated American properties In London to the extent of 20,000,090 , and which hai a largo capital and professes to bavo a reserve fund of 000,003 , has Issued . { . ' 500,000 of dobanturos- on its real estate and uncalled caplrul , the real estate bnlng Its ofllce building. This lends color to the report that the company Is not in- a healthy condition , Tbo 3 bhares , which formerly quoted at 8 10 shillings , are now barely sold at 3. Tbo company euffored severely in connection with Murletta's dllll- cultics. - . Muy Free Mm. Onborue. Thousands of people wcro crowded at the entrance to Christie's auction rooms , where tbo hiitorio Osborne-Hargreavo pearls have been on vlow since yesterday , preparatory to being put on the block on Monday. It ro- qulrcd - the services ot four policemen to keep the crowd In lino. 1 am nisurcd by Sir Hlchnrd Quaint , the eminent physician , that ho Is now positiveofsecurlng MM. Osborno's rolcaso before her accouchement. She has had another attack ot hystoro-eatnlopsy , upon which neither the plm-hlng or tickling of her fool produced the slightest effect upon her. Her nurse nt Hollowuyjall U a prisoner who a short tlmongo attempted to commit Buicldo , the signs of which nro still visible In- n long open gap aorots her throat. Captain Osborno Is n dally visitor nt the llollowny- tloon , but ho U not admitted. Purely u Itrltisli Vluw. The Speaker asserts the Washington capi- tal ¬ flra Is regrettable- only from the fact that the firemen seemed to have neglected the op- portunity to do n groit public service In the cause of art In America. They could have instantly directed the flames to a series of gigantic pictures which represent the events of the revolution , and could have blotted out much "terrible canvas" and patriotism would bavo moulted no feathers.- AVnnt . to Tr.idn on Sliukexpenre. There Is considerable Indignation nt Strat- fordonAvon - In cor.scquenco of the owner of Ann Uathuway's cottage publicly advertis- ing ¬ It for sale to the highest bidder. The cottogo is oiio of the features of the place and Is annually visited by hundreds of Ameri- cans. ¬ . The trustees of Shakespeare's birth- place are making strenuous efforts to pur- chase ¬ the cottage for show purpoto ?, but ne- gotiations ¬ so far have not been a success- ."CLOSING . .THE CIRCUITS. " How tlio I.lneineii I.itlmrcil Yenlerdiiy ti | ishilIi li iicctrlrit : : Communication. The comparatively fair weather of yester- day ¬ was a great aid to thoscoresof telegraph linemen engaged in repairing the damage done by the storm to the hundreds of wires In the city. About twouty-llvo expert West- ern ¬ Union line repairers arrived on an early morning train to assist the local force In trotting the wires in shape as rapidly as posj- siblo. . At the Western Union telegraph ofllce last night about half the wire's were working and business was not allowed to pllo up. There Is still considerable trouolo on thesa- WHCS nro-ind Omaha in tno snort circuits , as the attention or the ropulw was given spe- cially ¬ to the more Important eastern lind western wires. The Postnl people did considerable work ycstoiday ntid ut ID o'clock last night had their Chicaso wires working nicely and woio a bio to handle .bnslnnss without tiny unusual delay. It Is expected by the ofllclals of thU company to have all tbolr fallen lino.} permanently "strung today and by Tuesday they hope to bo in good working ordor. Wont on the American District Telegraph wires was pushed rapidly yesterday and last niirht tholr instruments working all right. All of the down town pollco patrol call boxes were In order last night , though some of them worked a llttlo heavy. Some of the boxes on tbo outskirts of toxvn are still out of order , but will be tlxed up In the next twelve hours Superintendent Coulter of the pollco und flra alarm system pushed matters all he could aud last night had two of the four lire box circuits working all right. The gong and box In No.1 en- gine - house vyas burned out yesterday morning by opo of the wires coming in con- tact ¬ with a' motor wire. Two tire alarm boxes wcrot umod out at the same time. It- Is the Intention to have all the tire wires in good shapo'aguin in n couple of days. Crossed Motor . When the motor current was turn'od on nt- 9.U3 o'clock yesterday morning ono of tbo tire and pollco alarm wires was laying across the trolley wire somewhere in the city. lu nn Instant every instrument in the police alarm oflico was in- a blaze. Flames a foot or so in height Mushed from the instruments , and for u mo- ment ¬ consternation relpnod. Operator John Hathaway was on duty at the tlir.o , and , with rare presence of mind , grabbed u pocket- knife which lay open on bin desk and slashed away ut tbo wires where they wcro fastened against the wall. Ho soon had every circuit cut , but not before consid- erable ¬ damage had oeeu done. The magnet in the flro alurm gong was burned and the mechanism entirely destroyed. The tire registers , which cost il'ij nuieco , were bluz- ing - as the last wire was cut , but tbo damage to these instrument :) will not amount to- much. . In consequence of the wires being cut not a iolico patrol box in the city could bo used nil day , and the onicers wcro com- pelled to report by telephone , Cle.irlng the .MotorViren. . The interrupted motor service was re- sumed ¬ at U : 15"o'clock yesterday morning. During the earlier morning hours gangs of linemen bad been busv jutting fallen tele- phone - and telegraph xvhvs , BO as to clear the motor wires in the qutckoit manner possible. No further attempts were made to raise the wires or repair the damngo done by the Ktortn until the wreckage bad been cleared away from blociced streets and from the supporting lines of the street railway company's ' trolley wires. Tha latter company had no trouble in operating its lines after thn coast wits cleared nnd the current was turned on. The Furnum street line was shut down for un hour during the ufiernoon , ns some of the telephone wlros again fell from tholr Inse- cure ¬ supports and cnmo in contact with Iho motor cross wires. Loss thin one-third of the 1,800 telephones In tbo city uro working. The company's linemen did nothing yesterday but to raise their wires wbero dnneerous contacts wcro Imminent und to temporarily braro up tbo broken nolos so as to guura against further damage. They will begin the work ofi'epalrt- oday. ' . Arresteil liliiclc Unite , DCSVEH , Colo. , March U7. Yesterday detec- tives ¬ arrested-Arthur Louis Ward , colored , wanted in Illinois for criminal ussault. The crlmo was committed homo six ago near Ottawa , 111. , and wus particularly atrocious , the victim uelng a nick womun with a young baby , Throu other negroes implicated have bcon cupturod In Illinois.- J.O . < J.tL Clint Craig raUcd r. row In a Capitol ovc- ntio - uouso of lll-faroo lust night nnd assaulted ono of ill' ) Inmutoa. Ho wu > arrostod. Two suspicion characters named John Martin and Thomas DIxon wore arrested at the depot yesterday for begging on an incom- ing ¬ train.- A . horse belonging to U. W. Little , li'JIO- Ouk street , btoppMd on a llvo electric wire ut Seventeenth and Vlnton ctreots yesterday forenoon and was KilU'd- .An . overturned lamp In rooms over u saloon nt the northwest corner of Thirteenth and Pierce streets was the cause of the alarm from box U last night. Loss light. The Omaha Law club will bo taught the law of evidence by Judge Joseph it. Clarks- on. - . The recltattonu will bo commenced Tuesday night , April ft , In the court or equity chamber in Tun llii : building. The text will bo "Greenlcaf onlSvidunce. " Dr. Jensen , the physician attending Mr. M- .Hollman. . . said last night that there was no- cuango in his pationl'H condition , Mr- .Hellinan . Is suffering from an obstruction of the larynx and it Is understood that the family objects to a operation.