om ^gib^, k sjjjjj ^a 19 north shore servicemen 14/long island city ny star... · vivor in the...

LONG ISLAND STAR-JOURN'Af,, TrFSDAY, NOVEMBKR 6, 1945 19 NORTH SHORE SERVICEMEN DISCHARGED 10 Soldiers, 7 Sailors, WAC, WAVE Included in Latest Group N: net pen more North Queens residents neve* reentered civilian life after receiving honorable dis- charges. 12 separation centers an- nounced today. The 19 include 11 Army person- nel one of whom was a WAC, and eight who served in the Navy, one of whom was a WAVE. The civilians and the separation centers where they were discharged follow. ARMY Flattsharr Barracks. V T. PAVL H CAFARO. Pfc , 40-09 12th itrwt, Lent Inland City fort Myer. Va. EUGENE MCCARTHY. S Sgt . 30-50 33rd Str?»t. Astoria (amp Butner. X C. HF.RRFRT A TERWILUGKR JR., Capt , FlusMnt Ttrinall Itrld. Ha. HANS SCHORER S Sgt Long Island City M... lull lirld. Ila DANIEL HECKER. T Sgt . 2i M 42nd strett. A . ' ' , 1 (amp tlrttkmriiltr. STANLEY V FALKOWSKI. Pfc. M-33 Fresh Pond mad. Manprth Fort !)<•* Mnlnrs. Inara HELEN F KEI.I AVIA T ». 47-14 4lst strwt. Thomson Hill MrtlHIan iwld, Calif FRANK 1 DUNN. Pfe B U 33rd ttfatt. Astoria « i m p t « •*». Calif. VICTOR J FEDERICO. 1 Sgt , 11-17 50th a»enur Long Island City THOMAS V TRUMMXR, T 5. 50-17 67th itreet. Wnoditd*. San Antonio. l»iu HOWARP J BOHN T Sgt . 43-15 34th street. Long Island City. NAVY lido Bfarh DENNIS F MATHER. S 1 C. 60-40 Madison -gtrort Ridge wood HENRY C MEIER AM Lc, 146-26 Haw- thorn* avenue Flushing 2DWARD M TONKIN. TM 2/c, 19-20 23rd road Astoria. BERNARD C DUNNE. WT 3/C. 41-54 74th it.-e»r larknon Heights ANTHONY PISACHAND. 8 1 «. 219-11 40th avenue Bayside JOHN L MUI.LER. AM 3. c. 17-24 Hlmrod street. Ridgrwood Manhattan LOUIS J. REED. Lt.. 24-03 147th itreet Whit est one BETTY S WASHEFCKY. SK 3 . C, 204-53 45th road. Bayside *• w |g"—«4L, O M ^giB^K sJJJJJ ^aBaaail.^a^aa rug* ann 134 YETS HEAD 2 Brothers Reunited FOR HOMES IN After 3 Years in W a r NORTH QUEENS tllVlgllvlMIM After a three-year separation during « Armv and the other in the Navy in 16 Transports Brin& Men James Aviation (V Car to 11 l theatre, two Whitestone brothers today I change reminiscenses of bat-*"" tie experiences. Staff Sergeant in ar were abio to ex- ncn the one was same w, for Processing at Camp Dix The names of 119 North Shore veterans who have arrived at East Coast ports since Saturday and four others due to land tomorrow were released today by Army port,s of embarkation. * Passengers'on 16 troop transport 1 ;, the soldiers left the ports tmmedl-j ately for Camp Dix, N. J., where they will be processed for reassign- ment or discharge. Listed in the older of their ar- rival under the name of the trans- port on which they sailed, the men are: Male and Peter re at O'Carroii Machinist 20, entered, lerv nearly the same time. Returned from the Pacific, the sons of Mr. and Mis. James G'Car- Jroll of 149-48 18th avenue, were honorably discharged within four days of each other. They now are home and have met for the first time since 1P4J Both did their final tours in the Tokyo area and might ha\e come within bailing distance in the air rw-sn pai tj Para '. He C.M>|{,.I MHIll.ltN Arrhrit Saturday in Ri»t<>n GRORCK EDWARDS. Sgt , 4B-2» Bourne Itrc^l Flushing JOHN J McAjiufTe I. Lt . MI-IS 41st street. Lautel HIH. ( IIAPH, HIM. Vl( IOKY A r r n r i l In Nr%h >oik YrMrrria? G. I. BABIES—Wives of servicemen step into a Red Cross vehicle with their habit temity hospital at Fort Totten, Bayside. Left to right are Mrs. Thomas Stedimar Florence Benel of Douglaston, the Red Cross driver; Mrs. Marian McConey of tl Julian Hayes of Manhattan. Mrs. Benel drove the molhers to their FRANK K MACKKY. I'l JOHN C. LEONARD. H M Sgt id Hill. Jackson $2,000 BAIL SET Flushing Marine Cited INAUTOCOLUSION For Sav j ng His Buddy Fire Department Shop Condemnation Action Set Condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of six parcels of land for the proposed $2,000,000 Fire Department repair shop on 34th street and Hunterspoint ave- nue. Long Island City, is tentatively scheduled to start Nov. 15 Before Supreme Court Justice Charles C. Lockwood in the Jamaica General Courthouse. The assessed valuation of the property is $90,000. Another proceeding to enlarge the Kew Gardens Borough Hall site also is tentatively scheduled to be- gin that date. This action involves 30 damage parcels, which have an assessed valuation of $1.14.580. JUNK DKAI.KR FINED Carmine Malillo, 76. of 104-15 53rd avenue. Corona, was lined $2 yester- day by Magistrate Phiilip B. Thurs- ton In Flushing for selling junk in Fiushing without a license. ADVERTISEMENT (rreatWay to r«liav« thrffinass, invito Its wonderful how a little Va-tro-nol up each nostril relieves stuffy transient congestion. If you need relief tonight. try It! Follow directions in package. VICKS VATR0 MOl Diamonds Jewelry and Personal Property A Fort Totten soldier was held Under $2,000 hail yesterday pending trial in Special Sessions on charges of injuring a civilian motorist in an accident while driving a car al- legedly stolen from another soldier. He is Private Roscoe J. Gosnell, to have spent 30 days in the brig 22, of North Carolina, who is said for a similar offense recently. Gosnell, veteran of .no months Overseas, was accused yesterday in Flushing Court by Private George Tripes of taking his 1935 Ford, valued at $90, from a Fort Totten ' parking lot late Sunday night Albert Dollinger of 1 Point Circle road, Malba, also signed a complaint saying the veteran crashed