olph · nph is dedicated to improving the ... eucharistic ministers, musicians or vocalists, gift...

OLPH Seek, Share, Rejoice! FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT FEBRUARY 18, 2018 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish 1775 Grove St. Glenview IL 60025 Parish Ofce 847-729-1525 olphglenview.org Let’s Journey Together from Ashes to Glory Turn away from tempation, turn toward grace The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him. Mark 1:12-13

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Page 1: OLPH · NPH is dedicated to improving the ... Eucharistic Ministers, musicians or vocalists, gift bearers ... Science vs. Religion: One Man’s Unique Journey

OLPHSeek, Share, Rejoice!


Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish 1775 Grove St. Glenview IL 60025 Parish Offi ce 847-729-1525 olphglenview.org

Let’s Journey Togetherfrom Ashes to Glory

Turn away from tempation,turn toward grace

The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him.

Mark 1:12-13

Page 2: OLPH · NPH is dedicated to improving the ... Eucharistic Ministers, musicians or vocalists, gift bearers ... Science vs. Religion: One Man’s Unique Journey

2 FEBRUARY 18, 2018 • olphglenview.org

Dear Parishioners,

“Let’s journey together from ashes to glory.”

We have now entered the most spiritually rich time of the year. Lent is indeed a journey; a journey of re-newal, a journey of conver-sion, a journey of new life.

We have many ways to assist you on this forty-day journey. We have the ancient traditions of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

We have wonderful Lenten refl ection books; “The Magnifi cat, Lenten Companion”. Please take home a copy. The Lenten calendar is full of suggestions and invitations. We are sharing in the parish mission held at St. Catherine’s. There are the Stations of the Cross, daily Mass and Eucharistic Adoration to name a few of the spiritual opportunities.

The Lenten days will pass quickly. There is such an opportunity to deepen your faith and witness to the powerful love of Jesus Christ. As a community we will be refl ecting on and supporting the outreach of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) USA. This remarkable organization supports orphaned, aban-doned and at-risk children throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. We have many events scheduled so that we can meet, celebrate with and pray along-side a group who will be here from Guatemala.

A special group on a journey that needs our prayer-ful support are our catechumens. We have several candidates in the RCIA. Fr. Lara and the RCIA team have had a great year preparing for the Easter sacra-ments on Holy Saturday. I really enjoyed visiting with them at their retreat last weekend. I am always so moved by people who make the grace-fi lled decision to deepen their faith and seek to join our community of faith. Our candidates bring so much to us!

Coming up, we have such great speakers promising to enrich our spiritual meditation. Fr. Rich Simon will be delivering the parish mission at St. Catherine’s, February 25 and 26. Fr. Nick is offering two distinct presentations on February 24 and March 3. Fr. John Kartje will give a presentation on Science versus Religion on March 4. Sr. Rosemary Connelly from Misericordia will be speaking on “Celebrate Life: People with Special Needs”. She is awesome. We have quite a lineup. Please see the bulletin for more details.

Congratulations again to our 8th graders who are being confi rmed. Last week’s Confi rmation was just beautiful and we have two more scheduled for March 18.

It was great to see so many of our teens at last week’s pizza party. Randy McGraw has many Lenten opportu-nities scheduled for your teens. Check it out!

Special thanks to all who helped with the Religious Education Bake Sale last week. In addition to selling, the kids did all the baking! They raised a lot of money for the Needy Family Fund. Thanks so much for all your hard work.

Speaking of hard work, our maintenance staff has done a terrifi c job with all the snow removal. We have so much to maintain here when it snows. They have been working around the clock when needed. I am so grateful for all that they do.

I enjoyed a great visit with the Men’s Club last week. Under the leadership of Andy Engels much has been happening. There’s lots of excitement building for the upcoming Roundball Tournament and St. Patrick’s Day Party on March 17.

Witnessing and assisting with the Women’s Club Trivia Night last week was a highlight; loved the event and energy! Ann Waris has overseen a great year.

Have a blessed week,Fr. Jerry Boland


As a community we will be observing Lent in unity with orphaned, abandoned and at-risk children through giving alms, supporting the outreach of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH).