- A . couple of laborers named John U , John- son ¬ und I. 13. HarrU pot into a llttlo discus- sion ¬ on tbo street last night which ended in a- fight. . lioth men wcro arrested for dlsturo- Ing - the peace , but cs they wore ublo to put up money tor their upp3uranco in court today , wcro released.- An . insane woman giving the name of Mrs. Nora McMabon was tauen from u train at the Union Pacific depot last night for creat ¬ ing a disturbance. Just before reaching Omaha tbo woman became unmanageable and word was sent to pollco headquarters to- bavo her taucn Into custody. She claimed to- bo traveling from Ban Francisco to New York , .hut in her raga had torn up bur ticket. Too pollco toou her to the county lull. HOIT COUNTY'S ' LITIGATION Treasurer Scott 7ill In Given Another Ohnuco , MUST jifelA BILL OF EXCEPTIONS , Onlcrcit the llinril of- Slit" the X- TodiiylIiMv I'oll- j nBurr In tlio due , - . l to Tu- nBcK.JR5 | | iHtrlct court yesterday Judge v SSlu wul of mandamus to compel the supervTsora to tlgn u bill of exceptions In the itt o of Barrett Scott against the Board of Supervisors of Holt county. This case was opened up sumo tlmo ago by John 11. Hopkins , barked by the nllltiuco members oC ttio county board , outt they sought to oust 1 reaMirtr Scott for , mnladmluistrn- tloii - of tlio affair.i of Ills ofllco. Tlio demo- cratic ¬ and nllliuico metnbara of tln board heretofore rofuscit to sign the bill , although admitting that the ovidoaco wus correct, Hopkins1 attorneys objected to the tnnu- .tlninus . , but worn overruled bv the court , nort the board will nsssmbio In extra session Monday morning to place the signatures to the bill. The ease will como Into court on the question of ttio legality of the boarii'a former proceedings next Thursday.I- Cnox . County for Iliirrison , Br.ooMrim.ri , Neb. . March 3". fSpccIal to Tin ; liu&.j The republicans of ICnox county mot nt this place at a p. m. , yesterday. It was n well attcndrd and onthuslastio moot- Ing. - . The daloeatcs solootod to the Ivearnov- convoullou were : J. 1C. Helms , chalr.nnti ; W. H. Neodham , J. U. Haas , Frank Hunts nnu A. A. Logan. They Instructed to work for W H. Noedhum of the Bloomflold Monitor for dolcgntc-at-lnrgo to attend the Minneapolis convention. The delegates to the district delegate convention to bo hold nt NorfolunroV. : . Ll. Neodiiiun , D. J. Kara- rnr - , M. N. Class nnd S. 1. SImontoo of Bloomllold , nnd A. Frey of Nlobrara. Dele- gates - to the Fremont congressional conven- tion ¬ are : U.V. . Ulco , U. J. Tryuilro , U. K Plerco , H. A. Fry and Houort Lyn. The con- vention ¬ favored the nomination of Bonjumlu Harrison for president- .rremont . Kuhck-ilM C'elnlirnte.F- IIKMOST . , Nob. . Mirca 27. fSpsclal to , THE Bnc. | Gohion Uulo Kobokah Lodgo. Independent Ordurot Odd L'Vllows ' last oven- . lug celebrated the anniversary of its , founding. All Odd Follows of the cltv wore Invited and there wore mwout at , Od'd FcK lows hall nearly !) JJ poisons. 'Iho exercises consisted of declamations , songs und an In- teresting ¬ contomate drill by twelve India * : uUouu address by Past Master tlbs- on. ! - . At 11 o'clock snlondm refreshments were servoK'jb ! kuli lodo. though only rt. year old , has u membership of 151. Oxford Hi-piil > Ur.ii < at Work.- p . , Nob. , March : i7. [ Special to TIIBI- l With n vlow to active work In then present campaign , the republicans of Oxford liavo organized a club nnd propose to bo "lu- It" this fall. Thoclub starts out under favor- able ¬ uusptcos , and will bean important factor- in - rolling up n rouslnsr republican majority. The onlcors are : U. A. 1'ottvgrove , pro&- Ideni - ; E. A. P.iimi and W. B. Klsor, ' vice , presidents ; J. L. Lashbroolc , secretary , aniU Dan K. Camp , treasurer. , . .Prospects fora ( looil Crop. GUANO ISM M , Nob. , March 27. ' ['Sp'ocinl- to THE Bcc.J Prospscts are that farming- will pay Just us beautifully in this county in 1892 as It did in IS'Jl. Farmers are exultant . over the outlook. If the pleasant weather- of - the past few days should continue , plow- ing ¬ may bo begun the latter part of this ween or in the early part of next.- Tlio . oullonK for a largo crop of boots could not bo Hotter , the raise in tbo schedule ofp- 'riccs having added much in the amount , of- acreage. . _ SerloiM Accident at I'ort Koliln&on. ' POUT Konisso.v , NUD. , March U7. | Socelal ! Telegram toTun BEI : . ] Lieutenant andMrs. ( Trout , while out ridlug today , mot with a. serious accident. Their team ran away, up- sottlii2 - the carriage , knocking them both senseless. The lieutenant not Injured , but Mrs. Trout had her shoulder budl.v hurt. Word was brought to- the post by a farmer- and the ambnlunco was sent for them , their team havinc disappeared und has not yet. been found. Not ( inllly ol Llliol- .Cr.vv . CUNTIII : , Neb. , March 27. [ Special to TIII: Bee. ] The examination In the 'caso.- of . the st.ito of Nebraska ujalnst Dr. J. V- .Beghtol . , president of Iho board of secre- taries ¬ of the State Doard of Health , charged with libeling Dr. Conuway of Omaha , came to n close at ; ) :. " ! ( ) yesujruay afternoon , nftera. three days' session. The Judge stated that Bcghtol was acting within the scnpo of bH. _ oftlclal duty in writing the letter scnflo Dr.- Butler. . . _ Cllilxin'd .Vow It- .GnniON . , Nob. , March 'jr. [ Special to Tun.- Bui . ! . ] Several alliance farruCM of this vl- ciiilty - have n movement on foot to establish ut Gibbon oithcr n loan company or a bank. Div Hlto has boon selected as president.- Tbo . object of the company Is to do strictly an nlllanco business. Nona but alliance. member ? will bo either depositors or cred- itors. ¬ . __________ Hurl Cniinty r.innors Untartnliioil.- TBIUMUI . , Nob. , March 27. ISpecml to.- TIIIJ . Bir..J General C. II. Van Wycl ; no> dressed threa rousing mooting * lu Hurt , county during tbo past weok. The ratifica- tion ¬ Friday in till ? city was a complete suc- cess. ¬ . Senator Van Wyck addressed tlio. farmers in the court house. Till } It'H.ITIlUK , OmcE or WKVTIIEH Bimiuu , I- OMUM , March' ' " . [ balurday's storm has moved off iiortheast- ward and thu high baromclor or fair weather- condition following it occupied the Missouri valley und the statoj south of us- .nothcr . storm Is crossing the mountain region , where the winds have shifted lo- .southerly. . ( . Temperature Is rising In the southwest , ana In the mountain regions. There hus been no decided full In temperature auyvvtiora as a result of Saturday' ' storm. There will now bo a steady rlso in teruporaluro preceding ibo approaching western low barometer.- 1'ur . Kastern Nebraska and Omaha and Vicinity Warmer , fair weather , followed by cloudiness-during Monday , WAMIII.SU-IUN , 1) . C. , Aluioti 27. For Mis- sourl - and Iowa Winds shitting to tha south ; warmer In the west portion. For Colorado Fair , south winds , followed by showers Monday night or Tuesday morn- ing ¬ ; colder Monday night. For South Dakota Fair Monday , with wanner south winds ; probably colder , with showers , Tuesday. For Kaunas and Nobraskr Fair, south winds ; warmer in eastern portions. For North Dakota Gonorallv fulr ; proba- bly ¬ followed bv showers Monday night or Tuesday ; southeast winds , - Iti itlmit : of .MlnUter Kelil , LOXDO.V , March 'JO. The Times , referring to the departure of Mr , Reid , says ; "Ho has gained esteem by which his country has profited. Seconded by his wife , ho greatly improved the relations botvyoon the two gov- ernments. ¬ . Ho bui with Iho intelllgonco of the journalist adapted himself with special ability and promptitude to all questions in ¬ trusted to mm. " . riitiili.- At . Philadelphia Otilo , from Liverpool- .At . UoUon Pavonla. from Liverpool ; Brit- ish ¬ Empire, from Lnudnu ,