into him on the north lane of Francis Lewis boulevard an hour after the alleged theft, badly bruising his forehead and left ear. Appearing before<VIagistrate Phil- ip B. Thurston with all insignia stripped from his uniform, Gosnell waived examination in Flushing Court on the charges of petty lar- ceny and simple assault. He is said to have expressed the belief the car had belonged to a friend. Tripes said he did not know the defendant having only seen him once or twice >n t h e camp. SALVATION ARMY TO SEEK $50,000 Postmaster Moses Symington of Long Island City named the execu- tive committee for the 194f> finan- cial campaign of the Queens Salva- tion Army yesterday and an- nounced, at a board meeting in Ja- maica, that the goal probably will be $50,000. He said the drive will start in mid-January and will be directed by a campaign chairman to be named Nov. 16. Appointed to the executive com- mittee were Jacob Stockinger of Long Island City, Russell E. Pierce of Astoria, Alfred R. Gledhill of Elmhurst, former Congressman Wil- liam F. Brunner of Rockaway Beach, Donald D. Kittell, M. Arthur Cavello, Paul G. Giflln, Robert F. Brown and William L. Bennett, all Heroism in the rescue of a wounded firing range of the Japs on I wo Jima Walter Douglas Leek of 137-13 Juniper the Bronze Star Medal, the Marine Corps announced to- day. The 25-year-old Leatherneck on March 19 "crawled 35 yards to the wounded man, administered first aid and then dragged him back to a position from which the casualty could be evacuated," according to the citation. Sergeant Leek is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Leek and the husband of the former Mary E. Browne of the Flushing address. He joined the Marine Corps a little more than a month after the Jap ateack on Pearl Harbor and fought with the 4th Marine Divi- sioon also on Roi-Namur, Saipan and Tinian after going on Pacific duty 19 months ago. He was wounded in the neck by shrapnel at Tinian and holds the Purple Heart Medal. Besides these medals, he has his division's Presidential Unit Citation ribbon and star, and four battle stars. The sergeant attended Public School 24 and Flushing High School. He was employed by a Whitestone dry cleaning firm be- fore entering service. A brother, James, 21, Is with Army Quartermaster Corps in Belgium. ly within close won Sergeant enue, Flushing, i n d CI l>>ng Flushing ra • S •• 'M£ Inland 4. Wood- ,!« id City Hi.If '.v Island ALFRED GAIRAI1 M W <> > : L H tOUIS .1. WClSBtCRi;. Hushing AI.KKKD V. MOKKATT 'I s«l XKNEST C U'MiSKK T Sgl ' AN'IHDNV J VASSAI.1.< >.. T Ii. J Cllv IIKKBKHT K KRK11KHICKS. 1 tldr VMI.I.IAM R ("OI.VIN". Vh > PATRICK <: GRANT Pt< W«i JOE I. WAHEI.I. I'M . \ ALBERT VOGKt. T 4 Ftv EDWARD W MULL <;,; | THOMAS J MURPHY. S«t . (•••: JOHN MAUER. Pfr Long I JOSEPH J. GAW1CKI. T 4 City. WILLIAM AYIKY Arritrd In Nm|x>n »»», %'a . PATRICK GREENE. Pf< Lit!! J. J HILL Arn\Ml In Srwpnrl >f»». Va . CEORl.E K KAKEI. .11! I'l. . < II \ It I M I I Arrl\r<l in NVwpurl N>»v Va . JOSEPH P PKTRO< Kl.I.l I I JOSEPH J KI.NT ' < • RORIV 1KI XrOKD Arrived in Newport \<*w*. Va . CHARLES KURNOW, T V 60-« Maaprth GrNLRAL RRM KINRIDfiF Arrived In Bflitnn VealerdaT WILLIAM P. BARTON. S Sgt . Hf'-k-hSn. I > IMIR F. Lt'KASZKWSKl. S Sft . IlIB 1 .'M- <<\i\ \ . > l i " I l > l.iP.r .\..k V > • ( • n C , « . Eimhurat Yeftterdar 4 SOth road. Jafkaon |thete before the Japs suriendered. James was a radioman-mechanic on a C-.">4 of the ."?75th T r o o p Car- rier Command that landed in the home islands three Hays before ?he ottiiial surrender in August. Peter was a gunner-mechanic «.n a PB4^'_ Privateer that rescued a Yank air- man i n T o k \ o Kay on |ft.Ug. X In the rescue, during whicn two N a \ y planes fought of ei^ht Jnp craft attempting a kill or. an Ameri- can submarine racing to the scene, Peter was credited with shooting down a Japanese reconnaissance torpedo plane. For his mark manship he was award>l the Distinguished Flying Cross to add to his three. Air Medals for 15 previous bombing missions. Together th*> O'CMI rolls did al- most the full rounds of the Pacific. James served in Australia, the Bismarck Archipelago, New (iiiinea, Luzon and elsewhere in the Philip- pines. Peter saw action in the Marshall. Marianas and Volcano Islands, be- ing based last at I w o Jima while his brother was at Okinawa. The Army flier, the more retirient of the two, weais eisht hat tie stars. The brothers attended St. Lukes Parochial School and Bayside High School. Jim was . employed at a Whitestone shipyaivi where his father works before joining the Army. Peter was employed as a mechanic at LaGuardia Field before enlisting in the Navy. In connection with the Tokyo Bay rescue, Peter's citation states "he was a mechanic on one of two Navy- patrol bombers that located a stw- vivor in the water, led a friendly submarine to the rescue, then de- fended the survivor and the sub- marine for 40 minutes against per- sistent attacks by eight enemy planes, shooting down two of them, Boy Scout Leader Honored at Party Walter J;, k! avenue. Fiui - w boy scout troop I '- pa k, was hoi ell a! h.s 72nd h a; t Club at 136-6M 38th a\e ceived a pu: Miss Ruth Wells, din club, which - -ponso Q • ens ChlW Service I charge of «• nenl< assi>;»d \ Mrs Kate (] Myrdis Coota tioop 4-.»61. and Neil s c o u t m a s •• f -boy scou Both tioops meet in I Club. lad i as flendei arai «omato &J in 3 ABE S GOLDSTEIN - MaJ . Flusliin* JOHN A OPPEMHE1MER f'i F^ : o : Hiila RALPH D GfATtDUCCO. T 5 Bayside ADAM J HARAZ T