Most OLPH parishioners are familiar with the rice bowl collections we have conducted over the years to help observe the Lenten pillar of giving alms and benefi tting those served by Catholic Relief Services. Since a group of young people from NPH Guatemala will be staying with OLPH families for a good part of Lent, and will be joining us for our Masses on the weekend of March 10 and 11, OLPH is directing its almsgiving efforts this year to benefi t those served by Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (Spanish for “Our Little Brothers and Sisters”), a unique network of orphan-age homes and community outreach programs in Latin America and the Caribbean. NPH is dedicated to improving the lives of orphaned, abandoned and at-risk children by delivering unconditional love, comprehensive healthcare and a quality education. The goal is to help children overcome the poverty into which they were born and to develop them into productive citizens who become leaders in their own communities.

The traditional Catholic pillars of observing Lent are prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Jesus said, "When you give alms, sound no trumpet before you, as the

seek, share, rejoice - pastor's letter

Father Jerry Boland

Page 3: OLPH · NPH is dedicated to improving the ... Eucharistic Ministers, musicians or vocalists, gift bearers ... Science vs. Religion: One Man’s Unique Journey

3FEBRUARY 18, 2018 • olphglenview.org

hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" (Mt 6:2-3).

Note that Jesus said when you give alms, not if you give alms. Also, note that he wants almsgiving to be done quietly and with little fanfare.

Giving alms during Lent helps us focus on sharing what we have with others who have less than us. Doing so helps put us in communion with the least of God’s children and helps us understand that we are all children of God.

In the nine countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean where NPH operates, the governments are happy to refer orphaned, abandoned and at-risk children to NPH homes, but they don’t provide fund-ing for them. Everything that NPH spends to support the young people it serves must be raised each year through fundraising efforts such as Lenten almsgiving and the special collection we will take up at Masses on the weekend of March 10 and 11.

NPH strives to be worthy recipients and good stew-ards of the almsgiving of others. For example, all NPH homes achieve some level of food self-suffi ciency in that all have farms and grow much of what they con-sume. They make as much as they can from scratch, which includes baking their own bread and tortillas. This not only serves to help stretch the charitable funds received, but it also helps to teach the young people valuable vocational skills related to agriculture and baking. NPH Guatemala has a large farm opera-tion that produces beans, tomatoes, onions, carrots and other vegetables at the main home location.

As much as NPH Guatemala strives to be self-suffi cient, it still must supplement its food service operation with purchases of food to achieve healthy levels of nutrition. Annually, those purchases total approximately $207,000 for roughly 300 young

people. That’s almost $2.00 per day (in addition to the expense of its farm operations). To put that in perspective, the US Dept. of Agriculture calculates that U.S. families with an annual household income of over $100,000 spend an average of $8.77 per day to feed a child between the ages of 12-14.

Please be generous when you are asked to give alms this Lent. Make a difference in the lives of or-phaned, abandoned and at-risk children in some of the poorest countries in our hemisphere.

Special almsgiving bags have been distributed to children enrolled in the OLPH Religious Education program and to OLPH School students. Additional bags have been placed just inside the entrances to OLPH Church. Please feel free to take a bag to use for giving alms.

Parishioner, Chuck AllwothMidwest Region Director, NPH USA


We are preparing to welcome 13 young people and 2 chaperones from the NPH Guatemala orphanage home into our parish from March 6-19. They will be hosted by OLPH families in their homes and they will provide liturgical music at Masses on March 10/11.

We are in need of 14 volunteer families within OLPH Parish to host two young people, or the two chap-erones, in their homes. There will be two shifts of seven host families. The fi rst shift of host fami-lies is March 6-12 (six nights); the second shift is March 12-18 (seven nights). Please contact Heather Anderson from NPH USA at 312-386-7489 or [email protected] for more information and to register as a host family.

seek, share, rejoice - giving alms...

C. Curtis and OLPH parishioners picking beans on the farm at NPH Guatemala in shadow of volcano. August 2016

Page 4: OLPH · NPH is dedicated to improving the ... Eucharistic Ministers, musicians or vocalists, gift bearers ... Science vs. Religion: One Man’s Unique Journey

4 FEBRUARY 18, 2018 • olphglenview.org

seek, share, rejoice - teens, young adults and families...