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Page 1: nebnewspapers.unl.eduOMAHA DAILY BEE ''V TWENT y-FlllST Y EAll, OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING, MARCH28, 1892. NUMJJFR 285. IN CONGRESS FOR THIS WEEK Program Prepared for …



Program Prepared for the Solons of the

National Legislature.


Iteport on ttio Annnnt Consiilnr nml Dlplo-


.Appropriation HIMilillill of the

AcrlrtiUnml llopiirttnent nt tlio-

World' * 1'nlr WmUlnjjtoii Notes.

, OX, D. C. . March 27. ThoBlnndsilver bill still Impends over the house as n

cloud , the pretence of which makes poislblo-ntitorm that , muy disturb the prognoMlc.-itlonsbf


thoio who endeavor to form nn accu-


chart of the course of legislative work.Owing to the absence nf Mr. Cutehlnijs ofMississippi nnd the doslro that there shall bo-

a full representation of members , when therule making the Bland frco coinage bill andpending amendments n spacl&l order Is takenup , the rules comtntttco will not report midcall up the muoh-tulaod-of special order untilTuesday. The silver light will then bo re-



nna fought to u finish ono way or theother.

Tomorrow will probably bo devoted tomeasures rolntinir to the District of Colum-



. The remainder of the week not dovotcd-

to consideration of the silver question , willbo consumed either In ilobato on tbo tariffquestions or In consideration of ono or moreof the regular appropriation bills , no decisionhaving yet been arrived at as to whether ornot the tariff discussion shall bo further in-


.There nro three appropriation bills ,

namely the navtl , the consular nnd diplo-niuttc"nnd


the sundry civil , ready for actionbv the house. Naturally the naval bill wouldtake precedence of the others In considera-tion , ns It was llrst reported. 1'bo river andharbor bill has bcon agreed upon by the com-


and will not bo reported to the houseuntil tbo close bf the vvcck.

What They Will Oo In the Seimto ,

Interest In tbo proceedings of the sonntothis week will turn upon the disposition ofthe Bering sea arbitration treaty , which Isthe unfinished business on the executivecalendar , and iti expected that the sonnlowill exclude the public from the chamber formany hours.-


the course of the legislative business ,

the Indian appropriation bill will bo furtherconsidered , uud there is moro to bo said uponthe subject of employing array onicers in tnecapacity of Indian agents.

The 'Wost Virginia direct tax bill , afterseveral postponements on account of the ill-


of Senator Merrill , has been finally as-signed


for debate on Tuesday , on which daySenator Stanford will also , according to no-


, add i ess the senate on his bill to de-


the value of a tender dollar-.It


Is expected that the District of Columbiaappropriation bill will bo taken up after-wards


, and as this is a me as uro in which thesenators feel much interest , owing in part tothe fact that many of thorn own homes Inthis city , the debate upon the provisions ofthe bill is likely to occupy the senate forBotno time. _




of the IIouso Committee ou ForeignAir.iliH.-


, D. C. , March 27. Mr-.Blount


, chairman of the house committee onforeign affairs , hus prepared for the houseon extensive report to accompany the regu-


annual consular and diplomatic appro-priation


bill framed by the committee. Thereport says that a oareful examination hasbeen made Into the subject of our foreignmissions , and the importance of our diplo-matic


relations with the several countries.The facilities for the transmission nnd Inter-change


of thought dispenses with much ofthe neoa nf foreign representation. It en-ables

-the homo government to communicate

rapidly nnd freely on all questions of differ-ence


with foreign governments and to glvodirections In tbo most minute detail. So com-pletely


does this practice obtain that woshall scarcely find farno Springing for the ac-tion


of our representatives nt foreign courtsIn the future as in the earlierdavs of the republic. In addition tothis , tbo country has grown to suchmagnitude as to enjoy that regard from othernations wnlch guarantees her against foreigninsolence , outrage and causeless war. Verymuch might bo Kafoly done in reducing thenumber of our ministers by the abolition orthe union of several countries under onomission. Not to on con rage hope for an ac-ceptance


of these views by the scnato or thepresident It has bcon deemed best , except in-

n few instances , to postpone needed reformsat this point. Denmark , Sweden and Nor-way


, however , hove been placed under onemission , as have Colombia and Ecuador , andlikewise Peru and llollvla.-


a mistake of. the printer It was an-nounced


that Guatemala and Venezuela hudalso been joined under ono minister. Sepa ¬

rata missions are to bo maintained to thesetwo countries , and the salary is fixed at15,000 each. The reports say that the com-tnlttno

-gave careful attention to tbo con-


service and revised it according to tbobusiness and Importance of the United Statesto each place.-




United H til ten Senator * llclnj ; Watched toDiscover Olllcml I.eukx.-


, D. C. , March 27. [SpecialTelegram to Tun Beu. ] Some very sensa-tional


features have cropped out of the sen-


executive sessions on Thursday andFriday. Vigorous efforts wore made by afew to strike at certain senators who weresupposed to bavo given "pointers" to theirnewspaper frlonds respecting executive pro-


, and in doing so they cast very seri-ous


reflections upon mnocont employes , Onoor two senators wont so far as to name JamesB. Youngtbo oxccutivc clerk, ns beingguilty of regularly giving out informationfor publication.-


. Young la ono of the proprietors of thePhiladelphia Star, a brother or John HupscllYoung , well known diplomat and biographerof (jencral Grant , and stands high In hisprofession , Ho has been in charge of theexecutive proceedings of the senate for IIf-


or twenty years , and although ho Is afrequenter of newspaper row and has manyintimate frlonds among the correspondentswho write most of the executive work of tbo-scnuto , it U n well known fact that ho hasnever bean suspected by those who do tbowriting of giving oven aa Intimation of whatIs done behind the closed doors. But thereIs a demand upon the part of the senatorialIntlmidutors that sotnonno shall bo made ascapegoat , sacrificed to fct an example to thesenators who glvo out the secrets , and thusfrighten the real guilty parties.-



. Voune Slay Ketlcn.The attack upon Mr , Young was so bitter

nnd cruel on Friday that it. ID probublo howill voluntarily resign , although expulsionwas threatened. Ho caunol wfall remain inhis position and cither fuel comfortable ormaintain his self respect. Should he resignhis example may DO followed by his assis-tant


, Coloucl Morrow ot Missouri , and nossi-cly

-tbo von rablc Captain Bassott, assistant

tloor-kccpcr , who tin * been excluded fromexecutive Bcssions for the iirst time in uthird of acontuiy. In connection with thereign of terror which Is prevailing about theecnata for tbo purpose of closing lips agaim texecutive leaks , a very sensational report Isin circulation tonight-


in to the effect that detectives bavo beenemployed during the past week to shadowsenators suspected of "leaking , " ana thatthey liava'followed the suspects over the cityto note whether they bavo conversed withnewspaper representatives , and whethernewspaper men visit them at their rooms.Thus it Is that all who speak to representa ¬tive * of tholr local press ate placed under abau ol suspicion. It is not stated whether

thcte detectives are employed by the secre-tary


or sorgoant-at-nrms of the senate , or in-


senators who are determined to lo-


the responsibility of the Ionic. It wasreported last night that some of the detec-tives


employed by the Treasury departmentwere detailed to do this work , but the lawprohibits the employment of departmentagents or detectives for private purposes ,,

It May PriMoIco Trouble.-If


It should prove true thht dotoctwos havebeen placed upon the trail of nnv senator It-

Is almost sure to lead to serious trouble Inthe senate , as it Is not probable that nnysenator would suffer such an aspersion uponhis privuto Integrity. It 1 learned from theusual channels through which executivecocrois Ionic out that om ? very vlcorousspeeches wcro made onlhundav end Fridayagainst the present system of secret f csslons-by Sanders of Montana , Pottlgrcw of bouth-IJakot.t nnd other senators. A very strongfeeling has oxlitcd for several years againstthe present procccdure ? , nnd it Is proposedthat all matters which have heretofore beendiscussed in sscrot session shall bo consid-ered


in open session unless Iho committee re-

porting Ihom requests their llnnl considera-tion


to bn In secret.Senator Sanders denounced the proposition

that executive sessions leaked out throughemployes In very vigorous languago. Hosaid It wai simply slily , cruelly absurd , asevery frank nnd fair senator would acknowl-edge


that the secrets came out through em-ploye


* . '1 hare was not a man .in the senate ,

ho suld , who would refuse to accommodate apersonal frlond in newspaper row If it was toills own advantage lo do so. It was ridicu-lous


, ho said , a sorry spcctaclo Indeed , tosend the sergcant-at-nrms about the closedgallery to Hud nu audlphono or other Instru-ment


sot to catch executive proceedings.Should Ho HoncBt ultli Itself.

rue scnato. ho ; ald , should no honest withitself and acknowledge that Its own member-ship


did the leaking. Ho made the headsof the senators conducting thefarce hang with shame. SenatorPottlgrew said that Just so long ns thesenate closed Its door to the world , fired outits trusted and sworn cmplojes nnd shut themouths of the senators for the purpose ofconsidering the nomination ot two or threellttlo Pennsylvania postmasters , aIt did theother day , and was in the habit of doing , Itcould not expect any stress to bo put uponthe real secrets of the senate. The action inthe .insignificant things degraded the im-portant


thing * . It wus cownrdly and puerileto rofuio tj consider ordinarv nominations ,against which there was no objection In opensession-


the senate would glvo Important ques-tions


proper Impress of secrecy It wouldclose tbo doors onlv when important subjectswore to be considered. Just so long as thellttlo things wore placed with the big thingsthe latter would occupy the snmo position inthe minds of senators that the former did.Some very strong feelmc has been urousod-by the proceedings of the last two secretsessions of the snnato and It is likely thatsomething quite spirited will take place be-

fore tbo end comes. .