f>. Rayildf EDWARD J BOY I AN T 4. Elmhurst JOHN J DeSALVO Sgt Jarksoti Hnghta Ri.HKRT.I. KREDERICK. Sgt Bayside. JOSEPH J KACKELA Set . Bayside AUGUST K HOGLER. T Sal . Rldgewood I AWRKNCt M SICKLES. T J. Lon* Island :itv MICHAKI. NITTOLI. Pfr. Corona JAMEs i CASSSRLY. Ca[>l Flushing. HERBERT AOI.r ("apt riuahmg ALFRED J DUGGAN JR. T Sft . Aatorla ERICH K BAITER T 4. Astoria LLOYD E PARKER <= Set Jarkson Heights . VICHAEL J DOBRINICK. Cpi . College | d a m a g i n g another and sinking an use BAYSIDE VETERANS PLAN SERVICES Edelstein Bros. PAWNBROKERS /n I. I. City Sine* 1697 Queens Plaza 28-13 Jack.on Ave., L I. City PARK IS PROPOSED FOR FOREST HILLS A new playground and sit-in park for Forest Hills and an addition to a Long Island City park will ne con- sidered tomorrow by the City Plan- ning Commission. Maps establishing the area be- tween Austin street ami the Long Island Railroad, opposite 76th ave- nue, 67th drive and 76th road. For- est Hills, as a park were submitted of Jamaica, and George Heinrichs to the commission yesterday by Bor- of VVoodhaven. Salvation Army leaders reported that the organization's work has in- creased with the demobilization of servicemen and the mobile canteen which has been visiting isolated areas on Long Island where service units are stationed will continue its work as long as these installations are maintained. , Airlines Flagship Ends Ocean Hop The American Airline flagship New York City, making one of the company's first regularly scheduled transatlantic flights with land-type planes, arrived at LaGuardia Field last night, carrying 10 passengers. 1,699 pounds of mail and 278 pounds of cargo. The plane was commanded by Captain Charles C. Taliaferro. ough President Burke. Plans for development have been prepared by Park Commissioner Rohert Moses, who will develop the area as a sit-in park with some fa- cilities for recreation. Maps of the park lands were pre- pared for submission to the plan- ning group by borough topographi- cal engineers. Moses also has asked that a block be added to the park at 5th street. 49th avenue, Vernon boulevard and 50th avenue. Long Island Citv. His request for acquiring the ad- dition will be acted on tomorrow by the planning board. 11 —B—WW " i ~~ Radio 'Hams' to Get Greater Range Final arran Day services versary of t by Bayside American last night. The legionnaires C a t h o i k War ana of foreigj I>ay for servio at the station or roll in fi on tional Bank. Past Comn post chaplain, the services, by a parade the legion cl and Bell boul The annive planned by a auxiliary me Ham G. Willi Arthur T. Fi Others incl William T. Sehonherg. F Westervelt, <! Sheehan, John Joseph Adels Frank Purint ments for Armistice for the 26th anni- r post were made legionnaires will join with Feterana and Veter- Wars on Ai nuM ice R at the monument la/n and at the hon- of the Bayside Na- Bder Al Kireheis. ill be in charge of eh will he preceded the veterans from house, 38th avenue ard. ry dance Is being mil tee of post and rs headed by Wil- s and Commander ery. Joseph K, Lewis, ehan. Mrs, K. T. . i> g Island Island i '; Bnvslde . Elo'.nurat L»ng Is.una L Byrne, V low in Wight. William . Hart. Alfred Ball, n, John Deer and Chorus to lake Part In Macedonia Service OTPHOUTBII PIECES FROM The more than 2,000 amateur radio operators in Queens and Long i Island today were cheered with 'the announcement that the Federal Communications Commission will act soon, possibly tomorrow, to al- locate new frequencies for the use by "hams" in this country. They have been restricted to the 112-115 1 megacycle bands under war-time ! regulations. The commission reported that it : m u s t take action by Nov. 15, the j d a t e the existing agreement ends. Authorities complimented the "hams" for their cooperation dur- | ing the war and said the delay In i the reallocation has been due to I t h e many conferences with the Army, Navy and oother agencies. | Steinway G.O.P. Club To Elect Friday The mixed Harlem YMC; program at 8: the Macedonia 87 38th avem The Rev. tor of St. Church. Final speaker at tl by Group NoJ fund drive of B. A. Gallo\ church. orus group of the llwill take part in a P. M. Thursday at A.ME. Church. 136- Flushing. aid L. Mclean, rec- eorge's Episcopal g, will be giifst service, sponsored of the mortgage church. The Rev. is pastor of the 1 I Have Your Living Room Suite Reupholstered . . . Equal to New NOW! WE CARRYJA FULL LINE OF BETTER FABRICS Phonm Now and Revert* Charge* FREE Estimate i i i I T«rm« Arranged If Desired | Illinois 8*4088 I j SLIP COVERS 6 PIECE SET Cut to Fit in Your Own Home 37-13 Junction Blvd. REGENf Y DECORATORS Candidates for offices of the Stemway Republican Club will be nominated at a meeting on Friday in their headquarters at 22-02 Steinway street, Astoria, Walter Schroeder, president, announced today. The club will hold a card and bunco party on Nov. 23. ADVERTISEMENT PILES Hurt Like Sin! But Now I Grin I Thousands change groans to grins. T'se a j real tsclort' formula for diatraaaof piles: C aent druggists by noted Thornton A Minor Clinic. Surprising QUICK pallia- tive relief of pain, itch, aorenesn. Helps j #often hard parts; tends to shrink swell- ' ing. Use dortnrt' way today. Get tube Thornton & Minor's Rectal Ointment or Thornton A Minor Rectal Suppositories. - i If not delighted, low cost is refunded. JOCKSOfl MfS., L. I. 5 At all Good Drus Stores everywhere—In ^___^ _ Mmm ^_ __«^ I ^ nf . IsIand Clty « at Usaett'a and Wage Raisi Granted To Edo Workers the Edo Aircraft