There will be a simple sup-per, scripture study and service for young people on three Fridays during Lent. We will read the Gospel, assemble bag lunches for the homeless and close with Stations of the Cross.

The Lenten Scripture Study dates are February 23, March 9 and March 23. Please register to help us plan accordingly. We will meet at 6:00 pm in the Youth Ministry Center.

Feed My Starving ChildrenOn February 21 we are going to Feed My Starving Children in Libertyville. We will leave OL at 5:00, drive

to FMSC, work from 6:00-7:30, and return before 8:30...leaving time for homework. Parents and sib-lings welcome!

High School Food, Faith & Fun

High School Students will meet on February 18 follow-ing the 6 pm. Mass in the Youth Ministry Center. We will discuss Lent and fi ll Food Bags for the homeless.

Teen Mass

Please consider joining our teens for the Sunday 6:00 pm Mass. We are looking for teens to help with any of the liurgical ministries; readers (scripture and petitions), Eucharistic Ministers, musicians or vocalists, gift bearers and greeter/ushers. This is a great opportunity to get involved and make the Mass even more meaningful.

Randy McGraw, [email protected], 224-521-9332

YouthMinistryn o te s

Ministryn o te s

An Idea For Lent...Come One, Come All!

Science vs. Religion: One Man’s Unique JourneyFor centuries, mankind has debated the issue of science and religion. Are they mutually exclusive? Can you truly pursue one discipline to the exclusion of the other? For many young people today, this is one of the issues they consider when examining faith. How can we possibly prove that God exists? What scientifi c methods can be employed to demonstrate the power of God?

Young people are not the only people who ask these questions. This problem has been debated throughout

the ages, from the time of the Greeks to modern times. Many of the world’s greatest scientists were believers, including Italian Galileo Galilei, whose scientifi c work confl icted with the Church’s teachings and for that he paid the price. Charles Darwin provided convincing arguments for evolution and yet delayed releasing his writings out of concern over the public’s reaction. So, how do we fi nd a way of embracing both scientifi c theory and our belief in God?

We have a unique perspective from a man many of you might know. Fr. John Kartje is the President of the University of St. Mary of the Lake (Mundelein Seminary) and so very much a Catholic priest. He is also an Astrophysicist with a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago.

At the height of his academic work, Fr. Kartje volunteered at a local hospital. While listening to the concerns and faith of very ill patients, he slowly felt the pull to another calling. At age 32, he set aside his scientifi c work to become a priest.

For Fr. Kartje, the path to understanding the issue of Science and Religion is in how you frame the question. How do you view the wisdom of the Bible? How do you reconcile what men have discovered about the deepest mysteries of the universe with the belief of God as the creator? Fr. Kartje argues that Science and Faith need not oppose one another but instead can complement one another. Wherever you fall in the debate, you will fi nd Fr. Kartje’s thoughtful refl ection on this subject inspiring and engaging.

Fr. Kartje’s presentation is part of a “mini-camp” speaker series designed especially for young people and their families to address some of the vexing problems of our day. It will be held on Sunday, March 4, at 4:00 pm in McDonnell Hall. Teens are invited to stay for pizza dinner. Fr. Kartje will preside at the 6:00 Mass. All are welcome! #eachonebringone

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5FEBRUARY 18, 2018 • olphglenview.org

Sharing Ministry

LENTEN FOOD DRIVE - HELP FILL THE BASKETSOur food count typically dives during the winter months. This year is no exception. Please continue to hear the cry of the poor. Food donations can be dropped at the Sharing Room, the entries of Church or with the kids during the Sunday Offertory. Or, you may mail a donation (made out to the OLPH) to: Lou Marohn 2132 Fir Street Glenview, IL 60025Thank you for your compassionate response to those less fortunate!


Befriend a FamilyLent is underway and we are working to recruit more donors for our Befriend a Family effort providing support to families in need at holiday times; Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you are interested, we will match you with a needy family and you can provide food gift cards - and maybe more - to pro-vide for a brighter Easter holiday. This program helps families at our four sharing parishes as well as local families served by Sr. Paulanne. Donors choose the size family that works for them. The relationship re-mains on-going until the donor opts out or the family graduates from the program. Contact Stacy Dolan, [email protected], for more information.