Marii-loiiY ArtUtfl.-WASIIIXOTOX


, D. C. , March 27. On of themost interesting partions of the Agriculturaldepartment's exhibit of the World's fair willbo tlio models of the plans Illustrating the at-


of the various insects and diseaseswhich destroy them. To make these models ,

which have to bo absolutely true to raturo ,

two English artists of murveloas abilityhave been engaged. Tbo Hare ? . brother andslstar , who jn'this work far excel nny others ,have takqn models for their work at theworld's fair bold In London In 1831 , und utfrequent Intervals since. Tbo models offruits uro made of wax , aud such remarkableskill has boon exercised in the manufacturethat it Is only by the closest scrutiny thatthey are to bo told from the real article. Onospecimen , a piece of apple , containing a gmbwhich liar eaten his way Into its center , is soperfect that when compared with the origi-nal


not the slightest difference can bo de-tected.


. Even when held lo the light it istranslucent In Iho same spots as In the realapplo. Marvelous skill is shown in makingthe model leaves in the most perfect manner-



Kxi| rlinent In Tills Line DevelopsSome Interesting IMcto.-


, , March 37. [ Special to-

TnulicE. . I The city registration books forthe spring elce'Ion closoil last night , showing2,010 voterj registered , of whom 159 worewomen. .Tho woman vote , however , is rap-Idly

-falling off hero. The law giving suf-


to women in cities of the first classwent Into'effect in 1SSS in Kansas. Thatyear 4M! Atchlson women registered , but lessthan 300 voted. The next ysur 481 womenregistered , but only 075 voted. Tbo thirdyear 29'J women registered , Out less than 200-

voted. . Last year 224 women registered , butouly 140 voted. This year of the 150 womenregistered it is believed that less than 100will vote. Atchlson women do not care to bo-

in politics , and it is thought that the fadwill die out this year.

London Stock Market.I-CnpurlgMeil

.isailijj iet Gonlsn nsnmU. I

LO.NDOV. March 20. [Now York Her-ald


Cable Special to THE BEE. | The llttlobusiness transacted on the Stock exchangetoday has been chiefly In prapatatlon for thesettlement which commences on Monday ,

Funds nro a cbauo batter. Indian rupee pa-


has further declined' % per cent. For-eign


government securities close weak. Asregards international stocks , bo-no railwayshave been very little dealt in. Theclose was somewhat undecided in tone,

butuxchango prices are only fractional , atrilling Improvement being marked InBrighton , Chatham , Metropolitan , Midlandand Southeastern deferred , a fewothers are sllghtlv easier. American rail-ways


open tolerably llrm , but sloco bncomodepressed on sales In view of settlement , andtbo distrust that prevails In regard to NowYork operators. Money has been In gooddoinund. Short loans have not been obtainedunder2'f per cent discount. The marketcontinued linn , two and three months' billsbeing quoted at 1 % per cont.-



t'rluies Committed.Much to the surprise of tbo pollco not a-

slngla case ot burglary , robbery or sandbag-ging


was reported yesterday. It was fonrodthat ou account of the storm and all the lightsin the city being out the thieves would turn-out In full force und run loam all night with-out


four of apprehension. In order to protecttbo city as much as possible the chief orderedout a lot of extra men who patrolled thestreets In citizens' clothes , but not a crookwas caught.

Arrested for Inciting Hints.-LOXPO.V


, March 27. The Times' Shanghaicorrespondent says that the Tslang Uo-Yumon ( the Chinese forelxn oftlco ) urgoil bythe foreign mlnUtori ut Pokln has orderedthe viceroy of Chang Chi to an as t Chan HunVan , oniclally responsible for the spreadingof anti-foroigu lltcruturo ,

1'listen ! Tlniii Irom Havre.NEW YOIIK , March 27. The French line

steamship La Tourainc , from Havro March111 , crossed Sandy Hook bar at 8:53: o'clock-Saturday. . The trip was made In sixdays , hours and thirty min-utes


, the fastest on record ,

l.aiiiion mid Frcy Mittrhetl.D-OSTO.V

., Mass , March 27. JooLannonand

George Frcy huvo been matched to light to afinish for a"o,000 pursu , tuo winner taking$200. May 10 , before the Coney IslandAthlctlo club , Brooklyn ,

Mr. uml.Mrn. Held Hall ,

HiVRE.March 27 , Minister WhltelawReldand MM. Hold sailed for the United States.testerday morning on the steamer La-Champagne.


Itemoteil to un A ylum.New Yonv , March 27 , George Shepard

Page , tbo millionaire chemist , was removedto Morris Plains iusauo asylum last Monday ,


Senator Hill Finds the Hi h Tariff QuitoAcceptable Thew.-




After Uhnertlng ttio Oencral Satliructlon of-

tlio rcoplr. of Alt Sections wltli Pres-


I'edenit , tlio Demo-


Lender Win Silent.


WASHINGTON1) . O. , March V7.!

Senator Hill's utter Inability , on his recenttrip through the south , to find miy flaw InPresident Harrison's administration , and hisIndirect hut very positive eulogy upon thewonders our present tariff law has workedIn the Virginias and portions ot Georgia andTennessee , has been the subject of muchcomment hero among southern men from nilpolitical parties. It was firmly expectedthat Senator Hill , frco trader that ho Is ,

would Jump upon the spirit and tbo opsra-tion

-of tbo tariff law adopted by the last re-


congress. It Is stated that ho wontsouth with a view of doing this thing ; butwhen ho got down In Virginia and delega-tions


, or redemption committees , began toboard his private car , ho found such a coursewould never do. Ha was advised lo let thetariff soverelv alone , bain ? told frankly thatIt had done moro lor that country than anylaw wo ever bad.

Instead of pouncing upon the tariff law itwill bo seen thai Senator Hill talked of themany now Industries springing up on everyhand and the apparent evidences ot proi-perlty.

-. Ho spoke not n word against the

tariff law except In general terms , and thenverv sparingly , very gingerly. Ho did not ,

in fact , do anything but talk of the upbuild-ing


south , Its power for the fulure , and gen-eral

-democratic pilnclplos. Quito all of his

attacks were loft out. lie found the condi-tions


very different from what ho expected ,

and has prlvatclv said so to his frlonds. It-Is said by ono of the senator's friends that ho-is not now so anxious for the nomination andwill likely abandon his efforts to get it,

.Muy Conrt-Murtliil General Grceloy-



Is staled at tbo War department that a-

courtmartial will likely bo convened to tryGeneral A. W. Grooloy , chief signal oflleor ,for a breach of the general order which pro-vides


that no ofllcor , active or retired , shalldirectly or indirectly without being calledupon bv proper authority , solicit , suggest orrecommend action by members of congressfor or against legislation pertaining to mill-tar v affairs. General Groeloy is chargedwith having addressed the secretary of warana members of the house committee on ap-


in opposition to placing the newmilitary bureau of information under thejurisdiction and control of the adjutant gen ¬

eral's ofllce. GoneralXJrceloy Is said to bavoadvised withholding the necessary appropri-ation


for the maintenance of the now bureauuntil Iho right ot the chief signal ofilccr toits control could bo dohnitcly determined.Adjutant General KellOn hus brought Gen-eral

-Greelcy's alleged broach of discipline to

the attention of Iho department In u loiterwhich comments severely upon the violationof general orders.-


Lobbies In I'uturo.-W.