t in College Point informed that "all ers" would receive ur increase on a asis. st Queens factory granted raises in period since the Employes 8 Corporation p yesterday wot productive wo a 22-cents-an- 40-hour-a-week It is the known to ha the reconvers end of the wa Workers sai was made by of Flushing, the loudspeak elaboration that the rais by the War thought it w August. Vosler later except to say employes, sorn work covered would be effec Most of the expired with The company shortly afterw contract for with a staff g its wartime pe the announcement : lenneth D. Vosler J int manager, over system with little] ?y were informed; lad been approved j )r Board and some be retroactive to Pclined to comment lat more than 500 still employed on >y Navy contracts, im's Navy contracts the Jap surrender, [started production Id on a chain store Itchen step-ladders fatly reduced from of 2,200. ZAVt.N R AWAZIAN. Pfc Sunnysldf. JOSEPH < CASSIDY Pfr . Jnckson Heights. MICHAKI. J O'MAIXEY Pfr . Flushing. WILLIAM E TAFEL. Pfo Flushlnc JOHN TESTA. Pfr. Flushing HERMAN J. ZIEiUER PJc . Long Illaml City RALPH J MARESCA Pfr . Corona MARION A MANFREnoNIA T A»(ort». PAUL F KASTAt.EK (>l Jarkwu Heights H'l'tHNANP V I'OI,I.IATI i','1 COTOna FRANCIS J O NE1LL S Sgt . I^ng UlaiHt Cil\ FRANK J TRUSKOLAKK - S Sg; Matpeth llimAKD W BUCKKNBR B SK' , Foraat Hills HAYWARD BETH A Pv! Corona IOAI.SIHII \iiued in Nf« V»rk l",l.,» STEPHEN P. SPKRta.. T Sgt , Uttle N*Wk CRAWFORD Arrived In Nrnpori News. Va . Todaf ALBERT RAl'ER Pfc. flushing DOMINK'K A GENTILE Pic . Elmhurst. JOSEPH BRtM.E Vic W-.c^lside ONI IDA VICTORY Arrived in \. >, M New*, . Today IVAN A ARGAY. T 5 Long Island City CHARLES H CLARK. Pfc , Long Island City OEORGE W. KROHMER, T 5. Long Island Cil> UtANK N KICK T !S Long Ijlsnd City 1E-.LIE I. VCR TVS Ptf . As!": • THOMAS R CIJCMENTS, 1 LI . E'.mliiirsl THOMAS J McCAI L>:y, I'fi . Lung Island cm JOSEPH H DRIKS Sgi . c< NF,l.aON K HI LEROTT, Pf« Clly JAMES AKKCTIS T '. IJ>IM JOSEPH K HENKKIM - I H WALTER J HAVILAND. Pvt WALTER LOVELOCK. Pfc, City. IfF.RMITA«B Arrived ia New York Today WILLIAM A BONELL1 T 4. Corona , ALEXANDER H CLEMENTS. Qp . Jackson Heights HENRY VKMllli T 4 Astoria KDA'ARD I - I'ATilN. Cjii . Flushing AftllltlR .J idMISKF.Y I.Lt . . Kluslilnf, LAWRENCE J. O'TtXlLE, T «. Ix»ng Island Clly JACK F. SIMMONS I'M . Long Island City. HERBERT A WEHER Pfr, Corona DOWIINICK A RPOUDORO, Cpl . Elmhural. NATHANIEL LEFTON Pfc , Astoria Rl'IKU.F RICHTER Pfc. Astoria RERTHOLD S BRECHT, T i . Woodside CE0R<;E T. CORCORAN. Capt . Flushing GEORGE P. HOGG T 3. Forest Hills HENRY W. COIJt. T S. Jackson Height*. WILLIAM O FANSKL. T 5. Long Island Clly •.KoRtJB J. SHELDON. Pfc. Long Island I "It v WILI IAM A lAI'ALI'CCI. T 3. Astoria. NICHOLAS JOANNOC. T 4. Elmhurst JOSEPH '(' RATTIGAN T 4 Flushing RICHARD E PRONG T Sgt . Woodside CONSTANTINX THEOLOGITtS, T Sgt , A«- tm la l.ot'IS N. FULLER. T. Sgt . Long Jslatid Cil> JOHN J. SCHREIBER. S.'Rgt , Long Island Cf> A»;NES R BXSASSER. 1 LI . Queens Vil- lage JOHN CKXIDY Pfc Jackson Heights RICHARD J BLONDELL. Sgt . Astoria. JOSEPH F DI KLASI Sgt . Corona ELANOR A. MARX. 1 Lt . Woodsldf. AIKIN VICTORY Arrlvinr In New York Today JAMES S THOMPSON. 1 Sgt . Bayside LOUIS J POLETTEO. T 3. Long Island City EDWARD J DEPKE T 5, Astoria JAMES K LEVRELE. T 5 Eimhurst ROBERT T TAYLOR Pfr . Rldgewood, ANTHONY R ADAM^ Sgt . Aatorla. I M\RTIN Arrivlng in Newport News. Va.. Taday DANIEL WALSH Pfr . Astoria ANTHONY LA RUSSO, Pvt., Long Island j Cily ROBERT F. CARTWRIGHT. T Sgt . tottl Island City. RICHARD D WIEST Pfc. Forest HUH. WILLIAM AND MARY VICTORY Arri\ing In New Vork Today NJCH STEINER S Rgl Flustilng HE1.MITH KLKBERHOFF Sgt . Ridgewood BERNARD C HILLS T S Wnodsld*-. JOSEPH HORAN, Pfc Astoria. JOHN HARNED T '> Flushing HKRTOLO A TRR1LO Pfc . A'torla ANTHONY J THOMAS. Sgt., Jackson Heights si |>M M VKTORY arr*»cnj- In Boston T*w4ay JULIUS w KiniRKSTt<; S "sgt Woodsfde EDWARD A BOPP. Sgl . Mns|>cth DANIEL A. MASlFLl.o Pfc,- Jackson Heights. VINCENT V RAD7.IESKI Pfr I.tttte N#ck ALFRED C. SEYFART. Pfc Middle Village JOHN W WILSON Pfc Middle Village, RALPH J HERMANN Cpl . Flushing PAUL H LEE Sgl 103-10 Queens boul*- vaid F"rr«t Hills BENJAMIN GOI.DBF.RG *« 30 CHde street. Forest Hill*. MAURICE .1 BASAGNI, Pfc. lflS-17 *Sth avenue. Corona M4YO BROTHER1 Arrlvlns in Newnort News, Va.. Tomorrow MATTHEW CORRIGAN. Pfc , 14-33 ,Wt avenue Astoria EMMFTT D MURPHY. Cpl . 37-25 Itth si • ' Astcrla FRANK A WX'WIURKA T 5. IW-2S Sfithj roml. M«sr>eth. cltARI.ES J. ANTOS. S Sgt , 33-57 #lit*j s i t u ' Astoria. T enemy cargo vessel $17,000 SETTLES AUTO INJURY SUIT Ernest Fichtl. of 80-22 Little Neck parkway, Little Neck, yesterday agreed to pay $1.7,000 to Georjfe E. Oestreich of 28 Wild wood drive, Great Neck, in settlement of a suit heinjj heard before Justice Cortland A. Johnson in Supreme Court, Ja- maica. Oestreich, vice-president of La oil- ers Corporation, Manhattan, filed the suit to recover damages, after being struck by an automobile driven by FichtI, Oestreich, a passatiger in an aut>» I mobile driven by hit neighbor, j Sampson H. Diamond of Great Neck, had dismounted from the car, ac- cording: to his declaration, to assist Diamond in repairing a flat tire on Belt parkway near Bell boulevard afier dark on Nov. 20. 