Sub Drivers for Occasional Local Pick UpsA rotating crew of OLPH volunteers meets weekday mornings behind Trader Joe’s to load up day-old goods to be delivered to local pantries. We are look-ing for a few substitute drivers to fi ll in from time to time. Heavy lifting and a larger vehicle are required. Contact Betty Collins, [email protected], for more information.


Tuesday, February 20, 7:00 p.m. in Francis RoomThis meeting will include presentations from two organizations which combat homelessness. The Sharing Ministry supports both through resources that come to us through the Sharing Room.

Franciscan Outreach: Ed Jacob will speak about the important work being done by the Franciscan Fathers with the homeless who live on the fringes.

La Casa Norte: Jeanne Jacobson (OLPH Rep), Patti Morrel, Maryl Leonard and Ramaa Krishnan will talk about this outreach effort which serves youth and families facing homelessness.

Toiletries NeededToiletries are a luxury for people who are needy. Please donate travel or full-size toiletries. Donations can be delivered to the Sharing room entry anytime.


Non-Perishable Brown Bag Lunches – Sharing Room

Has No SupplyHungry, homeless people come to the rectory doors and visit the parish food pantries of our four sharing parishes daily in search of food. Our Sharing Parishes are often able to respond with brown lunch bags fi lled with non-perishable food provided by OLPH. These easy-to-assemble bags are donated by individuals, families, and groups. Bags contain: pre-packaged tuna or chicken salad with crackers, trail mix, peanut but-ter or cheese and crackers, 100% juice in box or can, dried fruit, fruit cup or applesauce, plastic spoon and napkin, optional: candy, power bars, and granola bars. Larger sized lunch bags work best. Contact Julie for more information at 847.909.0661.

seek, share, rejoice - human concerns...

Stewardship ReportGeneral Offertory - Year-to-Date, July 1 - January 31We're very fortunate to be among a community of good stewards. Thank you for your generosity. A few months ago, we reported our collections were lagging. Of late, the trend is positive and year-to-date collections are up 7.8%.

With so many demands, it is crucial that we're able to maintain this positive trend. Beyond supporting essential parish operating expenses, a stable offertory makes it possible - through our First Fruits Program - to fulfi ll mandated second collections, respond to special requests and support our Sharing Parishes, among other outreach efforts.

Please contact Jim Dollard, Director of Finance & Operations, with questions or concerns.

General Offertory, Year-to-Date

YTD 2017-18 YTD 2016-17

$1,631,556 $1,513,791

Page 6: OLPH · NPH is dedicated to improving the ... Eucharistic Ministers, musicians or vocalists, gift bearers ... Science vs. Religion: One Man’s Unique Journey

6 FEBRUARY 18, 2018 • olphglenview.org

seek, share, rejoice - a special event...

CELEBRATE LIFE: People with Special Needs

Sunday March 11, 2018

3pm McDonnell Hall

Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Glenview

Join the pparish communityy for a discussionn with Keynote SSpeaker:K t SS k Sister RRosemary Connellly, RSM, Si t RR C lll RSMthe Executive Director of MMisericordia/Heaart of Mercy, Chhicago, a home foor over 600 childdren and adults with intellectual andd developmental

disabilities. What makes the livees of the residents thrive with sattisfaction and happpiness? p g y pCome and hear this inspiring stoory of dedicationn. Find out what is planned for thee future.

Sponsored by: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Respect Life Ministry For more information: [email protected] or [email protected]

Domestic Violence Awareness Ministry ...you are not aloneMyth: It is easy for a victim to leave her abuser, so if she doesn't leave, it means she likes the abuse or is exaggerating how bad it is.