. P. Clough of St. Paul , chief counsel ofthe Greui Northern railroad and confidentialman of James J. Hill , twenty times a mil-lionaire


, is hero and savs tbo Groat..Northernhas practically decided to abandon tbolobbies of congress nnd the stale legislaturesand In the future to lake no part in politicalmatters whatever. In the nast the greatrailroads ot the northwest , ho says , havepractically controlled tbo politics of Dakota ,Minnesota and Nebraska. It has ueen fro-quonlly

-charged that ox-Senator Gil PiPrco

was defeated for re-election by the NorthernPacific because he refused to concur lu thaappointment of a certain United Slater judge-.ThHdefeat

.Is said to have cost the Northern

Pacific 10000. If this Is iruo Mr. Clouch isprobably jifslilled in saying that no railroadis'justltlod In maintaining lobbies , for, ns hosays , "It is moro expense than prolit. " TheNorthern Pacific , it is said , is already camp-Ing

-on the trail of Senator Casey of Norlh-

Dakota. . "Tho Great Northern , " says Mr.-Clougb

., "will in iho fulure exert ibo same

interest in legislation that nny other largoproperty holder would do , but will abandonlobbying nud other political intcrferonco astoo expensive a luxury. "

To Timber Lands.Senator Paddock's joint sub-committco

from Iho senate committee on agricultureand forestry and public lands which is mak-ing


inquiry for the purpose of agreeing upona measure which will preserve tbo forestsand the governments timber lands , nnd pro-mote


Irilgution by natural processes , hasfound a way to tho'destrcd ends. At a meet-ing


of Iho sub-commllleo yoslordav appearedMr. Furnow.chief of the bureau of foreslry in-Ihc agricultural department , Mr. Browar ,

sccrelary of the l oreslry association and Mr-.Ogdcn

.of the forestry division of timber in-

Iho Interior department.-Mr

., Furnow presented Iwo bills which had

been drafled by himself and Mr. Brewercovering Iho points under consideration andwhich will probably bn unanimously adopted-.It


is "for tbo protection and preservation of-tbo public forests of the United Stales , " andprovides lhat all lands heretofore proclaimedby the president under the net of March it ,IbOl , as forest rcscrvoiions , or muy horeafler-bo set asldo ns such , shall bo exclusively con-trolled


by the provisions of this act for protoctlon nnd Improvement ; that there shallbo established in tbo Interior depart-ment


a commissioner of forestry w > oshall bo versed In matters of for-estry

¬and appointed by the president.-


shall have sufficient assistance to enablehim to enforce the provisions of the law ,

and there shall bo employed on every reser-vation


, rangers , not moro than ono for every10,000 acres of reservations lo act as pollco-lo prevent trespass and fires , apprehendtrespassers , supervise culling and removalot Umber , and bo under Iho direct control of-a superintendent nnd llvo near the districtassigned to tholr supervision. Tbo secretaryof w ar uhull maka such details of troops as thesecretary of tbo interior with tbo approvalof the president may require for the addl-tlonal protection of tba reservation ,

ItcKitlitlloiiH Muat Ho Obeyed.The ofllcors on tbo reservation are nil to

have commissions as deputy United Stalesmarshals , with all the authority of thoseoftlcers. The commissioner of forests t hallcause a survey aud description of the landsin the reservation to bo made and formulaterules und regulations for the preservation of-tbo reservation , which rules and regulationsshall bo posted In public places and puollsbcd-In nowspupers. Persons desiring to occupythe reservations longer than ono dayare icqulred lo obtain a permit fromthn superintendent or other oflicor In cbargo.and shall strictly obey iho regulations ,

There shall bo no restrictions to preventprospecting for minerals , but no exclusiveright to prospect , hunt orllsh shall ho given.Tno opening of mines tlinll bo permittedonlv under license } granted by the secretaryof the Interior. Pasturage may bo leased byiho superintendent when desirable under re-strictions


; tbo construction of water reser-voirs


, ditches and other necessary adjunctsof irrigation work may bo permitted by thesecretary of tha Interior , but no roads ortrails shall bo opened by any ono except asdesignated by the superintendent.

All cutting of wood on the reservations Is-to bo under a system of licenses ard everyyear , on or before the 1st of April , the super-intendentof

-tha reservations bhall mulco a-

ropoit in regard to the areas may beput under licenses , tbo same to bo adver-tised

¬for bids not later than July 10.How Timber Muy Jlu Secured.

Timber for domestic purposes shall bo hadby means of a prospector's llccnte upon tbopayment of J for u settler's license to anyDona lido settler having any timber on hisclaim upon alike payment. Applications torlicenses are to bo numbered in their order ofreceipt aud acted upon lu tbo order of theirfiling. Tbo license will bo nontransferrablo.Such Umber ou ibo forest reservations as the

commissioner shall decided Is hot needed formineral or agricultural -development in theneighborhood shMl b'n disposed ol to lumber-men


or others who miry npply for it under n-

lumberman's llcanso la quantities not less ormoro than that Doing In ono sec-tion


or that standing dr being on twenty-livecontiguous socttop , said license to bo grantedupon a too of $2i nnd '( $1 per aero to bo paidfor the timber before operations are begun ,

The bill provides in detail for the dis-position


of all timber , wooJ , etc. , und pro-vides


amply uinlnst frauds and misrepre-sentations.


. AbJoIuto Jurisdiction is givenover tbo reservation to United States author-ities


, nnd punishments imposed for violationsof the law arc rigid nml the provision for thaenforcement ot Itbo law and detection offrauds complete. I Tbo revenues derived fromlicenses , root, fines , etc. , are to bo used Inparlor whole payment for the expenses In-


. The bill proposes nn appropriationof $500,000 for the beginning of operationsunder the provisions of the proposed law.



. Senator Wnrron expects to Icavo forher homo nt Cheyenne , WVo. , next week ,

Senator i'uddock anticipates action uponhis pure food the house during thenext mouth. | . _ P. S. II-



, Flillir XIlK TIIVST-



Business Men Propose to Krcct LnrgoDUtltlerles.-


, III. , March27. Rumors have beenin circulation for'several days to the effectthat those Pcorlans who had sold tholr stockIn the Distillers and Cattle Feeders com-


contemplated the erection of now dis-


for Iho purpose of fighting iho Irust.Samuel Wollnor, was mentioned as being In-


in the now plan and a roportcr calledon him today fo'r information. Ho saidreport was correct That ho associated mm-Belt with others for the purpose of buildingtwo distilleries , Jcach to bo of about 5.000bushels capacity The capital stock will be$1,000,000 and wprk will bo commenced nssoon as tha weather will permit. The tradewo formerly had , ' snld Woolner , asks us to-

go into business' nsutu , and I um satisfiedwo will get triido enough to tnko ourentlro production , Since 1 disposed of-my stock 111 the Distillers and Cattle Feederscompany 1 have had nothing to do , nnd as I-

dcslro to bo active , have decided to again goInto iho distilling'business. I expect to pro-duce


cheaper than, the trust , for 1 am a prac-tical


distiller and can manage my own busi-ness


, while the trust Is compelled to biropractical distillers to dp it for them. I amtrying to got possession of Iho new processrcccnilv discovered Hungary. It does awaywith Iho usa'of mult in the production ofspirits and alcohol from corn , ana will greatlyreduce the cost Of production. It will bo ugreat deal cheaper than wus at llrst claimedfor iho Takutnino process , if It was a success.-Wo


propose to buid| barns also and feedenough cattle to use) tno, entire slop from the10,030 bushels. Wejoxpeel to bo running bytall if Iho weather IS at' all favorable. JohnH. Francis , alsq a practical distiller , will beassociated willrran.j and another prominentbusiness man uric) distiller , whose numo mustbo withheld for thn present , will alsocomo In. "

True Hills rouhtl Against Aldermen liov-Icr

-* nmf'Mlchaeliiun of Clilengo-.Cincoo


, III. , MarjchUO. Aldermenand Mlchaelsun 'worelndlcled yesterday by.the grand Jury , making 'nlno of the cityfathers 'in'all who musjt defend themselvesboforjeudu and jury or don striped clothes.

The specific chargu against Bowler is tbat-ho attempted UXmuTct real estate owners to-

thajjxtent of Itl.OOg for putting through astreetcar ordlnaacji.'on Milwaukee avenue-.Tbat

.against Micbtelson is that.he u-iod to

bleed n'coal merchant'who., wanted permis-sion


from the .city council to lav switchingtracks. ' t

' 'Yestorday'afternoon the Investigation took

angunoxpccted turn , Inquiry loading uwu'y forthe ttmo being from iho crooked aldermen tomembers ot the City Board bf Education.Otis Jones , heading an apparatus manufac-torywas


celled upon to explain how nis tirmreceived nearly nil , the contracts , Jones wasundorflro but a foxy minutes when ho fain ted.Great commotion ensued but he soon revived.His testimony if true would rolled seriouslyon Stnto Senator M. B. Heroly , ono of themembers of the Board of Educa-tion


and Batiks Crcgicr , son of-exMayor Cregicr. Through Jones'clerk , C. H. Gqodrlch , now secretary of theMti-icotah was claimed about$2.000 had been paid to Horely'and youngJones to the former : to defeat , contracts andthe luttor to have Herely reuppoluted byMayor Crepier. ,

Goodrich succeeded Jones on the witnesslist nnd declared Jones' testimony maliciouslyfalse. , v-1