1944. .According to Qestrelrh, a ear driven hy Fichtl. manager of a branch of MerkePs Meat Store, Col- lege Point, st nick him and knocked him under Diamond's car,. He was in Flushing Hospital for six weeks recovering from a com- pound fracture of his left leg. Oestreich was represented hy Chaples Marcett. Astoria attorney Condensed Cream of Tomato •*Af Of u. 43-TH ROOSTFR COSTS FINK. For unlawfull.N harhoi mt a rooster. Eleanor Slotenherg of 33-19 147th street, Flushing, \\as fined $2 by Magistrate Phillip B. thwston in Flushing yesterday. CO^'SOBB t are y LIQUID H6ALTH MtTk Kos hmmn described by the highest authorities In all lands as Nature's supreme food. Here in easily digested liquid form are all the elements you need for good health, growth and energy. ADVKBjriSEMENT Fr,a27-S0 I 1 For REAL PROMPT RELIEF from MUSCULAR ACHES-PAINS Eaaler to Apply Than MmUrd Plaatarl JUSTMION MUSTEROLE And for a specie I taste treat — order RENKEN-RICH HOMOGENIZED VITA. MIN D MILK from your dealer today. JiRKENKEN DAIRY CO. ESTABLISHED 1666 fltumM NEVINS'88600 nevwt bianch Buy Victory Bond* As We WERE SAYING Sign Neen on Jalopj: **Drlv< right." a well-hatter«N M hat'a left- It is believed that N'eltl Brooke Stull* editor. My Ow Heart Throbs, has received mor marriage proposals than ait; ot.tier woman in th« world. Idlest gag of the younger gen e rat ion is to figure out faneifu way* of answering the tele phone. A current favorite: **Fo whom dossi the bell toll?" Today'* anecdote: 'Far fr»ti home the Coast. Guardsman sa down in the small restaurant He gave the waitress this order "Bring me a burnt piece o toast, a burnt piece of bacon two cold scrambled eggs, and i cup of cold, badly brewei coffee.** The waitress brougb the food as ordered, "N'ow. said the Coast Guardsman, "si' down on the other side of thi table and nag me. I'm home si<k."- Ja< k.s-nnwlle Guardsman A new nifkel-fn-the-ftlnt machlni will deliver you a raauited egg Testes, like a hard-boiled efl and can he kept Indeltnitel] without refrigeration—1*|». Ad in Atlanta (GaJ Const it u lion: "Cook wanted- long hours hard work, woman disagreeable pay poor. Apply after < P. M' The ad brought 12 phone calli and the lady got her cook.— Parade. The city girl was on her Aral visit to the country. She stat anxious to shew thai alia wai not entirely Ignorant of rura fonditions. and when a dUh « honey was act before her at th« breakfast table, she saw her op portunity. **Oh," a h * eJawrreJ nonchalantly, "I see you keep • bee."—Arthur Hopkinaon, Zion i He mid. Honors for the smallest book ir the world go to, "Whoa Who In Germany." Why has BAYSIDF NATION- ALS HOME PURCHASE CREt> IT PLAN brought happiness ta so many would-be home owners and created nation-wide com men!? Because II tackles ana' overcomes that greatest of all stumbling blocks to home own ership—THE DOWN PAYMENT Specifically, we will not onlj make you a loam for the dnwr payment on any good property In Queens. Kings and Nassau <ountie*, but we will do it at low rates and on liberal terms Note the low cost! Only $5 $100 per year, plus % of I t foi life insurance. Note the terms' I^oan may be repaid In equal monthly Installments over a perifid of two years. We re- quire no enlist era! or co-maker* and lake no mortgage on the properly. A l l w e ask of you li a record of employment by a responsible concern for a reason- able period, with the earning* sufficient to cover the paymemti on the loan without hardship Whether you buy or build, use a HOME PIHCHAftlt CREIHT PLAN IJOAN ta» r e m o v e months, perhaps years between petal dreams and home ownership. Write, call or phone Rayslde H-.VMHI a n d ask for Mr. Hi for full details. Tomorrow's automatic sleep comfort: Twist the dials at the bend of your bed and one Con- tiol Panel will U> regulate wln» dow to admit filtered cool air at night . . automatically close lt when you' awake; <2) t u r n on pin-point bed light and direct its rays to wherever you want them; <3> slide closet door out «|f wall and swing out clothes for your selection; (4) raise mat- tress for ease In making bed; (SI turn on your favorite radio program. This built-in auto- matte comfort is already planned for tomorrow's h o m e s . — Sea- gram's, Said funeral director to aged m o u r n e r , " H o w o l d a r e y o u ? " **1 was 8© last month." "Hardly worth going home, ta R** Thought for today: To say what you mean without ever offend- ing people is usually to say what you mean without making them believe you mean what you say. —Jaa. Hiltqn. So Well Remem- bered. Little Browp! A chatty little blonde girl, age 4. neatly solved the Seattle Transit S> stem's problem of overcrowding before an amused load of passengers recently. "Momm>." she asked, **why la ever>body standing up when there are so many laps to alt eitT^—Atianta Two Bells. Alaska.; says Printers* Ink. will soon seek statehood. A glance at the alias file In any police identification department Is revealing, A few of these pi«v turesque and alliterative moni- kers from the front of the draw- er are Able the Ace, Rennte the ReantMg, Charlie the C'hlsier, Have I he IMp. Ernie the Early Bird (pronounced of course,OIny the Oily Bold>, right down the list to /eke the Ileae. Very educational, the singing commercial—particularly to any who had gone on trying to ripen bananas in the ice box.—Detroit News. Thought for today: The three practical rules, then, which t ha v.- to'" o f f e r , are—til Never read any-Jbook that la not a year old. <2\ Never read any but the famed 'books. <S) Never read any but what >ou like — F.merson. BAYSIDE RATIONAL BAN« • » • « • ifeas •mstet Quttaa fkeouss • *# Oer Phaaa aRpaaai Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Post on 26-Jan-2021