Fact: Fear, lack of safe options, and inability to survive economically prevent many women from leaving abusive relationships. Threats of harm, including death to the victim and/or chil-dren keep many battered women trapped in abusive situations.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, or know someone who is, and need help, please contact:• WINGS 24 hr. Hotline & Counseling Services & Emergency Shelter: 847-221-5680• National Domestic Violence Hotline 24 hours: 800-799-7233• Life Span: 312-408-1210

THE Answer to All Your Recycling QuestionsYou know when you want to get rid of something but really don’t want to throw it into a landfi ll? The Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) provides a great resource to help you fi nd a better way. The Green Pages Reuse and Recycling Directory is a useful resource for residents seeking outlets for items they no longer need.

Visit: www.swancc.org/resources/supportive-documentation/resources/325-green-pages-reuse-and-recycling-directory-2017/fi le

The Reuse and Recycling Directory lists reuse opportunities for books, clothing, offi ce equipment, sporting goods, toys and other materials. This guide also provides information on various aspects of recycling and waste, featuring sections for appliances, batteries, construction debris, electronics, offi ce ma-chines, cartridges, metals, motor oil and many other items.

Also listed in the guide are online avenues to divert materials from the waste stream – such as freecycle.org – that are used to post items to be purchased or picked up for free.

Help us spread the word! If you run across a new reuse or recycling source or learn about a change in the infor-mation we have provided, please contact SWANCC staff by email at [email protected] or call (847) 724-9205.

Page 7: OLPH · NPH is dedicated to improving the ... Eucharistic Ministers, musicians or vocalists, gift bearers ... Science vs. Religion: One Man’s Unique Journey

7FEBRUARY 18, 2018 • olphglenview.org

seek, share, rejoice - annual scout mass...On February 4, at 7:30 Mass, we celebrated OLPH’s annual Scout Mass. Eleven members of Cub Scout Pack 57 earned the Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei (Children of God) awards, given in special recognition by the Catholic Church to a Cub Scout for advancement in religious knowledge and spiritual growth.

Eight members of Boy Scout Troop 57 received the Ad Altare Dei (To the Altar of God) religious award. This award focuses on the seven sacraments to help the Scouts in their spiritual growth and in the development of their faith life. (The medals were awarded by Bishop Perry at Holy Name Cathedral, January 28.)

The St. George Emblem award (presented by Bishop J. Perry at Holy Name Cathedral, January 28) recognizes adults in the Archdiocese for their signifi cant contributions and many years of support for the Catholic Youth Ministry at the local level. Recipients are chosen by a selection committee of the Archdiocese Catholic Committee on Scouting.

Alexander Quezada II, a senior at New Trier High School, is the newest Eagle Scout from OLPH Troop 57. Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. The requirements necessary to achieve this rank take years to fulfi ll, including earning at least 21 merit badges, demonstrating Scout spirit, service, and leadership, and completing an extensive service project that the Scout plans, organizes, leads, and manages.

OLPH Boy Scout Troop 57 and Cub Scout Pack 57 received the Pope Paul VI Gold Level Award for National Catholic Unit Excellence at a ceremony at Holy Name Cathedral on January 28, marking the 44th year that OLPH’s Scout units have received this award.

The Catholic Scouting Award Presentation Ceremony, January 28Holy Name Cathedral with Bishop Joseph PerryPictured: John and Beverly Great (Girl Scout leader and St. George Emblem recipient from St. Norbert’s Parish); Troop 57 Scout Master and St. George Emblem recipient Dr. Alex Quezada with his wife, Karen and their children including their oldest son and Eagle Scout Alexander; and Troop 57 Committee Member and St. George Emblem recipient Ernie Aguilar with his wife GiGi.

Cub Scouts that received the awards: (back row, L to R) B. Schum-acher, C. Dombrowski, W. Persohn, O. Herrington and F. Hackl and (front row, L to R) J. Miller, N. Tirpak, M. Groboski, C. Jakubowski and A. Anasinski (not pictured: C. Weiss). Also pictured: Cub Scout Committee Chair Rob Guttschow and Cubmaster Doug Kissner

Ad Altare Dei recipients pictured with Fr. Boland: (back row) M. Walsh, A. King, S. Baethke and L. Toussaint; (front row) C. Pfeiffer, D. Hiatt, D. King and E. Guttschow. Also pictured: Troop 57 Committee Member and Ad Altare Dei leader Ernesto Aguilar and Scoutmaster Dr. Alex Quezada