Except AhleripoiiBowler and MIchaclson ,none of the many u uspocts wcro Indictedtoday. Bowler andn-'Il

' MlchueUou each gave'ball. -


They Trotldo Splendid Quarters In Whichto Take: KiercMe.-


Cm" , S. D. , Mirch 27. The open-


of the Unpid City gymnasium will occvrtomorrow night. It starts out with a mem-bership


of ninety dftbo most active youngbusiness raon ol the city, with Prof. W. U.Gould , the aeronaut , as physical director.During the past week the omUl arrived andwas placed in po'sitlpn In a largo ball on-Mainstreet specially prqvlded for it. It is thefinest anil most compjeto gymnasium outfit mthe stute. The_ "boys" nro enthusiastic overit and many expect to bouomo export athletesin a few months'

Vrepurlng I ( r .Mitigation..-MX

.. , S , D. , March 27. | Special

Telegram to TUB BEK. | The ice Is todayrunning out of the Missouri river and thechannel will probably bo clear for navigationwithin tbo next few days. It is going outu itbout causing any serious trouble.-




Three I'coplo Wounded unit n Iiby Killedliy Ono Hnllot.-

, N , M , , Mprch 27. A serious ac-


occurred between Polomas , Mexico ,and Doming to a Jformon family Friday.-B.

.. H. Young woa drlylng along behind an-


wagon vv'uon aloadod gun la the frontwagon acclJei.tallVfflill and was discharged ,

tbo ball piercing Mnf foung's shoulder ihouhis son's hip and thenpassing through thebaby's head und struck Mrs , Mary Knberts ,duuchter of Mr. Young. The bullet veryseilously wounded tlio lather und son audkilled tbo baby J Uantly und slightlywounded Mrs. Roberts.-



u l>e j .ST. Louis , Mo. , .VJarch 27 , Two settlers ,

George Barton and .fames Xulo, occupyingadjoining claims on'tbe Sao nnd Fox agency ,

Indian Territory , qparrolod Tuesday'over adebt nnd.ulo was worsted. Then ho got aWinchester end l.aid for Barton. WhenBarton ratno qutf of his house Wednesdaymorning Xuln shot.find seriously woundedbun , Mrs. Bortofi ) dragged her hucbandInto tbo house and Zulo forced his way In.Then followed a struggle between thewounded man , | and Xulo. Bartonwrenched tlio gun from Xulo and blew his(Rule's ; brains out , thus ending the conflict.

Suit f r Jilt Money ,DENVER , Colo. March 37. Tbo Central

Trust company ot Now York has be-


cutt in the United States district courtto recover from the ponycr City Water com ]puny and the American Works ? 1,288-UOO

, -, claimed to bo duo on bonds Issued by tbo

first named defendant and secured by atrust deed on nil tne Defivorplant now ownedby the Works.

Acquitted Him.UTICA , N. Y. , March 27. Tbo case of Itlch-


T, Council , charged with bringingChinese Into the country from Canada , wasgiven to the Jury nt 5:30 p. m. Friday.Toduv seated1 verdict of not , guilty wasreturned.


All the Country's' Prominent Men Impris-oned


by Dictator Palacii.


Members of tlio Supreme Court Arrestedby tlio (loteriiiiu-nt's l' vllrp anil Con.

Illicit liiMlrgrntn Actively lro-pnrlug

-to (Jlxo Iliittlo.-



l H02 trj Xt-nu fJir.Jii ItmncUC-AUACAS , Venezuela , ( via Galvcston , Tex. )

Mnrcn37. [ By Mexican Cable to the NowYotk Hornld Special to TUB BEU. ] Acrisis has been reached ID the politicalstruggle In this country , aud from nil partsof the republic come reports of uprisingsagainst President Palnclo. The news I cabledyou on March 13 of the flgtit between thegovernment troops and the revolutionists hasbeen followed by most stirring events in thecapital. Pulaclo's attempt to r.italn his dic-


, for such his ofllco has now ba-come , or falling In that to have a figureheadelected to succeed htm as president , hai ar-rnlcncil

-the highest court of the land agai nst-

him. .

Its adverse decision in regard to his rightto continue as chief magistrate , when theconstitution clearly declares ho Is not en-

titled to his ofllco , has brought the executiveaud legal powers Into direct conflict. Theresult Is that scones of despotism , tyrraunyand terrorism have bcnn witnessed withinthe past" twenty-four hours In this city ,recalling the very worst parlods In the his-tory


of Venezuela. Palacio's claim that ho-is president is pronounced an outrage by thesupreme federal court , und It adds that hoholds Iho ofllco Illegally. . Tbo supreme fed-eral


court consists of as many members asthere arc states-


They Arc Selected.-Tbo


representatives of each state furnish alist of principal members and substitutes ,

uud from each state's list-congress cboosiis amember [and a substitute. The pronuncia-mcnto


of the court throw Palacio Into n greatrage. Instantly ho sumtnonod Iho policeauthorities.

"1 want these judges , every ouo ot them , "ho said , "locked up. " It was a boldauduclousstop , the overawelng and imprisonment ofthe Judiciary by ono it had declared a usurpcr , but matters bad reached such n state thatall right and law wcro sot aside. There wasno disobeying the stern command of tbo-wrathy ruler.

The pollco sought out the judges , nnd in-&ldo

-of twenty-four hours every ono of them

was behind prison bars. Accounts of thishigh bunded action spread rapidly throughall parts of the city, and thence worecarried Into the country , causing intenseindignation everywhere. It served us a ral-lying


cry to the opponents of the Pnlaclound the dictatorial spirit which ho repre-sents.


. Conservative men who hod hesitatedto range themselves again&t the government ,oyen though they believed that it was trans-'presslng


tno laws of the land , now piuo upall hope of a peaceful udjustmont of affairstind'jomcd the rebels. The warmest sup-porters


of tbo president wcro frightened at ,

the way things were going , and rauny de-serted


to the other side' In tha ueliof thatPnluclo's rule was destined to bo of shortduration.

Itevolntlon AVltlegpreml.All reports confirm the general belief that

revolution has become so widespread thatthere will bo great loss of lifo before Palucio-conquers. . bis enemies or they succeed in kill-ing


or Imprisoning 'him or driving him intoexile , as hus happened to other presidents ofthis rbpuUic. General Cnspo , who is at thehead of the Insurgents , is a goad lighter. Hobas been in many a hard fonirht battle before ,anil has at his back u largo number or tbobest trained and bravest boloicrs In Vdnczu-Vla

-and more than once ho has led thorn to vic¬

tory. He Is a bltt'-r enemy of Palacio andfond nf powor. Ho has had bis eye on thepresidency for some time and looks uponPalucio us a man who is keeping him out of-

tbo high oflico ho covets.-Dr.


. Hogns Paul has not yet appeared onthe sconetbut ho is credited with havingconsiderable to do with tbo revolt or revolts.His friends are numerou" . He and they havebeen long awaiting a good opportunity toeven matters up with Pulacip| for It was howho banished Paul without any cause savethat he was jealous of ono of the best presi-dents

¬Venezuela has had In many years.-


Is engaged In a campaign of strategyand it Is pot his intention to Invade thestronghold of the government.-


Will Tnko IMcnty of Time.' The time has not arrived for that. Ho Is

willing to await the spread of discontentthroughout Caracas. Ho Is In constant com-munication


with secret friends in the capi-tal.


. They keep him posted as to anythingthat Is going on hero. They have advisedhim that Palucio is rushing hoadlonc to de-struction


; that his tyranny is alienatingsome of his strongest adherents , and that if-

bo persists In his proient course ho will havenot only enemies In front of t lie city , but InCaracas Itself numbers of them will desert tothe foe as soon us tbo right time arrives.-


the mcanwhllu Crlspcs' plan Is to turnthe government troops Into the prairies.There the lancers , under the insurgent gen-eral


, could bo at homo nnd light to the bestadvantage while the [ resident's army wouldbo handicapped ,

Caracas is in a virtual state of slogo. Lifoand liberty are unsafe. People do not ven-ture


out of doors after nightfall. Arrestsare being made on all sorts of pretexts , andthe prisons will soon bo unable to accommo-date


those who are committed to them.Liberty of tlio I'rcHi Suppressed ,

Of courao liberty of tbo press Is out of thequostlon. No ono durci to express an honestopinion in tbo papers without being lockedup. All telegrams aud dispatches are care-fully


scanned and tbo least thing suspiciousin any of them subjects tbo writer to arrest.Many prominent men are imprisoned , amongthem a lar o proportion of the senators anddeputies from the eight states.