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    19 NORTH SHORE SERVICEMEN DISCHARGED 10 Soldiers, 7 Sailors, WAC, WAVE Included

    in Latest Group N: net pen more North Queens

    residents neve* reentered civilian life after receiving honorable dis-charges. 12 separation centers an-nounced today.

    The 19 include 11 Army person-nel one of whom was a WAC, and eight who served in the Navy, one of whom was a WAVE.

    The civilians and the separation centers where they were discharged follow.

    ARMY Flattsharr Barracks. V T.

    PAVL H CAFARO. Pfc , 40-09 12th i t r w t , L e n t Inland City

    f o r t Myer. Va. EUGENE MCCARTHY. S Sgt . 30-50 33rd

    Str?»t. Astoria ( a m p Butner. X C.

    HF.RRFRT A T E R W I L U G K R JR. , Capt , F l u s M n t

    Ttrinall I tr ld . H a . HANS SCHORER S Sgt Long Is land City

    M... lull l i r l d . I l a DANIEL HECKER. T Sgt . 2i M 42nd s tret t .

    A . ' ' , 1 ( a m p tlrttkmriiltr. K»

    STANLEY V FALKOWSKI. P f c . M-33 Fresh Pond mad. Manprth

    Fort !) l . iP . r . \ . . k

    V > • ( • n C , « . Eimhurat

    Yeftterdar 4 SOth road.


    | t h e t e be fore t h e J a p s s u r i e n d e r e d . J a m e s w a s a r a d i o m a n - m e c h a n i c

    on a C-.">4 of t h e ."?75th T r o o p Car-r ier C o m m a n d t h a t l a n d e d in t h e h o m e i s l a n d s t h r e e Hays b e f o r e ?he ot t i i ia l s u r r e n d e r in A u g u s t . P e t e r w a s a g u n n e r - m e c h a n i c «.n a PB4^'_ P r i v a t e e r that r e s c u e d a Y a n k air-m a n in T o k \ o Kay on |ft.Ug. X

    In the rescue, during whicn two N a \ y p l a n e s fought o f e i ^ h t J n p craft a t t e m p t i n g a kill or. an A m e r i -can s u b m a r i n e r a c i n g to t h e s c e n e , P e t e r w a s c r e d i t e d w i t h s h o o t i n g d o w n a J a p a n e s e r e c o n n a i s s a n c e t o r p e d o p lane .

    F o r h is mark m a n s h i p h e w a s a w a r d > l t h e D i s t i n g u i s h e d F l y i n g C r o s s to add to h i s three. Air M e d a l s for 15 p r e v i o u s b o m b i n g m i s s i o n s .

    T o g e t h e r th*> O'CMI ro l l s d id al-m o s t t h e full r o u n d s of t h e Pacif ic .

    J a m e s s e r v e d in A u s t r a l i a , t h e B i s m a r c k A r c h i p e l a g o , N e w ( i i i inea , L u z o n a n d e l s e w h e r e in t h e P h i l i p -p ines .

    P e t e r s a w a c t i o n in t h e M a r s h a l l . M a r i a n a s a n d V o l c a n o I s l a n d s , be-i n g based last at I w o J i m a w h i l e h i s b r o t h e r w a s at O k i n a w a .

    T h e A r m y flier, t h e m o r e r e t i r i e n t of t h e t w o , w e a i s e i s h t hat t ie s t a r s .

    T h e b r o t h e r s a t t e n d e d St . L u k e s P a r o c h i a l S c h o o l a n d B a y s i d e H i g h S c h o o l . J i m w a s . e m p l o y e d a t a W h i t e s t o n e shipyaiv i w h e r e h i s f a t h e r w o r k s b e f o r e j o i n i n g t h e Army. P e t e r w a s e m p l o y e d a s a m e c h a n i c at L a G u a r d i a F i e l d b e f o r e e n l i s t i n g in t h e N a v y .

    In c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e T o k y o B a y r e s c u e , P e t e r ' s c i t a t i o n s t a t e s "he w a s a m e c h a n i c o n o n e of t w o Navy-patrol b o m b e r s t h a t l oca ted a stw-v i v o r in t h e w a t e r , led a f r i e n d l y s u b m a r i n e to t h e r e s c u e , t h e n d e -f e n d e d t h e s u r v i v o r a n d t h e s u b -m a r i n e for 40 m i n u t e s a g a i n s t per -s i s t e n t a t t a c k s by e i g h t e n e m y p l a n e s , s h o o t i n g d o w n t w o of t h e m ,

    Boy Scout Leader Honored at Party

    W a l t e r J;, k!

    a v e n u e . F i u i - w

    boy scout t r o o p I '-

    pa k, was hoi ell a! h.s 72nd h a; t Club at 136-6M 38th a\e ceived a pu:

    Miss Ruth Wells, din club, which - -ponso Q • ens ChlW Service I c h a r g e of «• • nenl< ass i>;»d \ Mrs K a t e (] M y r d i s Coota t i o o p 4-.»61. and Ne i l s c o u t m a s •• f -boy scou Both tioops meet in I C l u b .

    lad i as

    f l ende i




    in 3

    ABE S GOLDSTEIN - MaJ . F lus l i in* JOHN A OPPEMHE1MER f'i F̂ : o : Hiila RALPH D GfATtDUCCO. T 5 Bayside ADAM J HARAZ T f>. Rayi ldf E D W A R D J BOY I AN T 4. Elmhurst JOHN J DeSALVO Sgt Jarksoti H n g h t a R i . H K R T . I . KREDERICK. Sgt Bays ide . JOSEPH J KACKELA S e t . Bays ide A U G U S T K HOGLER. T Sal . Rldgewood I A W R K N C t M SICKLES. T J. L o n * Is land