Troop 57 Committee Members Ernesto Aguilar and Will Meyers, Sr. Paulanne Held and Troop 57 Scoutmaster Dr. Alex Quezada

Pictured with Fr. Boland are K. Kissner, Rob Guttschow, Doug Kissner, John Baethke, Mark Pfeiffer and S. Baethke

Page 8: OLPH · NPH is dedicated to improving the ... Eucharistic Ministers, musicians or vocalists, gift bearers ... Science vs. Religion: One Man’s Unique Journey

8 FEBRUARY 18, 2018 • olphglenview.org

Easter altar owers will be selected and placed on the altar by the Committee

Purchase Easter Altar Flowers to remember loved ones

In Memory of: 1.





Donor Name: Number of Plants

x $30 = $

Grand Total $

Order Deadline: March 24Contact Information:

Name: Address:

Tel. # Email:

Please make checks payable to OLPH

Send completed forms to: Mary Ann Kendall, 1105 Normandy Lane, Glenview, IL, 60025Questions: Please call Mary Ann Kendall 847-729-8292 or email [email protected]

Women’s Club Guild 16 Presents:

EasterEaster Memorial F lower SaleMemorial F lower Sale

Purchase fl owers, for $30 per plant, in memory of a loved one to be placed on the altar at Easter time. Use the form below to place your order.

seek, share, rejoice - women's club

Page 9: OLPH · NPH is dedicated to improving the ... Eucharistic Ministers, musicians or vocalists, gift bearers ... Science vs. Religion: One Man’s Unique Journey

9FEBRUARY 18, 2018 • olphglenview.org



The Men’s Club is looking for a few good men and women to sponsor teams for this year’s Roundball Classic, to be held on


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please check one of the boxes below

$1,000 FOUNDERS LEVEL SPONSOR – Includes name on Commemorative Banner and a large individual banner acknowledging you or your business

$500.00 TEAM SPONSOR – includes large individual banner acknowledging you or your business, hanging in the Playdium for the entire tournament AS WELL AS PARISH ST. PATRICKS DAY PARTY

$250.00 ALL PRO $100.00 ALL AMERICAN $ 50.00 ALL STAR


BUSINESS NAME (if preferred):____________________________________________


PHONE NUMBER:_______________________________________________________

EMAIL: ______________________________________________________________




http://www.olphglenview.org/ministries/mens-club Questions – [email protected]

Pat Shea 847.219.2895 or Artie Collins 847.274.8003

seek, share, rejoice - men's club roundball classicThe 42nd Annual Roundball Classic begins March 8. This Men's Club sponsored event has truly become the highlight of the year for many of our school children. Close to 100% of the 6th, 7th & 8th graders participate in the event every year with nearly 200 OLPH (high school) alums returning to their alma mater to coach. Hundreds of fans come to enjoy the action every day which ends with a standing room only crowd on Saturday, March 17 for the championship (boys & girls) games and awards ceremony. To help cover the cost of this 10-day tournament, the Men's Club offers several sponsorship opportunities. Please consider becoming a sponsor at any level.

Page 10: OLPH · NPH is dedicated to improving the ... Eucharistic Ministers, musicians or vocalists, gift bearers ... Science vs. Religion: One Man’s Unique Journey

10 FEBRUARY 18, 2018 • olphglenview.org

seek, share, rejoice - our parish school

The Playdium was the place to be for our Fine Arts Fest 2018! What an amazing experience to showcase our students and all of their talents. From singing and dancing to ukuleles and bucket drums our students shined on stage. K-8th graders artwork was also featured. From styles of Picasso to Van Gogh and creations with melted crayons to beautiful hand painted boxes . . . What a memorable night for all of us at OL!

Fine Arts Fest 2018

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11FEBRUARY 18, 2018 • olphglenview.org



BULLETIN SUBMISSIONSContent: Our weekly bulletin communicates the news and events at OLPH Parish.

Weekly Deadline: Please email all content no later than 6:00 p.m. on the Sunday prior to publication date.