The United Btates war vessel Newark ar-rived


at La Guayra today. She arrivedthere from Darbadoes , 1 am disposed to undemand , us a result of my dispatch to theHerald on March IS relating to the 11 rat en-counter


between Potaclo's trooi >s and the in-


force. She will remain by order of-Admlral.Uborurdi ut La Uyaura until all thetrouble is over so us to protect the interestsof Americans in Venezuela-


Is impossible to exaggerate the excite-ment


now existing in Caracas. At any mo-ment


the strectx may bo fillo-l with armedcitizens "driven to desperation by the ironrule under which rich and poor , high andlow , statesman and the humblest rcHldeatnow tremble. Tburo is a limit to human en-


and it Is questionable if u baa notwell nigh boon reached by Palacio's terrorstricuon subjects.

LONDON nossir ,

Clint ty llltti of Nu s of rusting Jntorotfrom tin ! ( IrentMetropolis. .

LONDON , March 'M. | Nevv York HeraldCable Special to TUB Unc. ] The trusteesnnd executive of the company which floatedAmerican properties In London to the extentof 20,000,090 , and which hai a largo capitaland professes to bavo a reserve fund of

000,003 , has Issued .{ .'500,000 of dobanturos-on its real estate and uncalled caplrul , the realestate bnlng Its ofllce building. This lendscolor to the report that the company Is not in-

a healthy condition , Tbo 3 bhares , whichformerly quoted at 8 10 shillings , are nowbarely sold at 3. Tbo company eufforedseverely in connection with Murletta's dllll-


.Muy Free Mm. Onborue.

Thousands of people wcro crowded at theentrance to Christie's auction rooms , wheretbo hiitorio Osborne-Hargreavo pearls havebeen on vlow since yesterday , preparatory to

being put on the block on Monday. It ro-qulrcd


the services ot four policemen to keepthe crowd In lino. 1 am nisurcd by SirHlchnrd Quaint , the eminent physician , thatho Is now positiveofsecurlng MM. Osborno'srolcaso before her accouchement. She hashad another attack ot hystoro-eatnlopsy ,upon which neither the plm-hlng or ticklingof her fool produced the slightest effect uponher. Her nurse nt Hollowuyjall U a prisonerwho a short tlmongo attempted to commitBuicldo , the signs of which nro still visible In-

n long open gap aorots her throat. CaptainOsborno Is n dally visitor nt the llollowny-tloon , but ho U not admitted.

Purely u Itrltisli Vluw.The Speaker asserts the Washington capi-


flra Is regrettable- only from the fact thatthe firemen seemed to have neglected the op-

portunity to do n groit public service In thecause of art In America. They could haveinstantly directed the flames to a series ofgigantic pictures which represent the eventsof the revolution , and could have blotted outmuch "terrible canvas" and patriotism wouldbavo moulted no feathers.-


to Tr.idn on Sliukexpenre.There Is considerable Indignation nt Strat-


In cor.scquenco of the owner ofAnn Uathuway's cottage publicly advertis-ing


It for sale to the highest bidder. Thecottogo is oiio of the features of the placeand Is annually visited by hundreds of Ameri-cans.


. The trustees of Shakespeare's birth-place are making strenuous efforts to pur-chase


the cottage for show purpoto ? , but ne-gotiations


so far have not been a success-




How tlio I.lneineii I.itlmrcil Yenlerdiiy ti |ishilIi li iicctrlrit: : Communication.

The comparatively fair weather of yester-day


was a great aid to thoscoresof telegraphlinemen engaged in repairing the damagedone by the storm to the hundreds of wiresIn the city. About twouty-llvo expert West-ern


Union line repairers arrived on an earlymorning train to assist the local force Introtting the wires in shape as rapidly as posj-siblo. .

At the Western Union telegraph ofllce lastnight about half the wire's were workingand business was not allowed to pllo up.There Is still considerable trouolo on thesa-WHCS nro-ind Omaha in tno snort circuits , asthe attention or the ropulw was given spe-cially


to the more Important eastern lindwestern wires.

The Postnl people did considerable workycstoiday ntid ut ID o'clock last nighthad their Chicaso wires working nicelyand woio a bio to handle .bnslnnsswithout tiny unusual delay. It Is expectedby the ofllclals of thU company to have alltbolr fallen lino.} permanently "strung todayand by Tuesday they hope to bo in goodworking ordor.

Wont on the American District Telegraphwires was pushed rapidly yesterday and lastniirht tholr instruments working allright.

All of the down town pollco patrol callboxes were In order last night , though someof them worked a llttlo heavy. Some of theboxes on tbo outskirts of toxvn are still out oforder , but will be tlxed up In the next twelvehours Superintendent Coulter of the pollcound flra alarm system pushed matters all hecould aud last night had two of the four lirebox circuits working all right. Thegong and box In No.1 en-gine


house vyas burned out yesterdaymorning by opo of the wires coming in con-tact


with a' motor wire. Two tire alarmboxes wcrot umod out at the same time. It-Is the Intention to have all the tire wires ingood shapo'aguin in n couple of days.

Crossed Motor.

When the motor current was turn'od on nt-9.U3 o'clock yesterday morning ono of tbotire and pollco alarm wires was layingacross the trolley wire somewhere in thecity. lu nn Instant every instrument inthe police alarm oflico was in-

a blaze. Flames a foot or so in heightMushed from the instruments , and for u mo-ment


consternation relpnod. Operator JohnHathaway was on duty at the tlir.o , and ,

with rare presence of mind , grabbed u pocket-knife which lay open on bin desk and slashedaway ut tbo wires where theywcro fastened against the wall. Ho soonhad every circuit cut , but not before consid-erable


damage had oeeu done. The magnetin the flro alurm gong was burned and themechanism entirely destroyed. The tireregisters , which cost il'ij nuieco , were bluz-ing

-as the last wire was cut , but tbo damage

to these instrument :) will not amount to-

much. . In consequence of the wires beingcut not a iolico patrol box in the city couldbo used nil day , and the onicers wcro com-pelled to report by telephone ,

Cle.irlng the .MotorViren. .

The interrupted motor service was re-sumed


at U : 15"o'clock yesterday morning.During the earlier morning hours gangs oflinemen bad been busv jutting fallen tele-phone


and telegraph xvhvs , BO as to clear themotor wires in the qutckoit mannerpossible. No further attempts weremade to raise the wires or repairthe damngo done by the Ktortn until thewreckage bad been cleared away fromblociced streets and from the supportinglines of the street railway company's' trolleywires. Tha latter company had no troublein operating its lines after thn coast witscleared nnd the current was turned on. TheFurnum street line was shut down for unhour during the ufiernoon , ns some of thetelephone wlros again fell from tholr Inse-cure


supports and cnmo in contact with Ihomotor cross wires.

Loss thin one-third of the 1,800 telephonesIn tbo city uro working. The company'slinemen did nothing yesterday but to raisetheir wires wbero dnneerous contacts wcroImminent und to temporarily braro up tbobroken nolos so as to guura against furtherdamage. They will begin the work ofi'epalrt-oday.



Arresteil liliiclc Unite ,

DCSVEH , Colo. , March U7. Yesterday detec-tives


arrested-Arthur Louis Ward , colored ,

wanted in Illinois for criminal ussault. Thecrlmo was committed homo six agonear Ottawa , 111. , and wus particularlyatrocious , the victim uelng a nick womunwith a young baby , Throu other negroesimplicated have bcon cupturod In Illinois.-




Clint Craig raUcd r. row In a Capitol ovc-ntio


uouso of lll-faroo lust night nnd assaultedono of ill') Inmutoa. Ho wu > arrostod.

Two suspicion characters named JohnMartin and Thomas DIxon wore arrested atthe depot yesterday for begging on an incom-ing




horse belonging to U. W. Little , li'JIO-

Ouk street , btoppMd on a llvo electric wire utSeventeenth and Vlnton ctreots yesterdayforenoon and was KilU'd-


overturned lamp In rooms over u saloonnt the northwest corner of Thirteenth andPierce streets was the cause of the alarmfrom box U last night. Loss light.

The Omaha Law club will bo taught thelaw of evidence by Judge Joseph it. Clarks-on.

-. The recltattonu will bo commenced

Tuesday night , April ft , In the court or equitychamber in Tun llii: building. The text willbo "Greenlcaf onlSvidunce."

Dr. Jensen , the physician attending Mr. M-.Hollman.