    :itv MICHAKI. NITTOLI. P f r . Corona J A M E s i C A S S S R L Y . Ca[>l F lushing . H E R B E R T AOI.r ("apt r i u a h m g A L F R E D J DUGGAN J R . T Sf t . Aatorla ERICH K BAITER T 4. Astoria LLOYD E PARKER

    e r s " w o u l d r e c e i v e ur increase on a asis. st Queens factory

    granted raises in period since the

    Employes 8 Corporation p y e s t e r d a y wot p r o d u c t i v e w o a 22 -cen t s -an-4 0 - h o u r - a - w e e k

    It is the k n o w n t o ha t h e r e c o n v e r s end of t h e w a

    W o r k e r s sai w a s m a d e by of F l u s h i n g , t h e l o u d s p e a k e l a b o r a t i o n t h a t t h e r a i s by t h e W a r t h o u g h t it w A u g u s t .

    V o s l e r l a t e r e x c e p t to s a y e m p l o y e s , sorn w o r k c o v e r e d w o u l d be effec

    M o s t of t h e e x p i r e d w i t h T h e c o m p a n y s h o r t l y a f t e r w c o n t r a c t for w i t h a staff g i t s w a r t i m e pe

    t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t : lenneth D. Vosler J int manager, over system with little]

    ?y were informed; lad been approved j )r Board and some

    be retroactive to

    Pclined to comment lat more than 500 still employed on

    >y Navy contracts,

    im's Navy contracts the Jap surrender, [started production Id on a chain store Itchen step-ladders fatly reduced from

    of 2,200.

    ZAVt.N R A W A Z I A N . Pfc Sunnys ldf . JOSEPH < CASSIDY Pfr . Jnckson Heights . MICHAKI. J O'MAIXEY Pfr . F lushing . WILLIAM E TAFEL. Pfo F l u s h l n c JOHN T E S T A . P f r . F lush ing HERMAN J. Z I E i U E R PJc . Long I l l a m l

    City RALPH J MARESCA Pfr . Corona MARION A M A N F R E n o N I A T • A»(ort». P A U L F KASTAt.EK ( > l J a r k w u Heights H ' l ' t H N A N P V I'OI,I.IATI i','1 COTOna F R A N C I S J O NE1LL S Sgt . I^ng UlaiHt

    Ci l \ FRANK J T R U S K O L A K K - S Sg; Matpe th l l i m A K D W BUCKKNBR B SK' , Foraat

    Hil ls H A Y W A R D BETH A Pv! Corona

    I O A I . S I H I I \ i i u e d in N f « V»rk l",l.,»

    S T E P H E N P. S P K R t a . . T Sgt , U t t l e N*Wk C R A W F O R D

    Arrived In N r n p o r i News. Va . T o d a f ALBERT RAl'ER P f c . f l u s h i n g DOMINK'K A GENTILE Pic . E lmhurst . J O S E P H BRtM.E Vic W-.c^lside

    ONI IDA VICTORY Arrived in \ . >, M New*, \» . Today

    IVAN A ARGAY. T 5 Long Island City C H A R L E S H CLARK. Pfc , Long Is land City O E O R G E W. KROHMER, T 5. Long Is land

    Cil> U t A N K N KICK T !S Long I j l snd City 1E-.LIE I. VCR TVS Ptf . As!": • THOMAS R CIJCMENTS, 1 LI . E'.mliiirsl T H O M A S J McCAI L>:y, I'fi . Lung Island

    cm JOSEPH H DRIKS Sgi . c< NF,l.aON K HI LEROTT, Pf«


    City. I fF .RMITA«B

    Arrived ia New York Today WILLIAM A BONELL1 T 4. Corona , ALEXANDER H CLEMENTS. Qp . Jackson

    H e i g h t s HENRY V K M l l l i T 4 Astoria KDA'ARD I- I 'ATilN. Cjii . F lush ing A f t l l l t l R .J i d M I S K F . Y I .Lt . . Kluslilnf, LAWRENCE J. O'TtXlLE, T «. Ix»ng Is land

    Cl ly JACK F. S I M M O N S I'M . Long Island

    City . H E R B E R T A WEHER P f r , Corona DOWIINICK A R P O U D O R O , Cpl . Elmhural . NATHANIEL LEFTON Pfc , Astoria R l ' IKU.F RICHTER P f c . Astoria R E R T H O L D S BRECHT, T i . Woodside C E 0 R < ; E T. CORCORAN. Capt . F lush ing GEORGE P. HOGG T 3. Forest Hills HENRY W. COIJt. T S. Jackson Height*. WILLIAM O FANSKL. T 5. Long Island

    Cl ly • .KoRtJB J. S H E L D O N . P f c . Long Island

    I "It v WILI IAM A lAI'ALI'CCI. T 3 . Astoria. NICHOLAS JOANNOC. T 4. Elmhurst JOSEPH ' ( ' RATTIGAN T 4 F lush ing R I C H A R D E PRONG T Sgt . Woodside CONSTANTINX T H E O L O G I T t S , T Sgt , A«-

    tm la l . o t ' I S N. FULLER. T. Sgt . Long Jslatid

    Cil> JOHN J. SCHREIBER. S.'Rgt , Long Island

    C f > A»;NES R BXSASSER. 1 LI . Queens Vil-

    lage JOHN CKXIDY Pfc Jackson He ight s R I C H A R D J BLONDELL. Sgt . Astoria. J O S E P H F DI KLASI Sgt . Corona ELANOR A. MARX. 1 Lt . Woodsldf .

    A I K I N VICTORY Arrlvinr In New York Today

    JAMES S T H O M P S O N . 1 Sgt . Bayside LOUIS J POLETTEO. T 3. Long Is land City E D W A R D J D E P K E T 5, Astoria JAMES K LEVRELE. T 5 Eimhurst R O B E R T T TAYLOR Pfr . R ldgewood, ANTHONY R ADAM^ Sgt . Aatorla.

    I M \ R T I N Arrivlng in Newport News. Va . . Taday

    D A N I E L WALSH Pfr . Astoria ANTHONY LA RUSSO, Pvt . , Long I s l and j

    C i ly R O B E R T F . C A R T W R I G H T . T Sgt . tottl

    I s l and City. R I C H A R D D W I E S T P f c . Forest HUH.