Submissions: Email to [email protected]: The bulletin cannot promote job seekers, entrepreneurs, etc. Please call 800.566.6170to place a paid bulletin advertisement.

Notice: For revisions or updates to the Military Prayer List, please contact:

Geof Lutz [email protected]

ESN James Kowalski, OverseasLTJG Carol NordmanLTJG Kenneth PittnerEM1 John Sutehall

1LT Michael Altonji 2LT Luke Baeckelandt1LT Atticus Blair, Overseas1LT, Nicholas Blair, Overseas1LT Brad Fischl2LT Devon HubbardCPT Gavin McGarry1LT Raz Shields1LT William Thibeau, OverseasPFC Jacob Zielinski






Capt Brian Joseph Anderson MSgt Richard NashLtCol Reid OrthMaj Lowell Wallace

Capt Justin CoonsCpl Quinn Cowell1stLt Chase MlnarikCapt Matt MugnainiCapt Bradley PetersenMaj Eric Starr, OverseasCpl Ethan Zielinski, Overseas

BM3 Anthony Wallace

Community Announcements

Parish Announcements

First Friday Club of ChicagoWelcomes Father David Kelly, Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation Chaplain, Cook County Jail and Juvenile Detention Center - Friday, March 2, from 12:00-1:15 pm, at the Union League Club. His topic: “Violence is a Three-Sided Coin”

The out-of-control violence that plagues so many pockets of Chicago focuses on two elements: per-petrators and victims. Our criminal justice system involves laws and punishment. Very little energy of-fered to the victim or to the process of healing.

Fr. Dave Kelly earned his Doctorate of Ministry from the Catholic Theological Union. His thesis is entitled: "Responding to the Violence Among Urban Youth: a Restorative Approach.” Learn how his Restorative Justice Program seeks to restore peace, fi x the harm and pain by working together with the victim, the offender, and the community.

First Friday Club luncheons provide a forum to make connections between work, faith, values and issues that affect our daily lives. Reservations: www.fi rstfri-dayclubchicago.org before February 26.Enter OLPH under seating requests.

Men's Club Annual AwardsIn May, we will honor the 40th annual Mario Zanoni Award and the 2nd annual Robert Hicks award winners and we are currently accepting nominations.

The submission deadline is Monday, February 19.

To nominate someone, please email [email protected] or deliver a letter of consideration to:

OLPH Men’s ClubAttn: Zanoni and Hicks Nominations 1775 Grove Street, Glenview, IL 60025

Precautions During Flu SeasonAs we are experiencing an unusually serious fl u season and many share concerns have been shared about susceptiblity to illness, we will suspend the sign of peace and offering the Communion Cup during Mass. These precautions will be in place until the end of February when the situation will be reevaluated.

Contemplative Choral MassSacred choral works by both Fauré and Rutter will highlight the contemplative mood of our 6:00 pm Mass on Sunday, February 18. The OLPH Festival Choir, directed by Russell Stern, will sing. Although this is not a concert, the music will serve to enhance the prayerfulness of the Mass.

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12 FEBRUARY 18, 2018 • olphglenview.org

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION)Sat. • 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment

SACRAMENT OF THE SICKAfter the 8:30 Mass on the 2nd Saturday of every month

DIVINE MERCY HOLY HOURFri. • 3:00 p.m. • Lady Chapel

LITURGY OF THE HOURSWed. • 8:10 a.m.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATIONFri. • 9:00 a.m. - 3:50 p.m. • Lady Chapel


ROSARY Mon. - Sat. • after 8:30 a.m. Mass

our weekly intentions - february 18 - 25

Remember Our Sick

Recent BaptismsEmmett Brierty, son of Colleen (Farrell) Walsh and Kevin Brierty Walsh

WeddingsIII Saurabh Srirastava & Catherine KnierII Tom Kloenicki & Lisa Durchin

Our Beloved DeceasedJoseph Dietrich, father of JohnHelen Hermes, sister-in-law of Marilyn DorePatricia Mason, mother of Monica Thuet