.. said last night that there was no-

cuango in his pationl'H condition , Mr-.Hellinan

.Is suffering from an obstruction of

the larynx and it Is understood that thefamily objects to a operation.-


couple of laborers named John U , John-son


und I. 13. HarrU pot into a llttlo discus-sion

¬on tbo street last night which ended in a-

fight. . lioth men wcro arrested for dlsturo-Ing


the peace , but cs they wore ublo to putup money tor their upp3uranco in courttoday , wcro released.-


insane woman giving the name of Mrs.Nora McMabon was tauen from u train atthe Union Pacific depot last night for creat ¬

ing a disturbance. Just before reachingOmaha tbo woman became unmanageableand word was sent to pollco headquarters to-

bavo her taucn Into custody. She claimed to-bo traveling from Ban Francisco to NewYork , .hut in her raga had torn up burticket. Too pollco toou her to the county lull.


Treasurer Scott 7ill In Given AnotherOhnuco ,


, Onlcrcit the llinril of-Slit" the X-

TodiiylIiMv I'oll-jj nBurr In tlio due ,

- . l to Tu-nBcK.JR5| | iHtrlct court yesterday Judge

v SSlu wul of mandamus to compelthe supervTsora to tlgn u bill of exceptions Inthe itt o of Barrett Scott against the Boardof Supervisors of Holt county. This casewas opened up sumo tlmo ago by John 11.Hopkins , barked by the nllltiuco members oCttio county board , outt they sought to oust1 reaMirtr Scott for , mnladmluistrn-tloii

-of tlio affair.i of Ills ofllco. Tlio demo-


and nllliuico metnbara of tln boardheretofore rofuscit to sign the bill , althoughadmitting that the ovidoaco wus correct,

Hopkins1 attorneys objected to the tnnu-.tlninus

., but worn overruled bv the court , nort

the board will nsssmbio In extra sessionMonday morning to place the signatures tothe bill. The ease will como Into court onthe question of ttio legality of the boarii'aformer proceedings next Thursday.I-



County for Iliirrison ,

Br.ooMrim.ri , Neb. . March 3". fSpccIal toTin ; liu&.j The republicans of ICnox countymot nt this place at a p. m. , yesterday. Itwas n well attcndrd and onthuslastio moot-Ing.

-. The daloeatcs solootod to the Ivearnov-

convoullou were : J. 1C. Helms , chalr.nnti ;W. H. Neodham , J. U. Haas , Frank Huntsnnu A. A. Logan. They Instructed towork for W H. Noedhum of the BloomfloldMonitor for dolcgntc-at-lnrgo to attend theMinneapolis convention. The delegates tothe district delegate convention to bo hold ntNorfolunroV.: . Ll. Neodiiiun , D. J. Kara-rnr

-, M. N. Class nnd S. 1. SImontoo of

Bloomllold , nnd A. Frey of Nlobrara. Dele-gates

-to the Fremont congressional conven-


are : U.V. . Ulco , U. J. Tryuilro , U. KPlerco , H. A. Fry and Houort Lyn. The con-vention


favored the nomination of BonjumluHarrison for president-


Kuhck-ilM C'elnlirnte.F-IIKMOST

., Nob. . Mirca 27. fSpsclal to ,

THE Bnc. | Gohion Uulo Kobokah Lodgo.Independent Ordurot Odd L'Vllows' last oven- .

lug celebrated the anniversary of its,founding. All Odd Follows of the cltv woreInvited and there wore mwout at , Od'd FcKlows hall nearly ! ) JJ poisons. 'Iho exercisesconsisted of declamations , songs und an In-teresting

¬contomate drill by twelve India * :

uUouu address by Past Master tlbs-on.

! -. At 11 o'clock snlondm refreshments

were servoK'jb! kuli lodo. though only rt.year old , has u membership of 151.

Oxford Hi-piil > Ur.ii < at Work.-p


, Nob. , March :i7. [ Special to TIIBI-

ll With n vlow to active work In thenpresent campaign , the republicans of Oxfordliavo organized a club nnd propose to bo "lu-It" this fall. Thoclub starts out under favor-able


uusptcos , and will bean important factor-in

-rolling up n rouslnsr republican majority.

The onlcors are : U. A. 1'ottvgrove , pro&-Ideni

-; E. A. P.iimi and W. B. Klsor, ' vice ,

presidents ; J. L. Lashbroolc , secretary , aniUDan K. Camp , treasurer.

, . .Prospects fora ( looil Crop.GUANO ISM M , Nob. , March 27. ' ['Sp'ocinl-

to THE Bcc.J Prospscts are that farming-will pay Just us beautifully in this county in1892 as It did in IS'Jl. Farmers are exultant .over the outlook. If the pleasant weather-of

-the past few days should continue , plow-


may bo begun the latter part of thisween or in the early part of next.-


oullonK for a largo crop of boots couldnot bo Hotter , the raise in tbo schedule ofp-

'riccs having added much in the amount , of-acreage. .

_SerloiM Accident at I'ort Koliln&on. '

POUT Konisso.v , NUD. , March U7. | Socelal !Telegram toTun BEI : . ] Lieutenant andMrs.(

Trout , while out ridlug today , mot with a.serious accident. Their team ran away, up-sottlii2

-the carriage , knocking them both

senseless. The lieutenant not Injured ,but Mrs. Trout had her shoulder budl.v hurt.Word was brought to- the post by a farmer-and the ambnlunco was sent for them , theirteam havinc disappeared und has not yet.been found.

Not ( inllly ol Llliol-.Cr.vv


CUNTIII: , Neb. , March 27. [ Specialto TIII: Bee. ] The examination In the 'caso.-of


the st.ito of Nebraska ujalnst Dr. J. V-


, president of Iho board of secre-taries


of the State Doard of Health , chargedwith libeling Dr. Conuway of Omaha , cameto n close at ; ) : ."! () yesujruay afternoon , nftera.three days' session. The Judge stated thatBcghtol was acting within the scnpo of bH. _

oftlclal duty in writing the letter scnflo Dr.-Butler.


Cllilxin'd .Vow It-


, Nob. , March 'jr. [ Special to Tun.-Bui

.! . ] Several alliance farruCM of this vl-


have n movement on foot to establishut Gibbon oithcr n loan company or a bank.Div Hlto has boon selected as president.-Tbo

.object of the company Is to do strictly

an nlllanco business. Nona but alliance.member ? will bo either depositors or cred-itors.


. __________Hurl Cniinty r.innors Untartnliioil.-


, Nob. , March 27. ISpecml to.-


Bir..J General C. II. Van Wycl ; no>dressed threa rousing mooting * lu Hurt ,

county during tbo past weok. The ratifica-tion


Friday in till ? city was a complete suc-cess.


. Senator Van Wyck addressed in the court house.

Till} It'H.ITIlUK ,

OmcE or WKVTIIEH Bimiuu , I-

OMUM , March' '". [

balurday's storm has moved off iiortheast-ward and thu high baromclor or fair weather-condition following it occupied the Missourivalley und the statoj south of us-


storm Is crossing the mountainregion , where the winds have shifted lo-.southerly.

.( .

Temperature Is rising In the southwest ,ana In the mountain regions. There hus beenno decided full In temperature auyvvtiora as aresult of Saturday' ' storm. There will nowbo a steady rlso in teruporaluro preceding iboapproaching western low barometer.-


Kastern Nebraska and Omaha andVicinity Warmer , fair weather , followedby cloudiness-during Monday ,

WAMIII.SU-IUN , 1) . C. , Aluioti 27. For Mis-sourl

-and Iowa Winds shitting to tha south ;

warmer In the west portion.For Colorado Fair , south winds , followed

by showers Monday night or Tuesday morn-ing


; colder Monday night.For South Dakota Fair Monday , with

wanner south winds ; probably colder , withshowers , Tuesday.

For Kaunas and Nobraskr Fair, southwinds ; warmer in eastern portions.

For North Dakota Gonorallv fulr ; proba-bly


followed bv showers Monday night orTuesday ; southeast winds ,

-Iti itlmit: of .MlnUter Kelil ,

LOXDO.V , March 'JO. The Times , referringto the departure of Mr, Reid , says ; "Hohas gained esteem by which his country hasprofited. Seconded by his wife , ho greatlyimproved the relations botvyoon the two gov-


. Ho bui with Iho intelllgonco ofthe journalist adapted himself with specialability and promptitude to all questions in ¬

trusted to mm. "

. riitiili.-At


Philadelphia Otilo , from Liverpool-.At


UoUon Pavonla. from Liverpool ; Brit-ish


Empire, from Lnudnu ,