    WILLIAM AND MARY VICTORY A r r i \ i n g In New Vork Today

    NJCH STEINER S Rgl Flusti lng H E 1 . M I T H K L K B E R H O F F Sgt . Ridgewood B E R N A R D C HILLS T S Wnodsld*-. JOSEPH HORAN, Pfc Astoria. JOHN H A R N E D T '> F lush ing HKRTOLO A TRR1LO Pfc . A'torla A N T H O N Y J T H O M A S . Sgt . , Jackson

    Heights s i |>M M V K T O R Y

    arr*»cnj- In Boston T*w4ay J U L I U S w K i n i R K S T t < ; S "sgt Woodsfde E D W A R D A BOPP. Sgl . Mns|>cth DANIEL A. M A S l F L l . o P f c , - Jackson

    He ight s . V I N C E N T V RAD7.IESKI Pfr I.tttte N#ck A L F R E D C. S E Y F A R T . Pfc Middle Vi l lage JOHN W WILSON Pfc Middle Vi l lage, RALPH J HERMANN Cpl . F lushing PAUL H LEE Sgl 103-10 Queens boul*-

    v a i d F"rr«t Hills BENJAMIN GOI.DBF.RG *« 30 CHde street .

    Forest Hill*. MAURICE .1 BASAGNI, P f c . lflS-17 *Sth

    avenue . Corona M 4 Y O B R O T H E R 1

    Arrlvlns in Newnort News, Va. . Tomorrow MATTHEW CORRIGAN. Pfc , 14-33 ,Wt

    avenue Astoria E M M F T T D M U R P H Y . Cpl . 37-25 I t t h

    si • ' Astcrla FRANK A WX'WIURKA T 5. IW-2S Sfithj

    roml. M«sr>eth. c l t A R I . E S J . A N T O S . S Sgt , 33-57 #lit*j

    s i t u ' Astoria . T

    enemy cargo vessel


    Ernest Fichtl. of 80-22 Little Neck parkway, Little Neck, yesterday agreed to pay $1.7,000 to Georjfe E. Oestreich of 28 Wild wood drive, Great Neck, in settlement of a suit heinjj heard before Justice Cortland A. Johnson in Supreme Court, Ja-maica.

    Oestreich, vice-president of La oil-ers Corporation, Manhattan, filed the suit to recover damages, after being struck by an automobile d r i v e n by FichtI ,

    Oestreich, a passatiger in an aut>» I mobile driven by hit neighbor, j Sampson H. Diamond of Great Neck, had dismounted from the car, ac-cording: to his declaration, to assist Diamond in repairing a flat tire on Belt parkway near Bell boulevard afier dark on Nov. 20. 1944.

    .According to Qestrelrh, a ear driven hy Fichtl. manager of a branch of MerkePs Meat Store, Col-lege Point, st nick him and knocked him under Diamond's car,.

    He was in Flushing Hospital for six weeks recovering from a com-pound fracture of his left leg.

    Oestreich was represented hy Chaples M a r c e t t . A s t o r i a a t t o r n e y

    Condensed Cream of Tomato

    • * A f Of

    u. 43-TH

    R O O S T F R C O S T S FINK. F o r unlawfull.N harhoi m t a roos ter .

    E l e a n o r S l o t e n h e r g of 33-19 147th s t r e e t , F l u s h i n g , \ \ a s fined $2 by Magistrate Phillip B. t h w s t o n in Flushing yesterday.

    C O ^ ' S O B B t a r e



    MtTk Kos hmmn described by the highest

    authorities In all lands as Nature's

    supreme food. Here in easily digested

    liquid form are all the elements you

    need for good health, growth and



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    Eaaler t o Apply Than M m U r d Plaatarl


    And for a specie I taste treat — order


    M I N D MILK from your dealer today.


    fltumM N E V I N S ' 8 8 6 0 0

    nevwt bianch

    Buy Victory Bond*


    S i g n Neen o n J a l o p j : **Drlv< r i g h t . "

    a well-hatter«N M hat'a l e f t -

    It is believed that N ' e l t l Brooke Stull* editor. My Ow Heart Throbs, has received mor marriage proposals than ait; ot.tier woman in th« world.

    Idlest gag of the younger gen e rat i o n i s t o f i g u r e o u t f a n e i f u w a y * of a n s w e r i n g t h e te l e p h o n e . A c u r r e n t f a v o r i t e : **Fo w h o m dossi t h e b e l l t o l l ? "

    Today'* anecdote: 'Far f r » t i home the Coast. Guardsman sa down in the small restaurant He gave the waitress this order "Bring me a burn t piece o toast, a burnt piece of bacon two cold scrambled eggs, and i cup of cold, badly brewei coffee.** The waitress brougb the food as ordered, "N'ow. said the Coast Guardsman, "si' down on the other side of thi table and nag me. I'm home si r e g u l a t e wln» d o w t o a d m i t f i l t ered c o o l a i r at n i g h t . . a u t o m a t i c a l l y c l o s e l t when you' awake; stem's problem of overcrowding before an amused load of passengers recently. "Momm>." she asked, **why la ever>body standing up when there are so many laps to alt eitT^—Atianta Two Bells.

    Alaska.; says Printers* Ink. will soon seek statehood.

    A glance a t the alias file In any p o l i c e i d e n t i f i c a t i o n d e p a r t m e n t Is r e v e a l i n g , A f e w of t h e s e pi«v t u r e s q u e a n d a l l i t e r a t i v e m o n i -k e r s f r o m t h e f r o n t o f t h e d r a w -e r a r e A b l e t h e Ace , R e n n t e t h e R e a n t M g , C h a r l i e t h e C'hlsier, H a v e I h e IMp. E r n i e t h e E a r l y B i r d ( p r o n o u n c e d of c o u r s e , O I n y t h e Oi ly Bo ld> , r i g h t d o w n t h e l i s t t o / e k e t h e I l eae .

    V e r y e d u c a t i o n a l , t h e s i n g i n g c o m m e r c i a l — p a r t i c u l a r l y t o a n y w h o had g o n e o n t r y i n g t o r i p e n b a n a n a s i n t h e i c e b o x . — D e t r o i t N e w s .

    T h o u g h t f o r t o d a y : T h e t h r e e p r a c t i c a l r u l e s , t h e n , w h i c h t ha v.- to'" of fer , a r e — t i l N e v e r read any-Jbook t h a t la n o t a y e a r o ld .