Sunday, February 187:30 Noreen E. Ritt and Thomas Healy (Fr. Hickey)9:30 Ch Daniel Dougan and Mary Zanoni (Fr. Kostyk)9:30 Mc Christopher Hanley and William Herrington (Fr. Lara)11:00 Elizabeth Goldberg Powell and Teresa Scarano (Fr. Lara)12:30 John Hourihane and Janet Kuhn (Fr. Kostyk)6:00 A Special Intention (Fr. Boland)

Monday, February 196:30 Margaret & Cobby Caputo & Family and Maria & Stanislaw Stroka8:30 Mark Gamber and Wenzel & Hammel Families (MFTL)

Tuesday, February 206:30 Bill Earnest and Raymond Tower8:30 Will Hicks and Anthony P. Raimondo

Wednesday, February 216:30 Clyde Lentz and John Shelburne8:30 William Johnson and Vincent A. Colletti

Thursday, February 226:30 Eugene B. Cizynski8:30 Trchka & Marinovic Families

Friday, February 236:30 Living and Deceased Members of OLPH8:30 Gilbert Goodworth and Alfred Gaber

Saturday, February 246:30 Living and Deceased Members of OLPH8:30 Living and Deceased Members of OLPH3:00 Knier ~ Srirastava Wedding5:00 Dale Lee, Joan Bartnicki and Joan Ploetz (Fr. Hickey)

Sunday, February 257:30 Ed Hain and Kevin Gaughan (Fr. Paddy)9:30 Ch Gary Hilbert and Thomas Cooper (Fr. Boland)9:30 Mc Janina Indyk and Grant Bourgeois (Fr. Kostyk)11:00 Gabriel Lorenzo and Celeste Stanton (Fr. Kostyk)12:30 Rolwyn Stancel Thornton and Anthony Iacopetti (Fr. Lara)6:00 Bud Walsh and Joseph Nicolau (Fr. Boland)

Claudia BakerJames BinderJerry BobisRosemarie BuxLinda CashJane CollinsPat CullenTom DayCarol DrennanJo Ann FoyLuke GregoryGayle HurleyWells JankiKathy JezekPat KelleyBridget KleidererNancy KniejaEmily KolodyLois Lechner

John LucasLorraine MandoliniEileen MartinezDolores MirabelliCarol NetzelMaureen NichollAdrienne PaxtonInfant Clare Elizabeth RiderFlor RosarioEd Sexton, Jr.Shannon and Braille SladeLiz SmithPatrick SteinEdgardo TaboraEd TraczChris WeissAdolphe ZielinskiAndrea Zielinski

Page 13: OLPH · NPH is dedicated to improving the ... Eucharistic Ministers, musicians or vocalists, gift bearers ... Science vs. Religion: One Man’s Unique Journey

Rev. Jeremiah Boland, [email protected]. Thomas E. Hickey, Pastor EmeritusRev. Isaac Lara, Associate [email protected]. Nicholas Kostyk, Associate [email protected]. Paddy Tyrrell, SJ Associate PastorChaplain to Kairos847-602-4143 [email protected] & Pat Revord, Deacon CoupleDave & Mary Beth Kalina, Deacon CoupleJim Dollard, Director of Finance & [email protected] Hrvojevic, Director of [email protected] Stern, Director of Music [email protected]

Randy McGraw, Youth [email protected] DiCesare, Director of Religious Education847-998-5289 [email protected]. Amy Mills, Parish School Principal847-724-6990 [email protected] Kurkowski, School Endowment Board [email protected] Conroy, Director of [email protected] Kearney, Parish [email protected] Feo, Parish Offi ce [email protected] André, Liturgy [email protected] Gaughan, Evening & Weekend [email protected]

847.729.1525 olphglenview.org facebook.com/olphglenview twitter.com/OLPHGlenview

OLPH Care LinksBereavement Support Deacon Dave Kalina 847-729-1525 ext. 125 [email protected] dential Assistance Sister Paulanne 847-724-2044Homebound/Hospital Visits Rick Nash 847-651-8718 [email protected] Life Monica Cassidy 847-724-7206 [email protected]

parish information

Hearing Loop at OLPH - Users with a t-coil in their hearing aids can listen to the sound system directly. Please check with your hearing care professional or visit www.Loopit8.com for more detailed information.


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